Remove $void CPS expression type
[bpt/guile.git] / module / language / cps / arities.scm
1 ;;; Continuation-passing style (CPS) intermediate language (IL)
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 ;;; Commentary:
20 ;;;
21 ;;; A pass to adapt expressions to the arities of their continuations,
22 ;;; and to rewrite some tail expressions as primcalls to "return".
23 ;;;
24 ;;; Code:
26 (define-module (language cps arities)
27 #:use-module (ice-9 match)
28 #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (fold))
29 #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
30 #:use-module (language cps)
31 #:use-module (language cps dfg)
32 #:use-module (language cps primitives)
33 #:export (fix-arities))
35 (define (fix-arities* clause dfg)
36 (let ((ktail (match clause
37 (($ $cont _
38 ($ $kfun src meta _ ($ $cont ktail) _)) ktail))))
39 (define (visit-term term)
40 (rewrite-cps-term term
41 (($ $letk conts body)
42 ($letk ,(map visit-cont conts) ,(visit-term body)))
43 (($ $letrec names syms funs body)
44 ($letrec names syms (map (lambda (fun)
45 (rewrite-cps-exp fun
46 (($ $fun free body)
47 ($fun free ,(fix-arities* body dfg)))))
48 funs)
49 ,(visit-term body)))
50 (($ $continue k src exp)
51 ,(visit-exp k src exp))))
53 (define (adapt-exp nvals k src exp)
54 (match nvals
55 (0
56 (rewrite-cps-term (lookup-cont k dfg)
57 (($ $ktail)
58 ,(let-fresh (kvoid kunspec) (unspec)
59 (build-cps-term
60 ($letk* ((kunspec ($kargs (unspec) (unspec)
61 ($continue k src
62 ($primcall 'return (unspec)))))
63 (kvoid ($kargs () ()
64 ($continue kunspec src
65 ($const *unspecified*)))))
66 ($continue kvoid src ,exp)))))
67 (($ $kreceive arity kargs)
68 ,(match arity
69 (($ $arity () () rest () #f)
70 (if rest
71 (let-fresh (knil) ()
72 (build-cps-term
73 ($letk ((knil ($kargs () ()
74 ($continue kargs src ($const '())))))
75 ($continue knil src ,exp))))
76 (build-cps-term
77 ($continue kargs src ,exp))))
78 (_
79 (let-fresh (kvoid kvalues) (void)
80 (build-cps-term
81 ($letk* ((kvalues ($kargs ('void) (void)
82 ($continue k src
83 ($primcall 'values (void)))))
84 (kvoid ($kargs () ()
85 ($continue kvalues src
86 ($const *unspecified*)))))
87 ($continue kvoid src ,exp)))))))
88 (($ $kargs () () _)
89 ($continue k src ,exp))
90 (_
91 ,(let-fresh (k*) ()
92 (build-cps-term
93 ($letk ((k* ($kargs () () ($continue k src
94 ($const *unspecified*)))))
95 ($continue k* src ,exp)))))))
96 (1
97 (rewrite-cps-term (lookup-cont k dfg)
98 (($ $ktail)
99 ,(rewrite-cps-term exp
100 (($ $values (sym))
101 ($continue ktail src ($primcall 'return (sym))))
102 (_
103 ,(let-fresh (k*) (v)
104 (build-cps-term
105 ($letk ((k* ($kargs (v) (v)
106 ($continue k src
107 ($primcall 'return (v))))))
108 ($continue k* src ,exp)))))))
109 (($ $kreceive arity kargs)
110 ,(match arity
111 (($ $arity (_) () rest () #f)
112 (if rest
113 (let-fresh (kval) (val nil)
114 (build-cps-term
115 ($letk ((kval ($kargs ('val) (val)
116 ($letconst (('nil nil '()))
117 ($continue kargs src
118 ($values (val nil)))))))
119 ($continue kval src ,exp))))
120 (build-cps-term ($continue kargs src ,exp))))
121 (_
122 (let-fresh (kvalues) (value)
123 (build-cps-term
124 ($letk ((kvalues ($kargs ('value) (value)
125 ($continue k src
126 ($primcall 'values (value))))))
127 ($continue kvalues src ,exp)))))))
128 (($ $kargs () () _)
129 ,(let-fresh (k*) (drop)
130 (build-cps-term
131 ($letk ((k* ($kargs ('drop) (drop)
132 ($continue k src ($values ())))))
133 ($continue k* src ,exp)))))
134 (_
135 ($continue k src ,exp))))))
137 (define (visit-exp k src exp)
138 (rewrite-cps-term exp
139 ((or ($ $const)
140 ($ $prim)
141 ($ $values (_)))
142 ,(adapt-exp 1 k src exp))
143 (($ $fun free body)
144 ,(adapt-exp 1 k src (build-cps-exp
145 ($fun free ,(fix-arities* body dfg)))))
146 ((or ($ $call) ($ $callk))
147 ;; In general, calls have unknown return arity. For that
148 ;; reason every non-tail call has a $kreceive continuation to
149 ;; adapt the return to the target continuation, and we don't
150 ;; need to do any adapting here.
151 ($continue k src ,exp))
152 (($ $branch)
153 ;; Assume branching primcalls have the correct arity.
154 ($continue k src ,exp))
155 (($ $primcall 'return (arg))
156 ;; Primcalls to return are in tail position.
157 ($continue ktail src ,exp))
158 (($ $primcall (? (lambda (name)
159 (and (not (prim-instruction name))
160 (not (branching-primitive? name))))))
161 ($continue k src ,exp))
162 (($ $primcall name args)
163 ,(match (prim-arity name)
164 ((out . in)
165 (if (= in (length args))
166 (adapt-exp out k src
167 (let ((inst (prim-instruction name)))
168 (if (and inst (not (eq? inst name)))
169 (build-cps-exp ($primcall inst args))
170 exp)))
171 (let-fresh (k*) (p*)
172 (build-cps-term
173 ($letk ((k* ($kargs ('prim) (p*)
174 ($continue k src ($call p* args)))))
175 ($continue k* src ($prim name)))))))))
176 (($ $values)
177 ;; Non-unary values nodes are inserted by CPS optimization
178 ;; passes, so we assume they are correct.
179 ($continue k src ,exp))
180 (($ $prompt)
181 ($continue k src ,exp))))
183 (define (visit-cont cont)
184 (rewrite-cps-cont cont
185 (($ $cont sym ($ $kargs names syms body))
186 (sym ($kargs names syms ,(visit-term body))))
187 (($ $cont sym ($ $kclause arity body alternate))
188 (sym ($kclause ,arity ,(visit-cont body)
189 ,(and alternate (visit-cont alternate)))))
190 (($ $cont)
191 ,cont)))
193 (rewrite-cps-cont clause
194 (($ $cont sym ($ $kfun src meta self tail clause))
195 (sym ($kfun src meta self ,tail ,(and clause (visit-cont clause))))))))
197 (define (fix-arities fun)
198 (let ((dfg (compute-dfg fun)))
199 (with-fresh-name-state-from-dfg dfg
200 (fix-arities* fun dfg))))