Display results of probe in inches if in G20 mode
[clinton/Smoothieware.git] / src / modules / tools / zprobe / CartGridStrategy.cpp
1 /*
2 This code is derived from (and mostly copied from) Johann Rocholls code at https://github.com/jcrocholl/Marlin/blob/deltabot/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp
3 license is the same as his code.
5 Summary
6 -------
7 Probes grid_size points in X and Y (total probes grid_size * grid_size) and stores the relative offsets from the 0,0 Z height
8 When enabled every move will calculate the Z offset based on interpolating the height offset within the grids nearest 4 points.
10 Configuration
11 -------------
12 The strategy must be enabled in the config as well as zprobe.
14 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.enable true
16 The size of the grid can be set with...
17 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.size 7
18 or
19 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.grid_x_size 7
20 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.grid_y_size 7
21 this is the X and Y size of the grid, it must be an odd number, the default is 7 which is 49 probe points
23 If both "size" and "grid_x_size" and "grid_x_size defined "grid_x_size" and "grid_x_size" will be used.
24 If "grid_x_size" and "grid_x_size" omitted then "size" will be used.
25 If "size" omitted default value will be used.
27 I and J params used for grid size. If both omitted values from config will be used. If only one provided (I or J) then it will be used for both x_size and y-size.
29 The width and length of the rectangle that is probed is set with...
31 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.x_size 100
32 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.y_size 90
34 Optionally probe offsets from the nozzle or tool head can be defined with...
36 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.probe_offsets 0,0,0 # probe offsetrs x,y,z
38 they may also be set with M565 X0 Y0 Z0
40 If the saved grid is to be loaded on boot then this must be set in the config...
42 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.save true
44 Then when M500 is issued it will save M375 which will cause the grid to be loaded on boot. The default is to not autoload the grid on boot
46 Optionally an initial_height can be set that tell the intial probe where to stop the fast decent before it probes, this should be around 5-10mm above the bed
47 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.initial_height 10
49 If two corners rectangular mode activated using "leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.only_by_two_corners true" then G29/31/32 will not work without providing XYAB parameters
50 XY - start point, AB rectangle size from starting point
51 "Two corners"" not absolutely correct name for this mode, because it use only one corner and rectangle size.
53 Display mode of current grid can be changed to human redable mode (table with coordinates) by using
54 leveling-strategy.rectangular-grid.human_readable true
56 Usage
57 -----
58 G29 test probes a rectangle which defaults to the width and height, can be overidden with Xnnn and Ynnn
60 G31 probes the grid and turns the compensation on, this will remain in effect until reset or M561/M370
61 optional parameters {{Xn}} {{Yn}} sets the size for this rectangular probe, which gets saved with M375
63 M370 clears the grid and turns off compensation
64 M374 Save grid to /sd/cartesian.grid
65 M374.1 delete /sd/cartesian.grid
66 M375 Load the grid from /sd/cartesian.grid and enable compensation
67 M375.1 display the current grid
68 M561 clears the grid and turns off compensation
69 M565 defines the probe offsets from the nozzle or tool head
72 M500 saves the probe points
73 M503 displays the current settings
74 */
76 #include "CartGridStrategy.h"
78 #include "Kernel.h"
79 #include "Config.h"
80 #include "Robot.h"
81 #include "StreamOutputPool.h"
82 #include "Gcode.h"
83 #include "checksumm.h"
84 #include "ConfigValue.h"
85 #include "PublicDataRequest.h"
86 #include "PublicData.h"
87 #include "Conveyor.h"
88 #include "ZProbe.h"
89 #include "nuts_bolts.h"
90 #include "utils.h"
91 #include "platform_memory.h"
93 #include <string>
94 #include <algorithm>
95 #include <cstdlib>
96 #include <cmath>
97 #include <fastmath.h>
99 #define grid_size_checksum CHECKSUM("size")
100 #define grid_x_size_checksum CHECKSUM("grid_x_size")
101 #define grid_y_size_checksum CHECKSUM("grid_y_size")
102 #define tolerance_checksum CHECKSUM("tolerance")
103 #define save_checksum CHECKSUM("save")
104 #define probe_offsets_checksum CHECKSUM("probe_offsets")
105 #define initial_height_checksum CHECKSUM("initial_height")
106 #define x_size_checksum CHECKSUM("x_size")
107 #define y_size_checksum CHECKSUM("y_size")
108 #define do_home_checksum CHECKSUM("do_home")
109 #define only_by_two_corners_checksum CHECKSUM("only_by_two_corners")
110 #define human_readable_checksum CHECKSUM("human_readable")
112 #define GRIDFILE "/sd/cartesian.grid"
113 #define GRIDFILE_NM "/sd/cartesian_nm.grid"
115 CartGridStrategy::CartGridStrategy(ZProbe *zprobe) : LevelingStrategy(zprobe)
116 {
117 grid = nullptr;
118 }
120 CartGridStrategy::~CartGridStrategy()
121 {
122 if(grid != nullptr) AHB0.dealloc(grid);
123 }
125 bool CartGridStrategy::handleConfig()
126 {
128 uint8_t grid_size = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, grid_size_checksum)->by_default(7)->as_number();
129 this->current_grid_x_size = this->configured_grid_x_size = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, grid_x_size_checksum)->by_default(grid_size)->as_number();
130 this->current_grid_y_size = this->configured_grid_y_size = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, grid_y_size_checksum)->by_default(grid_size)->as_number();
131 tolerance = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, tolerance_checksum)->by_default(0.03F)->as_number();
132 save = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, save_checksum)->by_default(false)->as_bool();
133 do_home = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, do_home_checksum)->by_default(true)->as_bool();
134 only_by_two_corners = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, only_by_two_corners_checksum)->by_default(false)->as_bool();
135 human_readable = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, human_readable_checksum)->by_default(false)->as_bool();
137 this->x_start = 0.0F;
138 this->y_start = 0.0F;
139 this->x_size = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, x_size_checksum)->by_default(0.0F)->as_number();
140 this->y_size = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, y_size_checksum)->by_default(0.0F)->as_number();
141 if (this->x_size == 0.0F || this->y_size == 0.0F) {
142 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("Error: Invalid config, x_size and y_size must be defined\n");
143 return false;
144 }
146 // the initial height above the bed we stop the intial move down after home to find the bed
147 // this should be a height that is enough that the probe will not hit the bed and is an offset from max_z (can be set to 0 if max_z takes into account the probe offset)
148 this->initial_height = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, initial_height_checksum)->by_default(10)->as_number();
150 // Probe offsets xxx,yyy,zzz
151 {
152 std::string po = THEKERNEL->config->value(leveling_strategy_checksum, cart_grid_leveling_strategy_checksum, probe_offsets_checksum)->by_default("0,0,0")->as_string();
153 std::vector<float> v = parse_number_list(po.c_str());
154 if(v.size() >= 3) {
155 this->probe_offsets = std::make_tuple(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
156 }
157 }
159 // allocate in AHB0
160 grid = (float *)AHB0.alloc(configured_grid_x_size * configured_grid_y_size * sizeof(float));
162 if(grid == nullptr) {
163 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("Error: Not enough memory\n");
164 return false;
165 }
167 reset_bed_level();
169 return true;
170 }
172 void CartGridStrategy::save_grid(StreamOutput *stream)
173 {
174 if(only_by_two_corners){
175 stream->printf("error:Unable to save grid in only_by_two_corners mode\n");
176 return;
177 }
179 if(isnan(grid[0])) {
180 stream->printf("error:No grid to save\n");
181 return;
182 }
184 if((current_grid_x_size != configured_grid_x_size) || (current_grid_y_size != configured_grid_y_size)) {
185 stream->printf("error:Unable to save grid with size different from configured\n");
186 return;
187 }
189 FILE *fp = (configured_grid_x_size == configured_grid_y_size)?fopen(GRIDFILE, "w"):fopen(GRIDFILE_NM, "w");
190 if(fp == NULL) {
191 stream->printf("error:Failed to open grid file %s\n", GRIDFILE);
192 return;
193 }
194 uint8_t tmp_configured_grid_size = configured_grid_x_size;
195 if(fwrite(&tmp_configured_grid_size, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) {
196 stream->printf("error:Failed to write grid x size\n");
197 fclose(fp);
198 return;
199 }
201 tmp_configured_grid_size = configured_grid_y_size;
202 if(configured_grid_y_size != configured_grid_x_size){
203 if(fwrite(&tmp_configured_grid_size, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) {
204 stream->printf("error:Failed to write grid y size\n");
205 fclose(fp);
206 return;
207 }
208 }
210 if(fwrite(&x_size, sizeof(float), 1, fp) != 1) {
211 stream->printf("error:Failed to write x_size\n");
212 fclose(fp);
213 return;
214 }
216 if(fwrite(&y_size, sizeof(float), 1, fp) != 1) {
217 stream->printf("error:Failed to write y_size\n");
218 fclose(fp);
219 return;
220 }
222 for (int y = 0; y < configured_grid_y_size; y++) {
223 for (int x = 0; x < configured_grid_x_size; x++) {
224 if(fwrite(&grid[x + (configured_grid_x_size * y)], sizeof(float), 1, fp) != 1) {
225 stream->printf("error:Failed to write grid\n");
226 fclose(fp);
227 return;
228 }
229 }
230 }
231 stream->printf("grid saved to %s\n", GRIDFILE);
232 fclose(fp);
233 }
235 bool CartGridStrategy::load_grid(StreamOutput *stream)
236 {
237 if(only_by_two_corners){
238 stream->printf("error:Unable to load grid in only_by_two_corners mode\n");
239 return false;
240 }
242 FILE *fp = (configured_grid_x_size == configured_grid_y_size)?fopen(GRIDFILE, "r"):fopen(GRIDFILE_NM, "r");
243 if(fp == NULL) {
244 stream->printf("error:Failed to open grid %s\n", GRIDFILE);
245 return false;
246 }
248 uint8_t load_grid_x_size, load_grid_y_size;
249 float x, y;
251 if(fread(&load_grid_x_size, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) {
252 stream->printf("error:Failed to read grid size\n");
253 fclose(fp);
254 return false;
255 }
257 if(load_grid_x_size != configured_grid_x_size) {
258 stream->printf("error:grid size x is different read %d - config %d\n", load_grid_x_size, configured_grid_x_size);
259 fclose(fp);
260 return false;
261 }
263 load_grid_y_size = load_grid_x_size;
265 if(configured_grid_x_size != configured_grid_y_size){
266 if(fread(&load_grid_y_size, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, fp) != 1) {
267 stream->printf("error:Failed to read grid size\n");
268 fclose(fp);
269 return false;
270 }
272 if(load_grid_y_size != configured_grid_y_size) {
273 stream->printf("error:grid size y is different read %d - config %d\n", load_grid_y_size, configured_grid_x_size);
274 fclose(fp);
275 return false;
276 }
277 }
279 if(fread(&x, sizeof(float), 1, fp) != 1) {
280 stream->printf("error:Failed to read grid x size\n");
281 fclose(fp);
282 return false;
283 }
285 if(fread(&y, sizeof(float), 1, fp) != 1) {
286 stream->printf("error:Failed to read grid y size\n");
287 fclose(fp);
288 return false;
289 }
291 if(x != x_size || y != y_size) {
292 stream->printf("error:bed dimensions changed read (%f, %f) - config (%f,%f)\n", x, y, x_size, y_size);
293 fclose(fp);
294 return false;
295 }
297 for (int y = 0; y < configured_grid_y_size; y++) {
298 for (int x = 0; x < configured_grid_x_size; x++) {
299 if(fread(&grid[x + (configured_grid_x_size * y)], sizeof(float), 1, fp) != 1) {
300 stream->printf("error:Failed to read grid\n");
301 fclose(fp);
302 return false;
303 }
304 }
305 }
306 stream->printf("grid loaded, grid: (%f, %f), size: %d x %d\n", x_size, y_size, load_grid_x_size, load_grid_y_size);
307 fclose(fp);
308 return true;
309 }
311 bool CartGridStrategy::probe_grid(int n, int m, float _x_start, float _y_start, float _x_size, float _y_size, StreamOutput *stream)
312 {
313 if((n < 5)||(m < 5)) {
314 stream->printf("Need at least a 5x5 grid to probe\n");
315 return true;
316 }
319 if(!findBed()) return false;
321 float x_step = _x_size / n;
322 float y_step = _y_size / m;
323 for (int c = 0; c < m; ++c) {
324 float y = _y_start + y_step * c;
325 for (int r = 0; r < n; ++r) {
326 float x = _x_start + x_step * r;
327 float z = 0.0F;
328 float mm;
329 if(!zprobe->doProbeAt(mm, x, y)) return false;
330 z = zprobe->getProbeHeight() - mm;
331 stream->printf("%1.4f ", z);
332 }
333 stream->printf("\n");
334 }
335 return true;
336 }
338 bool CartGridStrategy::handleGcode(Gcode *gcode)
339 {
340 if(gcode->has_g) {
341 if (gcode->g == 29) { // do a probe to test flatness
342 // first wait for an empty queue i.e. no moves left
343 THEKERNEL->conveyor->wait_for_idle();
345 int n = gcode->has_letter('I') ? gcode->get_value('I') : configured_grid_x_size;
346 int m = gcode->has_letter('J') ? gcode->get_value('J') : configured_grid_y_size;
348 float _x_size = this->x_size, _y_size = this->x_size;
349 float _x_start = this->x_start, _y_start = this->y_start;
351 if(only_by_two_corners){
352 if(gcode->has_letter('X') && gcode->has_letter('Y') && gcode->has_letter('A') && gcode->has_letter('B')){
353 _x_start = gcode->get_value('X'); // override default probe start point
354 _y_start = gcode->get_value('Y'); // override default probe start point
355 _x_size = gcode->get_value('A'); // override default probe width
356 _y_size = gcode->get_value('B'); // override default probe length
357 } else {
358 gcode->stream->printf("In only_by_two_corners mode all XYAB parameters needed\n");
359 return true;
360 }
361 } else {
362 if(gcode->has_letter('X')) _x_size = gcode->get_value('X'); // override default probe width
363 if(gcode->has_letter('Y')) _y_size = gcode->get_value('Y'); // override default probe length
364 }
366 probe_grid(n, m, _x_start, _y_start, _x_size, _y_size, gcode->stream);
368 return true;
370 } else if( gcode->g == 31 || gcode->g == 32) { // do a grid probe
371 // first wait for an empty queue i.e. no moves left
372 THEKERNEL->conveyor->wait_for_idle();
374 if(!doProbe(gcode)) {
375 gcode->stream->printf("Probe failed to complete, check the initial probe height and/or initial_height settings\n");
376 } else {
377 gcode->stream->printf("Probe completed\n");
378 }
379 return true;
380 }
382 } else if(gcode->has_m) {
383 if(gcode->m == 370 || gcode->m == 561) { // M370: Clear bed, M561: Set Identity Transform
384 // delete the compensationTransform in robot
385 setAdjustFunction(false);
386 reset_bed_level();
387 gcode->stream->printf("grid cleared and disabled\n");
388 return true;
390 } else if(gcode->m == 374) { // M374: Save grid, M374.1: delete saved grid
391 if(gcode->subcode == 1) {
392 remove(GRIDFILE);
393 gcode->stream->printf("%s deleted\n", GRIDFILE);
394 } else {
395 save_grid(gcode->stream);
396 }
398 return true;
400 } else if(gcode->m == 375) { // M375: load grid, M375.1 display grid
401 if(gcode->subcode == 1) {
402 print_bed_level(gcode->stream);
403 } else {
404 if(load_grid(gcode->stream)) setAdjustFunction(true);
405 }
406 return true;
408 } else if(gcode->m == 565) { // M565: Set Z probe offsets
409 float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
410 if(gcode->has_letter('X')) x = gcode->get_value('X');
411 if(gcode->has_letter('Y')) y = gcode->get_value('Y');
412 if(gcode->has_letter('Z')) z = gcode->get_value('Z');
413 probe_offsets = std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
414 return true;
416 } else if(gcode->m == 500 || gcode->m == 503) { // M500 save, M503 display
417 float x, y, z;
418 std::tie(x, y, z) = probe_offsets;
419 gcode->stream->printf(";Probe offsets:\nM565 X%1.5f Y%1.5f Z%1.5f\n", x, y, z);
420 if(save) {
421 if(!isnan(grid[0])) gcode->stream->printf(";Load saved grid\nM375\n");
422 else if(gcode->m == 503) gcode->stream->printf(";WARNING No grid to save\n");
423 }
424 return true;
425 }
426 }
428 return false;
429 }
431 #define X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER std::get<0>(probe_offsets)
432 #define Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER std::get<1>(probe_offsets)
433 #define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER std::get<2>(probe_offsets)
435 void CartGridStrategy::setAdjustFunction(bool on)
436 {
437 if(on) {
438 // set the compensationTransform in robot
439 using std::placeholders::_1;
440 using std::placeholders::_2;
441 THEROBOT->compensationTransform = std::bind(&CartGridStrategy::doCompensation, this, _1, _2); // [this](float *target, bool inverse) { doCompensation(target, inverse); };
442 } else {
443 // clear it
444 THEROBOT->compensationTransform = nullptr;
445 }
446 }
448 bool CartGridStrategy::findBed()
449 {
450 if (do_home) zprobe->home();
451 float z = initial_height;
452 zprobe->coordinated_move(NAN, NAN, z, zprobe->getFastFeedrate()); // move Z only to initial_height
453 zprobe->coordinated_move(x_start - X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, y_start - Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, NAN, zprobe->getFastFeedrate()); // move at initial_height to x_start, y_start
455 // find bed at 0,0 run at slow rate so as to not hit bed hard
456 float mm;
457 if(!zprobe->run_probe_return(mm, zprobe->getSlowFeedrate())) return false;
459 // leave head probe_height above bed
460 float dz = zprobe->getProbeHeight() - mm;
461 zprobe->coordinated_move(NAN, NAN, dz, zprobe->getFastFeedrate(), true); // relative move
463 return true;
464 }
466 bool CartGridStrategy::doProbe(Gcode *gc)
467 {
468 gc->stream->printf("Rectangular Grid Probe...\n");
470 if(only_by_two_corners){
471 if(gc->has_letter('X') && gc->has_letter('Y') && gc->has_letter('A') && gc->has_letter('B')){
472 this->x_start = gc->get_value('X'); // override default probe start point, will get saved
473 this->y_start = gc->get_value('Y'); // override default probe start point, will get saved
474 this->x_size = gc->get_value('A'); // override default probe width, will get saved
475 this->y_size = gc->get_value('B'); // override default probe length, will get saved
476 } else {
477 gc->stream->printf("In only_by_two_corners mode all XYAB parameters needed\n");
478 return false;
479 }
480 } else {
481 if(gc->has_letter('X')) this->x_size = gc->get_value('X'); // override default probe width, will get saved
482 if(gc->has_letter('Y')) this->y_size = gc->get_value('Y'); // override default probe length, will get saved
483 }
485 setAdjustFunction(false);
486 reset_bed_level();
488 if(gc->has_letter('I')) current_grid_x_size = gc->get_value('I'); // override default grid x size
489 if(gc->has_letter('J')) current_grid_y_size = gc->get_value('J'); // override default grid y size
491 if((this->current_grid_x_size * this->current_grid_y_size) > (this->configured_grid_x_size * this->configured_grid_y_size)){
492 gc->stream->printf("Grid size (%d x %d = %d) bigger than configured (%d x %d = %d). Change configuration.\n",
493 this->current_grid_x_size, this->current_grid_y_size, this->current_grid_x_size*this->current_grid_x_size,
494 this->configured_grid_x_size, this->configured_grid_y_size, this->configured_grid_x_size*this->configured_grid_y_size);
495 return false;
496 }
498 // find bed, and leave probe probe height above bed
499 if(!findBed()) {
500 gc->stream->printf("Finding bed failed, check the initial height setting\n");
501 return false;
502 }
504 gc->stream->printf("Probe start ht is %f mm, rectangular bed width %fmm, height %fmm, grid size is %dx%d\n", zprobe->getProbeHeight(), x_size, y_size, current_grid_x_size, current_grid_y_size);
506 // do first probe for 0,0
507 float mm;
508 if(!zprobe->doProbeAt(mm, this->x_start - X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, this->y_start - Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER)) return false;
509 float z_reference = zprobe->getProbeHeight() - mm; // this should be zero
510 gc->stream->printf("probe at 0,0 is %f mm\n", z_reference);
512 // probe all the points of the grid
513 for (int yCount = 0; yCount < this->current_grid_y_size; yCount++) {
514 float yProbe = this->y_start + (this->y_size / (this->current_grid_y_size - 1)) * yCount;
515 int xStart, xStop, xInc;
516 if (yCount % 2) {
517 xStart = this->current_grid_x_size - 1;
518 xStop = -1;
519 xInc = -1;
520 } else {
521 xStart = 0;
522 xStop = this->current_grid_x_size;
523 xInc = 1;
524 }
526 for (int xCount = xStart; xCount != xStop; xCount += xInc) {
527 float xProbe = this->x_start + (this->x_size / (this->current_grid_x_size - 1)) * xCount;
529 if(!zprobe->doProbeAt(mm, xProbe - X_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER, yProbe - Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER)) return false;
530 float measured_z = zprobe->getProbeHeight() - mm - z_reference; // this is the delta z from bed at 0,0
531 gc->stream->printf("DEBUG: X%1.4f, Y%1.4f, Z%1.4f\n", xProbe, yProbe, measured_z);
532 grid[xCount + (this->current_grid_x_size * yCount)] = measured_z;
533 }
534 }
536 print_bed_level(gc->stream);
538 setAdjustFunction(true);
540 return true;
541 }
543 void CartGridStrategy::doCompensation(float *target, bool inverse)
544 {
545 // Adjust print surface height by linear interpolation over the bed_level array.
547 // find min/maxes, and handle the case where size is negative (assuming this is possible? Legacy code supported this)
548 float min_x = std::min(this->x_start, this->x_start + this->x_size);
549 float max_x = std::max(this->x_start, this->x_start + this->x_size);
550 float min_y = std::min(this->y_start, this->y_start + this->y_size);
551 float max_y = std::max(this->y_start, this->y_start + this->y_size);
553 // clamp the input to the bounds of the compensation grid
554 // if a point is beyond the bounds of the grid, it will get the offset of the closest grid point
555 float x_target = std::min(std::max(target[X_AXIS], min_x), max_x);
556 float y_target = std::min(std::max(target[Y_AXIS], min_y), max_y);
558 float grid_x = std::max(0.001F, (x_target - this->x_start) / (this->x_size / (this->current_grid_x_size - 1)));
559 float grid_y = std::max(0.001F, (y_target - this->y_start) / (this->y_size / (this->current_grid_y_size - 1)));
560 int floor_x = floorf(grid_x);
561 int floor_y = floorf(grid_y);
562 float ratio_x = grid_x - floor_x;
563 float ratio_y = grid_y - floor_y;
564 float z1 = grid[(floor_x) + ((floor_y) * this->current_grid_x_size)];
565 float z2 = grid[(floor_x) + ((floor_y + 1) * this->current_grid_x_size)];
566 float z3 = grid[(floor_x + 1) + ((floor_y) * this->current_grid_x_size)];
567 float z4 = grid[(floor_x + 1) + ((floor_y + 1) * this->current_grid_x_size)];
568 float left = (1 - ratio_y) * z1 + ratio_y * z2;
569 float right = (1 - ratio_y) * z3 + ratio_y * z4;
570 float offset = (1 - ratio_x) * left + ratio_x * right;
572 if(inverse)
573 target[Z_AXIS] -= offset;
574 else
575 target[Z_AXIS] += offset;
578 /*
579 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: TARGET: %f, %f, %f\n", target[0], target[1], target[2]);
580 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: grid_x= %f\n", grid_x);
581 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: grid_y= %f\n", grid_y);
582 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: floor_x= %d\n", floor_x);
583 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: floor_y= %d\n", floor_y);
584 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: ratio_x= %f\n", ratio_x);
585 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: ratio_y= %f\n", ratio_y);
586 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: z1= %f\n", z1);
587 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: z2= %f\n", z2);
588 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: z3= %f\n", z3);
589 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: z4= %f\n", z4);
590 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: left= %f\n", left);
591 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: right= %f\n", right);
592 THEKERNEL->streams->printf("//DEBUG: offset= %f\n", offset);
593 */
594 }
597 // Print calibration results for plotting or manual frame adjustment.
598 void CartGridStrategy::print_bed_level(StreamOutput *stream)
599 {
600 if(!human_readable){
601 for (int y = 0; y < current_grid_y_size; y++) {
602 for (int x = 0; x < current_grid_x_size; x++) {
603 stream->printf("%1.4f ", grid[x + (current_grid_x_size * y)]);
604 }
605 stream->printf("\n");
606 }
607 } else {
609 int xStart = (x_size>0) ? 0 : (current_grid_x_size - 1);
610 int xStop = (x_size>0) ? current_grid_x_size : -1;
611 int xInc = (x_size>0) ? 1: -1;
613 int yStart = (y_size<0) ? 0 : (current_grid_y_size - 1);
614 int yStop = (y_size<0) ? current_grid_y_size : -1;
615 int yInc = (y_size<0) ? 1: -1;
617 for (int y = yStart; y != yStop; y += yInc) {
618 stream->printf("%10.4f|", y * (y_size / (current_grid_y_size - 1)));
619 for (int x = xStart; x != xStop; x += xInc) {
620 stream->printf("%10.4f ", grid[x + (current_grid_x_size * y)]);
621 }
622 stream->printf("\n");
623 }
624 stream->printf(" ");
625 for (int x = xStart; x != xStop; x += xInc) {
626 stream->printf("-----+-----");
627 }
628 stream->printf("\n");
629 stream->printf(" ");
630 for (int x = xStart; x != xStop; x += xInc) {
631 stream->printf("%1.4f ", x * (x_size / (current_grid_x_size - 1)));
632 }
633 stream->printf("\n");
635 }
637 }
639 // Reset calibration results to zero.
640 void CartGridStrategy::reset_bed_level()
641 {
642 for (int y = 0; y < current_grid_y_size; y++) {
643 for (int x = 0; x < current_grid_x_size; x++) {
644 grid[x + (current_grid_x_size * y)] = NAN;
645 }
646 }
647 }