slot-ref, slot-set! et al bypass "using-class" variants
[bpt/guile.git] / module / oop / goops.scm
1 ;;; installed-scm-file
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000-2003,2006,2009-2011,2013-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 ;;;; Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <>
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 ;;;;
11 ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 ;;;;
16 ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 ;;;;
20 \f
22 ;;;;
23 ;;;; This file was based upon stklos.stk from the STk distribution
24 ;;;; version 4.0.1 by Erick Gallesio <>.
25 ;;;;
27 (define-module (oop goops)
28 #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
29 #:use-module (ice-9 match)
30 #:use-module (system base target)
31 #:use-module ((language tree-il primitives)
32 :select (add-interesting-primitive!))
33 #:export-syntax (define-class class standard-define-class
34 define-generic define-accessor define-method
35 define-extended-generic define-extended-generics
36 method)
37 #:export ( ;; The root of everything.
38 <top>
39 <class> <object>
41 ;; Slot types.
42 <foreign-slot> <protected-slot> <hidden-slot> <opaque-slot>
43 <read-only-slot> <self-slot> <protected-opaque-slot>
44 <protected-hidden-slot> <protected-read-only-slot>
45 <scm-slot> <int-slot> <float-slot> <double-slot>
47 ;; Methods are implementations of generic functions.
48 <method> <accessor-method>
50 ;; Applicable objects, either procedures or applicable structs.
51 <procedure-class> <applicable>
52 <procedure> <primitive-generic>
54 ;; Applicable structs.
55 <applicable-struct-class> <applicable-struct-with-setter-class>
56 <applicable-struct> <applicable-struct-with-setter>
57 <generic> <extended-generic>
58 <generic-with-setter> <extended-generic-with-setter>
59 <accessor> <extended-accessor>
61 ;; Types with their own allocated typecodes.
62 <boolean> <char> <list> <pair> <null> <string> <symbol>
63 <vector> <bytevector> <uvec> <foreign> <hashtable>
64 <fluid> <dynamic-state> <frame> <vm> <vm-continuation>
65 <keyword>
67 ;; Numbers.
68 <number> <complex> <real> <integer> <fraction>
70 ;; Unknown.
71 <unknown>
73 ;; Particular SMOB data types. All SMOB types have
74 ;; corresponding classes, which may be obtained via class-of,
75 ;; once you have an instance. Perhaps FIXME to provide a
76 ;; smob-type-name->class procedure.
77 <arbiter> <promise> <thread> <mutex> <condition-variable>
78 <regexp> <hook> <bitvector> <random-state> <async>
79 <directory> <array> <character-set>
80 <dynamic-object> <guardian> <macro>
82 ;; Modules.
83 <module>
85 ;; Ports.
86 <port> <input-port> <output-port> <input-output-port>
88 ;; Like SMOB types, all port types have their own classes,
89 ;; which can be accessed via `class-of' once you have an
90 ;; instance. Here we export bindings just for file ports.
91 <file-port>
92 <file-input-port> <file-output-port> <file-input-output-port>
94 is-a? class-of
95 ensure-metaclass ensure-metaclass-with-supers
96 make-class
97 make-generic ensure-generic
98 make-extended-generic
99 make-accessor ensure-accessor
100 add-method!
101 class-slot-ref class-slot-set! slot-unbound slot-missing
102 slot-definition-name slot-definition-options
103 slot-definition-allocation
105 slot-definition-getter slot-definition-setter
106 slot-definition-accessor
107 slot-definition-init-value slot-definition-init-form
108 slot-definition-init-thunk slot-definition-init-keyword
109 slot-init-function class-slot-definition
110 method-source
111 compute-cpl compute-std-cpl compute-get-n-set compute-slots
112 compute-getter-method compute-setter-method
113 allocate-instance initialize make-instance make
114 no-next-method no-applicable-method no-method
115 change-class update-instance-for-different-class
116 shallow-clone deep-clone
117 class-redefinition
118 apply-generic apply-method apply-methods
119 compute-applicable-methods %compute-applicable-methods
120 method-more-specific? sort-applicable-methods
121 class-subclasses class-methods
122 goops-error
123 min-fixnum max-fixnum
125 instance? slot-ref-using-class
126 slot-set-using-class! slot-bound-using-class?
127 slot-exists-using-class? slot-ref slot-set! slot-bound?
128 class-name class-direct-supers class-direct-subclasses
129 class-direct-methods class-direct-slots class-precedence-list
130 class-slots
131 generic-function-name
132 generic-function-methods method-generic-function
133 method-specializers method-formals
134 primitive-generic-generic enable-primitive-generic!
135 method-procedure accessor-method-slot-definition
136 slot-exists? make find-method get-keyword)
137 #:no-backtrace)
140 ;;;
141 ;;; Booting GOOPS is a tortuous process. We begin by loading a small
142 ;;; set of primitives from C.
143 ;;;
144 (eval-when (expand load eval)
145 (load-extension (string-append "libguile-" (effective-version))
146 "scm_init_goops_builtins")
147 (add-interesting-primitive! 'class-of))
150 \f
152 ;;;
153 ;;; We then define the slots that must appear in all classes (<class>
154 ;;; objects). These slots must appear in order. We'll use this list to
155 ;;; statically compute offsets for the various fields, to compute the
156 ;;; struct layout for <class> instances, and to compute the slot
157 ;;; definition lists for <class>. Because the list is needed at
158 ;;; expansion-time, we define it as a macro.
159 ;;;
160 (define-syntax macro-fold-left
161 (syntax-rules ()
162 ((_ folder seed ()) seed)
163 ((_ folder seed (head . tail))
164 (macro-fold-left folder (folder head seed) tail))))
166 (define-syntax macro-fold-right
167 (syntax-rules ()
168 ((_ folder seed ()) seed)
169 ((_ folder seed (head . tail))
170 (folder head (macro-fold-right folder seed tail)))))
172 (define-syntax fold-class-slots
173 (lambda (x)
174 (define slots
175 '((layout <protected-read-only-slot>)
176 (flags <hidden-slot>)
177 (self <self-slot>)
178 (instance-finalizer <hidden-slot>)
179 (print)
180 (name <protected-hidden-slot>)
181 (nfields <hidden-slot>)
182 (%reserved <hidden-slot>)
183 (redefined)
184 (direct-supers)
185 (direct-slots)
186 (direct-subclasses)
187 (direct-methods)
188 (cpl)
189 (slots)
190 (getters-n-setters)))
191 (syntax-case x ()
192 ((_ fold visit seed)
193 ;; The datum->syntax makes it as if the identifiers in `slots'
194 ;; were present in the initial form, which allows them to be used
195 ;; as (components of) introduced identifiers.
196 #`(fold visit seed #,(datum->syntax #'visit slots))))))
198 ;;;
199 ;;; Statically define variables for slot offsets: `class-index-layout'
200 ;;; will be 0, `class-index-flags' will be 1, and so on.
201 ;;;
202 (let-syntax ((define-class-index
203 (lambda (x)
204 (define (id-append ctx a b)
205 (datum->syntax ctx (symbol-append (syntax->datum a)
206 (syntax->datum b))))
207 (define (tail-length tail)
208 (syntax-case tail ()
209 ((begin) 0)
210 ((visit head tail) (1+ (tail-length #'tail)))))
211 (syntax-case x ()
212 ((_ (name . _) tail)
213 #`(begin
214 (define-syntax #,(id-append #'name #'class-index- #'name)
215 (identifier-syntax #,(tail-length #'tail)))
216 tail))))))
217 (fold-class-slots macro-fold-left define-class-index (begin)))
219 ;;;
220 ;;; Structs that are vtables have a "flags" slot, which corresponds to
221 ;;; class-index-flags. `vtable-flag-vtable' indicates that instances of
222 ;;; a vtable are themselves vtables, and `vtable-flag-validated'
223 ;;; indicates that the struct's layout has been validated. goops.c
224 ;;; defines a couple of additional flags: one to indicate that a vtable
225 ;;; is actually a class, and one to indicate that the class is "valid",
226 ;;; meaning that it hasn't been redefined.
227 ;;;
228 (define vtable-flag-goops-metaclass
229 (logior vtable-flag-vtable vtable-flag-goops-class))
231 (define-inlinable (class-add-flags! class flags)
232 (struct-set! class class-index-flags
233 (logior flags (struct-ref class class-index-flags))))
235 (define-inlinable (class-clear-flags! class flags)
236 (struct-set! class class-index-flags
237 (logand (lognot flags) (struct-ref class class-index-flags))))
239 (define-inlinable (class-has-flags? class flags)
240 (eqv? flags
241 (logand (struct-ref class class-index-flags) flags)))
243 (define-inlinable (class? obj)
244 (class-has-flags? (struct-vtable obj) vtable-flag-goops-metaclass))
246 (define-inlinable (instance? obj)
247 (class-has-flags? (struct-vtable obj) vtable-flag-goops-class))
249 ;;;
250 ;;; Now that we know the slots that must be present in classes, and
251 ;;; their offsets, we can create the root of the class hierarchy.
252 ;;;
253 ;;; Note that the `direct-supers', `direct-slots', `cpl', `slots', and
254 ;;; `getters-n-setters' fields will be updated later, once we have
255 ;;; definitions for the specialized slot types like <read-only-slot> and
256 ;;; once we have definitions for <top> and <object>.
257 ;;;
258 (define <class>
259 (let-syntax ((cons-layout
260 ;; A simple way to compute class layout for the concrete
261 ;; types used in <class>.
262 (syntax-rules (<protected-read-only-slot>
263 <self-slot>
264 <hidden-slot>
265 <protected-hidden-slot>)
266 ((_ (name) tail)
267 (string-append "pw" tail))
268 ((_ (name <protected-read-only-slot>) tail)
269 (string-append "pr" tail))
270 ((_ (name <self-slot>) tail)
271 (string-append "sr" tail))
272 ((_ (name <hidden-slot>) tail)
273 (string-append "uh" tail))
274 ((_ (name <protected-hidden-slot>) tail)
275 (string-append "ph" tail))))
276 (cons-slot
277 (syntax-rules ()
278 ((_ (name) tail) (cons (list 'name) tail))
279 ((_ (name class) tail) (cons (list 'name) tail)))))
280 (let* ((layout (fold-class-slots macro-fold-right cons-layout ""))
281 (slots (fold-class-slots macro-fold-right cons-slot '()))
282 (<class> (%make-vtable-vtable layout)))
283 (class-add-flags! <class> (logior vtable-flag-goops-class
284 vtable-flag-goops-valid))
285 (struct-set! <class> class-index-name '<class>)
286 (struct-set! <class> class-index-nfields (length slots))
287 (struct-set! <class> class-index-direct-supers '())
288 (struct-set! <class> class-index-direct-slots slots)
289 (struct-set! <class> class-index-direct-subclasses '())
290 (struct-set! <class> class-index-direct-methods '())
291 (struct-set! <class> class-index-cpl '())
292 (struct-set! <class> class-index-slots slots)
293 (struct-set! <class> class-index-getters-n-setters '())
294 (struct-set! <class> class-index-redefined #f)
295 <class>)))
297 ;;;
298 ;;; Accessors to fields of <class>.
299 ;;;
300 (define-syntax-rule (define-class-accessor name docstring field)
301 (define (name obj)
302 docstring
303 (let ((val obj))
304 (unless (class? val)
305 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a class: ~S"
306 (list val) #f))
307 (struct-ref val field))))
309 (define-class-accessor class-name
310 "Return the class name of @var{obj}."
311 class-index-name)
312 (define-class-accessor class-direct-supers
313 "Return the direct superclasses of the class @var{obj}."
314 class-index-direct-supers)
315 (define-class-accessor class-direct-slots
316 "Return the direct slots of the class @var{obj}."
317 class-index-direct-slots)
318 (define-class-accessor class-direct-subclasses
319 "Return the direct subclasses of the class @var{obj}."
320 class-index-direct-subclasses)
321 (define-class-accessor class-direct-methods
322 "Return the direct methods of the class @var{obj}."
323 class-index-direct-methods)
324 (define-class-accessor class-precedence-list
325 "Return the class precedence list of the class @var{obj}."
326 class-index-cpl)
327 (define-class-accessor class-slots
328 "Return the slot list of the class @var{obj}."
329 class-index-slots)
331 (define (class-subclasses c)
332 "Compute a list of all subclasses of @var{c}, direct and indirect."
333 (define (all-subclasses c)
334 (cons c (append-map all-subclasses
335 (class-direct-subclasses c))))
336 (delete-duplicates (cdr (all-subclasses c)) eq?))
338 (define (class-methods c)
339 "Compute a list of all methods that specialize on @var{c} or
340 subclasses of @var{c}."
341 (delete-duplicates (append-map class-direct-methods
342 (cons c (class-subclasses c)))
343 eq?))
346 \f
348 ;;;
349 ;;; The "getters-n-setters" define how to access slot values for a
350 ;;; particular class. In general, there are many ways to access slot
351 ;;; values, but for standard classes it's pretty easy: each slot is
352 ;;; associated with a field in the object.
353 ;;;
354 (define (%compute-getters-n-setters slots)
355 (define (compute-init-thunk options)
356 (cond
357 ((kw-arg-ref options #:init-value) => (lambda (val) (lambda () val)))
358 ((kw-arg-ref options #:init-thunk))
359 (else #f)))
360 (let lp ((slots slots) (n 0))
361 (match slots
362 (() '())
363 (((name . options) . slots)
364 (let ((init-thunk (compute-init-thunk options)))
365 (cons `(,name ,init-thunk . ,n)
366 (lp slots (1+ n))))))))
368 (struct-set! <class> class-index-getters-n-setters
369 (%compute-getters-n-setters (class-slots <class>)))
372 \f
374 ;;;
375 ;;; At this point, we have <class> but no other objects. We need to
376 ;;; define a standard way to make subclasses: how to compute the
377 ;;; precedence list of subclasses, how to compute the list of slots in a
378 ;;; subclass, and what layout to use for instances of those classes.
379 ;;;
381 (define (compute-std-cpl c get-direct-supers)
382 "The standard class precedence list computation algorithm."
383 (define (only-non-null lst)
384 (filter (lambda (l) (not (null? l))) lst))
386 (define (merge-lists reversed-partial-result inputs)
387 (cond
388 ((every null? inputs)
389 (reverse! reversed-partial-result))
390 (else
391 (let* ((candidate (lambda (c)
392 (and (not (any (lambda (l)
393 (memq c (cdr l)))
394 inputs))
395 c)))
396 (candidate-car (lambda (l)
397 (and (not (null? l))
398 (candidate (car l)))))
399 (next (any candidate-car inputs)))
400 (unless next
401 (goops-error "merge-lists: Inconsistent precedence graph"))
402 (let ((remove-next (lambda (l)
403 (if (eq? (car l) next)
404 (cdr l)
405 l))))
406 (merge-lists (cons next reversed-partial-result)
407 (only-non-null (map remove-next inputs))))))))
408 (let ((c-direct-supers (get-direct-supers c)))
409 (merge-lists (list c)
410 (only-non-null (append (map class-precedence-list
411 c-direct-supers)
412 (list c-direct-supers))))))
414 ;; This version of compute-cpl is replaced with a generic function once
415 ;; GOOPS has booted.
416 (define (compute-cpl class)
417 (compute-std-cpl class class-direct-supers))
419 (define (build-slots-list dslots cpl)
420 (define (check-cpl slots class-slots)
421 (when (or-map (match-lambda ((name . options) (assq name slots)))
422 class-slots)
423 (scm-error 'misc-error #f
424 "a predefined <class> inherited field cannot be redefined"
425 '() '())))
426 (define (remove-duplicate-slots slots)
427 (let lp ((slots (reverse slots)) (res '()) (seen '()))
428 (match slots
429 (() res)
430 (((and slot (name . options)) . slots)
431 (if (memq name seen)
432 (lp slots res seen)
433 (lp slots (cons slot res) (cons name seen)))))))
434 (let* ((class-slots (and (memq <class> cpl)
435 (struct-ref <class> class-index-slots))))
436 (when class-slots
437 (check-cpl dslots class-slots))
438 (let lp ((cpl (cdr cpl)) (res dslots) (class-slots '()))
439 (match cpl
440 (() (remove-duplicate-slots (append class-slots res)))
441 ((head . cpl)
442 (let ((new-slots (struct-ref head class-index-direct-slots)))
443 (cond
444 ((not class-slots)
445 (lp cpl (append new-slots res) class-slots))
446 ((eq? head <class>)
447 ;; Move class slots to the head of the list.
448 (lp cpl res new-slots))
449 (else
450 (check-cpl new-slots class-slots)
451 (lp cpl (append new-slots res) class-slots)))))))))
453 (define (%compute-layout slots getters-n-setters nfields is-class?)
454 (define (instance-allocated? g-n-s)
455 (match g-n-s
456 ((name init-thunk . (? exact-integer? index)) #t)
457 ((name init-thunk getter setter index size) #t)
458 (_ #f)))
460 (define (allocated-index g-n-s)
461 (match g-n-s
462 ((name init-thunk . (? exact-integer? index)) index)
463 ((name init-thunk getter setter index size) index)))
465 (define (allocated-size g-n-s)
466 (match g-n-s
467 ((name init-thunk . (? exact-integer? index)) 1)
468 ((name init-thunk getter setter index size) size)))
470 (define (slot-protection-and-kind options)
471 (define (subclass? class parent)
472 (memq parent (class-precedence-list class)))
473 (let ((type (kw-arg-ref options #:class)))
474 (if (and type (subclass? type <foreign-slot>))
475 (values (cond
476 ((subclass? type <self-slot>) #\s)
477 ((subclass? type <protected-slot>) #\p)
478 (else #\u))
479 (cond
480 ((subclass? type <opaque-slot>) #\o)
481 ((subclass? type <read-only-slot>) #\r)
482 ((subclass? type <hidden-slot>) #\h)
483 (else #\w)))
484 (values #\p #\w))))
486 (let ((layout (make-string (* nfields 2))))
487 (let lp ((n 0) (slots slots) (getters-n-setters getters-n-setters))
488 (match getters-n-setters
489 (()
490 (unless (= n nfields) (error "bad nfields"))
491 (unless (null? slots) (error "inconsistent g-n-s/slots"))
492 (when is-class?
493 (let ((class-layout (struct-ref <class> class-index-layout)))
494 (unless (string-prefix? (symbol->string class-layout) layout)
495 (error "bad layout for class"))))
496 layout)
497 ((g-n-s . getters-n-setters)
498 (match slots
499 (((name . options) . slots)
500 (cond
501 ((instance-allocated? g-n-s)
502 (unless (< n nfields) (error "bad nfields"))
503 (unless (= n (allocated-index g-n-s)) (error "bad allocation"))
504 (call-with-values (lambda () (slot-protection-and-kind options))
505 (lambda (protection kind)
506 (let init ((n n) (size (allocated-size g-n-s)))
507 (cond
508 ((zero? size) (lp n slots getters-n-setters))
509 (else
510 (string-set! layout (* n 2) protection)
511 (string-set! layout (1+ (* n 2)) kind)
512 (init (1+ n) (1- size))))))))
513 (else
514 (lp n slots getters-n-setters))))))))))
517 \f
519 ;;;
520 ;;; With all of this, we are now able to define subclasses of <class>.
521 ;;;
522 (define (%prep-layout! class)
523 (let* ((is-class? (and (memq <class> (struct-ref class class-index-cpl)) #t))
524 (layout (%compute-layout
525 (struct-ref class class-index-slots)
526 (struct-ref class class-index-getters-n-setters)
527 (struct-ref class class-index-nfields)
528 is-class?)))
529 (%init-layout! class layout)))
531 (define (make-standard-class class name dsupers dslots)
532 (let ((z (make-struct/no-tail class)))
533 (struct-set! z class-index-direct-supers dsupers)
534 (let* ((cpl (compute-cpl z))
535 (dslots (map (lambda (slot)
536 (if (pair? slot) slot (list slot)))
537 dslots))
538 (slots (build-slots-list dslots cpl))
539 (nfields (length slots))
540 (g-n-s (%compute-getters-n-setters slots)))
541 (struct-set! z class-index-name name)
542 (struct-set! z class-index-nfields nfields)
543 (struct-set! z class-index-direct-slots dslots)
544 (struct-set! z class-index-direct-subclasses '())
545 (struct-set! z class-index-direct-methods '())
546 (struct-set! z class-index-cpl cpl)
547 (struct-set! z class-index-slots slots)
548 (struct-set! z class-index-getters-n-setters g-n-s)
549 (struct-set! z class-index-redefined #f)
550 (for-each
551 (lambda (super)
552 (let ((subclasses (struct-ref super class-index-direct-subclasses)))
553 (struct-set! super class-index-direct-subclasses
554 (cons z subclasses))))
555 dsupers)
556 (%prep-layout! z)
557 z)))
559 (define-syntax define-standard-class
560 (syntax-rules ()
561 ((define-standard-class name (super ...) #:metaclass meta slot ...)
562 (define name
563 (make-standard-class meta 'name (list super ...) '(slot ...))))
564 ((define-standard-class name (super ...) slot ...)
565 (define-standard-class name (super ...) #:metaclass <class> slot ...))))
568 \f
570 ;;;
571 ;;; Sweet! Now we can define <top> and <object>, and finish
572 ;;; initializing the `direct-subclasses', `direct-supers', and `cpl'
573 ;;; slots of <class>.
574 ;;;
575 (define-standard-class <top> ())
576 (define-standard-class <object> (<top>))
578 ;; <top>, <object>, and <class> were partially initialized. Correct
579 ;; them here.
580 (struct-set! <object> class-index-direct-subclasses (list <class>))
581 (struct-set! <class> class-index-direct-supers (list <object>))
582 (struct-set! <class> class-index-cpl (list <class> <object> <top>))
585 \f
587 ;;;
588 ;;; We can also define the various slot types, and finish initializing
589 ;;; `direct-slots', `slots', and `getters-n-setters' of <class>.
590 ;;;
591 (define-standard-class <foreign-slot> (<top>))
592 (define-standard-class <protected-slot> (<foreign-slot>))
593 (define-standard-class <hidden-slot> (<foreign-slot>))
594 (define-standard-class <opaque-slot> (<foreign-slot>))
595 (define-standard-class <read-only-slot> (<foreign-slot>))
596 (define-standard-class <self-slot> (<read-only-slot>))
597 (define-standard-class <protected-opaque-slot> (<protected-slot>
598 <opaque-slot>))
599 (define-standard-class <protected-hidden-slot> (<protected-slot>
600 <hidden-slot>))
601 (define-standard-class <protected-read-only-slot> (<protected-slot>
602 <read-only-slot>))
603 (define-standard-class <scm-slot> (<protected-slot>))
604 (define-standard-class <int-slot> (<foreign-slot>))
605 (define-standard-class <float-slot> (<foreign-slot>))
606 (define-standard-class <double-slot> (<foreign-slot>))
608 (let-syntax ((visit
609 (syntax-rules ()
610 ((_ (name) tail)
611 (cons (list 'name) tail))
612 ((_ (name class) tail)
613 (cons (list 'name #:class class) tail)))))
614 (let* ((dslots (fold-class-slots macro-fold-right visit '()))
615 (g-n-s (%compute-getters-n-setters dslots)))
616 (struct-set! <class> class-index-direct-slots dslots)
617 (struct-set! <class> class-index-slots dslots)
618 (struct-set! <class> class-index-getters-n-setters g-n-s)))
621 \f
623 ;;;
624 ;;; Now, to build out the class hierarchy.
625 ;;;
627 (define-standard-class <procedure-class> (<class>))
629 (define-standard-class <applicable-struct-class>
630 (<procedure-class>))
631 (class-add-flags! <applicable-struct-class>
632 vtable-flag-applicable-vtable)
634 (define-standard-class <applicable-struct-with-setter-class>
635 (<applicable-struct-class>))
636 (class-add-flags! <applicable-struct-with-setter-class>
637 vtable-flag-setter-vtable)
639 (define-standard-class <applicable> (<top>))
640 (define-standard-class <applicable-struct> (<object> <applicable>)
641 #:metaclass <applicable-struct-class>
642 procedure)
643 (define-standard-class <applicable-struct-with-setter> (<applicable-struct>)
644 #:metaclass <applicable-struct-with-setter-class>
645 setter)
646 (define-standard-class <generic> (<applicable-struct>)
647 #:metaclass <applicable-struct-class>
648 methods
649 (n-specialized #:init-value 0)
650 (extended-by #:init-value ())
651 effective-methods)
652 (define-standard-class <extended-generic> (<generic>)
653 #:metaclass <applicable-struct-class>
654 (extends #:init-value ()))
655 (define-standard-class <generic-with-setter> (<generic>
656 <applicable-struct-with-setter>)
657 #:metaclass <applicable-struct-with-setter-class>)
658 (define-standard-class <accessor> (<generic-with-setter>)
659 #:metaclass <applicable-struct-with-setter-class>)
660 (define-standard-class <extended-generic-with-setter> (<extended-generic>
661 <generic-with-setter>)
662 #:metaclass <applicable-struct-with-setter-class>)
663 (define-standard-class <extended-accessor> (<accessor>
664 <extended-generic-with-setter>)
665 #:metaclass <applicable-struct-with-setter-class>)
667 (define-standard-class <method> (<object>)
668 generic-function
669 specializers
670 procedure
671 formals
672 body
673 make-procedure)
674 (define-standard-class <accessor-method> (<method>)
675 (slot-definition #:init-keyword #:slot-definition))
677 (define-standard-class <boolean> (<top>))
678 (define-standard-class <char> (<top>))
679 (define-standard-class <list> (<top>))
680 (define-standard-class <pair> (<list>))
681 (define-standard-class <null> (<list>))
682 (define-standard-class <string> (<top>))
683 (define-standard-class <symbol> (<top>))
684 (define-standard-class <vector> (<top>))
685 (define-standard-class <foreign> (<top>))
686 (define-standard-class <hashtable> (<top>))
687 (define-standard-class <fluid> (<top>))
688 (define-standard-class <dynamic-state> (<top>))
689 (define-standard-class <frame> (<top>))
690 (define-standard-class <vm-continuation> (<top>))
691 (define-standard-class <bytevector> (<top>))
692 (define-standard-class <uvec> (<bytevector>))
693 (define-standard-class <array> (<top>))
694 (define-standard-class <bitvector> (<top>))
695 (define-standard-class <number> (<top>))
696 (define-standard-class <complex> (<number>))
697 (define-standard-class <real> (<complex>))
698 (define-standard-class <integer> (<real>))
699 (define-standard-class <fraction> (<real>))
700 (define-standard-class <keyword> (<top>))
701 (define-standard-class <unknown> (<top>))
702 (define-standard-class <procedure> (<applicable>)
703 #:metaclass <procedure-class>)
704 (define-standard-class <primitive-generic> (<procedure>)
705 #:metaclass <procedure-class>)
706 (define-standard-class <port> (<top>))
707 (define-standard-class <input-port> (<port>))
708 (define-standard-class <output-port> (<port>))
709 (define-standard-class <input-output-port> (<input-port> <output-port>))
711 (define (inherit-applicable! class)
712 "An internal routine to redefine a SMOB class that was added after
713 GOOPS was loaded, and on which scm_set_smob_apply installed an apply
714 function."
715 ;; Why not use class-redefinition? We would, except that loading the
716 ;; compiler to compile effective methods can happen while GOOPS has
717 ;; only been partially loaded, and loading the compiler might cause
718 ;; SMOB types to be defined that need this facility. Instead we make
719 ;; a very specific hack, not a general solution. Probably the right
720 ;; solution is to avoid using the compiler, but that is another kettle
721 ;; of fish.
722 (unless (memq <applicable> (class-precedence-list class))
723 (unless (null? (class-slots class))
724 (error "SMOB object has slots?"))
725 (for-each
726 (lambda (super)
727 (let ((subclasses (struct-ref super class-index-direct-subclasses)))
728 (struct-set! super class-index-direct-subclasses
729 (delq class subclasses))))
730 (struct-ref class class-index-direct-supers))
731 (struct-set! class class-index-direct-supers (list <applicable>))
732 (struct-set! class class-index-cpl (compute-cpl class))
733 (let ((subclasses (struct-ref <applicable> class-index-direct-subclasses)))
734 (struct-set! <applicable> class-index-direct-subclasses
735 (cons class subclasses)))))
738 \f
740 ;;;
741 ;;; At this point we have defined the class hierarchy, and it's time to
742 ;;; move on to instance allocation and generics. Once we have generics,
743 ;;; we'll fill out the metaobject protocol.
744 ;;;
745 ;;; Here we define a limited version of `make', so that we can allocate
746 ;;; instances of specific classes. This definition will be replaced
747 ;;; later.
748 ;;;
749 (define (%invalidate-method-cache! gf)
750 (slot-set! gf 'procedure (delayed-compile gf))
751 (slot-set! gf 'effective-methods '()))
753 ;; Boot definition.
754 (define (invalidate-method-cache! gf)
755 (%invalidate-method-cache! gf))
757 (define* (get-keyword key l #:optional default)
758 "Determine an associated value for the keyword @var{key} from the list
759 @var{l}. The list @var{l} has to consist of an even number of elements,
760 where, starting with the first, every second element is a keyword,
761 followed by its associated value. If @var{l} does not hold a value for
762 @var{key}, the value @var{default} is returned."
763 (unless (keyword? key)
764 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a keyword: ~S" (list key) #f))
765 (let lp ((l l))
766 (match l
767 (() default)
768 ((kw arg . l)
769 (unless (keyword? kw)
770 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a keyword: ~S" (list kw) #f))
771 (if (eq? kw key) arg (lp l))))))
773 (define (%allocate-instance class)
774 (let ((obj (allocate-struct class (struct-ref class class-index-nfields))))
775 (%clear-fields! obj)
776 obj))
778 (define (make class . args)
779 (cond
780 ((or (eq? class <generic>) (eq? class <accessor>))
781 (let ((z (make-struct/no-tail class #f '() 0 '())))
782 (set-procedure-property! z 'name (get-keyword #:name args #f))
783 (invalidate-method-cache! z)
784 (when (eq? class <accessor>)
785 (let ((setter (get-keyword #:setter args #f)))
786 (when setter
787 (slot-set! z 'setter setter))))
788 z))
789 (else
790 (let ((z (%allocate-instance class)))
791 (cond
792 ((or (eq? class <method>) (eq? class <accessor-method>))
793 (for-each (match-lambda
794 ((kw slot default)
795 (slot-set! z slot (get-keyword kw args default))))
796 '((#:generic-function generic-function #f)
797 (#:specializers specializers ())
798 (#:procedure procedure #f)
799 (#:formals formals ())
800 (#:body body ())
801 (#:make-procedure make-procedure #f))))
802 ((memq <class> (class-precedence-list class))
803 (class-add-flags! z (logior vtable-flag-goops-class
804 vtable-flag-goops-valid))
805 (for-each (match-lambda
806 ((kw slot default)
807 (slot-set! z slot (get-keyword kw args default))))
808 '((#:name name ???)
809 (#:dsupers direct-supers ())
810 (#:slots direct-slots ()))))
811 (else
812 (error "boot `make' does not support this class" class)))
813 z))))
815 (define (is-a? obj class)
816 "Return @code{#t} if @var{obj} is an instance of @var{class}, or
817 @code{#f} otherwise."
818 (and (memq class (class-precedence-list (class-of obj))) #t))
821 \f
823 ;;;
824 ;;; Slot access. This protocol is a bit of a mess: there's the `slots'
825 ;;; slot, which ostensibly holds "slot definitions" but really just has
826 ;;; specially formatted lists. And then there's the `getters-n-setters'
827 ;;; slot, which mirrors `slots' but should in theory indicates how to
828 ;;; get at slots for a particular instance -- never mind that `slots'
829 ;;; was also computed for a particular instance, and that
830 ;;; `getters-n-setters' is a strangely structured chain of pairs.
831 ;;; Perhaps we can fix this in the future, following the CLOS MOP, to
832 ;;; have proper <effective-slot-definition> objects.
833 ;;;
834 (define (get-slot-value-using-name class obj slot-name)
835 (match (assq slot-name (struct-ref class class-index-getters-n-setters))
836 (#f (slot-missing class obj slot-name))
837 ((name init-thunk . (? exact-integer? index))
838 (struct-ref obj index))
839 ((name init-thunk getter setter . _)
840 (getter obj))))
842 (define (set-slot-value-using-name! class obj slot-name value)
843 (match (assq slot-name (struct-ref class class-index-getters-n-setters))
844 (#f (slot-missing class obj slot-name value))
845 ((name init-thunk . (? exact-integer? index))
846 (struct-set! obj index value))
847 ((name init-thunk getter setter . _)
848 (setter obj value))))
850 (define (test-slot-existence class obj slot-name)
851 (and (assq slot-name (struct-ref class class-index-getters-n-setters))
852 #t))
854 (define (check-slot-args class obj slot-name)
855 (unless (class? class)
856 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a class: ~S"
857 (list class) #f))
858 (unless (instance? obj)
859 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not an instance: ~S"
860 (list obj) #f))
861 (unless (symbol? slot-name)
862 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a symbol: ~S"
863 (list slot-name) #f)))
865 (define (slot-ref-using-class class obj slot-name)
866 (check-slot-args class obj slot-name)
867 (let ((val (get-slot-value-using-name class obj slot-name)))
868 (if (unbound? val)
869 (slot-unbound class obj slot-name)
870 val)))
872 (define (slot-set-using-class! class obj slot-name value)
873 (check-slot-args class obj slot-name)
874 (set-slot-value-using-name! class obj slot-name value))
876 (define (slot-bound-using-class? class obj slot-name)
877 (check-slot-args class obj slot-name)
878 (not (unbound? (get-slot-value-using-name class obj slot-name))))
880 (define (slot-exists-using-class? class obj slot-name)
881 (check-slot-args class obj slot-name)
882 (test-slot-existence class obj slot-name))
884 ;;;
885 ;;; Before we go on, some notes about class redefinition. In GOOPS,
886 ;;; classes can be redefined. Redefinition of a class marks the class
887 ;;; as invalid, and instances will be lazily migrated over to the new
888 ;;; representation as they are accessed. Migration happens when
889 ;;; `class-of' is called on an instance. For more technical details on
890 ;;; object redefinition, see struct.h.
891 ;;;
892 ;;; In the following interfaces, class-of handles the redefinition
893 ;;; protocol. I would think though that there is some thread-unsafety
894 ;;; here though as the { class, object data } pair needs to be accessed
895 ;;; atomically, not the { class, object } pair.
896 ;;;
898 (define (slot-ref obj slot-name)
899 "Return the value from @var{obj}'s slot with the nam var{slot_name}."
900 (unless (symbol? slot-name)
901 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a symbol: ~S"
902 (list slot-name) #f))
903 (let* ((class (class-of obj))
904 (val (get-slot-value-using-name class obj slot-name)))
905 (if (unbound? val)
906 (slot-unbound class obj slot-name)
907 val)))
909 (define (slot-set! obj slot-name value)
910 "Set the slot named @var{slot_name} of @var{obj} to @var{value}."
911 (unless (symbol? slot-name)
912 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a symbol: ~S"
913 (list slot-name) #f))
914 (set-slot-value-using-name! (class-of obj) obj slot-name value))
916 (define (slot-bound? obj slot-name)
917 "Return the value from @var{obj}'s slot with the nam var{slot_name}."
918 (unless (symbol? slot-name)
919 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a symbol: ~S"
920 (list slot-name) #f))
921 (not (unbound? (get-slot-value-using-name (class-of obj) obj slot-name))))
923 (define (slot-exists? obj slot-name)
924 "Return @code{#t} if @var{obj} has a slot named @var{slot_name}."
925 (unless (symbol? slot-name)
926 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a symbol: ~S"
927 (list slot-name) #f))
928 (test-slot-existence (class-of obj) obj slot-name))
931 \f
933 ;;;
934 ;;; Method accessors.
935 ;;;
936 (define (method-generic-function obj)
937 "Return the generic function for the method @var{obj}."
938 (unless (is-a? obj <method>)
939 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a method: ~S"
940 (list obj) #f))
941 (slot-ref obj 'generic-function))
943 (define (method-specializers obj)
944 "Return specializers of the method @var{obj}."
945 (unless (is-a? obj <method>)
946 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a method: ~S"
947 (list obj) #f))
948 (slot-ref obj 'specializers))
950 (define (method-procedure obj)
951 "Return the procedure of the method @var{obj}."
952 (unless (is-a? obj <method>)
953 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a method: ~S"
954 (list obj) #f))
955 (slot-ref obj 'procedure))
958 \f
960 ;;;
961 ;;; Generic functions!
962 ;;;
963 (define *dispatch-module* (current-module))
965 ;;;
966 ;;; Generic functions have an applicable-methods cache associated with
967 ;;; them. Every distinct set of types that is dispatched through a
968 ;;; generic adds an entry to the cache. This cache gets compiled out to
969 ;;; a dispatch procedure. In steady-state, this dispatch procedure is
970 ;;; never recompiled; but during warm-up there is some churn, both to
971 ;;; the cache and to the dispatch procedure.
972 ;;;
973 ;;; So what is the deal if warm-up happens in a multithreaded context?
974 ;;; There is indeed a window between missing the cache for a certain set
975 ;;; of arguments, and then updating the cache with the newly computed
976 ;;; applicable methods. One of the updaters is liable to lose their new
977 ;;; entry.
978 ;;;
979 ;;; This is actually OK though, because a subsequent cache miss for the
980 ;;; race loser will just cause memoization to try again. The cache will
981 ;;; eventually be consistent. We're not mutating the old part of the
982 ;;; cache, just consing on the new entry.
983 ;;;
984 ;;; It doesn't even matter if the dispatch procedure and the cache are
985 ;;; inconsistent -- most likely the type-set that lost the dispatch
986 ;;; procedure race will simply re-trigger a memoization, but since the
987 ;;; winner isn't in the effective-methods cache, it will likely also
988 ;;; re-trigger a memoization, and the cache will finally be consistent.
989 ;;; As you can see there is a possibility for ping-pong effects, but
990 ;;; it's unlikely given the shortness of the window between slot-set!
991 ;;; invocations. We could add a mutex, but it is strictly unnecessary,
992 ;;; and would add runtime cost and complexity.
993 ;;;
995 (define (emit-linear-dispatch gf-sym nargs methods free rest?)
996 (define (gen-syms n stem)
997 (let lp ((n (1- n)) (syms '()))
998 (if (< n 0)
999 syms
1000 (lp (1- n) (cons (gensym stem) syms)))))
1001 (let* ((args (gen-syms nargs "a"))
1002 (types (gen-syms nargs "t")))
1003 (let lp ((methods methods)
1004 (free free)
1005 (exp `(cache-miss ,gf-sym
1006 ,(if rest?
1007 `(cons* ,@args rest)
1008 `(list ,@args)))))
1009 (match methods
1010 (()
1011 (values `(,(if rest? `(,@args . rest) args)
1012 (let ,(map (lambda (t a)
1013 `(,t (class-of ,a)))
1014 types args)
1015 ,exp))
1016 free))
1017 ((#(_ specs _ cmethod) . methods)
1018 (let build-dispatch ((free free)
1019 (types types)
1020 (specs specs)
1021 (checks '()))
1022 (match types
1023 (()
1024 (let ((m-sym (gensym "p")))
1025 (lp methods
1026 (acons cmethod m-sym free)
1027 `(if (and . ,checks)
1028 ,(if rest?
1029 `(apply ,m-sym ,@args rest)
1030 `(,m-sym . ,args))
1031 ,exp))))
1032 ((type . types)
1033 (match specs
1034 ((spec . specs)
1035 (let ((var (assq-ref free spec)))
1036 (if var
1037 (build-dispatch free
1038 types
1039 specs
1040 (cons `(eq? ,type ,var)
1041 checks))
1042 (let ((var (gensym "c")))
1043 (build-dispatch (acons spec var free)
1044 types
1045 specs
1046 (cons `(eq? ,type ,var)
1047 checks)))))))))))))))
1049 (define (compute-dispatch-procedure gf cache)
1050 (define (scan)
1051 (let lp ((ls cache) (nreq -1) (nrest -1))
1052 (match ls
1053 (()
1054 (collate (make-vector (1+ nreq) '())
1055 (make-vector (1+ nrest) '())))
1056 ((#(len specs rest? cmethod) . ls)
1057 (if rest?
1058 (lp ls nreq (max nrest len))
1059 (lp ls (max nreq len) nrest))))))
1060 (define (collate req rest)
1061 (let lp ((ls cache))
1062 (match ls
1063 (() (emit req rest))
1064 (((and entry #(len specs rest? cmethod)) . ls)
1065 (if rest?
1066 (vector-set! rest len (cons entry (vector-ref rest len)))
1067 (vector-set! req len (cons entry (vector-ref req len))))
1068 (lp ls)))))
1069 (define (emit req rest)
1070 (let ((gf-sym (gensym "g")))
1071 (define (emit-rest n clauses free)
1072 (if (< n (vector-length rest))
1073 (match (vector-ref rest n)
1074 (() (emit-rest (1+ n) clauses free))
1075 ;; FIXME: hash dispatch
1076 (methods
1077 (call-with-values
1078 (lambda ()
1079 (emit-linear-dispatch gf-sym n methods free #t))
1080 (lambda (clause free)
1081 (emit-rest (1+ n) (cons clause clauses) free)))))
1082 (emit-req (1- (vector-length req)) clauses free)))
1083 (define (emit-req n clauses free)
1084 (if (< n 0)
1085 (comp `(lambda ,(map cdr free)
1086 (case-lambda ,@clauses))
1087 (map car free))
1088 (match (vector-ref req n)
1089 (() (emit-req (1- n) clauses free))
1090 ;; FIXME: hash dispatch
1091 (methods
1092 (call-with-values
1093 (lambda ()
1094 (emit-linear-dispatch gf-sym n methods free #f))
1095 (lambda (clause free)
1096 (emit-req (1- n) (cons clause clauses) free)))))))
1098 (emit-rest 0
1099 (if (or (zero? (vector-length rest))
1100 (null? (vector-ref rest 0)))
1101 (list `(args (cache-miss ,gf-sym args)))
1102 '())
1103 (acons gf gf-sym '()))))
1104 (define (comp exp vals)
1105 ;; When cross-compiling Guile itself, the native Guile must generate
1106 ;; code for the host.
1107 (with-target %host-type
1108 (lambda ()
1109 (let ((p ((@ (system base compile) compile) exp
1110 #:env *dispatch-module*
1111 #:from 'scheme
1112 #:opts '(#:partial-eval? #f #:cse? #f))))
1113 (apply p vals)))))
1115 ;; kick it.
1116 (scan))
1118 ;; o/~ ten, nine, eight
1119 ;; sometimes that's just how it goes
1120 ;; three, two, one
1121 ;;
1122 ;; get out before it blows o/~
1123 ;;
1124 (define timer-init 30)
1125 (define (delayed-compile gf)
1126 (let ((timer timer-init))
1127 (lambda args
1128 (set! timer (1- timer))
1129 (cond
1130 ((zero? timer)
1131 (let ((dispatch (compute-dispatch-procedure
1132 gf (slot-ref gf 'effective-methods))))
1133 (slot-set! gf 'procedure dispatch)
1134 (apply dispatch args)))
1135 (else
1136 ;; interestingly, this catches recursive compilation attempts as
1137 ;; well; in that case, timer is negative
1138 (cache-dispatch gf args))))))
1140 (define (cache-dispatch gf args)
1141 (define (map-until n f ls)
1142 (if (or (zero? n) (null? ls))
1143 '()
1144 (cons (f (car ls)) (map-until (1- n) f (cdr ls)))))
1145 (define (equal? x y) ; can't use the stock equal? because it's a generic...
1146 (cond ((pair? x) (and (pair? y)
1147 (eq? (car x) (car y))
1148 (equal? (cdr x) (cdr y))))
1149 ((null? x) (null? y))
1150 (else #f)))
1151 (if (slot-ref gf 'n-specialized)
1152 (let ((types (map-until (slot-ref gf 'n-specialized) class-of args)))
1153 (let lp ((cache (slot-ref gf 'effective-methods)))
1154 (cond ((null? cache)
1155 (cache-miss gf args))
1156 ((equal? (vector-ref (car cache) 1) types)
1157 (apply (vector-ref (car cache) 3) args))
1158 (else (lp (cdr cache))))))
1159 (cache-miss gf args)))
1161 (define (cache-miss gf args)
1162 (apply (memoize-method! gf args) args))
1164 (define (memoize-effective-method! gf args applicable)
1165 (define (first-n ls n)
1166 (if (or (zero? n) (null? ls))
1167 '()
1168 (cons (car ls) (first-n (cdr ls) (- n 1)))))
1169 (define (parse n ls)
1170 (cond ((null? ls)
1171 (memoize n #f (map class-of args)))
1172 ((= n (slot-ref gf 'n-specialized))
1173 (memoize n #t (map class-of (first-n args n))))
1174 (else
1175 (parse (1+ n) (cdr ls)))))
1176 (define (memoize len rest? types)
1177 (let* ((cmethod (compute-cmethod applicable types))
1178 (cache (cons (vector len types rest? cmethod)
1179 (slot-ref gf 'effective-methods))))
1180 (slot-set! gf 'effective-methods cache)
1181 (slot-set! gf 'procedure (delayed-compile gf))
1182 cmethod))
1183 (parse 0 args))
1185 ;;;
1186 ;;; Compiling next methods into method bodies
1187 ;;;
1189 ;;; So, for the reader: there basic idea is that, given that the
1190 ;;; semantics of `next-method' depend on the concrete types being
1191 ;;; dispatched, why not compile a specific procedure to handle each type
1192 ;;; combination that we see at runtime.
1193 ;;;
1194 ;;; In theory we can do much better than a bytecode compilation, because
1195 ;;; we know the *exact* types of the arguments. It's ideal for native
1196 ;;; compilation. A task for the future.
1197 ;;;
1198 ;;; I think this whole generic application mess would benefit from a
1199 ;;; strict MOP.
1201 (define (compute-cmethod methods types)
1202 (let ((make-procedure (slot-ref (car methods) 'make-procedure)))
1203 (if make-procedure
1204 (make-procedure
1205 (if (null? (cdr methods))
1206 (lambda args
1207 (no-next-method (method-generic-function (car methods)) args))
1208 (compute-cmethod (cdr methods) types)))
1209 (method-procedure (car methods)))))
1211 ;;;
1212 ;;; Memoization
1213 ;;;
1215 (define (memoize-method! gf args)
1216 (let ((applicable ((if (eq? gf compute-applicable-methods)
1217 %compute-applicable-methods
1218 compute-applicable-methods)
1219 gf args)))
1220 (cond (applicable
1221 (memoize-effective-method! gf args applicable))
1222 (else
1223 (no-applicable-method gf args)))))
1225 (set-procedure-property! memoize-method! 'system-procedure #t)
1227 (define no-applicable-method
1228 (make <generic> #:name 'no-applicable-method))
1230 (%goops-early-init)
1232 ;; Then load the rest of GOOPS
1234 \f
1235 ;; FIXME: deprecate.
1236 (define min-fixnum (- (expt 2 29)))
1237 (define max-fixnum (- (expt 2 29) 1))
1239 ;;
1240 ;; goops-error
1241 ;;
1242 (define (goops-error format-string . args)
1243 (scm-error 'goops-error #f format-string args '()))
1245 ;;;
1246 ;;; {Meta classes}
1247 ;;;
1249 (define ensure-metaclass-with-supers
1250 (let ((table-of-metas '()))
1251 (lambda (meta-supers)
1252 (let ((entry (assoc meta-supers table-of-metas)))
1253 (if entry
1254 ;; Found a previously created metaclass
1255 (cdr entry)
1256 ;; Create a new meta-class which inherit from "meta-supers"
1257 (let ((new (make <class> #:dsupers meta-supers
1258 #:slots '()
1259 #:name (gensym "metaclass"))))
1260 (set! table-of-metas (cons (cons meta-supers new) table-of-metas))
1261 new))))))
1263 (define (ensure-metaclass supers)
1264 (if (null? supers)
1265 <class>
1266 (let* ((all-metas (map (lambda (x) (class-of x)) supers))
1267 (all-cpls (append-map (lambda (m)
1268 (cdr (class-precedence-list m)))
1269 all-metas))
1270 (needed-metas '()))
1271 ;; Find the most specific metaclasses. The new metaclass will be
1272 ;; a subclass of these.
1273 (for-each
1274 (lambda (meta)
1275 (when (and (not (member meta all-cpls))
1276 (not (member meta needed-metas)))
1277 (set! needed-metas (append needed-metas (list meta)))))
1278 all-metas)
1279 ;; Now return a subclass of the metaclasses we found.
1280 (if (null? (cdr needed-metas))
1281 (car needed-metas) ; If there's only one, just use it.
1282 (ensure-metaclass-with-supers needed-metas)))))
1284 ;;;
1285 ;;; {Classes}
1286 ;;;
1288 ;;; (define-class NAME (SUPER ...) SLOT-DEFINITION ... OPTION ...)
1289 ;;;
1292 ;;;
1294 (define (make-class supers slots . options)
1295 (define (find-duplicate l)
1296 (match l
1297 (() #f)
1298 ((head . tail)
1299 (if (memq head tail)
1300 head
1301 (find-duplicate tail)))))
1303 (let* ((name (get-keyword #:name options (make-unbound)))
1304 (supers (if (not (or-map (lambda (class)
1305 (memq <object>
1306 (class-precedence-list class)))
1307 supers))
1308 (append supers (list <object>))
1309 supers))
1310 (metaclass (or (get-keyword #:metaclass options #f)
1311 (ensure-metaclass supers))))
1313 ;; Verify that all direct slots are different and that we don't inherit
1314 ;; several time from the same class
1315 (let ((tmp1 (find-duplicate supers))
1316 (tmp2 (find-duplicate (map slot-definition-name slots))))
1317 (if tmp1
1318 (goops-error "make-class: super class ~S is duplicate in class ~S"
1319 tmp1 name))
1320 (if tmp2
1321 (goops-error "make-class: slot ~S is duplicate in class ~S"
1322 tmp2 name)))
1324 ;; Everything seems correct, build the class
1325 (apply make metaclass
1326 #:dsupers supers
1327 #:slots slots
1328 #:name name
1329 options)))
1331 ;;; (class (SUPER ...) SLOT-DEFINITION ... OPTION ...)
1332 ;;;
1335 ;;;
1336 (define-syntax class
1337 (lambda (x)
1338 (define (parse-options options)
1339 (syntax-case options ()
1340 (() #'())
1341 ((kw arg . options) (keyword? (syntax->datum #'kw))
1342 (with-syntax ((options (parse-options #'options)))
1343 (syntax-case #'kw ()
1344 (#:init-form
1345 #'(kw 'arg #:init-thunk (lambda () arg) . options))
1346 (_
1347 #'(kw arg . options)))))))
1348 (define (check-valid-kwargs args)
1349 (syntax-case args ()
1350 (() #'())
1351 ((kw arg . args) (keyword? (syntax->datum #'kw))
1352 #`(kw arg . #,(check-valid-kwargs #'args)))))
1353 (define (parse-slots-and-kwargs args)
1354 (syntax-case args ()
1355 (()
1356 #'(() ()))
1357 ((kw . _) (keyword? (syntax->datum #'kw))
1358 #`(() #,(check-valid-kwargs args)))
1359 (((name option ...) args ...)
1360 (with-syntax (((slots kwargs) (parse-slots-and-kwargs #'(args ...)))
1361 ((option ...) (parse-options #'(option ...))))
1362 #'(((list 'name option ...) . slots) kwargs)))
1363 ((name args ...) (symbol? (syntax->datum #'name))
1364 (with-syntax (((slots kwargs) (parse-slots-and-kwargs #'(args ...))))
1365 #'(('(name) . slots) kwargs)))))
1366 (syntax-case x ()
1367 ((class (super ...) arg ...)
1368 (with-syntax ((((slot-def ...) (option ...))
1369 (parse-slots-and-kwargs #'(arg ...))))
1370 #'(make-class (list super ...)
1371 (list slot-def ...)
1372 option ...))))))
1374 (define-syntax define-class-pre-definition
1375 (lambda (x)
1376 (syntax-case x ()
1377 ((_ (k arg rest ...) out ...)
1378 (keyword? (syntax->datum #'k))
1379 (case (syntax->datum #'k)
1380 ((#:getter #:setter)
1381 #'(define-class-pre-definition (rest ...)
1382 out ...
1383 (when (or (not (defined? 'arg))
1384 (not (is-a? arg <generic>)))
1385 (toplevel-define!
1386 'arg
1387 (ensure-generic (if (defined? 'arg) arg #f) 'arg)))))
1388 ((#:accessor)
1389 #'(define-class-pre-definition (rest ...)
1390 out ...
1391 (when (or (not (defined? 'arg))
1392 (not (is-a? arg <accessor>)))
1393 (toplevel-define!
1394 'arg
1395 (ensure-accessor (if (defined? 'arg) arg #f) 'arg)))))
1396 (else
1397 #'(define-class-pre-definition (rest ...) out ...))))
1398 ((_ () out ...)
1399 #'(begin out ...)))))
1401 ;; Some slot options require extra definitions to be made. In
1402 ;; particular, we want to make sure that the generic function objects
1403 ;; which represent accessors exist before `make-class' tries to add
1404 ;; methods to them.
1405 (define-syntax define-class-pre-definitions
1406 (lambda (x)
1407 (syntax-case x ()
1408 ((_ () out ...)
1409 #'(begin out ...))
1410 ((_ (slot rest ...) out ...)
1411 (keyword? (syntax->datum #'slot))
1412 #'(begin out ...))
1413 ((_ (slot rest ...) out ...)
1414 (identifier? #'slot)
1415 #'(define-class-pre-definitions (rest ...)
1416 out ...))
1417 ((_ ((slotname slotopt ...) rest ...) out ...)
1418 #'(define-class-pre-definitions (rest ...)
1419 out ... (define-class-pre-definition (slotopt ...)))))))
1421 (define-syntax-rule (define-class name supers slot ...)
1422 (begin
1423 (define-class-pre-definitions (slot ...))
1424 (if (and (defined? 'name)
1425 (is-a? name <class>)
1426 (memq <object> (class-precedence-list name)))
1427 (class-redefinition name
1428 (class supers slot ... #:name 'name))
1429 (toplevel-define! 'name (class supers slot ... #:name 'name)))))
1431 (define-syntax-rule (standard-define-class arg ...)
1432 (define-class arg ...))
1434 ;;;
1435 ;;; {Generic functions and accessors}
1436 ;;;
1438 ;; Apparently the desired semantics are that we extend previous
1439 ;; procedural definitions, but that if `name' was already a generic, we
1440 ;; overwrite its definition.
1441 (define-syntax define-generic
1442 (lambda (x)
1443 (syntax-case x ()
1444 ((define-generic name) (symbol? (syntax->datum #'name))
1445 #'(define name
1446 (if (and (defined? 'name) (is-a? name <generic>))
1447 (make <generic> #:name 'name)
1448 (ensure-generic (if (defined? 'name) name #f) 'name)))))))
1450 (define-syntax define-extended-generic
1451 (lambda (x)
1452 (syntax-case x ()
1453 ((define-extended-generic name val) (symbol? (syntax->datum #'name))
1454 #'(define name (make-extended-generic val 'name))))))
1456 (define-syntax define-extended-generics
1457 (lambda (x)
1458 (define (id-append ctx a b)
1459 (datum->syntax ctx (symbol-append (syntax->datum a) (syntax->datum b))))
1460 (syntax-case x ()
1461 ((define-extended-generic (name ...) #:prefix (prefix ...))
1462 (and (and-map symbol? (syntax->datum #'(name ...)))
1463 (and-map symbol? (syntax->datum #'(prefix ...))))
1464 (with-syntax ((((val ...)) (map (lambda (name)
1465 (map (lambda (prefix)
1466 (id-append name prefix name))
1467 #'(prefix ...)))
1468 #'(name ...))))
1469 #'(begin
1470 (define-extended-generic name (list val ...))
1471 ...))))))
1473 (define* (make-generic #:optional name)
1474 (make <generic> #:name name))
1476 (define* (make-extended-generic gfs #:optional name)
1477 (let* ((gfs (if (list? gfs) gfs (list gfs)))
1478 (gws? (any (lambda (gf) (is-a? gf <generic-with-setter>)) gfs)))
1479 (let ((ans (if gws?
1480 (let* ((sname (and name (make-setter-name name)))
1481 (setters
1482 (append-map (lambda (gf)
1483 (if (is-a? gf <generic-with-setter>)
1484 (list (ensure-generic (setter gf)
1485 sname))
1486 '()))
1487 gfs))
1488 (es (make <extended-generic-with-setter>
1489 #:name name
1490 #:extends gfs
1491 #:setter (make <extended-generic>
1492 #:name sname
1493 #:extends setters))))
1494 (extended-by! setters (setter es))
1495 es)
1496 (make <extended-generic>
1497 #:name name
1498 #:extends gfs))))
1499 (extended-by! gfs ans)
1500 ans)))
1502 (define (extended-by! gfs eg)
1503 (for-each (lambda (gf)
1504 (slot-set! gf 'extended-by
1505 (cons eg (slot-ref gf 'extended-by))))
1506 gfs)
1507 (invalidate-method-cache! eg))
1509 (define (not-extended-by! gfs eg)
1510 (for-each (lambda (gf)
1511 (slot-set! gf 'extended-by
1512 (delq! eg (slot-ref gf 'extended-by))))
1513 gfs)
1514 (invalidate-method-cache! eg))
1516 (define* (ensure-generic old-definition #:optional name)
1517 (cond ((is-a? old-definition <generic>) old-definition)
1518 ((procedure-with-setter? old-definition)
1519 (make <generic-with-setter>
1520 #:name name
1521 #:default (procedure old-definition)
1522 #:setter (setter old-definition)))
1523 ((procedure? old-definition)
1524 (if (generic-capability? old-definition) old-definition
1525 (make <generic> #:name name #:default old-definition)))
1526 (else (make <generic> #:name name))))
1528 ;; same semantics as <generic>
1529 (define-syntax-rule (define-accessor name)
1530 (define name
1531 (cond ((not (defined? 'name)) (ensure-accessor #f 'name))
1532 ((is-a? name <accessor>) (make <accessor> #:name 'name))
1533 (else (ensure-accessor name 'name)))))
1535 (define (make-setter-name name)
1536 (string->symbol (string-append "setter:" (symbol->string name))))
1538 (define* (make-accessor #:optional name)
1539 (make <accessor>
1540 #:name name
1541 #:setter (make <generic>
1542 #:name (and name (make-setter-name name)))))
1544 (define* (ensure-accessor proc #:optional name)
1545 (cond ((and (is-a? proc <accessor>)
1546 (is-a? (setter proc) <generic>))
1547 proc)
1548 ((is-a? proc <generic-with-setter>)
1549 (upgrade-accessor proc (setter proc)))
1550 ((is-a? proc <generic>)
1551 (upgrade-accessor proc (make-generic name)))
1552 ((procedure-with-setter? proc)
1553 (make <accessor>
1554 #:name name
1555 #:default (procedure proc)
1556 #:setter (ensure-generic (setter proc) name)))
1557 ((procedure? proc)
1558 (ensure-accessor (if (generic-capability? proc)
1559 (make <generic> #:name name #:default proc)
1560 (ensure-generic proc name))
1561 name))
1562 (else
1563 (make-accessor name))))
1565 (define (upgrade-accessor generic setter)
1566 (let ((methods (slot-ref generic 'methods))
1567 (gws (make (if (is-a? generic <extended-generic>)
1568 <extended-generic-with-setter>
1569 <accessor>)
1570 #:name (generic-function-name generic)
1571 #:extended-by (slot-ref generic 'extended-by)
1572 #:setter setter)))
1573 (when (is-a? generic <extended-generic>)
1574 (let ((gfs (slot-ref generic 'extends)))
1575 (not-extended-by! gfs generic)
1576 (slot-set! gws 'extends gfs)
1577 (extended-by! gfs gws)))
1578 ;; Steal old methods
1579 (for-each (lambda (method)
1580 (slot-set! method 'generic-function gws))
1581 methods)
1582 (slot-set! gws 'methods methods)
1583 (invalidate-method-cache! gws)
1584 gws))
1586 ;;;
1587 ;;; {Methods}
1588 ;;;
1590 ;; Note: `a' and `b' can have unequal lengths (i.e. one can be one
1591 ;; element longer than the other when we have a dotted parameter
1592 ;; list). For instance, with the call
1593 ;;
1594 ;; (M 1)
1595 ;;
1596 ;; with
1597 ;;
1598 ;; (define-method M (a . l) ....)
1599 ;; (define-method M (a) ....)
1600 ;;
1601 ;; we consider that the second method is more specific.
1602 ;;
1603 ;; Precondition: `a' and `b' are methods and are applicable to `types'.
1604 (define (%method-more-specific? a b types)
1605 (let lp ((a-specializers (method-specializers a))
1606 (b-specializers (method-specializers b))
1607 (types types))
1608 (cond
1609 ;; (a) less specific than (a b ...) or (a . b)
1610 ((null? a-specializers) #t)
1611 ;; (a b ...) or (a . b) less specific than (a)
1612 ((null? b-specializers) #f)
1613 ;; (a . b) less specific than (a b ...)
1614 ((not (pair? a-specializers)) #f)
1615 ;; (a b ...) more specific than (a . b)
1616 ((not (pair? b-specializers)) #t)
1617 (else
1618 (let ((a-specializer (car a-specializers))
1619 (b-specializer (car b-specializers))
1620 (a-specializers (cdr a-specializers))
1621 (b-specializers (cdr b-specializers))
1622 (type (car types))
1623 (types (cdr types)))
1624 (if (eq? a-specializer b-specializer)
1625 (lp a-specializers b-specializers types)
1626 (let lp ((cpl (class-precedence-list type)))
1627 (let ((elt (car cpl)))
1628 (cond
1629 ((eq? a-specializer elt) #t)
1630 ((eq? b-specializer elt) #f)
1631 (else (lp (cdr cpl))))))))))))
1633 (define (%sort-applicable-methods methods types)
1634 (sort methods (lambda (a b) (%method-more-specific? a b types))))
1636 (define (generic-function-methods obj)
1637 "Return the methods of the generic function @var{obj}."
1638 (define (fold-upward method-lists gf)
1639 (cond
1640 ((is-a? gf <extended-generic>)
1641 (let lp ((method-lists method-lists) (gfs (slot-ref gf 'extends)))
1642 (match gfs
1643 (() method-lists)
1644 ((gf . gfs)
1645 (lp (fold-upward (cons (slot-ref gf 'methods) method-lists) gf)
1646 gfs)))))
1647 (else method-lists)))
1648 (define (fold-downward method-lists gf)
1649 (let lp ((method-lists (cons (slot-ref gf 'methods) method-lists))
1650 (gfs (slot-ref gf 'extended-by)))
1651 (match gfs
1652 (() method-lists)
1653 ((gf . gfs)
1654 (lp (fold-downward method-lists gf) gfs)))))
1655 (unless (is-a? obj <generic>)
1656 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a generic: ~S"
1657 (list obj) #f))
1658 (concatenate (fold-downward (fold-upward '() obj) obj)))
1660 (define (%compute-applicable-methods gf args)
1661 (define (method-applicable? m types)
1662 (let lp ((specs (method-specializers m)) (types types))
1663 (cond
1664 ((null? specs) (null? types))
1665 ((not (pair? specs)) #t)
1666 ((null? types) #f)
1667 (else
1668 (and (memq (car specs) (class-precedence-list (car types)))
1669 (lp (cdr specs) (cdr types)))))))
1670 (let ((n (length args))
1671 (types (map class-of args)))
1672 (let lp ((methods (generic-function-methods gf))
1673 (applicable '()))
1674 (if (null? methods)
1675 (and (not (null? applicable))
1676 (%sort-applicable-methods applicable types))
1677 (let ((m (car methods)))
1678 (lp (cdr methods)
1679 (if (method-applicable? m types)
1680 (cons m applicable)
1681 applicable)))))))
1683 (define compute-applicable-methods %compute-applicable-methods)
1685 (define (toplevel-define! name val)
1686 (module-define! (current-module) name val))
1688 (define-syntax define-method
1689 (syntax-rules (setter)
1690 ((_ ((setter name) . args) body ...)
1691 (begin
1692 (when (or (not (defined? 'name))
1693 (not (is-a? name <accessor>)))
1694 (toplevel-define! 'name
1695 (ensure-accessor
1696 (if (defined? 'name) name #f) 'name)))
1697 (add-method! (setter name) (method args body ...))))
1698 ((_ (name . args) body ...)
1699 (begin
1700 ;; FIXME: this code is how it always was, but it's quite cracky:
1701 ;; it will only define the generic function if it was undefined
1702 ;; before (ok), or *was defined to #f*. The latter is crack. But
1703 ;; there are bootstrap issues about fixing this -- change it to
1704 ;; (is-a? name <generic>) and see.
1705 (when (or (not (defined? 'name))
1706 (not name))
1707 (toplevel-define! 'name (make <generic> #:name 'name)))
1708 (add-method! name (method args body ...))))))
1710 (define-syntax method
1711 (lambda (x)
1712 (define (parse-args args)
1713 (let lp ((ls args) (formals '()) (specializers '()))
1714 (syntax-case ls ()
1715 (((f s) . rest)
1716 (and (identifier? #'f) (identifier? #'s))
1717 (lp #'rest
1718 (cons #'f formals)
1719 (cons #'s specializers)))
1720 ((f . rest)
1721 (identifier? #'f)
1722 (lp #'rest
1723 (cons #'f formals)
1724 (cons #'<top> specializers)))
1725 (()
1726 (list (reverse formals)
1727 (reverse (cons #''() specializers))))
1728 (tail
1729 (identifier? #'tail)
1730 (list (append (reverse formals) #'tail)
1731 (reverse (cons #'<top> specializers)))))))
1733 (define (find-free-id exp referent)
1734 (syntax-case exp ()
1735 ((x . y)
1736 (or (find-free-id #'x referent)
1737 (find-free-id #'y referent)))
1738 (x
1739 (identifier? #'x)
1740 (let ((id (datum->syntax #'x referent)))
1741 (and (free-identifier=? #'x id) id)))
1742 (_ #f)))
1744 (define (compute-procedure formals body)
1745 (syntax-case body ()
1746 ((body0 ...)
1747 (with-syntax ((formals formals))
1748 #'(lambda formals body0 ...)))))
1750 (define (->proper args)
1751 (let lp ((ls args) (out '()))
1752 (syntax-case ls ()
1753 ((x . xs) (lp #'xs (cons #'x out)))
1754 (() (reverse out))
1755 (tail (reverse (cons #'tail out))))))
1757 (define (compute-make-procedure formals body next-method)
1758 (syntax-case body ()
1759 ((body ...)
1760 (with-syntax ((next-method next-method))
1761 (syntax-case formals ()
1762 ((formal ...)
1763 #'(lambda (real-next-method)
1764 (lambda (formal ...)
1765 (let ((next-method (lambda args
1766 (if (null? args)
1767 (real-next-method formal ...)
1768 (apply real-next-method args)))))
1769 body ...))))
1770 (formals
1771 (with-syntax (((formal ...) (->proper #'formals)))
1772 #'(lambda (real-next-method)
1773 (lambda formals
1774 (let ((next-method (lambda args
1775 (if (null? args)
1776 (apply real-next-method formal ...)
1777 (apply real-next-method args)))))
1778 body ...))))))))))
1780 (define (compute-procedures formals body)
1781 ;; So, our use of this is broken, because it operates on the
1782 ;; pre-expansion source code. It's equivalent to just searching
1783 ;; for referent in the datums. Ah well.
1784 (let ((id (find-free-id body 'next-method)))
1785 (if id
1786 ;; return a make-procedure
1787 (values #'#f
1788 (compute-make-procedure formals body id))
1789 (values (compute-procedure formals body)
1790 #'#f))))
1792 (syntax-case x ()
1793 ((_ args) #'(method args (if #f #f)))
1794 ((_ args body0 body1 ...)
1795 (with-syntax (((formals (specializer ...)) (parse-args #'args)))
1796 (call-with-values
1797 (lambda ()
1798 (compute-procedures #'formals #'(body0 body1 ...)))
1799 (lambda (procedure make-procedure)
1800 (with-syntax ((procedure procedure)
1801 (make-procedure make-procedure))
1802 #'(make <method>
1803 #:specializers (cons* specializer ...)
1804 #:formals 'formals
1805 #:body '(body0 body1 ...)
1806 #:make-procedure make-procedure
1807 #:procedure procedure)))))))))
1809 ;;;
1810 ;;; {Utilities}
1811 ;;;
1812 ;;; These are useful when dealing with method specializers, which might
1813 ;;; have a rest argument.
1814 ;;;
1816 (define (map* fn . l) ; A map which accepts dotted lists (arg lists
1817 (cond ; must be "isomorph"
1818 ((null? (car l)) '())
1819 ((pair? (car l)) (cons (apply fn (map car l))
1820 (apply map* fn (map cdr l))))
1821 (else (apply fn l))))
1823 (define (for-each* fn . l) ; A for-each which accepts dotted lists (arg lists
1824 (cond ; must be "isomorph"
1825 ((null? (car l)) '())
1826 ((pair? (car l)) (apply fn (map car l)) (apply for-each* fn (map cdr l)))
1827 (else (apply fn l))))
1829 (define (length* ls)
1830 (do ((n 0 (+ 1 n))
1831 (ls ls (cdr ls)))
1832 ((not (pair? ls)) n)))
1834 ;;;
1835 ;;; {add-method!}
1836 ;;;
1838 (define (add-method-in-classes! m)
1839 ;; Add method in all the classes which appears in its specializers list
1840 (for-each* (lambda (x)
1841 (let ((dm (class-direct-methods x)))
1842 (unless (memq m dm)
1843 (struct-set! x class-index-direct-methods (cons m dm)))))
1844 (method-specializers m)))
1846 (define (remove-method-in-classes! m)
1847 ;; Remove method in all the classes which appears in its specializers list
1848 (for-each* (lambda (x)
1849 (struct-set! x
1850 class-index-direct-methods
1851 (delv! m (class-direct-methods x))))
1852 (method-specializers m)))
1854 (define (compute-new-list-of-methods gf new)
1855 (let ((new-spec (method-specializers new))
1856 (methods (slot-ref gf 'methods)))
1857 (let loop ((l methods))
1858 (if (null? l)
1859 (cons new methods)
1860 (if (equal? (method-specializers (car l)) new-spec)
1861 (begin
1862 ;; This spec. list already exists. Remove old method from dependents
1863 (remove-method-in-classes! (car l))
1864 (set-car! l new)
1865 methods)
1866 (loop (cdr l)))))))
1868 (define (method-n-specializers m)
1869 (length* (slot-ref m 'specializers)))
1871 (define (calculate-n-specialized gf)
1872 (fold (lambda (m n) (max n (method-n-specializers m)))
1873 0
1874 (generic-function-methods gf)))
1876 (define (invalidate-method-cache! gf)
1877 (%invalidate-method-cache! gf)
1878 (slot-set! gf 'n-specialized (calculate-n-specialized gf))
1879 (for-each (lambda (gf) (invalidate-method-cache! gf))
1880 (slot-ref gf 'extended-by)))
1882 (define internal-add-method!
1883 (method ((gf <generic>) (m <method>))
1884 (slot-set! m 'generic-function gf)
1885 (slot-set! gf 'methods (compute-new-list-of-methods gf m))
1886 (invalidate-method-cache! gf)
1887 (add-method-in-classes! m)
1888 *unspecified*))
1890 (define-generic add-method!)
1892 ((method-procedure internal-add-method!) add-method! internal-add-method!)
1894 (define-method (add-method! (proc <procedure>) (m <method>))
1895 (if (generic-capability? proc)
1896 (begin
1897 (enable-primitive-generic! proc)
1898 (add-method! proc m))
1899 (next-method)))
1901 (define-method (add-method! (pg <primitive-generic>) (m <method>))
1902 (add-method! (primitive-generic-generic pg) m))
1904 (define-method (add-method! obj (m <method>))
1905 (goops-error "~S is not a valid generic function" obj))
1907 ;;;
1908 ;;; {Access to meta objects}
1909 ;;;
1911 ;;;
1912 ;;; Methods
1913 ;;;
1914 (define-method (method-source (m <method>))
1915 (let* ((spec (map* class-name (slot-ref m 'specializers)))
1916 (src (procedure-source (slot-ref m 'procedure))))
1917 (and src
1918 (let ((args (cadr src))
1919 (body (cddr src)))
1920 (cons 'method
1921 (cons (map* list args spec)
1922 body))))))
1924 (define-method (method-formals (m <method>))
1925 (slot-ref m 'formals))
1927 ;;;
1928 ;;; Slots
1929 ;;;
1930 (define slot-definition-name car)
1932 (define slot-definition-options cdr)
1934 (define (slot-definition-allocation s)
1935 (get-keyword #:allocation (cdr s) #:instance))
1937 (define (slot-definition-getter s)
1938 (get-keyword #:getter (cdr s) #f))
1940 (define (slot-definition-setter s)
1941 (get-keyword #:setter (cdr s) #f))
1943 (define (slot-definition-accessor s)
1944 (get-keyword #:accessor (cdr s) #f))
1946 (define (slot-definition-init-value s)
1947 ;; can be #f, so we can't use #f as non-value
1948 (get-keyword #:init-value (cdr s) (make-unbound)))
1950 (define (slot-definition-init-form s)
1951 (get-keyword #:init-form (cdr s) (make-unbound)))
1953 (define (slot-definition-init-thunk s)
1954 (get-keyword #:init-thunk (cdr s) #f))
1956 (define (slot-definition-init-keyword s)
1957 (get-keyword #:init-keyword (cdr s) #f))
1959 (define (class-slot-definition class slot-name)
1960 (assq slot-name (class-slots class)))
1962 (define (slot-init-function class slot-name)
1963 (cadr (assq slot-name (struct-ref class class-index-getters-n-setters))))
1965 (define (accessor-method-slot-definition obj)
1966 "Return the slot definition of the accessor @var{obj}."
1967 (slot-ref obj 'slot-definition))
1970 ;;;
1971 ;;; {Standard methods used by the C runtime}
1972 ;;;
1974 ;;; Methods to compare objects
1975 ;;;
1977 ;; Have to do this in a strange order because equal? is used in the
1978 ;; add-method! implementation; we need to make sure that when the
1979 ;; primitive is extended, that the generic has a method. =
1980 (define g-equal? (make-generic 'equal?))
1981 ;; When this generic gets called, we will have already checked eq? and
1982 ;; eqv? -- the purpose of this generic is to extend equality. So by
1983 ;; default, there is no extension, thus the #f return.
1984 (add-method! g-equal? (method (x y) #f))
1985 (set-primitive-generic! equal? g-equal?)
1987 ;;;
1988 ;;; methods to display/write an object
1989 ;;;
1991 ; Code for writing objects must test that the slots they use are
1992 ; bound. Otherwise a slot-unbound method will be called and will
1993 ; conduct to an infinite loop.
1995 ;; Write
1996 (define (display-address o file)
1997 (display (number->string (object-address o) 16) file))
1999 (define-method (write o file)
2000 (display "#<instance " file)
2001 (display-address o file)
2002 (display #\> file))
2004 (define write-object (primitive-generic-generic write))
2006 (define-method (write (o <object>) file)
2007 (let ((class (class-of o)))
2008 (if (slot-bound? class 'name)
2009 (begin
2010 (display "#<" file)
2011 (display (class-name class) file)
2012 (display #\space file)
2013 (display-address o file)
2014 (display #\> file))
2015 (next-method))))
2017 (define-method (write (class <class>) file)
2018 (let ((meta (class-of class)))
2019 (if (and (slot-bound? class 'name)
2020 (slot-bound? meta 'name))
2021 (begin
2022 (display "#<" file)
2023 (display (class-name meta) file)
2024 (display #\space file)
2025 (display (class-name class) file)
2026 (display #\space file)
2027 (display-address class file)
2028 (display #\> file))
2029 (next-method))))
2031 (define-method (write (gf <generic>) file)
2032 (let ((meta (class-of gf)))
2033 (if (and (slot-bound? meta 'name)
2034 (slot-bound? gf 'methods))
2035 (begin
2036 (display "#<" file)
2037 (display (class-name meta) file)
2038 (let ((name (generic-function-name gf)))
2039 (if name
2040 (begin
2041 (display #\space file)
2042 (display name file))))
2043 (display " (" file)
2044 (display (length (generic-function-methods gf)) file)
2045 (display ")>" file))
2046 (next-method))))
2048 (define-method (write (o <method>) file)
2049 (let ((meta (class-of o)))
2050 (if (and (slot-bound? meta 'name)
2051 (slot-bound? o 'specializers))
2052 (begin
2053 (display "#<" file)
2054 (display (class-name meta) file)
2055 (display #\space file)
2056 (display (map* (lambda (spec)
2057 (if (slot-bound? spec 'name)
2058 (slot-ref spec 'name)
2059 spec))
2060 (method-specializers o))
2061 file)
2062 (display #\space file)
2063 (display-address o file)
2064 (display #\> file))
2065 (next-method))))
2067 ;; Display (do the same thing as write by default)
2068 (define-method (display o file)
2069 (write-object o file))
2071 ;;;
2072 ;;; Handling of duplicate bindings in the module system
2073 ;;;
2075 (define (find-subclass super name)
2076 (let lp ((classes (class-direct-subclasses super)))
2077 (cond
2078 ((null? classes)
2079 (error "class not found" name))
2080 ((and (slot-bound? (car classes) 'name)
2081 (eq? (class-name (car classes)) name))
2082 (car classes))
2083 (else
2084 (lp (cdr classes))))))
2086 ;; A record type.
2087 (define <module> (find-subclass <top> '<module>))
2089 (define-method (merge-generics (module <module>)
2090 (name <symbol>)
2091 (int1 <module>)
2092 (val1 <top>)
2093 (int2 <module>)
2094 (val2 <top>)
2095 (var <top>)
2096 (val <top>))
2097 #f)
2099 (define-method (merge-generics (module <module>)
2100 (name <symbol>)
2101 (int1 <module>)
2102 (val1 <generic>)
2103 (int2 <module>)
2104 (val2 <generic>)
2105 (var <top>)
2106 (val <boolean>))
2107 (and (not (eq? val1 val2))
2108 (make-variable (make-extended-generic (list val2 val1) name))))
2110 (define-method (merge-generics (module <module>)
2111 (name <symbol>)
2112 (int1 <module>)
2113 (val1 <generic>)
2114 (int2 <module>)
2115 (val2 <generic>)
2116 (var <top>)
2117 (gf <extended-generic>))
2118 (and (not (memq val2 (slot-ref gf 'extends)))
2119 (begin
2120 (slot-set! gf
2121 'extends
2122 (cons val2 (delq! val2 (slot-ref gf 'extends))))
2123 (slot-set! val2
2124 'extended-by
2125 (cons gf (delq! gf (slot-ref val2 'extended-by))))
2126 (invalidate-method-cache! gf)
2127 var)))
2129 (module-define! duplicate-handlers 'merge-generics merge-generics)
2131 (define-method (merge-accessors (module <module>)
2132 (name <symbol>)
2133 (int1 <module>)
2134 (val1 <top>)
2135 (int2 <module>)
2136 (val2 <top>)
2137 (var <top>)
2138 (val <top>))
2139 #f)
2141 (define-method (merge-accessors (module <module>)
2142 (name <symbol>)
2143 (int1 <module>)
2144 (val1 <accessor>)
2145 (int2 <module>)
2146 (val2 <accessor>)
2147 (var <top>)
2148 (val <top>))
2149 (merge-generics module name int1 val1 int2 val2 var val))
2151 (module-define! duplicate-handlers 'merge-accessors merge-accessors)
2153 ;;;
2154 ;;; slot access
2155 ;;;
2157 (define (class-slot-g-n-s class slot-name)
2158 (let* ((this-slot (assq slot-name (struct-ref class class-index-slots)))
2159 (getters-n-setters (struct-ref class class-index-getters-n-setters))
2160 (g-n-s (cddr (or (assq slot-name getters-n-setters)
2161 (slot-missing class slot-name)))))
2162 (unless (memq (slot-definition-allocation this-slot)
2163 '(#:class #:each-subclass))
2164 (slot-missing class slot-name))
2165 g-n-s))
2167 (define (class-slot-ref class slot)
2168 (let ((x ((car (class-slot-g-n-s class slot)) #f)))
2169 (if (unbound? x)
2170 (slot-unbound class slot)
2171 x)))
2173 (define (class-slot-set! class slot value)
2174 ((cadr (class-slot-g-n-s class slot)) #f value))
2176 (define-method (slot-unbound (c <class>) (o <object>) s)
2177 (goops-error "Slot `~S' is unbound in object ~S" s o))
2179 (define-method (slot-unbound (c <class>) s)
2180 (goops-error "Slot `~S' is unbound in class ~S" s c))
2182 (define-method (slot-unbound (o <object>))
2183 (goops-error "Unbound slot in object ~S" o))
2185 (define-method (slot-missing (c <class>) (o <object>) s)
2186 (goops-error "No slot with name `~S' in object ~S" s o))
2188 (define-method (slot-missing (c <class>) s)
2189 (goops-error "No class slot with name `~S' in class ~S" s c))
2192 (define-method (slot-missing (c <class>) (o <object>) s value)
2193 (slot-missing c o s))
2195 ;;; Methods for the possible error we can encounter when calling a gf
2197 (define-method (no-next-method (gf <generic>) args)
2198 (goops-error "No next method when calling ~S\nwith arguments ~S" gf args))
2200 (define-method (no-applicable-method (gf <generic>) args)
2201 (goops-error "No applicable method for ~S in call ~S"
2202 gf (cons (generic-function-name gf) args)))
2204 (define-method (no-method (gf <generic>) args)
2205 (goops-error "No method defined for ~S" gf))
2207 ;;;
2208 ;;; {Cloning functions (from rdeline@CS.CMU.EDU)}
2209 ;;;
2211 (define-method (shallow-clone (self <object>))
2212 (let* ((class (class-of self))
2213 (clone (%allocate-instance class))
2214 (slots (map slot-definition-name (class-slots class))))
2215 (for-each (lambda (slot)
2216 (when (slot-bound? self slot)
2217 (slot-set! clone slot (slot-ref self slot))))
2218 slots)
2219 clone))
2221 (define-method (deep-clone (self <object>))
2222 (let* ((class (class-of self))
2223 (clone (%allocate-instance class))
2224 (slots (map slot-definition-name (class-slots class))))
2225 (for-each (lambda (slot)
2226 (when (slot-bound? self slot)
2227 (slot-set! clone slot
2228 (let ((value (slot-ref self slot)))
2229 (if (instance? value)
2230 (deep-clone value)
2231 value)))))
2232 slots)
2233 clone))
2235 ;;;
2236 ;;; {Class redefinition utilities}
2237 ;;;
2239 ;;; (class-redefinition OLD NEW)
2240 ;;;
2242 ;;; Has correct the following conditions:
2244 ;;; Methods
2245 ;;;
2246 ;;; 1. New accessor specializers refer to new header
2247 ;;;
2248 ;;; Classes
2249 ;;;
2250 ;;; 1. New class cpl refers to the new class header
2251 ;;; 2. Old class header exists on old super classes direct-subclass lists
2252 ;;; 3. New class header exists on new super classes direct-subclass lists
2254 (define-method (class-redefinition (old <class>) (new <class>))
2255 ;; Work on direct methods:
2256 ;; 1. Remove accessor methods from the old class
2257 ;; 2. Patch the occurences of new in the specializers by old
2258 ;; 3. Displace the methods from old to new
2259 (remove-class-accessors! old) ;; -1-
2260 (let ((methods (class-direct-methods new)))
2261 (for-each (lambda (m)
2262 (update-direct-method! m new old)) ;; -2-
2263 methods)
2264 (struct-set! new
2265 class-index-direct-methods
2266 (append methods (class-direct-methods old))))
2268 ;; Substitute old for new in new cpl
2269 (set-car! (struct-ref new class-index-cpl) old)
2271 ;; Remove the old class from the direct-subclasses list of its super classes
2272 (for-each (lambda (c) (struct-set! c class-index-direct-subclasses
2273 (delv! old (class-direct-subclasses c))))
2274 (class-direct-supers old))
2276 ;; Replace the new class with the old in the direct-subclasses of the supers
2277 (for-each (lambda (c)
2278 (struct-set! c class-index-direct-subclasses
2279 (cons old (delv! new (class-direct-subclasses c)))))
2280 (class-direct-supers new))
2282 ;; Swap object headers
2283 (%modify-class old new)
2285 ;; Now old is NEW!
2287 ;; Redefine all the subclasses of old to take into account modification
2288 (for-each
2289 (lambda (c)
2290 (update-direct-subclass! c new old))
2291 (class-direct-subclasses new))
2293 ;; Invalidate class so that subsequent instances slot accesses invoke
2294 ;; change-object-class
2295 (struct-set! new class-index-redefined old)
2296 (class-clear-flags! new vtable-flag-goops-valid) ;must come after slot-set!
2298 old)
2300 ;;;
2301 ;;; remove-class-accessors!
2302 ;;;
2304 (define-method (remove-class-accessors! (c <class>))
2305 (for-each (lambda (m)
2306 (when (is-a? m <accessor-method>)
2307 (let ((gf (slot-ref m 'generic-function)))
2308 ;; remove the method from its GF
2309 (slot-set! gf 'methods
2310 (delq1! m (slot-ref gf 'methods)))
2311 (invalidate-method-cache! gf)
2312 ;; remove the method from its specializers
2313 (remove-method-in-classes! m))))
2314 (class-direct-methods c)))
2316 ;;;
2317 ;;; update-direct-method!
2318 ;;;
2320 (define-method (update-direct-method! (m <method>)
2321 (old <class>)
2322 (new <class>))
2323 (let loop ((l (method-specializers m)))
2324 ;; Note: the <top> in dotted list is never used.
2325 ;; So we can work as if we had only proper lists.
2326 (when (pair? l)
2327 (when (eqv? (car l) old)
2328 (set-car! l new))
2329 (loop (cdr l)))))
2331 ;;;
2332 ;;; update-direct-subclass!
2333 ;;;
2335 (define-method (update-direct-subclass! (c <class>)
2336 (old <class>)
2337 (new <class>))
2338 (class-redefinition c
2339 (make-class (class-direct-supers c)
2340 (class-direct-slots c)
2341 #:name (class-name c)
2342 #:metaclass (class-of c))))
2344 ;;;
2345 ;;; {Utilities for INITIALIZE methods}
2346 ;;;
2348 ;;; compute-slot-accessors
2349 ;;;
2350 (define (compute-slot-accessors class slots)
2351 (for-each
2352 (lambda (s g-n-s)
2353 (let ((getter-function (slot-definition-getter s))
2354 (setter-function (slot-definition-setter s))
2355 (accessor (slot-definition-accessor s)))
2356 (if getter-function
2357 (add-method! getter-function
2358 (compute-getter-method class g-n-s)))
2359 (if setter-function
2360 (add-method! setter-function
2361 (compute-setter-method class g-n-s)))
2362 (if accessor
2363 (begin
2364 (add-method! accessor
2365 (compute-getter-method class g-n-s))
2366 (add-method! (setter accessor)
2367 (compute-setter-method class g-n-s))))))
2368 slots (struct-ref class class-index-getters-n-setters)))
2370 (define-method (compute-getter-method (class <class>) slotdef)
2371 (let ((init-thunk (cadr slotdef))
2372 (g-n-s (cddr slotdef)))
2373 (make <accessor-method>
2374 #:specializers (list class)
2375 #:procedure (cond ((pair? g-n-s)
2376 (make-generic-bound-check-getter (car g-n-s)))
2377 (init-thunk
2378 (standard-get g-n-s))
2379 (else
2380 (bound-check-get g-n-s)))
2381 #:slot-definition slotdef)))
2383 (define-method (compute-setter-method (class <class>) slotdef)
2384 (let ((g-n-s (cddr slotdef)))
2385 (make <accessor-method>
2386 #:specializers (list class <top>)
2387 #:procedure (if (pair? g-n-s)
2388 (cadr g-n-s)
2389 (standard-set g-n-s))
2390 #:slot-definition slotdef)))
2392 (define (make-generic-bound-check-getter proc)
2393 (lambda (o)
2394 (let ((val (proc o)))
2395 (if (unbound? val)
2396 (slot-unbound o)
2397 val))))
2399 ;;; Pre-generate getters and setters for the first 20 slots.
2400 (define-syntax define-standard-accessor-method
2401 (lambda (stx)
2402 (define num-standard-pre-cache 20)
2403 (syntax-case stx ()
2404 ((_ ((proc n) arg ...) body)
2405 #`(define proc
2406 (let ((cache (vector #,@(map (lambda (n*)
2407 #`(lambda (arg ...)
2408 (let ((n #,n*))
2409 body)))
2410 (iota num-standard-pre-cache)))))
2411 (lambda (n)
2412 (if (< n #,num-standard-pre-cache)
2413 (vector-ref cache n)
2414 (lambda (arg ...) body)))))))))
2416 (define-standard-accessor-method ((bound-check-get n) o)
2417 (let ((x (struct-ref o n)))
2418 (if (unbound? x)
2419 (slot-unbound o)
2420 x)))
2422 (define-standard-accessor-method ((standard-get n) o)
2423 (struct-ref o n))
2425 (define-standard-accessor-method ((standard-set n) o v)
2426 (struct-set! o n v))
2428 ;;; compute-getters-n-setters
2429 ;;;
2430 (define (compute-getters-n-setters class slots)
2432 (define (compute-slot-init-function name s)
2433 (or (let ((thunk (slot-definition-init-thunk s)))
2434 (and thunk
2435 (if (thunk? thunk)
2436 thunk
2437 (goops-error "Bad init-thunk for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S"
2438 name class thunk))))
2439 (let ((init (slot-definition-init-value s)))
2440 (and (not (unbound? init))
2441 (lambda () init)))))
2443 (define (verify-accessors slot l)
2444 (cond ((integer? l))
2445 ((not (and (list? l) (= (length l) 2)))
2446 (goops-error "Bad getter and setter for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S"
2447 slot class l))
2448 (else
2449 (let ((get (car l))
2450 (set (cadr l)))
2451 (unless (procedure? get)
2452 (goops-error "Bad getter closure for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S"
2453 slot class get))
2454 (unless (procedure? set)
2455 (goops-error "Bad setter closure for slot `~S' in ~S: ~S"
2456 slot class set))))))
2458 (map (lambda (s)
2459 ;; The strange treatment of nfields is due to backward compatibility.
2460 (let* ((index (slot-ref class 'nfields))
2461 (g-n-s (compute-get-n-set class s))
2462 (size (- (slot-ref class 'nfields) index))
2463 (name (slot-definition-name s)))
2464 ;; NOTE: The following is interdependent with C macros
2465 ;; defined above goops.c:scm_sys_prep_layout_x.
2466 ;;
2467 ;; For simple instance slots, we have the simplest form
2468 ;; '(name init-function . index)
2469 ;; For other slots we have
2470 ;; '(name init-function getter setter . alloc)
2471 ;; where alloc is:
2472 ;; '(index size) for instance allocated slots
2473 ;; '() for other slots
2474 (verify-accessors name g-n-s)
2475 (case (slot-definition-allocation s)
2476 ((#:each-subclass #:class)
2477 (unless (and (zero? size) (pair? g-n-s))
2478 (error "Class-allocated slots should not reserve fields"))
2479 ;; Don't initialize the slot; that's handled when the slot
2480 ;; is allocated, in compute-get-n-set.
2481 (cons name (cons #f g-n-s)))
2482 (else
2483 (cons name
2484 (cons (compute-slot-init-function name s)
2485 (if (or (integer? g-n-s)
2486 (zero? size))
2487 g-n-s
2488 (append g-n-s (list index size)))))))))
2489 slots))
2491 ;;; compute-cpl
2492 ;;;
2494 ;; Replace the bootstrap compute-cpl with this definition.
2495 (define compute-cpl
2496 (make <generic> #:name 'compute-cpl))
2498 (define-method (compute-cpl (class <class>))
2499 (compute-std-cpl class class-direct-supers))
2501 ;;; compute-get-n-set
2502 ;;;
2503 (define-method (compute-get-n-set (class <class>) s)
2504 (define (class-slot-init-value)
2505 (let ((thunk (slot-definition-init-thunk s)))
2506 (if thunk
2507 (thunk)
2508 (slot-definition-init-value s))))
2510 (case (slot-definition-allocation s)
2511 ((#:instance) ;; Instance slot
2512 ;; get-n-set is just its offset
2513 (let ((already-allocated (struct-ref class class-index-nfields)))
2514 (struct-set! class class-index-nfields (+ already-allocated 1))
2515 already-allocated))
2517 ((#:class) ;; Class slot
2518 ;; Class-slots accessors are implemented as 2 closures around
2519 ;; a Scheme variable. As instance slots, class slots must be
2520 ;; unbound at init time.
2521 (let ((name (slot-definition-name s)))
2522 (if (memq name (map slot-definition-name (class-direct-slots class)))
2523 ;; This slot is direct; create a new shared variable
2524 (make-closure-variable class (class-slot-init-value))
2525 ;; Slot is inherited. Find its definition in superclass
2526 (let loop ((l (cdr (class-precedence-list class))))
2527 (let ((r (assoc name
2528 (struct-ref (car l)
2529 class-index-getters-n-setters))))
2530 (if r
2531 (cddr r)
2532 (loop (cdr l))))))))
2534 ((#:each-subclass) ;; slot shared by instances of direct subclass.
2535 ;; (Thomas Buerger, April 1998)
2536 (make-closure-variable class (class-slot-init-value)))
2538 ((#:virtual) ;; No allocation
2539 ;; slot-ref and slot-set! function must be given by the user
2540 (let ((get (get-keyword #:slot-ref (slot-definition-options s) #f))
2541 (set (get-keyword #:slot-set! (slot-definition-options s) #f)))
2542 (unless (and get set)
2543 (goops-error "You must supply a #:slot-ref and a #:slot-set! in ~S" s))
2544 (list get set)))
2545 (else (next-method))))
2547 (define (make-closure-variable class value)
2548 (list (lambda (o) value)
2549 (lambda (o v) (set! value v))))
2551 (define-method (compute-get-n-set (o <object>) s)
2552 (goops-error "Allocation \"~S\" is unknown" (slot-definition-allocation s)))
2554 (define-method (compute-slots (class <class>))
2555 (build-slots-list (class-direct-slots class)
2556 (class-precedence-list class)))
2558 ;;;
2559 ;;; {Initialize}
2560 ;;;
2562 (define *unbound* (make-unbound))
2564 ;; FIXME: This could be much more efficient.
2565 (define (%initialize-object obj initargs)
2566 "Initialize the object @var{obj} with the given arguments
2567 var{initargs}."
2568 (unless (instance? obj)
2569 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not an object: ~S"
2570 (list obj) #f))
2571 (unless (even? (length initargs))
2572 (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Initargs has odd length: ~S"
2573 (list initargs) #f))
2574 (let ((class (class-of obj)))
2575 (define (get-initarg kw)
2576 (if kw
2577 (get-keyword kw initargs *unbound*)
2578 *unbound*))
2579 (let lp ((get-n-set (struct-ref class class-index-getters-n-setters))
2580 (slots (struct-ref class class-index-slots)))
2581 (match slots
2582 (() obj)
2583 (((name . options) . slots)
2584 (match get-n-set
2585 (((_ init-thunk . _) . get-n-set)
2586 (let ((initarg (get-initarg (get-keyword #:init-keyword options))))
2587 (cond
2588 ((not (unbound? initarg))
2589 (slot-set! obj name initarg))
2590 (init-thunk
2591 (slot-set! obj name (init-thunk)))))
2592 (lp get-n-set slots))))))))
2594 (define-method (initialize (object <object>) initargs)
2595 (%initialize-object object initargs))
2597 (define-method (initialize (class <class>) initargs)
2598 (next-method)
2599 (let ((dslots (get-keyword #:slots initargs '()))
2600 (supers (get-keyword #:dsupers initargs '())))
2601 (class-add-flags! class (logior vtable-flag-goops-class
2602 vtable-flag-goops-valid))
2603 (let ((name (get-keyword #:name initargs '???)))
2604 (struct-set! class class-index-name name))
2605 (struct-set! class class-index-nfields 0)
2606 (struct-set! class class-index-direct-supers supers)
2607 (struct-set! class class-index-direct-slots dslots)
2608 (struct-set! class class-index-direct-subclasses '())
2609 (struct-set! class class-index-direct-methods '())
2610 (struct-set! class class-index-cpl (compute-cpl class))
2611 (struct-set! class class-index-redefined #f)
2612 (let ((slots (compute-slots class)))
2613 (struct-set! class class-index-slots slots)
2614 (let ((getters-n-setters (compute-getters-n-setters class slots)))
2615 (struct-set! class class-index-getters-n-setters getters-n-setters))
2616 ;; Build getters - setters - accessors
2617 (compute-slot-accessors class slots))
2619 ;; Update the "direct-subclasses" of each inherited classes
2620 (for-each (lambda (x)
2621 (let ((dsubs (struct-ref x class-index-direct-subclasses)))
2622 (struct-set! x class-index-direct-subclasses
2623 (cons class dsubs))))
2624 supers)
2626 ;; Compute struct layout of instances, set the `layout' slot, and
2627 ;; update class flags.
2628 (%prep-layout! class)))
2630 (define (initialize-object-procedure object initargs)
2631 (let ((proc (get-keyword #:procedure initargs #f)))
2632 (cond ((not proc))
2633 ((pair? proc)
2634 (apply slot-set! object 'procedure proc))
2635 (else
2636 (slot-set! object 'procedure proc)))))
2638 (define-method (initialize (applicable-struct <applicable-struct>) initargs)
2639 (next-method)
2640 (initialize-object-procedure applicable-struct initargs))
2642 (define-method (initialize (applicable-struct <applicable-struct-with-setter>)
2643 initargs)
2644 (next-method)
2645 (slot-set! applicable-struct 'setter (get-keyword #:setter initargs #f)))
2647 (define-method (initialize (generic <generic>) initargs)
2648 (let ((previous-definition (get-keyword #:default initargs #f))
2649 (name (get-keyword #:name initargs #f)))
2650 (next-method)
2651 (slot-set! generic 'methods (if (is-a? previous-definition <procedure>)
2652 (list (method args
2653 (apply previous-definition args)))
2654 '()))
2655 (if name
2656 (set-procedure-property! generic 'name name))
2657 (invalidate-method-cache! generic)))
2659 (define-method (initialize (eg <extended-generic>) initargs)
2660 (next-method)
2661 (slot-set! eg 'extends (get-keyword #:extends initargs '())))
2663 (define dummy-procedure (lambda args *unspecified*))
2665 (define-method (initialize (method <method>) initargs)
2666 (next-method)
2667 (slot-set! method 'generic-function (get-keyword #:generic-function initargs #f))
2668 (slot-set! method 'specializers (get-keyword #:specializers initargs '()))
2669 (slot-set! method 'procedure
2670 (get-keyword #:procedure initargs #f))
2671 (slot-set! method 'formals (get-keyword #:formals initargs '()))
2672 (slot-set! method 'body (get-keyword #:body initargs '()))
2673 (slot-set! method 'make-procedure (get-keyword #:make-procedure initargs #f)))
2676 ;;;
2677 ;;; {Change-class}
2678 ;;;
2680 (define (change-object-class old-instance old-class new-class)
2681 (let ((new-instance (allocate-instance new-class '())))
2682 ;; Initialize the slots of the new instance
2683 (for-each (lambda (slot)
2684 (if (and (slot-exists-using-class? old-class old-instance slot)
2685 (eq? (slot-definition-allocation
2686 (class-slot-definition old-class slot))
2687 #:instance)
2688 (slot-bound-using-class? old-class old-instance slot))
2689 ;; Slot was present and allocated in old instance; copy it
2690 (slot-set-using-class!
2691 new-class
2692 new-instance
2693 slot
2694 (slot-ref-using-class old-class old-instance slot))
2695 ;; slot was absent; initialize it with its default value
2696 (let ((init (slot-init-function new-class slot)))
2697 (if init
2698 (slot-set-using-class!
2699 new-class
2700 new-instance
2701 slot
2702 (apply init '()))))))
2703 (map slot-definition-name (class-slots new-class)))
2704 ;; Exchange old and new instance in place to keep pointers valid
2705 (%modify-instance old-instance new-instance)
2706 ;; Allow class specific updates of instances (which now are swapped)
2707 (update-instance-for-different-class new-instance old-instance)
2708 old-instance))
2711 (define-method (update-instance-for-different-class (old-instance <object>)
2712 (new-instance
2713 <object>))
2714 ;;not really important what we do, we just need a default method
2715 new-instance)
2717 (define-method (change-class (old-instance <object>) (new-class <class>))
2718 (change-object-class old-instance (class-of old-instance) new-class))
2720 ;;;
2721 ;;; {make}
2722 ;;;
2723 ;;; A new definition which overwrites the previous one which was built-in
2724 ;;;
2726 (define-method (allocate-instance (class <class>) initargs)
2727 (%allocate-instance class))
2729 (define-method (make-instance (class <class>) . initargs)
2730 (let ((instance (allocate-instance class initargs)))
2731 (initialize instance initargs)
2732 instance))
2734 (define make make-instance)
2736 ;;;
2737 ;;; {apply-generic}
2738 ;;;
2739 ;;; Protocol for calling generic functions, intended to be used when
2740 ;;; applying subclasses of <generic> and <generic-with-setter>. The
2741 ;;; code below is similar to the first MOP described in AMOP.
2742 ;;;
2743 ;;; Note that standard generic functions dispatch only on the classes of
2744 ;;; the arguments, and the result of such dispatch can be memoized. The
2745 ;;; `cache-dispatch' routine implements this. `apply-generic' isn't
2746 ;;; called currently; the generic function MOP was never fully
2747 ;;; implemented in GOOPS. However now that GOOPS is implemented
2748 ;;; entirely in Scheme (2015) it's much easier to complete this work.
2749 ;;; Contributions gladly accepted! Please read the AMOP first though :)
2750 ;;;
2751 ;;; The protocol is:
2752 ;;;
2753 ;;; + apply-generic (gf args)
2754 ;;; + compute-applicable-methods (gf args ...)
2755 ;;; + sort-applicable-methods (gf methods args)
2756 ;;; + apply-methods (gf methods args)
2757 ;;;
2758 ;;; apply-methods calls make-next-method to build the "continuation" of
2759 ;;; a method. Applying a next-method will call apply-next-method which
2760 ;;; in turn will call apply again to call effectively the following
2761 ;;; method. (This paragraph is out of date but is kept so that maybe it
2762 ;;; illuminates some future hack.)
2763 ;;;
2765 (define-method (apply-generic (gf <generic>) args)
2766 (when (null? (slot-ref gf 'methods))
2767 (no-method gf args))
2768 (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods gf args)))
2769 (if methods
2770 (apply-methods gf (sort-applicable-methods gf methods args) args)
2771 (no-applicable-method gf args))))
2773 ;; compute-applicable-methods is bound to %compute-applicable-methods.
2774 ;; *fixme* use let
2775 (define %%compute-applicable-methods
2776 (make <generic> #:name 'compute-applicable-methods))
2778 (define-method (%%compute-applicable-methods (gf <generic>) args)
2779 (%compute-applicable-methods gf args))
2781 (set! compute-applicable-methods %%compute-applicable-methods)
2783 (define-method (sort-applicable-methods (gf <generic>) methods args)
2784 (%sort-applicable-methods methods (map class-of args)))
2786 (define-method (method-more-specific? (m1 <method>) (m2 <method>) targs)
2787 (%method-more-specific? m1 m2 targs))
2789 (define-method (apply-method (gf <generic>) methods build-next args)
2790 (apply (method-procedure (car methods))
2791 (build-next (cdr methods) args)
2792 args))
2794 (define-method (apply-methods (gf <generic>) (l <list>) args)
2795 (letrec ((next (lambda (procs args)
2796 (lambda new-args
2797 (let ((a (if (null? new-args) args new-args)))
2798 (if (null? procs)
2799 (no-next-method gf a)
2800 (apply-method gf procs next a)))))))
2801 (apply-method gf l next args)))
2803 ;; We don't want the following procedure to turn up in backtraces:
2804 (for-each (lambda (proc)
2805 (set-procedure-property! proc 'system-procedure #t))
2806 (list slot-unbound
2807 slot-missing
2808 no-next-method
2809 no-applicable-method
2810 no-method
2811 ))
2813 ;;;
2814 ;;; {Final initialization}
2815 ;;;
2817 ;; Tell C code that the main bulk of Goops has been loaded
2818 (%goops-loaded)
2821 \f
2823 ;;;
2824 ;;; {SMOB and port classes}
2825 ;;;
2827 (define <arbiter> (find-subclass <top> '<arbiter>))
2828 (define <promise> (find-subclass <top> '<promise>))
2829 (define <thread> (find-subclass <top> '<thread>))
2830 (define <mutex> (find-subclass <top> '<mutex>))
2831 (define <condition-variable> (find-subclass <top> '<condition-variable>))
2832 (define <regexp> (find-subclass <top> '<regexp>))
2833 (define <hook> (find-subclass <top> '<hook>))
2834 (define <bitvector> (find-subclass <top> '<bitvector>))
2835 (define <random-state> (find-subclass <top> '<random-state>))
2836 (define <async> (find-subclass <top> '<async>))
2837 (define <directory> (find-subclass <top> '<directory>))
2838 (define <array> (find-subclass <top> '<array>))
2839 (define <character-set> (find-subclass <top> '<character-set>))
2840 (define <dynamic-object> (find-subclass <top> '<dynamic-object>))
2841 (define <guardian> (find-subclass <applicable> '<guardian>))
2842 (define <macro> (find-subclass <top> '<macro>))
2844 (define (define-class-subtree class)
2845 (define! (class-name class) class)
2846 (for-each define-class-subtree (class-direct-subclasses class)))
2848 (define-class-subtree (find-subclass <port> '<file-port>))