precaution commit
[clinton/Smoothieware.git] / src / modules / tools / extruder / Extruder.cpp
1 #include "mbed.h"
2 #include "libs/Module.h"
3 #include "libs/Kernel.h"
4 #include "modules/robot/Player.h"
5 #include "modules/robot/Block.h"
6 #include "modules/tools/extruder/Extruder.h"
8 Extruder::Extruder(PinName stppin, PinName dirpin) : step_pin(stppin), dir_pin(dirpin) {
9 this->absolute_mode = true;
10 this->direction = 1;
11 this->acceleration_lock = false;
12 }
14 void Extruder::on_module_loaded() {
16 // Do not do anything if not enabledd
17 if( this->kernel->config->value( extruder_module_enable_checksum )->by_default(false)->as_bool() == false ){ return; }
19 // Settings
20 this->on_config_reload(this);
22 // We work on the same Block as Stepper, so we need to know when it gets a new one and drops one
23 this->register_for_event(ON_BLOCK_BEGIN);
24 this->register_for_event(ON_BLOCK_END);
25 this->register_for_event(ON_GCODE_EXECUTE);
27 // Start values
28 this->start_position = 0;
29 this->target_position = 0;
30 this->current_position = 0;
31 this->current_block = NULL;
32 this->mode = OFF;
34 // Update speed every *acceleration_ticks_per_second*
35 // TODO: Make this an independent setting
36 this->kernel->slow_ticker->attach( this, &Extruder::acceleration_tick );
38 // Initiate main_interrupt timer and step reset timer
39 this->kernel->step_ticker->attach( this, &Extruder::stepping_tick );
40 this->kernel->step_ticker->reset_attach( this, &Extruder::reset_step_pin );
42 }
44 // Get config
45 void Extruder::on_config_reload(void* argument){
46 this->microseconds_per_step_pulse = this->kernel->config->value(microseconds_per_step_pulse_ckeckusm)->by_default(5)->as_number();
47 this->steps_per_millimeter = this->kernel->config->value(steps_per_millimeter_checksum )->by_default(1)->as_number();
48 this->feed_rate = this->kernel->config->value(default_feed_rate_checksum )->by_default(1)->as_number();
49 this->acceleration = this->kernel->config->value(acceleration_checksum )->by_default(1)->as_number();
50 }
52 // Compute extrusion speed based on parameters and gcode distance of travel
53 void Extruder::on_gcode_execute(void* argument){
54 Gcode* gcode = static_cast<Gcode*>(argument);
56 // Absolute/relative mode
57 if( gcode->has_letter('M')){
58 int code = gcode->get_value('M');
59 if( code == 82 ){ this->absolute_mode == true; }
60 if( code == 83 ){ this->absolute_mode == false; }
61 }
63 // The mode is OFF by default, and SOLO or FOLLOW only if we need to extrude
64 this->mode = OFF;
66 if( gcode->has_letter('G') ){
67 // G92: Reset extruder position
68 if( gcode->get_value('G') == 92 ){
69 if( gcode->has_letter('E') ){
70 this->current_position = gcode->get_value('E');
71 this->target_position = this->current_position;
72 this->start_position = this->current_position;
73 }
74 }else{
75 // Extrusion length from 'G' Gcode
76 if( gcode->has_letter('E' )){
77 // Get relative extrusion distance depending on mode ( in absolute mode we must substract target_position )
78 double relative_extrusion_distance = gcode->get_value('E');
79 if( this->absolute_mode == true ){ relative_extrusion_distance = relative_extrusion_distance - this->target_position; }
81 // If the robot is moving, we follow it's movement, otherwise, we move alone
82 if( fabs(gcode->millimeters_of_travel) < 0.0001 ){ // With floating numbers, we can have 0 != 0 ... beeeh
83 this->mode = SOLO;
84 this->travel_distance = relative_extrusion_distance;
85 if( gcode->has_letter('F') ){ this->feed_rate = gcode->get_value('F'); }
86 }else{
87 this->mode = FOLLOW;
88 // We move proportionally to the robot's movement
89 this->travel_ratio = relative_extrusion_distance / gcode->millimeters_of_travel;
90 }
91 }
92 }
93 }
95 }
97 // When a new block begins, either follow the robot, or step by ourselves ( or stay back and do nothing )
98 void Extruder::on_block_begin(void* argument){
99 Block* block = static_cast<Block*>(argument);
101 if( this->mode == SOLO ){
102 // In solo mode we take the block so we can move even if the stepper has nothing to do
103 block->take();
104 this->current_block = block;
105 this->start_position = this->target_position;
106 this->target_position = this->start_position + this->travel_distance ;
107 this->travel_ratio = 0.2; // TODO : Make a real acceleration thing
108 if( this->target_position > this->current_position ){ this->direction = 1; }else if( this->target_position < this->current_position ){ this->direction = -1; }
109 this->set_speed(int(floor((this->feed_rate/60)*this->steps_per_millimeter)));//Speed in steps per second
110 }else if( this->mode == FOLLOW ){
111 // In non-solo mode, we just follow the stepper module
112 this->current_block = block;
113 this->start_position = this->target_position;
114 this->target_position = this->start_position + ( this->current_block->millimeters * this->travel_ratio );
115 if( this->target_position > this->current_position ){ this->direction = 1; }else if( this->target_position < this->current_position ){ this->direction = -1; }
116 this->acceleration_tick();
117 }
119 }
121 // When a block ends, pause the stepping interrupt
122 void Extruder::on_block_end(void* argument){
123 Block* block = static_cast<Block*>(argument);
124 this->current_block = NULL;
125 }
127 // Called periodically to change the speed to match acceleration or to match the speed of the robot
128 void Extruder::acceleration_tick(){
130 // Avoid trying to work when we really shouldn't ( between blocks or re-entry )
131 if( this->current_block == NULL || this->acceleration_lock ){ return; }
132 this->acceleration_lock = true;
134 // In solo mode, we mode independently from the robot
135 if( this->mode == SOLO ){
136 // TODO : Do real acceleration here
137 this->travel_ratio += 0.03;
138 if( this->travel_ratio > 1 ){ this->travel_ratio = 1; }
139 this->set_speed( int(floor(((this->feed_rate/60)*this->steps_per_millimeter)*this->travel_ratio)) ); // Speed in steps per second
141 // In follow mode we match the speed of the robot, + eventually advance
142 }else if( this->mode == FOLLOW ){
143 Stepper* stepper = this->kernel->stepper; // Just for convenience
145 // Strategy :
146 // * Find where in the block will the stepper be at the next tick ( if the block will have ended then, don't change speed )
147 // * Find what position this is for us
148 // * Find what speed we must go at to be at that position for the next acceleration tick
149 // TODO : This works, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you know a better way to do it, do it better, I don't find this elegant at all, it's just the best I could think of
150 // UPDATE: Yes, this sucks, I have ideas on how to do it better. If this is really bugging you, open a ticket and I'll make it a priority
152 int ticks_forward = 3;
153 // We need to take those values here, and then use those instead of the live values, because using the live values inside the loop can break things ( infinite loops etc ... )
154 double next_stepper_rate = stepper->trapezoid_adjusted_rate;
155 double step_events_completed = (double(double(stepper->step_events_completed)/double(1<<16)));
156 double position = ( this->current_position - this->start_position ) * this->direction ;
157 double length = fabs( this->start_position - this->target_position );
158 double last_ratio = -1;
160 // Do the startegy above, but if it does not work, look a bit further and try again, and again ...
161 while(1){
163 // Find the position where we should be at the next tick
164 double next_ratio = double( step_events_completed + ( next_stepper_rate / 60 / ((double(stepper->acceleration_ticks_per_second)/ticks_forward)) ) ) / double( this->current_block->steps_event_count );
165 double next_relative_position = ( length * next_ratio );
167 // Advance
168 // TODO: Proper advance configuration
169 //double advance = double(next_stepper_rate) * 0.00001 * 0.15;
170 double advance = 0;
171 next_relative_position += ( advance );
173 // TODO : all of those "if->return" is very hacky, we should do the math in a way where most of those don't happen, but that requires doing tons of drawing ...
174 if( last_ratio == next_ratio ){ this->acceleration_lock = false; return; }else{ last_ratio = next_ratio; }
175 if( next_ratio == 0 || next_ratio > 1 ){ this->acceleration_lock = false; return; }
176 if( ticks_forward > 1000 ){ this->acceleration_lock = false; return; } // This is very ugly
178 // Hack : We have not looked far enough, we compute how far ahead we must look to get a relevant value
179 if( position > next_relative_position ){
180 double far_back = position - next_relative_position;
181 double far_back_ratio = far_back / length;
182 double move_duration = double( this->current_block->steps_event_count ) / ( double(next_stepper_rate) / 60 ) ;
183 double ticks_in_a_move = round( stepper->acceleration_ticks_per_second * move_duration );
184 double ratio_per_tick = 1 / ticks_in_a_move;
185 double ticks_to_equilibrium = ceil(far_back_ratio / ratio_per_tick) + 1;
186 ticks_forward += ticks_to_equilibrium;
187 // Because this is a loop, and we can be interrupted by the stepping interrupt, if that interrupt changes block, the new block may not be solo, and we may get trapped into an infinite loop
188 if( this->mode != FOLLOW ){ this->acceleration_lock = false; return; }
189 continue;
190 }
192 // Finally, compute the speed to get to that next position
193 double next_absolute_position = this->start_position + ( this->direction * next_relative_position );
194 double steps_to_next_tick = ( next_relative_position - position ) * this->steps_per_millimeter;
195 double speed_to_next_tick = steps_to_next_tick / ( 1 / double(double(this->kernel->stepper->acceleration_ticks_per_second) / ticks_forward) );
197 // Change stepping speed
198 this->set_speed( speed_to_next_tick );
200 this->acceleration_lock = false;
201 return;
202 }
203 }
205 this->acceleration_lock = false;
206 }
208 // Convenience function to set stepping speed
209 void Extruder::set_speed( int steps_per_second ){
211 // TODO : Proper limit config value
212 if( steps_per_second > (this->feed_rate*double(this->steps_per_millimeter))/60 ){
213 steps_per_second = (this->feed_rate*double(this->steps_per_millimeter))/60;
214 }
216 this->counter_increment = int(floor(double(1<<16)/double(this->kernel->stepper->base_stepping_frequency / steps_per_second)));
218 }
220 inline void Extruder::stepping_tick(){
222 this->step_counter += this->counter_increment;
223 if( this->step_counter > 1<<16 ){
224 this->step_counter -= 1<<16;
226 // If we still have steps to do
227 // TODO: Step using the same timer as the robot, and count steps instead of absolute float position
228 if( ( this->current_position < this->target_position && this->direction == 1 ) || ( this->current_position > this->target_position && this->direction == -1 ) ){
229 this->current_position += (double(double(1)/double(this->steps_per_millimeter)))*double(this->direction);
230 this->dir_pin = ((this->direction > 0) ? 1 : 0);
231 this->step_pin = 1;
232 }else{
233 // Move finished
234 if( this->mode == SOLO && this->current_block != NULL ){
235 // In follow mode, the robot takes and releases the block, in solo mode we do
236 this->current_block->release();
237 }
238 }
239 }
240 }
242 void Extruder::reset_step_pin(){
243 this->step_pin = 0;
244 }