Endstops set all axis positions at once if all axis homed (good for deltas)
[clinton/Smoothieware.git] / src / modules / tools / zprobe / ThreePointStrategy.cpp
1 #include "ThreePointStrategy.h"
2 #include "Kernel.h"
3 #include "Config.h"
4 #include "Robot.h"
5 #include "StreamOutputPool.h"
6 #include "Gcode.h"
7 #include "checksumm.h"
8 #include "ConfigValue.h"
9 #include "PublicDataRequest.h"
10 #include "PublicData.h"
11 #include "Conveyor.h"
12 #include "ZProbe.h"
13 #include "Plane3D.h"
14 #include "nuts_bolts.h"
16 #include <string>
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <cstdlib>
19 #include <cmath>
21 #define probe_point_1_checksum CHECKSUM("point1")
22 #define probe_point_2_checksum CHECKSUM("point2")
23 #define probe_point_3_checksum CHECKSUM("point3")
24 #define probe_offsets_checksum CHECKSUM("probe_offsets")
25 #define home_checksum CHECKSUM("home_first")
26 #define tolerance_checksum CHECKSUM("tolerance")
28 ThreePointStrategy::ThreePointStrategy(ZProbe *zprobe) : LevelingStrategy(zprobe)
29 {
30 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
31 probe_points[i] = std::make_tuple(NAN, NAN);
32 }
33 plane = nullptr;
34 }
36 ThreePointStrategy::~ThreePointStrategy()
37 {
38 delete plane;
39 }
41 bool ThreePointStrategy::handleConfig()
42 {
43 // format is xxx,yyy for the probe points
44 std::string p1 = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, three_point_leveling_strategy_checksum, probe_point_1_checksum)->by_default("")->as_string();
45 std::string p2 = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, three_point_leveling_strategy_checksum, probe_point_2_checksum)->by_default("")->as_string();
46 std::string p3 = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, three_point_leveling_strategy_checksum, probe_point_3_checksum)->by_default("")->as_string();
47 if(!p1.empty()) probe_points[0] = parseXY(p1.c_str());
48 if(!p2.empty()) probe_points[1] = parseXY(p2.c_str());
49 if(!p3.empty()) probe_points[2] = parseXY(p3.c_str());
51 // Probe offsets xxx,yyy,zzz
52 std::string po = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, three_point_leveling_strategy_checksum, probe_offsets_checksum)->by_default("0,0,0")->as_string();
53 this->probe_offsets= parseXYZ(po.c_str());
55 this->home= THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, three_point_leveling_strategy_checksum, home_checksum)->by_default(true)->as_bool();
56 this->tolerance= THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, three_point_leveling_strategy_checksum, tolerance_checksum)->by_default(0.03F)->as_number();
57 return true;
58 }
60 bool ThreePointStrategy::handleGcode(Gcode *gcode)
61 {
62 if(gcode->has_g) {
63 // G code processing
64 if( gcode->g == 31 ) { // report status
65 if(this->plane == nullptr) {
66 gcode->stream->printf("Bed leveling plane is not set\n");
67 }else{
68 gcode->stream->printf("Bed leveling plane normal= %f, %f, %f\n", plane->getNormal()[0], plane->getNormal()[1], plane->getNormal()[2]);
69 }
70 gcode->stream->printf("Probe is %s\n", zprobe->getProbeStatus() ? "Triggered" : "Not triggered");
71 return true;
73 } else if( gcode->g == 32 ) { // three point probe
74 // first wait for an empty queue i.e. no moves left
75 THEKERNEL->conveyor->wait_for_empty_queue();
76 if(!doProbing(gcode->stream)) {
77 gcode->stream->printf("Probe failed to complete, probe not triggered or other error\n");
78 } else {
79 gcode->stream->printf("Probe completed, bed plane defined\n");
80 }
81 return true;
82 }
84 } else if(gcode->has_m) {
85 if(gcode->m == 557) { // M557 - set probe points eg M557 P0 X30 Y40.5 where P is 0,1,2
86 int idx = 0;
87 float x = NAN, y = NAN;
88 if(gcode->has_letter('P')) idx = gcode->get_value('P');
89 if(gcode->has_letter('X')) x = gcode->get_value('X');
90 if(gcode->has_letter('Y')) y = gcode->get_value('Y');
91 if(idx >= 0 && idx <= 2) {
92 probe_points[idx] = std::make_tuple(x, y);
93 }else{
94 gcode->stream->printf("only 3 probe points allowed P0-P2\n");
95 }
96 return true;
98 } else if(gcode->m == 561) { // M561: Set Identity Transform
99 delete this->plane;
100 this->plane= nullptr;
101 // delete the adjustZfnc in robot
102 THEKERNEL->robot->adjustZfnc= nullptr;
103 return true;
105 } else if(gcode->m == 565) { // M565: Set Z probe offsets
106 float x= 0, y= 0, z= 0;
107 if(gcode->has_letter('X')) x = gcode->get_value('X');
108 if(gcode->has_letter('Y')) y = gcode->get_value('Y');
109 if(gcode->has_letter('Z')) z = gcode->get_value('Z');
110 probe_offsets = std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
111 return true;
113 } else if(gcode->m == 503) {
114 float x, y, z;
115 gcode->stream->printf(";Probe points:\n");
116 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
117 std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[i];
118 gcode->stream->printf("M557 P%d X%1.5f Y%1.5f\n", i, x, y);
119 }
120 gcode->stream->printf(";Probe offsets:\n");
121 std::tie(x, y, z) = probe_offsets;
122 gcode->stream->printf("M565 X%1.5f Y%1.5f Z%1.5f\n", x, y, z);
124 // TODO encode plane if set and M500
125 return true;
127 } else if(gcode->m == 999) {
128 // DEBUG run a test M999 A B C X Y set Z to A B C and test for point at X Y
129 Vector3 v[3];
130 float x, y, z, a= 0, b= 0, c= 0;
131 if(gcode->has_letter('A')) a = gcode->get_value('A');
132 if(gcode->has_letter('B')) b = gcode->get_value('B');
133 if(gcode->has_letter('C')) c = gcode->get_value('C');
134 std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[0]; v[0].set(x, y, a);
135 std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[1]; v[1].set(x, y, b);
136 std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[2]; v[2].set(x, y, c);
137 delete this->plane;
138 this->plane = new Plane3D(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
139 gcode->stream->printf("plane normal= %f, %f, %f\n", plane->getNormal()[0], plane->getNormal()[1], plane->getNormal()[2]);
140 x= 0; y=0;
141 if(gcode->has_letter('X')) x = gcode->get_value('X');
142 if(gcode->has_letter('Y')) y = gcode->get_value('Y');
143 z= getZOffset(x, y);
144 gcode->stream->printf("z= %f\n", z);
145 // tell robot to adjust z on each move
146 THEKERNEL->robot->adjustZfnc= [this](float x, float y) { return this->plane->getz(x, y); };
147 return true;
148 }
149 }
151 return false;
152 }
154 void ThreePointStrategy::homeXY()
155 {
156 Gcode gc("G28 X0 Y0", &(StreamOutput::NullStream));
157 THEKERNEL->call_event(ON_GCODE_RECEIVED, &gc);
158 }
160 bool ThreePointStrategy::doProbing(StreamOutput *stream)
161 {
162 float x, y;
163 // check the probe points have been defined
164 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
165 std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[i];
166 if(isnan(x) || isnan(y)) {
167 stream->printf("Probe point P%d has not been defined, use M557 P%d Xnnn Ynnn to define it\n", i, i);
168 return false;
169 }
170 }
172 // optionally home XY axis first, but allow for manual homing
173 if(this->home)
174 homeXY();
176 // move to the first probe point
177 std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[0];
178 // offset by the probe XY offset
179 x -= std::get<X_AXIS>(this->probe_offsets);
180 y -= std::get<Y_AXIS>(this->probe_offsets);
181 zprobe->coordinated_move(x, y, NAN, zprobe->getFastFeedrate());
183 // for now we use probe to find bed and not the Z min endstop
184 // the first probe point becomes Z == 0 effectively so if we home Z or manually set z after this, it needs to be at the first probe point
186 // TODO this needs to be configurable to use min z or probe
187 // TODO if using probe then we probably need to set Z to 0 at first probe point, but take into account probe offset from head
188 THEKERNEL->robot->reset_axis_position(std::get<Z_AXIS>(this->probe_offsets), Z_AXIS);
190 // find bed via probe
191 int s;
192 if(!zprobe->run_probe(s, true)) return false;
194 // move up to specified probe start position
195 zprobe->coordinated_move(NAN, NAN, zprobe->getProbeHeight(), zprobe->getFastFeedrate(), true); // do a relative move from home to the point above the bed
197 // probe the three points
198 Vector3 v[3];
199 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
200 std::tie(x, y) = probe_points[i];
201 // offset moves by the probe XY offset
202 float z = zprobe->probeDistance(x-std::get<X_AXIS>(this->probe_offsets), y-std::get<Y_AXIS>(this->probe_offsets));
203 if(isnan(z)) return false; // probe failed
204 z= zprobe->getProbeHeight() - z; // relative distance between the probe points, lower is negative z
205 stream->printf("DEBUG: P%d:%1.4f\n", i, z);
206 v[i].set(x, y, z);
207 }
209 // if first point is not within tolerance report it, it should ideally be 0
210 if(abs(v[0][2]) > this->tolerance) {
211 stream->printf("WARNING: probe is not within tolerance\n");
212 }
214 // define the plane
215 delete this->plane;
216 // check tolerance level here default 0.03mm
217 auto mm = std::minmax({v[0][2], v[1][2], v[2][2]});
218 if((mm.second - mm.first) <= this->tolerance) {
219 this->plane= nullptr; // plane is flat no need to do anything
220 stream->printf("DEBUG: flat plane\n");
221 // clear the adjustZfnc in robot
222 THEKERNEL->robot->adjustZfnc= nullptr;
224 }else{
225 this->plane = new Plane3D(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
226 stream->printf("DEBUG: plane normal= %f, %f, %f\n", plane->getNormal()[0], plane->getNormal()[1], plane->getNormal()[2]);
227 // set the adjustZfnc in robot
228 THEKERNEL->robot->adjustZfnc= [this](float x, float y) { return this->plane->getz(x, y); };
229 }
231 return true;
232 }
234 // find the Z offset for the point on the plane at x, y
235 float ThreePointStrategy::getZOffset(float x, float y)
236 {
237 if(this->plane == nullptr) return NAN;
238 return this->plane->getz(x, y);
239 }
241 // parse a "X,Y" string return x,y
242 std::tuple<float, float> ThreePointStrategy::parseXY(const char *str)
243 {
244 float x = NAN, y = NAN;
245 char *p;
246 x = strtof(str, &p);
247 if(p + 1 < str + strlen(str)) {
248 y = strtof(p + 1, nullptr);
249 }
250 return std::make_tuple(x, y);
251 }
253 // parse a "X,Y,Z" string return x,y,z tuple
254 std::tuple<float, float, float> ThreePointStrategy::parseXYZ(const char *str)
255 {
256 float x = 0, y = 0, z= 0;
257 char *p;
258 x = strtof(str, &p);
259 if(p + 1 < str + strlen(str)) {
260 y = strtof(p + 1, &p);
261 if(p + 1 < str + strlen(str)) {
262 z = strtof(p + 1, nullptr);
263 }
264 }
265 return std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
266 }