Add pointers to special support methods from page to submit a new generic support...
[hcoop/zz_old/portal.git] / support.mlt
1 <% @header[("title", ["Support"])];
3 val you = Init.getUserId ();
4 val admin = Group.inGroupName "support";
6 ref showNormal = true;
8 if $"sub" <> "" then
9 Support.subscribe { cat = Web.stoi ($"sub"), usr = you }
10 %><h3>Subscribed</h3>
12 <% elseif $"unsub" <> "" then
13 Support.unsubscribe { cat = Web.stoi ($"unsub"), usr = you }
14 %><h3>Unsubscribed</h3>
16 <% elseif $"cmd" = "add" then
17 Group.requireGroupName "support";
18 val id = Support.addCategory (Web.stoi ($"grp"), $"name", $"descr")
19 %><h3>Category added</h3>
21 <% elseif $"mod" <> "" then
22 Group.requireGroupName "support";
23 showNormal := false;
24 val id = Web.stoi ($"mod");
25 val cat = Support.lookupCategory id %>
27 <h3>Modify category</h3>
29 <form action="support" method="post">
30 <input type="hidden" name="save" value="<% id %>">
31 <table class="blanks">
32 <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td><input name="name" value="<% Web.html (#name cat) %>"></td> </tr>
33 <tr> <td>Owning group:</td> <td><select name="grp">
34 <% foreach group in Group.listGroups () do %>
35 <option value="<% #id group %>"<% if #id group = #grp cat then %> selected<% end %>><% #name group %></option>
36 <% end %>
37 </select></td> </tr>
38 <tr> <td>Description:</td> <td><input name="descr" value="<% Web.html (#descr cat) %>"></td> </tr>
39 <tr> <td><input type="submit" value="Save"></td> </tr>
40 </table>
41 </form>
43 <% elseif $"save" <> "" then
44 Group.requireGroupName "support";
45 val id = Web.stoi ($"save");
46 val cat = Support.lookupCategory id;
47 Support.modCategory {cat with name = $"name", descr = $"descr", grp = Web.stoi ($"grp")}
48 %><h3>Category saved</h3>
50 <% elseif $"del" <> "" then
51 Group.requireGroupName "support";
52 showNormal := false;
53 val id = Web.stoi ($"del");
54 val cat = Support.lookupCategory id;
55 %><h3>Are you sure you want to delete category "<% Web.html (#name cat) %>"?</h3>
56 <a href="support?del2=<% id %>">Yes, delete "<% Web.html (#name cat) %>"!</a>
58 <% elseif $"del2" <> "" then
59 Group.requireGroupName "support";
60 val id = Web.stoi ($"del2");
61 val cat = Support.lookupCategory id;
62 Support.deleteCategory id;
63 %><h3>"<% Web.html (#name cat) %>" deleted</h3>
65 <% end;
67 if showNormal then %>
69 <ul>
70 <li> If you want to <b>request permission to configure a domain</b>, use <a href="domain">the separate form for that</a>.</li>
71 <li> If you want to <b>request installation of a Debian package</b>, use <a href="apt">the separate form for that</a>.</li>
72 <li> If you want to <b>request a Mailman mailing list</b>, use <a href="list">the separate form for that</a>.</li>
73 <li> If you want to request <b>anything related to the ability to open network connections on particular ports or to particular hosts</b>, or you want permission to <b>have a crontab</b> or <b>use FTP</b>, see the <a href="sec">security settings</a> page.</li>
74 <li> If you want to request <b>a MySQL or Postgres user account</b> or <b>a database</b>, then today is your lucky day! You don't need to ask anyone for permission to do that. Follow <a href="">the instructions on our wiki</a>.
75 </ul>
77 <h3>Choose a category:</h3>
79 <% foreach (sub, cat) in Support.listCategoriesWithSubscriptions you do %>
80 <a href="issue?cat=<% #id cat %>"><% Web.html (#name cat) %></a>: <% Web.html (#descr cat) %>
81 <% if sub then %>
82 <a href="support?unsub=<% #id cat %>">[Unsubscribe]</a>
83 <% else %>
84 <a href="support?sub=<% #id cat %>">[Subscribe]</a>
85 <% end %>
86 <% if admin then %>
87 <a href="support?mod=<% #id cat %>">[Modify]</a>
88 <a href="support?del=<% #id cat %>">[Delete]</a>
89 <% end %>
90 <br>
91 <% end %>
93 <% if admin then %>
95 <h3>Add new category</h3>
97 <form action="support" method="post">
98 <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="add">
99 <table class="blanks">
100 <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td><input name="name"></td> </tr>
101 <tr> <td>Owning group:</td> <td><select name="grp">
102 <% foreach group in Group.listGroups () do %>
103 <option value="<% #id group %>"><% #name group %></option>
104 <% end %>
105 </select></td> </tr>
106 <tr> <td>Description:</td> <td><input name="descr"></td> </tr>
107 <tr> <td><input type="submit" value="Add"></td> </tr>
108 </table>
109 </form>
111 <% end %>
113 <% end %>
115 <% @footer[] %>