prefer compilers earlier in list
[bpt/guile.git] / module / system / base / compile.scm
1 ;;; High-level compiler interface
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 ;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 ;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 ;;;
10 ;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 ;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 ;;; Code:
21 (define-module (system base compile)
22 #:use-module (system base syntax)
23 #:use-module (system base language)
24 #:use-module (system base message)
25 #:use-module (system vm vm) ;; FIXME: there's a reason for this, can't remember why tho
26 #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
27 #:use-module (ice-9 optargs)
28 #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
29 #:export (compiled-file-name
30 compile-file
31 compile-and-load
32 read-and-compile
33 compile
34 decompile))
37 ;;;
38 ;;; Compiler
39 ;;;
41 (define (call-once thunk)
42 (let ((entered #f))
43 (dynamic-wind
44 (lambda ()
45 (if entered
46 (error "thunk may only be entered once: ~a" thunk))
47 (set! entered #t))
48 thunk
49 (lambda () #t))))
51 ;; emacs: (put 'call-with-output-file/atomic 'scheme-indent-function 1)
52 (define* (call-with-output-file/atomic filename proc #:optional reference)
53 (let* ((template (string-append filename ".XXXXXX"))
54 (tmp (mkstemp! template)))
55 (call-once
56 (lambda ()
57 (with-throw-handler #t
58 (lambda ()
59 (proc tmp)
60 ;; Chmodding by name instead of by port allows this chmod to
61 ;; work on systems without fchmod, like MinGW.
62 (chmod template (logand #o0666 (lognot (umask))))
63 (close-port tmp)
64 (rename-file template filename))
65 (lambda args
66 (close-port tmp)
67 (delete-file template)))))))
69 (define (ensure-language x)
70 (if (language? x)
71 x
72 (lookup-language x)))
74 ;; Throws an exception if `dir' is not writable. The mkdir occurs
75 ;; before the check, so that we avoid races (possibly due to parallel
76 ;; compilation).
77 ;;
78 (define (ensure-directory dir)
79 (catch 'system-error
80 (lambda ()
81 (mkdir dir))
82 (lambda (k subr fmt args rest)
83 (let ((errno (and (pair? rest) (car rest))))
84 (cond
85 ((eqv? errno EEXIST)
86 ;; Assume it's a writable directory, to avoid TOCTOU errors,
87 ;; as well as UID/EUID mismatches that occur with access(2).
88 #t)
89 ((eqv? errno ENOENT)
90 (ensure-directory (dirname dir))
91 (ensure-directory dir))
92 (else
93 (throw k subr fmt args rest)))))))
95 ;;; This function is among the trickiest I've ever written. I tried many
96 ;;; variants. In the end, simple is best, of course.
97 ;;;
98 ;;; After turning this around a number of times, it seems that the
99 ;;; desired behavior is that .go files should exist in a path, for
100 ;;; searching. That is orthogonal to this function. For writing .go
101 ;;; files, either you know where they should go, in which case you tell
102 ;;; compile-file explicitly, as in the srcdir != builddir case; or you
103 ;;; don't know, in which case this function is called, and we just put
104 ;;; them in your own ccache dir in ~/.cache/guile/ccache.
105 ;;;
106 ;;; See also boot-9.scm:load.
107 (define (compiled-file-name file)
108 ;; FIXME: would probably be better just to append SHA1(canon-path)
109 ;; to the %compile-fallback-path, to avoid deep directory stats.
110 (define (canonical->suffix canon)
111 (cond
112 ((string-prefix? "/" canon) canon)
113 ((and (> (string-length canon) 2)
114 (eqv? (string-ref canon 1) #\:))
115 ;; Paths like C:... transform to /C...
116 (string-append "/" (substring canon 0 1) (substring canon 2)))
117 (else canon)))
118 (define (compiled-extension)
119 (cond ((or (null? %load-compiled-extensions)
120 (string-null? (car %load-compiled-extensions)))
121 (warn "invalid %load-compiled-extensions"
122 %load-compiled-extensions)
123 ".go")
124 (else (car %load-compiled-extensions))))
125 (and %compile-fallback-path
126 (let ((f (string-append
127 %compile-fallback-path
128 (canonical->suffix (canonicalize-path file))
129 (compiled-extension))))
130 (and (false-if-exception (ensure-directory (dirname f)))
131 f))))
133 (define* (compile-file file #:key
134 (output-file #f)
135 (from (current-language))
136 (to 'bytecode)
137 (env (default-environment from))
138 (opts '())
139 (canonicalization 'relative))
140 (with-fluids ((%file-port-name-canonicalization canonicalization))
141 (let* ((comp (or output-file (compiled-file-name file)
142 (error "failed to create path for auto-compiled file"
143 file)))
144 (in (open-input-file file))
145 (enc (file-encoding in)))
146 ;; Choose the input encoding deterministically.
147 (set-port-encoding! in (or enc "UTF-8"))
149 (ensure-directory (dirname comp))
150 (call-with-output-file/atomic comp
151 (lambda (port)
152 ((language-printer (ensure-language to))
153 (read-and-compile in #:env env #:from from #:to to #:opts
154 (cons* #:to-file? #t opts))
155 port))
156 file)
157 comp)))
159 (define* (compile-and-load file #:key (from (current-language)) (to 'value)
160 (env (current-module)) (opts '())
161 (canonicalization 'relative))
162 (with-fluids ((%file-port-name-canonicalization canonicalization))
163 (read-and-compile (open-input-file file)
164 #:from from #:to to #:opts opts
165 #:env env)))
167 \f
168 ;;;
169 ;;; Compiler interface
170 ;;;
172 (define (compile-passes from to opts)
173 (map cdr
174 (or (lookup-compilation-order from to)
175 (error "no way to compile" from "to" to))))
177 (define (compile-fold passes exp env opts)
178 (let lp ((passes passes) (x exp) (e env) (cenv env) (first? #t))
179 (if (null? passes)
180 (values x e cenv)
181 (receive (x e new-cenv) ((car passes) x e opts)
182 (lp (cdr passes) x e (if first? new-cenv cenv) #f)))))
184 (define (find-language-joint from to)
185 (let lp ((in (reverse (or (lookup-compilation-order from to)
186 (error "no way to compile" from "to" to))))
187 (lang to))
188 (cond ((language-joiner lang) lang)
189 ((null? in) to)
190 (else
191 (lp (cdr in) (caar in))))))
193 (define (default-language-joiner lang)
194 (lambda (exps env)
195 (if (and (pair? exps) (null? (cdr exps)))
196 (car exps)
197 (error
198 "Multiple expressions read and compiled, but language has no joiner"
199 lang))))
201 (define (read-and-parse lang port cenv)
202 (let ((exp ((language-reader lang) port cenv)))
203 (cond
204 ((eof-object? exp) exp)
205 ((language-parser lang) => (lambda (parse) (parse exp)))
206 (else exp))))
208 (define* (read-and-compile port #:key
209 (from (current-language))
210 (to 'bytecode)
211 (env (default-environment from))
212 (opts '()))
213 (let ((from (ensure-language from))
214 (to (ensure-language to)))
215 (let ((joint (find-language-joint from to)))
216 (parameterize ((current-language from))
217 (let lp ((exps '()) (env #f) (cenv env))
218 (let ((x (read-and-parse (current-language) port cenv)))
219 (cond
220 ((eof-object? x)
221 (close-port port)
222 (compile ((or (language-joiner joint)
223 (default-language-joiner joint))
224 (reverse exps)
225 env)
226 #:from joint #:to to
227 ;; env can be false if no expressions were read.
228 #:env (or env (default-environment joint))
229 #:opts opts))
230 (else
231 ;; compile-fold instead of compile so we get the env too
232 (receive (jexp jenv jcenv)
233 (compile-fold (compile-passes (current-language) joint opts)
234 x cenv opts)
235 (lp (cons jexp exps) jenv jcenv))))))))))
237 (define* (compile x #:key
238 (from (current-language))
239 (to 'value)
240 (env (default-environment from))
241 (opts '()))
243 (let ((warnings (memq #:warnings opts)))
244 (if (pair? warnings)
245 (let ((warnings (cadr warnings)))
246 ;; Sanity-check the requested warnings.
247 (for-each (lambda (w)
248 (or (lookup-warning-type w)
249 (warning 'unsupported-warning #f w)))
250 warnings))))
252 (receive (exp env cenv)
253 (compile-fold (compile-passes from to opts) x env opts)
254 exp))
256 \f
257 ;;;
258 ;;; Decompiler interface
259 ;;;
261 (define (decompile-passes from to opts)
262 (map cdr
263 (or (lookup-decompilation-order from to)
264 (error "no way to decompile" from "to" to))))
266 (define (decompile-fold passes exp env opts)
267 (if (null? passes)
268 (values exp env)
269 (receive (exp env) ((car passes) exp env opts)
270 (decompile-fold (cdr passes) exp env opts))))
272 (define* (decompile x #:key
273 (env #f)
274 (from 'tree-il)
275 (to 'scheme)
276 (opts '()))
277 (decompile-fold (decompile-passes from to opts)
278 x
279 env
280 opts))