Merging jo-final to single_plate/
[clinton/prusa3.git] / single_plate / src / y-motor.scad
1 // PRUSA iteration3
2 // Y motor mount
3 // GNU GPL v3
4 // Josef Průša <> and contributors
5 //
6 //
8 //include <configuration.scad>
10 module y_motor_base(){
11 // Motor holding part
12 translate(v = [29,-21+50,0]){
13 translate(v = [-21+4.5,0,5]) cube(size = [9,31,10], center=true);
14 translate(v = [-15.5,-15.5,0]) cylinder(h = 10, r=5.5);
15 translate(v = [-15.5,+15.5,0]) cylinder(h = 10, r=5.5);
16 // Joins motor holder and rod plate
17 translate(v = [-29,-21,0]) cube(size = [14,30,10]);
18 }
19 // Front holding part
20 translate(v = [0,10,0]) cylinder(h = 10, r=8);
21 translate(v = [0,20,5])cube(size = [16,20,10], center=true);
22 translate(v = [0,30,0])cylinder(h = 10, r=8);
23 }
25 module y_motor_holes(){
26 translate(v = [29,-21+50,0]){
27 // Screw head holes
28 translate(v = [-15.5,-15.5,-1]) cylinder(h = 10, r=1.7);
29 translate(v = [-15.5,+15.5,-1]) cylinder(h = 10, r=1.7);
30 // Screw holes
31 translate(v = [-15.5,-15.5,5]) cylinder(h = 7, r=3.5);
32 translate(v = [-15.5,+15.5,5]) cylinder(h = 7, r=3.5);
33 }
34 translate(v = [0,10,-1]) cylinder(h = 12, r=4.5);
35 translate(v = [0,30,-1])cylinder(h = 12, r=4.5);
36 }
38 // Final part
39 module y_motor(){
40 difference(){
41 y_motor_base();
42 y_motor_holes();
43 }
44 }
46 y_motor();