Small type-fold cleanup
[bpt/guile.git] / module / language / cps / type-fold.scm
1 ;;; Abstract constant folding on CPS
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
6 ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
7 ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10 ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 ;;; License along with this program. If not, see
16 ;;; <>.
18 ;;; Commentary:
19 ;;;
20 ;;; This pass uses the abstract interpretation provided by type analysis
21 ;;; to fold constant values and type predicates. It is most profitably
22 ;;; run after CSE, to take advantage of scalar replacement.
23 ;;;
24 ;;; Code:
26 (define-module (language cps type-fold)
27 #:use-module (ice-9 match)
28 #:use-module (language cps)
29 #:use-module (language cps dfg)
30 #:use-module (language cps renumber)
31 #:use-module (language cps types)
32 #:export (type-fold))
34 (define &scalar-types
35 (logior &exact-integer &flonum &char &unspecified &boolean &nil &null))
37 (define *branch-folders* (make-hash-table))
39 (define-syntax-rule (define-branch-folder name f)
40 (hashq-set! *branch-folders* 'name f))
42 (define-syntax-rule (define-branch-folder-alias to from)
43 (hashq-set! *branch-folders* 'to (hashq-ref *branch-folders* 'from)))
45 (define-syntax-rule (define-unary-branch-folder (name arg min max) body ...)
46 (define-branch-folder name (lambda (arg min max) body ...)))
48 (define-syntax-rule (define-binary-branch-folder (name arg0 min0 max0
49 arg1 min1 max1)
50 body ...)
51 (define-branch-folder name (lambda (arg0 min0 max0 arg1 min1 max1) body ...)))
53 (define-syntax-rule (define-unary-type-predicate-folder name &type)
54 (define-unary-branch-folder (name type min max)
55 (let ((type* (logand type &type)))
56 (cond
57 ((zero? type*) (values #t #f))
58 ((eqv? type type*) (values #t #t))
59 (else (values #f #f))))))
61 ;; All the cases that are in compile-bytecode.
62 (define-unary-type-predicate-folder pair? &pair)
63 (define-unary-type-predicate-folder null? &null)
64 (define-unary-type-predicate-folder nil? &nil)
65 (define-unary-type-predicate-folder symbol? &symbol)
66 (define-unary-type-predicate-folder variable? &box)
67 (define-unary-type-predicate-folder vector? &vector)
68 (define-unary-type-predicate-folder struct? &struct)
69 (define-unary-type-predicate-folder string? &string)
70 (define-unary-type-predicate-folder number? &number)
71 (define-unary-type-predicate-folder char? &char)
73 (define-binary-branch-folder (eq? type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
74 (cond
75 ((or (zero? (logand type0 type1)) (< max0 min1) (< max1 min0))
76 (values #t #f))
77 ((and (eqv? type0 type1)
78 (eqv? min0 min1 max0 max1)
79 (zero? (logand type0 (1- type0)))
80 (not (zero? (logand type0 &scalar-types))))
81 (values #t #t))
82 (else
83 (values #f #f))))
84 (define-branch-folder-alias eqv? eq?)
85 (define-branch-folder-alias equal? eq?)
87 (define (compare-ranges type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
88 (and (zero? (logand (logior type0 type1) (lognot &real)))
89 (cond ((< max0 min1) '<)
90 ((> min0 max1) '>)
91 ((= min0 max0 min1 max1) '=)
92 ((<= max0 min1) '<=)
93 ((>= min0 max1) '>=)
94 (else #f))))
96 (define-binary-branch-folder (< type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
97 (case (compare-ranges type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
98 ((<) (values #t #t))
99 ((= >= >) (values #t #f))
100 (else (values #f #f))))
102 (define-binary-branch-folder (<= type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
103 (case (compare-ranges type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
104 ((< <= =) (values #t #t))
105 ((>) (values #t #f))
106 (else (values #f #f))))
108 (define-binary-branch-folder (= type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
109 (case (compare-ranges type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
110 ((=) (values #t #t))
111 ((< >) (values #t #f))
112 (else (values #f #f))))
114 (define-binary-branch-folder (>= type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
115 (case (compare-ranges type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
116 ((> >= =) (values #t #t))
117 ((<) (values #t #f))
118 (else (values #f #f))))
120 (define-binary-branch-folder (> type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
121 (case (compare-ranges type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
122 ((>) (values #t #t))
123 ((= <= <) (values #t #f))
124 (else (values #f #f))))
126 (define-binary-branch-folder (logtest type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1)
127 (define (logand-min a b)
128 (if (< a b 0)
129 (min a b)
130 0))
131 (define (logand-max a b)
132 (if (< a b 0)
133 0
134 (max a b)))
135 (if (and (= min0 max0) (= min1 max1) (eqv? type0 type1 &exact-integer))
136 (values #t (logtest min0 min1))
137 (values #f #f)))
139 (define (compute-folded fun dfg min-label min-var)
140 (define (scalar-value type val)
141 (cond
142 ((eqv? type &exact-integer) val)
143 ((eqv? type &flonum) (exact->inexact val))
144 ((eqv? type &char) (integer->char val))
145 ((eqv? type &unspecified) *unspecified*)
146 ((eqv? type &boolean) (not (zero? val)))
147 ((eqv? type &nil) #nil)
148 ((eqv? type &null) '())
149 (else (error "unhandled type" type val))))
150 (let* ((typev (infer-types fun dfg))
151 (label-count ((make-local-cont-folder label-count)
152 (lambda (k cont label-count) (1+ label-count))
153 fun 0))
154 (folded? (make-bitvector label-count #f))
155 (folded-values (make-vector label-count #f)))
156 (define (label->idx label) (- label min-label))
157 (define (var->idx var) (- var min-var))
158 (define (maybe-fold-value! label name def)
159 (call-with-values (lambda () (lookup-post-type typev label def 0))
160 (lambda (type min max)
161 (when (and (not (zero? type))
162 (zero? (logand type (1- type)))
163 (zero? (logand type (lognot &scalar-types)))
164 (eqv? min max))
165 (bitvector-set! folded? (label->idx label) #t)
166 (vector-set! folded-values (label->idx label)
167 (scalar-value type min))))))
168 (define (maybe-fold-unary-branch! label name arg)
169 (let* ((folder (hashq-ref *branch-folders* name)))
170 (when folder
171 (call-with-values (lambda () (lookup-pre-type typev label arg))
172 (lambda (type min max)
173 (call-with-values (lambda () (folder type min max))
174 (lambda (f? v)
175 (bitvector-set! folded? (label->idx label) f?)
176 (vector-set! folded-values (label->idx label) v))))))))
177 (define (maybe-fold-binary-branch! label name arg0 arg1)
178 (let* ((folder (hashq-ref *branch-folders* name)))
179 (when folder
180 (call-with-values (lambda () (lookup-pre-type typev label arg0))
181 (lambda (type0 min0 max0)
182 (call-with-values (lambda () (lookup-pre-type typev label arg1))
183 (lambda (type1 min1 max1)
184 (call-with-values (lambda ()
185 (folder type0 min0 max0 type1 min1 max1))
186 (lambda (f? v)
187 (bitvector-set! folded? (label->idx label) f?)
188 (vector-set! folded-values (label->idx label) v))))))))))
189 (define (visit-cont cont)
190 (match cont
191 (($ $cont label ($ $kargs _ _ body))
192 (visit-term body label))
193 (($ $cont label ($ $kclause arity body alternate))
194 (visit-cont body)
195 (visit-cont alternate))
196 (_ #f)))
197 (define (visit-term term label)
198 (match term
199 (($ $letk conts body)
200 (for-each visit-cont conts)
201 (visit-term body label))
202 (($ $letrec _ _ _ body)
203 (visit-term body label))
204 (($ $continue k src ($ $primcall name args))
205 ;; We might be able to fold primcalls that define a value.
206 (match (lookup-cont k dfg)
207 (($ $kargs (_) (def))
208 ;(pk 'maybe-fold-value src name args)
209 (maybe-fold-value! label name def))
210 (_ #f)))
211 (($ $continue kf src ($ $branch kt ($ $primcall name args)))
212 ;; We might be able to fold primcalls that branch.
213 ;(pk 'maybe-fold-branch label src name args)
214 (match args
215 ((arg)
216 (maybe-fold-unary-branch! label name arg))
217 ((arg0 arg1)
218 (maybe-fold-binary-branch! label name arg0 arg1))))
219 (_ #f)))
220 (when typev
221 (match fun
222 (($ $cont kfun ($ $kfun src meta self tail clause))
223 (visit-cont clause))))
224 (values folded? folded-values)))
226 (define (fold-constants* fun dfg)
227 (match fun
228 (($ $cont min-label ($ $kfun _ _ min-var))
229 (call-with-values (lambda () (compute-folded fun dfg min-label min-var))
230 (lambda (folded? folded-values)
231 (define (label->idx label) (- label min-label))
232 (define (var->idx var) (- var min-var))
233 (define (visit-cont cont)
234 (rewrite-cps-cont cont
235 (($ $cont label ($ $kargs names syms body))
236 (label ($kargs names syms ,(visit-term body label))))
237 (($ $cont label ($ $kclause arity body alternate))
238 (label ($kclause ,arity ,(visit-cont body)
239 ,(and alternate (visit-cont alternate)))))
240 (_ ,cont)))
241 (define (visit-term term label)
242 (rewrite-cps-term term
243 (($ $letk conts body)
244 ($letk ,(map visit-cont conts)
245 ,(visit-term body label)))
246 (($ $letrec names vars funs body)
247 ($letrec names vars (map visit-fun funs)
248 ,(visit-term body label)))
249 (($ $continue k src (and fun ($ $fun)))
250 ($continue k src ,(visit-fun fun)))
251 (($ $continue k src (and primcall ($ $primcall)))
252 ,(if (bitvector-ref folded? (label->idx label))
253 (let ((val (vector-ref folded-values (label->idx label))))
254 ;; Uncomment for debugging.
255 ;; (pk 'folded src primcall val)
256 (let-fresh (k*) (v*)
257 ;; Rely on DCE to elide this expression, if
258 ;; possible.
259 (build-cps-term
260 ($letk ((k* ($kargs (#f) (v*)
261 ($continue k src ($const val)))))
262 ($continue k* src ,primcall)))))
263 term))
264 (($ $continue kf src ($ $branch kt ($ $primcall)))
265 ,(if (bitvector-ref folded? (label->idx label))
266 ;; Folded branch.
267 (let ((val (vector-ref folded-values (label->idx label))))
268 (build-cps-term
269 ($continue (if val kt kf) src ($values ()))))
270 term))
271 (_ ,term)))
272 (define (visit-fun fun)
273 (rewrite-cps-exp fun
274 (($ $fun free body)
275 ($fun free ,(fold-constants* body dfg)))))
276 (rewrite-cps-cont fun
277 (($ $cont kfun ($ $kfun src meta self tail clause))
278 (kfun ($kfun src meta self ,tail ,(visit-cont clause))))))))))
280 (define (type-fold fun)
281 (let* ((fun (renumber fun))
282 (dfg (compute-dfg fun)))
283 (with-fresh-name-state-from-dfg dfg
284 (fold-constants* fun dfg))))