Import GC benchmarks from Larceny, by Hansen, Clinger, et al.
[bpt/guile.git] / gc-benchmarks / larceny / twobit-smaller.sch
1; Complete source for Twobit and Sparc assembler in one file.
2; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
4; See 'twobit-benchmark', at end.
6; Copyright 1998 Lars T Hansen.
8; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
10; Completely fundamental pathname manipulation.
12; This takes zero or more directory components and a file name and
13; constructs a filename relative to the current directory.
15(define (make-relative-filename . components)
17 (define (construct l)
18 (if (null? (cdr l))
19 l
20 (cons (car l)
21 (cons "/" (construct (cdr l))))))
23 (if (null? (cdr components))
24 (car components)
25 (apply string-append (construct components))))
27; This takes one or more directory components and constructs a
28; directory name with proper termination (a crock -- we can finess
29; this later).
31(define (pathname-append . components)
33 (define (construct l)
34 (cond ((null? (cdr l))
35 l)
36 ((string=? (car l) "")
37 (construct (cdr l)))
38 ((char=? #\/ (string-ref (car l) (- (string-length (car l)) 1)))
39 (cons (car l) (construct (cdr l))))
40 (else
41 (cons (car l)
42 (cons "/" (construct (cdr l)))))))
44 (let ((n (if (null? (cdr components))
45 (car components)
46 (apply string-append (construct components)))))
47 (if (not (char=? #\/ (string-ref n (- (string-length n) 1))))
48 (string-append n "/")
49 n)))
51; eof
52; Copyright 1998 Lars T Hansen.
54; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
56; Nbuild parameters for SPARC Larceny.
58(define (make-nbuild-parameter dir source? verbose? hostdir hostname)
59 (let ((parameters
60 `((compiler . ,(pathname-append dir "Compiler"))
61 (util . ,(pathname-append dir "Util"))
62 (build . ,(pathname-append dir "Rts" "Build"))
63 (source . ,(pathname-append dir "Lib"))
64 (common-source . ,(pathname-append dir "Lib" "Common"))
65 (repl-source . ,(pathname-append dir "Repl"))
66 (interp-source . ,(pathname-append dir "Eval"))
67 (machine-source . ,(pathname-append dir "Lib" "Sparc"))
68 (common-asm . ,(pathname-append dir "Asm" "Common"))
69 (sparc-asm . ,(pathname-append dir "Asm" "Sparc"))
70 (target-machine . SPARC)
71 (endianness . big)
72 (word-size . 32)
73 (always-source? . ,source?)
74 (verbose-load? . ,verbose?)
75 (compatibility . ,(pathname-append dir "Compat" hostdir))
76 (host-system . ,hostname)
77 )))
78 (lambda (key)
79 (let ((probe (assq key parameters)))
80 (if probe
81 (cdr probe)
82 #f)))))
84(define nbuild-parameter
85 (make-nbuild-parameter "" #f #f "Larceny" "Larceny"))
87; eof
88; Copyright 1998 Lars T Hansen.
90; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
92; Useful list functions.
94; Notes:
95; * Reduce, reduce-right, fold-right, fold-left are compatible with MIT Scheme.
96; * Make-list is compatible with MIT Scheme and Chez Scheme.
97; * These are not (yet) compatible with Shivers's proposed list functions.
98; * remq, remv, remove, remq!, remv!, remov!, every?, and some? are in the
99; basic library.
101; Destructively remove all associations whose key matches `key' from `alist'.
103(define (aremq! key alist)
104 (cond ((null? alist) alist)
105 ((eq? key (caar alist))
106 (aremq! key (cdr alist)))
107 (else
108 (set-cdr! alist (aremq! key (cdr alist)))
109 alist)))
111(define (aremv! key alist)
112 (cond ((null? alist) alist)
113 ((eqv? key (caar alist))
114 (aremv! key (cdr alist)))
115 (else
116 (set-cdr! alist (aremv! key (cdr alist)))
117 alist)))
119(define (aremove! key alist)
120 (cond ((null? alist) alist)
121 ((equal? key (caar alist))
122 (aremove! key (cdr alist)))
123 (else
124 (set-cdr! alist (aremove! key (cdr alist)))
125 alist)))
127; Return a list of elements of `list' selected by the predicate.
129(define (filter select? list)
130 (cond ((null? list) list)
131 ((select? (car list))
132 (cons (car list) (filter select? (cdr list))))
133 (else
134 (filter select? (cdr list)))))
136; Return the first element of `list' selected by the predicate.
138(define (find selected? list)
139 (cond ((null? list) #f)
140 ((selected? (car list)) (car list))
141 (else (find selected? (cdr list)))))
143; Return a list with all duplicates (according to predicate) removed.
145(define (remove-duplicates list same?)
147 (define (member? x list)
148 (cond ((null? list) #f)
149 ((same? x (car list)) #t)
150 (else (member? x (cdr list)))))
152 (cond ((null? list) list)
153 ((member? (car list) (cdr list))
154 (remove-duplicates (cdr list) same?))
155 (else
156 (cons (car list) (remove-duplicates (cdr list) same?)))))
158; Return the least element of `list' according to some total order.
160(define (least less? list)
161 (reduce (lambda (a b) (if (less? a b) a b)) #f list))
163; Return the greatest element of `list' according to some total order.
165(define (greatest greater? list)
166 (reduce (lambda (a b) (if (greater? a b) a b)) #f list))
168; (mappend p l) = (apply append (map p l))
170(define (mappend proc l)
171 (apply append (map proc l)))
173; (make-list n) => (a1 ... an) for some ai
174; (make-list n x) => (a1 ... an) where ai = x
176(define (make-list nelem . rest)
177 (let ((val (if (null? rest) #f (car rest))))
178 (define (loop n l)
179 (if (zero? n)
180 l
181 (loop (- n 1) (cons val l))))
182 (loop nelem '())))
184; (reduce p x ()) => x
185; (reduce p x (a)) => a
186; (reduce p x (a b ...)) => (p (p a b) ...))
188(define (reduce proc initial l)
190 (define (loop val l)
191 (if (null? l)
192 val
193 (loop (proc val (car l)) (cdr l))))
195 (cond ((null? l) initial)
196 ((null? (cdr l)) (car l))
197 (else (loop (car l) (cdr l)))))
199; (reduce-right p x ()) => x
200; (reduce-right p x (a)) => a
201; (reduce-right p x (a b ...)) => (p a (p b ...))
203(define (reduce-right proc initial l)
205 (define (loop l)
206 (if (null? (cdr l))
207 (car l)
208 (proc (car l) (loop (cdr l)))))
210 (cond ((null? l) initial)
211 ((null? (cdr l)) (car l))
212 (else (loop l))))
214; (fold-left p x (a b ...)) => (p (p (p x a) b) ...)
216(define (fold-left proc initial l)
217 (if (null? l)
218 initial
219 (fold-left proc (proc initial (car l)) (cdr l))))
221; (fold-right p x (a b ...)) => (p a (p b (p ... x)))
223(define (fold-right proc initial l)
224 (if (null? l)
225 initial
226 (proc (car l) (fold-right proc initial (cdr l)))))
228; (iota n) => (0 1 2 ... n-1)
230(define (iota n)
231 (let loop ((n (- n 1)) (r '()))
232 (let ((r (cons n r)))
233 (if (= n 0)
234 r
235 (loop (- n 1) r)))))
237; (list-head (a1 ... an) m) => (a1 ... am) for m <= n
239(define (list-head l n)
240 (if (zero? n)
241 '()
242 (cons (car l) (list-head (cdr l) (- n 1)))))
245; eof
246; Copyright 1998 Lars T Hansen.
248; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
250; Larceny -- compatibility library for Twobit running under Larceny.
252(define ($$trace x) #t)
254(define host-system 'larceny)
256; Temporary?
258(define (.check! flag exn . args)
259 (if (not flag)
260 (apply error "Runtime check exception: " exn args)))
262; The compatibility library loads Auxlib if compat:initialize is called
263; without arguments. Compat:load will load fasl files when appropriate.
265(define (compat:initialize . rest)
266 (if (null? rest)
267 (let ((dir (nbuild-parameter 'compatibility)))
268 (compat:load (string-append dir "compat2.sch"))
269 (compat:load (string-append dir "../../Auxlib/list.sch"))
270 (compat:load (string-append dir "../../Auxlib/pp.sch")))))
272(define (with-optimization level thunk)
273 (thunk))
275; Calls thunk1, and if thunk1 causes an error to be signalled, calls thunk2.
277(define (call-with-error-control thunk1 thunk2)
278 (let ((eh (error-handler)))
279 (error-handler (lambda args
280 (error-handler eh)
281 (thunk2)
282 (apply eh args)))
283 (thunk1)
284 (error-handler eh)))
286(define (larc-new-extension fn ext)
287 (let* ((l (string-length fn))
288 (x (let loop ((i (- l 1)))
289 (cond ((< i 0) #f)
290 ((char=? (string-ref fn i) #\.) (+ i 1))
291 (else (loop (- i 1)))))))
292 (if (not x)
293 (string-append fn "." ext)
294 (string-append (substring fn 0 x) ext))))
296(define (compat:load filename)
297 (define (loadit fn)
298 (if (nbuild-parameter 'verbose-load?)
299 (format #t "~a~%" fn))
300 (load fn))
301 (if (nbuild-parameter 'always-source?)
302 (loadit filename)
303 (let ((fn (larc-new-extension filename "fasl")))
304 (if (and (file-exists? fn)
305 (compat:file-newer? fn filename))
306 (loadit fn)
307 (loadit filename)))))
309(define (compat:file-newer? a b)
310 (let* ((ta (file-modification-time a))
311 (tb (file-modification-time b))
312 (limit (vector-length ta)))
313 (let loop ((i 0))
314 (cond ((= i limit)
315 #f)
316 ((= (vector-ref ta i) (vector-ref tb i))
317 (loop (+ i 1)))
318 (else
319 (> (vector-ref ta i) (vector-ref tb i)))))))
321; eof
322; Copyright 1998 Lars T Hansen.
324; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
326; Larceny -- second part of compatibility code
327; This file ought to be compiled, but doesn't have to be.
329; 12 April 1999
331(define host-system 'larceny) ; Don't remove this!
335; A well-defined sorting procedure.
337(define compat:sort (lambda (list less?) (sort list less?)))
342; Well-defined character codes.
343; Returns the UCS-2 code for a character.
345(define compat:char->integer char->integer)
349; Input and output
351(define (write-lop item port)
352 (lowlevel-write item port)
353 (newline port)
354 (newline port))
356(define write-fasl-datum lowlevel-write)
358; The power of self-hosting ;-)
360(define (misc->bytevector x)
361 (let ((bv (bytevector-like-copy x)))
362 (typetag-set! bv $tag.bytevector-typetag)
363 bv))
365(define string->bytevector misc->bytevector)
367(define bignum->bytevector misc->bytevector)
369(define (flonum->bytevector x)
370 (clear-first-word (misc->bytevector x)))
372(define (compnum->bytevector x)
373 (clear-first-word (misc->bytevector x)))
375; Clears garbage word of compnum/flonum; makes regression testing much
376; easier.
378(define (clear-first-word bv)
379 (bytevector-like-set! bv 0 0)
380 (bytevector-like-set! bv 1 0)
381 (bytevector-like-set! bv 2 0)
382 (bytevector-like-set! bv 3 0)
383 bv)
385(define (list->bytevector l)
386 (let ((b (make-bytevector (length l))))
387 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
388 (l l (cdr l)))
389 ((null? l) b)
390 (bytevector-set! b i (car l)))))
392(define bytevector-word-ref
393 (let ((two^8 (expt 2 8))
394 (two^16 (expt 2 16))
395 (two^24 (expt 2 24)))
396 (lambda (bv i)
397 (+ (* (bytevector-ref bv i) two^24)
398 (* (bytevector-ref bv (+ i 1)) two^16)
399 (* (bytevector-ref bv (+ i 2)) two^8)
400 (bytevector-ref bv (+ i 3))))))
402(define (twobit-format fmt . rest)
403 (let ((out (open-output-string)))
404 (apply format out fmt rest)
405 (get-output-string out)))
407; This needs to be a random number in both a weaker and stronger sense
408; than `random': it doesn't need to be a truly random number, so a sequence
409; of calls can return a non-random sequence, but if two processes generate
410; two sequences, then those sequences should not be the same.
412; Gross, huh?
414(define (an-arbitrary-number)
415 (system "echo \\\"`date`\\\" > a-random-number")
416 (let ((x (string-hash (call-with-input-file "a-random-number" read))))
417 (delete-file "a-random-number")
418 x))
422; Miscellaneous
424(define cerror error)
426; eof
427; Copyright 1991 Wiliam Clinger.
429; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
431; Sets represented as lists.
433; 5 April 1999.
435(define (empty-set) '())
437(define (empty-set? x) (null? x))
439(define (make-set x)
440 (define (loop x y)
441 (cond ((null? x) y)
442 ((member (car x) y) (loop (cdr x) y))
443 (else (loop (cdr x) (cons (car x) y)))))
444 (loop x '()))
446(define (set-equal? x y)
447 (and (subset? x y) (subset? y x)))
449(define (subset? x y)
450 (every? (lambda (x) (member x y))
451 x))
453; To get around MacScheme's limit on the number of arguments.
455(define apply-union)
457(define union
458 (letrec ((union2
459 (lambda (x y)
460 (cond ((null? x) y)
461 ((member (car x) y)
462 (union2 (cdr x) y))
463 (else (union2 (cdr x) (cons (car x) y)))))))
465 (set! apply-union
466 (lambda (sets)
467 (do ((sets sets (cdr sets))
468 (result '() (union2 (car sets) result)))
469 ((null? sets)
470 result))))
472 (lambda args
473 (cond ((null? args) '())
474 ((null? (cdr args)) (car args))
475 ((null? (cddr args)) (union2 (car args) (cadr args)))
476 (else (union2 (union2 (car args)
477 (cadr args))
478 (apply union (cddr args))))))))
480(define intersection
481 (letrec ((intersection2
482 (lambda (x y)
483 (cond ((null? x) '())
484 ((member (car x) y)
485 (cons (car x) (intersection2 (cdr x) y)))
486 (else (intersection2 (cdr x) y))))))
487 (lambda args
488 (cond ((null? args) '())
489 ((null? (cdr args)) (car args))
490 ((null? (cddr args)) (intersection2 (car args) (cadr args)))
491 (else (intersection2 (intersection2 (car args)
492 (cadr args))
493 (apply intersection (cddr args))))))))
495(define (difference x y)
496 (cond ((null? x) '())
497 ((member (car x) y)
498 (difference (cdr x) y))
499 (else (cons (car x) (difference (cdr x) y)))))
500; Reasonably portable hashing on EQ?, EQV?, EQUAL?.
501; Requires bignums, SYMBOL-HASH.
503; Given any Scheme object, returns a non-negative exact integer
504; less than 2^24.
506(define object-hash (lambda (x) 0)) ; hash on EQ?, EQV?
507(define equal-hash (lambda (x) 0)) ; hash on EQUAL?
509(let ((n 16777216)
510 (n-1 16777215)
511 (adj:fixnum 9000000)
512 (adj:negative 8000000)
513 (adj:large 7900000)
514 (adj:ratnum 7800000)
515 (adj:complex 7700000)
516 (adj:flonum 7000000)
517 (adj:compnum 6900000)
518 (adj:char 6111000)
519 (adj:string 5022200)
520 (adj:vector 4003330)
521 (adj:misc 3000444)
522 (adj:pair 2555000)
523 (adj:proc 2321001)
524 (adj:iport 2321002)
525 (adj:oport 2321003)
526 (adj:weird 2321004)
527 (budget0 32))
529 (define (combine hash adjustment)
530 (modulo (+ hash hash hash adjustment) 16777216))
532 (define (hash-on-equal x budget)
533 (if (> budget 0)
534 (cond ((string? x)
535 (string-hash x))
536 ((pair? x)
537 (let ((budget (quotient budget 2)))
538 (combine (hash-on-equal (car x) budget)
539 (hash-on-equal (cdr x) budget))))
540 ((vector? x)
541 (let ((n (vector-length x))
542 (budget (quotient budget 4)))
543 (if (> n 0)
544 (combine
545 (combine (hash-on-equal (vector-ref x 0) budget)
546 (hash-on-equal (vector-ref x (- n 1)) budget))
547 (hash-on-equal (vector-ref x (quotient n 2))
548 (+ budget budget)))
549 adj:vector)))
550 (else
551 (object-hash x)))
552 adj:weird))
554 (set! object-hash
555 (lambda (x)
556 (cond ((symbol? x)
557 (symbol-hash x))
558 ((number? x)
559 (if (exact? x)
560 (cond ((integer? x)
561 (cond ((negative? x)
562 (combine (object-hash (- x)) adj:negative))
563 ((< x n)
564 (combine x adj:fixnum))
565 (else
566 (combine (modulo x n) adj:large))))
567 ((rational? x)
568 (combine (combine (object-hash (numerator x))
569 adj:ratnum)
570 (object-hash (denominator x))))
571 ((real? x)
572 adj:weird)
573 ((complex? x)
574 (combine (combine (object-hash (real-part x))
575 adj:complex)
576 (object-hash (imag-part x))))
577 (else
578 adj:weird))
579 (cond (#t
580 ; We can't really do anything with inexact numbers
581 ; unless infinities and NaNs behave reasonably.
582 adj:flonum)
583 ((rational? x)
584 (combine
585 (combine (object-hash
586 (inexact->exact (numerator x)))
587 adj:flonum)
588 (object-hash (inexact->exact (denominator x)))))
589 ((real? x)
590 adj:weird)
591 ((complex? x)
592 (combine (combine (object-hash (real-part x))
593 adj:compnum)
594 (object-hash (imag-part x))))
595 (else adj:weird))))
596 ((char? x)
597 (combine (char->integer x) adj:char))
598 ((string? x)
599 (combine (string-length x) adj:string))
600 ((vector? x)
601 (combine (vector-length x) adj:vector))
602 ((eq? x #t)
603 (combine 1 adj:misc))
604 ((eq? x #f)
605 (combine 2 adj:misc))
606 ((null? x)
607 (combine 3 adj:misc))
608 ((pair? x)
609 adj:pair)
610 ((procedure? x)
611 adj:proc)
612 ((input-port? x)
613 adj:iport)
614 ((output-port? x)
615 adj:oport)
616 (else
617 adj:weird))))
619 (set! equal-hash
620 (lambda (x)
621 (hash-on-equal x budget0)))); Hash tables.
623; This code should be thread-safe provided VECTOR-REF is atomic.
625; (make-hashtable <hash-function> <bucket-searcher> <size>)
627; Returns a newly allocated mutable hash table
628; using <hash-function> as the hash function
629; and <bucket-searcher>, e.g. ASSQ, ASSV, ASSOC, to search a bucket
630; with <size> buckets at first, expanding the number of buckets as needed.
631; The <hash-function> must accept a key and return a non-negative exact
632; integer.
634; (make-hashtable <hash-function> <bucket-searcher>)
636; Equivalent to (make-hashtable <hash-function> <bucket-searcher> n)
637; for some value of n chosen by the implementation.
639; (make-hashtable <hash-function>)
641; Equivalent to (make-hashtable <hash-function> assv).
643; (make-hashtable)
645; Equivalent to (make-hashtable object-hash assv).
647; (hashtable-contains? <hashtable> <key>)
649; Returns true iff the <hashtable> contains an entry for <key>.
651; (hashtable-fetch <hashtable> <key> <flag>)
653; Returns the value associated with <key> in the <hashtable> if the
654; <hashtable> contains <key>; otherwise returns <flag>.
656; (hashtable-get <hashtable> <key>)
658; Equivalent to (hashtable-fetch <hashtable> <key> #f)
660; (hashtable-put! <hashtable> <key> <value>)
662; Changes the <hashtable> to associate <key> with <value>, replacing
663; any existing association for <key>.
665; (hashtable-remove! <hashtable> <key>)
667; Removes any association for <key> within the <hashtable>.
669; (hashtable-clear! <hashtable>)
671; Removes all associations from the <hashtable>.
673; (hashtable-size <hashtable>)
675; Returns the number of keys contained within the <hashtable>.
677; (hashtable-for-each <procedure> <hashtable>)
679; The <procedure> must accept two arguments, a key and the value
680; associated with that key. Calls the <procedure> once for each
681; key-value association. The order of these calls is indeterminate.
683; (hashtable-map <procedure> <hashtable>)
685; The <procedure> must accept two arguments, a key and the value
686; associated with that key. Calls the <procedure> once for each
687; key-value association, and returns a list of the results. The
688; order of the calls is indeterminate.
690; (hashtable-copy <hashtable>)
692; Returns a copy of the <hashtable>.
694; These global variables are assigned new values later.
696(define make-hashtable (lambda args '*))
697(define hashtable-contains? (lambda (ht key) #f))
698(define hashtable-fetch (lambda (ht key flag) flag))
699(define hashtable-get (lambda (ht key) (hashtable-fetch ht key #f)))
700(define hashtable-put! (lambda (ht key val) '*))
701(define hashtable-remove! (lambda (ht key) '*))
702(define hashtable-clear! (lambda (ht) '*))
703(define hashtable-size (lambda (ht) 0))
704(define hashtable-for-each (lambda (ht proc) '*))
705(define hashtable-map (lambda (ht proc) '()))
706(define hashtable-copy (lambda (ht) ht))
708; Implementation.
709; A hashtable is represented as a vector of the form
711; #(("HASHTABLE") <count> <hasher> <searcher> <buckets>)
713; where <count> is the number of associations within the hashtable,
714; <hasher> is the hash function, <searcher> is the bucket searcher,
715; and <buckets> is a vector of buckets.
717; The <hasher> and <searcher> fields are constant, but
718; the <count> and <buckets> fields are mutable.
720; For thread-safe operation, the mutators must modify both
721; as an atomic operation. Other operations do not require
722; critical sections provided VECTOR-REF is an atomic operation
723; and the operation does not modify the hashtable, does not
724; reference the <count> field, and fetches the <buckets>
725; field exactly once.
727(let ((doc (list "HASHTABLE"))
728 (count (lambda (ht) (vector-ref ht 1)))
729 (count! (lambda (ht n) (vector-set! ht 1 n)))
730 (hasher (lambda (ht) (vector-ref ht 2)))
731 (searcher (lambda (ht) (vector-ref ht 3)))
732 (buckets (lambda (ht) (vector-ref ht 4)))
733 (buckets! (lambda (ht v) (vector-set! ht 4 v)))
734 (defaultn 10))
735 (let ((hashtable? (lambda (ht)
736 (and (vector? ht)
737 (= 5 (vector-length ht))
738 (eq? doc (vector-ref ht 0)))))
739 (hashtable-error (lambda (x)
740 (display "ERROR: Bad hash table: ")
741 (newline)
742 (write x)
743 (newline))))
745 ; Internal operations.
747 (define (make-ht hashfun searcher size)
748 (vector doc 0 hashfun searcher (make-vector size '())))
750 ; Substitute x for the first occurrence of y within the list z.
751 ; y is known to occur within z.
753 (define (substitute1 x y z)
754 (cond ((eq? y (car z))
755 (cons x (cdr z)))
756 (else
757 (cons (car z)
758 (substitute1 x y (cdr z))))))
760 ; Remove the first occurrence of x from y.
761 ; x is known to occur within y.
763 (define (remq1 x y)
764 (cond ((eq? x (car y))
765 (cdr y))
766 (else
767 (cons (car y)
768 (remq1 x (cdr y))))))
770 (define (resize ht0)
771 (call-without-interrupts
772 (lambda ()
773 (let ((ht (make-ht (hasher ht0)
774 (searcher ht0)
775 (+ 1 (* 2 (count ht0))))))
776 (ht-for-each (lambda (key val)
777 (put! ht key val))
778 ht0)
779 (buckets! ht0 (buckets ht))))))
781 ; Returns the contents of the hashtable as a vector of pairs.
783 (define (contents ht)
784 (let* ((v (buckets ht))
785 (n (vector-length v))
786 (z (make-vector (count ht) '())))
787 (define (loop i bucket j)
788 (if (null? bucket)
789 (if (= i n)
790 (if (= j (vector-length z))
791 z
792 (begin (display "BUG in hashtable")
793 (newline)
794 '#()))
795 (loop (+ i 1)
796 (vector-ref v i)
797 j))
798 (let ((entry (car bucket)))
799 (vector-set! z j (cons (car entry) (cdr entry)))
800 (loop i
801 (cdr bucket)
802 (+ j 1)))))
803 (loop 0 '() 0)))
805 (define (contains? ht key)
806 (if (hashtable? ht)
807 (let* ((v (buckets ht))
808 (n (vector-length v))
809 (h (modulo ((hasher ht) key) n))
810 (b (vector-ref v h)))
811 (if ((searcher ht) key b)
812 #t
813 #f))
814 (hashtable-error ht)))
816 (define (fetch ht key flag)
817 (if (hashtable? ht)
818 (let* ((v (buckets ht))
819 (n (vector-length v))
820 (h (modulo ((hasher ht) key) n))
821 (b (vector-ref v h))
822 (probe ((searcher ht) key b)))
823 (if probe
824 (cdr probe)
825 flag))
826 (hashtable-error ht)))
828 (define (put! ht key val)
829 (if (hashtable? ht)
830 (call-without-interrupts
831 (lambda ()
832 (let* ((v (buckets ht))
833 (n (vector-length v))
834 (h (modulo ((hasher ht) key) n))
835 (b (vector-ref v h))
836 (probe ((searcher ht) key b)))
837 (if probe
838 ; Using SET-CDR! on the probe would make it necessary
839 ; to synchronize the CONTENTS routine.
840 (vector-set! v h (substitute1 (cons key val) probe b))
841 (begin (count! ht (+ (count ht) 1))
842 (vector-set! v h (cons (cons key val) b))
843 (if (> (count ht) n)
844 (resize ht)))))
845 #f))
846 (hashtable-error ht)))
848 (define (remove! ht key)
849 (if (hashtable? ht)
850 (call-without-interrupts
851 (lambda ()
852 (let* ((v (buckets ht))
853 (n (vector-length v))
854 (h (modulo ((hasher ht) key) n))
855 (b (vector-ref v h))
856 (probe ((searcher ht) key b)))
857 (if probe
858 (begin (count! ht (- (count ht) 1))
859 (vector-set! v h (remq1 probe b))
860 (if (< (* 2 (+ defaultn (count ht))) n)
861 (resize ht))))
862 #f)))
863 (hashtable-error ht)))
865 (define (clear! ht)
866 (if (hashtable? ht)
867 (call-without-interrupts
868 (lambda ()
869 (begin (count! ht 0)
870 (buckets! ht (make-vector defaultn '()))
871 #f)))
872 (hashtable-error ht)))
874 (define (size ht)
875 (if (hashtable? ht)
876 (count ht)
877 (hashtable-error ht)))
879 ; This code must be written so that the procedure can modify the
880 ; hashtable without breaking any invariants.
882 (define (ht-for-each f ht)
883 (if (hashtable? ht)
884 (let* ((v (contents ht))
885 (n (vector-length v)))
886 (do ((j 0 (+ j 1)))
887 ((= j n))
888 (let ((x (vector-ref v j)))
889 (f (car x) (cdr x)))))
890 (hashtable-error ht)))
892 (define (ht-map f ht)
893 (if (hashtable? ht)
894 (let* ((v (contents ht))
895 (n (vector-length v)))
896 (do ((j 0 (+ j 1))
897 (results '() (let ((x (vector-ref v j)))
898 (cons (f (car x) (cdr x))
899 results))))
900 ((= j n)
901 (reverse results))))
902 (hashtable-error ht)))
904 (define (ht-copy ht)
905 (if (hashtable? ht)
906 (let* ((newtable (make-hashtable (hasher ht) (searcher ht) 0))
907 (v (buckets ht))
908 (n (vector-length v))
909 (newvector (make-vector n '())))
910 (count! newtable (count ht))
911 (buckets! newtable newvector)
912 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
913 ((= i n))
914 (vector-set! newvector i (append (vector-ref v i) '())))
915 newtable)
916 (hashtable-error ht)))
918 ; External entry points.
920 (set! make-hashtable
921 (lambda args
922 (let* ((hashfun (if (null? args) object-hash (car args)))
923 (searcher (if (or (null? args) (null? (cdr args)))
924 assv
925 (cadr args)))
926 (size (if (or (null? args) (null? (cdr args)) (null? (cddr args)))
927 defaultn
928 (caddr args))))
929 (make-ht hashfun searcher size))))
931 (set! hashtable-contains? (lambda (ht key) (contains? ht key)))
932 (set! hashtable-fetch (lambda (ht key flag) (fetch ht key flag)))
933 (set! hashtable-get (lambda (ht key) (fetch ht key #f)))
934 (set! hashtable-put! (lambda (ht key val) (put! ht key val)))
935 (set! hashtable-remove! (lambda (ht key) (remove! ht key)))
936 (set! hashtable-clear! (lambda (ht) (clear! ht)))
937 (set! hashtable-size (lambda (ht) (size ht)))
938 (set! hashtable-for-each (lambda (ht proc) (ht-for-each ht proc)))
939 (set! hashtable-map (lambda (ht proc) (ht-map ht proc)))
940 (set! hashtable-copy (lambda (ht) (ht-copy ht)))
941 #f))
942; Hash trees: a functional data structure analogous to hash tables.
944; (make-hashtree <hash-function> <bucket-searcher>)
946; Returns a newly allocated mutable hash table
947; using <hash-function> as the hash function
948; and <bucket-searcher>, e.g. ASSQ, ASSV, ASSOC, to search a bucket.
949; The <hash-function> must accept a key and return a non-negative exact
950; integer.
952; (make-hashtree <hash-function>)
954; Equivalent to (make-hashtree <hash-function> assv).
956; (make-hashtree)
958; Equivalent to (make-hashtree object-hash assv).
960; (hashtree-contains? <hashtree> <key>)
962; Returns true iff the <hashtree> contains an entry for <key>.
964; (hashtree-fetch <hashtree> <key> <flag>)
966; Returns the value associated with <key> in the <hashtree> if the
967; <hashtree> contains <key>; otherwise returns <flag>.
969; (hashtree-get <hashtree> <key>)
971; Equivalent to (hashtree-fetch <hashtree> <key> #f)
973; (hashtree-put <hashtree> <key> <value>)
975; Returns a new hashtree that is like <hashtree> except that
976; <key> is associated with <value>.
978; (hashtree-remove <hashtree> <key>)
980; Returns a new hashtree that is like <hashtree> except that
981; <key> is not associated with any value.
983; (hashtree-size <hashtree>)
985; Returns the number of keys contained within the <hashtree>.
987; (hashtree-for-each <procedure> <hashtree>)
989; The <procedure> must accept two arguments, a key and the value
990; associated with that key. Calls the <procedure> once for each
991; key-value association. The order of these calls is indeterminate.
993; (hashtree-map <procedure> <hashtree>)
995; The <procedure> must accept two arguments, a key and the value
996; associated with that key. Calls the <procedure> once for each
997; key-value association, and returns a list of the results. The
998; order of the calls is indeterminate.
1000; These global variables are assigned new values later.
1002(define make-hashtree (lambda args '*))
1003(define hashtree-contains? (lambda (ht key) #f))
1004(define hashtree-fetch (lambda (ht key flag) flag))
1005(define hashtree-get (lambda (ht key) (hashtree-fetch ht key #f)))
1006(define hashtree-put (lambda (ht key val) '*))
1007(define hashtree-remove (lambda (ht key) '*))
1008(define hashtree-size (lambda (ht) 0))
1009(define hashtree-for-each (lambda (ht proc) '*))
1010(define hashtree-map (lambda (ht proc) '()))
1012; Implementation.
1013; A hashtree is represented as a vector of the form
1015; #(("hashtree") <count> <hasher> <searcher> <buckets>)
1017; where <count> is the number of associations within the hashtree,
1018; <hasher> is the hash function, <searcher> is the bucket searcher,
1019; and <buckets> is generated by the following grammar:
1021; <buckets> ::= ()
1022; | (<fixnum> <associations> <buckets> <buckets>)
1023; <alist> ::= (<associations>)
1024; <associations> ::=
1025; | <association> <associations>
1026; <association> ::= (<key> . <value>)
1028; If <buckets> is of the form (n alist buckets1 buckets2),
1029; then n is the hash code of all keys in alist, all keys in buckets1
1030; have a hash code less than n, and all keys in buckets2 have a hash
1031; code greater than n.
1033(let ((doc (list "hashtree"))
1034 (count (lambda (ht) (vector-ref ht 1)))
1035 (hasher (lambda (ht) (vector-ref ht 2)))
1036 (searcher (lambda (ht) (vector-ref ht 3)))
1037 (buckets (lambda (ht) (vector-ref ht 4)))
1039 (make-empty-buckets (lambda () '()))
1041 (make-buckets
1042 (lambda (h alist buckets1 buckets2)
1043 (list h alist buckets1 buckets2)))
1045 (buckets-empty? (lambda (buckets) (null? buckets)))
1047 (buckets-n (lambda (buckets) (car buckets)))
1048 (buckets-alist (lambda (buckets) (cadr buckets)))
1049 (buckets-left (lambda (buckets) (caddr buckets)))
1050 (buckets-right (lambda (buckets) (cadddr buckets))))
1052 (let ((hashtree? (lambda (ht)
1053 (and (vector? ht)
1054 (= 5 (vector-length ht))
1055 (eq? doc (vector-ref ht 0)))))
1056 (hashtree-error (lambda (x)
1057 (display "ERROR: Bad hash tree: ")
1058 (newline)
1059 (write x)
1060 (newline))))
1062 ; Internal operations.
1064 (define (make-ht count hashfun searcher buckets)
1065 (vector doc count hashfun searcher buckets))
1067 ; Substitute x for the first occurrence of y within the list z.
1068 ; y is known to occur within z.
1070 (define (substitute1 x y z)
1071 (cond ((eq? y (car z))
1072 (cons x (cdr z)))
1073 (else
1074 (cons (car z)
1075 (substitute1 x y (cdr z))))))
1077 ; Remove the first occurrence of x from y.
1078 ; x is known to occur within y.
1080 (define (remq1 x y)
1081 (cond ((eq? x (car y))
1082 (cdr y))
1083 (else
1084 (cons (car y)
1085 (remq1 x (cdr y))))))
1087 ; Returns the contents of the hashtree as a list of pairs.
1089 (define (contents ht)
1090 (let* ((t (buckets ht)))
1092 (define (contents t alist)
1093 (if (buckets-empty? t)
1094 alist
1095 (contents (buckets-left t)
1096 (contents (buckets-right t)
1097 (append-reverse (buckets-alist t)
1098 alist)))))
1100 (define (append-reverse x y)
1101 (if (null? x)
1102 y
1103 (append-reverse (cdr x)
1104 (cons (car x) y))))
1106 ; Creating a new hashtree from a list that is almost sorted
1107 ; in hash code order would create an extremely unbalanced
1108 ; hashtree, so this routine randomizes the order a bit.
1110 (define (randomize1 alist alist1 alist2 alist3)
1111 (if (null? alist)
1112 (randomize-combine alist1 alist2 alist3)
1113 (randomize2 (cdr alist)
1114 (cons (car alist) alist1)
1115 alist2
1116 alist3)))
1118 (define (randomize2 alist alist1 alist2 alist3)
1119 (if (null? alist)
1120 (randomize-combine alist1 alist2 alist3)
1121 (randomize3 (cdr alist)
1122 alist1
1123 (cons (car alist) alist2)
1124 alist3)))
1126 (define (randomize3 alist alist1 alist2 alist3)
1127 (if (null? alist)
1128 (randomize-combine alist1 alist2 alist3)
1129 (randomize1 (cdr alist)
1130 alist1
1131 alist2
1132 (cons (car alist) alist3))))
1134 (define (randomize-combine alist1 alist2 alist3)
1135 (cond ((null? alist2)
1136 alist1)
1137 ((null? alist3)
1138 (append-reverse alist2 alist1))
1139 (else
1140 (append-reverse
1141 (randomize1 alist3 '() '() '())
1142 (append-reverse
1143 (randomize1 alist1 '() '() '())
1144 (randomize1 alist2 '() '() '()))))))
1146 (randomize1 (contents t '()) '() '() '())))
1148 (define (contains? ht key)
1149 (if (hashtree? ht)
1150 (let* ((t (buckets ht))
1151 (h ((hasher ht) key)))
1152 (if ((searcher ht) key (find-bucket t h))
1153 #t
1154 #f))
1155 (hashtree-error ht)))
1157 (define (fetch ht key flag)
1158 (if (hashtree? ht)
1159 (let* ((t (buckets ht))
1160 (h ((hasher ht) key))
1161 (probe ((searcher ht) key (find-bucket t h))))
1162 (if probe
1163 (cdr probe)
1164 flag))
1165 (hashtree-error ht)))
1167 ; Given a <buckets> t and a hash code h, returns the alist for h.
1169 (define (find-bucket t h)
1170 (if (buckets-empty? t)
1171 '()
1172 (let ((n (buckets-n t)))
1173 (cond ((< h n)
1174 (find-bucket (buckets-left t) h))
1175 ((< n h)
1176 (find-bucket (buckets-right t) h))
1177 (else
1178 (buckets-alist t))))))
1180 (define (put ht key val)
1181 (if (hashtree? ht)
1182 (let ((t (buckets ht))
1183 (h ((hasher ht) key))
1184 (association (cons key val))
1185 (c (count ht)))
1186 (define (put t h)
1187 (if (buckets-empty? t)
1188 (begin (set! c (+ c 1))
1189 (make-buckets h (list association) t t))
1190 (let ((n (buckets-n t))
1191 (alist (buckets-alist t))
1192 (left (buckets-left t))
1193 (right (buckets-right t)))
1194 (cond ((< h n)
1195 (make-buckets n
1196 alist
1197 (put (buckets-left t) h)
1198 right))
1199 ((< n h)
1200 (make-buckets n
1201 alist
1202 left
1203 (put (buckets-right t) h)))
1204 (else
1205 (let ((probe ((searcher ht) key alist)))
1206 (if probe
1207 (make-buckets n
1208 (substitute1 association
1209 probe
1210 alist)
1211 left
1212 right)
1213 (begin
1214 (set! c (+ c 1))
1215 (make-buckets n
1216 (cons association alist)
1217 left
1218 right)))))))))
1219 (let ((buckets (put t h)))
1220 (make-ht c (hasher ht) (searcher ht) buckets)))
1221 (hashtree-error ht)))
1223 (define (remove ht key)
1224 (if (hashtree? ht)
1225 (let ((t (buckets ht))
1226 (h ((hasher ht) key))
1227 (c (count ht)))
1228 (define (remove t h)
1229 (if (buckets-empty? t)
1230 t
1231 (let ((n (buckets-n t))
1232 (alist (buckets-alist t))
1233 (left (buckets-left t))
1234 (right (buckets-right t)))
1235 (cond ((< h n)
1236 (make-buckets n
1237 alist
1238 (remove left h)
1239 right))
1240 ((< n h)
1241 (make-buckets n
1242 alist
1243 left
1244 (remove right h)))
1245 (else
1246 (let ((probe ((searcher ht) key alist)))
1247 (if probe
1248 (begin (set! c (- c 1))
1249 (make-buckets n
1250 (remq1 probe alist)
1251 left
1252 right))
1253 t)))))))
1254 (let ((buckets (remove t h)))
1255 (make-ht c (hasher ht) (searcher ht) buckets)))
1256 (hashtree-error ht)))
1258 (define (size ht)
1259 (if (hashtree? ht)
1260 (count ht)
1261 (hashtree-error ht)))
1263 (define (ht-for-each f ht)
1264 (if (hashtree? ht)
1265 (for-each (lambda (association)
1266 (f (car association)
1267 (cdr association)))
1268 (contents ht))
1269 (hashtree-error ht)))
1271 (define (ht-map f ht)
1272 (if (hashtree? ht)
1273 (map (lambda (association)
1274 (f (car association)
1275 (cdr association)))
1276 (contents ht))
1277 (hashtree-error ht)))
1279 ; External entry points.
1281 (set! make-hashtree
1282 (lambda args
1283 (let* ((hashfun (if (null? args) object-hash (car args)))
1284 (searcher (if (or (null? args) (null? (cdr args)))
1285 assv
1286 (cadr args))))
1287 (make-ht 0 hashfun searcher (make-empty-buckets)))))
1289 (set! hashtree-contains? (lambda (ht key) (contains? ht key)))
1290 (set! hashtree-fetch (lambda (ht key flag) (fetch ht key flag)))
1291 (set! hashtree-get (lambda (ht key) (fetch ht key #f)))
1292 (set! hashtree-put (lambda (ht key val) (put ht key val)))
1293 (set! hashtree-remove (lambda (ht key) (remove ht key)))
1294 (set! hashtree-size (lambda (ht) (size ht)))
1295 (set! hashtree-for-each (lambda (ht proc) (ht-for-each ht proc)))
1296 (set! hashtree-map (lambda (ht proc) (ht-map ht proc)))
1297 #f))
1298; Copyright 1994 William Clinger
1300; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
1302; 24 April 1999
1304; Compiler switches needed by Twobit.
1306(define make-twobit-flag)
1307(define display-twobit-flag)
1309(define make-twobit-flag
1310 (lambda (name)
1312 (define (twobit-warning)
1313 (display "Error: incorrect arguments to ")
1314 (write name)
1315 (newline)
1316 (reset))
1318 (define (display-flag state)
1319 (display (if state " + " " - "))
1320 (display name)
1321 (display " is ")
1322 (display (if state "on" "off"))
1323 (newline))
1325 (let ((state #t))
1326 (lambda args
1327 (cond ((null? args) state)
1328 ((and (null? (cdr args))
1329 (boolean? (car args)))
1330 (set! state (car args))
1331 state)
1332 ((and (null? (cdr args))
1333 (eq? (car args) 'display))
1334 (display-flag state))
1335 (else (twobit-warning)))))))
1337(define (display-twobit-flag flag)
1338 (flag 'display))
1340; Debugging and convenience.
1342(define issue-warnings
1343 (make-twobit-flag 'issue-warnings))
1345(define include-source-code
1346 (make-twobit-flag 'include-source-code))
1348(define include-variable-names
1349 (make-twobit-flag 'include-variable-names))
1351(define include-procedure-names
1352 (make-twobit-flag 'include-procedure-names))
1354; Space efficiency.
1355; This switch isn't fully implemented yet. If it is true, then
1356; Twobit will generate flat closures and will go to some trouble
1357; to zero stale registers and stack slots.
1358; Don't turn this switch off unless space is more important than speed.
1360(define avoid-space-leaks
1361 (make-twobit-flag 'avoid-space-leaks))
1363; Major optimizations.
1365(define integrate-usual-procedures
1366 (make-twobit-flag 'integrate-usual-procedures))
1368(define control-optimization
1369 (make-twobit-flag 'control-optimization))
1371(define parallel-assignment-optimization
1372 (make-twobit-flag 'parallel-assignment-optimization))
1374(define lambda-optimization
1375 (make-twobit-flag 'lambda-optimization))
1377(define benchmark-mode
1378 (make-twobit-flag 'benchmark-mode))
1380(define benchmark-block-mode
1381 (make-twobit-flag 'benchmark-block-mode))
1383(define global-optimization
1384 (make-twobit-flag 'global-optimization))
1386(define interprocedural-inlining
1387 (make-twobit-flag 'interprocedural-inlining))
1389(define interprocedural-constant-propagation
1390 (make-twobit-flag 'interprocedural-constant-propagation))
1392(define common-subexpression-elimination
1393 (make-twobit-flag 'common-subexpression-elimination))
1395(define representation-inference
1396 (make-twobit-flag 'representation-inference))
1398(define local-optimization
1399 (make-twobit-flag 'local-optimization))
1401; For backwards compatibility, until I can change the code.
1403(define (ignore-space-leaks . args)
1404 (if (null? args)
1405 (not (avoid-space-leaks))
1406 (avoid-space-leaks (not (car args)))))
1408(define lambda-optimizations lambda-optimization)
1409(define local-optimizations local-optimization)
1411(define (set-compiler-flags! how)
1412 (case how
1413 ((no-optimization)
1414 (set-compiler-flags! 'standard)
1415 (avoid-space-leaks #t)
1416 (integrate-usual-procedures #f)
1417 (control-optimization #f)
1418 (parallel-assignment-optimization #f)
1419 (lambda-optimization #f)
1420 (benchmark-mode #f)
1421 (benchmark-block-mode #f)
1422 (global-optimization #f)
1423 (interprocedural-inlining #f)
1424 (interprocedural-constant-propagation #f)
1425 (common-subexpression-elimination #f)
1426 (representation-inference #f)
1427 (local-optimization #f))
1428 ((standard)
1429 (issue-warnings #t)
1430 (include-source-code #f)
1431 (include-procedure-names #t)
1432 (include-variable-names #t)
1433 (avoid-space-leaks #f)
1434 (runtime-safety-checking #t)
1435 (integrate-usual-procedures #f)
1436 (control-optimization #t)
1437 (parallel-assignment-optimization #t)
1438 (lambda-optimization #t)
1439 (benchmark-mode #f)
1440 (benchmark-block-mode #f)
1441 (global-optimization #t)
1442 (interprocedural-inlining #t)
1443 (interprocedural-constant-propagation #t)
1444 (common-subexpression-elimination #t)
1445 (representation-inference #t)
1446 (local-optimization #t))
1447 ((fast-safe)
1448 (let ((bbmode (benchmark-block-mode)))
1449 (set-compiler-flags! 'standard)
1450 (integrate-usual-procedures #t)
1451 (benchmark-mode #t)
1452 (benchmark-block-mode bbmode)))
1453 ((fast-unsafe)
1454 (set-compiler-flags! 'fast-safe)
1455 (runtime-safety-checking #f))
1456 (else
1457 (error "set-compiler-flags!: unknown mode " how))))
1459(define (display-twobit-flags which)
1460 (case which
1461 ((debugging)
1462 (display-twobit-flag issue-warnings)
1463 (display-twobit-flag include-procedure-names)
1464 (display-twobit-flag include-variable-names)
1465 (display-twobit-flag include-source-code))
1466 ((safety)
1467 (display-twobit-flag avoid-space-leaks))
1468 ((optimization)
1469 (display-twobit-flag integrate-usual-procedures)
1470 (display-twobit-flag control-optimization)
1471 (display-twobit-flag parallel-assignment-optimization)
1472 (display-twobit-flag lambda-optimization)
1473 (display-twobit-flag benchmark-mode)
1474 (display-twobit-flag benchmark-block-mode)
1475 (display-twobit-flag global-optimization)
1476 (if (global-optimization)
1477 (begin (display " ")
1478 (display-twobit-flag interprocedural-inlining)
1479 (display " ")
1480 (display-twobit-flag interprocedural-constant-propagation)
1481 (display " ")
1482 (display-twobit-flag common-subexpression-elimination)
1483 (display " ")
1484 (display-twobit-flag representation-inference)))
1485 (display-twobit-flag local-optimization))
1486 (else
1487 ; The switch might mean something to the assembler, but not to Twobit
1488 #t)))
1490; eof
1491; Copyright 1991 William Clinger
1493; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
1495; 14 April 1999 / wdc
1497($$trace "pass1.aux")
1501; Each definition in this section should be overridden by an assignment
1502; in a target-specific file.
1504; If a lambda expression has more than @maxargs-with-rest-arg@ required
1505; arguments followed by a rest argument, then the macro expander will
1506; rewrite the lambda expression as a lambda expression with only one
1507; argument (a rest argument) whose body is a LET that binds the arguments
1508; of the original lambda expression.
1510(define @maxargs-with-rest-arg@
1511 1000000) ; infinity
1513(define (prim-entry name) #f) ; no integrable procedures
1514(define (prim-arity name) 0) ; all of which take 0 arguments
1515(define (prim-opcodename name) name) ; and go by their source names
1517; End of definitions to be overridden by target-specific assignments.
1521; Miscellaneous routines.
1523(define (m-warn msg . more)
1524 (if (issue-warnings)
1525 (begin
1526 (display "WARNING from macro expander:")
1527 (newline)
1528 (display msg)
1529 (newline)
1530 (for-each (lambda (x) (write x) (newline))
1531 more))))
1533(define (m-error msg . more)
1534 (display "ERROR detected during macro expansion:")
1535 (newline)
1536 (display msg)
1537 (newline)
1538 (for-each (lambda (x) (write x) (newline))
1539 more)
1540 (m-quit (make-constant #f)))
1542(define (m-bug msg . more)
1543 (display "BUG in macro expander: ")
1544 (newline)
1545 (display msg)
1546 (newline)
1547 (for-each (lambda (x) (write x) (newline))
1548 more)
1549 (m-quit (make-constant #f)))
1551; Given a <formals>, returns a list of bound variables.
1554(define (make-null-terminated x)
1555 (cond ((null? x) '())
1556 ((pair? x)
1557 (cons (car x) (make-null-terminated (cdr x))))
1558 (else (list x))))
1560; Returns the length of the given list, or -1 if the argument
1561; is not a list. Does not check for circular lists.
1563(define (safe-length x)
1564 (define (loop x n)
1565 (cond ((null? x) n)
1566 ((pair? x) (loop (cdr x) (+ n 1)))
1567 (else -1)))
1568 (loop x 0))
1570; Given a unary predicate and a list, returns a list of those
1571; elements for which the predicate is true.
1573(define (filter1 p x)
1574 (cond ((null? x) '())
1575 ((p (car x)) (cons (car x) (filter1 p (cdr x))))
1576 (else (filter1 p (cdr x)))))
1578; Given a unary predicate and a list, returns #t if the
1579; predicate is true of every element of the list.
1581(define (every1? p x)
1582 (cond ((null? x) #t)
1583 ((p (car x)) (every1? p (cdr x)))
1584 (else #f)))
1586; Binary union of two sets represented as lists, using equal?.
1588(define (union2 x y)
1589 (cond ((null? x) y)
1590 ((member (car x) y)
1591 (union2 (cdr x) y))
1592 (else (union2 (cdr x) (cons (car x) y)))))
1594; Given an association list, copies the association pairs.
1596(define (copy-alist alist)
1597 (map (lambda (x) (cons (car x) (cdr x)))
1598 alist))
1600; Removes a value from a list. May destroy the list.
1603(define remq!
1604 (letrec ((loop (lambda (x y prev)
1605 (cond ((null? y) #t)
1606 ((eq? x (car y))
1607 (set-cdr! prev (cdr y))
1608 (loop x (cdr prev) prev))
1609 (else
1610 (loop x (cdr y) y))))))
1611 (lambda (x y)
1612 (cond ((null? y) '())
1613 ((eq? x (car y))
1614 (remq! x (cdr y)))
1615 (else
1616 (loop x (cdr y) y)
1617 y)))))
1619; Procedure-specific source code transformations.
1620; The transformer is passed a source code expression and a predicate
1621; and returns one of:
1623; the original source code expression
1624; a new source code expression to use in place of the original
1625; #f to indicate that the procedure is being called
1626; with an incorrect number of arguments or
1627; with an incorrect operand
1629; The original source code expression is guaranteed to be a list whose
1630; car is the name associated with the transformer.
1631; The predicate takes an identifier (a symbol) and returns true iff
1632; that identifier is bound to something other than its global binding.
1634; Since the procedures and their transformations are target-specific,
1635; they are defined in another file, in the Target subdirectory.
1637; FIXME:
1638; I think this is now used in only one place, in simplify-if.
1640(define (integrable? name)
1641 (and (integrate-usual-procedures)
1642 (prim-entry name)))
1644; MAKE-READABLE strips the referencing information
1645; and replaces (begin I) by I.
1646; If the optional argument is true, then it also reconstructs LET.
1648(define (make-readable exp . rest)
1649 (let ((fancy? (and (not (null? rest))
1650 (car rest))))
1651 (define (make-readable exp)
1652 (case (car exp)
1653 ((quote) (make-readable-quote exp))
1654 ((lambda) `(lambda ,(lambda.args exp)
1655 ,@(map (lambda (def)
1656 `(define ,(def.lhs def)
1657 ,(make-readable (def.rhs def))))
1658 (lambda.defs exp))
1659 ,(make-readable (lambda.body exp))))
1660 ((set!) `(set! ,(assignment.lhs exp)
1661 ,(make-readable (assignment.rhs exp))))
1662 ((if) `(if ,(make-readable (if.test exp))
1663 ,(make-readable (if.then exp))
1664 ,(make-readable (if.else exp))))
1665 ((begin) (if (variable? exp)
1666 ( exp)
1667 `(begin ,@(map make-readable (begin.exprs exp)))))
1668 (else (make-readable-call exp))))
1669 (define (make-readable-quote exp)
1670 (let ((x (constant.value exp)))
1671 (if (and fancy?
1672 (or (boolean? x)
1673 (number? x)
1674 (char? x)
1675 (string? x)))
1676 x
1677 exp)))
1678 (define (make-readable-call exp)
1679 (let ((proc (call.proc exp)))
1680 (if (and fancy?
1681 (lambda? proc)
1682 (list? (lambda.args proc)))
1683 ;(make-readable-let* exp '() '() '())
1684 (make-readable-let exp)
1685 `(,(make-readable (call.proc exp))
1686 ,@(map make-readable (call.args exp))))))
1687 (define (make-readable-let exp)
1688 (let* ((L (call.proc exp))
1689 (formals (lambda.args L))
1690 (args (map make-readable (call.args exp)))
1691 (body (make-readable (lambda.body L))))
1692 (if (and (null? (lambda.defs L))
1693 (= (length args) 1)
1694 (pair? body)
1695 (or (and (eq? (car body) 'let)
1696 (= (length (cadr body)) 1))
1697 (eq? (car body) 'let*)))
1698 `(let* ((,(car formals) ,(car args))
1699 ,@(cadr body))
1700 ,@(cddr body))
1701 `(let ,(map list
1702 (lambda.args L)
1703 args)
1704 ,@(map (lambda (def)
1705 `(define ,(def.lhs def)
1706 ,(make-readable (def.rhs def))))
1707 (lambda.defs L))
1708 ,body))))
1709 (define (make-readable-let* exp vars inits defs)
1710 (if (and (null? defs)
1711 (call? exp)
1712 (lambda? (call.proc exp))
1713 (= 1 (length (lambda.args (call.proc exp)))))
1714 (let ((proc (call.proc exp))
1715 (arg (car (call.args exp))))
1716 (if (and (call? arg)
1717 (lambda? (call.proc arg))
1718 (= 1 (length (lambda.args (call.proc arg))))
1719 (null? (lambda.defs (call.proc arg))))
1720 (make-readable-let*
1721 (make-call proc (list (lambda.body (call.proc arg))))
1722 (cons (car (lambda.args (call.proc arg))) vars)
1723 (cons (make-readable (car (call.args arg))) inits)
1724 '())
1725 (make-readable-let* (lambda.body proc)
1726 (cons (car (lambda.args proc)) vars)
1727 (cons (make-readable (car (call.args exp)))
1728 inits)
1729 (map (lambda (def)
1730 `(define ,(def.lhs def)
1731 ,(make-readable (def.rhs def))))
1732 (reverse (lambda.defs proc))))))
1733 (cond ((or (not (null? vars))
1734 (not (null? defs)))
1735 `(let* ,(map list
1736 (reverse vars)
1737 (reverse inits))
1738 ,@defs
1739 ,(make-readable exp)))
1740 ((and (call? exp)
1741 (lambda? (call.proc exp)))
1742 (let ((proc (call.proc exp)))
1743 `(let ,(map list
1744 (lambda.args proc)
1745 (map make-readable (call.args exp)))
1746 ,@(map (lambda (def)
1747 `(define ,(def.lhs def)
1748 ,(make-readable (def.rhs def))))
1749 (lambda.defs proc))
1750 ,(make-readable (lambda.body proc)))))
1751 (else
1752 (make-readable exp)))))
1753 (make-readable exp)))
1755; For testing.
1757; MAKE-UNREADABLE does the reverse.
1758; It assumes there are no internal definitions.
1760(define (make-unreadable exp)
1761 (cond ((symbol? exp) (list 'begin exp))
1762 ((pair? exp)
1763 (case (car exp)
1764 ((quote) exp)
1765 ((lambda) (list 'lambda
1766 (cadr exp)
1767 '(begin)
1768 (list '() '() '() '())
1769 (make-unreadable (cons 'begin (cddr exp)))))
1770 ((set!) (list 'set! (cadr exp) (make-unreadable (caddr exp))))
1771 ((if) (list 'if
1772 (make-unreadable (cadr exp))
1773 (make-unreadable (caddr exp))
1774 (if (= (length exp) 3)
1775 '(unspecified)
1776 (make-unreadable (cadddr exp)))))
1777 ((begin) (if (= (length exp) 2)
1778 (make-unreadable (cadr exp))
1779 (cons 'begin (map make-unreadable (cdr exp)))))
1780 (else (map make-unreadable exp))))
1781 (else (list 'quote exp))))
1782; Copyright 1991 William D Clinger.
1784; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
1786; 12 April 1999.
1788; Procedures for fetching and clobbering parts of expressions.
1790($$trace "pass2.aux")
1792(define (constant? exp) (eq? (car exp) 'quote))
1793(define (variable? exp)
1794 (and (eq? (car exp) 'begin)
1795 (null? (cddr exp))))
1796(define (lambda? exp) (eq? (car exp) 'lambda))
1797(define (call? exp) (pair? (car exp)))
1798(define (assignment? exp) (eq? (car exp) 'set!))
1799(define (conditional? exp) (eq? (car exp) 'if))
1800(define (begin? exp)
1801 (and (eq? (car exp) 'begin)
1802 (not (null? (cddr exp)))))
1804(define (make-constant value) (list 'quote value))
1805(define (make-variable name) (list 'begin name))
1806(define (make-lambda formals defs R F G decls doc body)
1807 (list 'lambda
1808 formals
1809 (cons 'begin defs)
1810 (list 'quote (list R F G decls doc))
1811 body))
1812(define (make-call proc args) (cons proc (append args '())))
1813(define (make-assignment lhs rhs) (list 'set! lhs rhs))
1814(define (make-conditional e0 e1 e2) (list 'if e0 e1 e2))
1815(define (make-begin exprs)
1816 (if (null? (cdr exprs))
1817 (car exprs)
1818 (cons 'begin (append exprs '()))))
1819(define (make-definition lhs rhs) (list 'define lhs rhs))
1821(define (constant.value exp) (cadr exp))
1822(define ( exp) (cadr exp))
1823(define (lambda.args exp) (cadr exp))
1824(define (lambda.defs exp) (cdr (caddr exp)))
1825(define (lambda.R exp) (car (cadr (cadddr exp))))
1826(define (lambda.F exp) (cadr (cadr (cadddr exp))))
1827(define (lambda.G exp) (caddr (cadr (cadddr exp))))
1828(define (lambda.decls exp) (cadddr (cadr (cadddr exp))))
1829(define (lambda.doc exp) (car (cddddr (cadr (cadddr exp)))))
1830(define (lambda.body exp) (car (cddddr exp)))
1831(define (call.proc exp) (car exp))
1832(define (call.args exp) (cdr exp))
1833(define (assignment.lhs exp) (cadr exp))
1834(define (assignment.rhs exp) (caddr exp))
1835(define (if.test exp) (cadr exp))
1836(define (if.then exp) (caddr exp))
1837(define (if.else exp) (cadddr exp))
1838(define (begin.exprs exp) (cdr exp))
1839(define (def.lhs exp) (cadr exp))
1840(define (def.rhs exp) (caddr exp))
1842(define (variable-set! exp newexp)
1843 (set-car! exp (car newexp))
1844 (set-cdr! exp (append (cdr newexp) '())))
1845(define (lambda.args-set! exp args) (set-car! (cdr exp) args))
1846(define (lambda.defs-set! exp defs) (set-cdr! (caddr exp) defs))
1847(define (lambda.R-set! exp R) (set-car! (cadr (cadddr exp)) R))
1848(define (lambda.F-set! exp F) (set-car! (cdr (cadr (cadddr exp))) F))
1849(define (lambda.G-set! exp G) (set-car! (cddr (cadr (cadddr exp))) G))
1850(define (lambda.decls-set! exp decls) (set-car! (cdddr (cadr (cadddr exp))) decls))
1851(define (lambda.doc-set! exp doc) (set-car! (cddddr (cadr (cadddr exp))) doc))
1852(define (lambda.body-set! exp exp0) (set-car! (cddddr exp) exp0))
1853(define (call.proc-set! exp exp0) (set-car! exp exp0))
1854(define (call.args-set! exp exprs) (set-cdr! exp exprs))
1855(define (assignment.rhs-set! exp exp0) (set-car! (cddr exp) exp0))
1856(define (if.test-set! exp exp0) (set-car! (cdr exp) exp0))
1857(define (if.then-set! exp exp0) (set-car! (cddr exp) exp0))
1858(define (if.else-set! exp exp0) (set-car! (cdddr exp) exp0))
1859(define (begin.exprs-set! exp exprs) (set-cdr! exp exprs))
1861(define expression-set! variable-set!) ; used only by pass 3
1863; FIXME: This duplicates information in Lib/procinfo.sch.
1865(define (make-doc name arity formals source-code filename filepos)
1866 (vector name source-code arity filename filepos formals))
1867(define ( d) (vector-ref d 0))
1868(define (doc.code d) (vector-ref d 1))
1869(define (doc.arity d) (vector-ref d 2))
1870(define (doc.file d) (vector-ref d 3))
1871(define (doc.filepos d) (vector-ref d 4))
1872(define (doc.formals d) (vector-ref d 5))
1873(define (! d x) (if d (vector-set! d 0 x)))
1874(define (doc.code-set! d x) (if d (vector-set! d 1 x)))
1875(define (doc.arity-set! d x) (if d (vector-set! d 2 x)))
1876(define (doc.file-set! d x) (if d (vector-set! d 3 x)))
1877(define (doc.filepos-set! d x) (if d (vector-set! d 4 x)))
1878(define (doc.formals-set! d x) (if d (vector-set! d 5 x)))
1879(define (doc-copy d) (list->vector (vector->list d)))
1881(define (ignored? name) (eq? name name:IGNORED))
1883; Fairly harmless bug: rest arguments aren't getting flagged.
1885(define (flag-as-ignored name L)
1886 (define (loop name formals)
1887 (cond ((null? formals)
1888 ;(pass2-error p2error:violation-of-invariant name formals)
1889 #t)
1890 ((symbol? formals) #t)
1891 ((eq? name (car formals))
1892 (set-car! formals name:IGNORED)
1893 (if (not (local? (lambda.R L) name:IGNORED))
1894 (lambda.R-set! L
1895 (cons (make-R-entry name:IGNORED '() '() '())
1896 (lambda.R L)))))
1897 (else (loop name (cdr formals)))))
1898 (loop name (lambda.args L)))
1900(define (make-null-terminated formals)
1901 (cond ((null? formals) '())
1902 ((symbol? formals) (list formals))
1903 (else (cons (car formals)
1904 (make-null-terminated (cdr formals))))))
1906(define (list-head x n)
1907 (cond ((zero? n) '())
1908 (else (cons (car x) (list-head (cdr x) (- n 1))))))
1910(define (remq x y)
1911 (cond ((null? y) '())
1912 ((eq? x (car y)) (remq x (cdr y)))
1913 (else (cons (car y) (remq x (cdr y))))))
1915(define (make-call-to-LIST args)
1916 (cond ((null? args) (make-constant '()))
1917 ((null? (cdr args))
1918 (make-call (make-variable name:CONS)
1919 (list (car args) (make-constant '()))))
1920 (else (make-call (make-variable name:LIST) args))))
1922(define (pass2-error i . etc)
1923 (apply cerror (cons (vector-ref pass2-error-messages i) etc)))
1925(define pass2-error-messages
1926 '#("System error: violation of an invariant in pass 2"
1927 "Wrong number of arguments to known procedure"))
1929(define p2error:violation-of-invariant 0)
1930(define p2error:wna 1)
1932; Procedures for fetching referencing information from R-tables.
1934(define (make-R-entry name refs assigns calls)
1935 (list name refs assigns calls))
1937(define ( x) (car x))
1938(define (R-entry.references x) (cadr x))
1939(define (R-entry.assignments x) (caddr x))
1940(define (R-entry.calls x) (cadddr x))
1942(define (R-entry.references-set! x refs) (set-car! (cdr x) refs))
1943(define (R-entry.assignments-set! x assignments) (set-car! (cddr x) assignments))
1944(define (R-entry.calls-set! x calls) (set-car! (cdddr x) calls))
1946(define (local? R I)
1947 (assq I R))
1949(define (R-entry R I)
1950 (assq I R))
1952(define (R-lookup R I)
1953 (or (assq I R)
1954 (pass2-error p2error:violation-of-invariant R I)))
1956(define (references R I)
1957 (cadr (R-lookup R I)))
1959(define (assignments R I)
1960 (caddr (R-lookup R I)))
1962(define (calls R I)
1963 (cadddr (R-lookup R I)))
1965(define (references-set! R I X)
1966 (set-car! (cdr (R-lookup R I)) X))
1968(define (assignments-set! R I X)
1969 (set-car! (cddr (R-lookup R I)) X))
1971(define (calls-set! R I X)
1972 (set-car! (cdddr (R-lookup R I)) X))
1974; A notepad is a vector of the form #(L0 (L1 ...) (L2 ...) (I ...)),
1975; where the components are:
1976; element 0: a parent lambda expression (or #f if there is no enclosing
1977; parent, or we want to pretend that there isn't).
1978; element 1: a list of lambda expressions that the parent lambda
1979; expression encloses immediately.
1980; element 2: a subset of that list that does not escape.
1981; element 3: a list of free variables.
1983(define (make-notepad L)
1984 (vector L '() '() '()))
1986(define (notepad.parent np) (vector-ref np 0))
1987(define (notepad.lambdas np) (vector-ref np 1))
1988(define (notepad.nonescaping np) (vector-ref np 2))
1989(define (notepad.vars np) (vector-ref np 3))
1991(define (notepad.lambdas-set! np x) (vector-set! np 1 x))
1992(define (notepad.nonescaping-set! np x) (vector-set! np 2 x))
1993(define (notepad.vars-set! np x) (vector-set! np 3 x))
1995(define (notepad-lambda-add! np L)
1996 (notepad.lambdas-set! np (cons L (notepad.lambdas np))))
1998(define (notepad-nonescaping-add! np L)
1999 (notepad.nonescaping-set! np (cons L (notepad.nonescaping np))))
2001(define (notepad-var-add! np I)
2002 (let ((vars (notepad.vars np)))
2003 (if (not (memq I vars))
2004 (notepad.vars-set! np (cons I vars)))))
2006; Given a notepad, returns the list of variables that are closed
2007; over by some nested lambda expression that escapes.
2009(define (notepad-captured-variables np)
2010 (let ((nonescaping (notepad.nonescaping np)))
2011 (apply-union
2012 (map (lambda (L)
2013 (if (memq L nonescaping)
2014 (lambda.G L)
2015 (lambda.F L)))
2016 (notepad.lambdas np)))))
2018; Given a notepad, returns a list of free variables computed
2019; as the union of the immediate free variables with the free
2020; variables of nested lambda expressions.
2022(define (notepad-free-variables np)
2023 (do ((lambdas (notepad.lambdas np) (cdr lambdas))
2024 (fv (notepad.vars np)
2025 (let ((L (car lambdas)))
2026 (union (difference (lambda.F L)
2027 (make-null-terminated (lambda.args L)))
2028 fv))))
2029 ((null? lambdas) fv)))
2030; Copyright 1992 William Clinger
2032; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
2034; 13 December 1998
2035\f; Implementation-dependent parameters and preferences that determine
2036; how identifiers are represented in the output of the macro expander.
2038; The basic problem is that there are no reserved words, so the
2039; syntactic keywords of core Scheme that are used to express the
2040; output need to be represented by data that cannot appear in the
2041; input. This file defines those data.
2043($$trace "prefs")
2045; FIXME: The following definitions are currently ignored.
2047; The following definitions assume that identifiers of mixed case
2048; cannot appear in the input.
2050(define begin1 (string->symbol "Begin"))
2051(define define1 (string->symbol "Define"))
2052(define quote1 (string->symbol "Quote"))
2053(define lambda1 (string->symbol "Lambda"))
2054(define if1 (string->symbol "If"))
2055(define set!1 (string->symbol "Set!"))
2057; The following defines an implementation-dependent expression
2058; that evaluates to an undefined (not unspecified!) value, for
2059; use in expanding the (define x) syntax.
2061(define undefined1 (list (string->symbol "Undefined")))
2063; End of FIXME.
2065; A variable is renamed by suffixing a vertical bar followed by a unique
2066; integer. In IEEE and R4RS Scheme, a vertical bar cannot appear as part
2067; of an identifier, but presumably this is enforced by the reader and not
2068; by the compiler. Any other character that cannot appear as part of an
2069; identifier may be used instead of the vertical bar.
2071(define renaming-prefix-character #\.)
2072(define renaming-suffix-character #\|)
2074(define renaming-prefix (string renaming-prefix-character))
2075(define renaming-suffix (string renaming-suffix-character))
2077; Patches for Twobit. Here temporarily.
2079(define (make-toplevel-definition id exp)
2080 (if (lambda? exp)
2081 (! (lambda.doc exp) id))
2082 (make-begin
2083 (list (make-assignment id exp)
2084 (make-constant id))))
2086(define (make-undefined)
2087 (make-call (make-variable 'undefined) '()))
2089(define (make-unspecified)
2090 (make-call (make-variable 'unspecified) '()))
2091; Copyright 1992 William Clinger
2093; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
2095; 9 December 1998
2096\f; Syntactic environments.
2098; A syntactic environment maps identifiers to denotations,
2099; where a denotation is one of
2101; (special <special>)
2102; (macro <rules> <env>)
2103; (inline <rules> <env>)
2104; (identifier <id> <references> <assignments> <calls>)
2106; and where <special> is one of
2108; quote
2109; lambda
2110; if
2111; set!
2112; begin
2113; define
2114; define-syntax
2115; let-syntax
2116; letrec-syntax
2117; syntax-rules
2119; and where <rules> is a compiled <transformer spec> (see R4RS),
2120; <env> is a syntactic environment, and <id> is an identifier.
2122; An inline denotation is like a macro denotation, except that it
2123; is not an error when none of the rules match the use. Inline
2124; denotations are created by DEFINE-INLINE.
2125; The standard syntactic environment should not include any
2126; identifier denotations; space leaks will result if it does.
2128($$trace "syntaxenv")
2130(define standard-syntactic-environment
2131 `((quote . (special quote))
2132 (lambda . (special lambda))
2133 (if . (special if))
2134 (set! . (special set!))
2135 (begin . (special begin))
2136 (define . (special define))
2137 (define-inline . (special define-inline))
2138 (define-syntax . (special define-syntax))
2139 (let-syntax . (special let-syntax))
2140 (letrec-syntax . (special letrec-syntax))
2141 (syntax-rules . (special syntax-rules))
2142 ))
2144; Unforgeable synonyms for lambda and set!, used to expand definitions.
2146(define lambda0 (string->symbol " lambda "))
2147(define set!0 (string->symbol " set! "))
2149(define (syntactic-copy env)
2150 (copy-alist env))
2152(define (make-basic-syntactic-environment)
2153 (cons (cons lambda0
2154 (cdr (assq 'lambda standard-syntactic-environment)))
2155 (cons (cons set!0
2156 (cdr (assq 'set! standard-syntactic-environment)))
2157 (syntactic-copy standard-syntactic-environment))))
2159; The global-syntactic-environment will always be a nonempty
2160; association list since there is no way to remove the entry
2161; for lambda0. That entry is used as a header by destructive
2162; operations.
2164(define global-syntactic-environment
2165 (make-basic-syntactic-environment))
2167(define (global-syntactic-environment-set! env)
2168 (set-cdr! global-syntactic-environment env)
2169 #t)
2171(define (syntactic-bind-globally! id denotation)
2172 (if (and (identifier-denotation? denotation)
2173 (eq? id (identifier-name denotation)))
2174 (letrec ((remove-bindings-for-id
2175 (lambda (bindings)
2176 (cond ((null? bindings) '())
2177 ((eq? (caar bindings) id)
2178 (remove-bindings-for-id (cdr bindings)))
2179 (else (cons (car bindings)
2180 (remove-bindings-for-id (cdr bindings))))))))
2181 (global-syntactic-environment-set!
2182 (remove-bindings-for-id (cdr global-syntactic-environment))))
2183 (let ((x (assq id global-syntactic-environment)))
2184 (if x
2185 (begin (set-cdr! x denotation) #t)
2186 (global-syntactic-environment-set!
2187 (cons (cons id denotation)
2188 (cdr global-syntactic-environment)))))))
2190(define (syntactic-divert env1 env2)
2191 (append env2 env1))
2193(define (syntactic-extend env ids denotations)
2194 (syntactic-divert env (map cons ids denotations)))
2196(define (syntactic-lookup env id)
2197 (let ((entry (assq id env)))
2198 (if entry
2199 (cdr entry)
2200 (make-identifier-denotation id))))
2202(define (syntactic-assign! env id denotation)
2203 (let ((entry (assq id env)))
2204 (if entry
2205 (set-cdr! entry denotation)
2206 (m-bug "Bug detected in syntactic-assign!" env id denotation))))
2208; Denotations.
2210(define denotation-class car)
2212(define (special-denotation? denotation)
2213 (eq? (denotation-class denotation) 'special))
2215(define (macro-denotation? denotation)
2216 (eq? (denotation-class denotation) 'macro))
2218(define (inline-denotation? denotation)
2219 (eq? (denotation-class denotation) 'inline))
2221(define (identifier-denotation? denotation)
2222 (eq? (denotation-class denotation) 'identifier))
2224(define (make-macro-denotation rules env)
2225 (list 'macro rules env))
2227(define (make-inline-denotation id rules env)
2228 (list 'inline rules env id))
2230(define (make-identifier-denotation id)
2231 (list 'identifier id '() '() '()))
2233(define macro-rules cadr)
2234(define macro-env caddr)
2236(define inline-rules macro-rules)
2237(define inline-env macro-env)
2238(define inline-name cadddr)
2240(define identifier-name cadr)
2241(define identifier-R-entry cdr)
2243(define (same-denotation? d1 d2)
2244 (or (eq? d1 d2)
2245 (and (identifier-denotation? d1)
2246 (identifier-denotation? d2)
2247 (eq? (identifier-name d1)
2248 (identifier-name d2)))))
2250(define denotation-of-quote
2251 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'quote))
2253(define denotation-of-lambda
2254 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'lambda))
2256(define denotation-of-if
2257 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'if))
2259(define denotation-of-set!
2260 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'set!))
2262(define denotation-of-begin
2263 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'begin))
2265(define denotation-of-define
2266 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'define))
2268(define denotation-of-define-inline
2269 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'define-inline))
2271(define denotation-of-define-syntax
2272 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'define-syntax))
2274(define denotation-of-let-syntax
2275 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'let-syntax))
2277(define denotation-of-letrec-syntax
2278 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'letrec-syntax))
2280(define denotation-of-syntax-rules
2281 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'syntax-rules))
2283(define denotation-of-...
2284 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment '...))
2286(define denotation-of-transformer
2287 (syntactic-lookup standard-syntactic-environment 'transformer))
2289; Given a syntactic environment env to be extended, an alist returned
2290; by rename-vars, and a syntactic environment env2, extends env by
2291; binding the fresh identifiers to the denotations of the original
2292; identifiers in env2.
2294(define (syntactic-alias env alist env2)
2295 (syntactic-divert
2296 env
2297 (map (lambda (name-pair)
2298 (let ((old-name (car name-pair))
2299 (new-name (cdr name-pair)))
2300 (cons new-name
2301 (syntactic-lookup env2 old-name))))
2302 alist)))
2304; Given a syntactic environment and an alist returned by rename-vars,
2305; extends the environment by binding the old identifiers to the fresh
2306; identifiers.
2307; For Twobit, it also binds the fresh identifiers to their denotations.
2308; This is ok so long as the fresh identifiers are not legal Scheme
2309; identifiers.
2311(define (syntactic-rename env alist)
2312 (if (null? alist)
2313 env
2314 (let* ((old (caar alist))
2315 (new (cdar alist))
2316 (denotation (make-identifier-denotation new)))
2317 (syntactic-rename
2318 (cons (cons old denotation)
2319 (cons (cons new denotation)
2320 env))
2321 (cdr alist)))))
2323; Renaming of variables.
2325(define renaming-counter 0)
2327(define (make-rename-procedure)
2328 (set! renaming-counter (+ renaming-counter 1))
2329 (let ((suffix (string-append renaming-suffix (number->string renaming-counter))))
2330 (lambda (sym)
2331 (if (symbol? sym)
2332 (let ((s (symbol->string sym)))
2333 (if (and (positive? (string-length s))
2334 (char=? (string-ref s 0) renaming-prefix-character))
2335 (string->symbol (string-append s suffix))
2336 (string->symbol (string-append renaming-prefix s suffix))))
2337 (m-warn "Illegal use of rename procedure" 'ok:FIXME sym)))))
2339; Given a datum, strips the suffixes from any symbols that appear within
2340; the datum, trying not to copy any more of the datum than necessary.
2342(define (m-strip x)
2343 (define (original-symbol x)
2344 (define (loop sym s i n)
2345 (cond ((= i n) sym)
2346 ((char=? (string-ref s i)
2347 renaming-suffix-character)
2348 (string->symbol (substring s 1 i)))
2349 (else
2350 (loop sym s (+ i 1) n))))
2351 (let ((s (symbol->string x)))
2352 (if (and (positive? (string-length s))
2353 (char=? (string-ref s 0) renaming-prefix-character))
2354 (loop x s 0 (string-length s))
2355 x)))
2356 (cond ((symbol? x)
2357 (original-symbol x))
2358 ((pair? x)
2359 (let ((a (m-strip (car x)))
2360 (b (m-strip (cdr x))))
2361 (if (and (eq? a (car x))
2362 (eq? b (cdr x)))
2363 x
2364 (cons a b))))
2365 ((vector? x)
2366 (let* ((v (vector->list x))
2367 (v2 (map m-strip v)))
2368 (if (equal? v v2)
2369 x
2370 (list->vector v2))))
2371 (else x)))
2373; Given a list of identifiers, or a formal parameter "list",
2374; returns an alist that associates each identifier with a fresh identifier.
2376(define (rename-vars original-vars)
2377 (let ((rename (make-rename-procedure)))
2378 (define (loop vars newvars)
2379 (cond ((null? vars) (reverse newvars))
2380 ((pair? vars)
2381 (let ((var (car vars)))
2382 (if (symbol? var)
2383 (loop (cdr vars)
2384 (cons (cons var (rename var))
2385 newvars))
2386 (m-error "Illegal variable" var))))
2387 ((symbol? vars)
2388 (loop (list vars) newvars))
2389 (else (m-error "Malformed parameter list" original-vars))))
2390 (loop original-vars '())))
2392; Given a <formals> and an alist returned by rename-vars that contains
2393; a new name for each formal identifier in <formals>, renames the
2394; formal identifiers.
2396(define (rename-formals formals alist)
2397 (cond ((null? formals) '())
2398 ((pair? formals)
2399 (cons (cdr (assq (car formals) alist))
2400 (rename-formals (cdr formals) alist)))
2401 (else (cdr (assq formals alist)))))
2402; Copyright 1992 William Clinger
2404; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
2405; software for any lawful purpose, and to redistribute this software
2406; is granted subject to the restriction that all copies made of this
2407; software must include this copyright notice in full.
2409; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
2410; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
2411; the benefit of the Scheme community.
2413; 23 November 1998
2414\f; Compiler for a <transformer spec>.
2416; References:
2418; The Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.
2419; Clinger and Rees [editors]. To appear in Lisp Pointers.
2420; Also available as a technical report from U of Oregon,
2421; MIT AI Lab, and Cornell.
2423; Macros That Work. Clinger and Rees. POPL '91.
2425; The input is a <transformer spec> and a syntactic environment.
2426; Syntactic environments are described in another file.
2428; The supported syntax differs from the R4RS in that vectors are
2429; allowed as patterns and as templates and are not allowed as
2430; pattern or template data.
2432; <transformer spec> --> (syntax-rules <literals> <rules>)
2433; <rules> --> () | (<rule> . <rules>)
2434; <rule> --> (<pattern> <template>)
2435; <pattern> --> <pattern_var> ; a <symbol> not in <literals>
2436; | <symbol> ; a <symbol> in <literals>
2437; | ()
2438; | (<pattern> . <pattern>)
2439; | (<ellipsis_pattern>)
2440; | #(<pattern>*) ; extends R4RS
2441; | #(<pattern>* <ellipsis_pattern>) ; extends R4RS
2442; | <pattern_datum>
2443; <template> --> <pattern_var>
2444; | <symbol>
2445; | ()
2446; | (<template2> . <template2>)
2447; | #(<template>*) ; extends R4RS
2448; | <pattern_datum>
2449; <template2> --> <template> | <ellipsis_template>
2450; <pattern_datum> --> <string> ; no <vector>
2451; | <character>
2452; | <boolean>
2453; | <number>
2454; <ellipsis_pattern> --> <pattern> ...
2455; <ellipsis_template> --> <template> ...
2456; <pattern_var> --> <symbol> ; not in <literals>
2457; <literals> --> () | (<symbol> . <literals>)
2459; Definitions.
2461; scope of an ellipsis
2463; Within a pattern or template, the scope of an ellipsis
2464; (...) is the pattern or template that appears to its left.
2466; rank of a pattern variable
2468; The rank of a pattern variable is the number of ellipses
2469; within whose scope it appears in the pattern.
2471; rank of a subtemplate
2473; The rank of a subtemplate is the number of ellipses within
2474; whose scope it appears in the template.
2476; template rank of an occurrence of a pattern variable
2478; The template rank of an occurrence of a pattern variable
2479; within a template is the rank of that occurrence, viewed
2480; as a subtemplate.
2482; variables bound by a pattern
2484; The variables bound by a pattern are the pattern variables
2485; that appear within it.
2487; referenced variables of a subtemplate
2489; The referenced variables of a subtemplate are the pattern
2490; variables that appear within it.
2492; variables opened by an ellipsis template
2494; The variables opened by an ellipsis template are the
2495; referenced pattern variables whose rank is greater than
2496; the rank of the ellipsis template.
2499; Restrictions.
2501; No pattern variable appears more than once within a pattern.
2503; For every occurrence of a pattern variable within a template,
2504; the template rank of the occurrence must be greater than or
2505; equal to the pattern variable's rank.
2507; Every ellipsis template must open at least one variable.
2509; For every ellipsis template, the variables opened by an
2510; ellipsis template must all be bound to sequences of the
2511; same length.
2514; The compiled form of a <rule> is
2516; <rule> --> (<pattern> <template> <inserted>)
2517; <pattern> --> <pattern_var>
2518; | <symbol>
2519; | ()
2520; | (<pattern> . <pattern>)
2521; | <ellipsis_pattern>
2522; | #(<pattern>)
2523; | <pattern_datum>
2524; <template> --> <pattern_var>
2525; | <symbol>
2526; | ()
2527; | (<template2> . <template2>)
2528; | #(<pattern>)
2529; | <pattern_datum>
2530; <template2> --> <template> | <ellipsis_template>
2531; <pattern_datum> --> <string>
2532; | <character>
2533; | <boolean>
2534; | <number>
2535; <pattern_var> --> #(<V> <symbol> <rank>)
2536; <ellipsis_pattern> --> #(<E> <pattern> <pattern_vars>)
2537; <ellipsis_template> --> #(<E> <template> <pattern_vars>)
2538; <inserted> --> () | (<symbol> . <inserted>)
2539; <pattern_vars> --> () | (<pattern_var> . <pattern_vars>)
2540; <rank> --> <exact non-negative integer>
2542; where <V> and <E> are unforgeable values.
2543; The pattern variables associated with an ellipsis pattern
2544; are the variables bound by the pattern, and the pattern
2545; variables associated with an ellipsis template are the
2546; variables opened by the ellipsis template.
2549; What's wrong with the above?
2550; If the template contains a big chunk that contains no pattern variables
2551; or inserted identifiers, then the big chunk will be copied unnecessarily.
2552; That shouldn't matter very often.
2554($$trace "syntaxrules")
2556(define pattern-variable-flag (list 'v))
2557(define ellipsis-pattern-flag (list 'e))
2558(define ellipsis-template-flag ellipsis-pattern-flag)
2560(define (make-patternvar v rank)
2561 (vector pattern-variable-flag v rank))
2562(define (make-ellipsis-pattern P vars)
2563 (vector ellipsis-pattern-flag P vars))
2564(define (make-ellipsis-template T vars)
2565 (vector ellipsis-template-flag T vars))
2567(define (patternvar? x)
2568 (and (vector? x)
2569 (= (vector-length x) 3)
2570 (eq? (vector-ref x 0) pattern-variable-flag)))
2572(define (ellipsis-pattern? x)
2573 (and (vector? x)
2574 (= (vector-length x) 3)
2575 (eq? (vector-ref x 0) ellipsis-pattern-flag)))
2577(define (ellipsis-template? x)
2578 (and (vector? x)
2579 (= (vector-length x) 3)
2580 (eq? (vector-ref x 0) ellipsis-template-flag)))
2582(define (patternvar-name V) (vector-ref V 1))
2583(define (patternvar-rank V) (vector-ref V 2))
2584(define (ellipsis-pattern P) (vector-ref P 1))
2585(define (ellipsis-pattern-vars P) (vector-ref P 2))
2586(define (ellipsis-template T) (vector-ref T 1))
2587(define (ellipsis-template-vars T) (vector-ref T 2))
2589(define (pattern-variable v vars)
2590 (cond ((null? vars) #f)
2591 ((eq? v (patternvar-name (car vars)))
2592 (car vars))
2593 (else (pattern-variable v (cdr vars)))))
2595; Given a <transformer spec> and a syntactic environment,
2596; returns a macro denotation.
2598; A macro denotation is of the form
2600; (macro (<rule> ...) env)
2602; where each <rule> has been compiled as described above.
2604(define (m-compile-transformer-spec spec env)
2605 (if (and (> (safe-length spec) 1)
2606 (eq? (syntactic-lookup env (car spec))
2607 denotation-of-syntax-rules))
2608 (let ((literals (cadr spec))
2609 (rules (cddr spec)))
2610 (if (or (not (list? literals))
2611 (not (every1? (lambda (rule)
2612 (and (= (safe-length rule) 2)
2613 (pair? (car rule))))
2614 rules)))
2615 (m-error "Malformed syntax-rules" spec))
2616 (list 'macro
2617 (map (lambda (rule)
2618 (m-compile-rule rule literals env))
2619 rules)
2620 env))
2621 (m-error "Malformed syntax-rules" spec)))
2623(define (m-compile-rule rule literals env)
2624 (m-compile-pattern (cdr (car rule))
2625 literals
2626 env
2627 (lambda (compiled-rule patternvars)
2628 ; FIXME
2629 ; should check uniqueness of pattern variables here
2630 (cons compiled-rule
2631 (m-compile-template
2632 (cadr rule)
2633 patternvars
2634 env)))))
2636(define (m-compile-pattern P literals env k)
2637 (define (loop P vars rank k)
2638 (cond ((symbol? P)
2639 (if (memq P literals)
2640 (k P vars)
2641 (let ((var (make-patternvar P rank)))
2642 (k var (cons var vars)))))
2643 ((null? P) (k '() vars))
2644 ((pair? P)
2645 (if (and (pair? (cdr P))
2646 (symbol? (cadr P))
2647 (same-denotation? (syntactic-lookup env (cadr P))
2648 denotation-of-...))
2649 (if (null? (cddr P))
2650 (loop (car P)
2651 '()
2652 (+ rank 1)
2653 (lambda (P vars1)
2654 (k (make-ellipsis-pattern P vars1)
2655 (union2 vars1 vars))))
2656 (m-error "Malformed pattern" P))
2657 (loop (car P)
2658 vars
2659 rank
2660 (lambda (P1 vars)
2661 (loop (cdr P)
2662 vars
2663 rank
2664 (lambda (P2 vars)
2665 (k (cons P1 P2) vars)))))))
2666 ((vector? P)
2667 (loop (vector->list P)
2668 vars
2669 rank
2670 (lambda (P vars)
2671 (k (vector P) vars))))
2672 (else (k P vars))))
2673 (loop P '() 0 k))
2675(define (m-compile-template T vars env)
2677 (define (loop T inserted referenced rank escaped? k)
2678 (cond ((symbol? T)
2679 (let ((x (pattern-variable T vars)))
2680 (if x
2681 (if (>= rank (patternvar-rank x))
2682 (k x inserted (cons x referenced))
2683 (m-error
2684 "Too few ellipses follow pattern variable in template"
2685 (patternvar-name x)))
2686 (k T (cons T inserted) referenced))))
2687 ((null? T) (k '() inserted referenced))
2688 ((pair? T)
2689 (cond ((and (not escaped?)
2690 (symbol? (car T))
2691 (same-denotation? (syntactic-lookup env (car T))
2692 denotation-of-...)
2693 (pair? (cdr T))
2694 (null? (cddr T)))
2695 (loop (cadr T) inserted referenced rank #t k))
2696 ((and (not escaped?)
2697 (pair? (cdr T))
2698 (symbol? (cadr T))
2699 (same-denotation? (syntactic-lookup env (cadr T))
2700 denotation-of-...))
2701 (loop1 T inserted referenced rank escaped? k))
2702 (else
2703 (loop (car T)
2704 inserted
2705 referenced
2706 rank
2707 escaped?
2708 (lambda (T1 inserted referenced)
2709 (loop (cdr T)
2710 inserted
2711 referenced
2712 rank
2713 escaped?
2714 (lambda (T2 inserted referenced)
2715 (k (cons T1 T2) inserted referenced))))))))
2716 ((vector? T)
2717 (loop (vector->list T)
2718 inserted
2719 referenced
2720 rank
2721 escaped?
2722 (lambda (T inserted referenced)
2723 (k (vector T) inserted referenced))))
2724 (else (k T inserted referenced))))
2726 (define (loop1 T inserted referenced rank escaped? k)
2727 (loop (car T)
2728 inserted
2729 '()
2730 (+ rank 1)
2731 escaped?
2732 (lambda (T1 inserted referenced1)
2733 (loop (cddr T)
2734 inserted
2735 (append referenced1 referenced)
2736 rank
2737 escaped?
2738 (lambda (T2 inserted referenced)
2739 (k (cons (make-ellipsis-template
2740 T1
2741 (filter1 (lambda (var)
2742 (> (patternvar-rank var)
2743 rank))
2744 referenced1))
2745 T2)
2746 inserted
2747 referenced))))))
2749 (loop T
2750 '()
2751 '()
2752 0
2753 #f
2754 (lambda (T inserted referenced)
2755 (list T inserted))))
2757; The pattern matcher.
2759; Given an input, a pattern, and two syntactic environments,
2760; returns a pattern variable environment (represented as an alist)
2761; if the input matches the pattern, otherwise returns #f.
2763(define empty-pattern-variable-environment
2764 (list (make-patternvar (string->symbol "") 0)))
2766(define (m-match F P env-def env-use)
2768 (define (match F P answer rank)
2769 (cond ((null? P)
2770 (and (null? F) answer))
2771 ((pair? P)
2772 (and (pair? F)
2773 (let ((answer (match (car F) (car P) answer rank)))
2774 (and answer (match (cdr F) (cdr P) answer rank)))))
2775 ((symbol? P)
2776 (and (symbol? F)
2777 (same-denotation? (syntactic-lookup env-def P)
2778 (syntactic-lookup env-use F))
2779 answer))
2780 ((patternvar? P)
2781 (cons (cons P F) answer))
2782 ((ellipsis-pattern? P)
2783 (match1 F P answer (+ rank 1)))
2784 ((vector? P)
2785 (and (vector? F)
2786 (match (vector->list F) (vector-ref P 0) answer rank)))
2787 (else (and (equal? F P) answer))))
2789 (define (match1 F P answer rank)
2790 (cond ((not (list? F)) #f)
2791 ((null? F)
2792 (append (map (lambda (var) (cons var '()))
2793 (ellipsis-pattern-vars P))
2794 answer))
2795 (else
2796 (let* ((P1 (ellipsis-pattern P))
2797 (answers (map (lambda (F) (match F P1 answer rank))
2798 F)))
2799 (if (every1? (lambda (answer) answer) answers)
2800 (append (map (lambda (var)
2801 (cons var
2802 (map (lambda (answer)
2803 (cdr (assq var answer)))
2804 answers)))
2805 (ellipsis-pattern-vars P))
2806 answer)
2807 #f)))))
2809 (match F P empty-pattern-variable-environment 0))
2811(define (m-rewrite T alist)
2813 (define (rewrite T alist rank)
2814 (cond ((null? T) '())
2815 ((pair? T)
2816 ((if (ellipsis-pattern? (car T))
2817 append
2818 cons)
2819 (rewrite (car T) alist rank)
2820 (rewrite (cdr T) alist rank)))
2821 ((symbol? T) (cdr (assq T alist)))
2822 ((patternvar? T) (cdr (assq T alist)))
2823 ((ellipsis-template? T)
2824 (rewrite1 T alist (+ rank 1)))
2825 ((vector? T)
2826 (list->vector (rewrite (vector-ref T 0) alist rank)))
2827 (else T)))
2829 (define (rewrite1 T alist rank)
2830 (let* ((T1 (ellipsis-template T))
2831 (vars (ellipsis-template-vars T))
2832 (rows (map (lambda (var) (cdr (assq var alist)))
2833 vars)))
2834 (map (lambda (alist) (rewrite T1 alist rank))
2835 (make-columns vars rows alist))))
2837 (define (make-columns vars rows alist)
2838 (define (loop rows)
2839 (if (null? (car rows))
2840 '()
2841 (cons (append (map (lambda (var row)
2842 (cons var (car row)))
2843 vars
2844 rows)
2845 alist)
2846 (loop (map cdr rows)))))
2847 (if (or (null? (cdr rows))
2848 (apply = (map length rows)))
2849 (loop rows)
2850 (m-error "Use of macro is not consistent with definition"
2851 vars
2852 rows)))
2854 (rewrite T alist 0))
2856; Given a use of a macro, the syntactic environment of the use,
2857; a continuation that expects a transcribed expression and
2858; a new environment in which to continue expansion, and a boolean
2859; that is true if this transcription is for an inline procedure,
2860; does the right thing.
2862(define (m-transcribe0 exp env-use k inline?)
2863 (let* ((m (syntactic-lookup env-use (car exp)))
2864 (rules (macro-rules m))
2865 (env-def (macro-env m))
2866 (F (cdr exp)))
2867 (define (loop rules)
2868 (if (null? rules)
2869 (if inline?
2870 (k exp env-use)
2871 (m-error "Use of macro does not match definition" exp))
2872 (let* ((rule (car rules))
2873 (pattern (car rule))
2874 (alist (m-match F pattern env-def env-use)))
2875 (if alist
2876 (let* ((template (cadr rule))
2877 (inserted (caddr rule))
2878 (alist2 (rename-vars inserted))
2879 (newexp (m-rewrite template (append alist2 alist))))
2880 (k newexp
2881 (syntactic-alias env-use alist2 env-def)))
2882 (loop (cdr rules))))))
2883 (if (procedure? rules)
2884 (m-transcribe-low-level exp env-use k rules env-def)
2885 (loop rules))))
2887(define (m-transcribe exp env-use k)
2888 (m-transcribe0 exp env-use k #f))
2890(define (m-transcribe-inline exp env-use k)
2891 (m-transcribe0 exp env-use k #t))
2893; Copyright 1998 William Clinger
2895; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
2897; Low-level macro facility based on explicit renaming. See
2898; William D Clinger. Hygienic macros through explicit renaming.
2899; In Lisp Pointers IV(4), 25-28, December 1991.
2901($$trace "lowlevel")
2903(define (m-transcribe-low-level exp env-use k transformer env-def)
2904 (let ((rename0 (make-rename-procedure))
2905 (renamed '())
2906 (ok #t))
2907 (define (lookup sym)
2908 (let loop ((alist renamed))
2909 (cond ((null? alist)
2910 (syntactic-lookup env-use sym))
2911 ((eq? sym (cdr (car alist)))
2912 (syntactic-lookup env-def (car (car alist))))
2913 (else
2914 (loop (cdr alist))))))
2915 (let ((rename
2916 (lambda (sym)
2917 (if ok
2918 (let ((probe (assq sym renamed)))
2919 (if probe
2920 (cdr probe)
2921 (let ((sym2 (rename0 sym)))
2922 (set! renamed (cons (cons sym sym2) renamed))
2923 sym2)))
2924 (m-error "Illegal use of a rename procedure" sym))))
2925 (compare
2926 (lambda (sym1 sym2)
2927 (same-denotation? (lookup sym1) (lookup sym2)))))
2928 (let ((exp2 (transformer exp rename compare)))
2929 (set! ok #f)
2930 (k exp2
2931 (syntactic-alias env-use renamed env-def))))))
2933(define identifier? symbol?)
2935(define (identifier->symbol id)
2936 (m-strip id))
2937; Copyright 1992 William Clinger
2939; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
2941; 22 April 1999
2943($$trace "expand")
2945; This procedure sets the default scope of global macro definitions.
2947(define define-syntax-scope
2948 (let ((flag 'letrec))
2949 (lambda args
2950 (cond ((null? args) flag)
2951 ((not (null? (cdr args)))
2952 (apply m-warn
2953 "Too many arguments passed to define-syntax-scope"
2954 args))
2955 ((memq (car args) '(letrec letrec* let*))
2956 (set! flag (car args)))
2957 (else (m-warn "Unrecognized argument to define-syntax-scope"
2958 (car args)))))))
2960; The main entry point.
2961; The outermost lambda allows known procedures to be lifted outside
2962; all local variables.
2964(define (macro-expand def-or-exp)
2965 (call-with-current-continuation
2966 (lambda (k)
2967 (set! m-quit k)
2968 (set! renaming-counter 0)
2969 (make-call
2970 (make-lambda '() ; formals
2971 '() ; definitions
2972 '() ; R
2973 '() ; F
2974 '() ; G
2975 '() ; declarations
2976 #f ; documentation
2977 (desugar-definitions def-or-exp
2978 global-syntactic-environment
2979 make-toplevel-definition))
2980 '()))))
2982(define (desugar-definitions exp env make-toplevel-definition)
2983 (letrec
2985 ((define-loop
2986 (lambda (exp rest first env)
2987 (cond ((and (pair? exp)
2988 (symbol? (car exp))
2989 (eq? (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))
2990 denotation-of-begin)
2991 (pair? (cdr exp)))
2992 (define-loop (cadr exp) (append (cddr exp) rest) first env))
2993 ((and (pair? exp)
2994 (symbol? (car exp))
2995 (eq? (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))
2996 denotation-of-define))
2997 (let ((exp (desugar-define exp env)))
2998 (cond ((and (null? first) (null? rest))
2999 exp)
3000 ((null? rest)
3001 (make-begin (reverse (cons exp first))))
3002 (else (define-loop (car rest)
3003 (cdr rest)
3004 (cons exp first)
3005 env)))))
3006 ((and (pair? exp)
3007 (symbol? (car exp))
3008 (or (eq? (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))
3009 denotation-of-define-syntax)
3010 (eq? (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))
3011 denotation-of-define-inline))
3012 (null? first))
3013 (define-syntax-loop exp rest env))
3014 ((and (pair? exp)
3015 (symbol? (car exp))
3016 (macro-denotation? (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))))
3017 (m-transcribe exp
3018 env
3019 (lambda (exp env)
3020 (define-loop exp rest first env))))
3021 ((and (null? first) (null? rest))
3022 (m-expand exp env))
3023 ((null? rest)
3024 (make-begin (reverse (cons (m-expand exp env) first))))
3025 (else (make-begin
3026 (append (reverse first)
3027 (map (lambda (exp) (m-expand exp env))
3028 (cons exp rest))))))))
3030 (define-syntax-loop
3031 (lambda (exp rest env)
3032 (cond ((and (pair? exp)
3033 (symbol? (car exp))
3034 (eq? (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))
3035 denotation-of-begin)
3036 (pair? (cdr exp)))
3037 (define-syntax-loop (cadr exp) (append (cddr exp) rest) env))
3038 ((and (pair? exp)
3039 (symbol? (car exp))
3040 (eq? (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))
3041 denotation-of-define-syntax))
3042 (if (pair? (cdr exp))
3043 (redefinition (cadr exp)))
3044 (if (null? rest)
3045 (m-define-syntax exp env)
3046 (begin (m-define-syntax exp env)
3047 (define-syntax-loop (car rest) (cdr rest) env))))
3048 ((and (pair? exp)
3049 (symbol? (car exp))
3050 (eq? (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))
3051 denotation-of-define-inline))
3052 (if (pair? (cdr exp))
3053 (redefinition (cadr exp)))
3054 (if (null? rest)
3055 (m-define-inline exp env)
3056 (begin (m-define-inline exp env)
3057 (define-syntax-loop (car rest) (cdr rest) env))))
3058 ((and (pair? exp)
3059 (symbol? (car exp))
3060 (macro-denotation? (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))))
3061 (m-transcribe exp
3062 env
3063 (lambda (exp env)
3064 (define-syntax-loop exp rest env))))
3065 ((and (pair? exp)
3066 (symbol? (car exp))
3067 (eq? (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))
3068 denotation-of-define))
3069 (define-loop exp rest '() env))
3070 ((null? rest)
3071 (m-expand exp env))
3072 (else (make-begin
3073 (map (lambda (exp) (m-expand exp env))
3074 (cons exp rest)))))))
3076 (desugar-define
3077 (lambda (exp env)
3078 (cond
3079 ((null? (cdr exp)) (m-error "Malformed definition" exp))
3080 ; (define foo) syntax is transformed into (define foo (undefined)).
3081 ((null? (cddr exp))
3082 (let ((id (cadr exp)))
3083 (if (or (null? pass1-block-inlines)
3084 (not (memq id pass1-block-inlines)))
3085 (begin
3086 (redefinition id)
3087 (syntactic-bind-globally! id (make-identifier-denotation id))))
3088 (make-toplevel-definition id (make-undefined))))
3089 ((pair? (cadr exp))
3090 (desugar-define
3091 (let* ((def (car exp))
3092 (pattern (cadr exp))
3093 (f (car pattern))
3094 (args (cdr pattern))
3095 (body (cddr exp)))
3096 (if (and (symbol? (car (cadr exp)))
3097 (benchmark-mode)
3098 (list? (cadr exp)))
3099 `(,def ,f
3100 (,lambda0 ,args
3101 ((,lambda0 (,f)
3102 (,set!0 ,f (,lambda0 ,args ,@body))
3103 ,pattern)
3104 0)))
3105 `(,def ,f (,lambda0 ,args ,@body))))
3106 env))
3107 ((> (length exp) 3) (m-error "Malformed definition" exp))
3108 (else (let ((id (cadr exp)))
3109 (if (or (null? pass1-block-inlines)
3110 (not (memq id pass1-block-inlines)))
3111 (begin
3112 (redefinition id)
3113 (syntactic-bind-globally! id (make-identifier-denotation id))))
3114 (make-toplevel-definition id (m-expand (caddr exp) env)))))))
3116 (redefinition
3117 (lambda (id)
3118 (if (symbol? id)
3119 (if (not (identifier-denotation?
3120 (syntactic-lookup global-syntactic-environment id)))
3121 (if (issue-warnings)
3122 (m-warn "Redefining " id)))
3123 (m-error "Malformed variable or keyword" id)))))
3125 ; body of letrec
3127 (define-loop exp '() '() env)))
3129; Given an expression and a syntactic environment,
3130; returns an expression in core Scheme.
3132(define (m-expand exp env)
3133 (cond ((not (pair? exp))
3134 (m-atom exp env))
3135 ((not (symbol? (car exp)))
3136 (m-application exp env))
3137 (else
3138 (let ((keyword (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))))
3139 (case (denotation-class keyword)
3140 ((special)
3141 (cond
3142 ((eq? keyword denotation-of-quote) (m-quote exp))
3143 ((eq? keyword denotation-of-lambda) (m-lambda exp env))
3144 ((eq? keyword denotation-of-if) (m-if exp env))
3145 ((eq? keyword denotation-of-set!) (m-set exp env))
3146 ((eq? keyword denotation-of-begin) (m-begin exp env))
3147 ((eq? keyword denotation-of-let-syntax)
3148 (m-let-syntax exp env))
3149 ((eq? keyword denotation-of-letrec-syntax)
3150 (m-letrec-syntax exp env))
3151 ((or (eq? keyword denotation-of-define)
3152 (eq? keyword denotation-of-define-syntax)
3153 (eq? keyword denotation-of-define-inline))
3154 (m-error "Definition out of context" exp))
3155 (else (m-bug "Bug detected in m-expand" exp env))))
3156 ((macro) (m-macro exp env))
3157 ((inline) (m-inline exp env))
3158 ((identifier) (m-application exp env))
3159 (else (m-bug "Bug detected in m-expand" exp env)))))))
3161(define (m-atom exp env)
3162 (cond ((not (symbol? exp))
3163 ; Here exp ought to be a boolean, number, character, or string.
3164 ; I'll warn about other things but treat them as if quoted.
3165 ;
3166 ; I'm turning off some of the warnings because notably procedures
3167 ; and #!unspecified can occur in loaded files and it's a major
3168 ; pain if a warning is printed for each. --lars
3169 (if (and (not (boolean? exp))
3170 (not (number? exp))
3171 (not (char? exp))
3172 (not (string? exp))
3173 (not (procedure? exp))
3174 (not (eq? exp (unspecified))))
3175 (m-warn "Malformed constant -- should be quoted" exp))
3176 (make-constant exp))
3177 (else (let ((denotation (syntactic-lookup env exp)))
3178 (case (denotation-class denotation)
3179 ((special macro)
3180 (m-warn "Syntactic keyword used as a variable" exp)
3181 ; Syntactic keywords used as variables are treated as #t.
3182 (make-constant #t))
3183 ((inline)
3184 (make-variable (inline-name denotation)))
3185 ((identifier)
3186 (let ((var (make-variable (identifier-name denotation)))
3187 (R-entry (identifier-R-entry denotation)))
3188 (R-entry.references-set!
3189 R-entry
3190 (cons var (R-entry.references R-entry)))
3191 var))
3192 (else (m-bug "Bug detected by m-atom" exp env)))))))
3194(define (m-quote exp)
3195 (if (and (pair? (cdr exp))
3196 (null? (cddr exp)))
3197 (make-constant (m-strip (cadr exp)))
3198 (m-error "Malformed quoted constant" exp)))
3200(define (m-lambda exp env)
3201 (if (> (safe-length exp) 2)
3203 (let* ((formals (cadr exp))
3204 (alist (rename-vars formals))
3205 (env (syntactic-rename env alist))
3206 (body (cddr exp)))
3208 (do ((alist alist (cdr alist)))
3209 ((null? alist))
3210 (if (assq (caar alist) (cdr alist))
3211 (m-error "Malformed parameter list" formals)))
3213 ; To simplify the run-time system, there's a limit on how many
3214 ; fixed arguments can be followed by a rest argument.
3215 ; That limit is removed here.
3216 ; Bug: documentation slot isn't right when this happens.
3217 ; Bug: this generates extremely inefficient code.
3219 (if (and (not (list? formals))
3220 (> (length alist) @maxargs-with-rest-arg@))
3221 (let ((TEMP (car (rename-vars '(temp)))))
3222 (m-lambda
3223 `(,lambda0 ,TEMP
3224 ((,lambda0 ,(map car alist)
3225 ,@(cddr exp))
3226 ,@(do ((actuals '() (cons (list name:CAR path)
3227 actuals))
3228 (path TEMP (list name:CDR path))
3229 (formals formals (cdr formals)))
3230 ((symbol? formals)
3231 (append (reverse actuals) (list path))))))
3232 env))
3233 (make-lambda (rename-formals formals alist)
3234 '() ; no definitions yet
3235 (map (lambda (entry)
3236 (cdr (syntactic-lookup env (cdr entry))))
3237 alist) ; R
3238 '() ; F
3239 '() ; G
3240 '() ; decls
3241 (make-doc #f
3242 (if (list? formals)
3243 (length alist)
3244 (exact->inexact (- (length alist) 1)))
3245 (if (include-variable-names)
3246 formals
3247 #f)
3248 (if (include-source-code)
3249 exp
3250 #f)
3251 source-file-name
3252 source-file-position)
3253 (m-body body env))))
3255 (m-error "Malformed lambda expression" exp)))
3257(define (m-body body env)
3258 (define (loop body env defs)
3259 (if (null? body)
3260 (m-error "Empty body"))
3261 (let ((exp (car body)))
3262 (if (and (pair? exp)
3263 (symbol? (car exp)))
3264 (let ((denotation (syntactic-lookup env (car exp))))
3265 (case (denotation-class denotation)
3266 ((special)
3267 (cond ((eq? denotation denotation-of-begin)
3268 (loop (append (cdr exp) (cdr body)) env defs))
3269 ((eq? denotation denotation-of-define)
3270 (loop (cdr body) env (cons exp defs)))
3271 (else (finalize-body body env defs))))
3272 ((macro)
3273 (m-transcribe exp
3274 env
3275 (lambda (exp env)
3276 (loop (cons exp (cdr body))
3277 env
3278 defs))))
3279 ((inline identifier)
3280 (finalize-body body env defs))
3281 (else (m-bug "Bug detected in m-body" body env))))
3282 (finalize-body body env defs))))
3283 (loop body env '()))
3285(define (finalize-body body env defs)
3286 (if (null? defs)
3287 (let ((body (map (lambda (exp) (m-expand exp env))
3288 body)))
3289 (if (null? (cdr body))
3290 (car body)
3291 (make-begin body)))
3292 (let ()
3293 (define (sort-defs defs)
3294 (let* ((augmented
3295 (map (lambda (def)
3296 (let ((rhs (cadr def)))
3297 (if (not (pair? rhs))
3298 (cons 'trivial def)
3299 (let ((denotation
3300 (syntactic-lookup env (car rhs))))
3301 (cond ((eq? denotation
3302 denotation-of-lambda)
3303 (cons 'procedure def))
3304 ((eq? denotation
3305 denotation-of-quote)
3306 (cons 'trivial def))
3307 (else
3308 (cons 'miscellaneous def)))))))
3309 defs))
3310 (sorted (twobit-sort (lambda (x y)
3311 (or (eq? (car x) 'procedure)
3312 (eq? (car y) 'miscellaneous)))
3313 augmented)))
3314 (map cdr sorted)))
3315 (define (desugar-definition def)
3316 (if (> (safe-length def) 2)
3317 (cond ((pair? (cadr def))
3318 (desugar-definition
3319 `(,(car def)
3320 ,(car (cadr def))
3321 (,lambda0
3322 ,(cdr (cadr def))
3323 ,@(cddr def)))))
3324 ((and (= (length def) 3)
3325 (symbol? (cadr def)))
3326 (cdr def))
3327 (else (m-error "Malformed definition" def)))
3328 (m-error "Malformed definition" def)))
3329 (define (expand-letrec bindings body)
3330 (make-call
3331 (m-expand
3332 `(,lambda0 ,(map car bindings)
3333 ,@(map (lambda (binding)
3334 `(,set!0 ,(car binding)
3335 ,(cadr binding)))
3336 bindings)
3337 ,@body)
3338 env)
3339 (map (lambda (binding) (make-unspecified)) bindings)))
3340 (expand-letrec (sort-defs (map desugar-definition
3341 (reverse defs)))
3342 body))))
3344(define (m-if exp env)
3345 (let ((n (safe-length exp)))
3346 (if (or (= n 3) (= n 4))
3347 (make-conditional (m-expand (cadr exp) env)
3348 (m-expand (caddr exp) env)
3349 (if (= n 3)
3350 (make-unspecified)
3351 (m-expand (cadddr exp) env)))
3352 (m-error "Malformed if expression" exp))))
3354(define (m-set exp env)
3355 (if (= (safe-length exp) 3)
3356 (let ((lhs (m-expand (cadr exp) env))
3357 (rhs (m-expand (caddr exp) env)))
3358 (if (variable? lhs)
3359 (let* ((x ( lhs))
3360 (assignment (make-assignment x rhs))
3361 (denotation (syntactic-lookup env x)))
3362 (if (identifier-denotation? denotation)
3363 (let ((R-entry (identifier-R-entry denotation)))
3364 (R-entry.references-set!
3365 R-entry
3366 (remq lhs (R-entry.references R-entry)))
3367 (R-entry.assignments-set!
3368 R-entry
3369 (cons assignment (R-entry.assignments R-entry)))))
3370 (if (and (lambda? rhs)
3371 (include-procedure-names))
3372 (let ((doc (lambda.doc rhs)))
3373 (! doc x)))
3374 (if pass1-block-compiling?
3375 (set! pass1-block-assignments
3376 (cons x pass1-block-assignments)))
3377 assignment)
3378 (m-error "Malformed assignment" exp)))
3379 (m-error "Malformed assignment" exp)))
3381(define (m-begin exp env)
3382 (cond ((> (safe-length exp) 1)
3383 (make-begin (map (lambda (exp) (m-expand exp env)) (cdr exp))))
3384 ((= (safe-length exp) 1)
3385 (m-warn "Non-standard begin expression" exp)
3386 (make-unspecified))
3387 (else
3388 (m-error "Malformed begin expression" exp))))
3390(define (m-application exp env)
3391 (if (> (safe-length exp) 0)
3392 (let* ((proc (m-expand (car exp) env))
3393 (args (map (lambda (exp) (m-expand exp env))
3394 (cdr exp)))
3395 (call (make-call proc args)))
3396 (if (variable? proc)
3397 (let* ((procname ( proc))
3398 (entry
3399 (and (not (null? args))
3400 (constant? (car args))
3401 (integrate-usual-procedures)
3402 (every1? constant? args)
3403 (let ((entry (constant-folding-entry procname)))
3404 (and entry
3405 (let ((predicates
3406 (constant-folding-predicates entry)))
3407 (and (= (length args)
3408 (length predicates))
3409 (let loop ((args args)
3410 (predicates predicates))
3411 (cond ((null? args) entry)
3412 (((car predicates)
3413 (constant.value (car args)))
3414 (loop (cdr args)
3415 (cdr predicates)))
3416 (else #f))))))))))
3417 (if entry
3418 (make-constant (apply (constant-folding-folder entry)
3419 (map constant.value args)))
3420 (let ((denotation (syntactic-lookup env procname)))
3421 (if (identifier-denotation? denotation)
3422 (let ((R-entry (identifier-R-entry denotation)))
3423 (R-entry.calls-set!
3424 R-entry
3425 (cons call (R-entry.calls R-entry)))))
3426 call)))
3427 call))
3428 (m-error "Malformed application" exp)))
3430; The environment argument should always be global here.
3432(define (m-define-inline exp env)
3433 (cond ((and (= (safe-length exp) 3)
3434 (symbol? (cadr exp)))
3435 (let ((name (cadr exp)))
3436 (m-define-syntax1 name
3437 (caddr exp)
3438 env
3439 (define-syntax-scope))
3440 (let ((denotation
3441 (syntactic-lookup global-syntactic-environment name)))
3442 (syntactic-bind-globally!
3443 name
3444 (make-inline-denotation name
3445 (macro-rules denotation)
3446 (macro-env denotation))))
3447 (make-constant name)))
3448 (else
3449 (m-error "Malformed define-inline" exp))))
3451; The environment argument should always be global here.
3453(define (m-define-syntax exp env)
3454 (cond ((and (= (safe-length exp) 3)
3455 (symbol? (cadr exp)))
3456 (m-define-syntax1 (cadr exp)
3457 (caddr exp)
3458 env
3459 (define-syntax-scope)))
3460 ((and (= (safe-length exp) 4)
3461 (symbol? (cadr exp))
3462 ; FIXME: should use denotations here
3463 (memq (caddr exp) '(letrec letrec* let*)))
3464 (m-define-syntax1 (cadr exp)
3465 (cadddr exp)
3466 env
3467 (caddr exp)))
3468 (else (m-error "Malformed define-syntax" exp))))
3470(define (m-define-syntax1 keyword spec env scope)
3471 (if (and (pair? spec)
3472 (symbol? (car spec)))
3473 (let* ((transformer-keyword (car spec))
3474 (denotation (syntactic-lookup env transformer-keyword)))
3475 (cond ((eq? denotation denotation-of-syntax-rules)
3476 (case scope
3477 ((letrec) (m-define-syntax-letrec keyword spec env))
3478 ((letrec*) (m-define-syntax-letrec* keyword spec env))
3479 ((let*) (m-define-syntax-let* keyword spec env))
3480 (else (m-bug "Weird scope" scope))))
3481 ((same-denotation? denotation denotation-of-transformer)
3482 ; FIXME: no error checking here
3483 (syntactic-bind-globally!
3484 keyword
3485 (make-macro-denotation (eval (cadr spec)) env)))
3486 (else
3487 (m-error "Malformed syntax transformer" spec))))
3488 (m-error "Malformed syntax transformer" spec))
3489 (make-constant keyword))
3491(define (m-define-syntax-letrec keyword spec env)
3492 (syntactic-bind-globally!
3493 keyword
3494 (m-compile-transformer-spec spec env)))
3496(define (m-define-syntax-letrec* keyword spec env)
3497 (let* ((env (syntactic-extend (syntactic-copy env)
3498 (list keyword)
3499 '((fake denotation))))
3500 (transformer (m-compile-transformer-spec spec env)))
3501 (syntactic-assign! env keyword transformer)
3502 (syntactic-bind-globally! keyword transformer)))
3504(define (m-define-syntax-let* keyword spec env)
3505 (syntactic-bind-globally!
3506 keyword
3507 (m-compile-transformer-spec spec (syntactic-copy env))))
3509(define (m-let-syntax exp env)
3510 (if (and (> (safe-length exp) 2)
3511 (every1? (lambda (binding)
3512 (and (pair? binding)
3513 (symbol? (car binding))
3514 (pair? (cdr binding))
3515 (null? (cddr binding))))
3516 (cadr exp)))
3517 (m-body (cddr exp)
3518 (syntactic-extend env
3519 (map car (cadr exp))
3520 (map (lambda (spec)
3521 (m-compile-transformer-spec
3522 spec
3523 env))
3524 (map cadr (cadr exp)))))
3525 (m-error "Malformed let-syntax" exp)))
3527(define (m-letrec-syntax exp env)
3528 (if (and (> (safe-length exp) 2)
3529 (every1? (lambda (binding)
3530 (and (pair? binding)
3531 (symbol? (car binding))
3532 (pair? (cdr binding))
3533 (null? (cddr binding))))
3534 (cadr exp)))
3535 (let ((env (syntactic-extend env
3536 (map car (cadr exp))
3537 (map (lambda (id)
3538 '(fake denotation))
3539 (cadr exp)))))
3540 (for-each (lambda (id spec)
3541 (syntactic-assign!
3542 env
3543 id
3544 (m-compile-transformer-spec spec env)))
3545 (map car (cadr exp))
3546 (map cadr (cadr exp)))
3547 (m-body (cddr exp) env))
3548 (m-error "Malformed let-syntax" exp)))
3550(define (m-macro exp env)
3551 (m-transcribe exp
3552 env
3553 (lambda (exp env)
3554 (m-expand exp env))))
3556(define (m-inline exp env)
3557 (if (integrate-usual-procedures)
3558 (m-transcribe-inline exp
3559 env
3560 (lambda (newexp env)
3561 (if (eq? exp newexp)
3562 (m-application exp env)
3563 (m-expand newexp env))))
3564 (m-application exp env)))
3566(define m-quit ; assigned by macro-expand
3567 (lambda (v) v))
3569; To do:
3570; Clean up alist hacking et cetera.
3571; Declarations.
3572; Integrable procedures.
3573; New semantics for body of LET-SYNTAX and LETREC-SYNTAX.
3574; Copyright 1992 William Clinger
3576; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
3578; 5 April 1999.
3580($$trace "usual")
3582; The usual macros, adapted from Jonathan's Version 2 implementation.
3583; DEFINE is handled primitively, since top-level DEFINE has a side
3584; effect on the global syntactic environment, and internal definitions
3585; have to be handled specially anyway.
3587; Some extensions are noted, as are some optimizations.
3589; The LETREC* scope rule is used here to protect these macros against
3590; redefinition of LAMBDA etc. The scope rule is changed to LETREC at
3591; the end of this file.
3593(define-syntax-scope 'letrec*)
3595(for-each (lambda (form)
3596 (macro-expand form))
3597 '(
3599; Named LET is defined later, after LETREC has been defined.
3601(define-syntax let
3602 (syntax-rules ()
3603 ((let ((?name ?val) ...) ?body ?body1 ...)
3604 ((lambda (?name ...) ?body ?body1 ...) ?val ...))))
3606(define-syntax let*
3607 (syntax-rules ()
3608 ((let* () ?body ?body1 ...)
3609 (let () ?body ?body1 ...))
3610 ((let* ((?name1 ?val1) (?name ?val) ...) ?body ?body1 ...)
3611 (let ((?name1 ?val1)) (let* ((?name ?val) ...) ?body ?body1 ...)))))
3613; Internal definitions have to be handled specially anyway,
3614; so we might as well rely on them here.
3616(define-syntax letrec
3617 (syntax-rules (lambda quote)
3618 ((letrec ((?name ?val) ...) ?body ?body2 ...)
3619 ((lambda ()
3620 (define ?name ?val) ...
3621 ?body ?body2 ...)))))
3623; This definition of named LET extends the prior definition of LET.
3624; The first rule is non-circular, thanks to the LET* scope that is
3625; specified for this use of DEFINE-SYNTAX.
3627(define-syntax let let*
3628 (syntax-rules ()
3629 ((let (?bindings ...) . ?body)
3630 (let (?bindings ...) . ?body))
3631 ((let ?tag ((?name ?val) ...) ?body ?body1 ...)
3632 (let ((?name ?val) ...)
3633 (letrec ((?tag (lambda (?name ...) ?body ?body1 ...)))
3634 (?tag ?name ...))))))
3636(define-syntax and
3637 (syntax-rules ()
3638 ((and) #t)
3639 ((and ?e) ?e)
3640 ((and ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ...)
3641 (if ?e1 (and ?e2 ?e3 ...) #f))))
3643(define-syntax or
3644 (syntax-rules ()
3645 ((or) #f)
3646 ((or ?e) ?e)
3647 ((or ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ...)
3648 (let ((temp ?e1))
3649 (if temp temp (or ?e2 ?e3 ...))))))
3651(define-syntax cond
3652 (syntax-rules (else =>)
3653 ((cond (else ?result ?result2 ...))
3654 (begin ?result ?result2 ...))
3656 ((cond (?test => ?result))
3657 (let ((temp ?test))
3658 (if temp (?result temp))))
3660 ((cond (?test)) ?test)
3662 ((cond (?test ?result ?result2 ...))
3663 (if ?test (begin ?result ?result2 ...)))
3665 ((cond (?test => ?result) ?clause ?clause2 ...)
3666 (let ((temp ?test))
3667 (if temp (?result temp) (cond ?clause ?clause2 ...))))
3669 ((cond (?test) ?clause ?clause2 ...)
3670 (or ?test (cond ?clause ?clause2 ...)))
3672 ((cond (?test ?result ?result2 ...)
3673 ?clause ?clause2 ...)
3674 (if ?test
3675 (begin ?result ?result2 ...)
3676 (cond ?clause ?clause2 ...)))))
3678; The R4RS says a <step> may be omitted.
3679; That's a good excuse for a macro-defining macro that uses LETREC-SYNTAX
3680; and the ... escape.
3682(define-syntax do
3683 (syntax-rules ()
3684 ((do (?bindings0 ...) (?test) ?body0 ...)
3685 (do (?bindings0 ...) (?test (if #f #f)) ?body0 ...))
3686 ((do (?bindings0 ...) ?clause0 ?body0 ...)
3687 (letrec-syntax
3688 ((do-aux
3689 (... (syntax-rules ()
3690 ((do-aux () ((?name ?init ?step) ...) ?clause ?body ...)
3691 (letrec ((loop (lambda (?name ...)
3692 (cond ?clause
3693 (else
3694 (begin #t ?body ...)
3695 (loop ?step ...))))))
3696 (loop ?init ...)))
3697 ((do-aux ((?name ?init ?step) ?todo ...)
3698 (?bindings ...)
3699 ?clause
3700 ?body ...)
3701 (do-aux (?todo ...)
3702 (?bindings ... (?name ?init ?step))
3703 ?clause
3704 ?body ...))
3705 ((do-aux ((?name ?init) ?todo ...)
3706 (?bindings ...)
3707 ?clause
3708 ?body ...)
3709 (do-aux (?todo ...)
3710 (?bindings ... (?name ?init ?name))
3711 ?clause
3712 ?body ...))))))
3713 (do-aux (?bindings0 ...) () ?clause0 ?body0 ...)))))
3715(define-syntax delay
3716 (syntax-rules ()
3717 ((delay ?e) (.make-promise (lambda () ?e)))))
3719; Another use of LETREC-SYNTAX and the escape extension.
3721(define-syntax case
3722 (syntax-rules (else)
3723 ((case ?e1 (else ?body ?body2 ...))
3724 (begin ?e1 ?body ?body2 ...))
3725 ((case ?e1 (?z ?body ?body2 ...))
3726 (if (memv ?e1 '?z) (begin ?body ?body2 ...)))
3727 ((case ?e1 ?clause1 ?clause2 ?clause3 ...)
3728 (letrec-syntax
3729 ((case-aux
3730 (... (syntax-rules (else)
3731 ((case-aux ?temp (else ?body ?body2 ...))
3732 (begin ?body ?body2 ...))
3733 ((case-aux ?temp ((?z ...) ?body ?body2 ...))
3734 (if (memv ?temp '(?z ...)) (begin ?body ?body2 ...)))
3735 ((case-aux ?temp ((?z ...) ?body ?body2 ...) ?c1 ?c2 ...)
3736 (if (memv ?temp '(?z ...))
3737 (begin ?body ?body2 ...)
3738 (case-aux ?temp ?c1 ?c2 ...)))
3739 ; a popular extension
3740 ((case-aux ?temp (?z ?body ...) ?c1 ...)
3741 (case-aux ?temp ((?z) ?body ...) ?c1 ...))))))
3742 (let ((temp ?e1))
3743 (case-aux temp ?clause1 ?clause2 ?clause3 ...))))))
3745; A complete implementation of quasiquote, obtained by translating
3746; Jonathan Rees's implementation that was posted to RRRS-AUTHORS
3747; on 22 December 1986.
3748; Unfortunately, the use of LETREC scope means that it is vulnerable
3749; to top-level redefinitions of QUOTE etc. That could be fixed, but
3750; it has hair enough already.
3754 (define-syntax .finalize-quasiquote letrec
3755 (syntax-rules (quote unquote unquote-splicing)
3756 ((.finalize-quasiquote quote ?arg ?return)
3757 (.interpret-continuation ?return (quote ?arg)))
3758 ((.finalize-quasiquote unquote ?arg ?return)
3759 (.interpret-continuation ?return ?arg))
3760 ((.finalize-quasiquote unquote-splicing ?arg ?return)
3761 (syntax-error ",@ in illegal context" ?arg))
3762 ((.finalize-quasiquote ?mode ?arg ?return)
3763 (.interpret-continuation ?return (?mode . ?arg)))))
3765 ; The first two "arguments" to .descend-quasiquote and to
3766 ; .descend-quasiquote-pair are always identical.
3768 (define-syntax .descend-quasiquote letrec
3769 (syntax-rules (quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing)
3770 ((.descend-quasiquote `?y ?x ?level ?return)
3771 (.descend-quasiquote-pair ?x ?x (?level) ?return))
3772 ((.descend-quasiquote ,?y ?x () ?return)
3773 (.interpret-continuation ?return unquote ?y))
3774 ((.descend-quasiquote ,?y ?x (?level) ?return)
3775 (.descend-quasiquote-pair ?x ?x ?level ?return))
3776 ((.descend-quasiquote ,@?y ?x () ?return)
3777 (.interpret-continuation ?return unquote-splicing ?y))
3778 ((.descend-quasiquote ,@?y ?x (?level) ?return)
3779 (.descend-quasiquote-pair ?x ?x ?level ?return))
3780 ((.descend-quasiquote (?y . ?z) ?x ?level ?return)
3781 (.descend-quasiquote-pair ?x ?x ?level ?return))
3782 ((.descend-quasiquote #(?y ...) ?x ?level ?return)
3783 (.descend-quasiquote-vector ?x ?x ?level ?return))
3784 ((.descend-quasiquote ?y ?x ?level ?return)
3785 (.interpret-continuation ?return quote ?x))))
3787 (define-syntax .descend-quasiquote-pair letrec
3788 (syntax-rules (quote unquote unquote-splicing)
3789 ((.descend-quasiquote-pair (?carx . ?cdrx) ?x ?level ?return)
3790 (.descend-quasiquote ?carx ?carx ?level (1 ?cdrx ?x ?level ?return)))))
3792 (define-syntax .descend-quasiquote-vector letrec
3793 (syntax-rules (quote)
3794 ((.descend-quasiquote-vector #(?y ...) ?x ?level ?return)
3795 (.descend-quasiquote (?y ...) (?y ...) ?level (6 ?x ?return)))))
3797 ; Representations for continuations used here.
3798 ; Continuation types 0, 1, 2, and 6 take a mode and an expression.
3799 ; Continuation types -1, 3, 4, 5, and 7 take just an expression.
3800 ;
3801 ; (-1)
3802 ; means no continuation
3803 ; (0)
3804 ; means to call .finalize-quasiquote with no further continuation
3805 ; (1 ?cdrx ?x ?level ?return)
3806 ; means a return from the call to .descend-quasiquote from
3807 ; .descend-quasiquote-pair
3808 ; (2 ?car-mode ?car-arg ?x ?return)
3809 ; means a return from the second call to .descend-quasiquote in
3810 ; in Jonathan's code for .descend-quasiquote-pair
3811 ; (3 ?car-arg ?return)
3812 ; means take the result and return an append of ?car-arg with it
3813 ; (4 ?cdr-mode ?cdr-arg ?return)
3814 ; means take the result and call .finalize-quasiquote on ?cdr-mode
3815 ; and ?cdr-arg with a continuation of type 5
3816 ; (5 ?car-result ?return)
3817 ; means take the result and return a cons of ?car-result onto it
3818 ; (6 ?x ?return)
3819 ; means a return from the call to .descend-quasiquote from
3820 ; .descend-quasiquote-vector
3821 ; (7 ?return)
3822 ; means take the result and return a call of list->vector on it
3824 (define-syntax .interpret-continuation letrec
3825 (syntax-rules (quote unquote unquote-splicing)
3826 ((.interpret-continuation (-1) ?e) ?e)
3827 ((.interpret-continuation (0) ?mode ?arg)
3828 (.finalize-quasiquote ?mode ?arg (-1)))
3829 ((.interpret-continuation (1 ?cdrx ?x ?level ?return) ?car-mode ?car-arg)
3830 (.descend-quasiquote ?cdrx
3831 ?cdrx
3832 ?level
3833 (2 ?car-mode ?car-arg ?x ?return)))
3834 ((.interpret-continuation (2 quote ?car-arg ?x ?return) quote ?cdr-arg)
3835 (.interpret-continuation ?return quote ?x))
3836 ((.interpret-continuation (2 unquote-splicing ?car-arg ?x ?return) quote ())
3837 (.interpret-continuation ?return unquote ?car-arg))
3838 ((.interpret-continuation (2 unquote-splicing ?car-arg ?x ?return)
3839 ?cdr-mode ?cdr-arg)
3840 (.finalize-quasiquote ?cdr-mode ?cdr-arg (3 ?car-arg ?return)))
3841 ((.interpret-continuation (2 ?car-mode ?car-arg ?x ?return)
3842 ?cdr-mode ?cdr-arg)
3843 (.finalize-quasiquote ?car-mode ?car-arg (4 ?cdr-mode ?cdr-arg ?return)))
3845 ((.interpret-continuation (3 ?car-arg ?return) ?e)
3846 (.interpret-continuation ?return append (?car-arg ?e)))
3847 ((.interpret-continuation (4 ?cdr-mode ?cdr-arg ?return) ?e1)
3848 (.finalize-quasiquote ?cdr-mode ?cdr-arg (5 ?e1 ?return)))
3849 ((.interpret-continuation (5 ?e1 ?return) ?e2)
3850 (.interpret-continuation ?return .cons (?e1 ?e2)))
3851 ((.interpret-continuation (6 ?x ?return) quote ?arg)
3852 (.interpret-continuation ?return quote ?x))
3853 ((.interpret-continuation (6 ?x ?return) ?mode ?arg)
3854 (.finalize-quasiquote ?mode ?arg (7 ?return)))
3855 ((.interpret-continuation (7 ?return) ?e)
3856 (.interpret-continuation ?return .list->vector (?e)))))
3858 (define-syntax quasiquote letrec
3859 (syntax-rules ()
3860 ((quasiquote ?x)
3861 (.descend-quasiquote ?x ?x () (0)))))
3862 )
3864(define-syntax let*-syntax
3865 (syntax-rules ()
3866 ((let*-syntax () ?body)
3867 (let-syntax () ?body))
3868 ((let*-syntax ((?name1 ?val1) (?name ?val) ...) ?body)
3869 (let-syntax ((?name1 ?val1)) (let*-syntax ((?name ?val) ...) ?body)))))
3872 ))
3874(define-syntax-scope 'letrec)
3876(define standard-syntactic-environment
3877 (syntactic-copy global-syntactic-environment))
3879(define (make-standard-syntactic-environment)
3880 (syntactic-copy standard-syntactic-environment))
3881; Copyright 1998 William Clinger.
3883; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
3885; 25 April 1999
3887; Given an expression in the subset of Scheme used as an intermediate language
3888; by Twobit, returns a newly allocated copy of the expression in which the
3889; local variables have been renamed and the referencing information has been
3890; recomputed.
3892(define (copy-exp exp)
3894 (define special-names (cons name:IGNORED argument-registers))
3896 (define original-names (make-hashtable symbol-hash assq))
3898 (define renaming-counter 0)
3900 (define (rename-vars vars)
3901 (let ((rename (make-rename-procedure)))
3902 (map (lambda (var)
3903 (cond ((memq var special-names)
3904 var)
3905 ((hashtable-get original-names var)
3906 (rename var))
3907 (else
3908 (hashtable-put! original-names var #t)
3909 var)))
3910 vars)))
3912 (define (rename-formals formals newnames)
3913 (cond ((null? formals) '())
3914 ((symbol? formals) (car newnames))
3915 ((memq (car formals) special-names)
3916 (cons (car formals)
3917 (rename-formals (cdr formals)
3918 (cdr newnames))))
3919 (else (cons (car newnames)
3920 (rename-formals (cdr formals)
3921 (cdr newnames))))))
3923 ; Environments that map symbols to arbitrary information.
3924 ; This data type is mutable, and uses the shallow binding technique.
3926 (define (make-env) (make-hashtable symbol-hash assq))
3928 (define (env-bind! env sym info)
3929 (let ((stack (hashtable-get env sym)))
3930 (hashtable-put! env sym (cons info stack))))
3932 (define (env-unbind! env sym)
3933 (let ((stack (hashtable-get env sym)))
3934 (hashtable-put! env sym (cdr stack))))
3936 (define (env-lookup env sym default)
3937 (let ((stack (hashtable-get env sym)))
3938 (if stack
3939 (car stack)
3940 default)))
3942 (define (env-bind-multiple! env symbols infos)
3943 (for-each (lambda (sym info) (env-bind! env sym info))
3944 symbols
3945 infos))
3947 (define (env-unbind-multiple! env symbols)
3948 (for-each (lambda (sym) (env-unbind! env sym))
3949 symbols))
3951 ;
3953 (define (lexical-lookup R-table name)
3954 (assq name R-table))
3956 (define (copy exp env notepad R-table)
3957 (cond ((constant? exp) exp)
3958 ((lambda? exp)
3959 (let* ((bvl (make-null-terminated (lambda.args exp)))
3960 (newnames (rename-vars bvl))
3961 (procnames (map def.lhs (lambda.defs exp)))
3962 (newprocnames (rename-vars procnames))
3963 (refinfo (map (lambda (var)
3964 (make-R-entry var '() '() '()))
3965 (append newnames newprocnames)))
3966 (newexp
3967 (make-lambda
3968 (rename-formals (lambda.args exp) newnames)
3969 '()
3970 refinfo
3971 '()
3972 '()
3973 (lambda.decls exp)
3974 (lambda.doc exp)
3975 (lambda.body exp))))
3976 (env-bind-multiple! env procnames newprocnames)
3977 (env-bind-multiple! env bvl newnames)
3978 (for-each (lambda (entry)
3979 (env-bind! R-table ( entry) entry))
3980 refinfo)
3981 (notepad-lambda-add! notepad newexp)
3982 (let ((newnotepad (make-notepad notepad)))
3983 (for-each (lambda (name rhs)
3984 (lambda.defs-set!
3985 newexp
3986 (cons (make-definition
3987 name
3988 (copy rhs env newnotepad R-table))
3989 (lambda.defs newexp))))
3990 (reverse newprocnames)
3991 (map def.rhs
3992 (reverse (lambda.defs exp))))
3993 (lambda.body-set!
3994 newexp
3995 (copy (lambda.body exp) env newnotepad R-table))
3996 (lambda.F-set! newexp (notepad-free-variables newnotepad))
3997 (lambda.G-set! newexp (notepad-captured-variables newnotepad)))
3998 (env-unbind-multiple! env procnames)
3999 (env-unbind-multiple! env bvl)
4000 (for-each (lambda (entry)
4001 (env-unbind! R-table ( entry)))
4002 refinfo)
4003 newexp))
4004 ((assignment? exp)
4005 (let* ((oldname (assignment.lhs exp))
4006 (name (env-lookup env oldname oldname))
4007 (varinfo (env-lookup R-table name #f))
4008 (newexp
4009 (make-assignment name
4010 (copy (assignment.rhs exp) env notepad R-table))))
4011 (notepad-var-add! notepad name)
4012 (if varinfo
4013 (R-entry.assignments-set!
4014 varinfo
4015 (cons newexp (R-entry.assignments varinfo))))
4016 newexp))
4017 ((conditional? exp)
4018 (make-conditional (copy (if.test exp) env notepad R-table)
4019 (copy (if.then exp) env notepad R-table)
4020 (copy (if.else exp) env notepad R-table)))
4021 ((begin? exp)
4022 (make-begin (map (lambda (exp) (copy exp env notepad R-table))
4023 (begin.exprs exp))))
4024 ((variable? exp)
4025 (let* ((oldname ( exp))
4026 (name (env-lookup env oldname oldname))
4027 (varinfo (env-lookup R-table name #f))
4028 (newexp (make-variable name)))
4029 (notepad-var-add! notepad name)
4030 (if varinfo
4031 (R-entry.references-set!
4032 varinfo
4033 (cons newexp (R-entry.references varinfo))))
4034 newexp))
4035 ((call? exp)
4036 (let ((newexp (make-call (copy (call.proc exp) env notepad R-table)
4037 (map (lambda (exp)
4038 (copy exp env notepad R-table))
4039 (call.args exp)))))
4040 (if (variable? (call.proc newexp))
4041 (let ((varinfo
4042 (env-lookup R-table
4043 (
4044 (call.proc newexp))
4045 #f)))
4046 (if varinfo
4047 (R-entry.calls-set!
4048 varinfo
4049 (cons newexp (R-entry.calls varinfo))))))
4050 (if (lambda? (call.proc newexp))
4051 (notepad-nonescaping-add! notepad (call.proc newexp)))
4052 newexp))
4053 (else ???)))
4055 (copy exp (make-env) (make-notepad #f) (make-env)))
4057; For debugging.
4058; Given an expression, traverses the expression to confirm
4059; that the referencing invariants are correct.
4061(define (check-referencing-invariants exp . flags)
4063 (let ((check-free-variables? (memq 'free flags))
4064 (check-referencing? (memq 'reference flags))
4065 (first-violation? #t))
4067 ; env is the list of enclosing lambda expressions,
4068 ; beginning with the innermost.
4070 (define (check exp env)
4071 (cond ((constant? exp) (return exp #t))
4072 ((lambda? exp)
4073 (let ((env (cons exp env)))
4074 (return exp
4075 (and (every? (lambda (exp)
4076 (check exp env))
4077 (map def.rhs (lambda.defs exp)))
4078 (check (lambda.body exp) env)
4079 (if (and check-free-variables?
4080 (not (null? env)))
4081 (subset? (difference
4082 (lambda.F exp)
4083 (make-null-terminated
4084 (lambda.args exp)))
4085 (lambda.F (car env)))
4086 #t)
4087 (if check-referencing?
4088 (let ((env (cons exp env))
4089 (R (lambda.R exp)))
4090 (every? (lambda (formal)
4091 (or (ignored? formal)
4092 (R-entry R formal)))
4093 (make-null-terminated
4094 (lambda.args exp))))
4095 #t)))))
4096 ((variable? exp)
4097 (return exp
4098 (and (if (and check-free-variables?
4099 (not (null? env)))
4100 (memq ( exp)
4101 (lambda.F (car env)))
4102 #t)
4103 (if check-referencing?
4104 (let ((Rinfo (lookup env ( exp))))
4105 (if Rinfo
4106 (memq exp (R-entry.references Rinfo))
4107 #t))
4108 #t))))
4109 ((assignment? exp)
4110 (return exp
4111 (and (check (assignment.rhs exp) env)
4112 (if (and check-free-variables?
4113 (not (null? env)))
4114 (memq (assignment.lhs exp)
4115 (lambda.F (car env)))
4116 #t)
4117 (if check-referencing?
4118 (let ((Rinfo (lookup env (assignment.lhs exp))))
4119 (if Rinfo
4120 (memq exp (R-entry.assignments Rinfo))
4121 #t))
4122 #t))))
4123 ((conditional? exp)
4124 (return exp
4125 (and (check (if.test exp) env)
4126 (check (if.then exp) env)
4127 (check (if.else exp) env))))
4128 ((begin? exp)
4129 (return exp
4130 (every? (lambda (exp) (check exp env))
4131 (begin.exprs exp))))
4132 ((call? exp)
4133 (return exp
4134 (and (check (call.proc exp) env)
4135 (every? (lambda (exp) (check exp env))
4136 (call.args exp))
4137 (if (and check-referencing?
4138 (variable? (call.proc exp)))
4139 (let ((Rinfo (lookup env
4140 (
4141 (call.proc exp)))))
4142 (if Rinfo
4143 (memq exp (R-entry.calls Rinfo))
4144 #t))
4145 #t))))
4146 (else ???)))
4148 (define (return exp flag)
4149 (cond (flag
4150 #t)
4151 (first-violation?
4152 (set! first-violation? #f)
4153 (display "Violation of referencing invariants")
4154 (newline)
4155 (pretty-print (make-readable exp))
4156 #f)
4157 (else (pretty-print (make-readable exp))
4158 #f)))
4160 (define (lookup env I)
4161 (if (null? env)
4162 #f
4163 (let ((Rinfo (R-entry (lambda.R (car env)) I)))
4164 (or Rinfo
4165 (lookup (cdr env) I)))))
4167 (if (null? flags)
4168 (begin (set! check-free-variables? #t)
4169 (set! check-referencing? #t)))
4171 (check exp '())))
4174; Calculating the free variable information for an expression
4175; as output by pass 2. This should be faster than computing both
4176; the free variables and the referencing information.
4178(define (compute-free-variables! exp)
4180 (define empty-set (make-set '()))
4182 (define (singleton x) (list x))
4184 (define (union2 x y) (union x y))
4185 (define (union3 x y z) (union x y z))
4187 (define (set->list set) set)
4189 (define (free exp)
4190 (cond ((constant? exp) empty-set)
4191 ((lambda? exp)
4192 (let* ((defs (lambda.defs exp))
4193 (formals (make-set
4194 (make-null-terminated (lambda.args exp))))
4195 (defined (make-set (map def.lhs defs)))
4196 (Fdefs
4197 (apply-union
4198 (map (lambda (def)
4199 (free (def.rhs def)))
4200 defs)))
4201 (Fbody (free (lambda.body exp)))
4202 (F (union2 Fdefs Fbody)))
4203 (lambda.F-set! exp (set->list F))
4204 (lambda.G-set! exp (set->list F))
4205 (difference F (union2 formals defined))))
4206 ((assignment? exp)
4207 (union2 (make-set (list (assignment.lhs exp)))
4208 (free (assignment.rhs exp))))
4209 ((conditional? exp)
4210 (union3 (free (if.test exp))
4211 (free (if.then exp))
4212 (free (if.else exp))))
4213 ((begin? exp)
4214 (apply-union
4215 (map (lambda (exp) (free exp))
4216 (begin.exprs exp))))
4217 ((variable? exp)
4218 (singleton ( exp)))
4219 ((call? exp)
4220 (union2 (free (call.proc exp))
4221 (apply-union
4222 (map (lambda (exp) (free exp))
4223 (call.args exp)))))
4224 (else ???)))
4226 (free exp))
4228; As above, but representing sets as hashtrees.
4229; This is commented out because it is much slower than the implementation
4230; above. Because the set of free variables is represented as a list
4231; within a lambda expression, this implementation must convert the
4232; representation for every lambda expression, which is quite expensive
4233; for A-normal form.
4237(define (compute-free-variables! exp)
4239 (define empty-set (make-hashtree symbol-hash assq))
4241 (define (singleton x)
4242 (hashtree-put empty-set x #t))
4244 (define (make-set values)
4245 (if (null? values)
4246 empty-set
4247 (hashtree-put (make-set (cdr values))
4248 (car values)
4249 #t)))
4251 (define (union2 x y)
4252 (hashtree-for-each (lambda (key val)
4253 (set! x (hashtree-put x key #t)))
4254 y)
4255 x)
4257 (define (union3 x y z)
4258 (union2 (union2 x y) z))
4260 (define (apply-union sets)
4261 (cond ((null? sets)
4262 (make-set '()))
4263 ((null? (cdr sets))
4264 (car sets))
4265 (else
4266 (union2 (car sets)
4267 (apply-union (cdr sets))))))
4269 (define (difference x y)
4270 (hashtree-for-each (lambda (key val)
4271 (set! x (hashtree-remove x key)))
4272 y)
4273 x)
4275 (define (set->list set)
4276 (hashtree-map (lambda (sym val) sym) set))
4278 (define (free exp)
4279 (cond ((constant? exp) empty-set)
4280 ((lambda? exp)
4281 (let* ((defs (lambda.defs exp))
4282 (formals (make-set
4283 (make-null-terminated (lambda.args exp))))
4284 (defined (make-set (map def.lhs defs)))
4285 (Fdefs
4286 (apply-union
4287 (map (lambda (def)
4288 (free (def.rhs def)))
4289 defs)))
4290 (Fbody (free (lambda.body exp)))
4291 (F (union2 Fdefs Fbody)))
4292 (lambda.F-set! exp (set->list F))
4293 (lambda.G-set! exp (set->list F))
4294 (difference F (union2 formals defined))))
4295 ((assignment? exp)
4296 (union2 (make-set (list (assignment.lhs exp)))
4297 (free (assignment.rhs exp))))
4298 ((conditional? exp)
4299 (union3 (free (if.test exp))
4300 (free (if.then exp))
4301 (free (if.else exp))))
4302 ((begin? exp)
4303 (apply-union
4304 (map (lambda (exp) (free exp))
4305 (begin.exprs exp))))
4306 ((variable? exp)
4307 (singleton ( exp)))
4308 ((call? exp)
4309 (union2 (free (call.proc exp))
4310 (apply-union
4311 (map (lambda (exp) (free exp))
4312 (call.args exp)))))
4313 (else ???)))
4315 (hashtree-map (lambda (sym val) sym)
4316 (free exp)))
4317#t); Copyright 1991 William Clinger
4319; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
4321; 24 April 1999
4323; First pass of the Twobit compiler:
4324; macro expansion, syntax checking, alpha conversion,
4325; preliminary annotation.
4327; The input to this pass is a Scheme definition or expression.
4328; The output is an expression in the subset of Scheme described
4329; by the following grammar, where the output satisfies certain
4330; additional invariants described below.
4332; "X ..." means zero or more occurrences of X.
4334; L --> (lambda (I_1 ...)
4335; (begin D ...)
4336; (quote (R F G <decls> <doc>)
4337; E)
4338; | (lambda (I_1 ... . I_rest)
4339; (begin D ...)
4340; (quote (R F <decls> <doc>))
4341; E)
4342; D --> (define I L)
4343; E --> (quote K) ; constants
4344; | (begin I) ; variable references
4345; | L ; lambda expressions
4346; | (E0 E1 ...) ; calls
4347; | (set! I E) ; assignments
4348; | (if E0 E1 E2) ; conditionals
4349; | (begin E0 E1 E2 ...) ; sequential expressions
4350; I --> <identifier>
4352; R --> ((I <references> <assignments> <calls>) ...)
4353; F --> (I ...)
4354; G --> (I ...)
4356; Invariants that hold for the output:
4357; * There are no internal definitions.
4358; * No identifier containing an upper case letter is bound anywhere.
4359; (Change the "name:..." variables if upper case is preferred.)
4360; * No identifier is bound in more than one place.
4361; * Each R contains one entry for every identifier bound in the
4362; formal argument list and the internal definition list that
4363; precede it. Each entry contains a list of pointers to all
4364; references to the identifier, a list of pointers to all
4365; assignments to the identifier, and a list of pointers to all
4366; calls to the identifier.
4367; * Except for constants, the expression does not share structure
4368; with the original input or itself, except that the references
4369; and assignments in R are guaranteed to share structure with
4370; the expression. Thus the expression may be side effected, and
4371; side effects to references or assignments obtained through R
4372; are guaranteed to change the references or assignments pointed
4373; to by R.
4374; * F and G are garbage.
4376($$trace "pass1")
4378(define source-file-name #f)
4379(define source-file-position #f)
4381(define pass1-block-compiling? #f)
4382(define pass1-block-assignments '())
4383(define pass1-block-inlines '())
4385(define (pass1 def-or-exp . rest)
4386 (set! source-file-name #f)
4387 (set! source-file-position #f)
4388 (set! pass1-block-compiling? #f)
4389 (set! pass1-block-assignments '())
4390 (set! pass1-block-inlines '())
4391 (if (not (null? rest))
4392 (begin (set! source-file-name (car rest))
4393 (if (not (null? (cdr rest)))
4394 (set! source-file-position (cadr rest)))))
4395 (set! renaming-counter 0)
4396 (macro-expand def-or-exp))
4398; Compiles a whole sequence of top-level forms on the assumption
4399; that no variable that is defined by a form in the sequence is
4400; ever defined or assigned outside of the sequence.
4402; This is a crock in three parts:
4404; 1. Macro-expand each form and record assignments.
4405; 2. Find the top-level variables that are defined but not
4406; assigned, give them local names, generate a DEFINE-INLINE
4407; for each of the top-level procedures, and macro-expand
4408; each form again.
4409; 3. Wrap the whole mess in an appropriate LET and recompute
4410; the referencing information by copying it.
4412; Note that macros get expanded twice, and that all DEFINE-SYNTAX
4413; macros are considered local to the forms.
4415; FIXME: Need to turn off warning messages.
4417(define (pass1-block forms . rest)
4419 (define (part1)
4420 (set! pass1-block-compiling? #t)
4421 (set! pass1-block-assignments '())
4422 (set! pass1-block-inlines '())
4423 (set! renaming-counter 0)
4424 (let ((env0 (syntactic-copy global-syntactic-environment))
4425 (bmode (benchmark-mode))
4426 (wmode (issue-warnings))
4427 (defined '()))
4428 (define (make-toplevel-definition id exp)
4429 (cond ((memq id defined)
4430 (set! pass1-block-assignments
4431 (cons id pass1-block-assignments)))
4432 ((or (constant? exp)
4433 (and (lambda? exp)
4434 (list? (lambda.args exp))))
4435 (set! defined (cons id defined))))
4436 (make-begin
4437 (list (make-assignment id exp)
4438 (make-constant id))))
4439 (benchmark-mode #f)
4440 (issue-warnings #f)
4441 (for-each (lambda (form)
4442 (desugar-definitions form
4443 global-syntactic-environment
4444 make-toplevel-definition))
4445 forms)
4446 (set! global-syntactic-environment env0)
4447 (benchmark-mode bmode)
4448 (issue-warnings wmode)
4449 (part2 (filter (lambda (id)
4450 (not (memq id pass1-block-assignments)))
4451 (reverse defined)))))
4453 (define (part2 defined)
4454 (set! pass1-block-compiling? #f)
4455 (set! pass1-block-assignments '())
4456 (set! pass1-block-inlines '())
4457 (set! renaming-counter 0)
4458 (let* ((rename (make-rename-procedure))
4459 (alist (map (lambda (id)
4460 (cons id (rename id)))
4461 defined))
4462 (definitions0 '()) ; for constants
4463 (definitions1 '())) ; for lambda expressions
4464 (define (make-toplevel-definition id exp)
4465 (if (lambda? exp)
4466 (! (lambda.doc exp) id))
4467 (let ((probe (assq id alist)))
4468 (if probe
4469 (let ((id1 (cdr probe)))
4470 (cond ((constant? exp)
4471 (set! definitions0
4472 (cons (make-assignment id exp)
4473 definitions0))
4474 (make-constant id))
4475 ((lambda? exp)
4476 (set! definitions1
4477 (cons (make-assignment id1 exp)
4478 definitions1))
4479 (make-assignment
4480 id
4481 (make-lambda (lambda.args exp)
4482 '() ; no definitions
4483 '() ; R
4484 '() ; F
4485 '() ; G
4486 '() ; decls
4487 (lambda.doc exp)
4488 (make-call
4489 (make-variable id1)
4490 (map make-variable
4491 (lambda.args exp))))))
4492 (else
4493 (m-error "Inconsistent macro expansion"
4494 (make-readable exp)))))
4495 (make-assignment id exp))))
4496 (let ((env0 (syntactic-copy global-syntactic-environment))
4497 (bmode (benchmark-mode))
4498 (wmode (issue-warnings)))
4499 (issue-warnings #f)
4500 (for-each (lambda (pair)
4501 (let ((id0 (car pair))
4502 (id1 (cdr pair)))
4503 (syntactic-bind-globally!
4504 id0
4505 (make-inline-denotation
4506 id0
4507 (lambda (exp rename compare)
4508 ; Deliberately non-hygienic!
4509 (cons id1 (cdr exp)))
4510 global-syntactic-environment))
4511 (set! pass1-block-inlines
4512 (cons id0 pass1-block-inlines))))
4513 alist)
4514 (benchmark-mode #f)
4515 (issue-warnings wmode)
4516 (let ((forms
4517 (do ((forms forms (cdr forms))
4518 (newforms '()
4519 (cons (desugar-definitions
4520 (car forms)
4521 global-syntactic-environment
4522 make-toplevel-definition)
4523 newforms)))
4524 ((null? forms)
4525 (reverse newforms)))))
4526 (benchmark-mode bmode)
4527 (set! global-syntactic-environment env0)
4528 (part3 alist definitions0 definitions1 forms)))))
4530 (define (part3 alist definitions0 definitions1 forms)
4531 (set! pass1-block-compiling? #f)
4532 (set! pass1-block-assignments '())
4533 (set! pass1-block-inlines '())
4534 (let* ((constnames0 (map assignment.lhs definitions0))
4535 (constnames1 (map (lambda (id0)
4536 (cdr (assq id0 alist)))
4537 constnames0))
4538 (procnames1 (map assignment.lhs definitions1)))
4539 (copy-exp
4540 (make-call
4541 (make-lambda
4542 constnames1
4543 '() ; no definitions
4544 '() ; R
4545 '() ; F
4546 '() ; G
4547 '() ; decls
4548 #f ; doc
4549 (make-begin
4550 (list
4551 (make-begin
4552 (cons (make-constant #f)
4553 (reverse
4554 (map (lambda (id)
4555 (make-assignment id (make-variable (cdr (assq id alist)))))
4556 constnames0))))
4557 (make-call
4558 (make-lambda
4559 constnames0
4560 '() ; no definitions
4561 '() ; R
4562 '() ; F
4563 '() ; G
4564 '() ; decls
4565 #f ; doc
4566 (make-call
4567 (make-lambda
4568 (map assignment.lhs definitions1)
4569 '() ; no definitions
4570 '() ; R
4571 '() ; F
4572 '() ; G
4573 '() ; decls
4574 #f ; doc
4575 (make-begin (cons (make-constant #f)
4576 (append definitions1 forms))))
4577 (map (lambda (ignored) (make-unspecified))
4578 definitions1)))
4579 (map make-variable constnames1))
4580 )))
4581 (map assignment.rhs definitions0)))))
4583 (set! source-file-name #f)
4584 (set! source-file-position #f)
4585 (if (not (null? rest))
4586 (begin (set! source-file-name (car rest))
4587 (if (not (null? (cdr rest)))
4588 (set! source-file-position (cadr rest)))))
4589 (part1))
4590; Copyright 1999 William D Clinger.
4592; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
4593; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
4594; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
4595; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
4597; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
4598; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
4599; the benefit of the Scheme community.
4601; 7 June 1999.
4603; Support for intraprocedural value numbering:
4604; set of available expressions
4605; miscellaneous
4607; The set of available expressions is represented as a
4608; mutable abstract data type Available with these operations:
4610; make-available-table: -> Available
4611; copy-available-table: Available -> Available
4612; available-expression: Available x Expr -> (symbol + {#f})
4613; available-variable: Available x symbol -> Expr
4614; available-extend!: Available x symbol x Expr x Killer ->
4615; available-kill!: Available x Killer ->
4617; where Expr is of the form
4619; Expr --> W
4620; | (W_0 W_1 ...)
4622; W --> (quote K)
4623; | (begin I)
4625; and Killer is a fixnum, as defined later in this file.
4627; (make-available-table)
4628; returns an empty table of available expressions.
4629; (copy-available-table available)
4630; copies the given table.
4631; (available-expression available E)
4632; returns the name of E if it is available in the table, else #f.
4633; (available-variable available T)
4634; returns a constant or variable to use in place of T, else #f.
4635; (available-extend! available T E K)
4636; adds the binding (T E) to the table, with Killer K.
4637; If E is a variable and this binding is never killed, then copy
4638; propagation will replace uses of T by uses of E; otherwise
4639; commoning will replace uses of E by uses of T, until the
4640; binding is killed.
4641; (available-kill! available K)
4642; removes all bindings whose Killer intersects K.
4644; (available-extend! available T E K) is very fast if the previous
4645; operation on the table was (available-expression available E).
4647; Implementation.
4649; Quick and dirty.
4650; The available expressions are represented as a vector of 2 association
4651; lists. The first list is used for common subexpression elimination,
4652; and the second is used for copy and constant propagation.
4654; Each element of the first list is a binding of
4655; a symbol T to an expression E, with killer K,
4656; represented by the list (E T K).
4658; Each element of the second list is a binding of
4659; a symbol T to an expression E, with killer K,
4660; represented by the list (T E K).
4661; The expression E will be a constant or variable.
4663(define (make-available-table)
4664 (vector '() '()))
4666(define (copy-available-table available)
4667 (vector (vector-ref available 0)
4668 (vector-ref available 1)))
4670(define (available-expression available E)
4671 (let ((binding (assoc E (vector-ref available 0))))
4672 (if binding
4673 (cadr binding)
4674 #f)))
4676(define (available-variable available T)
4677 (let ((binding (assq T (vector-ref available 1))))
4678 (if binding
4679 (cadr binding)
4680 #f)))
4682(define (available-extend! available T E K)
4683 (cond ((constant? E)
4684 (vector-set! available
4685 1
4686 (cons (list T E K)
4687 (vector-ref available 1))))
4688 ((and (variable? E)
4689 (eq? K available:killer:none))
4690 (vector-set! available
4691 1
4692 (cons (list T E K)
4693 (vector-ref available 1))))
4694 (else
4695 (vector-set! available
4696 0
4697 (cons (list E T K)
4698 (vector-ref available 0))))))
4700(define (available-kill! available K)
4701 (vector-set! available
4702 0
4703 (filter (lambda (binding)
4704 (zero?
4705 (logand K
4706 (caddr binding))))
4707 (vector-ref available 0)))
4708 (vector-set! available
4709 1
4710 (filter (lambda (binding)
4711 (zero?
4712 (logand K
4713 (caddr binding))))
4714 (vector-ref available 1))))
4716(define (available-intersect! available0 available1 available2)
4717 (vector-set! available0
4718 0
4719 (intersection (vector-ref available1 0)
4720 (vector-ref available2 0)))
4721 (vector-set! available0
4722 1
4723 (intersection (vector-ref available1 1)
4724 (vector-ref available2 1))))
4726; The Killer concrete data type, represented as a fixnum.
4728; The set of side effects that can kill an available expression
4729; are a subset of
4731; assignments to global variables
4732; uses of SET-CAR!
4733; uses of SET-CDR!
4734; uses of STRING-SET!
4735; uses of VECTOR-SET!
4737; This list is not complete. If we were trying to perform common
4738; subexpression elimination on calls to PEEK-CHAR, for example,
4739; then those calls would be killed by reads.
4741(define available:killer:globals 2)
4742(define available:killer:car 4)
4743(define available:killer:cdr 8)
4744(define available:killer:string 16) ; also bytevectors etc
4745(define available:killer:vector 32) ; also structures etc
4746(define available:killer:cell 64)
4747(define available:killer:io 128)
4748(define available:killer:none 0) ; none of the above
4749(define available:killer:all 1022) ; all of the above
4751(define available:killer:immortal 0) ; never killed
4752(define available:killer:dead 1023) ; never available
4756(define (available:killer-combine k1 k2)
4757 (logior k1 k2))
4759; Miscellaneous.
4761; A simple lambda expression has no internal definitions at its head
4762; and no declarations aside from A-normal form.
4764(define (simple-lambda? L)
4765 (and (null? (lambda.defs L))
4766 (every? (lambda (decl)
4767 (eq? decl A-normal-form-declaration))
4768 (lambda.decls L))))
4770; A real call is a call whose procedure expression is
4771; neither a lambda expression nor a primop.
4773(define (real-call? E)
4774 (and (call? E)
4775 (let ((proc (call.proc E)))
4776 (and (not (lambda? proc))
4777 (or (not (variable? proc))
4778 (let ((f ( proc)))
4779 (or (not (integrate-usual-procedures))
4780 (not (prim-entry f)))))))))
4782(define (prim-call E)
4783 (and (call? E)
4784 (let ((proc (call.proc E)))
4785 (and (variable? proc)
4786 (integrate-usual-procedures)
4787 (prim-entry ( proc))))))
4789(define (no-side-effects? E)
4790 (or (constant? E)
4791 (variable? E)
4792 (lambda? E)
4793 (and (conditional? E)
4794 (no-side-effects? (if.test E))
4795 (no-side-effects? (if.then E))
4796 (no-side-effects? (if.else E)))
4797 (and (call? E)
4798 (let ((proc (call.proc E)))
4799 (and (variable? proc)
4800 (integrate-usual-procedures)
4801 (let ((entry (prim-entry ( proc))))
4802 (and entry
4803 (not (eq? available:killer:dead
4804 (prim-lives-until entry))))))))))
4806; Given a local variable, the expression within its scope, and
4807; a list of local variables that are known to be used only once,
4808; returns #t if the variable is used only once.
4810; The purpose of this routine is to recognize temporaries that
4811; may once have had two or more uses because of CSE, but now have
4812; only one use because of further CSE followed by dead code elimination.
4814(define (temporary-used-once? T E used-once)
4815 (cond ((call? E)
4816 (let ((proc (call.proc E))
4817 (args (call.args E)))
4818 (or (and (lambda? proc)
4819 (not (memq T (lambda.F proc)))
4820 (and (pair? args)
4821 (null? (cdr args))
4822 (temporary-used-once? T (car args) used-once)))
4823 (do ((exprs (cons proc (call.args E))
4824 (cdr exprs))
4825 (n 0
4826 (let ((exp (car exprs)))
4827 (cond ((constant? exp)
4828 n)
4829 ((variable? exp)
4830 (if (eq? T ( exp))
4831 (+ n 1)
4832 n))
4833 (else
4834 ; Terminate the loop and return #f.
4835 2)))))
4836 ((or (null? exprs)
4837 (> n 1))
4838 (= n 1))))))
4839 (else
4840 (memq T used-once))))
4842; Register bindings.
4844(define (make-regbinding lhs rhs use)
4845 (list lhs rhs use))
4847(define (regbinding.lhs x) (car x))
4848(define (regbinding.rhs x) (cadr x))
4849(define (regbinding.use x) (caddr x))
4851; Given a list of register bindings, an expression E and its free variables F,
4852; returns two values:
4853; E with the register bindings wrapped around it
4854; the free variables of the wrapped expression
4856(define (wrap-with-register-bindings regbindings E F)
4857 (if (null? regbindings)
4858 (values E F)
4859 (let* ((regbinding (car regbindings))
4860 (R (regbinding.lhs regbinding))
4861 (x (regbinding.rhs regbinding)))
4862 (wrap-with-register-bindings
4863 (cdr regbindings)
4864 (make-call (make-lambda (list R)
4865 '()
4866 '()
4867 F
4868 F
4869 (list A-normal-form-declaration)
4870 #f
4871 E)
4872 (list (make-variable x)))
4873 (union (list x)
4874 (difference F (list R)))))))
4876; Returns two values:
4877; the subset of regbindings that have x as their right hand side
4878; the rest of regbindings
4880(define (register-bindings regbindings x)
4881 (define (loop regbindings to-x others)
4882 (cond ((null? regbindings)
4883 (values to-x others))
4884 ((eq? x (regbinding.rhs (car regbindings)))
4885 (loop (cdr regbindings)
4886 (cons (car regbindings) to-x)
4887 others))
4888 (else
4889 (loop (cdr regbindings)
4890 to-x
4891 (cons (car regbindings) others)))))
4892 (loop regbindings '() '()))
4894; This procedure is called when the compiler can tell that an assertion
4895; is never true.
4897(define (declaration-error E)
4898 (if (issue-warnings)
4899 (begin (display "WARNING: Assertion is false: ")
4900 (write (make-readable E #t))
4901 (newline))))
4902; Representations, which form a subtype hierarchy.
4904; <rep> ::= <fixnum> | (<fixnum> <datum> ...)
4906; (<rep> <datum> ...) is a subtype of <rep>, but the non-fixnum
4907; representations are otherwise interpreted by arbitrary code.
4909(define *nreps* 0)
4910(define *rep-encodings* '())
4911(define *rep-decodings* '())
4912(define *rep-subtypes* '())
4913(define *rep-joins* (make-bytevector 0))
4914(define *rep-meets* (make-bytevector 0))
4915(define *rep-joins-special* '#())
4916(define *rep-meets-special* '#())
4918(define (representation-error msg . stuff)
4919 (apply error
4920 (if (string? msg)
4921 (string-append "Bug in flow analysis: " msg)
4922 msg)
4923 stuff))
4925(define (symbol->rep sym)
4926 (let ((probe (assq sym *rep-encodings*)))
4927 (if probe
4928 (cdr probe)
4929 (let ((rep *nreps*))
4930 (set! *nreps* (+ *nreps* 1))
4931 (if (> *nreps* 255)
4932 (representation-error "Too many representation types"))
4933 (set! *rep-encodings*
4934 (cons (cons sym rep)
4935 *rep-encodings*))
4936 (set! *rep-decodings*
4937 (cons (cons rep sym)
4938 *rep-decodings*))
4939 rep))))
4941(define (rep->symbol rep)
4942 (if (pair? rep)
4943 (cons (rep->symbol (car rep)) (cdr rep))
4944 (let ((probe (assv rep *rep-decodings*)))
4945 (if probe
4946 (cdr probe)
4947 'unknown))))
4949(define (representation-table table)
4950 (map (lambda (row)
4951 (map (lambda (x)
4952 (if (list? x)
4953 (map symbol->rep x)
4954 x))
4955 row))
4956 table))
4958; DEFINE-SUBTYPE is how representation types are defined.
4960(define (define-subtype sym1 sym2)
4961 (let* ((rep2 (symbol->rep sym2))
4962 (rep1 (symbol->rep sym1)))
4963 (set! *rep-subtypes*
4964 (cons (cons rep1 rep2)
4965 *rep-subtypes*))
4966 sym1))
4970(define (define-intersection sym1 sym2 sym3)
4971 (let ((rep1 (symbol->rep sym1))
4972 (rep2 (symbol->rep sym2))
4973 (rep3 (symbol->rep sym3)))
4974 (representation-aset! *rep-meets* rep1 rep2 rep3)
4975 (representation-aset! *rep-meets* rep2 rep1 rep3)))
4979(define (representation-aref bv i j)
4980 (bytevector-ref bv (+ (* *nreps* i) j)))
4982(define (representation-aset! bv i j x)
4983 (bytevector-set! bv (+ (* *nreps* i) j) x))
4985(define (compute-unions!)
4987 ; Always define a bottom element.
4989 (for-each (lambda (sym)
4990 (define-subtype 'bottom sym))
4991 (map car *rep-encodings*))
4993 (let* ((debugging? #f)
4994 (n *nreps*)
4995 (n^2 (* n n))
4996 (matrix (make-bytevector n^2)))
4998 ; This code assumes there will always be a top element.
5000 (define (lub rep1 rep2 subtype?)
5001 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
5002 (bounds '()
5003 (if (and (subtype? rep1 i)
5004 (subtype? rep2 i))
5005 (cons i bounds)
5006 bounds)))
5007 ((= i n)
5008 (car (twobit-sort subtype? bounds)))))
5010 (define (join i j)
5011 (lub i j (lambda (rep1 rep2)
5012 (= 1 (representation-aref matrix rep1 rep2)))))
5014 (define (compute-transitive-closure!)
5015 (let ((changed? #f))
5016 (define (loop)
5017 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
5018 ((= i n))
5019 (do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))
5020 ((= k n))
5021 (do ((j 0 (+ j 1))
5022 (sum 0
5023 (logior sum
5024 (logand
5025 (representation-aref matrix i j)
5026 (representation-aref matrix j k)))))
5027 ((= j n)
5028 (if (> sum 0)
5029 (let ((x (representation-aref matrix i k)))
5030 (if (zero? x)
5031 (begin
5032 (set! changed? #t)
5033 (representation-aset! matrix i k 1)))))))))
5034 (if changed?
5035 (begin (set! changed? #f)
5036 (loop))))
5037 (loop)))
5039 (define (compute-joins!)
5040 (let ((default (lambda (x y)
5041 (error "Compiler bug: special meet or join" x y))))
5042 (set! *rep-joins-special* (make-vector n default))
5043 (set! *rep-meets-special* (make-vector n default)))
5044 (set! *rep-joins* (make-bytevector n^2))
5045 (set! *rep-meets* (make-bytevector n^2))
5046 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
5047 ((= i n))
5048 (do ((j 0 (+ j 1)))
5049 ((= j n))
5050 (representation-aset! *rep-joins*
5051 i
5052 j
5053 (join i j)))))
5055 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
5056 ((= i n))
5057 (do ((j 0 (+ j 1)))
5058 ((= j n))
5059 (representation-aset! matrix i j 0))
5060 (representation-aset! matrix i i 1))
5061 (for-each (lambda (subtype)
5062 (let ((rep1 (car subtype))
5063 (rep2 (cdr subtype)))
5064 (representation-aset! matrix rep1 rep2 1)))
5065 *rep-subtypes*)
5066 (compute-transitive-closure!)
5067 (if debugging?
5068 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
5069 ((= i n))
5070 (do ((j 0 (+ j 1)))
5071 ((= j n))
5072 (write-char #\space)
5073 (write (representation-aref matrix i j)))
5074 (newline)))
5075 (compute-joins!)
5076 (set! *rep-subtypes* '())))
5078; Intersections are not dual to unions because a conservative analysis
5079; must always err on the side of the larger subtype.
5080; COMPUTE-UNIONS! must be called before COMPUTE-INTERSECTIONS!.
5082(define (compute-intersections!)
5083 (let ((n *nreps*))
5085 (define (meet i j)
5086 (let ((k (representation-union i j)))
5087 (if (= i k)
5088 j
5089 i)))
5091 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
5092 ((= i n))
5093 (do ((j 0 (+ j 1)))
5094 ((= j n))
5095 (representation-aset! *rep-meets*
5096 i
5097 j
5098 (meet i j))))))
5100(define (compute-type-structure!)
5101 (compute-unions!)
5102 (compute-intersections!))
5104(define (representation-subtype? rep1 rep2)
5105 (equal? rep2 (representation-union rep1 rep2)))
5107(define (representation-union rep1 rep2)
5108 (if (fixnum? rep1)
5109 (if (fixnum? rep2)
5110 (representation-aref *rep-joins* rep1 rep2)
5111 (representation-union rep1 (car rep2)))
5112 (if (fixnum? rep2)
5113 (representation-union (car rep1) rep2)
5114 (let ((r1 (car rep1))
5115 (r2 (car rep2)))
5116 (if (= r1 r2)
5117 ((vector-ref *rep-joins-special* r1) rep1 rep2)
5118 (representation-union r1 r2))))))
5120(define (representation-intersection rep1 rep2)
5121 (if (fixnum? rep1)
5122 (if (fixnum? rep2)
5123 (representation-aref *rep-meets* rep1 rep2)
5124 (representation-intersection rep1 (car rep2)))
5125 (if (fixnum? rep2)
5126 (representation-intersection (car rep1) rep2)
5127 (let ((r1 (car rep1))
5128 (r2 (car rep2)))
5129 (if (= r1 r2)
5130 ((vector-ref *rep-meets-special* r1) rep1 rep2)
5131 (representation-intersection r1 r2))))))
5133; For debugging.
5135(define (display-unions-and-intersections)
5136 (let* ((column-width 10)
5137 (columns/row (quotient 80 column-width)))
5139 (define (display-symbol sym)
5140 (let* ((s (symbol->string sym))
5141 (n (string-length s)))
5142 (if (< n column-width)
5143 (begin (display s)
5144 (display (make-string (- column-width n) #\space)))
5145 (begin (display (substring s 0 (- column-width 1)))
5146 (write-char #\space)))))
5148 ; Display columns i to n.
5150 (define (display-matrix f i n)
5151 (display (make-string column-width #\space))
5152 (do ((i i (+ i 1)))
5153 ((= i n))
5154 (display-symbol (rep->symbol i)))
5155 (newline)
5156 (newline)
5157 (do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))
5158 ((= k *nreps*))
5159 (display-symbol (rep->symbol k))
5160 (do ((i i (+ i 1)))
5161 ((= i n))
5162 (display-symbol (rep->symbol (f k i))))
5163 (newline))
5164 (newline)
5165 (newline))
5167 (display "Unions:")
5168 (newline)
5169 (newline)
5171 (do ((i 0 (+ i columns/row)))
5172 ((>= i *nreps*))
5173 (display-matrix representation-union
5174 i
5175 (min *nreps* (+ i columns/row))))
5177 (display "Intersections:")
5178 (newline)
5179 (newline)
5181 (do ((i 0 (+ i columns/row)))
5182 ((>= i *nreps*))
5183 (display-matrix representation-intersection
5184 i
5185 (min *nreps* (+ i columns/row))))))
5187; Operations that can be specialized.
5189; Format: (<name> (<arg-rep> ...) <specific-name>)
5191(define (rep-specific? f rs)
5192 (rep-match f rs rep-specific caddr))
5194; Operations whose result has some specific representation.
5196; Format: (<name> (<arg-rep> ...) (<result-rep>))
5198(define (rep-result? f rs)
5199 (rep-match f rs rep-result caaddr))
5201; Unary predicates that give information about representation.
5203; Format: (<name> <rep-if-true> <rep-if-false>)
5205(define (rep-if-true f rs)
5206 (rep-match f rs rep-informing caddr))
5208(define (rep-if-false f rs)
5209 (rep-match f rs rep-informing cadddr))
5211; Given the name of an integrable primitive,
5212; the representations of its arguments,
5213; a representation table, and a selector function
5214; finds the most type-specific row of the table that matches both
5215; the name of the primitive and the representations of its arguments,
5216; and returns the result of applying the selector to that row.
5217; If no row matches, then REP-MATCH returns #f.
5219; FIXME: This should be more efficient, and should prefer the most
5220; specific matches.
5222(define (rep-match f rs table selector)
5223 (let ((n (length rs)))
5224 (let loop ((entries table))
5225 (cond ((null? entries)
5226 #f)
5227 ((eq? f (car (car entries)))
5228 (let ((rs0 (cadr (car entries))))
5229 (if (and (= n (length rs0))
5230 (every? (lambda (r1+r2)
5231 (let ((r1 (car r1+r2))
5232 (r2 (cdr r1+r2)))
5233 (representation-subtype? r1 r2)))
5234 (map cons rs rs0)))
5235 (selector (car entries))
5236 (loop (cdr entries)))))
5237 (else
5238 (loop (cdr entries)))))))
5240; Abstract interpretation with respect to types and constraints.
5241; Returns a representation type.
5243(define (aeval E types constraints)
5244 (cond ((call? E)
5245 (let ((proc (call.proc E)))
5246 (if (variable? proc)
5247 (let* ((op ( proc))
5248 (argtypes (map (lambda (E)
5249 (aeval E types constraints))
5250 (call.args E)))
5251 (type (rep-result? op argtypes)))
5252 (if type
5253 type
5254 rep:object))
5255 rep:object)))
5256 ((variable? E)
5257 (representation-typeof ( E) types constraints))
5258 ((constant? E)
5259 (representation-of-value (constant.value E)))
5260 (else
5261 rep:object)))
5263; If x has representation type t0 in the hash table,
5264; and some further constraints
5266; x = (op y1 ... yn)
5267; x : t1
5268; ...
5269; x : tk
5271; then
5273; typeof (x) = op (typeof (y1), ..., typeof (yn))
5274; & t0 & t1 & ... & tk
5276; where & means intersection and op is the abstraction of op.
5278; Also if T : true and T = E then E may give information about
5279; the types of other variables. Similarly for T : false.
5281(define (representation-typeof name types constraints)
5282 (let ((t0 (hashtable-fetch types name rep:object))
5283 (cs (hashtable-fetch (constraints.table constraints) name '())))
5284 (define (loop type cs)
5285 (if (null? cs)
5286 type
5287 (let* ((c (car cs))
5288 (cs (cdr cs))
5289 (E (constraint.rhs c)))
5290 (cond ((constant? E)
5291 (loop (representation-intersection type
5292 (constant.value E))
5293 cs))
5294 ((call? E)
5295 (loop (representation-intersection
5296 type (aeval E types constraints))
5297 cs))
5298 (else
5299 (loop type cs))))))
5300 (loop t0 cs)))
5302; Constraints.
5304; The constraints used by this analysis consist of type constraints
5305; together with the available expressions used for commoning.
5307; (T E K) T = E until killed by an effect in K
5308; (T '<rep> K) T : <rep> until killed by an effect in K
5310(define (make-constraint T E K)
5311 (list T E K))
5313(define (constraint.lhs c)
5314 (car c))
5316(define (constraint.rhs c)
5317 (cadr c))
5319(define (constraint.killer c)
5320 (caddr c))
5322(define (make-type-constraint T type K)
5323 (make-constraint T
5324 (make-constant type)
5325 K))
5327; If the new constraint is of the form T = E until killed by K,
5328; then there shouldn't be any prior constraints.
5330; Otherwise the new constraint is of the form T : t until killed by K.
5331; Suppose the prior constraints are
5332; T = E until killed by K
5333; T : t1 until killed by K1
5334; ...
5335; T : tn until killed by Kn
5337; If there exists i such that ti is a subtype of t and Ki a subset of K,
5338; then the new constraint adds no new information and should be ignored.
5339; Otherwise compute t' = t1 & ... & tn and K' = K1 | ... | Kn, where
5340; & indicates intersection and | indicates union.
5341; If K = K' then add the new constraint T : t' until killed by K;
5342; otherwise add two new constraints:
5343; T : t' until killed by K'
5344; T : t until killed by K
5346(define (constraints-add! types constraints new)
5347 (let* ((debugging? #f)
5348 (T (constraint.lhs new))
5349 (E (constraint.rhs new))
5350 (K (constraint.killer new))
5351 (cs (constraints-for-variable constraints T)))
5353 (define (loop type K cs newcs)
5354 (if (null? cs)
5355 (cons (make-type-constraint T type K) newcs)
5356 (let* ((c2 (car cs))
5357 (cs (cdr cs))
5358 (E2 (constraint.rhs c2))
5359 (K2 (constraint.killer c2)))
5360 (if (constant? E2)
5361 (let* ((type2 (constant.value E2))
5362 (type3 (representation-intersection type type2)))
5363 (cond ((eq? type2 type3)
5364 (if (= K2 (logand K K2))
5365 (append newcs cs)
5366 (loop (representation-intersection type type2)
5367 (available:killer-combine K K2)
5368 cs
5369 (cons c2 newcs))))
5370 ((representation-subtype? type type3)
5371 (if (= K (logand K K2))
5372 (loop type K cs newcs)
5373 (loop type K cs (cons c2 newcs))))
5374 (else
5375 (loop type3
5376 (available:killer-combine K K2)
5377 cs
5378 (cons c2 newcs)))))
5379 (let* ((op ( (call.proc E2)))
5380 (args (call.args E2))
5381 (argtypes (map (lambda (exp)
5382 (aeval exp types constraints))
5383 args)))
5384 (cond ((representation-subtype? type rep:true)
5385 (let ((reps (rep-if-true op argtypes)))
5386 (if reps
5387 (record-new-reps! args argtypes reps K2))))
5388 ((representation-subtype? type rep:false)
5389 (let ((reps (rep-if-false op argtypes)))
5390 (if reps
5391 (record-new-reps! args argtypes reps K2)))))
5392 (loop type K cs (cons c2 newcs)))))))
5394 (define (record-new-reps! args argtypes reps K2)
5395 (if debugging?
5396 (begin (write (list (map make-readable args)
5397 (map rep->symbol argtypes)
5398 (map rep->symbol reps)))
5399 (newline)))
5400 (for-each (lambda (arg type0 type1)
5401 (if (not (representation-subtype? type0 type1))
5402 (if (variable? arg)
5403 (let ((name ( arg)))
5404 ; FIXME: In this context, a variable
5405 ; should always be local so the hashtable
5406 ; operation isn't necessary.
5407 (if (hashtable-get types name)
5408 (constraints-add!
5409 types
5410 constraints
5411 (make-type-constraint
5412 name
5413 type1
5414 (available:killer-combine K K2)))
5415 (cerror
5416 "Compiler bug: unexpected global: "
5417 name))))))
5418 args argtypes reps))
5420 (if (not (zero? K))
5421 (constraints-add-killedby! constraints T K))
5423 (let* ((table (constraints.table constraints))
5424 (cs (hashtable-fetch table T '())))
5425 (cond ((constant? E)
5426 ; It's a type constraint.
5427 (let ((type (constant.value E)))
5428 (if debugging?
5429 (begin (display T)
5430 (display " : ")
5431 (display (rep->symbol type))
5432 (newline)))
5433 (let ((cs (loop type K cs '())))
5434 (hashtable-put! table T cs)
5435 constraints)))
5436 (else
5437 (if debugging?
5438 (begin (display T)
5439 (display " = ")
5440 (display (make-readable E #t))
5441 (newline)))
5442 (if (not (null? cs))
5443 (begin
5444 (display "Compiler bug: ")
5445 (write T)
5446 (display " has unexpectedly nonempty constraints")
5447 (newline)))
5448 (hashtable-put! table T (list (list T E K)))
5449 constraints)))))
5451; Sets of constraints.
5453; The set of constraints is represented as (<hashtable> <killedby>),
5454; where <hashtable> is a hashtable mapping variables to lists of
5455; constraints as above, and <killedby> is a vector mapping basic killers
5456; to lists of variables that need to be examined for constraints that
5457; are killed by that basic killer.
5459(define number-of-basic-killers
5460 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
5461 (k 1 (+ k k)))
5462 ((> k available:killer:dead)
5463 i)))
5465(define (constraints.table constraints) (car constraints))
5466(define (constraints.killed constraints) (cadr constraints))
5468(define (make-constraints-table)
5469 (list (make-hashtable symbol-hash assq)
5470 (make-vector number-of-basic-killers '())))
5472(define (copy-constraints-table constraints)
5473 (list (hashtable-copy (constraints.table constraints))
5474 (list->vector (vector->list (constraints.killed constraints)))))
5476(define (constraints-for-variable constraints T)
5477 (hashtable-fetch (constraints.table constraints) T '()))
5479(define (constraints-add-killedby! constraints T K0)
5480 (if (not (zero? K0))
5481 (let ((v (constraints.killed constraints)))
5482 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
5483 (k 1 (+ k k)))
5484 ((= i number-of-basic-killers))
5485 (if (not (zero? (logand k K0)))
5486 (vector-set! v i (cons T (vector-ref v i))))))))
5488(define (constraints-kill! constraints K)
5489 (if (not (zero? K))
5490 (let ((table (constraints.table constraints))
5491 (killed (constraints.killed constraints)))
5492 (define (examine! T)
5493 (let ((cs (filter (lambda (c)
5494 (zero? (logand (constraint.killer c) K)))
5495 (hashtable-fetch table T '()))))
5496 (if (null? cs)
5497 (hashtable-remove! table T)
5498 (hashtable-put! table T cs))))
5499 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
5500 (j 1 (+ j j)))
5501 ((= i number-of-basic-killers))
5502 (if (not (zero? (logand j K)))
5503 (begin (for-each examine! (vector-ref killed i))
5504 (vector-set! killed i '())))))))
5506(define (constraints-intersect! constraints0 constraints1 constraints2)
5507 (let ((table0 (constraints.table constraints0))
5508 (table1 (constraints.table constraints1))
5509 (table2 (constraints.table constraints2)))
5510 (if (eq? table0 table1)
5511 ; FIXME: Which is more efficient: to update the killed vector,
5512 ; or not to update it? Both are safe.
5513 (hashtable-for-each (lambda (T cs)
5514 (if (not (null? cs))
5515 (hashtable-put!
5516 table0
5517 T
5518 (cs-intersect
5519 (hashtable-fetch table2 T '())
5520 cs))))
5521 table1)
5522 ; This case shouldn't ever happen, so it can be slow.
5523 (begin
5524 (constraints-intersect! constraints0 constraints0 constraints1)
5525 (constraints-intersect! constraints0 constraints0 constraints2)))))
5527(define (cs-intersect cs1 cs2)
5528 (define (loop cs init rep Krep)
5529 (if (null? cs)
5530 (values init rep Krep)
5531 (let* ((c (car cs))
5532 (cs (cdr cs))
5533 (E2 (constraint.rhs c))
5534 (K2 (constraint.killer c)))
5535 (cond ((constant? E2)
5536 (loop cs
5537 init
5538 (representation-intersection rep (constant.value E2))
5539 (available:killer-combine Krep K2)))
5540 ((call? E2)
5541 (if init
5542 (begin (display "Compiler bug in cs-intersect")
5543 (break))
5544 (loop cs c rep Krep)))
5545 (else
5546 (error "Compiler bug in cs-intersect"))))))
5547 (call-with-values
5548 (lambda ()
5549 (loop cs1 #f rep:object available:killer:none))
5550 (lambda (c1 rep1 Krep1)
5551 (call-with-values
5552 (lambda ()
5553 (loop cs2 #f rep:object available:killer:none))
5554 (lambda (c2 rep2 Krep2)
5555 (let ((c (if (equal? c1 c2) c1 #f))
5556 (rep (representation-union rep1 rep2))
5557 (Krep (available:killer-combine Krep1 Krep2)))
5558 (if (eq? rep rep:object)
5559 (if c (list c) '())
5560 (let ((T (constraint.lhs (car cs1))))
5561 (if c
5562 (list c (make-type-constraint T rep Krep))
5563 (list (make-type-constraint T rep Krep)))))))))))
5564; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Edit the config file and rerun "config".
5566(define $gc.ephemeral 0)
5567(define $gc.tenuring 1)
5568(define $gc.full 2)
5569(define $mstat.wallocated-hi 0)
5570(define $mstat.wallocated-lo 1)
5571(define $mstat.wcollected-hi 2)
5572(define $mstat.wcollected-lo 3)
5573(define $mstat.wcopied-hi 4)
5574(define $mstat.wcopied-lo 5)
5575(define $mstat.gctime 6)
5576(define $mstat.wlive 7)
5577(define $mstat.gc-last-gen 8)
5578(define $mstat.gc-last-type 9)
5579(define $mstat.generations 10)
5580(define $mstat.g-gc-count 0)
5581(define $mstat.g-prom-count 1)
5582(define $mstat.g-gctime 2)
5583(define $mstat.g-wlive 3)
5584(define $mstat.g-np-youngp 4)
5585(define $mstat.g-np-oldp 5)
5586(define $mstat.g-np-j 6)
5587(define $mstat.g-np-k 7)
5588(define $mstat.g-alloc 8)
5589(define $mstat.g-target 9)
5590(define $mstat.g-promtime 10)
5591(define $mstat.remsets 11)
5592(define $mstat.r-apool 0)
5593(define $mstat.r-upool 1)
5594(define $mstat.r-ahash 2)
5595(define $mstat.r-uhash 3)
5596(define $mstat.r-hrec-hi 4)
5597(define $mstat.r-hrec-lo 5)
5598(define $mstat.r-hrem-hi 6)
5599(define $mstat.r-hrem-lo 7)
5600(define $mstat.r-hscan-hi 8)
5601(define $mstat.r-hscan-lo 9)
5602(define $mstat.r-wscan-hi 10)
5603(define $mstat.r-wscan-lo 11)
5604(define $mstat.r-ssbrec-hi 12)
5605(define $mstat.r-ssbrec-lo 13)
5606(define $mstat.r-np-p 14)
5607(define $mstat.fflushed-hi 12)
5608(define $mstat.fflushed-lo 13)
5609(define $mstat.wflushed-hi 14)
5610(define $mstat.wflushed-lo 15)
5611(define $mstat.stk-created 16)
5612(define $mstat.frestored-hi 17)
5613(define $mstat.frestored-lo 18)
5614(define $mstat.words-heap 19)
5615(define $mstat.words-remset 20)
5616(define $mstat.words-rts 21)
5617(define $mstat.swb-assign 22)
5618(define $mstat.swb-lhs-ok 23)
5619(define $mstat.swb-rhs-const 24)
5620(define $mstat.swb-not-xgen 25)
5621(define $mstat.swb-trans 26)
5622(define $mstat.rtime 27)
5623(define $mstat.stime 28)
5624(define $mstat.utime 29)
5625(define $mstat.minfaults 30)
5626(define $mstat.majfaults 31)
5627(define $ 32)
5628(define $mstat.max-heap 33)
5629(define $mstat.promtime 34)
5630(define $mstat.wmoved-hi 35)
5631(define $mstat.wmoved-lo 36)
5632(define $mstat.vsize 37)
5633(define $g.reg0 12)
5634(define $r.reg8 44)
5635(define $r.reg9 48)
5636(define $r.reg10 52)
5637(define $r.reg11 56)
5638(define $r.reg12 60)
5639(define $r.reg13 64)
5640(define $r.reg14 68)
5641(define $r.reg15 72)
5642(define $r.reg16 76)
5643(define $r.reg17 80)
5644(define $r.reg18 84)
5645(define $r.reg19 88)
5646(define $r.reg20 92)
5647(define $r.reg21 96)
5648(define $r.reg22 100)
5649(define $r.reg23 104)
5650(define $r.reg24 108)
5651(define $r.reg25 112)
5652(define $r.reg26 116)
5653(define $r.reg27 120)
5654(define $r.reg28 124)
5655(define $r.reg29 128)
5656(define $r.reg30 132)
5657(define $r.reg31 136)
5658(define $g.stkbot 180)
5659(define $g.gccnt 420)
5660(define $m.alloc 1024)
5661(define $m.alloci 1032)
5662(define $m.gc 1040)
5663(define $m.addtrans 1048)
5664(define $m.stkoflow 1056)
5665(define $m.stkuflow 1072)
5666(define $m.creg 1080)
5667(define $m.creg-set! 1088)
5668(define $m.add 1096)
5669(define $m.subtract 1104)
5670(define $m.multiply 1112)
5671(define $m.quotient 1120)
5672(define $m.remainder 1128)
5673(define $m.divide 1136)
5674(define $m.modulo 1144)
5675(define $m.negate 1152)
5676(define $m.numeq 1160)
5677(define $m.numlt 1168)
5678(define $m.numle 1176)
5679(define $m.numgt 1184)
5680(define $m.numge 1192)
5681(define $m.zerop 1200)
5682(define $m.complexp 1208)
5683(define $m.realp 1216)
5684(define $m.rationalp 1224)
5685(define $m.integerp 1232)
5686(define $m.exactp 1240)
5687(define $m.inexactp 1248)
5688(define $m.exact->inexact 1256)
5689(define $m.inexact->exact 1264)
5690(define $m.make-rectangular 1272)
5691(define $m.real-part 1280)
5692(define $m.imag-part 1288)
5693(define $m.sqrt 1296)
5694(define $m.round 1304)
5695(define $m.truncate 1312)
5696(define $m.apply 1320)
5697(define $m.varargs 1328)
5698(define $m.typetag 1336)
5699(define $m.typetag-set 1344)
5700(define $m.break 1352)
5701(define $m.eqv 1360)
5702(define $m.partial-list->vector 1368)
5703(define $m.timer-exception 1376)
5704(define $m.exception 1384)
5705(define $m.singlestep 1392)
5706(define $m.syscall 1400)
5707(define $m.bvlcmp 1408)
5708(define $m.enable-interrupts 1416)
5709(define $m.disable-interrupts 1424)
5710(define $m.alloc-bv 1432)
5711(define $ 1440)
5712(define $m.invoke-ex 1448)
5713(define $ 1456)
5714(define $m.argc-ex 1464)
5715; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Edit the config file and rerun "config".
5717(define $r.g0 0)
5718(define $r.g1 1)
5719(define $r.g2 2)
5720(define $r.g3 3)
5721(define $r.g4 4)
5722(define $r.g5 5)
5723(define $r.g6 6)
5724(define $r.g7 7)
5725(define $r.o0 8)
5726(define $r.o1 9)
5727(define $r.o2 10)
5728(define $r.o3 11)
5729(define $r.o4 12)
5730(define $r.o5 13)
5731(define $r.o6 14)
5732(define $r.o7 15)
5733(define $r.l0 16)
5734(define $r.l1 17)
5735(define $r.l2 18)
5736(define $r.l3 19)
5737(define $r.l4 20)
5738(define $r.l5 21)
5739(define $r.l6 22)
5740(define $r.l7 23)
5741(define $r.i0 24)
5742(define $r.i1 25)
5743(define $r.i2 26)
5744(define $r.i3 27)
5745(define $r.i4 28)
5746(define $r.i5 29)
5747(define $r.i6 30)
5748(define $r.i7 31)
5749(define $r.result $r.o0)
5750(define $r.argreg2 $r.o1)
5751(define $r.argreg3 $r.o2)
5752(define $r.stkp $r.o3)
5753(define $r.stklim $r.i0)
5754(define $r.tmp1 $r.o4)
5755(define $r.tmp2 $r.o5)
5756(define $r.tmp0 $r.g1)
5757(define $r.e-top $r.i0)
5758(define $r.e-limit $r.o3)
5759(define $r.timer $r.i4)
5760(define $r.millicode $r.i7)
5761(define $r.globals $r.i7)
5762(define $r.reg0 $r.l0)
5763(define $r.reg1 $r.l1)
5764(define $r.reg2 $r.l2)
5765(define $r.reg3 $r.l3)
5766(define $r.reg4 $r.l4)
5767(define $r.reg5 $r.l5)
5768(define $r.reg6 $r.l6)
5769(define $r.reg7 $r.l7)
5770; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Edit the config file and rerun "config".
5772(define $ 0)
5773(define $ex.cdr 1)
5774(define $ex.setcar 2)
5775(define $ex.setcdr 3)
5776(define $ex.add 10)
5777(define $ex.sub 11)
5778(define $ex.mul 12)
5779(define $ex.div 13)
5780(define $ex.lessp 14)
5781(define $ex.lesseqp 15)
5782(define $ex.equalp 16)
5783(define $ex.greatereqp 17)
5784(define $ex.greaterp 18)
5785(define $ex.quotient 19)
5786(define $ex.remainder 20)
5787(define $ex.modulo 21)
5788(define $ex.logior 22)
5789(define $ex.logand 23)
5790(define $ex.logxor 24)
5791(define $ex.lognot 25)
5792(define $ex.lsh 26)
5793(define $ex.rsha 27)
5794(define $ex.rshl 28)
5795(define $ex.e2i 29)
5796(define $ex.i2e 30)
5797(define $ex.exactp 31)
5798(define $ex.inexactp 32)
5799(define $ex.round 33)
5800(define $ex.trunc 34)
5801(define $ex.zerop 35)
5802(define $ex.neg 36)
5803(define $ex.abs 37)
5804(define $ex.realpart 38)
5805(define $ex.imagpart 39)
5806(define $ex.vref 40)
5807(define $ex.vset 41)
5808(define $ex.vlen 42)
5809(define $ex.pref 50)
5810(define $ex.pset 51)
5811(define $ex.plen 52)
5812(define $ex.sref 60)
5813(define $ex.sset 61)
5814(define $ex.slen 62)
5815(define $ex.bvref 70)
5816(define $ex.bvset 71)
5817(define $ex.bvlen 72)
5818(define $ex.bvlref 80)
5819(define $ex.bvlset 81)
5820(define $ex.bvllen 82)
5821(define $ex.vlref 90)
5822(define $ex.vlset 91)
5823(define $ex.vllen 92)
5824(define $ex.typetag 100)
5825(define $ex.typetagset 101)
5826(define $ex.apply 102)
5827(define $ex.argc 103)
5828(define $ex.vargc 104)
5829(define $ex.nonproc 105)
5830(define $ex.undef-global 106)
5831(define $ex.dump 107)
5832(define $ex.dumpfail 108)
5833(define $ex.timer 109)
5834(define $ex.unsupported 110)
5835(define $ex.int2char 111)
5836(define $ex.char2int 112)
5837(define $ex.mkbvl 113)
5838(define $ex.mkvl 114)
5839(define $ex.char<? 115)
5840(define $ex.char<=? 116)
5841(define $ex.char=? 117)
5842(define $ex.char>? 118)
5843(define $ex.char>=? 119)
5844(define $ex.bvfill 120)
5845(define $ex.enable-interrupts 121)
5846(define $ex.keyboard-interrupt 122)
5847(define $ex.arithmetic-exception 123)
5848(define $ 124)
5849(define $ex.fx+ 140)
5850(define $ex.fx- 141)
5851(define $ex.fx-- 142)
5852(define $ex.fx= 143)
5853(define $ex.fx< 144)
5854(define $ex.fx<= 145)
5855(define $ex.fx> 146)
5856(define $ex.fx>= 147)
5857(define $ex.fxpositive? 148)
5858(define $ex.fxnegative? 149)
5859(define $ex.fxzero? 150)
5860(define $ex.fx* 151)
5861; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Edit the config file and rerun "config".
5863(define $tag.tagmask 7)
5864(define $tag.pair-tag 1)
5865(define $tag.vector-tag 3)
5866(define $tag.bytevector-tag 5)
5867(define $tag.procedure-tag 7)
5868(define $imm.vector-header 162)
5869(define $imm.bytevector-header 194)
5870(define $imm.procedure-header 254)
5871(define $imm.true 6)
5872(define $imm.false 2)
5873(define $imm.null 10)
5874(define $imm.unspecified 278)
5875(define $imm.eof 534)
5876(define $imm.undefined 790)
5877(define $imm.character 38)
5878(define $tag.vector-typetag 0)
5879(define $tag.rectnum-typetag 4)
5880(define $tag.ratnum-typetag 8)
5881(define $tag.symbol-typetag 12)
5882(define $tag.port-typetag 16)
5883(define $tag.structure-typetag 20)
5884(define $tag.bytevector-typetag 0)
5885(define $tag.string-typetag 4)
5886(define $tag.flonum-typetag 8)
5887(define $tag.compnum-typetag 12)
5888(define $tag.bignum-typetag 16)
5889(define $hdr.port 178)
5890(define $hdr.struct 182)
5891(define $p.codevector -3)
5892(define $p.constvector 1)
5893(define $p.linkoffset 5)
5894(define $p.reg0 5)
5895(define $p.codeoffset -1)
5896; Copyright 1991 William Clinger
5898; Relatively target-independent information for Twobit's backend.
5900; 24 April 1999 / wdc
5902; Most of the definitions in this file can be extended or overridden by
5903; target-specific definitions.
5905(define twobit-sort
5906 (lambda (less? list) (compat:sort list less?)))
5908(define renaming-prefix ".")
5910; The prefix used for cells introduced by the compiler.
5912(define cell-prefix (string-append renaming-prefix "CELL:"))
5914; Names of global procedures that cannot be redefined or assigned
5915; by ordinary code.
5916; The expansion of quasiquote uses .cons and .list directly, so these
5917; should not be changed willy-nilly.
5918; Others may be used directly by a DEFINE-INLINE.
5920(define name:CHECK! '.check!)
5921(define name:CONS '.cons)
5922(define name:LIST '.list)
5923(define name:MAKE-CELL '.make-cell)
5924(define name:CELL-REF '.cell-ref)
5925(define name:CELL-SET! '.cell-set!)
5926(define name:IGNORED (string->symbol "IGNORED"))
5927(define name:CAR '.car)
5928(define name:CDR '.cdr)
5930;(begin (eval `(define ,name:CONS cons))
5931; (eval `(define ,name:LIST list))
5932; (eval `(define ,name:MAKE-CELL list))
5933; (eval `(define ,name:CELL-REF car))
5934; (eval `(define ,name:CELL-SET! set-car!)))
5936; If (INTEGRATE-USUAL-PROCEDURES) is true, then control optimization
5937; recognizes calls to these procedures.
5939(define name:NOT 'not)
5940(define name:MEMQ 'memq)
5941(define name:MEMV 'memv)
5943; If (INTEGRATE-USUAL-PROCEDURES) is true, then control optimization
5944; recognizes calls to these procedures and also creates calls to them.
5946(define name:EQ? 'eq?)
5947(define name:EQV? 'eqv?)
5949; Control optimization creates calls to these procedures,
5950; which do not need to check their arguments.
5952(define name:FIXNUM? 'fixnum?)
5953(define name:CHAR? 'char?)
5954(define name:SYMBOL? 'symbol?)
5955(define name:FX< '<:fix:fix)
5956(define name:FX- 'fx-) ; non-checking version
5957(define name:CHAR->INTEGER 'char->integer) ; non-checking version
5958(define name:VECTOR-REF 'vector-ref:trusted)
5961; Constant folding.
5962; Prototype, will probably change in the future.
5964(define (constant-folding-entry name)
5965 (assq name $usual-constant-folding-procedures$))
5967(define constant-folding-predicates cadr)
5968(define constant-folding-folder caddr)
5970(define $usual-constant-folding-procedures$
5971 (let ((always? (lambda (x) #t))
5972 (charcode? (lambda (n)
5973 (and (number? n)
5974 (exact? n)
5975 (<= 0 n)
5976 (< n 128))))
5977 (ratnum? (lambda (n)
5978 (and (number? n)
5979 (exact? n)
5980 (rational? n))))
5981 ; smallint? is defined later.
5982 (smallint? (lambda (n) (smallint? n))))
5983 `(
5984 ; This makes some assumptions about the host system.
5986 (integer->char (,charcode?) ,integer->char)
5987 (char->integer (,char?) ,char->integer)
5988 (zero? (,ratnum?) ,zero?)
5989 (< (,ratnum? ,ratnum?) ,<)
5990 (<= (,ratnum? ,ratnum?) ,<=)
5991 (= (,ratnum? ,ratnum?) ,=)
5992 (>= (,ratnum? ,ratnum?) ,>=)
5993 (> (,ratnum? ,ratnum?) ,>)
5994 (+ (,ratnum? ,ratnum?) ,+)
5995 (- (,ratnum? ,ratnum?) ,-)
5996 (* (,ratnum? ,ratnum?) ,*)
5997 (-- (,ratnum?) ,(lambda (x) (- 0 x)))
5998 (eq? (,always? ,always?) ,eq?)
5999 (eqv? (,always? ,always?) ,eqv?)
6000 (equal? (,always? ,always?) ,equal?)
6001 (memq (,always? ,list?) ,memq)
6002 (memv (,always? ,list?) ,memv)
6003 (member (,always? ,list?) ,member)
6004 (assq (,always? ,list?) ,assq)
6005 (assv (,always? ,list?) ,assv)
6006 (assoc (,always? ,list?) ,assoc)
6007 (length (,list?) ,length)
6008 (fixnum? (,smallint?) ,smallint?)
6009 (=:fix:fix (,smallint? ,smallint?) ,=)
6010 (<:fix:fix (,smallint? ,smallint?) ,<)
6011 (<=:fix:fix (,smallint? ,smallint?) ,<=)
6012 (>:fix:fix (,smallint? ,smallint?) ,>)
6013 (>=:fix:fix (,smallint? ,smallint?) ,>=)
6014 )))
6016(begin '
6017 (define (.check! flag exn . args)
6018 (if (not flag)
6019 (apply error "Runtime check exception: " exn args)))
6020 #t)
6022; Order matters. If f and g are both inlined, and the definition of g
6023; uses f, then f should be defined before g.
6025(for-each pass1
6026 `(
6028(define-inline car
6029 (syntax-rules ()
6030 ((car x0)
6031 (let ((x x0))
6032 (.check! (pair? x) ,$ x)
6033 (car:pair x)))))
6035(define-inline cdr
6036 (syntax-rules ()
6037 ((car x0)
6038 (let ((x x0))
6039 (.check! (pair? x) ,$ex.cdr x)
6040 (cdr:pair x)))))
6042(define-inline vector-length
6043 (syntax-rules ()
6044 ((vector-length v0)
6045 (let ((v v0))
6046 (.check! (vector? v) ,$ex.vlen v)
6047 (vector-length:vec v)))))
6049(define-inline vector-ref
6050 (syntax-rules ()
6051 ((vector-ref v0 i0)
6052 (let ((v v0)
6053 (i i0))
6054 (.check! (fixnum? i) ,$ex.vref v i)
6055 (.check! (vector? v) ,$ex.vref v i)
6056 (.check! (<:fix:fix i (vector-length:vec v)) ,$ex.vref v i)
6057 (.check! (>=:fix:fix i 0) ,$ex.vref v i)
6058 (vector-ref:trusted v i)))))
6060(define-inline vector-set!
6061 (syntax-rules ()
6062 ((vector-set! v0 i0 x0)
6063 (let ((v v0)
6064 (i i0)
6065 (x x0))
6066 (.check! (fixnum? i) ,$ex.vset v i x)
6067 (.check! (vector? v) ,$ex.vset v i x)
6068 (.check! (<:fix:fix i (vector-length:vec v)) ,$ex.vset v i x)
6069 (.check! (>=:fix:fix i 0) ,$ex.vset v i x)
6070 (vector-set!:trusted v i x)))))
6072; This transformation must make sure the entire list is freshly
6073; allocated when an argument to LIST returns more than once.
6075(define-inline list
6076 (syntax-rules ()
6077 ((list)
6078 '())
6079 ((list ?e)
6080 (cons ?e '()))
6081 ((list ?e1 ?e2 ...)
6082 (let* ((t1 ?e1)
6083 (t2 (list ?e2 ...)))
6084 (cons t1 t2)))))
6086; This transformation must make sure the entire list is freshly
6087; allocated when an argument to VECTOR returns more than once.
6089(define-inline vector
6090 (syntax-rules ()
6091 ((vector)
6092 '#())
6093 ((vector ?e)
6094 (make-vector 1 ?e))
6095 ((vector ?e1 ?e2 ...)
6096 (letrec-syntax
6097 ((vector-aux1
6098 (... (syntax-rules ()
6099 ((vector-aux1 () ?n ?exps ?indexes ?temps)
6100 (vector-aux2 ?n ?exps ?indexes ?temps))
6101 ((vector-aux1 (?exp1 ?exp2 ...) ?n ?exps ?indexes ?temps)
6102 (vector-aux1 (?exp2 ...)
6103 (+ ?n 1)
6104 (?exp1 . ?exps)
6105 (?n . ?indexes)
6106 (t . ?temps))))))
6107 (vector-aux2
6108 (... (syntax-rules ()
6109 ((vector-aux2 ?n (?exp1 ?exp2 ...) (?n1 ?n2 ...) (?t1 ?t2 ...))
6110 (let* ((?t1 ?exp1)
6111 (?t2 ?exp2)
6112 ...
6113 (v (make-vector ?n ?t1)))
6114 (vector-set! v ?n2 ?t2)
6115 ...
6116 v))))))
6117 (vector-aux1 (?e1 ?e2 ...) 0 () () ())))))
6119(define-inline cadddr
6120 (syntax-rules ()
6121 ((cadddr ?e)
6122 (car (cdr (cdr (cdr ?e)))))))
6124(define-inline cddddr
6125 (syntax-rules ()
6126 ((cddddr ?e)
6127 (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr ?e)))))))
6129(define-inline cdddr
6130 (syntax-rules ()
6131 ((cdddr ?e)
6132 (cdr (cdr (cdr ?e))))))
6134(define-inline caddr
6135 (syntax-rules ()
6136 ((caddr ?e)
6137 (car (cdr (cdr ?e))))))
6139(define-inline cddr
6140 (syntax-rules ()
6141 ((cddr ?e)
6142 (cdr (cdr ?e)))))
6144(define-inline cdar
6145 (syntax-rules ()
6146 ((cdar ?e)
6147 (cdr (car ?e)))))
6149(define-inline cadr
6150 (syntax-rules ()
6151 ((cadr ?e)
6152 (car (cdr ?e)))))
6154(define-inline caar
6155 (syntax-rules ()
6156 ((caar ?e)
6157 (car (car ?e)))))
6159(define-inline make-vector
6160 (syntax-rules ()
6161 ((make-vector ?n)
6162 (make-vector ?n '()))))
6164(define-inline make-string
6165 (syntax-rules ()
6166 ((make-string ?n)
6167 (make-string ?n #\space))))
6169(define-inline =
6170 (syntax-rules ()
6171 ((= ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ?e4 ...)
6172 (let ((t ?e2))
6173 (and (= ?e1 t)
6174 (= t ?e3 ?e4 ...))))))
6176(define-inline <
6177 (syntax-rules ()
6178 ((< ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ?e4 ...)
6179 (let ((t ?e2))
6180 (and (< ?e1 t)
6181 (< t ?e3 ?e4 ...))))))
6183(define-inline >
6184 (syntax-rules ()
6185 ((> ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ?e4 ...)
6186 (let ((t ?e2))
6187 (and (> ?e1 t)
6188 (> t ?e3 ?e4 ...))))))
6190(define-inline <=
6191 (syntax-rules ()
6192 ((<= ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ?e4 ...)
6193 (let ((t ?e2))
6194 (and (<= ?e1 t)
6195 (<= t ?e3 ?e4 ...))))))
6197(define-inline >=
6198 (syntax-rules ()
6199 ((>= ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ?e4 ...)
6200 (let ((t ?e2))
6201 (and (>= ?e1 t)
6202 (>= t ?e3 ?e4 ...))))))
6204(define-inline +
6205 (syntax-rules ()
6206 ((+)
6207 0)
6208 ((+ ?e)
6209 ?e)
6210 ((+ ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ?e4 ...)
6211 (+ (+ ?e1 ?e2) ?e3 ?e4 ...))))
6213(define-inline *
6214 (syntax-rules ()
6215 ((*)
6216 1)
6217 ((* ?e)
6218 ?e)
6219 ((* ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ?e4 ...)
6220 (* (* ?e1 ?e2) ?e3 ?e4 ...))))
6222(define-inline -
6223 (syntax-rules ()
6224 ((- ?e)
6225 (- 0 ?e))
6226 ((- ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ?e4 ...)
6227 (- (- ?e1 ?e2) ?e3 ?e4 ...))))
6229(define-inline /
6230 (syntax-rules ()
6231 ((/ ?e)
6232 (/ 1 ?e))
6233 ((/ ?e1 ?e2 ?e3 ?e4 ...)
6234 (/ (/ ?e1 ?e2) ?e3 ?e4 ...))))
6236(define-inline abs
6237 (syntax-rules ()
6238 ((abs ?z)
6239 (let ((temp ?z))
6240 (if (< temp 0)
6241 (-- temp)
6242 temp)))))
6244(define-inline negative?
6245 (syntax-rules ()
6246 ((negative? ?x)
6247 (< ?x 0))))
6249(define-inline positive?
6250 (syntax-rules ()
6251 ((positive? ?x)
6252 (> ?x 0))))
6254(define-inline eqv?
6255 (transformer
6256 (lambda (exp rename compare)
6257 (let ((arg1 (cadr exp))
6258 (arg2 (caddr exp)))
6259 (define (constant? exp)
6260 (or (boolean? exp)
6261 (char? exp)
6262 (and (pair? exp)
6263 (= (length exp) 2)
6264 (identifier? (car exp))
6265 (compare (car exp) (rename 'quote))
6266 (symbol? (cadr exp)))))
6267 (if (or (constant? arg1)
6268 (constant? arg2))
6269 (cons (rename 'eq?) (cdr exp))
6270 exp)))))
6272(define-inline memq
6273 (syntax-rules (quote)
6274 ((memq ?expr '(?datum ...))
6275 (letrec-syntax
6276 ((memq0
6277 (... (syntax-rules (quote)
6278 ((memq0 '?xx '(?d ...))
6279 (let ((t1 '(?d ...)))
6280 (memq1 '?xx t1 (?d ...))))
6281 ((memq0 ?e '(?d ...))
6282 (let ((t0 ?e)
6283 (t1 '(?d ...)))
6284 (memq1 t0 t1 (?d ...)))))))
6285 (memq1
6286 (... (syntax-rules ()
6287 ((memq1 ?t0 ?t1 ())
6288 #f)
6289 ((memq1 ?t0 ?t1 (?d1 ?d2 ...))
6290 (if (eq? ?t0 '?d1)
6291 ?t1
6292 (let ((?t1 (cdr ?t1)))
6293 (memq1 ?t0 ?t1 (?d2 ...)))))))))
6294 (memq0 ?expr '(?datum ...))))))
6296(define-inline memv
6297 (transformer
6298 (lambda (exp rename compare)
6299 (let ((arg1 (cadr exp))
6300 (arg2 (caddr exp)))
6301 (if (or (boolean? arg1)
6302 (fixnum? arg1)
6303 (char? arg1)
6304 (and (pair? arg1)
6305 (= (length arg1) 2)
6306 (identifier? (car arg1))
6307 (compare (car arg1) (rename 'quote))
6308 (symbol? (cadr arg1)))
6309 (and (pair? arg2)
6310 (= (length arg2) 2)
6311 (identifier? (car arg2))
6312 (compare (car arg2) (rename 'quote))
6313 (every1? (lambda (x)
6314 (or (boolean? x)
6315 (fixnum? x)
6316 (char? x)
6317 (symbol? x)))
6318 (cadr arg2))))
6319 (cons (rename 'memq) (cdr exp))
6320 exp)))))
6322(define-inline assv
6323 (transformer
6324 (lambda (exp rename compare)
6325 (let ((arg1 (cadr exp))
6326 (arg2 (caddr exp)))
6327 (if (or (boolean? arg1)
6328 (char? arg1)
6329 (and (pair? arg1)
6330 (= (length arg1) 2)
6331 (identifier? (car arg1))
6332 (compare (car arg1) (rename 'quote))
6333 (symbol? (cadr arg1)))
6334 (and (pair? arg2)
6335 (= (length arg2) 2)
6336 (identifier? (car arg2))
6337 (compare (car arg2) (rename 'quote))
6338 (every1? (lambda (y)
6339 (and (pair? y)
6340 (let ((x (car y)))
6341 (or (boolean? x)
6342 (char? x)
6343 (symbol? x)))))
6344 (cadr arg2))))
6345 (cons (rename 'assq) (cdr exp))
6346 exp)))))
6348(define-inline map
6349 (syntax-rules (lambda)
6350 ((map ?proc ?exp1 ?exp2 ...)
6351 (letrec-syntax
6352 ((loop
6353 (... (syntax-rules (lambda)
6354 ((loop 1 () (?y1 ?y2 ...) ?f ?exprs)
6355 (loop 2 (?y1 ?y2 ...) ?f ?exprs))
6356 ((loop 1 (?a1 ?a2 ...) (?y2 ...) ?f ?exprs)
6357 (loop 1 (?a2 ...) (y1 ?y2 ...) ?f ?exprs))
6359 ((loop 2 ?ys (lambda ?formals ?body) ?exprs)
6360 (loop 3 ?ys (lambda ?formals ?body) ?exprs))
6361 ((loop 2 ?ys (?f1 . ?f2) ?exprs)
6362 (let ((f (?f1 . ?f2)))
6363 (loop 3 ?ys f ?exprs)))
6364 ; ?f must be a constant or variable.
6365 ((loop 2 ?ys ?f ?exprs)
6366 (loop 3 ?ys ?f ?exprs))
6368 ((loop 3 (?y1 ?y2 ...) ?f (?e1 ?e2 ...))
6369 (do ((?y1 ?e1 (cdr ?y1))
6370 (?y2 ?e2 (cdr ?y2))
6371 ...
6372 (results '() (cons (?f (car ?y1) (car ?y2) ...)
6373 results)))
6374 ((or (null? ?y1) (null? ?y2) ...)
6375 (reverse results))))))))
6377 (loop 1 (?exp1 ?exp2 ...) () ?proc (?exp1 ?exp2 ...))))))
6379(define-inline for-each
6380 (syntax-rules (lambda)
6381 ((for-each ?proc ?exp1 ?exp2 ...)
6382 (letrec-syntax
6383 ((loop
6384 (... (syntax-rules (lambda)
6385 ((loop 1 () (?y1 ?y2 ...) ?f ?exprs)
6386 (loop 2 (?y1 ?y2 ...) ?f ?exprs))
6387 ((loop 1 (?a1 ?a2 ...) (?y2 ...) ?f ?exprs)
6388 (loop 1 (?a2 ...) (y1 ?y2 ...) ?f ?exprs))
6390 ((loop 2 ?ys (lambda ?formals ?body) ?exprs)
6391 (loop 3 ?ys (lambda ?formals ?body) ?exprs))
6392 ((loop 2 ?ys (?f1 . ?f2) ?exprs)
6393 (let ((f (?f1 . ?f2)))
6394 (loop 3 ?ys f ?exprs)))
6395 ; ?f must be a constant or variable.
6396 ((loop 2 ?ys ?f ?exprs)
6397 (loop 3 ?ys ?f ?exprs))
6399 ((loop 3 (?y1 ?y2 ...) ?f (?e1 ?e2 ...))
6400 (do ((?y1 ?e1 (cdr ?y1))
6401 (?y2 ?e2 (cdr ?y2))
6402 ...)
6403 ((or (null? ?y1) (null? ?y2) ...)
6404 (if #f #f))
6405 (?f (car ?y1) (car ?y2) ...)))))))
6407 (loop 1 (?exp1 ?exp2 ...) () ?proc (?exp1 ?exp2 ...))))))
6411(define extended-syntactic-environment
6412 (syntactic-copy global-syntactic-environment))
6414(define (make-extended-syntactic-environment)
6415 (syntactic-copy extended-syntactic-environment))
6417; MacScheme machine assembly instructions.
6419(define instruction.op car)
6420(define instruction.arg1 cadr)
6421(define instruction.arg2 caddr)
6422(define instruction.arg3 cadddr)
6424; Opcode table.
6426(define *mnemonic-names* '()) ; For readify-lap
6428 '
6429 (define *last-reserved-mnemonic* 32767) ; For consistency check
6430 '
6431 (define make-mnemonic
6432 (let ((count 0))
6433 (lambda (name)
6434 (set! count (+ count 1))
6435 (if (= count *last-reserved-mnemonic*)
6436 (error "Error in make-mnemonic: conflict: " name))
6437 (set! *mnemonic-names* (cons (cons count name) *mnemonic-names*))
6438 count)))
6439 '
6440 (define (reserved-mnemonic name value)
6441 (if (and (> value 0) (< value *last-reserved-mnemonic*))
6442 (set! *last-reserved-mnemonic* value))
6443 (set! *mnemonic-names* (cons (cons value name) *mnemonic-names*))
6444 value)
6445 #t)
6447(define make-mnemonic
6448 (let ((count 0))
6449 (lambda (name)
6450 (set! count (+ count 1))
6451 (set! *mnemonic-names* (cons (cons count name) *mnemonic-names*))
6452 count)))
6454(define (reserved-mnemonic name ignored)
6455 (make-mnemonic name))
6457(define $.linearize (reserved-mnemonic '.linearize -1)) ; unused?
6458(define $.label (reserved-mnemonic '.label 63))
6459(define $.proc (reserved-mnemonic '.proc 62)) ; proc entry point
6460(define $.cont (reserved-mnemonic '.cont 61)) ; return point
6461(define $.align (reserved-mnemonic '.align 60)) ; align code stream
6462(define $.asm (reserved-mnemonic '.asm 59)) ; in-line native code
6463(define $.proc-doc ; internal def proc info
6464 (reserved-mnemonic '.proc-doc 58))
6465(define $.end ; end of code vector
6466 (reserved-mnemonic '.end 57)) ; (asm internal)
6467(define $.singlestep ; insert singlestep point
6468 (reserved-mnemonic '.singlestep 56)) ; (asm internal)
6469(define $.entry (reserved-mnemonic '.entry 55)) ; procedure entry point
6470 ; (asm internal)
6472(define $op1 (make-mnemonic 'op1)) ; op prim
6473(define $op2 (make-mnemonic 'op2)) ; op2 prim,k
6474(define $op3 (make-mnemonic 'op3)) ; op3 prim,k1,k2
6475(define $op2imm (make-mnemonic 'op2imm)) ; op2imm prim,x
6476(define $const (make-mnemonic 'const)) ; const x
6477(define $global (make-mnemonic 'global)) ; global x
6478(define $setglbl (make-mnemonic 'setglbl)) ; setglbl x
6479(define $lexical (make-mnemonic 'lexical)) ; lexical m,n
6480(define $setlex (make-mnemonic 'setlex)) ; setlex m,n
6481(define $stack (make-mnemonic 'stack)) ; stack n
6482(define $setstk (make-mnemonic 'setstk)) ; setstk n
6483(define $load (make-mnemonic 'load)) ; load k,n
6484(define $store (make-mnemonic 'store)) ; store k,n
6485(define $reg (make-mnemonic 'reg)) ; reg k
6486(define $setreg (make-mnemonic 'setreg)) ; setreg k
6487(define $movereg (make-mnemonic 'movereg)) ; movereg k1,k2
6488(define $lambda (make-mnemonic 'lambda)) ; lambda x,n,doc
6489(define $lexes (make-mnemonic 'lexes)) ; lexes n,doc
6490(define $args= (make-mnemonic 'args=)) ; args= k
6491(define $args>= (make-mnemonic 'args>=)) ; args>= k
6492(define $invoke (make-mnemonic 'invoke)) ; invoke k
6493(define $save (make-mnemonic 'save)) ; save L,k
6494(define $setrtn (make-mnemonic 'setrtn)) ; setrtn L
6495(define $restore (make-mnemonic 'restore)) ; restore n ; deprecated
6496(define $pop (make-mnemonic 'pop)) ; pop k
6497(define $popstk (make-mnemonic 'popstk)) ; popstk ; for students
6498(define $return (make-mnemonic 'return)) ; return
6499(define $mvrtn (make-mnemonic 'mvrtn)) ; mvrtn ; NYI
6500(define $apply (make-mnemonic 'apply)) ; apply
6501(define $nop (make-mnemonic 'nop)) ; nop
6502(define $jump (make-mnemonic 'jump)) ; jump m,o
6503(define $skip (make-mnemonic 'skip)) ; skip L ; forward
6504(define $branch (make-mnemonic 'branch)) ; branch L
6505(define $branchf (make-mnemonic 'branchf)) ; branchf L
6506(define $check (make-mnemonic 'check)) ; check k1,k2,k3,L
6507(define $trap (make-mnemonic 'trap)) ; trap k1,k2,k3,exn
6509; A peephole optimizer may define more instructions in some
6510; target-specific file.
6512; eof
6513; Copyright 1991 William Clinger
6515; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
6517; Larceny -- target-specific information for Twobit's SPARC backend.
6519; 11 June 1999 / wdc
6521; The maximum number of fixed arguments that may be followed by a rest
6522; argument. This limitation is removed by the macro expander.
6524(define @maxargs-with-rest-arg@ 30)
6526; The number of MacScheme machine registers.
6527; (They do not necessarily correspond to hardware registers.)
6529(define *nregs* 32)
6530(define *lastreg* (- *nregs* 1))
6531(define *fullregs* (quotient *nregs* 2))
6533; The number of argument registers that are represented by hardware
6534; registers.
6536(define *nhwregs* 8)
6538; Variable names that indicate register targets.
6540(define *regnames*
6541 (do ((alist '() (cons (cons (string->symbol
6542 (string-append ".REG" (number->string r)))
6543 r)
6544 alist))
6545 (r (- *nhwregs* 1) (- r 1)))
6546 ((<= r 0)
6547 alist)))
6549; A non-inclusive upper bound for the instruction encodings.
6551(define *number-of-mnemonics* 72)
6553; Integrable procedures and procedure-specific source code transformations.
6554; Every integrable procedure that takes a varying number of arguments must
6555; supply a transformation procedure to map calls into the fixed arity
6556; required by the MacScheme machine instructions.
6558; The table of integrable procedures.
6559; Each entry is a list of the following items:
6561; procedure name
6562; arity (or -1 for special primops like .check!)
6563; procedure name to be used by the disassembler
6564; predicate for immediate operands (or #f)
6565; primop code in the MacScheme machine (not used by Larceny)
6566; the effects that kill this primop's result
6567; the effects of this primop that kill available expressions
6569(define (prim-entry name)
6570 (assq name $usual-integrable-procedures$))
6572(define prim-arity cadr)
6573(define prim-opcodename caddr)
6574(define prim-immediate? cadddr)
6575(define (prim-primcode entry)
6576 (car (cddddr entry)))
6578; This predicate returns #t iff its argument will be represented
6579; as a fixnum on the target machine.
6581(define smallint?
6582 (let* ((least (- (expt 2 29)))
6583 (greatest (- (- least) 1)))
6584 (lambda (x)
6585 (and (number? x)
6586 (exact? x)
6587 (integer? x)
6588 (<= least x greatest)))))
6590(define (sparc-imm? x)
6591 (and (fixnum? x)
6592 (<= -1024 x 1023)))
6594(define (sparc-eq-imm? x)
6595 (or (sparc-imm? x)
6596 (eq? x #t)
6597 (eq? x #f)
6598 (eq? x '())))
6600(define (valid-typetag? x)
6601 (and (fixnum? x)
6602 (<= 0 x 7)))
6604(define (fixnum-primitives) #t)
6605(define (flonum-primitives) #t)
6607; The table of primitives has been extended with
6608; kill information used for commoning.
6610(define (prim-lives-until entry)
6611 (list-ref entry 5))
6613(define (prim-kills entry)
6614 (list-ref entry 6))
6616(define $usual-integrable-procedures$
6617 (let ((:globals available:killer:globals)
6618 (:car available:killer:car)
6619 (:cdr available:killer:cdr)
6620 (:string available:killer:string)
6621 (:vector available:killer:vector)
6622 (:cell available:killer:cell)
6623 (:io available:killer:io)
6624 (:none available:killer:none) ; none of the above
6625 (:all available:killer:all) ; all of the above
6626 (:immortal available:killer:immortal) ; never killed
6627 (:dead available:killer:dead) ; never available
6628 )
6630; external arity internal immediate ignored killed kills
6631; name name predicate by what
6632; kind of
6633; effect
6635 `((break 0 break #f 3 ,:dead ,:all)
6636 (creg 0 creg #f 7 ,:dead ,:all)
6637 (unspecified 0 unspecified #f -1 ,:dead ,:none)
6638 (undefined 0 undefined #f 8 ,:dead ,:none)
6639 (eof-object 0 eof-object #f -1 ,:dead ,:none)
6640 (enable-interrupts 1 enable-interrupts #f -1 ,:dead ,:all)
6641 (disable-interrupts 0 disable-interrupts #f -1 ,:dead ,:all)
6643 (typetag 1 typetag #f #x11 ,:dead ,:none)
6644 (not 1 not #f #x18 ,:immortal ,:none)
6645 (null? 1 null? #f #x19 ,:immortal ,:none)
6646 (pair? 1 pair? #f #x1a ,:immortal ,:none)
6647 (eof-object? 1 eof-object? #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6648 (port? 1 port? #f -1 ,:dead ,:none)
6649 (structure? 1 structure? #f -1 ,:dead ,:none)
6650 (car 1 car #f #x1b ,:car ,:none)
6651 (,name:CAR 1 car #f #x1b ,:car ,:none)
6652 (cdr 1 cdr #f #x1c ,:cdr ,:none)
6653 (,name:CDR 1 cdr #f #x1c ,:cdr ,:none)
6654 (symbol? 1 symbol? #f #x1f ,:immortal ,:none)
6655 (number? 1 complex? #f #x20 ,:immortal ,:none)
6656 (complex? 1 complex? #f #x20 ,:immortal ,:none)
6657 (real? 1 rational? #f #x21 ,:immortal ,:none)
6658 (rational? 1 rational? #f #x21 ,:immortal ,:none)
6659 (integer? 1 integer? #f #x22 ,:immortal ,:none)
6660 (fixnum? 1 fixnum? #f #x23 ,:immortal ,:none)
6661 (flonum? 1 flonum? #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6662 (compnum? 1 compnum? #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6663 (exact? 1 exact? #f #x24 ,:immortal ,:none)
6664 (inexact? 1 inexact? #f #x25 ,:immortal ,:none)
6665 (exact->inexact 1 exact->inexact #f #x26 ,:immortal ,:none)
6666 (inexact->exact 1 inexact->exact #f #x27 ,:immortal ,:none)
6667 (round 1 round #f #x28 ,:immortal ,:none)
6668 (truncate 1 truncate #f #x29 ,:immortal ,:none)
6669 (zero? 1 zero? #f #x2c ,:immortal ,:none)
6670 (-- 1 -- #f #x2d ,:immortal ,:none)
6671 (lognot 1 lognot #f #x2f ,:immortal ,:none)
6672 (real-part 1 real-part #f #x3e ,:immortal ,:none)
6673 (imag-part 1 imag-part #f #x3f ,:immortal ,:none)
6674 (char? 1 char? #f #x40 ,:immortal ,:none)
6675 (char->integer 1 char->integer #f #x41 ,:immortal ,:none)
6676 (integer->char 1 integer->char #f #x42 ,:immortal ,:none)
6677 (string? 1 string? #f #x50 ,:immortal ,:none)
6678 (string-length 1 string-length #f #x51 ,:immortal ,:none)
6679 (vector? 1 vector? #f #x52 ,:immortal ,:none)
6680 (vector-length 1 vector-length #f #x53 ,:immortal ,:none)
6681 (bytevector? 1 bytevector? #f #x54 ,:immortal ,:none)
6682 (bytevector-length 1 bytevector-length #f #x55 ,:immortal ,:none)
6683 (bytevector-fill! 2 bytevector-fill! #f -1 ,:dead ,:string)
6684 (make-bytevector 1 make-bytevector #f #x56 ,:dead ,:none)
6685 (procedure? 1 procedure? #f #x58 ,:immortal ,:none)
6686 (procedure-length 1 procedure-length #f #x59 ,:dead ,:none)
6687 (make-procedure 1 make-procedure #f #x5a ,:dead ,:none)
6688 (creg-set! 1 creg-set! #f #x71 ,:dead ,:none)
6689 (,name:MAKE-CELL 1 make-cell #f #x7e ,:dead ,:none)
6690 (,name:CELL-REF 1 cell-ref #f #x7f ,:cell ,:none)
6691 (,name:CELL-SET! 2 cell-set! #f #xdf ,:dead ,:cell)
6692 (typetag-set! 2 typetag-set! ,valid-typetag? #xa0 ,:dead ,:all)
6693 (eq? 2 eq? ,sparc-eq-imm? #xa1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6694 (eqv? 2 eqv? #f #xa2 ,:immortal ,:none)
6695 (cons 2 cons #f #xa8 ,:dead ,:none)
6696 (,name:CONS 2 cons #f #xa8 ,:dead ,:none)
6697 (set-car! 2 set-car! #f #xa9 ,:dead ,:car)
6698 (set-cdr! 2 set-cdr! #f #xaa ,:dead ,:cdr)
6699 (+ 2 + ,sparc-imm? #xb0 ,:immortal ,:none)
6700 (- 2 - ,sparc-imm? #xb1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6701 (* 2 * ,sparc-imm? #xb2 ,:immortal ,:none)
6702 (/ 2 / #f #xb3 ,:immortal ,:none)
6703 (quotient 2 quotient #f #xb4 ,:immortal ,:none)
6704 (< 2 < ,sparc-imm? #xb5 ,:immortal ,:none)
6705 (<= 2 <= ,sparc-imm? #xb6 ,:immortal ,:none)
6706 (= 2 = ,sparc-imm? #xb7 ,:immortal ,:none)
6707 (> 2 > ,sparc-imm? #xb8 ,:immortal ,:none)
6708 (>= 2 >= ,sparc-imm? #xb9 ,:immortal ,:none)
6709 (logand 2 logand #f #xc0 ,:immortal ,:none)
6710 (logior 2 logior #f #xc1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6711 (logxor 2 logxor #f #xc2 ,:immortal ,:none)
6712 (lsh 2 lsh #f #xc3 ,:immortal ,:none)
6713 (rsha 2 rsha #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6714 (rshl 2 rshl #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6715 (rot 2 rot #f #xc4 ,:immortal ,:none)
6716 (make-string 2 make-string #f -1 ,:dead ,:none)
6717 (string-ref 2 string-ref ,sparc-imm? #xd1 ,:string ,:none)
6718 (string-set! 3 string-set! ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:dead ,:string)
6719 (make-vector 2 make-vector #f #xd2 ,:dead ,:none)
6720 (vector-ref 2 vector-ref ,sparc-imm? #xd3 ,:vector ,:none)
6721 (bytevector-ref 2 bytevector-ref ,sparc-imm? #xd5 ,:string ,:none)
6722 (procedure-ref 2 procedure-ref #f #xd7 ,:dead ,:none)
6723 (char<? 2 char<? ,char? #xe0 ,:immortal ,:none)
6724 (char<=? 2 char<=? ,char? #xe1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6725 (char=? 2 char=? ,char? #xe2 ,:immortal ,:none)
6726 (char>? 2 char>? ,char? #xe3 ,:immortal ,:none)
6727 (char>=? 2 char>=? ,char? #xe4 ,:immortal ,:none)
6729 (sys$partial-list->vector 2 sys$partial-list->vector #f -1 ,:dead ,:all)
6730 (vector-set! 3 vector-set! #f #xf1 ,:dead ,:vector)
6731 (bytevector-set! 3 bytevector-set! #f #xf2 ,:dead ,:string)
6732 (procedure-set! 3 procedure-set! #f #xf3 ,:dead ,:all)
6733 (bytevector-like? 1 bytevector-like? #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6734 (vector-like? 1 vector-like? #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6735 (bytevector-like-ref 2 bytevector-like-ref #f -1 ,:string ,:none)
6736 (bytevector-like-set! 3 bytevector-like-set! #f -1 ,:dead ,:string)
6737 (sys$bvlcmp 2 sys$bvlcmp #f -1 ,:dead ,:all)
6738 (vector-like-ref 2 vector-like-ref #f -1 ,:vector ,:none)
6739 (vector-like-set! 3 vector-like-set! #f -1 ,:dead ,:vector)
6740 (vector-like-length 1 vector-like-length #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6741 (bytevector-like-length 1 bytevector-like-length #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6742 (remainder 2 remainder #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6743 (sys$read-char 1 sys$read-char #f -1 ,:dead ,:io)
6744 (gc-counter 0 gc-counter #f -1 ,:dead ,:none)
6745 ,@(if (fixnum-primitives)
6746 `((most-positive-fixnum
6747 0 most-positive-fixnum
6748 #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6749 (most-negative-fixnum
6750 0 most-negative-fixnum
6751 #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6752 (fx+ 2 fx+ ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6753 (fx- 2 fx- ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6754 (fx-- 1 fx-- #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6755 (fx* 2 fx* #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6756 (fx= 2 fx= ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6757 (fx< 2 fx< ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6758 (fx<= 2 fx<= ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6759 (fx> 2 fx> ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6760 (fx>= 2 fx>= ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6761 (fxzero? 1 fxzero? #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6762 (fxpositive? 1 fxpositive? #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6763 (fxnegative? 1 fxnegative? #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none))
6764 '())
6765 ,@(if (flonum-primitives)
6766 `((fl+ 2 + #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6767 (fl- 2 - #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6768 (fl-- 1 -- #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6769 (fl* 2 * #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6770 (fl= 2 = #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6771 (fl< 2 < #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6772 (fl<= 2 <= #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6773 (fl> 2 > #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6774 (fl>= 2 >= #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none))
6775 '())
6777 ; Added for CSE, representation analysis.
6779 (,name:CHECK! -1 check! #f -1 ,:dead ,:none)
6780 (vector-length:vec 1 vector-length:vec #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6781 (vector-ref:trusted 2 vector-ref:trusted ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:vector ,:none)
6782 (vector-set!:trusted 3 vector-set!:trusted #f -1 ,:dead ,:vector)
6783 (car:pair 1 car:pair #f -1 ,:car ,:none)
6784 (cdr:pair 1 cdr:pair #f -1 ,:cdr ,:none)
6785 (=:fix:fix 2 =:fix:fix ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6786 (<:fix:fix 2 <:fix:fix ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6787 (<=:fix:fix 2 <=:fix:fix ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6788 (>=:fix:fix 2 >=:fix:fix ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6789 (>:fix:fix 2 >:fix:fix ,sparc-imm? -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6791 ; Not yet implemented.
6793 (+:idx:idx 2 +:idx:idx #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6794 (+:fix:fix 2 +:idx:idx #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6795 (+:exi:exi 2 +:idx:idx #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6796 (+:flo:flo 2 +:idx:idx #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6797 (=:flo:flo 2 =:flo:flo #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6798 (=:obj:flo 2 =:obj:flo #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6799 (=:flo:obj 2 =:flo:obj #f -1 ,:immortal ,:none)
6800 )))
6802; Not used by the Sparc assembler; for information only.
6804(define $immediate-primops$
6805 '((typetag-set! #x80)
6806 (eq? #x81)
6807 (+ #x82)
6808 (- #x83)
6809 (< #x84)
6810 (<= #x85)
6811 (= #x86)
6812 (> #x87)
6813 (>= #x88)
6814 (char<? #x89)
6815 (char<=? #x8a)
6816 (char=? #x8b)
6817 (char>? #x8c)
6818 (char>=? #x8d)
6819 (string-ref #x90)
6820 (vector-ref #x91)
6821 (bytevector-ref #x92)
6822 (bytevector-like-ref -1)
6823 (vector-like-ref -1)
6824 (fx+ -1)
6825 (fx- -1)
6826 (fx-- -1)
6827 (fx= -1)
6828 (fx< -1)
6829 (fx<= -1)
6830 (fx> -1)
6831 (fx>= -1)))
6833; Operations introduced by peephole optimizer.
6835(define $reg/op1/branchf ; reg/op1/branchf prim,k1,L
6836 (make-mnemonic 'reg/op1/branchf))
6837(define $reg/op2/branchf ; reg/op2/branchf prim,k1,k2,L
6838 (make-mnemonic 'reg/op2/branchf))
6839(define $reg/op2imm/branchf ; reg/op2imm/branchf prim,k1,x,L
6840 (make-mnemonic 'reg/op2imm/branchf))
6841(define $reg/op1/check ; reg/op1/check prim,k1,k2,k3,k4,exn
6842 (make-mnemonic 'reg/op1/check))
6843(define $reg/op2/check ; reg/op2/check prim,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,exn
6844 (make-mnemonic 'reg/op2/check))
6845(define $reg/op2imm/check ; reg/op2imm/check prim,k1,x,k2,k3,k4,exn
6846 (make-mnemonic 'reg/op2imm/check))
6847(define $reg/op1/setreg ; reg/op1/setreg prim,k1,kr
6848 (make-mnemonic 'reg/op1/setreg))
6849(define $reg/op2/setreg ; reg/op2/setreg prim,k1,k2,kr
6850 (make-mnemonic 'reg/op2/setreg))
6851(define $reg/op2imm/setreg ; reg/op2imm/setreg prim,k1,x,kr
6852 (make-mnemonic 'reg/op2imm/setreg))
6853(define $reg/branchf ; reg/branchf k, L
6854 (make-mnemonic 'reg/branchf))
6855(define $reg/return ; reg/return k
6856 (make-mnemonic 'reg/return))
6857(define $reg/setglbl ; reg/setglbl k,x
6858 (make-mnemonic 'reg/setglbl))
6859(define $reg/op3 ; reg/op3 prim,k1,k2,k3
6860 (make-mnemonic 'reg/op3))
6861(define $const/setreg ; const/setreg const,k
6862 (make-mnemonic 'const/setreg))
6863(define $const/return ; const/return const
6864 (make-mnemonic 'const/return))
6865(define $global/setreg ; global/setreg x,k
6866 (make-mnemonic 'global/setreg))
6867(define $setrtn/branch ; setrtn/branch L,doc
6868 (make-mnemonic 'setrtn/branch))
6869(define $setrtn/invoke ; setrtn/invoke L
6870 (make-mnemonic 'setrtn/invoke))
6871(define $global/invoke ; global/invoke global,n
6872 (make-mnemonic 'global/invoke))
6874; misc
6876(define $cons 'cons)
6877(define $car:pair 'car)
6878(define $cdr:pair 'cdr)
6880; eof
6881; Target-specific representations.
6883; A few of these representation types must be specified for every target:
6884; rep:object
6885; rep:procedure
6886; rep:true
6887; rep:false
6888; rep:bottom
6890(define-subtype 'true 'object) ; values that count as true
6891(define-subtype 'eqtype 'object) ; can use EQ? instead of EQV?
6892(define-subtype 'nonpointer 'eqtype) ; can omit write barrier
6893(define-subtype 'eqtype1 'eqtype) ; eqtypes excluding #f
6894(define-subtype 'boolean 'nonpointer)
6895(define-subtype 'truth 'eqtype1) ; { #t }
6896(define-subtype 'truth 'boolean)
6897(define-subtype 'false 'boolean) ; { #f }
6898(define-subtype 'eqtype1 'true)
6899(define-subtype 'procedure 'true)
6900(define-subtype 'vector 'true)
6901(define-subtype 'bytevector 'true)
6902(define-subtype 'string 'true)
6903(define-subtype 'pair 'true)
6904(define-subtype 'emptylist 'eqtype1)
6905(define-subtype 'emptylist 'nonpointer)
6906(define-subtype 'symbol 'eqtype1)
6907(define-subtype 'char 'eqtype1)
6908(define-subtype 'char 'nonpointer)
6909(define-subtype 'number 'true)
6910(define-subtype 'inexact 'number)
6911(define-subtype 'flonum 'inexact)
6912(define-subtype 'integer 'number)
6913(define-subtype 'exact 'number)
6914(define-subtype 'exactint 'integer)
6915(define-subtype 'exactint 'exact)
6916(define-subtype 'fixnum 'exactint)
6917(define-subtype '!fixnum 'fixnum) ; 0 <= n
6918(define-subtype 'fixnum! 'fixnum) ; n <= largest index
6919(define-subtype 'index '!fixnum)
6920(define-subtype 'index 'fixnum!)
6921(define-subtype 'zero 'index)
6922(define-subtype 'fixnum 'eqtype1)
6923(define-subtype 'fixnum 'nonpointer)
6927; If the intersection of rep1 and rep2 is known precisely,
6928; but neither is a subtype of the other, then their intersection
6929; should be declared explicitly.
6930; Otherwise a conservative approximation will be used.
6932(define-intersection 'true 'eqtype 'eqtype1)
6933(define-intersection 'true 'boolean 'truth)
6934(define-intersection 'exact 'integer 'exactint)
6935(define-intersection '!fixnum 'fixnum! 'index)
6939; Parameters.
6941(define rep:min_fixnum (- (expt 2 29)))
6942(define rep:max_fixnum (- (expt 2 29) 1))
6943(define rep:max_index (- (expt 2 24) 1))
6945; The representations we'll recognize for now.
6947(define rep:object (symbol->rep 'object))
6948(define rep:true (symbol->rep 'true))
6949(define rep:truth (symbol->rep 'truth))
6950(define rep:false (symbol->rep 'false))
6951(define rep:boolean (symbol->rep 'boolean))
6952(define rep:pair (symbol->rep 'pair))
6953(define rep:symbol (symbol->rep 'symbol))
6954(define rep:number (symbol->rep 'number))
6955(define rep:zero (symbol->rep 'zero))
6956(define rep:index (symbol->rep 'index))
6957(define rep:fixnum (symbol->rep 'fixnum))
6958(define rep:exactint (symbol->rep 'exactint))
6959(define rep:flonum (symbol->rep 'flonum))
6960(define rep:exact (symbol->rep 'exact))
6961(define rep:inexact (symbol->rep 'inexact))
6962(define rep:integer (symbol->rep 'integer))
6963;(define rep:real (symbol->rep 'real))
6964(define rep:char (symbol->rep 'char))
6965(define rep:string (symbol->rep 'string))
6966(define rep:vector (symbol->rep 'vector))
6967(define rep:procedure (symbol->rep 'procedure))
6968(define rep:bottom (symbol->rep 'bottom))
6970; Given the value of a quoted constant, return its representation.
6972(define (representation-of-value x)
6973 (cond ((boolean? x)
6974 (if x
6975 rep:truth
6976 rep:false))
6977 ((pair? x)
6978 rep:pair)
6979 ((symbol? x)
6980 rep:symbol)
6981 ((number? x)
6982 (cond ((and (exact? x)
6983 (integer? x))
6984 (cond ((zero? x)
6985 rep:zero)
6986 ((<= 0 x rep:max_index)
6987 rep:index)
6988 ((<= rep:min_fixnum
6989 x
6990 rep:max_fixnum)
6991 rep:fixnum)
6992 (else
6993 rep:exactint)))
6994 ((and (inexact? x)
6995 (real? x))
6996 rep:flonum)
6997 (else
6998 ; We're not tracking other numbers yet.
6999 rep:number)))
7000 ((char? x)
7001 rep:char)
7002 ((string? x)
7003 rep:string)
7004 ((vector? x)
7005 rep:vector)
7006 ; Everything counts as true except for #f.
7007 (else
7008 rep:true)))
7010; Tables that express the representation-specific operations,
7011; and the information about representations that are implied
7012; by certain operations.
7013; FIXME: Currently way incomplete, but good enough for testing.
7015(define rep-specific
7017 (representation-table
7019 ; When the procedure in the first column is called with
7020 ; arguments described in the middle column, then the procedure
7021 ; in the last column can be called instead.
7023 '(
7024 ;(+ (index index) +:idx:idx)
7025 ;(+ (fixnum fixnum) +:fix:fix)
7026 ;(- (index index) -:idx:idx)
7027 ;(- (fixnum fixnum) -:fix:fix)
7029 (= (fixnum fixnum) =:fix:fix)
7030 (< (fixnum fixnum) <:fix:fix)
7031 (<= (fixnum fixnum) <=:fix:fix)
7032 (> (fixnum fixnum) >:fix:fix)
7033 (>= (fixnum fixnum) >=:fix:fix)
7035 ;(+ (flonum flonum) +:flo:flo)
7036 ;(- (flonum flonum) -:flo:flo)
7037 ;(= (flonum flonum) =:flo:flo)
7038 ;(< (flonum flonum) <:flo:flo)
7039 ;(<= (flonum flonum) <=:flo:flo)
7040 ;(> (flonum flonum) >:flo:flo)
7041 ;(>= (flonum flonum) >=:flo:flo)
7043 ;(vector-set!:trusted (vector fixnum nonpointer) vector-set!:trusted:imm)
7044 )))
7046(define rep-result
7048 (representation-table
7050 ; When the procedure in the first column is called with
7051 ; arguments described in the middle column, then the result
7052 ; is described by the last column.
7054 '((fixnum? (fixnum) (truth))
7055 (vector? (vector) (truth))
7056 (<= (zero !fixnum) (truth))
7057 (>= (!fixnum zero) (truth))
7058 (<=:fix:fix (zero !fixnum) (truth))
7059 (>=:fix:fix (!fixnum zero) (truth))
7061 (+ (index index) (!fixnum))
7062 (+ (fixnum fixnum) (exactint))
7063 (- (index index) (fixnum!))
7064 (- (fixnum fixnum) (exactint))
7066 (+ (flonum flonum) (flonum))
7067 (- (flonum flonum) (flonum))
7069 ;(+:idx:idx (index index) (!fixnum))
7070 ;(-:idx:idx (index index) (fixnum!))
7071 ;(+:fix:fix (index index) (exactint))
7072 ;(+:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum) (exactint))
7073 ;(-:idx:idx (index index) (fixnum))
7074 ;(-:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum) (exactint))
7076 (make-vector (object object) (vector))
7077 (vector-length:vec (vector) (index))
7078 (cons (object object) (pair))
7080 ; Is it really all that useful to know that the result
7081 ; of these comparisons is a boolean?
7083 (= (number number) (boolean))
7084 (< (number number) (boolean))
7085 (<= (number number) (boolean))
7086 (> (number number) (boolean))
7087 (>= (number number) (boolean))
7089 (=:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum) (boolean))
7090 (<:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum) (boolean))
7091 (<=:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum) (boolean))
7092 (>:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum) (boolean))
7093 (>=:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum) (boolean))
7094 )))
7096(define rep-informing
7098 (representation-table
7100 ; When the predicate in the first column is called in the test position
7101 ; of a conditional expression, on arguments described by the second
7102 ; column, then the arguments are described by the third column if the
7103 ; predicate returns true, and by the fourth column if the predicate
7104 ; returns false.
7106 '(
7107 (fixnum? (object) (fixnum) (object))
7108 (flonum? (object) (flonum) (object))
7109 (vector? (object) (vector) (object))
7110 (pair? (object) (pair) (object))
7112 (= (exactint index) (index index) (exactint index))
7113 (= (index exactint) (index index) (index exactint))
7114 (= (exactint !fixnum) (!fixnum !fixnum) (exactint !fixnum))
7115 (= (!fixnum exactint) (!fixnum !fixnum) (!fixnum exactint))
7116 (= (exactint fixnum!) (fixnum! fixnum!) (exactint fixnum!))
7117 (= (fixnum! exactint) (fixnum! fixnum!) (fixnum! exactint))
7119 (< (!fixnum fixnum!) (index index) (!fixnum fixnum!))
7120 (< (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum! fixnum!) (fixnum fixnum!))
7121 (< (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum !fixnum) (!fixnum fixnum))
7122 (< (fixnum! !fixnum) (fixnum! !fixnum) (index index))
7124 (<= (!fixnum fixnum!) (index index) (!fixnum fixnum!))
7125 (<= (fixnum! !fixnum) (fixnum! !fixnum) (index index))
7126 (<= (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum! fixnum!) (fixnum fixnum!))
7127 (<= (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum !fixnum) (!fixnum fixnum))
7129 (> (!fixnum fixnum!) (!fixnum fixnum!) (index index))
7130 (> (fixnum! !fixnum) (index index) (fixnum! !fixnum))
7131 (> (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum! fixnum!))
7132 (> (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum !fixnum))
7134 (>= (!fixnum fixnum!) (!fixnum fixnum!) (index index))
7135 (>= (fixnum! !fixnum) (index index) (fixnum! !fixnum))
7136 (>= (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum! fixnum!))
7137 (>= (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum !fixnum))
7139 (=:fix:fix (exactint index) (index index) (exactint index))
7140 (=:fix:fix (index exactint) (index index) (index exactint))
7141 (=:fix:fix (exactint !fixnum) (!fixnum !fixnum) (exactint !fixnum))
7142 (=:fix:fix (!fixnum exactint) (!fixnum !fixnum) (!fixnum exactint))
7143 (=:fix:fix (exactint fixnum!) (fixnum! fixnum!) (exactint fixnum!))
7144 (=:fix:fix (fixnum! exactint) (fixnum! fixnum!) (fixnum! exactint))
7146 (<:fix:fix (!fixnum fixnum!) (index index) (!fixnum fixnum!))
7147 (<:fix:fix (fixnum! !fixnum) (fixnum! !fixnum) (index index))
7148 (<:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum! fixnum!) (fixnum fixnum!))
7149 (<:fix:fix (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum !fixnum) (!fixnum fixnum))
7151 (<=:fix:fix (!fixnum fixnum!) (index index) (!fixnum fixnum!))
7152 (<=:fix:fix (fixnum! !fixnum) (fixnum! !fixnum) (index index))
7153 (<=:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum! fixnum!) (fixnum fixnum!))
7154 (<=:fix:fix (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum !fixnum) (!fixnum fixnum))
7156 (>:fix:fix (!fixnum fixnum!) (!fixnum fixnum!) (index index))
7157 (>:fix:fix (fixnum! !fixnum) (index index) (fixnum! !fixnum))
7158 (>:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum! fixnum!))
7159 (>:fix:fix (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum !fixnum))
7161 (>=:fix:fix (!fixnum fixnum!) (!fixnum fixnum!) (index index))
7162 (>=:fix:fix (fixnum! !fixnum) (index index) (fixnum! !fixnum))
7163 (>=:fix:fix (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum fixnum!) (fixnum! fixnum!))
7164 (>=:fix:fix (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum fixnum) (!fixnum !fixnum))
7165 )))
7166; Copyright 1991 William D Clinger.
7168; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
7169; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
7170; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
7171; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
7173; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
7174; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
7175; the benefit of the Scheme community.
7177; 25 April 1999.
7179; Second pass of the Twobit compiler:
7180; single assignment analysis, local source transformations,
7181; assignment elimination, and lambda lifting.
7182; The code for assignment elimination and lambda lifting
7183; are in a separate file.
7185; This pass operates as a source-to-source transformation on
7186; expressions written in the subset of Scheme described by the
7187; following grammar, where the input and output expressions
7188; satisfy certain additional invariants described below.
7190; "X ..." means zero or more occurrences of X.
7192; L --> (lambda (I_1 ...)
7193; (begin D ...)
7194; (quote (R F G <decls> <doc>)
7195; E)
7196; | (lambda (I_1 ... . I_rest)
7197; (begin D ...)
7198; (quote (R F G <decls> <doc>))
7199; E)
7200; D --> (define I L)
7201; E --> (quote K) ; constants
7202; | (begin I) ; variable references
7203; | L ; lambda expressions
7204; | (E0 E1 ...) ; calls
7205; | (set! I E) ; assignments
7206; | (if E0 E1 E2) ; conditionals
7207; | (begin E0 E1 E2 ...) ; sequential expressions
7208; I --> <identifier>
7210; R --> ((I <references> <assignments> <calls>) ...)
7211; F --> (I ...)
7212; G --> (I ...)
7214; Invariants that hold for the input only:
7215; * There are no internal definitions.
7216; * No identifier containing an upper case letter is bound anywhere.
7217; (Change the "name:..." variables if upper case is preferred.)
7218; * No identifier is bound in more than one place.
7219; * Each R contains one entry for every identifier bound in the
7220; formal argument list and the internal definition list that
7221; precede it. Each entry contains a list of pointers to all
7222; references to the identifier, a list of pointers to all
7223; assignments to the identifier, and a list of pointers to all
7224; calls to the identifier.
7225; * Except for constants, the expression does not share structure
7226; with the original input or itself, except that the references
7227; and assignments in R are guaranteed to share structure with
7228; the expression. Thus the expression may be side effected, and
7229; side effects to references or assignments obtained through R
7230; are guaranteed to change the references or assignments pointed
7231; to by R.
7233; Invariants that hold for the output only:
7234; * There are no assignments except to global variables.
7235; * If I is declared by an internal definition, then the right hand
7236; side of the internal definition is a lambda expression and I
7237; is referenced only in the procedure position of a call.
7238; * Each R contains one entry for every identifier bound in the
7239; formal argument list and the internal definition list that
7240; precede it. Each entry contains a list of pointers to all
7241; references to the identifier, a list of pointers to all
7242; assignments to the identifier, and a list of pointers to all
7243; calls to the identifier.
7244; * For each lambda expression, the associated F is a list of all
7245; the identifiers that occur free in the body of that lambda
7246; expression, and possibly a few extra identifiers that were
7247; once free but have been removed by optimization.
7248; * For each lambda expression, the associated G is a subset of F
7249; that contains every identifier that occurs free within some
7250; inner lambda expression that escapes, and possibly a few that
7251; don't. (Assignment-elimination does not calculate G exactly.)
7252; * Variables named IGNORED are neither referenced nor assigned.
7253; * Except for constants, the expression does not share structure
7254; with the original input or itself, except that the references
7255; and assignments in R are guaranteed to share structure with
7256; the expression. Thus the expression may be side effected, and
7257; side effects to references or assignments obtained through R
7258; are guaranteed to change the references or assignments pointed
7259; to by R.
7261(define (pass2 exp)
7262 (simplify exp (make-notepad #f)))
7264; Given an expression and a "notepad" data structure that conveys
7265; inherited attributes, performs the appropriate optimizations and
7266; destructively modifies the notepad to record various attributes
7267; that it synthesizes while traversing the expression. In particular,
7268; any nested lambda expressions and any variable references will be
7269; noted in the notepad.
7271(define (simplify exp notepad)
7272 (case (car exp)
7273 ((quote) exp)
7274 ((lambda) (simplify-lambda exp notepad))
7275 ((set!) (simplify-assignment exp notepad))
7276 ((if) (simplify-conditional exp notepad))
7277 ((begin) (if (variable? exp)
7278 (begin (notepad-var-add! notepad ( exp))
7279 exp)
7280 (simplify-sequential exp notepad)))
7281 (else (simplify-call exp notepad))))
7283; Most optimization occurs here.
7284; The right hand sides of internal definitions are simplified,
7285; as is the body.
7286; Internal definitions of enclosed lambda expressions may
7287; then be lifted to this one.
7288; Single assignment analysis creates internal definitions.
7289; Single assignment elimination converts single assignments
7290; to bindings where possible, and renames arguments whose value
7291; is ignored.
7292; Assignment elimination then replaces all remaining assigned
7293; variables by heap-allocated cells.
7295(define (simplify-lambda exp notepad)
7296 (notepad-lambda-add! notepad exp)
7297 (let ((defs (lambda.defs exp))
7298 (body (lambda.body exp))
7299 (newnotepad (make-notepad exp)))
7300 (for-each (lambda (def)
7301 (simplify-lambda (def.rhs def) newnotepad))
7302 defs)
7303 (lambda.body-set! exp (simplify body newnotepad))
7304 (lambda.F-set! exp (notepad-free-variables newnotepad))
7305 (lambda.G-set! exp (notepad-captured-variables newnotepad))
7306 (single-assignment-analysis exp newnotepad)
7307 (let ((known-lambdas (notepad.nonescaping newnotepad)))
7308 (for-each (lambda (L)
7309 (if (memq L known-lambdas)
7310 (lambda-lifting L exp)
7311 (lambda-lifting L L)))
7312 (notepad.lambdas newnotepad))))
7313 (single-assignment-elimination exp notepad)
7314 (assignment-elimination exp)
7315 (if (not (notepad.parent notepad))
7316 ; This is an outermost lambda expression.
7317 (lambda-lifting exp exp))
7318 exp)
7320; SIMPLIFY-ASSIGNMENT performs this transformation:
7322; (set! I (begin ... E))
7323; -> (begin ... (set! I E))
7325(define (simplify-assignment exp notepad)
7326 (notepad-var-add! notepad (assignment.lhs exp))
7327 (let ((rhs (simplify (assignment.rhs exp) notepad)))
7328 (cond ((begin? rhs)
7329 (let ((exprs (reverse (begin.exprs rhs))))
7330 (assignment.rhs-set! exp (car exprs))
7331 (post-simplify-begin
7332 (make-begin (reverse (cons exp (cdr exprs))))
7333 notepad)))
7334 (else (assignment.rhs-set! exp rhs) exp))))
7336(define (simplify-sequential exp notepad)
7337 (let ((exprs (map (lambda (exp) (simplify exp notepad))
7338 (begin.exprs exp))))
7339 (begin.exprs-set! exp exprs)
7340 (post-simplify-begin exp notepad)))
7342; Given (BEGIN E0 E1 E2 ...) where the E_i are simplified expressions,
7343; flattens any nested BEGINs and removes trivial expressions that
7344; don't appear in the last position. The second argument is used only
7345; if a lambda expression is removed.
7346; This procedure is careful to return E instead of (BEGIN E).
7347; Fairly harmless bug: a variable reference removed by this procedure
7348; may remain on the notepad when it shouldn't.
7350(define (post-simplify-begin exp notepad)
7351 (let ((unspecified-expression (make-unspecified)))
7352 ; (flatten exprs '()) returns the flattened exprs in reverse order.
7353 (define (flatten exprs flattened)
7354 (cond ((null? exprs) flattened)
7355 ((begin? (car exprs))
7356 (flatten (cdr exprs)
7357 (flatten (begin.exprs (car exprs)) flattened)))
7358 (else (flatten (cdr exprs) (cons (car exprs) flattened)))))
7359 (define (filter exprs filtered)
7360 (if (null? exprs)
7361 filtered
7362 (let ((exp (car exprs)))
7363 (cond ((constant? exp) (filter (cdr exprs) filtered))
7364 ((variable? exp) (filter (cdr exprs) filtered))
7365 ((lambda? exp)
7366 (notepad.lambdas-set!
7367 notepad
7368 (remq exp (notepad.lambdas notepad)))
7369 (filter (cdr exprs) filtered))
7370 ((equal? exp unspecified-expression)
7371 (filter (cdr exprs) filtered))
7372 (else (filter (cdr exprs) (cons exp filtered)))))))
7373 (let ((exprs (flatten (begin.exprs exp) '())))
7374 (begin.exprs-set! exp (filter (cdr exprs) (list (car exprs))))
7375 (if (null? (cdr (begin.exprs exp)))
7376 (car (begin.exprs exp))
7377 exp))))
7379; SIMPLIFY-CALL performs this transformation:
7381; (... (begin ... E) ...)
7382; -> (begin ... (... E ...))
7384; It also takes care of LET transformations.
7386(define (simplify-call exp notepad)
7387 (define (loop args newargs exprs)
7388 (cond ((null? args)
7389 (finish newargs exprs))
7390 ((begin? (car args))
7391 (let ((newexprs (reverse (begin.exprs (car args)))))
7392 (loop (cdr args)
7393 (cons (car newexprs) newargs)
7394 (append (cdr newexprs) exprs))))
7395 (else (loop (cdr args) (cons (car args) newargs) exprs))))
7396 (define (finish newargs exprs)
7397 (call.args-set! exp (reverse newargs))
7398 (let* ((newexp
7399 (if (lambda? (call.proc exp))
7400 (simplify-let exp notepad)
7401 (begin
7402 (call.proc-set! exp
7403 (simplify (call.proc exp) notepad))
7404 exp)))
7405 (newexp
7406 (if (and (call? newexp)
7407 (variable? (call.proc newexp)))
7408 (let* ((procname ( (call.proc newexp)))
7409 (args (call.args newexp))
7410 (entry
7411 (and (not (null? args))
7412 (constant? (car args))
7413 (integrate-usual-procedures)
7414 (every? constant? args)
7415 (let ((entry (constant-folding-entry procname)))
7416 (and entry
7417 (let ((predicates
7418 (constant-folding-predicates entry)))
7419 (and (= (length args)
7420 (length predicates))
7421 (let loop ((args args)
7422 (predicates predicates))
7423 (cond ((null? args) entry)
7424 (((car predicates)
7425 (constant.value
7426 (car args)))
7427 (loop (cdr args)
7428 (cdr predicates)))
7429 (else #f))))))))))
7430 (if entry
7431 (make-constant (apply (constant-folding-folder entry)
7432 (map constant.value args)))
7433 newexp))
7434 newexp)))
7435 (cond ((and (call? newexp)
7436 (begin? (call.proc newexp)))
7437 (let ((exprs0 (reverse (begin.exprs (call.proc newexp)))))
7438 (call.proc-set! newexp (car exprs0))
7439 (post-simplify-begin
7440 (make-begin (reverse
7441 (cons newexp
7442 (append (cdr exprs0) exprs))))
7443 notepad)))
7444 ((null? exprs)
7445 newexp)
7446 (else
7447 (post-simplify-begin
7448 (make-begin (reverse (cons newexp exprs)))
7449 notepad)))))
7450 (call.args-set! exp (map (lambda (arg) (simplify arg notepad))
7451 (call.args exp)))
7452 (loop (call.args exp) '() '()))
7454; SIMPLIFY-LET performs these transformations:
7456; ((lambda (I_1 ... I_k . I_rest) ---) E1 ... Ek Ek+1 ...)
7457; -> ((lambda (I_1 ... I_k I_rest) ---) E1 ... Ek (LIST Ek+1 ...))
7459; ((lambda (I1 I2 ...) (begin D ...) (quote ...) E) L ...)
7460; -> ((lambda (I2 ...) (begin (define I1 L) D ...) (quote ...) E) ...)
7462; provided I1 is not assigned and each reference to I1 is in call position.
7464; ((lambda (I1)
7465; (begin)
7466; (quote ((I1 ((begin I1)) () ())))
7467; (begin I1))
7468; E1)
7470; -> E1
7472; ((lambda (I1)
7473; (begin)
7474; (quote ((I1 ((begin I1)) () ())))
7475; (if (begin I1) E2 E3))
7476; E1)
7478; -> (if E1 E2 E3)
7480; (Together with SIMPLIFY-CONDITIONAL, this cleans up the output of the OR
7481; macro and enables certain control optimizations.)
7483; ((lambda (I1 I2 ...)
7484; (begin D ...)
7485; (quote (... (I <references> () <calls>) ...) ...)
7486; E)
7487; K ...)
7488; -> ((lambda (I2 ...)
7489; (begin D' ...)
7490; (quote (... ...) ...)
7491; E')
7492; ...)
7494; where D' ... and E' ... are obtained from D ... and E ...
7495; by replacing all references to I1 by K. This transformation
7496; applies if K is a constant that can be duplicated without changing
7497; its EQV? behavior.
7499; ((lambda () (begin) (quote ...) E)) -> E
7501; ((lambda (IGNORED I2 ...) ---) E1 E2 ...)
7502; -> (begin E1 ((lambda (I2 ...) ---) E2 ...))
7504; (Single assignment analysis, performed by the simplifier for lambda
7505; expressions, detects unused arguments and replaces them in the argument
7506; list by the special identifier IGNORED.)
7508(define (simplify-let exp notepad)
7509 (define proc (call.proc exp))
7511 ; Loop1 operates before simplification of the lambda body.
7513 (define (loop1 formals actuals processed-formals processed-actuals)
7514 (cond ((null? formals)
7515 (if (not (null? actuals))
7516 (pass2-error p2error:wna exp))
7517 (return1 processed-formals processed-actuals))
7518 ((symbol? formals)
7519 (return1 (cons formals processed-formals)
7520 (cons (make-call-to-LIST actuals) processed-actuals)))
7521 ((null? actuals)
7522 (pass2-error p2error:wna exp)
7523 (return1 processed-formals
7524 processed-actuals))
7525 ((and (lambda? (car actuals))
7526 (let ((Rinfo (R-lookup (lambda.R proc) (car formals))))
7527 (and (null? (R-entry.assignments Rinfo))
7528 (= (length (R-entry.references Rinfo))
7529 (length (R-entry.calls Rinfo))))))
7530 (let ((I (car formals))
7531 (L (car actuals)))
7532 (notepad-nonescaping-add! notepad L)
7533 (lambda.defs-set! proc
7534 (cons (make-definition I L)
7535 (lambda.defs proc)))
7536 (standardize-known-calls L
7537 (R-entry.calls
7538 (R-lookup (lambda.R proc) I)))
7539 (lambda.F-set! proc (union (lambda.F proc)
7540 (free-variables L)))
7541 (lambda.G-set! proc (union (lambda.G proc) (lambda.G L))))
7542 (loop1 (cdr formals)
7543 (cdr actuals)
7544 processed-formals
7545 processed-actuals))
7546 ((and (constant? (car actuals))
7547 (let ((x (constant.value (car actuals))))
7548 (or (boolean? x)
7549 (number? x)
7550 (symbol? x)
7551 (char? x))))
7552 (let* ((I (car formals))
7553 (Rinfo (R-lookup (lambda.R proc) I)))
7554 (if (null? (R-entry.assignments Rinfo))
7555 (begin
7556 (for-each (lambda (ref)
7557 (variable-set! ref (car actuals)))
7558 (R-entry.references Rinfo))
7559 (lambda.R-set! proc (remq Rinfo (lambda.R proc)))
7560 (lambda.F-set! proc (remq I (lambda.F proc)))
7561 (lambda.G-set! proc (remq I (lambda.G proc)))
7562 (loop1 (cdr formals)
7563 (cdr actuals)
7564 processed-formals
7565 processed-actuals))
7566 (loop1 (cdr formals)
7567 (cdr actuals)
7568 (cons (car formals) processed-formals)
7569 (cons (car actuals) processed-actuals)))))
7570 (else (if (null? actuals)
7571 (pass2-error p2error:wna exp))
7572 (loop1 (cdr formals)
7573 (cdr actuals)
7574 (cons (car formals) processed-formals)
7575 (cons (car actuals) processed-actuals)))))
7577 (define (return1 rev-formals rev-actuals)
7578 (let ((formals (reverse rev-formals))
7579 (actuals (reverse rev-actuals)))
7580 (lambda.args-set! proc formals)
7581 (if (and (not (null? formals))
7582 (null? (cdr formals))
7583 (let* ((x (car formals))
7584 (R (lambda.R proc))
7585 (refs (references R x)))
7586 (and (= 1 (length refs))
7587 (null? (assignments R x)))))
7588 (let ((x (car formals))
7589 (body (lambda.body proc)))
7590 (cond ((and (variable? body)
7591 (eq? x ( body)))
7592 (simplify (car actuals) notepad))
7593 ((and (conditional? body)
7594 (let ((B0 (if.test body)))
7595 (variable? B0)
7596 (eq? x ( B0))))
7597 (if.test-set! body (car actuals))
7598 (simplify body notepad))
7599 (else
7600 (return1-finish formals actuals))))
7601 (return1-finish formals actuals))))
7603 (define (return1-finish formals actuals)
7604 (simplify-lambda proc notepad)
7605 (loop2 formals actuals '() '() '()))
7607 ; Loop2 operates after simplification of the lambda body.
7609 (define (loop2 formals actuals processed-formals processed-actuals for-effect)
7610 (cond ((null? formals)
7611 (return2 processed-formals processed-actuals for-effect))
7612 ((ignored? (car formals))
7613 (loop2 (cdr formals)
7614 (cdr actuals)
7615 processed-formals
7616 processed-actuals
7617 (cons (car actuals) for-effect)))
7618 (else (loop2 (cdr formals)
7619 (cdr actuals)
7620 (cons (car formals) processed-formals)
7621 (cons (car actuals) processed-actuals)
7622 for-effect))))
7624 (define (return2 rev-formals rev-actuals rev-for-effect)
7625 (let ((formals (reverse rev-formals))
7626 (actuals (reverse rev-actuals))
7627 (for-effect (reverse rev-for-effect)))
7628 (lambda.args-set! proc formals)
7629 (call.args-set! exp actuals)
7630 (let ((exp (if (and (null? actuals)
7631 (or (null? (lambda.defs proc))
7632 (and (notepad.parent notepad)
7633 (POLICY:LIFT? proc
7634 (notepad.parent notepad)
7635 (map (lambda (def) '())
7636 (lambda.defs proc))))))
7637 (begin (for-each (lambda (I)
7638 (notepad-var-add! notepad I))
7639 (lambda.F proc))
7640 (if (not (null? (lambda.defs proc)))
7641 (let ((parent (notepad.parent notepad))
7642 (defs (lambda.defs proc))
7643 (R (lambda.R proc)))
7644 (lambda.defs-set!
7645 parent
7646 (append defs (lambda.defs parent)))
7647 (lambda.defs-set! proc '())
7648 (lambda.R-set!
7649 parent
7650 (append (map (lambda (def)
7651 (R-lookup R (def.lhs def)))
7652 defs)
7653 (lambda.R parent)))))
7654 (lambda.body proc))
7655 exp)))
7656 (if (null? for-effect)
7657 exp
7658 (post-simplify-begin (make-begin (append for-effect (list exp)))
7659 notepad)))))
7661 (notepad-nonescaping-add! notepad proc)
7662 (loop1 (lambda.args proc) (call.args exp) '() '()))
7664; Single assignment analysis performs the transformation
7666; (lambda (... I ...)
7667; (begin D ...)
7668; (quote (... (I <references> ((set! I L)) <calls>) ...) ...)
7669; (begin (set! I L) E1 ...))
7670; -> (lambda (... IGNORED ...)
7671; (begin (define I L) D ...)
7672; (quote (... (I <references> () <calls>) ...) ...)
7673; (begin E1 ...))
7675; For best results, pass 1 should sort internal definitions and LETRECs so
7676; that procedure definitions/bindings come first.
7678; This procedure operates by side effect.
7680(define (single-assignment-analysis L notepad)
7681 (let ((formals (lambda.args L))
7682 (defs (lambda.defs L))
7683 (R (lambda.R L))
7684 (body (lambda.body L)))
7685 (define (finish! exprs escapees)
7686 (begin.exprs-set! body
7687 (append (reverse escapees)
7688 exprs))
7689 (lambda.body-set! L (post-simplify-begin body '())))
7690 (if (begin? body)
7691 (let loop ((exprs (begin.exprs body))
7692 (escapees '()))
7693 (let ((first (car exprs)))
7694 (if (and (assignment? first)
7695 (not (null? (cdr exprs))))
7696 (let ((I (assignment.lhs first))
7697 (rhs (assignment.rhs first)))
7698 (if (and (lambda? rhs)
7699 (local? R I)
7700 (= 1 (length (assignments R I))))
7701 (if (= (length (calls R I))
7702 (length (references R I)))
7703 (begin (notepad-nonescaping-add! notepad rhs)
7704 (flag-as-ignored I L)
7705 (lambda.defs-set! L
7706 (cons (make-definition I rhs)
7707 (lambda.defs L)))
7708 (assignments-set! R I '())
7709 (standardize-known-calls
7710 rhs
7711 (R-entry.calls (R-lookup R I)))
7712 (loop (cdr exprs) escapees))
7713 (loop (cdr exprs)
7714 (cons (car exprs) escapees)))
7715 (finish! exprs escapees)))
7716 (finish! exprs escapees)))))))
7718(define (standardize-known-calls L calls)
7719 (let ((formals (lambda.args L)))
7720 (cond ((not (list? formals))
7721 (let* ((newformals (make-null-terminated formals))
7722 (n (- (length newformals) 1)))
7723 (lambda.args-set! L newformals)
7724 (for-each (lambda (call)
7725 (if (>= (length (call.args call)) n)
7726 (call.args-set!
7727 call
7728 (append (list-head (call.args call) n)
7729 (list
7730 (make-call-to-LIST
7731 (list-tail (call.args call) n)))))
7732 (pass2-error p2error:wna call)))
7733 calls)))
7734 (else (let ((n (length formals)))
7735 (for-each (lambda (call)
7736 (if (not (= (length (call.args call)) n))
7737 (pass2-error p2error:wna call)))
7738 calls))))))
7739; Copyright 1991 William D Clinger.
7741; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
7743; 13 November 1998
7745; Second pass of the Twobit compiler, part 2:
7746; single assignment elimination, assignment elimination,
7747; and lambda lifting.
7749; See part 1 for further documentation.
7751; Single assignment elimination performs the transformation
7753; (lambda (... I1 ... In ...)
7754; (begin D ...)
7755; (begin (set! I1 E1)
7756; ...
7757; (set! In En)
7758; E ...))
7759; -> (lambda (... IGNORED ... IGNORED ...)
7760; (let* ((I1 E1) ... (In En))
7761; (begin D ...)
7762; (begin E ...)))
7764; provided for each k:
7766; 1. Ik does not occur in E1, ..., Ek.
7767; 2. Either E1 through Ek contain no procedure calls
7768; or Ik is not referenced by an escaping lambda expression.
7769; 3. Ik is assigned only once.
7771; I doubt whether the third condition is really necessary, but
7772; dropping it would involve a more complex calculation of the
7773; revised referencing information.
7775; A more precise description of the transformation:
7777; (lambda (... I1 ... In ...)
7778; (begin (define F1 L1) ...)
7779; (quote (... (I1 <references> ((set! I1 E1)) <calls>) ...
7780; (In <references> ((set! In En)) <calls>)
7781; (F1 <references> () <calls>) ...) ...)
7782; (begin (set! I1 E1) ... (set! In En) E ...))
7783; -> (lambda (... IGNORED ... IGNORED ...)
7784; (begin)
7785; (quote (...) ...)
7786; ((lambda (I1)
7787; (begin)
7788; (quote ((I1 <references> () <calls>)) ...)
7789; ...
7790; ((lambda (In)
7791; (begin (define F1 L1) ...)
7792; (quote (... (In <references> () <calls>)
7793; (F1 <references> () <calls>) ...) ...)
7794; (begin E ...))
7795; En)
7796; ...)
7797; E1))
7799; For best results, pass 1 should sort internal definitions and LETRECs
7800; so that procedure definitions/bindings come first, followed by
7801; definitions/bindings whose right hand side contains no calls,
7802; followed by definitions/bindings of variables that do not escape,
7803; followed by all other definitions/bindings.
7805; Pass 1 can't tell which variables escape, however. Pass 2 can't tell
7806; which variables escape either until all enclosed lambda expressions
7807; have been simplified and the first transformation above has been
7808; performed. That is why single assignment analysis precedes single
7809; assignment elimination. As implemented here, an assignment that does
7810; not satisfy the conditions above will prevent the transformation from
7811; being applied to any subsequent assignments.
7813; This procedure operates by side effect.
7815(define (single-assignment-elimination L notepad)
7817 (if (begin? (lambda.body L))
7819 (let* ((formals (make-null-terminated (lambda.args L)))
7820 (defined (map def.lhs (lambda.defs L)))
7821 (escaping (intersection formals
7822 (notepad-captured-variables notepad)))
7823 (R (lambda.R L)))
7825 ; Given:
7826 ; exprs that remain in the body;
7827 ; assigns that will be replaced by let* variables;
7828 ; call-has-occurred?, a boolean;
7829 ; free variables of the assigns;
7830 ; Performs the transformation described above.
7832 (define (loop exprs assigns call-has-occurred? free)
7833 (cond ((null? (cdr exprs))
7834 (return exprs assigns))
7835 ((assignment? (car exprs))
7836 (let ((I1 (assignment.lhs (car exprs)))
7837 (E1 (assignment.rhs (car exprs))))
7838 (if (and (memq I1 formals)
7839 (= (length (assignments R I1)) 1)
7840 (not (and call-has-occurred?
7841 (memq I1 escaping))))
7842 (let* ((free-in-E1 (free-variables E1))
7843 (newfree (union free-in-E1 free)))
7844 (if (or (memq I1 newfree)
7845 (not
7846 (empty-set?
7847 (intersection free-in-E1 defined))))
7848 (return exprs assigns)
7849 (loop (cdr exprs)
7850 (cons (car exprs) assigns)
7851 (or call-has-occurred?
7852 (might-return-twice? E1))
7853 newfree)))
7854 (return exprs assigns))))
7855 (else (return exprs assigns))))
7857 (define (return exprs assigns)
7858 (if (not (null? assigns))
7859 (let ((I (assignment.lhs (car assigns)))
7860 (E (assignment.rhs (car assigns)))
7861 (defs (lambda.defs L))
7862 (F (lambda.F L))
7863 (G (lambda.G L)))
7864 (flag-as-ignored I L)
7865 (assignments-set! R I '())
7866 (let ((L2 (make-lambda (list I)
7867 defs
7868 (cons (R-entry R I)
7869 (map (lambda (def)
7870 (R-entry R (def.lhs def)))
7871 defs))
7872 F
7873 G
7874 (lambda.decls L)
7875 (lambda.doc L)
7876 (make-begin exprs))))
7877 (lambda.defs-set! L '())
7878 (for-each (lambda (entry)
7879 (lambda.R-set! L (remq entry R)))
7880 (lambda.R L2))
7881 (return-loop (cdr assigns) (make-call L2 (list E)))))))
7883 (define (return-loop assigns body)
7884 (if (null? assigns)
7885 (let ((L3 (call.proc body)))
7886 (lambda.body-set! L body)
7887 (lambda-lifting L3 L))
7888 (let* ((I (assignment.lhs (car assigns)))
7889 (E (assignment.rhs (car assigns)))
7890 (L3 (call.proc body))
7891 (F (remq I (lambda.F L3)))
7892 (G (remq I (lambda.G L3))))
7893 (flag-as-ignored I L)
7894 (assignments-set! R I '())
7895 (let ((L2 (make-lambda (list I)
7896 '()
7897 (list (R-entry R I))
7898 F
7899 G
7900 (lambda.decls L)
7901 (lambda.doc L)
7902 body)))
7903 (lambda.R-set! L (remq (R-entry R I) R))
7904 (lambda-lifting L3 L2)
7905 (return-loop (cdr assigns) (make-call L2 (list E)))))))
7907 (loop (begin.exprs (lambda.body L)) '() #f '())))
7909 L)
7911; Temporary definitions.
7913(define (free-variables exp)
7914 (case (car exp)
7915 ((quote) '())
7916 ((lambda) (difference (lambda.F exp)
7917 (make-null-terminated (lambda.args exp))))
7918 ((set!) (union (list (assignment.lhs exp))
7919 (free-variables (assignment.rhs exp))))
7920 ((if) (union (free-variables (if.test exp))
7921 (free-variables (if.then exp))
7922 (free-variables (if.else exp))))
7923 ((begin) (if (variable? exp)
7924 (list ( exp))
7925 (apply union (map free-variables (begin.exprs exp)))))
7926 (else (apply union (map free-variables exp)))))
7928(define (might-return-twice? exp)
7929 (case (car exp)
7930 ((quote) #f)
7931 ((lambda) #f)
7932 ((set!) (might-return-twice? (assignment.rhs exp)))
7933 ((if) (or (might-return-twice? (if.test exp))
7934 (might-return-twice? (if.then exp))
7935 (might-return-twice? (if.else exp))))
7936 ((begin) (if (variable? exp)
7937 #f
7938 (some? might-return-twice? (begin.exprs exp))))
7939 (else #t)))
7942; Assignment elimination replaces variables that appear on the left
7943; hand side of an assignment by data structures. This is necessary
7944; to avoid some nasty complications with lambda lifting.
7946; This procedure operates by side effect.
7948(define (assignment-elimination L)
7949 (let ((R (lambda.R L)))
7951 ; Given a list of entries, return those for assigned variables.
7953 (define (loop entries assigned)
7954 (cond ((null? entries)
7955 (if (not (null? assigned))
7956 (eliminate assigned)))
7957 ((not (null? (R-entry.assignments (car entries))))
7958 (loop (cdr entries) (cons (car entries) assigned)))
7959 ((null? (R-entry.references (car entries)))
7960 (flag-as-ignored ( (car entries)) L)
7961 (loop (cdr entries) assigned))
7962 (else (loop (cdr entries) assigned))))
7964 ; Given a list of entries for assigned variables I1 ...,
7965 ; remove the assignments by replacing the body by a LET of the form
7966 ; ((LAMBDA (V1 ...) ...) (MAKE-CELL I1) ...), by replacing references
7967 ; by calls to CELL-REF, and by replacing assignments by calls to
7968 ; CELL-SET!.
7970 (define (eliminate assigned)
7971 (let* ((oldnames (map assigned))
7972 (newnames (map generate-new-name oldnames)))
7973 (let ((augmented-entries (map list newnames assigned))
7974 (renaming-alist (map cons oldnames newnames))
7975 (defs (lambda.defs L)))
7976 (for-each cellify! augmented-entries)
7977 (for-each (lambda (def)
7978 (do ((free (lambda.F (def.rhs def)) (cdr free)))
7979 ((null? free))
7980 (let ((z (assq (car free) renaming-alist)))
7981 (if z
7982 (set-car! free (cdr z))))))
7983 defs)
7984 (let ((newbody
7985 (make-call
7986 (make-lambda (map car augmented-entries)
7987 defs
7988 (union (map (lambda (def)
7989 (R-entry R (def.lhs def)))
7990 defs)
7991 (map new-reference-info augmented-entries))
7992 (union (list name:CELL-REF name:CELL-SET!)
7993 newnames
7994 (difference (lambda.F L) oldnames))
7995 (union (list name:CELL-REF name:CELL-SET!)
7996 newnames
7997 (difference (lambda.G L) oldnames))
7998 (lambda.decls L)
7999 (lambda.doc L)
8000 (lambda.body L))
8001 (map (lambda (name)
8002 (make-call (make-variable name:MAKE-CELL)
8003 (list (make-variable name))))
8004 (map assigned)))))
8005 (lambda.F-set! L (union (list name:MAKE-CELL name:CELL-REF name:CELL-SET!)
8006 (difference (lambda.F L)
8007 (map def.lhs (lambda.defs L)))))
8008 (lambda.defs-set! L '())
8009 (for-each update-old-reference-info!
8010 (map (lambda (arg)
8011 (car (call.args arg)))
8012 (call.args newbody)))
8013 (lambda.body-set! L newbody)
8014 (lambda-lifting (call.proc newbody) L)))))
8016 (define (generate-new-name name)
8017 (string->symbol (string-append cell-prefix (symbol->string name))))
8019 ; In addition to replacing references and assignments involving the
8020 ; old variable by calls to CELL-REF and CELL-SET! on the new, CELLIFY!
8021 ; uses the old entry to collect the referencing information for the
8022 ; new variable.
8024 (define (cellify! augmented-entry)
8025 (let ((newname (car augmented-entry))
8026 (entry (cadr augmented-entry)))
8027 (do ((refs (R-entry.references entry)
8028 (cdr refs)))
8029 ((null? refs))
8030 (let* ((reference (car refs))
8031 (newref (make-variable newname)))
8032 (set-car! reference (make-variable name:CELL-REF))
8033 (set-car! (cdr reference) newref)
8034 (set-car! refs newref)))
8035 (do ((assigns (R-entry.assignments entry)
8036 (cdr assigns)))
8037 ((null? assigns))
8038 (let* ((assignment (car assigns))
8039 (newref (make-variable newname)))
8040 (set-car! assignment (make-variable name:CELL-SET!))
8041 (set-car! (cdr assignment) newref)
8042 (R-entry.references-set! entry
8043 (cons newref
8044 (R-entry.references entry)))))
8045 (R-entry.assignments-set! entry '())))
8047 ; This procedure creates a brand new entry for a new variable, extracting
8048 ; the references stored in the old entry by CELLIFY!.
8050 (define (new-reference-info augmented-entry)
8051 (make-R-entry (car augmented-entry)
8052 (R-entry.references (cadr augmented-entry))
8053 '()
8054 '()))
8056 ; This procedure updates the old entry to reflect the fact that it is
8057 ; now referenced once and never assigned.
8059 (define (update-old-reference-info! ref)
8060 (references-set! R ( ref) (list ref))
8061 (assignments-set! R ( ref) '())
8062 (calls-set! R ( ref) '()))
8064 (loop R '())))
8066; Lambda lifting raises internal definitions to outer scopes to avoid
8067; having to choose between creating a closure or losing tail recursion.
8068; If L is not #f, then L2 is a lambda expression nested within L.
8069; Any internal definitions that occur within L2 may be lifted to L
8070; by adding extra arguments to the defined procedure and to all calls to it.
8071; Lambda lifting is not a clear win, because the extra arguments could
8072; easily become more expensive than creating a closure and referring
8073; to the non-local arguments through the closure. The heuristics used
8074; to decide whether to lift a group of internal definitions are isolated
8075; within the POLICY:LIFT? procedure.
8077; L2 can be the same as L, so the order of side effects is critical.
8079(define (lambda-lifting L2 L)
8081 ; The call to sort is optional. It gets the added arguments into
8082 ; the same order they appear in the formals list, which is an
8083 ; advantage for register targeting.
8085 (define (lift L2 L args-to-add)
8086 (let ((formals (make-null-terminated (lambda.args L2))))
8087 (do ((defs (lambda.defs L2) (cdr defs))
8088 (args-to-add args-to-add (cdr args-to-add)))
8089 ((null? defs))
8090 (let* ((def (car defs))
8091 (entry (R-lookup (lambda.R L2) (def.lhs def)))
8092 (calls (R-entry.calls entry))
8093 (added (twobit-sort (lambda (x y)
8094 (let ((xx (memq x formals))
8095 (yy (memq y formals)))
8096 (if (and xx yy)
8097 (> (length xx) (length yy))
8098 #t)))
8099 (car args-to-add)))
8100 (L3 (def.rhs def)))
8101 ; The flow equation guarantees that these added arguments
8102 ; will occur free by the time this round of lifting is done.
8103 (lambda.F-set! L3 (union added (lambda.F L3)))
8104 (lambda.args-set! L3 (append added (lambda.args L3)))
8105 (for-each (lambda (call)
8106 (let ((newargs (map make-variable added)))
8107 ; The referencing information is made obsolete here!
8108 (call.args-set! call
8109 (append newargs (call.args call)))))
8110 calls)
8111 (lambda.R-set! L2 (remq entry (lambda.R L2)))
8112 (lambda.R-set! L (cons entry (lambda.R L)))
8113 ))
8114 (if (not (eq? L2 L))
8115 (begin
8116 (lambda.defs-set! L (append (lambda.defs L2) (lambda.defs L)))
8117 (lambda.defs-set! L2 '())))))
8119 (if L
8120 (if (not (null? (lambda.defs L2)))
8121 (let ((args-to-add (compute-added-arguments
8122 (lambda.defs L2)
8123 (make-null-terminated (lambda.args L2)))))
8124 (if (POLICY:LIFT? L2 L args-to-add)
8125 (lift L2 L args-to-add))))))
8127; Given a list of definitions ((define f1 ...) ...) and a set of formals
8128; N over which the definitions may be lifted, returns a list of the
8129; subsets of N that need to be added to each procedure definition
8130; as new arguments.
8132; Algorithm: Let F_i be the variables that occur free in the body of
8133; the lambda expression associated with f_i. Construct the call graph.
8134; Solve the flow equations
8136; A_i = (F_i /\ N) \/ (\/ {A_j | A_i calls A_j})
8138; where /\ is intersection and \/ is union.
8140(define (compute-added-arguments defs formals)
8141 (let ((procs (map def.lhs defs))
8142 (freevars (map lambda.F (map def.rhs defs))))
8143 (let ((callgraph (map (lambda (names)
8144 (map (lambda (name)
8145 (position name procs))
8146 (intersection names procs)))
8147 freevars))
8148 (added_0 (map (lambda (names)
8149 (intersection names formals))
8150 freevars)))
8151 (vector->list
8152 (compute-fixedpoint
8153 (make-vector (length procs) '())
8154 (list->vector (map (lambda (term0 indexes)
8155 (lambda (approximations)
8156 (union term0
8157 (apply union
8158 (map (lambda (i)
8159 (vector-ref approximations i))
8160 indexes)))))
8161 added_0
8162 callgraph))
8163 set-equal?)))))
8165(define (position x l)
8166 (cond ((eq? x (car l)) 0)
8167 (else (+ 1 (position x (cdr l))))))
8169; Given a vector of starting approximations,
8170; a vector of functions that compute a next approximation
8171; as a function of the vector of approximations,
8172; and an equality predicate,
8173; returns a vector of fixed points.
8175(define (compute-fixedpoint v functions equiv?)
8176 (define (loop i flag)
8177 (if (negative? i)
8178 (if flag
8179 (loop (- (vector-length v) 1) #f)
8180 v)
8181 (let ((next_i ((vector-ref functions i) v)))
8182 (if (equiv? next_i (vector-ref v i))
8183 (loop (- i 1) flag)
8184 (begin (vector-set! v i next_i)
8185 (loop (- i 1) #t))))))
8186 (loop (- (vector-length v) 1) #f))
8189; Given a lambda expression L2, its parent lambda expression
8190; L (which may be the same as L2, or #f), and a list of the
8191; lists of arguments that would need to be added to known
8192; local procedures, returns #t iff lambda lifting should be done.
8194; Here are some heuristics:
8196; Don't lift if it means adding too many arguments.
8197; Don't lift large groups of definitions.
8198; In questionable cases it is better to lift to an outer
8199; lambda expression that already contains internal
8200; definitions than to one that doesn't.
8201; It is better not to lift if the body contains a lambda
8202; expression that has to be closed anyway.
8204(define (POLICY:LIFT? L2 L args-to-add)
8205 (and (lambda-optimizations)
8206 (not (lambda? (lambda.body L2)))
8207 (every? (lambda (addlist)
8208 (< (length addlist) 6))
8209 args-to-add)))
8210; Copyright 1991 William D Clinger (for SIMPLIFY-CONDITIONAL)
8211; Copyright 1999 William D Clinger (for everything else)
8213; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
8214; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
8215; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
8216; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
8218; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
8219; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
8220; the benefit of the Scheme community.
8222; 11 April 1999.
8224; Some source transformations on IF expressions:
8226; (if '#f E1 E2) E2
8227; (if 'K E1 E2) E1 K != #f
8228; (if (if B0 '#f '#f) E1 E2) (begin B0 E2)
8229; (if (if B0 '#f 'K ) E1 E2) (if B0 E2 E1) K != #f
8230; (if (if B0 'K '#f) E1 E2) (if B0 E1 E2) K != #f
8231; (if (if B0 'K1 'K2) E1 E2) (begin B0 E1) K1, K2 != #f
8232; (if (if B0 (if B1 #t #f) B2) E1 E2) (if (if B0 B1 B2) E1 E2)
8233; (if (if B0 B1 (if B2 #t #f)) E1 E2) (if (if B0 B1 B2) E1 E2)
8234; (if (if X X B0 ) E1 E2) (if (if X #t B0) E1 E2) X a variable
8235; (if (if X B0 X ) E1 E2) (if (if X B0 #f) E1 E2) X a variable
8236; (if ((lambda (X) (if ((lambda (X)
8237; (if X X B2)) B0) (if X #t (if B2 #t #f))) B0)
8238; E1 E2) E1 E2)
8239; (if (begin ... B0) E1 E2) (begin ... (if B0 E1 E2))
8240; (if (not E0) E1 E2) (if E0 E2 E1) not is integrable
8242; FIXME: Three of the transformations above are intended to clean up
8243; the output of the OR macro. It isn't yet clear how well this works.
8245(define (simplify-conditional exp notepad)
8246 (define (coercion-to-boolean? exp)
8247 (and (conditional? exp)
8248 (let ((E1 (if.then exp))
8249 (E2 (if.else exp)))
8250 (and (constant? E1)
8251 (eq? #t (constant.value E1))
8252 (constant? E2)
8253 (eq? #f (constant.value E2))))))
8254 (if (not (control-optimization))
8255 (begin (if.test-set! exp (simplify (if.test exp) notepad))
8256 (if.then-set! exp (simplify (if.then exp) notepad))
8257 (if.else-set! exp (simplify (if.else exp) notepad))
8258 exp)
8259 (let* ((test (if.test exp)))
8260 (if (and (call? test)
8261 (lambda? (call.proc test))
8262 (let* ((L (call.proc test))
8263 (body (lambda.body L)))
8264 (and (conditional? body)
8265 (let ((R (lambda.R L))
8266 (B0 (if.test body))
8267 (B1 (if.then body)))
8268 (and (variable? B0)
8269 (variable? B1)
8270 (let ((x ( B0)))
8271 (and (eq? x ( B1))
8272 (local? R x)
8273 (= 1 (length R))
8274 (= 1 (length (call.args test))))))))))
8275 (let* ((L (call.proc test))
8276 (R (lambda.R L))
8277 (body (lambda.body L))
8278 (ref (if.then body))
8279 (x ( ref))
8280 (entry (R-entry R x)))
8281 (if.then-set! body (make-constant #t))
8282 (if.else-set! body
8283 (make-conditional (if.else body)
8284 (make-constant #t)
8285 (make-constant #f)))
8286 (R-entry.references-set! entry
8287 (remq ref
8288 (R-entry.references entry)))
8289 (simplify-conditional exp notepad))
8290 (let loop ((test (simplify (if.test exp) notepad)))
8291 (if.test-set! exp test)
8292 (cond ((constant? test)
8293 (simplify (if (constant.value test)
8294 (if.then exp)
8295 (if.else exp))
8296 notepad))
8297 ((and (conditional? test)
8298 (constant? (if.then test))
8299 (constant? (if.else test)))
8300 (cond ((and (constant.value (if.then test))
8301 (constant.value (if.else test)))
8302 (post-simplify-begin
8303 (make-begin (list (if.test test)
8304 (simplify (if.then exp)
8305 notepad)))
8306 notepad))
8307 ((and (not (constant.value (if.then test)))
8308 (not (constant.value (if.else test))))
8309 (post-simplify-begin
8310 (make-begin (list (if.test test)
8311 (simplify (if.else exp)
8312 notepad)))
8313 notepad))
8314 (else (if (not (constant.value (if.then test)))
8315 (let ((temp (if.then exp)))
8316 (if.then-set! exp (if.else exp))
8317 (if.else-set! exp temp)))
8318 (if.test-set! exp (if.test test))
8319 (loop (if.test exp)))))
8320 ((and (conditional? test)
8321 (or (coercion-to-boolean? (if.then test))
8322 (coercion-to-boolean? (if.else test))))
8323 (if (coercion-to-boolean? (if.then test))
8324 (if.then-set! test (if.test (if.then test)))
8325 (if.else-set! test (if.test (if.else test))))
8326 (loop test))
8327 ((and (conditional? test)
8328 (variable? (if.test test))
8329 (let ((x ( (if.test test))))
8330 (or (and (variable? (if.then test))
8331 (eq? x ( (if.then test)))
8332 1)
8333 (and (variable? (if.else test))
8334 (eq? x ( (if.else test)))
8335 2))))
8336 =>
8337 (lambda (n)
8338 (case n
8339 ((1) (if.then-set! test (make-constant #t)))
8340 ((2) (if.else-set! test (make-constant #f))))
8341 (loop test)))
8342 ((begin? test)
8343 (let ((exprs (reverse (begin.exprs test))))
8344 (if.test-set! exp (car exprs))
8345 (post-simplify-begin
8346 (make-begin (reverse (cons (loop (car exprs))
8347 (cdr exprs))))
8348 notepad)))
8349 ((and (call? test)
8350 (variable? (call.proc test))
8351 (eq? ( (call.proc test)) name:NOT)
8352 (integrable? name:NOT)
8353 (integrate-usual-procedures)
8354 (= (length (call.args test)) 1))
8355 (let ((temp (if.then exp)))
8356 (if.then-set! exp (if.else exp))
8357 (if.else-set! exp temp))
8358 (loop (car (call.args test))))
8359 (else
8360 (simplify-case exp notepad))))))))
8362; Given a conditional expression whose test has been simplified,
8363; simplifies the then and else parts while applying optimizations
8364; for CASE expressions.
8365; Precondition: (control-optimization) is true.
8367(define (simplify-case exp notepad)
8368 (let ((E0 (if.test exp)))
8369 (if (and (call? E0)
8370 (variable? (call.proc E0))
8371 (let ((name ( (call.proc E0))))
8372 ; FIXME: Should ensure that the name is integrable,
8373 ; but MEMQ and MEMV probably aren't according to the
8374 ; INTEGRABLE? predicate.
8375 (or (eq? name name:EQ?)
8376 (eq? name name:EQV?)
8377 (eq? name name:MEMQ)
8378 (eq? name name:MEMV)))
8379 (integrate-usual-procedures)
8380 (= (length (call.args E0)) 2)
8381 (variable? (car (call.args E0)))
8382 (constant? (cadr (call.args E0))))
8383 (simplify-case-clauses ( (car (call.args E0)))
8384 exp
8385 notepad)
8386 (begin (if.then-set! exp (simplify (if.then exp) notepad))
8387 (if.else-set! exp (simplify (if.else exp) notepad))
8388 exp))))
8390; Code generation for case expressions.
8392; A case expression turns into a conditional expression
8393; of the form
8395; CASE{I} ::= E | (if (PRED I K) E CASE{I})
8396; PRED ::= memv | memq | eqv? | eq?
8398; The memq and eq? predicates are used when the constant
8399; is a (list of) boolean, fixnum, char, empty list, or symbol.
8400; The constants will almost always be of these types.
8402; The first step is to remove duplicated constants and to
8403; collect all the case clauses, sorting them into the following
8404; categories based on their simplified list of constants:
8405; constants are fixnums
8406; constants are characters
8407; constants are symbols
8408; constants are of mixed or other type
8409; After duplicated constants have been removed, the predicates
8410; for these clauses can be tested in any order.
8412; Given the name of an arbitrary variable, an expression that
8413; has not yet been simplified or can safely be simplified again,
8414; and a notepad, returns the expression after simplification.
8415; If the expression is equivalent to a case expression that dispatches
8416; on the given variable, then case-optimization will be applied.
8418(define (simplify-case-clauses var0 E notepad)
8420 (define notepad2 (make-notepad (notepad.parent notepad)))
8422 (define (collect-clauses E fix chr sym other constants)
8423 (if (not (conditional? E))
8424 (analyze (simplify E notepad2)
8425 fix chr sym other constants)
8426 (let ((test (simplify (if.test E) notepad2))
8427 (code (simplify (if.then E) notepad2)))
8428 (if.test-set! E test)
8429 (if.then-set! E code)
8430 (if (not (call? test))
8431 (finish E fix chr sym other constants)
8432 (let ((proc (call.proc test))
8433 (args (call.args test)))
8434 (if (not (and (variable? proc)
8435 (let ((name ( proc)))
8436 ; FIXME: See note above.
8437 (or (eq? name name:EQ?)
8438 (eq? name name:EQV?)
8439 (eq? name name:MEMQ)
8440 (eq? name name:MEMV)))
8441 (= (length args) 2)
8442 (variable? (car args))
8443 (eq? ( (car args)) var0)
8444 (constant? (cadr args))))
8445 (finish E fix chr sym other constants)
8446 (let ((pred ( proc))
8447 (datum (constant.value (cadr args))))
8448 ; FIXME
8449 (if (or (and (or (eq? pred name:MEMV)
8450 (eq? pred name:MEMQ))
8451 (not (list? datum)))
8452 (and (eq? pred name:EQ?)
8453 (not (eqv-is-ok? datum)))
8454 (and (eq? pred name:MEMQ)
8455 (not (every? (lambda (datum)
8456 (eqv-is-ok? datum))
8457 datum))))
8458 (finish E fix chr sym other constants)
8459 (call-with-values
8460 (lambda ()
8461 (remove-duplicates (if (or (eq? pred name:EQV?)
8462 (eq? pred name:EQ?))
8463 (list datum)
8464 datum)
8465 constants))
8466 (lambda (data constants)
8467 (let ((clause (list data code))
8468 (E2 (if.else E)))
8469 (cond ((every? smallint? data)
8470 (collect-clauses E2
8471 (cons clause fix)
8472 chr
8473 sym
8474 other
8475 constants))
8476 ((every? char? data)
8477 (collect-clauses E2
8478 fix
8479 (cons clause chr)
8480 sym
8481 other
8482 constants))
8483 ((every? symbol? data)
8484 (collect-clauses E2
8485 fix
8486 chr
8487 (cons clause sym)
8488 other
8489 constants))
8490 (else
8491 (collect-clauses E2
8492 fix
8493 chr
8494 sym
8495 (cons clause other)
8496 constants))))))))))))))
8498 (define (remove-duplicates data set)
8499 (let loop ((originals data)
8500 (data '())
8501 (set set))
8502 (if (null? originals)
8503 (values data set)
8504 (let ((x (car originals))
8505 (originals (cdr originals)))
8506 (if (memv x set)
8507 (loop originals data set)
8508 (loop originals (cons x data) (cons x set)))))))
8510 (define (finish E fix chr sym other constants)
8511 (if.else-set! E (simplify (if.else E) notepad2))
8512 (analyze E fix chr sym other constants))
8514 (define (analyze default fix chr sym other constants)
8515 (notepad-var-add! notepad2 var0)
8516 (for-each (lambda (L)
8517 (notepad-lambda-add! notepad L))
8518 (notepad.lambdas notepad2))
8519 (for-each (lambda (L)
8520 (notepad-nonescaping-add! notepad L))
8521 (notepad.nonescaping notepad2))
8522 (for-each (lambda (var)
8523 (notepad-var-add! notepad var))
8524 (append (list name:FIXNUM?
8525 name:CHAR?
8526 name:SYMBOL?
8527 name:FX<
8528 name:FX-
8529 name:CHAR->INTEGER
8530 name:VECTOR-REF)
8531 (notepad.vars notepad2)))
8532 (analyze-clauses (notepad.vars notepad2)
8533 var0
8534 default
8535 (reverse fix)
8536 (reverse chr)
8537 (reverse sym)
8538 (reverse other)
8539 constants))
8541 (collect-clauses E '() '() '() '() '()))
8543; Returns true if EQ? and EQV? behave the same on x.
8545(define (eqv-is-ok? x)
8546 (or (smallint? x)
8547 (char? x)
8548 (symbol? x)
8549 (boolean? x)))
8551; Returns true if EQ? and EQV? behave the same on x.
8553(define (eq-is-ok? x)
8554 (eqv-is-ok? x))
8556; Any case expression that dispatches on a variable var0 and whose
8557; constants are disjoint can be compiled as
8559; (let ((n (cond ((eq? var0 'K1) ...) ; miscellaneous constants
8560; ...
8561; ((fixnum? var0)
8562; <dispatch-on-fixnum>)
8563; ((char? var0)
8564; <dispatch-on-char>)
8565; ((symbol? var0)
8566; <dispatch-on-symbols>)
8567; (else 0))))
8568; <dispatch-on-case-number>)
8570; where the <dispatch-on-case-number> uses binary search within
8571; the interval [0, p+1), where p is the number of non-default cases.
8573; On the SPARC, sequential search is faster if there are fewer than
8574; 8 constants, and sequential search uses less than half the space
8575; if there are fewer than 10 constants. Most target machines should
8576; similar, so I'm hard-wiring this constant.
8577; FIXME: The hardwired constant is annoying.
8579(define (analyze-clauses F var0 default fix chr sym other constants)
8580 (cond ((or (and (null? fix)
8581 (null? chr))
8582 (< (length constants) 12))
8583 (implement-clauses-by-sequential-search var0
8584 default
8585 (append fix chr sym other)))
8586 (else
8587 (implement-clauses F var0 default fix chr sym other constants))))
8589; Implements the general technique described above.
8591(define (implement-clauses F var0 default fix chr sym other constants)
8592 (let* ((name:n ((make-rename-procedure) 'n))
8593 ; Referencing information is destroyed by pass 2.
8594 (entry (make-R-entry name:n '() '() '()))
8595 (F (union (make-set (list name:n)) F))
8596 (L (make-lambda
8597 (list name:n)
8598 '()
8599 '() ; entry
8600 F
8601 '()
8602 '()
8603 #f
8604 (implement-case-dispatch
8605 name:n
8606 (cons default
8607 (map cadr
8608 ; The order here must match the order
8609 ; used by IMPLEMENT-DISPATCH.
8610 (append other fix chr sym)))))))
8611 (make-call L
8612 (list (implement-dispatch 0
8613 var0
8614 (map car other)
8615 (map car fix)
8616 (map car chr)
8617 (map car sym))))))
8619(define (implement-case-dispatch var0 exprs)
8620 (implement-intervals var0
8621 (map (lambda (n code)
8622 (list n (+ n 1) code))
8623 (iota (length exprs))
8624 exprs)))
8626; Given the number of prior clauses,
8627; the variable on which to dispatch,
8628; a list of constant lists for mixed or miscellaneous clauses,
8629; a list of constant lists for the fixnum clauses,
8630; a list of constant lists for the character clauses, and
8631; a list of constant lists for the symbol clauses,
8632; returns code that computes the index of the selected clause.
8633; The mixed/miscellaneous clauses must be tested first because
8634; Twobit's SMALLINT? predicate might not be true of all fixnums
8635; on the target machine, which means that Twobit might classify
8636; some fixnums as miscellaneous.
8638(define (implement-dispatch prior var0 other fix chr sym)
8639 (cond ((not (null? other))
8640 (implement-dispatch-other
8641 (implement-dispatch (+ prior (length other))
8642 var0 fix chr sym '())
8643 prior var other))
8644 ((not (null? fix))
8645 (make-conditional (make-call (make-variable name:FIXNUM?)
8646 (list (make-variable var0)))
8647 (implement-dispatch-fixnum prior var0 fix)
8648 (implement-dispatch (+ prior (length fix))
8649 var0 '() chr sym other)))
8650 ((not (null? chr))
8651 (make-conditional (make-call (make-variable name:CHAR?)
8652 (list (make-variable var0)))
8653 (implement-dispatch-char prior var0 chr)
8654 (implement-dispatch (+ prior (length chr))
8655 var0 fix '() sym other)))
8656 ((not (null? sym))
8657 (make-conditional (make-call (make-variable name:SYMBOL?)
8658 (list (make-variable var0)))
8659 (implement-dispatch-symbol prior var0 sym)
8660 (implement-dispatch (+ prior (length sym))
8661 var0 fix chr '() other)))
8662 (else
8663 (make-constant 0))))
8665; The value of var0 will be known to be a fixnum.
8666; Can use table lookup, binary search, or sequential search.
8667; FIXME: Never uses sequential search, which is best when
8668; there are only a few constants, with gaps between them.
8670(define (implement-dispatch-fixnum prior var0 lists)
8672 (define (calculate-intervals n lists)
8673 (define (loop n lists intervals)
8674 (if (null? lists)
8675 (twobit-sort (lambda (interval1 interval2)
8676 (< (car interval1) (car interval2)))
8677 intervals)
8678 (let ((constants (twobit-sort < (car lists))))
8679 (loop (+ n 1)
8680 (cdr lists)
8681 (append (extract-intervals n constants)
8682 intervals)))))
8683 (loop n lists '()))
8685 (define (extract-intervals n constants)
8686 (if (null? constants)
8687 '()
8688 (let ((k0 (car constants)))
8689 (do ((constants (cdr constants) (cdr constants))
8690 (k1 (+ k0 1) (+ k1 1)))
8691 ((or (null? constants)
8692 (not (= k1 (car constants))))
8693 (cons (list k0 k1 (make-constant n))
8694 (extract-intervals n constants)))))))
8696 (define (complete-intervals intervals)
8697 (cond ((null? intervals)
8698 intervals)
8699 ((null? (cdr intervals))
8700 intervals)
8701 (else
8702 (let* ((i1 (car intervals))
8703 (i2 (cadr intervals))
8704 (end1 (cadr i1))
8705 (start2 (car i2))
8706 (intervals (complete-intervals (cdr intervals))))
8707 (if (= end1 start2)
8708 (cons i1 intervals)
8709 (cons i1
8710 (cons (list end1 start2 (make-constant 0))
8711 intervals)))))))
8713 (let* ((intervals (complete-intervals
8714 (calculate-intervals (+ prior 1) lists)))
8715 (lo (car (car intervals)))
8716 (hi (car (car (reverse intervals))))
8717 (p (length intervals)))
8718 (make-conditional
8719 (make-call (make-variable name:FX<)
8720 (list (make-variable var0)
8721 (make-constant lo)))
8722 (make-constant 0)
8723 (make-conditional
8724 (make-call (make-variable name:FX<)
8725 (list (make-variable var0)
8726 (make-constant (+ hi 1))))
8727 ; The static cost of table lookup is about hi - lo words.
8728 ; The static cost of binary search is about 5 SPARC instructions
8729 ; per interval.
8730 (if (< (- hi lo) (* 5 p))
8731 (implement-table-lookup var0 (+ prior 1) lists lo hi)
8732 (implement-intervals var0 intervals))
8733 (make-constant 0)))))
8735(define (implement-dispatch-char prior var0 lists)
8736 (let* ((lists (map (lambda (constants)
8737 (map compat:char->integer constants))
8738 lists))
8739 (name:n ((make-rename-procedure) 'n))
8740 ; Referencing information is destroyed by pass 2.
8741 ;(entry (make-R-entry name:n '() '() '()))
8742 (F (list name:n name:EQ? name:FX< name:FX- name:VECTOR-REF))
8743 (L (make-lambda
8744 (list name:n)
8745 '()
8746 '() ; entry
8747 F
8748 '()
8749 '()
8750 #f
8751 (implement-dispatch-fixnum prior name:n lists))))
8752 (make-call L
8753 (make-call (make-variable name:CHAR->INTEGER)
8754 (list (make-variable var0))))))
8756(define (implement-dispatch-symbol prior var0 lists)
8757 (implement-dispatch-other (make-constant 0) prior var0 lists))
8759(define (implement-dispatch-other default prior var0 lists)
8760 (if (null? lists)
8761 default
8762 (let* ((constants (car lists))
8763 (lists (cdr lists))
8764 (n (+ prior 1)))
8765 (make-conditional (make-call-to-memv var0 constants)
8766 (make-constant n)
8767 (implement-dispatch-other default n var0 lists)))))
8769(define (make-call-to-memv var0 constants)
8770 (cond ((null? constants)
8771 (make-constant #f))
8772 ((null? (cdr constants))
8773 (make-call-to-eqv var0 (car constants)))
8774 (else
8775 (make-conditional (make-call-to-eqv var0 (car constants))
8776 (make-constant #t)
8777 (make-call-to-memv var0 (cdr constants))))))
8779(define (make-call-to-eqv var0 constant)
8780 (make-call (make-variable
8781 (if (eq-is-ok? constant)
8782 name:EQ?
8783 name:EQV?))
8784 (list (make-variable var0)
8785 (make-constant constant))))
8787; Given a variable whose value is known to be a fixnum,
8788; the clause index for the first fixnum clause,
8789; an ordered list of lists of constants for fixnum-only clauses,
8790; and the least and greatest constants in those lists,
8791; returns code for a table lookup.
8793(define (implement-table-lookup var0 index lists lo hi)
8794 (let ((v (make-vector (+ 1 (- hi lo)) 0)))
8795 (do ((index index (+ index 1))
8796 (lists lists (cdr lists)))
8797 ((null? lists))
8798 (for-each (lambda (k)
8799 (vector-set! v (- k lo) index))
8800 (car lists)))
8801 (make-call (make-variable name:VECTOR-REF)
8802 (list (make-constant v)
8803 (make-call (make-variable name:FX-)
8804 (list (make-variable var0)
8805 (make-constant lo)))))))
8807; Given a variable whose value is known to lie within the
8808; half-open interval [m0, mk), and an ordered complete
8809; list of intervals of the form
8811; ((m0 m1 code0)
8812; (m1 m2 code1)
8813; ...
8814; (m{k-1} mk code{k-1})
8815; )
8817; returns an expression that finds the unique i such that
8818; var0 lies within [mi, m{i+1}), and then executes code{i}.
8820(define (implement-intervals var0 intervals)
8821 (if (null? (cdr intervals))
8822 (caddr (car intervals))
8823 (let ((n (quotient (length intervals) 2)))
8824 (do ((n n (- n 1))
8825 (intervals1 '() (cons (car intervals2) intervals1))
8826 (intervals2 intervals (cdr intervals2)))
8827 ((zero? n)
8828 (let ((intervals1 (reverse intervals1))
8829 (m (car (car intervals2))))
8830 (make-conditional (make-call (make-variable name:FX<)
8831 (list
8832 (make-variable var0)
8833 (make-constant m)))
8834 (implement-intervals var0 intervals1)
8835 (implement-intervals var0 intervals2))))))))
8837; The brute force approach.
8838; Given the variable on which the dispatch is being performed, and
8839; actual (simplified) code for the default clause and
8840; for all other clauses,
8841; returns code to perform the dispatch by sequential search.
8843(define *memq-threshold* 20)
8844(define *memv-threshold* 4)
8846(define (implement-clauses-by-sequential-search var0 default clauses)
8847 (if (null? clauses)
8848 default
8849 (let* ((case1 (car clauses))
8850 (clauses (cdr clauses))
8851 (constants1 (car case1))
8852 (code1 (cadr case1)))
8853 (make-conditional (make-call-to-memv var0 constants1)
8854 code1
8855 (implement-clauses-by-sequential-search
8856 var0 default clauses)))))
8857; Copyright 1999 William D Clinger.
8859; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
8860; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
8861; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
8862; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
8864; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
8865; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
8866; the benefit of the Scheme community.
8868; 13 April 1999.
8870; The tail and non-tail call graphs of known and unknown procedures.
8872; Given an expression E returned by pass 2 of Twobit,
8873; returns a list of the following form:
8875; ((#t L () <tailcalls> <nontailcalls> <size> #f)
8876; (<name> L <vars> <tailcalls> <nontailcalls> <size> #f)
8877; ...)
8879; where
8881; Each L is a lambda expression that occurs within E
8882; as either an escaping lambda expression or as a known
8883; procedure. If L is a known procedure, then <name> is
8884; its name; otherwise <name> is #f.
8886; <vars> is a list of the non-global variables within whose
8887; scope L occurs.
8889; <tailcalls> is a complete list of names of known local procedures
8890; that L calls tail-recursively, disregarding calls from other known
8891; procedures or escaping lambda expressions that occur within L.
8893; <nontailcalls> is a complete list of names of known local procedures
8894; that L calls non-tail-recursively, disregarding calls from other
8895; known procedures or escaping lambda expressions that occur within L.
8897; <size> is a measure of the size of L, including known procedures
8898; and escaping lambda expressions that occur within L.
8900(define ( x) (car x))
8901(define (callgraphnode.code x) (cadr x))
8902(define (callgraphnode.vars x) (caddr x))
8903(define (callgraphnode.tailcalls x) (cadddr x))
8904(define (callgraphnode.nontailcalls x) (car (cddddr x)))
8905(define (callgraphnode.size x) (cadr (cddddr x)))
8906(define ( x) (caddr (cddddr x)))
8908(define (callgraphnode.size! x v) (set-car! (cdr (cddddr x)) v) #f)
8909(define (! x v) (set-car! (cddr (cddddr x)) v) #f)
8911(define (callgraph exp)
8913 ; Returns (union (list x) z).
8915 (define (adjoin x z)
8916 (if (memq x z)
8917 z
8918 (cons x z)))
8920 (let ((result '()))
8922 ; Given a <name> as described above, a lambda expression, a list
8923 ; of variables that are in scope, and a list of names of known
8924 ; local procedure that are in scope, computes an entry for L and
8925 ; entries for any nested known procedures or escaping lambda
8926 ; expressions, and adds them to the result.
8928 (define (add-vertex! name L vars known)
8930 (let ((tailcalls '())
8931 (nontailcalls '())
8932 (size 0))
8934 ; Given an expression, a list of variables that are in scope,
8935 ; a list of names of known local procedures that are in scope,
8936 ; and a boolean indicating whether the expression occurs in a
8937 ; tail context, adds any tail or non-tail calls to known
8938 ; procedures that occur within the expression to the list
8939 ; variables declared above.
8941 (define (graph! exp vars known tail?)
8942 (set! size (+ size 1))
8943 (case (car exp)
8945 ((quote) #f)
8947 ((lambda) (add-vertex! #f exp vars known)
8948 (set! size
8949 (+ size
8950 (callgraphnode.size (car result)))))
8952 ((set!) (graph! (assignment.rhs exp) vars known #f))
8954 ((if) (graph! (if.test exp) vars known #f)
8955 (graph! (if.then exp) vars known tail?)
8956 (graph! (if.else exp) vars known tail?))
8958 ((begin) (if (not (variable? exp))
8959 (do ((exprs (begin.exprs exp) (cdr exprs)))
8960 ((null? (cdr exprs))
8961 (graph! (car exprs) vars known tail?))
8962 (graph! (car exprs) vars known #f))))
8964 (else (let ((proc (call.proc exp)))
8965 (cond ((variable? proc)
8966 (let ((name ( proc)))
8967 (if (memq name known)
8968 (if tail?
8969 (set! tailcalls
8970 (adjoin name tailcalls))
8971 (set! nontailcalls
8972 (adjoin name nontailcalls))))))
8973 ((lambda? proc)
8974 (graph-lambda! proc vars known tail?))
8975 (else
8976 (graph! proc vars known #f)))
8977 (for-each (lambda (exp)
8978 (graph! exp vars known #f))
8979 (call.args exp))))))
8981 (define (graph-lambda! L vars known tail?)
8982 (let* ((defs (lambda.defs L))
8983 (newknown (map def.lhs defs))
8984 (vars (append newknown
8985 (make-null-terminated
8986 (lambda.args L))
8987 vars))
8988 (known (append newknown known)))
8989 (for-each (lambda (def)
8990 (add-vertex! (def.lhs def)
8991 (def.rhs def)
8992 vars
8993 known)
8994 (set! size
8995 (+ size
8996 (callgraphnode.size (car result)))))
8997 defs)
8998 (graph! (lambda.body L) vars known tail?)))
9000 (graph-lambda! L vars known #t)
9002 (set! result
9003 (cons (list name L vars tailcalls nontailcalls size #f)
9004 result))))
9006 (add-vertex! #t
9007 (make-lambda '() '() '() '() '() '() '() exp)
9008 '()
9009 '())
9010 result))
9012; Displays the callgraph, for debugging.
9014(define (view-callgraph g)
9015 (for-each (lambda (entry)
9016 (let ((name ( entry))
9017 (exp (callgraphnode.code entry))
9018 (vars (callgraphnode.vars entry))
9019 (tail (callgraphnode.tailcalls entry))
9020 (nt (callgraphnode.nontailcalls entry))
9021 (size (callgraphnode.size entry)))
9022 (cond ((symbol? name)
9023 (write name))
9024 (name
9025 (display "TOP LEVEL EXPRESSION"))
9026 (else
9028 (display ":")
9029 (newline)
9030 (display "Size: ")
9031 (write size)
9032 (newline)
9033 ;(newline)
9034 ;(display "Variables in scope: ")
9035 ;(write vars)
9036 ;(newline)
9037 (display "Tail calls: ")
9038 (write tail)
9039 (newline)
9040 (display "Non-tail calls: ")
9041 (write nt)
9042 (newline)
9043 ;(newline)
9044 ;(pretty-print (make-readable exp))
9045 ;(newline)
9046 ;(newline)
9047 (newline)))
9048 g))
9049; Copyright 1999 William D Clinger.
9051; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
9052; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
9053; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
9054; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
9056; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
9057; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
9058; the benefit of the Scheme community.
9060; 14 April 1999.
9062; Inlining of known local procedures.
9064; First find the known and escaping procedures and compute the call graph.
9066; If a known local procedure is not called at all, then delete its code.
9068; If a known local procedure is called exactly once,
9069; then inline its code at the call site and delete the
9070; known local procedure. Change the size of the code
9071; at the call site by adding the size of the inlined code.
9073; Divide the remaining known and escaping procedures into categories:
9074; 1. makes no calls to known local procedures
9075; 2. known procedures that call known procedures;
9076; within this category, try to sort so that procedures do not
9077; call procedures that come later in the sequence; or sort by
9078; number of calls and/or size
9079; 3. escaping procedures that call known procedures
9081; Approve each procedure in category 1 for inlining if its code size
9082; is less than some threshold.
9084; For each procedure in categories 2 and 3, traverse its code, inlining
9085; where it seems like a good idea. The compiler should be more aggressive
9086; about inlining non-tail calls than tail calls because:
9088; Inlining a non-tail call can eliminate a stack frame
9089; or expose the inlined code to loop optimizations.
9091; The main reason for inlining a tail call is to enable
9092; intraprocedural optimizations or to unroll a loop.
9094; After inlining has been performed on a known local procedure,
9095; then approve it for inlining if its size is less than some threshold.
9097; FIXME:
9098; This strategy avoids infinite unrolling, but it also avoids finite
9099; unrolling of loops.
9101; Parameters to control inlining.
9102; These can be tuned later.
9104(define *tail-threshold* 10)
9105(define *nontail-threshold* 20)
9106(define *multiplier* 300)
9108; Given a callgraph, performs inlining of known local procedures
9109; by side effect. The original expression must then be copied to
9110; reinstate Twobit's invariants.
9112; FIXME: This code doesn't yet do the right thing with known local
9113; procedures that aren't called or are called in exactly one place.
9115(define (inline-using-callgraph! g)
9116 (let ((known (make-hashtable))
9117 (category2 '())
9118 (category3 '()))
9119 (for-each (lambda (node)
9120 (let ((name ( node))
9121 (tcalls (callgraphnode.tailcalls node))
9122 (ncalls (callgraphnode.nontailcalls node)))
9123 (if (symbol? name)
9124 (hashtable-put! known name node))
9125 (if (and (null? tcalls)
9126 (null? ncalls))
9127 (if (< (callgraphnode.size node)
9128 *nontail-threshold*)
9129 (! node #t))
9130 (if (symbol? name)
9131 (set! category2 (cons node category2))
9132 (set! category3 (cons node category3))))))
9133 g)
9134 (set! category2 (twobit-sort (lambda (x y)
9135 (< (callgraphnode.size x)
9136 (callgraphnode.size y)))
9137 category2))
9138 (for-each (lambda (node)
9139 (inline-node! node known))
9140 category2)
9141 (for-each (lambda (node)
9142 (inline-node! node known))
9143 category3)
9144 ; FIXME:
9145 ; Inlining destroys the callgraph, so maybe this cleanup is useless.
9146 (hashtable-for-each (lambda (name node) (! node #f))
9147 known)))
9149; Given a node of the callgraph and a hash table of nodes for
9150; known local procedures, performs inlining by side effect.
9152(define (inline-node! node known)
9153 (let* ((debugging? #f)
9154 (name ( node))
9155 (exp (callgraphnode.code node))
9156 (size0 (callgraphnode.size node))
9157 (budget (quotient (* (- *multiplier* 100) size0) 100))
9158 (tail-threshold *tail-threshold*)
9159 (nontail-threshold *nontail-threshold*))
9161 ; Given an expression,
9162 ; a boolean indicating whether the expression is in a tail context,
9163 ; a list of procedures that should not be inlined,
9164 ; and a size budget,
9165 ; performs inlining by side effect and returns the unused budget.
9167 (define (inline exp tail? budget)
9168 (if (positive? budget)
9170 (case (car exp)
9172 ((quote lambda)
9173 budget)
9175 ((set!)
9176 (inline (assignment.rhs exp) #f budget))
9178 ((if)
9179 (let* ((budget (inline (if.test exp) #f budget))
9180 (budget (inline (if.then exp) tail? budget))
9181 (budget (inline (if.else exp) tail? budget)))
9182 budget))
9184 ((begin)
9185 (if (variable? exp)
9186 budget
9187 (do ((exprs (begin.exprs exp) (cdr exprs))
9188 (budget budget
9189 (inline (car exprs) #f budget)))
9190 ((null? (cdr exprs))
9191 (inline (car exprs) tail? budget)))))
9193 (else
9194 (let ((budget (do ((exprs (call.args exp) (cdr exprs))
9195 (budget budget
9196 (inline (car exprs) #f budget)))
9197 ((null? exprs)
9198 budget))))
9199 (let ((proc (call.proc exp)))
9200 (cond ((variable? proc)
9201 (let* ((procname ( proc))
9202 (procnode (hashtable-get known procname)))
9203 (if procnode
9204 (let ((size (callgraphnode.size procnode))
9205 (info ( procnode)))
9206 (if (and info
9207 (<= size budget)
9208 (<= size
9209 (if tail?
9210 tail-threshold
9211 nontail-threshold)))
9212 (begin
9213 (if debugging?
9214 (begin
9215 (display " Inlining ")
9216 (write ( proc))
9217 (newline)))
9218 (call.proc-set!
9219 exp
9220 (copy-exp
9221 (callgraphnode.code procnode)))
9222 (callgraphnode.size!
9223 node
9224 (+ (callgraphnode.size node) size))
9225 (- budget size))
9226 (begin
9227 (if (and #f debugging?)
9228 (begin
9229 (display " Declining to inline ")
9230 (write ( proc))
9231 (newline)))
9232 budget)))
9233 budget)))
9234 ((lambda? proc)
9235 (inline (lambda.body proc) tail? budget))
9236 (else
9237 (inline proc #f budget)))))))
9238 -1))
9240 (if (and #f debugging?)
9241 (begin
9242 (display "Processing ")
9243 (write name)
9244 (newline)))
9246 (let ((budget (inline (if (lambda? exp)
9247 (lambda.body exp)
9248 exp)
9249 #t
9250 budget)))
9251 (if (and (negative? budget)
9252 debugging?)
9253 ; This shouldn't happen very often.
9254 (begin (display "Ran out of inlining budget for ")
9255 (write ( node))
9256 (newline)))
9257 (if (<= (callgraphnode.size node) nontail-threshold)
9258 (! node #t))
9259 #f)))
9261; For testing.
9263(define (test-inlining test0)
9264 (begin (define exp0 (begin (display "Compiling...")
9265 (newline)
9266 (pass2 (pass1 test0))))
9267 (define g0 (begin (display "Computing call graph...")
9268 (newline)
9269 (callgraph exp0))))
9270 (display "Inlining...")
9271 (newline)
9272 (inline-using-callgraph! g0)
9273 (pretty-print (make-readable (copy-exp exp0))))
9274; Copyright 1999 William D Clinger.
9276; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
9277; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
9278; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
9279; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
9281; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
9282; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
9283; the benefit of the Scheme community.
9285; 14 April 1999.
9287; Interprocedural constant propagation and folding.
9289; Constant propagation must converge before constant folding can be
9290; performed. Constant folding creates more constants that can be
9291; propagated, so these two optimizations must be iterated, but it
9292; is safe to stop at any time.
9294; Abstract interpretation for constant folding.
9296; The abstract values are
9297; bottom (represented here by #f)
9298; constants (represented by quoted literals)
9299; top (represented here by #t)
9301; Let [[ E ]] be the abstract interpretation of E over that domain
9302; of abstract values, with respect to some arbitrary set of abstract
9303; values for local variables.
9305; If a is a global variable or a formal parameter of an escaping
9306; lambda expression, then [[ a ]] = #t.
9308; If x is the ith formal parameter of a known local procedure f,
9309; then [[ x ]] = \join_{(f E1 ... En)} [[ Ei ]].
9311; [[ K ]] = K
9312; [[ L ]] = #t
9313; [[ (begin E1 ... En) ]] = [[ En ]]
9314; [[ (set! I E) ]] = #f
9316; If [[ E0 ]] = #t, then [[ (if E0 E1 E2) ]] = [[ E1 ]] \join [[ E2 ]]
9317; else if [[ E0 ]] = K, then [[ (if E0 E1 E2) ]] = [[ E1 ]]
9318; or [[ (if E0 E1 E2) ]] = [[ E2 ]]
9319; depending upon K
9320; else [[ (if E0 E1 E2) ]] = #f
9322; If f is a known local procedure with body E,
9323; then [[ (f E1 ... En) ]] = [[ E ]]
9325; If g is a foldable integrable procedure, then:
9326; if there is some i for which [[ Ei ]] = #t,
9327; then [[ (g E1 ... En) ]] = #t
9328; else if [[ E1 ]] = K1, ..., [[ En ]] = Kn,
9329; then [[ (g E1 ... En) ]] = (g K1 ... Kn)
9330; else [[ (g E1 ... En) ]] = #f
9332; Symbolic representations of abstract values.
9333; (Can be thought of as mappings from abstract environments to
9334; abstract values.)
9336; <symbolic> ::= #t | ( <expressions> )
9337; <expressions> ::= <empty> | <expression> <expressions>
9339; Parameter to limit constant propagation and folding.
9340; This parameter can be tuned later.
9342(define *constant-propagation-limit* 5)
9344; Given an expression as output by pass 2, performs constant
9345; propagation and folding.
9347(define (constant-propagation exp)
9348 (define (constant-propagation exp i)
9349 (if (< i *constant-propagation-limit*)
9350 (begin
9351 ;(display "Performing constant propagation and folding...")
9352 ;(newline)
9353 (let* ((g (callgraph exp))
9354 (L (callgraphnode.code (car g)))
9355 (variables (constant-propagation-using-callgraph g))
9356 (changed? (constant-folding! L variables)))
9357 (if changed?
9358 (constant-propagation (lambda.body L) (+ i 1))
9359 (lambda.body L))))))
9360 (constant-propagation exp 0))
9362; Given a callgraph, returns a hashtable of abstract values for
9363; all local variables.
9365(define (constant-propagation-using-callgraph g)
9366 (let ((debugging? #f)
9367 (folding? (integrate-usual-procedures))
9368 (known (make-hashtable))
9369 (variables (make-hashtable))
9370 (counter 0))
9372 ; Computes joins of abstract values.
9374 (define (join x y)
9375 (cond ((boolean? x)
9376 (if x #t y))
9377 ((boolean? y)
9378 (join y x))
9379 ((equal? x y)
9380 x)
9381 (else #t)))
9383 ; Given a <symbolic> and a vector of abstract values,
9384 ; evaluates the <symbolic> and returns its abstract value.
9386 (define (aeval rep env)
9387 (cond ((eq? rep #t)
9388 #t)
9389 ((null? rep)
9390 #f)
9391 ((null? (cdr rep))
9392 (aeval1 (car rep) env))
9393 (else
9394 (join (aeval1 (car rep) env)
9395 (aeval (cdr rep) env)))))
9397 (define (aeval1 exp env)
9399 (case (car exp)
9401 ((quote)
9402 exp)
9404 ((lambda)
9405 #t)
9407 ((set!)
9408 #f)
9410 ((begin)
9411 (if (variable? exp)
9412 (let* ((name ( exp))
9413 (i (hashtable-get variables name)))
9414 (if i
9415 (vector-ref env i)
9416 #t))
9417 (aeval1-error)))
9419 ((if)
9420 (let* ((val0 (aeval1 (if.test exp) env))
9421 (val1 (aeval1 (if.then exp) env))
9422 (val2 (aeval1 (if.else exp) env)))
9423 (cond ((eq? val0 #t)
9424 (join val1 val2))
9425 ((pair? val0)
9426 (if (constant.value val0)
9427 val1
9428 val2))
9429 (else
9430 #f))))
9432 (else
9433 (do ((exprs (reverse (call.args exp)) (cdr exprs))
9434 (vals '() (cons (aeval1 (car exprs) env) vals)))
9435 ((null? exprs)
9436 (let ((proc (call.proc exp)))
9437 (cond ((variable? proc)
9438 (let* ((procname ( proc))
9439 (procnode (hashtable-get known procname))
9440 (entry (if folding?
9441 (constant-folding-entry procname)
9442 #f)))
9443 (cond (procnode
9444 (vector-ref env
9445 (hashtable-get variables
9446 procname)))
9447 (entry
9448 ; FIXME: No constant folding
9449 #t)
9450 (else (aeval1-error)))))
9451 (else
9452 (aeval1-error)))))))))
9454 (define (aeval1-error)
9455 (error "Compiler bug: constant propagation (aeval1)"))
9457 ; Combines two <symbolic>s.
9459 (define (combine-symbolic rep1 rep2)
9460 (cond ((eq? rep1 #t) #t)
9461 ((eq? rep2 #t) #t)
9462 (else
9463 (append rep1 rep2))))
9465 ; Given an expression, returns a <symbolic> that represents
9466 ; a list of expressions whose abstract values can be joined
9467 ; to obtain the abstract value of the given expression.
9468 ; As a side effect, enters local variables into variables.
9470 (define (collect! exp)
9472 (case (car exp)
9474 ((quote)
9475 (list exp))
9477 ((lambda)
9478 #t)
9480 ((set!)
9481 (collect! (assignment.rhs exp))
9482 '())
9484 ((begin)
9485 (if (variable? exp)
9486 (list exp)
9487 (do ((exprs (begin.exprs exp) (cdr exprs)))
9488 ((null? (cdr exprs))
9489 (collect! (car exprs)))
9490 (collect! (car exprs)))))
9492 ((if)
9493 (collect! (if.test exp))
9494 (collect! (if.then exp))
9495 (collect! (if.else exp))
9496 #t)
9498 (else
9499 (do ((exprs (reverse (call.args exp)) (cdr exprs))
9500 (reps '() (cons (collect! (car exprs)) reps)))
9501 ((null? exprs)
9502 (let ((proc (call.proc exp)))
9503 (define (put-args! args reps)
9504 (cond ((pair? args)
9505 (let ((v (car args))
9506 (rep (car reps)))
9507 (hashtable-put! variables v rep)
9508 (put-args! (cdr args) (cdr reps))))
9509 ((symbol? args)
9510 (hashtable-put! variables args #t))
9511 (else #f)))
9512 (cond ((variable? proc)
9513 (let* ((procname ( proc))
9514 (procnode (hashtable-get known procname))
9515 (entry (if folding?
9516 (constant-folding-entry procname)
9517 #f)))
9518 (cond (procnode
9519 (for-each (lambda (v rep)
9520 (hashtable-put!
9521 variables
9522 v
9523 (combine-symbolic
9524 rep (hashtable-get variables v))))
9525 (lambda.args
9526 (callgraphnode.code procnode))
9527 reps)
9528 (list (make-variable procname)))
9529 (entry
9530 ; FIXME: No constant folding
9531 #t)
9532 (else #t))))
9533 ((lambda? proc)
9534 (put-args! (lambda.args proc) reps)
9535 (collect! (lambda.body proc)))
9536 (else
9537 (collect! proc)
9538 #t))))))))
9540 (for-each (lambda (node)
9541 (let* ((name ( node))
9542 (code (callgraphnode.code node))
9543 (known? (symbol? name))
9544 (rep (if known? '() #t)))
9545 (if known?
9546 (hashtable-put! known name node))
9547 (if (lambda? code)
9548 (for-each (lambda (var)
9549 (hashtable-put! variables var rep))
9550 (make-null-terminated (lambda.args code))))))
9551 g)
9553 (for-each (lambda (node)
9554 (let ((name ( node))
9555 (code (callgraphnode.code node)))
9556 (cond ((symbol? name)
9557 (hashtable-put! variables
9558 name
9559 (collect! (lambda.body code))))
9560 (else
9561 (collect! (lambda.body code))))))
9562 g)
9564 (if (and #f debugging?)
9565 (begin
9566 (hashtable-for-each (lambda (v rep)
9567 (write v)
9568 (display ": ")
9569 (write rep)
9570 (newline))
9571 variables)
9573 (display "----------------------------------------")
9574 (newline)))
9576 ;(trace aeval aeval1)
9578 (let* ((n (hashtable-size variables))
9579 (vars (hashtable-map (lambda (v rep) v) variables))
9580 (reps (map (lambda (v) (hashtable-get variables v)) vars))
9581 (init (make-vector n #f))
9582 (next (make-vector n)))
9583 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
9584 (vars vars (cdr vars))
9585 (reps reps (cdr reps)))
9586 ((= i n))
9587 (hashtable-put! variables (car vars) i)
9588 (vector-set! next
9589 i
9590 (let ((rep (car reps)))
9591 (lambda (env)
9592 (aeval rep env)))))
9593 (compute-fixedpoint init next equal?)
9594 (for-each (lambda (v)
9595 (let* ((i (hashtable-get variables v))
9596 (aval (vector-ref init i)))
9597 (hashtable-put! variables v aval)
9598 (if (and debugging?
9599 (not (eq? aval #t)))
9600 (begin (write v)
9601 (display ": ")
9602 (write aval)
9603 (newline)))))
9604 vars)
9605 variables)))
9607; Given a lambda expression, performs constant propagation, folding,
9608; and simplifications by side effect, using the abstract values in the
9609; hash table of variables.
9610; Returns #t if any new constants were created by constant folding,
9611; otherwise returns #f.
9613(define (constant-folding! L variables)
9614 (let ((debugging? #f)
9615 (msg1 " Propagating constant value for ")
9616 (msg2 " Folding: ")
9617 (msg3 " ==> ")
9618 (folding? (integrate-usual-procedures))
9619 (changed? #f))
9621 ; Given a known lambda expression L, its original formal parameters,
9622 ; and a list of all calls to L, deletes arguments that are now
9623 ; ignored because of constant propagation.
9625 (define (delete-ignored-args! L formals0 calls)
9626 (let ((formals1 (lambda.args L)))
9627 (for-each (lambda (call)
9628 (do ((formals0 formals0 (cdr formals0))
9629 (formals1 formals1 (cdr formals1))
9630 (args (call.args call)
9631 (cdr args))
9632 (newargs '()
9633 (if (and (eq? (car formals1) name:IGNORED)
9634 (pair?
9635 (hashtable-get variables
9636 (car formals0))))
9637 newargs
9638 (cons (car args) newargs))))
9639 ((null? formals0)
9640 (call.args-set! call (reverse newargs)))))
9641 calls)
9642 (do ((formals0 formals0 (cdr formals0))
9643 (formals1 formals1 (cdr formals1))
9644 (formals2 '()
9645 (if (and (not (eq? (car formals0)
9646 (car formals1)))
9647 (eq? (car formals1) name:IGNORED)
9648 (pair?
9649 (hashtable-get variables
9650 (car formals0))))
9651 formals2
9652 (cons (car formals1) formals2))))
9653 ((null? formals0)
9654 (lambda.args-set! L (reverse formals2))))))
9656 (define (fold! exp)
9658 (case (car exp)
9660 ((quote) exp)
9662 ((lambda)
9663 (let ((Rinfo (lambda.R exp))
9664 (known (map def.lhs (lambda.defs exp))))
9665 (for-each (lambda (entry)
9666 (let* ((v ( entry))
9667 (aval (hashtable-fetch variables v #t)))
9668 (if (and (pair? aval)
9669 (not (memq v known)))
9670 (let ((x (constant.value aval)))
9671 (if (or (boolean? x)
9672 (null? x)
9673 (symbol? x)
9674 (number? x)
9675 (char? x)
9676 (and (vector? x)
9677 (zero? (vector-length x))))
9678 (let ((refs (R-entry.references entry)))
9679 (for-each (lambda (ref)
9680 (variable-set! ref aval))
9681 refs)
9682 ; Do not try to use Rinfo in place of
9683 ; (lambda.R exp) below!
9684 (lambda.R-set!
9685 exp
9686 (remq entry (lambda.R exp)))
9687 (flag-as-ignored v exp)
9688 (if debugging?
9689 (begin (display msg1)
9690 (write v)
9691 (display ": ")
9692 (write aval)
9693 (newline)))))))))
9694 Rinfo)
9695 (for-each (lambda (def)
9696 (let* ((name (def.lhs def))
9697 (rhs (def.rhs def))
9698 (entry (R-lookup Rinfo name))
9699 (calls (R-entry.calls entry)))
9700 (if (null? calls)
9701 (begin (lambda.defs-set!
9702 exp
9703 (remq def (lambda.defs exp)))
9704 ; Do not try to use Rinfo in place of
9705 ; (lambda.R exp) below!
9706 (lambda.R-set!
9707 exp
9708 (remq entry (lambda.R exp))))
9709 (let* ((formals0 (append (lambda.args rhs) '()))
9710 (L (fold! rhs))
9711 (formals1 (lambda.args L)))
9712 (if (not (equal? formals0 formals1))
9713 (delete-ignored-args! L formals0 calls))))))
9714 (lambda.defs exp))
9715 (lambda.body-set!
9716 exp
9717 (fold! (lambda.body exp)))
9718 exp))
9720 ((set!)
9721 (assignment.rhs-set! exp (fold! (assignment.rhs exp)))
9722 exp)
9724 ((begin)
9725 (if (variable? exp)
9726 exp
9727 (post-simplify-begin (make-begin (map fold! (begin.exprs exp)))
9728 (make-notepad #f))))
9730 ((if)
9731 (let ((exp0 (fold! (if.test exp)))
9732 (exp1 (fold! (if.then exp)))
9733 (exp2 (fold! (if.else exp))))
9734 (if (constant? exp0)
9735 (let ((newexp (if (constant.value exp0)
9736 exp1
9737 exp2)))
9738 (if debugging?
9739 (begin (display msg2)
9740 (write (make-readable exp))
9741 (display msg3)
9742 (write (make-readable newexp))
9743 (newline)))
9744 (set! changed? #t)
9745 newexp)
9746 (make-conditional exp0 exp1 exp2))))
9748 (else
9749 (let ((args (map fold! (call.args exp)))
9750 (proc (fold! (call.proc exp))))
9751 (cond ((and folding?
9752 (variable? proc)
9753 (every? constant? args)
9754 (let ((entry
9755 (constant-folding-entry ( proc))))
9756 (and entry
9757 (let ((preds
9758 (constant-folding-predicates entry)))
9759 (and (= (length args) (length preds))
9760 (every?
9761 (lambda (x) x)
9762 (map (lambda (f v) (f v))
9763 (constant-folding-predicates entry)
9764 (map constant.value args))))))))
9765 (set! changed? #t)
9766 (let ((result
9767 (make-constant
9768 (apply (constant-folding-folder
9769 (constant-folding-entry
9770 ( proc)))
9771 (map constant.value args)))))
9772 (if debugging?
9773 (begin (display msg2)
9774 (write (make-readable (make-call proc args)))
9775 (display msg3)
9776 (write result)
9777 (newline)))
9778 result))
9779 ((and (lambda? proc)
9780 (list? (lambda.args proc)))
9781 ; FIXME: Folding should be done even if there is
9782 ; a rest argument.
9783 (let loop ((formals (reverse (lambda.args proc)))
9784 (actuals (reverse args))
9785 (processed-formals '())
9786 (processed-actuals '())
9787 (for-effect '()))
9788 (cond ((null? formals)
9789 (lambda.args-set! proc processed-formals)
9790 (call.args-set! exp processed-actuals)
9791 (let ((call (if (and (null? processed-formals)
9792 (null? (lambda.defs proc)))
9793 (lambda.body proc)
9794 exp)))
9795 (if (null? for-effect)
9796 call
9797 (post-simplify-begin
9798 (make-begin
9799 (reverse (cons call for-effect)))
9800 (make-notepad #f)))))
9801 ((ignored? (car formals))
9802 (loop (cdr formals)
9803 (cdr actuals)
9804 processed-formals
9805 processed-actuals
9806 (cons (car actuals) for-effect)))
9807 (else
9808 (loop (cdr formals)
9809 (cdr actuals)
9810 (cons (car formals) processed-formals)
9811 (cons (car actuals) processed-actuals)
9812 for-effect)))))
9813 (else
9814 (call.proc-set! exp proc)
9815 (call.args-set! exp args)
9816 exp))))))
9818 (fold! L)
9819 changed?))
9820; Copyright 1998 William D Clinger.
9822; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
9823; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
9824; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
9825; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
9827; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
9828; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
9829; the benefit of the Scheme community.
9831; 7 June 1999.
9833; Conversion to A-normal form, with heuristics for
9834; choosing a good order of evaluation.
9836; This pass operates as a source-to-source transformation on
9837; expressions written in the subset of Scheme described by the
9838; following grammar, where the input and output expressions
9839; satisfy certain additional invariants described below.
9841; "X ..." means zero or more occurrences of X.
9843; L --> (lambda (I_1 ...)
9844; (begin D ...)
9845; (quote (R F G <decls> <doc>)
9846; E)
9847; | (lambda (I_1 ... . I_rest)
9848; (begin D ...)
9849; (quote (R F G <decls> <doc>))
9850; E)
9851; D --> (define I L)
9852; E --> (quote K) ; constants
9853; | (begin I) ; variable references
9854; | L ; lambda expressions
9855; | (E0 E1 ...) ; calls
9856; | (set! I E) ; assignments
9857; | (if E0 E1 E2) ; conditionals
9858; | (begin E0 E1 E2 ...) ; sequential expressions
9859; I --> <identifier>
9861; R --> ((I <references> <assignments> <calls>) ...)
9862; F --> (I ...)
9863; G --> (I ...)
9865; Invariants that hold for the input only:
9866; * There are no assignments except to global variables.
9867; * If I is declared by an internal definition, then the right hand
9868; side of the internal definition is a lambda expression and I
9869; is referenced only in the procedure position of a call.
9870; * For each lambda expression, the associated F is a list of all
9871; the identifiers that occur free in the body of that lambda
9872; expression, and possibly a few extra identifiers that were
9873; once free but have been removed by optimization.
9874; * For each lambda expression, the associated G is a subset of F
9875; that contains every identifier that occurs free within some
9876; inner lambda expression that escapes, and possibly a few that
9877; don't. (Assignment-elimination does not calculate G exactly.)
9878; * Variables named IGNORED are neither referenced nor assigned.
9880; Invariants that hold for the output only:
9881; * There are no assignments except to global variables.
9882; * If I is declared by an internal definition, then the right hand
9883; side of the internal definition is a lambda expression and I
9884; is referenced only in the procedure position of a call.
9885; * R, F, and G are garbage.
9886; * There are no sequential expressions.
9887; * The output is an expression E with syntax
9889; E --> A
9890; | (L)
9891; | (L A)
9893; A --> W
9894; | L
9895; | (W_0 W_1 ...)
9896; | (set! I W)
9897; | (if W E1 E2)
9899; W --> (quote K)
9900; | (begin I)
9902; In other words:
9903; An expression is a LET* such that the rhs of every binding is
9904; a conditional with the test already evaluated, or
9905; an expression that can be evaluated in one step
9906; (treating function calls as a single step)
9908; A-normal form corresponds to the control flow graph for a lambda
9909; expression.
9911; Algorithm: repeated use of these rules:
9913; (E0 E1 ...) ((lambda (T0 T1 ...) (T0 T1 ...))
9914; E0 E1 ...)
9915; (set! I E) ((lambda (T) (set! I T)) E)
9916; (if E0 E1 E2) ((lambda (T) (if T E1 E2)) E0)
9917; (begin E0 E1 E2 ...) ((lambda (T) (begin E1 E2 ...)) E0)
9919; ((lambda (I1 I2 I3 ...) E) ((lambda (I1)
9920; E1 E2 E3) ((lambda (I2 I3 ...) E)
9921; E2 E3))
9922; E1)
9924; ((lambda (I2) E) ((lambda (I1)
9925; ((lambda (I1) E2) ((lambda (I2) E)
9926; E1)) E2)
9927; E1)
9929; In other words:
9930; Introduce a temporary name for every expression except:
9931; tail expressions
9932; the alternatives of a non-tail conditional
9933; Convert every LET into a LET*.
9934; Get rid of LET* on the right hand side of a binding.
9936; Given an expression E in the representation output by pass 2,
9937; returns an A-normal form for E in that representation.
9938; Except for quoted values, the A-normal form does not share
9939; mutable structure with the original expression E.
9941; KNOWN BUG:
9943; If you call A-normal on a form that has already been converted
9944; to A-normal form, then the same temporaries will be generated
9945; twice. An optional argument lets you specify a different prefix
9946; for temporaries the second time around. Example:
9948; (A-normal-form (A-normal-form E ".T")
9949; ".U")
9951; This is the declaration that is used to indicate A-normal form.
9953(define A-normal-form-declaration (list 'anf))
9955(define (A-normal-form E . rest)
9957 (define (A-normal-form E)
9958 (anf-make-let* (anf E '() '())))
9960 ; New temporaries.
9962 (define temp-counter 0)
9964 (define temp-prefix
9965 (if (or (null? rest)
9966 (not (string? (car rest))))
9967 (string-append renaming-prefix "T")
9968 (car rest)))
9970 (define (newtemp)
9971 (set! temp-counter (+ temp-counter 1))
9972 (string->symbol
9973 (string-append temp-prefix
9974 (number->string temp-counter))))
9976 ; Given an expression E as output by pass 2,
9977 ; a list of surrounding LET* bindings,
9978 ; and an ordered list of likely register variables,
9979 ; return a non-empty list of LET* bindings
9980 ; whose first binding associates a dummy variable
9981 ; with an A-expression giving the value for E.
9983 (define (anf E bindings regvars)
9984 (case (car E)
9985 ((quote) (anf-bind-dummy E bindings))
9986 ((begin) (if (variable? E)
9987 (anf-bind-dummy E bindings)
9988 (anf-sequential E bindings regvars)))
9989 ((lambda) (anf-lambda E bindings regvars))
9990 ((set!) (anf-assignment E bindings regvars))
9991 ((if) (anf-conditional E bindings regvars))
9992 (else (anf-call E bindings regvars))))
9994 (define anf:dummy (string->symbol "RESULT"))
9996 (define (anf-bind-dummy E bindings)
9997 (cons (list anf:dummy E)
9998 bindings))
10000 ; Unlike anf-bind-dummy, anf-bind-name and anf-bind convert
10001 ; their expression argument to A-normal form.
10002 ; Don't change anf-bind to call anf-bind-name, because that
10003 ; would name the temporaries in an aesthetically bad order.
10005 (define (anf-bind-name name E bindings regvars)
10006 (let ((bindings (anf E bindings regvars)))
10007 (cons (list name (cadr (car bindings)))
10008 (cdr bindings))))
10010 (define (anf-bind E bindings regvars)
10011 (let ((bindings (anf E bindings regvars)))
10012 (cons (list (newtemp) (cadr (car bindings)))
10013 (cdr bindings))))
10015 (define (anf-result bindings)
10016 (make-variable (car (car bindings))))
10018 (define (anf-make-let* bindings)
10019 (define (loop bindings body)
10020 (if (null? bindings)
10021 body
10022 (let ((T1 (car (car bindings)))
10023 (E1 (cadr (car bindings))))
10024 (loop (cdr bindings)
10025 (make-call (make-lambda (list T1)
10026 '()
10027 '()
10028 '()
10029 '()
10030 (list A-normal-form-declaration)
10031 '()
10032 body)
10033 (list E1))))))
10034 (loop (cdr bindings)
10035 (cadr (car bindings))))
10037 (define (anf-sequential E bindings regvars)
10038 (do ((bindings bindings
10039 (anf-bind (car exprs) bindings regvars))
10040 (exprs (begin.exprs E)
10041 (cdr exprs)))
10042 ((null? (cdr exprs))
10043 (anf (car exprs) bindings regvars))))
10045 ; Heuristic: the formal parameters of an escaping lambda or
10046 ; known local procedure are kept in REG1, REG2, et cetera.
10048 (define (anf-lambda L bindings regvars)
10049 (anf-bind-dummy
10050 (make-lambda (lambda.args L)
10051 (map (lambda (def)
10052 (make-definition
10053 (def.lhs def)
10054 (A-normal-form (def.rhs def))))
10055 (lambda.defs L))
10056 '()
10057 '()
10058 '()
10059 (cons A-normal-form-declaration
10060 (lambda.decls L))
10061 (lambda.doc L)
10062 (anf-make-let*
10063 (anf (lambda.body L)
10064 '()
10065 (make-null-terminated (lambda.args L)))))
10066 bindings))
10068 (define (anf-assignment E bindings regvars)
10069 (let ((I (assignment.lhs E))
10070 (E1 (assignment.rhs E)))
10071 (if (variable? E1)
10072 (anf-bind-dummy E bindings)
10073 (let* ((bindings (anf-bind E1 bindings regvars))
10074 (T1 (anf-result bindings)))
10075 (anf-bind-dummy (make-assignment I T1) bindings)))))
10077 (define (anf-conditional E bindings regvars)
10078 (let ((E0 (if.test E))
10079 (E1 (if.then E))
10080 (E2 (if.else E)))
10081 (if (variable? E0)
10082 (let ((E1 (anf-make-let* (anf E1 '() regvars)))
10083 (E2 (anf-make-let* (anf E2 '() regvars))))
10084 (anf-bind-dummy
10085 (make-conditional E0 E1 E2)
10086 bindings))
10087 (let* ((bindings (anf-bind E0 bindings regvars))
10088 (E1 (anf-make-let* (anf E1 '() regvars)))
10089 (E2 (anf-make-let* (anf E2 '() regvars))))
10090 (anf-bind-dummy
10091 (make-conditional (anf-result bindings) E1 E2)
10092 bindings)))))
10094 (define (anf-call E bindings regvars)
10095 (let* ((proc (call.proc E))
10096 (args (call.args E)))
10098 ; Evaluates the exprs and returns both a list of bindings and
10099 ; a list of the temporaries that name the results of the exprs.
10100 ; If rename-always? is true, then temporaries are generated even
10101 ; for constants and temporaries.
10103 (define (loop exprs bindings names rename-always?)
10104 (if (null? exprs)
10105 (values bindings (reverse names))
10106 (let ((E (car exprs)))
10107 (if (or rename-always?
10108 (not (or (constant? E)
10109 (variable? E))))
10110 (let* ((bindings
10111 (anf-bind (car exprs) bindings regvars)))
10112 (loop (cdr exprs)
10113 bindings
10114 (cons (anf-result bindings) names)
10115 rename-always?))
10116 (loop (cdr exprs)
10117 bindings
10118 (cons E names)
10119 rename-always?)))))
10121 ; Evaluates the exprs, binding them to the vars, and returns
10122 ; a list of bindings.
10123 ;
10124 ; Although LET variables are likely to be kept in registers,
10125 ; trying to guess which register will be allocated is likely
10126 ; to do more harm than good.
10128 (define (let-loop exprs bindings regvars vars)
10129 (if (null? exprs)
10130 (if (null? (lambda.defs proc))
10131 (anf (lambda.body proc)
10132 bindings
10133 regvars)
10134 (let ((bindings
10135 (anf-bind
10136 (make-lambda '()
10137 (lambda.defs proc)
10138 '()
10139 '()
10140 '()
10141 (cons A-normal-form-declaration
10142 (lambda.decls proc))
10143 (lambda.doc proc)
10144 (lambda.body proc))
10145 bindings
10146 '())))
10147 (anf-bind-dummy
10148 (make-call (anf-result bindings) '())
10149 bindings)))
10150 (let-loop (cdr exprs)
10151 (anf-bind-name (car vars)
10152 (car exprs)
10153 bindings
10154 regvars)
10155 regvars
10156 (cdr vars))))
10158 (cond ((lambda? proc)
10159 (let ((formals (lambda.args proc)))
10160 (if (list? formals)
10161 (let* ((pi (anf-order-of-evaluation args regvars #f))
10162 (exprs (permute args pi))
10163 (names (permute (lambda.args proc) pi)))
10164 (let-loop (reverse exprs) bindings regvars (reverse names)))
10165 (anf-call (normalize-let E) bindings regvars))))
10167 ((not (variable? proc))
10168 (let ((pi (anf-order-of-evaluation args regvars #f)))
10169 (call-with-values
10170 (lambda () (loop (permute args pi) bindings '() #t))
10171 (lambda (bindings names)
10172 (let ((bindings (anf-bind proc bindings regvars)))
10173 (anf-bind-dummy
10174 (make-call (anf-result bindings)
10175 (unpermute names pi))
10176 bindings))))))
10178 ((and (integrate-usual-procedures)
10179 (prim-entry ( proc)))
10180 (let ((pi (anf-order-of-evaluation args regvars #t)))
10181 (call-with-values
10182 (lambda () (loop (permute args pi) bindings '() #t))
10183 (lambda (bindings names)
10184 (anf-bind-dummy
10185 (make-call proc (unpermute names pi))
10186 bindings)))))
10188 ((memq ( proc) regvars)
10189 (let* ((exprs (cons proc args))
10190 (pi (anf-order-of-evaluation
10191 exprs
10192 (cons name:IGNORED regvars)
10193 #f)))
10194 (call-with-values
10195 (lambda () (loop (permute exprs pi) bindings '() #t))
10196 (lambda (bindings names)
10197 (let ((names (unpermute names pi)))
10198 (anf-bind-dummy
10199 (make-call (car names) (cdr names))
10200 bindings))))))
10202 (else
10203 (let ((pi (anf-order-of-evaluation args regvars #f)))
10204 (call-with-values
10205 (lambda () (loop (permute args pi) bindings '() #t))
10206 (lambda (bindings names)
10207 (anf-bind-dummy
10208 (make-call proc (unpermute names pi))
10209 bindings))))))))
10211 ; Given a list of expressions, a list of likely register contents,
10212 ; and a switch telling whether these are arguments for a primop
10213 ; or something else (such as the arguments for a real call),
10214 ; try to choose a good order in which to evaluate the expressions.
10215 ;
10216 ; Heuristic: If none of the expressions is a call to a non-primop,
10217 ; then parallel assignment optimization gives a good order if the
10218 ; regvars are right, and should do no worse than a random order if
10219 ; the regvars are wrong.
10220 ;
10221 ; Heuristic: If the expressions are arguments to a primop, and
10222 ; none are a call to a non-primop, then the register contents
10223 ; are irrelevant, and the first argument should be evaluated last.
10224 ;
10225 ; Heuristic: If one or more of the expressions is a call to a
10226 ; non-primop, then the following should be a good order:
10227 ;
10228 ; expressions that are neither a constant, variable, or a call
10229 ; calls to non-primops
10230 ; constants and variables
10232 (define (anf-order-of-evaluation exprs regvars for-primop?)
10233 (define (ordering targets exprs alist)
10234 (let ((para
10235 (parallel-assignment targets alist exprs)))
10236 (or para
10237 ; Evaluate left to right until a parallel assignment is found.
10238 (cons (car targets)
10239 (ordering (cdr targets)
10240 (cdr exprs)
10241 alist)))))
10242 (if (parallel-assignment-optimization)
10243 (cond ((null? exprs) '())
10244 ((null? (cdr exprs)) '(0))
10245 (else
10246 (let* ((contains-call? #f)
10247 (vexprs (list->vector exprs))
10248 (vindexes (list->vector
10249 (iota (vector-length vexprs))))
10250 (contains-call? #f)
10251 (categories
10252 (list->vector
10253 (map (lambda (E)
10254 (cond ((constant? E)
10255 2)
10256 ((variable? E)
10257 2)
10258 ((complicated? E)
10259 (set! contains-call? #t)
10260 1)
10261 (else
10262 0)))
10263 exprs))))
10264 (cond (contains-call?
10265 (twobit-sort (lambda (i j)
10266 (< (vector-ref categories i)
10267 (vector-ref categories j)))
10268 (iota (length exprs))))
10269 (for-primop?
10270 (reverse (iota (length exprs))))
10271 (else
10272 (let ((targets (iota (length exprs))))
10273 (define (pairup regvars targets)
10274 (if (or (null? targets)
10275 (null? regvars))
10276 '()
10277 (cons (cons (car regvars)
10278 (car targets))
10279 (pairup (cdr regvars)
10280 (cdr targets)))))
10281 (ordering targets
10282 exprs
10283 (pairup regvars targets))))))))
10284 (iota (length exprs))))
10286 (define (permute things pi)
10287 (let ((v (list->vector things)))
10288 (map (lambda (i) (vector-ref v i))
10289 pi)))
10291 (define (unpermute things pi)
10292 (let* ((v0 (list->vector things))
10293 (v1 (make-vector (vector-length v0))))
10294 (do ((pi pi (cdr pi))
10295 (k 0 (+ k 1)))
10296 ((null? pi)
10297 (vector->list v1))
10298 (vector-set! v1 (car pi) (vector-ref v0 k)))))
10300 ; Given a call whose procedure is a lambda expression that has
10301 ; a rest argument, return a genuine let expression.
10303 (define (normalize-let-error exp)
10304 (if (issue-warnings)
10305 (begin (display "WARNING from compiler: ")
10306 (display "Wrong number of arguments ")
10307 (display "to lambda expression")
10308 (newline)
10309 (pretty-print (make-readable exp) #t)
10310 (newline))))
10312 (define (normalize-let exp)
10313 (let* ((L (call.proc exp)))
10314 (let loop ((formals (lambda.args L))
10315 (args (call.args exp))
10316 (newformals '())
10317 (newargs '()))
10318 (cond ((null? formals)
10319 (if (null? args)
10320 (begin (lambda.args-set! L (reverse newformals))
10321 (call.args-set! exp (reverse newargs)))
10322 (begin (normalize-let-error exp)
10323 (loop (list (newtemp))
10324 args
10325 newformals
10326 newargs))))
10327 ((pair? formals)
10328 (if (pair? args)
10329 (loop (cdr formals)
10330 (cdr args)
10331 (cons (car formals) newformals)
10332 (cons (car args) newargs))
10333 (begin (normalize-let-error exp)
10334 (loop formals
10335 (cons (make-constant 0)
10336 args)
10337 newformals
10338 newargs))))
10339 (else
10340 (loop (list formals)
10341 (list (make-call-to-list args))
10342 newformals
10343 newargs))))))
10345 ; For heuristic use only.
10346 ; An expression is complicated unless it can probably be evaluated
10347 ; without saving and restoring any registers, even if it occurs in
10348 ; a non-tail position.
10350 (define (complicated? exp)
10351 ; Let's not spend all day on this.
10352 (let ((budget 10))
10353 (define (complicated? exp)
10354 (set! budget (- budget 1))
10355 (if (zero? budget)
10356 #t
10357 (case (car exp)
10358 ((quote) #f)
10359 ((lambda) #f)
10360 ((set!) (complicated? (assignment.rhs exp)))
10361 ((if) (or (complicated? (if.test exp))
10362 (complicated? (if.then exp))
10363 (complicated? (if.else exp))))
10364 ((begin) (if (variable? exp)
10365 #f
10366 (some? complicated?
10367 (begin.exprs exp))))
10368 (else (let ((proc (call.proc exp)))
10369 (if (and (variable? proc)
10370 (integrate-usual-procedures)
10371 (prim-entry ( proc)))
10372 (some? complicated?
10373 (call.args exp))
10374 #t))))))
10375 (complicated? exp)))
10377 (A-normal-form E))
10378(define (post-simplify-anf L0 T1 E0 E1 free regbindings L2)
10380 (define (return-normally)
10381 (values (make-call L0 (list E1))
10382 free
10383 regbindings))
10385 (return-normally))
10386; Copyright 1999 William D Clinger.
10388; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
10389; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
10390; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
10391; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
10393; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
10394; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
10395; the benefit of the Scheme community.
10397; 7 June 1999.
10399; Intraprocedural common subexpression elimination, constant propagation,
10400; copy propagation, dead code elimination, and register targeting.
10402; (intraprocedural-commoning E 'commoning)
10404; Given an A-normal form E (alpha-converted, with correct free
10405; variables and referencing information), returns an optimized
10406; A-normal form with correct free variables but incorrect referencing
10407; information.
10409; (intraprocedural-commoning E 'target-registers)
10411; Given an A-normal form E (alpha-converted, with correct free
10412; variables and referencing information), returns an A-normal form
10413; with correct free variables but incorrect referencing information,
10414; and in which MacScheme machine register names are used as temporary
10415; variables. The result is alpha-converted except for register names.
10417; (intraprocedural-commoning E 'commoning 'target-registers)
10418; (intraprocedural-commoning E)
10420; Given an A-normal form as described above, returns an optimized
10421; form in which register names are used as temporary variables.
10423; Semantics of .check!:
10425; (.check! b exn x ...) faults with code exn and arguments x ...
10426; if b is #f.
10428; The list of argument registers.
10429; This can't go in pass3commoning.aux.sch because that file must be
10430; loaded before the target-specific file that defines *nregs*.
10432(define argument-registers
10433 (do ((n (- *nregs* 2) (- n 1))
10434 (regs '()
10435 (cons (string->symbol
10436 (string-append ".REG" (number->string n)))
10437 regs)))
10438 ((zero? n)
10439 regs)))
10441(define (intraprocedural-commoning E . flags)
10443 (define target-registers? (or (null? flags) (memq 'target-registers flags)))
10444 (define commoning? (or (null? flags) (memq 'commoning flags)))
10446 (define debugging? #f)
10448 (call-with-current-continuation
10449 (lambda (return)
10451 (define (error . stuff)
10452 (display "Bug detected during intraprocedural optimization")
10453 (newline)
10454 (for-each (lambda (s)
10455 (display s) (newline))
10456 stuff)
10457 (return (make-constant #f)))
10459 ; Given an expression, an environment, the available expressions,
10460 ; and an ordered list of likely register variables (used heuristically),
10461 ; returns the transformed expression and its set of free variables.
10463 (define (scan-body E env available regvars)
10465 ; The local variables are those that are bound by a LET within
10466 ; this procedure. The formals of a lambda expression and the
10467 ; known local procedures are counted as non-global, not local,
10468 ; because there is no let-binding for a formal that can be
10469 ; renamed during register targeting.
10470 ; For each local variable, we keep track of how many times it
10471 ; is referenced. This information is not accurate until we
10472 ; are backing out of the recursion, and does not have to be.
10474 (define local-variables (make-hashtable symbol-hash assq))
10476 (define (local-variable? sym)
10477 (hashtable-get local-variables sym))
10479 (define (local-variable-not-used? sym)
10480 (= 0 (hashtable-fetch local-variables sym -1)))
10482 (define (local-variable-used-once? sym)
10483 (= 1 (hashtable-fetch local-variables sym 0)))
10485 (define (record-local-variable! sym)
10486 (hashtable-put! local-variables sym 0))
10488 (define (used-local-variable! sym)
10489 (adjust-local-variable! sym 1))
10491 (define (adjust-local-variable! sym n)
10492 (let ((m (hashtable-get local-variables sym)))
10493 (if debugging?
10494 (if (and m (> m 0))
10495 (begin (write (list sym (+ m n)))
10496 (newline))))
10497 (if m
10498 (hashtable-put! local-variables
10499 sym
10500 (+ m n)))))
10502 (define (closed-over-local-variable! sym)
10503 ; Set its reference count to infinity so it won't be optimized away.
10504 ; FIXME: One million isn't infinity.
10505 (hashtable-put! local-variables sym 1000000))
10507 (define (used-variable! sym)
10508 (used-local-variable! sym))
10510 (define (abandon-expression! E)
10511 (cond ((variable? E)
10512 (adjust-local-variable! ( E) -1))
10513 ((conditional? E)
10514 (abandon-expression! (if.test E))
10515 (abandon-expression! (if.then E))
10516 (abandon-expression! (if.else E)))
10517 ((call? E)
10518 (for-each (lambda (exp)
10519 (if (variable? exp)
10520 (let ((name ( exp)))
10521 (if (local-variable? name)
10522 (adjust-local-variable! name -1)))))
10523 (cons (call.proc E)
10524 (call.args E))))))
10526 ; Environments are represented as hashtrees.
10528 (define (make-empty-environment)
10529 (make-hashtree symbol-hash assq))
10531 (define (environment-extend env sym)
10532 (hashtree-put env sym #t))
10534 (define (environment-extend* env symbols)
10535 (if (null? symbols)
10536 env
10537 (environment-extend* (hashtree-put env (car symbols) #t)
10538 (cdr symbols))))
10540 (define (environment-lookup env sym)
10541 (hashtree-get env sym))
10543 (define (global? x)
10544 (cond ((local-variable? x)
10545 #f)
10546 ((environment-lookup env x)
10547 #f)
10548 (else
10549 #t)))
10551 ;
10553 (define (available-add! available T E)
10554 (cond ((constant? E)
10555 (available-extend! available T E available:killer:immortal))
10556 ((variable? E)
10557 (available-extend! available
10558 T
10559 E
10560 (if (global? ( E))
10561 available:killer:globals
10562 available:killer:immortal)))
10563 (else
10564 (let ((entry (prim-call E)))
10565 (if entry
10566 (let ((killer (prim-lives-until entry)))
10567 (if (not (eq? killer available:killer:dead))
10568 (do ((args (call.args E) (cdr args))
10569 (k killer
10570 (let ((arg (car args)))
10571 (if (and (variable? arg)
10572 (global? ( arg)))
10573 available:killer:globals
10574 k))))
10575 ((null? args)
10576 (available-extend!
10577 available
10578 T
10579 E
10580 (logior killer k)))))))))))
10582 ; Given an expression E,
10583 ; an environment containing all variables that are in scope,
10584 ; and a table of available expressions,
10585 ; returns multiple values:
10586 ; the transformed E
10587 ; the free variables of E
10588 ; the register bindings to be inserted; each binding has the form
10589 ; (R x (begin R)), where (begin R) is a reference to R.
10590 ;
10591 ; Side effects E.
10593 (define (scan E env available)
10594 (if (not (call? E))
10595 (scan-rhs E env available)
10596 (let ((proc (call.proc E)))
10597 (if (not (lambda? proc))
10598 (scan-rhs E env available)
10599 (let ((vars (lambda.args proc)))
10600 (cond ((null? vars)
10601 (scan-let0 E env available))
10602 ((null? (cdr vars))
10603 (scan-binding E env available))
10604 (else
10605 (error (make-readable E)))))))))
10607 ; E has the form of (let ((T1 E1)) E0).
10609 (define (scan-binding E env available)
10610 (let* ((L (call.proc E))
10611 (T1 (car (lambda.args L)))
10612 (E1 (car (call.args E)))
10613 (E0 (lambda.body L)))
10614 (record-local-variable! T1)
10615 (call-with-values
10616 (lambda () (scan-rhs E1 env available))
10617 (lambda (E1 F1 regbindings1)
10618 (available-add! available T1 E1)
10619 (let* ((env (let ((formals
10620 (make-null-terminated (lambda.args L))))
10621 (environment-extend*
10622 (environment-extend* env formals)
10623 (map def.lhs (lambda.defs L)))))
10624 (Fdefs (scan-defs L env available)))
10625 (call-with-values
10626 (lambda () (scan E0 env available))
10627 (lambda (E0 F0 regbindings0)
10628 (lambda.body-set! L E0)
10629 (if target-registers?
10630 (scan-binding-phase2
10631 L T1 E0 E1 F0 F1 Fdefs regbindings0 regbindings1)
10632 (scan-binding-phase3
10633 L E0 E1 (union F0 Fdefs)
10634 F1 regbindings0 regbindings1)))))))))
10636 ; Given the lambda expression for a let expression that binds
10637 ; a single variable T1, the transformed body E0 and right hand side E1,
10638 ; their sets of free variables F0 and F1, the set of free variables
10639 ; for the internal definitions of L, and the sets of register
10640 ; bindings that need to be wrapped around E0 and E1, returns the
10641 ; transformed let expression, its free variables, and register
10642 ; bindings.
10643 ;
10644 ; This phase is concerned exclusively with register bindings,
10645 ; and is bypassed unless the target-registers flag is specified.
10647 (define (scan-binding-phase2
10648 L T1 E0 E1 F0 F1 Fdefs regbindings0 regbindings1)
10650 ; T1 can't be a register because we haven't
10651 ; yet inserted register bindings that high up.
10653 ; Classify the register bindings that need to wrapped around E0:
10654 ; 1. those that have T1 as their rhs
10655 ; 2. those whose lhs is a register that is likely to hold
10656 ; a variable that occurs free in E1
10657 ; 3. all others
10659 (define (phase2a)
10660 (do ((rvars regvars (cdr rvars))
10661 (regs argument-registers (cdr regs))
10662 (regs1 '() (if (memq (car rvars) F1)
10663 (cons (car regs) regs1)
10664 regs1)))
10665 ((or (null? rvars)
10666 (null? regs))
10667 ; regs1 is the set of registers that are live for E1
10669 (let loop ((regbindings regbindings0)
10670 (rb1 '())
10671 (rb2 '())
10672 (rb3 '()))
10673 (if (null? regbindings)
10674 (phase2b rb1 rb2 rb3)
10675 (let* ((binding (car regbindings))
10676 (regbindings (cdr regbindings))
10677 (lhs (regbinding.lhs binding))
10678 (rhs (regbinding.rhs binding)))
10679 (cond ((eq? rhs T1)
10680 (loop regbindings
10681 (cons binding rb1)
10682 rb2
10683 rb3))
10684 ((memq lhs regs1)
10685 (loop regbindings
10686 rb1
10687 (cons binding rb2)
10688 rb3))
10689 (else
10690 (loop regbindings
10691 rb1
10692 rb2
10693 (cons binding rb3))))))))))
10695 ; Determine which categories of register bindings should be
10696 ; wrapped around E0.
10697 ; Always wrap the register bindings in category 2.
10698 ; If E1 is a conditional or a real call, then wrap category 3.
10699 ; If T1 might be used more than once, then wrap category 1.
10701 (define (phase2b rb1 rb2 rb3)
10702 (if (or (conditional? E1)
10703 (real-call? E1))
10704 (phase2c (append rb2 rb3) rb1 '())
10705 (phase2c rb2 rb1 rb3)))
10707 (define (phase2c towrap rb1 regbindings0)
10708 (cond ((and (not (null? rb1))
10709 (local-variable-used-once? T1))
10710 (phase2d towrap rb1 regbindings0))
10711 (else
10712 (phase2e (append rb1 towrap) regbindings0))))
10714 ; T1 is used only once, and there is a register binding (R T1).
10715 ; Change T1 to R.
10717 (define (phase2d towrap regbindings-T1 regbindings0)
10718 (if (not (null? (cdr regbindings-T1)))
10719 (error "incorrect number of uses" T1))
10720 (let* ((regbinding (car regbindings-T1))
10721 (R (regbinding.lhs regbinding)))
10722 (lambda.args-set! L (list R))
10723 (phase2e towrap regbindings0)))
10725 ; Wrap the selected register bindings around E0.
10727 (define (phase2e towrap regbindings0)
10728 (call-with-values
10729 (lambda ()
10730 (wrap-with-register-bindings towrap E0 F0))
10731 (lambda (E0 F0)
10732 (let ((F (union Fdefs F0)))
10733 (scan-binding-phase3
10734 L E0 E1 F F1 regbindings0 regbindings1)))))
10736 (phase2a))
10738 ; This phase, with arguments as above, constructs the result.
10740 (define (scan-binding-phase3 L E0 E1 F F1 regbindings0 regbindings1)
10741 (let* ((args (lambda.args L))
10742 (T1 (car args))
10743 (free (union F1 (difference F args)))
10744 (simple-let? (simple-lambda? L))
10745 (regbindings
10747 ; At least one of regbindings0 and regbindings1
10748 ; is the empty list.
10750 (cond ((null? regbindings0)
10751 regbindings1)
10752 ((null? regbindings1)
10753 regbindings0)
10754 (else
10755 (error 'scan-binding 'regbindings)))))
10756 (lambda.body-set! L E0)
10757 (lambda.F-set! L F)
10758 (lambda.G-set! L F)
10759 (cond ((and simple-let?
10760 (not (memq T1 F))
10761 (no-side-effects? E1))
10762 (abandon-expression! E1)
10763 (values E0 F regbindings0))
10764 ((and target-registers?
10765 simple-let?
10766 (local-variable-used-once? T1))
10767 (post-simplify-anf L T1 E0 E1 free regbindings #f))
10768 (else
10769 (values (make-call L (list E1))
10770 free
10771 regbindings)))))
10773 (define (scan-let0 E env available)
10774 (let ((L (call.proc E)))
10775 (if (simple-lambda? L)
10776 (scan (lambda.body L) env available)
10777 (let ((T1 (make-variable name:IGNORED)))
10778 (lambda.args-set! L (list T1))
10779 (call-with-values
10780 (lambda () (scan (make-call L (list (make-constant 0)))
10781 env
10782 available))
10783 (lambda (E F regbindings)
10784 (lambda.args-set! L '())
10785 (values (make-call L '())
10786 F
10787 regbindings)))))))
10789 ; Optimizes the internal definitions of L and returns their
10790 ; free variables.
10792 (define (scan-defs L env available)
10793 (let loop ((defs (lambda.defs L))
10794 (newdefs '())
10795 (Fdefs '()))
10796 (if (null? defs)
10797 (begin (lambda.defs-set! L (reverse newdefs))
10798 Fdefs)
10799 (let ((def (car defs)))
10800 (call-with-values
10801 (lambda ()
10802 (let* ((Ldef (def.rhs def))
10803 (Lformals (make-null-terminated (lambda.args Ldef)))
10804 (Lenv (environment-extend*
10805 (environment-extend* env Lformals)
10806 (map def.lhs (lambda.defs Ldef)))))
10807 (scan Ldef Lenv available)))
10808 (lambda (rhs Frhs empty)
10809 (if (not (null? empty))
10810 (error 'scan-binding 'def))
10811 (loop (cdr defs)
10812 (cons (make-definition (def.lhs def) rhs)
10813 newdefs)
10814 (union Frhs Fdefs))))))))
10816 ; Given the right-hand side of a let-binding, an environment,
10817 ; and a table of available expressions, returns the transformed
10818 ; expression, its free variables, and the register bindings that
10819 ; need to be wrapped around it.
10821 (define (scan-rhs E env available)
10823 (cond
10824 ((constant? E)
10825 (values E (empty-set) '()))
10827 ((variable? E)
10828 (let* ((name ( E))
10829 (Enew (and commoning?
10830 (if (global? name)
10831 (let ((T (available-expression
10832 available E)))
10833 (if T
10834 (make-variable T)
10835 #f))
10836 (available-variable available name)))))
10837 (if Enew
10838 (scan-rhs Enew env available)
10839 (begin (used-variable! name)
10840 (values E (list name) '())))))
10842 ((lambda? E)
10843 (let* ((formals (make-null-terminated (lambda.args E)))
10844 (env (environment-extend*
10845 (environment-extend* env formals)
10846 (map def.lhs (lambda.defs E))))
10847 (Fdefs (scan-defs E env available)))
10848 (call-with-values
10849 (lambda ()
10850 (let ((available (copy-available-table available)))
10851 (available-kill! available available:killer:all)
10852 (scan-body (lambda.body E)
10853 env
10854 available
10855 formals)))
10856 (lambda (E0 F0 regbindings0)
10857 (call-with-values
10858 (lambda ()
10859 (wrap-with-register-bindings regbindings0 E0 F0))
10860 (lambda (E0 F0)
10861 (lambda.body-set! E E0)
10862 (let ((F (union Fdefs F0)))
10863 (for-each (lambda (x)
10864 (closed-over-local-variable! x))
10865 F)
10866 (lambda.F-set! E F)
10867 (lambda.G-set! E F)
10868 (values E
10869 (difference F
10870 (make-null-terminated
10871 (lambda.args E)))
10872 '()))))))))
10874 ((conditional? E)
10875 (let ((E0 (if.test E))
10876 (E1 (if.then E))
10877 (E2 (if.else E)))
10878 (if (constant? E0)
10879 ; FIXME: E1 and E2 might not be a legal rhs,
10880 ; so we can't just return the simplified E1 or E2.
10881 (let ((E1 (if (constant.value E0) E1 E2)))
10882 (call-with-values
10883 (lambda () (scan E1 env available))
10884 (lambda (E1 F1 regbindings1)
10885 (cond ((or (not (call? E1))
10886 (not (lambda? (call.proc E1))))
10887 (values E1 F1 regbindings1))
10888 (else
10889 ; FIXME: Must return a valid rhs.
10890 (values (make-conditional
10891 (make-constant #t)
10892 E1
10893 (make-constant 0))
10894 F1
10895 regbindings1))))))
10896 (call-with-values
10897 (lambda () (scan E0 env available))
10898 (lambda (E0 F0 regbindings0)
10899 (if (not (null? regbindings0))
10900 (error 'scan-rhs 'if))
10901 (if (not (eq? E0 (if.test E)))
10902 (scan-rhs (make-conditional E0 E1 E2)
10903 env available)
10904 (let ((available1
10905 (copy-available-table available))
10906 (available2
10907 (copy-available-table available)))
10908 (if (variable? E0)
10909 (let ((T0 ( E0)))
10910 (available-add!
10911 available2 T0 (make-constant #f)))
10912 (error (make-readable E #t)))
10913 (call-with-values
10914 (lambda () (scan E1 env available1))
10915 (lambda (E1 F1 regbindings1)
10916 (call-with-values
10917 (lambda ()
10918 (wrap-with-register-bindings
10919 regbindings1 E1 F1))
10920 (lambda (E1 F1)
10921 (call-with-values
10922 (lambda () (scan E2 env available2))
10923 (lambda (E2 F2 regbindings2)
10924 (call-with-values
10925 (lambda ()
10926 (wrap-with-register-bindings
10927 regbindings2 E2 F2))
10928 (lambda (E2 F2)
10929 (let ((E (make-conditional
10930 E0 E1 E2))
10931 (F (union F0 F1 F2)))
10932 (available-intersect!
10933 available
10934 available1
10935 available2)
10936 (values E F '())))))))))))))))))
10939 ((assignment? E)
10940 (call-with-values
10941 (lambda () (scan-rhs (assignment.rhs E) env available))
10942 (lambda (E1 F1 regbindings1)
10943 (if (not (null? regbindings1))
10944 (error 'scan-rhs 'set!))
10945 (available-kill! available available:killer:globals)
10946 (values (make-assignment (assignment.lhs E) E1)
10947 (union (list (assignment.lhs E)) F1)
10948 '()))))
10950 ((begin? E)
10951 ; Shouldn't occur in A-normal form.
10952 (error 'scan-rhs 'begin))
10954 ((real-call? E)
10955 (let* ((E0 (call.proc E))
10956 (args (call.args E))
10957 (regcontents (append regvars
10958 (map (lambda (x) #f) args))))
10959 (let loop ((args args)
10960 (regs argument-registers)
10961 (regcontents regcontents)
10962 (newargs '())
10963 (regbindings '())
10964 (F (if (variable? E0)
10965 (let ((f ( E0)))
10966 (used-variable! f)
10967 (list f))
10968 (empty-set))))
10969 (cond ((null? args)
10970 (available-kill! available available:killer:all)
10971 (values (make-call E0 (reverse newargs))
10972 F
10973 regbindings))
10974 ((null? regs)
10975 (let ((arg (car args)))
10976 (loop (cdr args)
10977 '()
10978 (cdr regcontents)
10979 (cons arg newargs)
10980 regbindings
10981 (if (variable? arg)
10982 (let ((name ( arg)))
10983 (used-variable! name)
10984 (union (list name) F))
10985 F))))
10986 ((and commoning?
10987 (variable? (car args))
10988 (available-variable
10989 available
10990 ( (car args))))
10991 (let* ((name ( (car args)))
10992 (Enew (available-variable available name)))
10993 (loop (cons Enew (cdr args))
10994 regs regcontents newargs regbindings F)))
10995 ((and target-registers?
10996 (variable? (car args))
10997 (let ((x ( (car args))))
10998 ; We haven't yet recorded this use.
10999 (or (local-variable-not-used? x)
11000 (and (memq x regvars)
11001 (not (eq? x (car regcontents)))))))
11002 (let* ((x ( (car args)))
11003 (R (car regs))
11004 (newarg (make-variable R)))
11005 (used-variable! x)
11006 (loop (cdr args)
11007 (cdr regs)
11008 (cdr regcontents)
11009 (cons newarg newargs)
11010 (cons (make-regbinding R x newarg)
11011 regbindings)
11012 (union (list R) F))))
11013 (else
11014 (let ((E1 (car args)))
11015 (loop (cdr args)
11016 (cdr regs)
11017 (cdr regcontents)
11018 (cons E1 newargs)
11019 regbindings
11020 (if (variable? E1)
11021 (let ((name ( E1)))
11022 (used-variable! name)
11023 (union (list name) F))
11024 F))))))))
11026 ((call? E)
11027 ; Must be a call to a primop.
11028 (let* ((E0 (call.proc E))
11029 (f0 ( E0)))
11030 (let loop ((args (call.args E))
11031 (newargs '())
11032 (F (list f0)))
11033 (cond ((null? args)
11034 (let* ((E (make-call E0 (reverse newargs)))
11035 (T (and commoning?
11036 (available-expression
11037 available E))))
11038 (if T
11039 (begin (abandon-expression! E)
11040 (scan-rhs (make-variable T) env available))
11041 (begin
11042 (available-kill!
11043 available
11044 (prim-kills (prim-entry f0)))
11045 (cond ((eq? f0 name:check!)
11046 (let ((x (car (call.args E))))
11047 (cond ((not (runtime-safety-checking))
11048 (abandon-expression! E)
11049 ;(values x '() '())
11050 (scan-rhs x env available))
11051 ((variable? x)
11052 (available-add!
11053 available
11054 ( x)
11055 (make-constant #t))
11056 (values E F '()))
11057 ((constant.value x)
11058 (abandon-expression! E)
11059 (values x '() '()))
11060 (else
11061 (declaration-error E)
11062 (values E F '())))))
11063 (else
11064 (values E F '())))))))
11065 ((variable? (car args))
11066 (let* ((E1 (car args))
11067 (x ( E1))
11068 (Enew
11069 (and commoning?
11070 (available-variable available x))))
11071 (if Enew
11072 ; All of the arguments are constants or
11073 ; variables, so if the variable is replaced
11074 ; here it will be replaced throughout the call.
11075 (loop (cons Enew (cdr args))
11076 newargs
11077 (remq x F))
11078 (begin
11079 (used-variable! x)
11080 (loop (cdr args)
11081 (cons (car args) newargs)
11082 (union (list x) F))))))
11083 (else
11084 (loop (cdr args)
11085 (cons (car args) newargs)
11086 F))))))
11088 (else
11089 (error 'scan-rhs (make-readable E)))))
11091 (call-with-values
11092 (lambda () (scan E env available))
11093 (lambda (E F regbindings)
11094 (call-with-values
11095 (lambda () (wrap-with-register-bindings regbindings E F))
11096 (lambda (E F)
11097 (values E F '()))))))
11099 (call-with-values
11100 (lambda ()
11101 (scan-body E
11102 (make-hashtree symbol-hash assq)
11103 (make-available-table)
11104 '()))
11105 (lambda (E F regbindings)
11106 (if (not (null? regbindings))
11107 (error 'scan-body))
11108 E)))))
11109; Copyright 1999 William D Clinger.
11111; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
11112; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
11113; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
11114; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
11116; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
11117; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
11118; the benefit of the Scheme community.
11120; 16 June 1999.
11122; Intraprocedural representation inference.
11124(define (representation-analysis exp)
11125 (let* ((debugging? #f)
11126 (integrate-usual? (integrate-usual-procedures))
11127 (known (make-hashtable symbol-hash assq))
11128 (types (make-hashtable symbol-hash assq))
11129 (g (callgraph exp))
11130 (schedule (list (callgraphnode.code (car g))))
11131 (changed? #f)
11132 (mutate? #f))
11134 ; known is a hashtable that maps the name of a known local procedure
11135 ; to a list of the form (tv1 ... tvN), where tv1, ..., tvN
11136 ; are type variables that stand for the representation types of its
11137 ; arguments. The type variable that stands for the representation
11138 ; type of the result of the procedure has the same name as the
11139 ; procedure itself.
11141 ; types is a hashtable that maps local variables and the names
11142 ; of known local procedures to an approximation of their
11143 ; representation type.
11144 ; For a known local procedure, the representation type is for the
11145 ; result of the procedure, not the procedure itself.
11147 ; schedule is a stack of work that needs to be done.
11148 ; Each entry in the stack is either an escaping lambda expression
11149 ; or the name of a known local procedure.
11151 (define (schedule! job)
11152 (if (not (memq job schedule))
11153 (begin (set! schedule (cons job schedule))
11154 (if (not (symbol? job))
11155 (! (lookup-node job) #t)))))
11157 ; Schedules a known local procedure.
11159 (define (schedule-known-procedure! name)
11160 ; Mark every known procedure that can actually be called.
11161 (! (assq name g) #t)
11162 (schedule! name))
11164 ; Schedule all code that calls the given known local procedure.
11166 (define (schedule-callers! name)
11167 (for-each (lambda (node)
11168 (if (and ( node)
11169 (or (memq name (callgraphnode.tailcalls node))
11170 (memq name (callgraphnode.nontailcalls node))))
11171 (let ((caller ( node)))
11172 (if caller
11173 (schedule! caller)
11174 (schedule! (callgraphnode.code node))))))
11175 g))
11177 ; Schedules local procedures of a lambda expression.
11179 (define (schedule-local-procedures! L)
11180 (for-each (lambda (def)
11181 (let ((name (def.lhs def)))
11182 (if (known-procedure-is-callable? name)
11183 (schedule! name))))
11184 (lambda.defs L)))
11186 ; Returns true iff the given known procedure is known to be callable.
11188 (define (known-procedure-is-callable? name)
11189 ( (assq name g)))
11191 ; Sets CHANGED? to #t and returns #t if the type variable's
11192 ; approximation has changed; otherwise returns #f.
11194 (define (update-typevar! tv type)
11195 (let* ((type0 (hashtable-get types tv))
11196 (type0 (or type0
11197 (begin (hashtable-put! types tv rep:bottom)
11198 rep:bottom)))
11199 (type1 (representation-union type0 type)))
11200 (if (eq? type0 type1)
11201 #f
11202 (begin (hashtable-put! types tv type1)
11203 (set! changed? #t)
11204 (if (and debugging? mutate?)
11205 (begin (display "******** Changing type of ")
11206 (display tv)
11207 (display " from ")
11208 (display (rep->symbol type0))
11209 (display " to ")
11210 (display (rep->symbol type1))
11211 (newline)))
11212 #t))))
11214 ; GIven the name of a known local procedure, returns its code.
11216 (define (lookup-code name)
11217 (callgraphnode.code (assq name g)))
11219 ; Given a lambda expression, either escaping or the code for
11220 ; a known local procedure, returns its node in the call graph.
11222 (define (lookup-node L)
11223 (let loop ((g g))
11224 (cond ((null? g)
11225 (error "Unknown lambda expression" (make-readable L #t)))
11226 ((eq? L (callgraphnode.code (car g)))
11227 (car g))
11228 (else
11229 (loop (cdr g))))))
11231 ; Given: a type variable, expression, and a set of constraints.
11232 ; Side effects:
11233 ; Update the representation types of all variables that are
11234 ; bound within the expression.
11235 ; Update the representation types of all arguments to known
11236 ; local procedures that are called within the expression.
11237 ; If the representation type of an argument to a known local
11238 ; procedure changes, then schedule that procedure's code
11239 ; for analysis.
11240 ; Update the constraint set to reflect the constraints that
11241 ; hold following execution of the expression.
11242 ; If mutate? is true, then transform the expression to rely
11243 ; on the representation types that have been inferred.
11244 ; Return: type of the expression under the current assumptions
11245 ; and constraints.
11247 (define (analyze exp constraints)
11249 (if (and #f debugging?)
11250 (begin (display "Analyzing: ")
11251 (newline)
11252 (pretty-print (make-readable exp #t))
11253 (newline)))
11255 (case (car exp)
11257 ((quote)
11258 (representation-of-value (constant.value exp)))
11260 ((begin)
11261 (let* ((name ( exp)))
11262 (representation-typeof name types constraints)))
11264 ((lambda)
11265 (schedule! exp)
11266 rep:procedure)
11268 ((set!)
11269 (analyze (assignment.rhs exp) constraints)
11270 (constraints-kill! constraints available:killer:globals)
11271 rep:object)
11273 ((if)
11274 (let* ((E0 (if.test exp))
11275 (E1 (if.then exp))
11276 (E2 (if.else exp))
11277 (type0 (analyze E0 constraints)))
11278 (if mutate?
11279 (cond ((representation-subtype? type0 rep:true)
11280 (if.test-set! exp (make-constant #t)))
11281 ((representation-subtype? type0 rep:false)
11282 (if.test-set! exp (make-constant #f)))))
11283 (cond ((representation-subtype? type0 rep:true)
11284 (analyze E1 constraints))
11285 ((representation-subtype? type0 rep:false)
11286 (analyze E2 constraints))
11287 ((variable? E0)
11288 (let* ((T0 ( E0))
11289 (ignored (analyze E0 constraints))
11290 (constraints1 (copy-constraints-table constraints))
11291 (constraints2 (copy-constraints-table constraints)))
11292 (constraints-add! types
11293 constraints1
11294 (make-type-constraint
11295 T0 rep:true available:killer:immortal))
11296 (constraints-add! types
11297 constraints2
11298 (make-type-constraint
11299 T0 rep:false available:killer:immortal))
11300 (let* ((type1 (analyze E1 constraints1))
11301 (type2 (analyze E2 constraints2))
11302 (type (representation-union type1 type2)))
11303 (constraints-intersect! constraints
11304 constraints1
11305 constraints2)
11306 type)))
11307 (else
11308 (representation-error "Bad ANF" (make-readable exp #t))))))
11310 (else
11311 (let ((proc (call.proc exp))
11312 (args (call.args exp)))
11313 (cond ((lambda? proc)
11314 (cond ((null? args)
11315 (analyze-let0 exp constraints))
11316 ((null? (cdr args))
11317 (analyze-let1 exp constraints))
11318 (else
11319 (error "Compiler bug: pass3rep"))))
11320 ((variable? proc)
11321 (let* ((procname ( proc)))
11322 (cond ((hashtable-get known procname)
11323 =>
11324 (lambda (vars)
11325 (analyze-known-call exp constraints vars)))
11326 (integrate-usual?
11327 (let ((entry (prim-entry procname)))
11328 (if entry
11329 (analyze-primop-call exp constraints entry)
11330 (analyze-unknown-call exp constraints))))
11331 (else
11332 (analyze-unknown-call exp constraints)))))
11333 (else
11334 (analyze-unknown-call exp constraints)))))))
11336 (define (analyze-let0 exp constraints)
11337 (let ((proc (call.proc exp)))
11338 (schedule-local-procedures! proc)
11339 (if (null? (lambda.args proc))
11340 (analyze (lambda.body exp) constraints)
11341 (analyze-unknown-call exp constraints))))
11343 (define (analyze-let1 exp constraints)
11344 (let* ((proc (call.proc exp))
11345 (vars (lambda.args proc)))
11346 (schedule-local-procedures! proc)
11347 (if (and (pair? vars)
11348 (null? (cdr vars)))
11349 (let* ((T1 (car vars))
11350 (E1 (car (call.args exp))))
11351 (if (and integrate-usual? (call? E1))
11352 (let ((proc (call.proc E1))
11353 (args (call.args E1)))
11354 (if (variable? proc)
11355 (let* ((op ( proc))
11356 (entry (prim-entry op))
11357 (K1 (if entry
11358 (prim-lives-until entry)
11359 available:killer:dead)))
11360 (if (not (= K1 available:killer:dead))
11361 ; Must copy the call to avoid problems
11362 ; with side effects when mutate? is true.
11363 (constraints-add!
11364 types
11365 constraints
11366 (make-constraint T1
11367 (make-call proc args)
11368 K1)))))))
11369 (update-typevar! T1 (analyze E1 constraints))
11370 (analyze (lambda.body proc) constraints))
11371 (analyze-unknown-call exp constraints))))
11373 (define (analyze-primop-call exp constraints entry)
11374 (let* ((op (prim-opcodename entry))
11375 (args (call.args exp))
11376 (argtypes (map (lambda (arg) (analyze arg constraints))
11377 args))
11378 (type (rep-result? op argtypes)))
11379 (constraints-kill! constraints (prim-kills entry))
11380 (cond ((and (eq? op 'check!)
11381 (variable? (car args)))
11382 (let ((varname ( (car args))))
11383 (if (and mutate?
11384 (representation-subtype? (car argtypes) rep:true))
11385 (call.args-set! exp
11386 (cons (make-constant #t) (cdr args))))
11387 (constraints-add! types
11388 constraints
11389 (make-type-constraint
11390 varname
11391 rep:true
11392 available:killer:immortal))))
11393 ((and mutate? (rep-specific? op argtypes))
11394 =>
11395 (lambda (newop)
11396 (call.proc-set! exp (make-variable newop)))))
11397 (or type rep:object)))
11399 (define (analyze-known-call exp constraints vars)
11400 (let* ((procname ( (call.proc exp)))
11401 (args (call.args exp))
11402 (argtypes (map (lambda (arg) (analyze arg constraints))
11403 args)))
11404 (if (not (known-procedure-is-callable? procname))
11405 (schedule-known-procedure! procname))
11406 (for-each (lambda (var type)
11407 (if (update-typevar! var type)
11408 (schedule-known-procedure! procname)))
11409 vars
11410 argtypes)
11411 ; FIXME: We aren't analyzing the effects of known local procedures.
11412 (constraints-kill! constraints available:killer:all)
11413 (hashtable-get types procname)))
11415 (define (analyze-unknown-call exp constraints)
11416 (analyze (call.proc exp) constraints)
11417 (for-each (lambda (arg) (analyze arg constraints))
11418 (call.args exp))
11419 (constraints-kill! constraints available:killer:all)
11420 rep:object)
11422 (define (analyze-known-local-procedure name)
11423 (if debugging?
11424 (begin (display "Analyzing ")
11425 (display name)
11426 (newline)))
11427 (let ((L (lookup-code name))
11428 (constraints (make-constraints-table)))
11429 (schedule-local-procedures! L)
11430 (let ((type (analyze (lambda.body L) constraints)))
11431 (if (update-typevar! name type)
11432 (schedule-callers! name))
11433 type)))
11435 (define (analyze-unknown-lambda L)
11436 (if debugging?
11437 (begin (display "Analyzing escaping lambda expression")
11438 (newline)))
11439 (schedule-local-procedures! L)
11440 (let ((vars (make-null-terminated (lambda.args L))))
11441 (for-each (lambda (var)
11442 (hashtable-put! types var rep:object))
11443 vars)
11444 (analyze (lambda.body L)
11445 (make-constraints-table))))
11447 ; For debugging.
11449 (define (display-types)
11450 (hashtable-for-each (lambda (f vars)
11451 (write f)
11452 (display " : returns ")
11453 (write (rep->symbol (hashtable-get types f)))
11454 (newline)
11455 (for-each (lambda (x)
11456 (display " ")
11457 (write x)
11458 (display ": ")
11459 (write (rep->symbol
11460 (hashtable-get types x)))
11461 (newline))
11462 vars))
11463 known))
11465 (define (display-all-types)
11466 (let* ((vars (hashtable-map (lambda (x type) x) types))
11467 (vars (twobit-sort (lambda (var1 var2)
11468 (string<=? (symbol->string var1)
11469 (symbol->string var2)))
11470 vars)))
11471 (for-each (lambda (x)
11472 (write x)
11473 (display ": ")
11474 (write (rep->symbol
11475 (hashtable-get types x)))
11476 (newline))
11477 vars)))
11478 '
11479 (if debugging?
11480 (begin (pretty-print (make-readable (car schedule) #t))
11481 (newline)))
11482 (if debugging?
11483 (view-callgraph g))
11485 (for-each (lambda (node)
11486 (let* ((name ( node))
11487 (code (callgraphnode.code node))
11488 (vars (make-null-terminated (lambda.args code)))
11489 (known? (symbol? name))
11490 (rep (if known? rep:bottom rep:object)))
11491 (! node #f)
11492 (if known?
11493 (begin (hashtable-put! known name vars)
11494 (hashtable-put! types name rep)))
11495 (for-each (lambda (var)
11496 (hashtable-put! types var rep))
11497 vars)))
11498 g)
11500 (let loop ()
11501 (cond ((not (null? schedule))
11502 (let ((job (car schedule)))
11503 (set! schedule (cdr schedule))
11504 (if (symbol? job)
11505 (analyze-known-local-procedure job)
11506 (analyze-unknown-lambda job))
11507 (loop)))
11508 (changed?
11509 (set! changed? #f)
11510 (set! schedule (list (callgraphnode.code (car g))))
11511 (if debugging?
11512 (begin (display-all-types) (newline)))
11513 (loop))))
11515 (if debugging?
11516 (display-types))
11518 (set! mutate? #t)
11520 ; We don't want to analyze known procedures that are never called.
11522 (set! schedule
11523 (cons (callgraphnode.code (car g))
11524 (map
11525 (filter (lambda (node)
11526 (let* ((name ( node))
11527 (known? (symbol? name))
11528 (marked?
11529 (known-procedure-is-callable? name)))
11530 (! node #f)
11531 (and known? marked?)))
11532 g))))
11533 (let loop ()
11534 (if (not (null? schedule))
11535 (let ((job (car schedule)))
11536 (set! schedule (cdr schedule))
11537 (if (symbol? job)
11538 (analyze-known-local-procedure job)
11539 (analyze-unknown-lambda job))
11540 (loop))))
11542 (if changed?
11543 (error "Compiler bug in representation inference"))
11545 (if debugging?
11546 (pretty-print (make-readable (callgraphnode.code (car g)) #t)))
11548 exp))
11549; Copyright 1999 William D Clinger.
11551; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this
11552; software for any lawful noncommercial purpose, and to redistribute
11553; this software is granted subject to the restriction that all copies
11554; made of this software must include this copyright notice in full.
11556; I also request that you send me a copy of any improvements that you
11557; make to this software so that they may be incorporated within it to
11558; the benefit of the Scheme community.
11560; 11 June 1999.
11562; The third "pass" of the Twobit compiler actually consists of several
11563; passes, which are related by the common theme of flow analysis:
11564; interprocedural inlining of known local procedures
11565; interprocedural constant propagation and folding
11566; intraprocedural commoning, copy propagation, and dead code elimination
11567; representation inference (not yet implemented)
11568; register targeting
11570; This pass operates as source-to-source transformations on
11571; expressions written in the subset of Scheme described by the
11572; following grammar:
11574; "X ..." means zero or more occurrences of X.
11576; L --> (lambda (I_1 ...)
11577; (begin D ...)
11578; (quote (R F G <decls> <doc>)
11579; E)
11580; | (lambda (I_1 ... . I_rest)
11581; (begin D ...)
11582; (quote (R F G <decls> <doc>))
11583; E)
11584; D --> (define I L)
11585; E --> (quote K) ; constants
11586; | (begin I) ; variable references
11587; | L ; lambda expressions
11588; | (E0 E1 ...) ; calls
11589; | (set! I E) ; assignments
11590; | (if E0 E1 E2) ; conditionals
11591; | (begin E0 E1 E2 ...) ; sequential expressions
11592; I --> <identifier>
11594; R --> ((I <references> <assignments> <calls>) ...)
11595; F --> (I ...)
11596; G --> (I ...)
11598; Invariants that hold for the input only:
11599; * There are no assignments except to global variables.
11600; * If I is declared by an internal definition, then the right hand
11601; side of the internal definition is a lambda expression and I
11602; is referenced only in the procedure position of a call.
11603; * R, F, and G are garbage.
11604; * Variables named IGNORED are neither referenced nor assigned.
11605; * The expression does not share structure with the original input,
11606; but might share structure with itself.
11608; Invariants that hold for the output only:
11609; * There are no assignments except to global variables.
11610; * If I is declared by an internal definition, then the right hand
11611; side of the internal definition is a lambda expression and I
11612; is referenced only in the procedure position of a call.
11613; * R is garbage.
11614; * For each lambda expression, the associated F is a list of all
11615; the identifiers that occur free in the body of that lambda
11616; expression, and possibly a few extra identifiers that were
11617; once free but have been removed by optimization.
11618; * If a lambda expression is declared to be in A-normal form (see
11619; pass3anormal.sch), then it really is in A-normal form.
11621; The phases of pass 3 interact with the referencing information R
11622; and the free variables F as follows:
11624; Inlining ignores R, ignores F, destroys R, destroys F.
11625; Constant propagation uses R, ignores F, preserves R, preserves F.
11626; Conversion to ANF ignores R, ignores F, destroys R, destroys F.
11627; Commoning ignores R, ignores F, destroys R, computes F.
11628; Register targeting ignores R, ignores F, destroys R, computes F.
11630(define (pass3 exp)
11632 (define (phase1 exp)
11633 (if (interprocedural-inlining)
11634 (let ((g (callgraph exp)))
11635 (inline-using-callgraph! g)
11636 exp)
11637 exp))
11639 (define (phase2 exp)
11640 (if (interprocedural-constant-propagation)
11641 (constant-propagation (copy-exp exp))
11642 exp))
11644 (define (phase3 exp)
11645 (if (common-subexpression-elimination)
11646 (let* ((exp (if (interprocedural-constant-propagation)
11647 exp
11648 ; alpha-conversion
11649 (copy-exp exp)))
11650 (exp (a-normal-form exp)))
11651 (if (representation-inference)
11652 (intraprocedural-commoning exp 'commoning)
11653 (intraprocedural-commoning exp)))
11654 exp))
11656 (define (phase4 exp)
11657 (if (representation-inference)
11658 (let ((exp (cond ((common-subexpression-elimination)
11659 exp)
11660 ((interprocedural-constant-propagation)
11661 (a-normal-form exp))
11662 (else
11663 ; alpha-conversion
11664 (a-normal-form (copy-exp exp))))))
11665 (intraprocedural-commoning
11666 (representation-analysis exp)))
11667 exp))
11669 (define (finish exp)
11670 (if (and (not (interprocedural-constant-propagation))
11671 (not (common-subexpression-elimination)))
11672 (begin (compute-free-variables! exp)
11673 exp)
11674 ;(make-begin (list (make-constant 'anf) exp))))
11675 exp))
11677 (define (verify exp)
11678 (check-referencing-invariants exp 'free)
11679 exp)
11681 (if (global-optimization)
11682 (verify (finish (phase4 (phase3 (phase2 (phase1 exp))))))
11683 (begin (compute-free-variables! exp)
11684 (verify exp))))
11685; Copyright 1991 Lightship Software, Incorporated.
11687; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
11689; 4 June 1999
11691; Implements the following abstract data types.
11693; labels
11694; (init-labels)
11695; (make-label)
11696; cg-label-counter
11698; assembly streams
11699; (make-assembly-stream)
11700; (assembly-stream-code as)
11701; (gen! as . instruction)
11702; (gen-instruction! as instruction)
11703; (gen-save! as frame)
11704; (gen-restore! as frame)
11705; (gen-pop! as frame)
11706; (gen-setstk! as frame v)
11707; (gen-store! as frame r v)
11708; (gen-load! as frame r v)
11709; (gen-stack! as frame v)
11711; temporaries
11712; (init-temps)
11713; (newtemp)
11714; (newtemps)
11715; newtemp-counter
11717; register environments
11718; (cgreg-initial)
11719; (cgreg-copy regs)
11720; (cgreg-tos regs)
11721; (cgreg-liveregs regs)
11722; (cgreg-live regs r)
11723; (cgreg-vars regs)
11724; (cgreg-bind! regs r v)
11725; (cgreg-bindregs! regs vars)
11726; (cgreg-rename! regs alist)
11727; (cgreg-release! regs r)
11728; (cgreg-clear! regs)
11729; (cgreg-lookup regs var)
11730; (cgreg-lookup-reg regs r)
11731; (cgreg-join! regs1 regs2)
11733; stack frame environments
11734; (cgframe-initial)
11735; (cgframe-size-cell frame)
11736; (cgframe-size frame)
11737; (cgframe-copy frame)
11738; (cgframe-join! frame1 frame2)
11739; (cgframe-update-stale! frame)
11740; (cgframe-used! frame)
11741; (cgframe-bind! frame n v instruction)
11742; (cgframe-touch! frame v)
11743; (cgframe-rename! frame alist)
11744; (cgframe-release! frame v)
11745; (cgframe-lookup frame v)
11746; (cgframe-spilled? frame v)
11748; environments
11749; ( entry)
11750; (entry.kind entry)
11751; (entry.rib entry)
11752; (entry.offset entry)
11753; (entry.label entry)
11754; (entry.regnum entry)
11755; (entry.arity entry)
11756; (entry.op entry)
11757; (entry.imm entry)
11758; (cgenv-initial)
11759; (cgenv-lookup env id)
11760; (cgenv-extend env vars procs)
11761; (cgenv-bindprocs env procs)
11762; (var-lookup var regs frame env)
11764; Labels.
11766(define (init-labels)
11767 (set! cg-label-counter 1000))
11769(define (make-label)
11770 (set! cg-label-counter (+ cg-label-counter 1))
11771 cg-label-counter)
11773(define cg-label-counter 1000)
11775; an assembly stream into which instructions should be emitted
11776; an expression
11777; the desired target register ('result, a register number, or '#f)
11778; a register environment [cgreg]
11779; a stack-frame environment [cgframe]
11780; contains size of frame, current top of frame
11781; a compile-time environment [cgenv]
11782; a flag indicating whether the expression is in tail position
11784; Assembly streams, into which instructions are emitted by side effect.
11785; Represented as a list of two things:
11787; Assembly code, represented as a pair whose car is a nonempty list
11788; whose cdr is a possibly empty list of MacScheme machine assembly
11789; instructions, and whose cdr is the last pair of the car.
11791; Any Scheme object that the code generator wants to associate with
11792; this code.
11794(define (make-assembly-stream)
11795 (let ((code (list (list 0))))
11796 (set-cdr! code (car code))
11797 (list code #f)))
11799(define (assembly-stream-code output)
11800 (if (local-optimizations)
11801 (filter-basic-blocks (cdar (car output)))
11802 (cdar (car output))))
11804(define (assembly-stream-info output)
11805 (cadr output))
11807(define (assembly-stream-info! output x)
11808 (set-car! (cdr output) x)
11809 #f)
11811(define (gen-instruction! output instruction)
11812 (let ((pair (list instruction))
11813 (code (car output)))
11814 (set-cdr! (cdr code) pair)
11815 (set-cdr! code pair)
11816 output))
11820(define (gen! output . instruction)
11821 (gen-instruction! output instruction))
11823(define (gen-save! output frame t0)
11824 (let ((size (cgframe-size-cell frame)))
11825 (gen-instruction! output (cons $save size))
11826 (gen-store! output frame 0 t0)
11827 (cgframe:stale-set! frame '())))
11829(define (gen-restore! output frame)
11830 (let ((size (cgframe-size-cell frame)))
11831 (gen-instruction! output (cons $restore size))))
11833(define (gen-pop! output frame)
11834 (let ((size (cgframe-size-cell frame)))
11835 (gen-instruction! output (cons $pop size))))
11837(define (gen-setstk! output frame tempname)
11838 (let ((instruction (list $nop $setstk -1)))
11839 (cgframe-bind! frame tempname instruction)
11840 (gen-instruction! output instruction)))
11842(define (gen-store! output frame r tempname)
11843 (let ((instruction (list $nop $store r -1)))
11844 (cgframe-bind! frame tempname instruction)
11845 (gen-instruction! output instruction)))
11847(define (gen-load! output frame r tempname)
11848 (cgframe-touch! frame tempname)
11849 (let ((n (entry.slotnum (cgframe-lookup frame tempname))))
11850 (gen! output $load r n)))
11852(define (gen-stack! output frame tempname)
11853 (cgframe-touch! frame tempname)
11854 (let ((n (entry.slotnum (cgframe-lookup frame tempname))))
11855 (gen! output $stack n)))
11857; Returns a temporary name.
11858; Temporaries are compared using EQ?, so the use of small
11859; exact integers as temporary names is implementation-dependent.
11861(define (init-temps)
11862 (set! newtemp-counter 5000))
11864(define (newtemp)
11865 (set! newtemp-counter
11866 (+ newtemp-counter 1))
11867 newtemp-counter)
11869(define newtemp-counter 5000)
11871(define (newtemps n)
11872 (if (zero? n)
11873 '()
11874 (cons (newtemp)
11875 (newtemps (- n 1)))))
11877; New representation of
11878; Register environments.
11879; Represented as a list of three items:
11880; an exact integer, one more than the highest index of a live register
11881; a mutable vector with *nregs* elements of the form
11882; #f (the register is dead)
11883; #t (the register is live)
11884; v (the register contains variable v)
11885; t (the register contains temporary variable t)
11886; a mutable vector of booleans: true if the register might be stale
11888(define (cgreg-makeregs n v1 v2) (list n v1 v2))
11890(define (cgreg-liveregs regs)
11891 (car regs))
11893(define (cgreg-contents regs)
11894 (cadr regs))
11896(define (cgreg-stale regs)
11897 (caddr regs))
11899(define (cgreg-liveregs-set! regs n)
11900 (set-car! regs n)
11901 regs)
11903(define (cgreg-initial)
11904 (let ((v1 (make-vector *nregs* #f))
11905 (v2 (make-vector *nregs* #f)))
11906 (cgreg-makeregs 0 v1 v2)))
11908(define (cgreg-copy regs)
11909 (let* ((newregs (cgreg-initial))
11910 (v1a (cgreg-contents regs))
11911 (v2a (cgreg-stale regs))
11912 (v1 (cgreg-contents newregs))
11913 (v2 (cgreg-stale newregs))
11914 (n (vector-length v1a)))
11915 (cgreg-liveregs-set! newregs (cgreg-liveregs regs))
11916 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
11917 ((= i n)
11918 newregs)
11919 (vector-set! v1 i (vector-ref v1a i))
11920 (vector-set! v2 i (vector-ref v2a i)))))
11922(define (cgreg-tos regs)
11923 (- (cgreg-liveregs regs) 1))
11925(define (cgreg-live regs r)
11926 (if (eq? r 'result)
11927 (cgreg-tos regs)
11928 (max r (cgreg-tos regs))))
11930(define (cgreg-vars regs)
11931 (let ((m (cgreg-liveregs regs))
11932 (v (cgreg-contents regs)))
11933 (do ((i (- m 1) (- i 1))
11934 (vars '()
11935 (cons (vector-ref v i)
11936 vars)))
11937 ((< i 0)
11938 vars))))
11940(define (cgreg-bind! regs r t)
11941 (let ((m (cgreg-liveregs regs))
11942 (v (cgreg-contents regs)))
11943 (vector-set! v r t)
11944 (if (>= r m)
11945 (cgreg-liveregs-set! regs (+ r 1)))))
11947(define (cgreg-bindregs! regs vars)
11948 (do ((m (cgreg-liveregs regs) (+ m 1))
11949 (v (cgreg-contents regs))
11950 (vars vars (cdr vars)))
11951 ((null? vars)
11952 (cgreg-liveregs-set! regs m)
11953 regs)
11954 (vector-set! v m (car vars))))
11956(define (cgreg-rename! regs alist)
11957 (do ((i (- (cgreg-liveregs regs) 1) (- i 1))
11958 (v (cgreg-contents regs)))
11959 ((negative? i))
11960 (let ((var (vector-ref v i)))
11961 (if var
11962 (let ((probe (assv var alist)))
11963 (if probe
11964 (vector-set! v i (cdr probe))))))))
11966(define (cgreg-release! regs r)
11967 (let ((m (cgreg-liveregs regs))
11968 (v (cgreg-contents regs)))
11969 (vector-set! v r #f)
11970 (vector-set! (cgreg-stale regs) r #t)
11971 (if (= r (- m 1))
11972 (do ((m r (- m 1)))
11973 ((or (negative? m)
11974 (vector-ref v m))
11975 (cgreg-liveregs-set! regs (+ m 1)))))))
11977(define (cgreg-release-except! regs vars)
11978 (do ((i (- (cgreg-liveregs regs) 1) (- i 1))
11979 (v (cgreg-contents regs)))
11980 ((negative? i))
11981 (let ((var (vector-ref v i)))
11982 (if (and var (not (memq var vars)))
11983 (cgreg-release! regs i)))))
11985(define (cgreg-clear! regs)
11986 (let ((m (cgreg-liveregs regs))
11987 (v1 (cgreg-contents regs))
11988 (v2 (cgreg-stale regs)))
11989 (do ((r 0 (+ r 1)))
11990 ((= r m)
11991 (cgreg-liveregs-set! regs 0))
11992 (vector-set! v1 r #f)
11993 (vector-set! v2 r #t))))
11995(define (cgreg-lookup regs var)
11996 (let ((m (cgreg-liveregs regs))
11997 (v (cgreg-contents regs)))
11998 (define (loop i)
11999 (cond ((< i 0)
12000 #f)
12001 ((eq? var (vector-ref v i))
12002 (list var 'register i '(object)))
12003 (else
12004 (loop (- i 1)))))
12005 (loop (- m 1))))
12007(define (cgreg-lookup-reg regs r)
12008 (let ((m (cgreg-liveregs regs))
12009 (v (cgreg-contents regs)))
12010 (if (<= m r)
12011 #f
12012 (vector-ref v r))))
12014(define (cgreg-join! regs1 regs2)
12015 (let ((m1 (cgreg-liveregs regs1))
12016 (m2 (cgreg-liveregs regs2))
12017 (v1 (cgreg-contents regs1))
12018 (v2 (cgreg-contents regs2))
12019 (stale1 (cgreg-stale regs1)))
12020 (do ((i (- (max m1 m2) 1) (- i 1)))
12021 ((< i 0)
12022 (cgreg-liveregs-set! regs1 (min m1 m2)))
12023 (let ((x1 (vector-ref v1 i))
12024 (x2 (vector-ref v2 i)))
12025 (cond ((eq? x1 x2)
12026 #t)
12027 ((not x1)
12028 (if x2
12029 (vector-set! stale1 i #t)))
12030 (else
12031 (vector-set! v1 i #f)
12032 (vector-set! stale1 i #t)))))))
12034; New representation of
12035; Stack-frame environments.
12036; Represented as a three-element list.
12038; Its car is a list whose car is a list of slot entries, each
12039; of the form
12040; (v n instruction stale)
12041; where
12042; v is the name of a variable or temporary,
12043; n is #f or a slot number,
12044; instruction is a possibly phantom store or setstk instruction
12045; that stores v into slot n, and
12046; stale is a list of stale slot entries, each of the form
12047; (#t . n)
12048; or (#f . -1)
12049; where slot n had been allocated, initialized, and released
12050; before the store or setstk instruction was generated.
12051; Slot entries are updated by side effect.
12053; Its cadr is the list of currently stale slots.
12055; Its caddr is a list of variables that are free in the continuation,
12056; or #f if that information is unknown.
12057; This information allows a direct-style code generator to know when
12058; a slot becomes stale.
12060; Its cadddr is the size of the stack frame, which can be
12061; increased but not decreased. The cdddr of the stack frame
12062; environment is shared with the save instruction that
12063; created the frame. What a horrible crock!
12065; This stuff is private to the implementation of stack-frame
12066; environments.
12068(define cgframe:slots car)
12069(define cgframe:stale cadr)
12070(define cgframe:livevars caddr)
12071(define car)
12072(define cgframe:slot.offset cadr)
12073(define cgframe:slot.instruction caddr)
12074(define cgframe:slot.stale cadddr)
12076(define cgframe:slots-set! set-car!)
12077(define (cgframe:stale-set! frame stale)
12078 (set-car! (cdr frame) stale))
12079(define (cgframe:livevars-set! frame vars)
12080 (set-car! (cddr frame) vars))
12082(define! set-car!)
12084(define (cgframe:slot.offset-set! entry n)
12085 (let ((instruction (caddr entry)))
12086 (if (or (not (eq? #f (cadr entry)))
12087 (not (eq? $nop (car instruction))))
12088 (error "Compiler bug: cgframe" entry)
12089 (begin
12090 (set-car! (cdr entry) n)
12091 (set-car! instruction (cadr instruction))
12092 (set-cdr! instruction (cddr instruction))
12093 (if (eq? $setstk (car instruction))
12094 (set-car! (cdr instruction) n)
12095 (set-car! (cddr instruction) n))))))
12097; Reserves a slot offset that was unused where the instruction
12098; of the slot entry was generated, and returns that offset.
12100(define (cgframe:unused-slot frame entry)
12101 (let* ((stale (cgframe:slot.stale entry))
12102 (probe (assq #t stale)))
12103 (if probe
12104 (let ((n (cdr probe)))
12105 (if (zero? n)
12106 (cgframe-used! frame))
12107 (set-car! probe #f)
12108 n)
12109 (let* ((cell (cgframe-size-cell frame))
12110 (n (+ 1 (car cell))))
12111 (set-car! cell n)
12112 (if (zero? n)
12113 (cgframe:unused-slot frame entry)
12114 n)))))
12116; Public entry points.
12118; The runtime system requires slot 0 of a frame to contain
12119; a closure whose code pointer contains the return address
12120; of the frame.
12121; To prevent slot 0 from being used for some other purpose,
12122; we rely on a complex trick: Slot 0 is initially stale.
12123; Gen-save! generates a store instruction for register 0,
12124; with slot 0 as the only stale slot for that instruction;
12125; then gen-save! clears the frame's set of stale slots, which
12126; prevents other store instructions from using slot 0.
12128(define (cgframe-initial)
12129 (list '()
12130 (list (cons #t 0))
12131 '#f
12132 -1))
12134(define cgframe-livevars cgframe:livevars)
12135(define cgframe-livevars-set! cgframe:livevars-set!)
12137(define (cgframe-size-cell frame)
12138 (cdddr frame))
12140(define (cgframe-size frame)
12141 (car (cgframe-size-cell frame)))
12143(define (cgframe-used! frame)
12144 (if (negative? (cgframe-size frame))
12145 (set-car! (cgframe-size-cell frame) 0)))
12147; Called only by gen-store!, gen-setstk!
12149(define (cgframe-bind! frame var instruction)
12150 (cgframe:slots-set! frame
12151 (cons (list var #f instruction (cgframe:stale frame))
12152 (cgframe:slots frame))))
12154; Called only by gen-load!, gen-stack!
12156(define (cgframe-touch! frame var)
12157 (let ((entry (assq var (cgframe:slots frame))))
12158 (if entry
12159 (let ((n (cgframe:slot.offset entry)))
12160 (if (eq? #f n)
12161 (let ((n (cgframe:unused-slot frame entry)))
12162 (cgframe:slot.offset-set! entry n))))
12163 (error "Compiler bug: cgframe-touch!" frame var))))
12165(define (cgframe-rename! frame alist)
12166 (for-each (lambda (entry)
12167 (let ((probe (assq ( entry) alist)))
12168 (if probe
12169 (! entry (cdr probe)))))
12170 (cgframe:slots frame)))
12172(define (cgframe-release! frame var)
12173 (let* ((slots (cgframe:slots frame))
12174 (entry (assq var slots)))
12175 (if entry
12176 (begin (cgframe:slots-set! frame (remq entry slots))
12177 (let ((n (cgframe:slot.offset entry)))
12178 (if (and (not (eq? #f n))
12179 (not (zero? n)))
12180 (cgframe:stale-set!
12181 frame
12182 (cons (cons #t n)
12183 (cgframe:stale frame)))))))))
12185(define (cgframe-release-except! frame vars)
12186 (let loop ((slots (reverse (cgframe:slots frame)))
12187 (newslots '())
12188 (stale (cgframe:stale frame)))
12189 (if (null? slots)
12190 (begin (cgframe:slots-set! frame newslots)
12191 (cgframe:stale-set! frame stale))
12192 (let ((slot (car slots)))
12193 (if (memq ( slot) vars)
12194 (loop (cdr slots)
12195 (cons slot newslots)
12196 stale)
12197 (let ((n (cgframe:slot.offset slot)))
12198 (cond ((eq? n #f)
12199 (loop (cdr slots)
12200 newslots
12201 stale))
12202 ((zero? n)
12203 (loop (cdr slots)
12204 (cons slot newslots)
12205 stale))
12206 (else
12207 (loop (cdr slots)
12208 newslots
12209 (cons (cons #t n) stale))))))))))
12211(define (cgframe-lookup frame var)
12212 (let ((entry (assq var (cgframe:slots frame))))
12213 (if entry
12214 (let ((n (cgframe:slot.offset entry)))
12215 (if (eq? #f n)
12216 (cgframe-touch! frame var))
12217 (list var 'frame (cgframe:slot.offset entry) '(object)))
12218 #f)))
12220(define (cgframe-spilled? frame var)
12221 (let ((entry (assq var (cgframe:slots frame))))
12222 (if entry
12223 (let ((n (cgframe:slot.offset entry)))
12224 (not (eq? #f n)))
12225 #f)))
12227; For a conditional expression, the then and else parts must be
12228; evaluated using separate copies of the frame environment,
12229; and those copies must be resolved at the join point. The
12230; nature of the resolution depends upon whether the conditional
12231; expression is in a tail position.
12233; Critical invariant:
12234; Any store instructions that are generated within either arm of the
12235; conditional involve variables and temporaries that are local to the
12236; conditional.
12238; If the conditional expression is in a tail position, then a slot
12239; that is stale after the test can be allocated independently by the
12240; two arms of the conditional. If the conditional expression is in a
12241; non-tail position, then the slot can be allocated independently
12242; provided it is not a candidate destination for any previous emitted
12243; store instruction.
12245(define (cgframe-copy frame)
12246 (cons (car frame)
12247 (cons (cadr frame)
12248 (cons (caddr frame)
12249 (cdddr frame)))))
12251(define (cgframe-update-stale! frame)
12252 (let* ((n (cgframe-size frame))
12253 (v (make-vector (+ 1 n) #t))
12254 (stale (cgframe:stale frame)))
12255 (for-each (lambda (x)
12256 (if (car x)
12257 (let ((i (cdr x)))
12258 (if (<= i n)
12259 (vector-set! v i #f)))))
12260 stale)
12261 (for-each (lambda (slot)
12262 (let ((offset (cgframe:slot.offset slot)))
12263 (if offset
12264 (vector-set! v offset #f)
12265 (for-each (lambda (stale)
12266 (if (car stale)
12267 (let ((i (cdr stale)))
12268 (if (< i n)
12269 (vector-set! v i #f)))))
12270 (cgframe:slot.stale slot)))))
12271 (cgframe:slots frame))
12272 (do ((i n (- i 1))
12273 (stale (filter car stale)
12274 (if (vector-ref v i)
12275 (cons (cons #t i) stale)
12276 stale)))
12277 ((<= i 0)
12278 (cgframe:stale-set! frame stale)))))
12280(define (cgframe-join! frame1 frame2)
12281 (let* ((slots1 (cgframe:slots frame1))
12282 (slots2 (cgframe:slots frame2))
12283 (slots (intersection slots1 slots2))
12284 (deadslots (append (difference slots1 slots)
12285 (difference slots2 slots)))
12286 (deadoffsets (make-set
12287 (filter (lambda (x) (not (eq? x #f)))
12288 (map cgframe:slot.offset deadslots))))
12289 (stale1 (cgframe:stale frame1))
12290 (stale2 (cgframe:stale frame2))
12291 (stale (intersection stale1 stale2))
12292 (stale (append (map (lambda (n) (cons #t n))
12293 deadoffsets)
12294 stale)))
12295 (cgframe:slots-set! frame1 slots)
12296 (cgframe:stale-set! frame1 stale)))
12298; Environments.
12300; Each identifier has one of the following kinds of entry.
12302; (<name> register <number> (object))
12303; (<name> frame <slot> (object))
12304; (<name> lexical <rib> <offset> (object))
12305; (<name> procedure <rib> <label> (object))
12306; (<name> integrable <arity> <op> <imm> (object))
12307; (<name> global (object))
12309; Implementation.
12311; An environment is represented as a list of the form
12313; ((<entry> ...) ; lexical rib
12314; ...)
12316; where each <entry> has one of the forms
12318; (<name> lexical <offset> (object))
12319; (<name> procedure <rib> <label> (object))
12320; (<name> integrable <arity> <op> <imm> (object))
12322(define car)
12323(define entry.kind cadr)
12324(define entry.rib caddr)
12325(define entry.offset cadddr)
12326(define entry.label cadddr)
12327(define entry.regnum caddr)
12328(define entry.slotnum caddr)
12329(define entry.arity caddr)
12330(define entry.op cadddr)
12331(define (entry.imm entry) (car (cddddr entry)))
12333(define (cgenv-initial integrable)
12334 (list (map (lambda (x)
12335 (list (car x)
12336 'integrable
12337 (cadr x)
12338 (caddr x)
12339 (cadddr x)
12340 '(object)))
12341 integrable)))
12343(define (cgenv-lookup env id)
12344 (define (loop ribs m)
12345 (if (null? ribs)
12346 (cons id '(global (object)))
12347 (let ((x (assq id (car ribs))))
12348 (if x
12349 (case (cadr x)
12350 ((lexical)
12351 (cons id
12352 (cons (cadr x)
12353 (cons m (cddr x)))))
12354 ((procedure)
12355 (cons id
12356 (cons (cadr x)
12357 (cons m (cddr x)))))
12358 ((integrable)
12359 (if (integrate-usual-procedures)
12360 x
12361 (loop '() m)))
12362 (else ???))
12363 (loop (cdr ribs) (+ m 1))))))
12364 (loop env 0))
12366(define (cgenv-extend env vars procs)
12367 (cons (do ((n 0 (+ n 1))
12368 (vars vars (cdr vars))
12369 (rib (map (lambda (id)
12370 (list id 'procedure (make-label) '(object)))
12371 procs)
12372 (cons (list (car vars) 'lexical n '(object)) rib)))
12373 ((null? vars) rib))
12374 env))
12376(define (cgenv-bindprocs env procs)
12377 (cons (append (map (lambda (id)
12378 (list id 'procedure (make-label) '(object)))
12379 procs)
12380 (car env))
12381 (cdr env)))
12383(define (var-lookup var regs frame env)
12384 (or (cgreg-lookup regs var)
12385 (cgframe-lookup frame var)
12386 (cgenv-lookup env var)))
12388; Compositions.
12390(define compile
12391 (lambda (x)
12392 (pass4 (pass3 (pass2 (pass1 x))) $usual-integrable-procedures$)))
12394(define compile-block
12395 (lambda (x)
12396 (pass4 (pass3 (pass2 (pass1-block x))) $usual-integrable-procedures$)))
12398; For testing.
12400(define foo
12401 (lambda (x)
12402 (pretty-print (compile x))))
12404; Find the smallest number of registers such that
12405; adding more registers does not affect the code
12406; generated for x (from 4 to 32 registers).
12408(define (minregs x)
12409 (define (defregs R)
12410 (set! *nregs* R)
12411 (set! *lastreg* (- *nregs* 1))
12412 (set! *fullregs* (quotient *nregs* 2)))
12413 (defregs 32)
12414 (let ((code (assemble (compile x))))
12415 (define (binary-search m1 m2)
12416 (if (= (+ m1 1) m2)
12417 m2
12418 (let ((midpt (quotient (+ m1 m2) 2)))
12419 (defregs midpt)
12420 (if (equal? code (assemble (compile x)))
12421 (binary-search m1 midpt)
12422 (binary-search midpt m2)))))
12423 (defregs 4)
12424 (let ((newcode (assemble (compile x))))
12425 (if (equal? code newcode)
12426 4
12427 (binary-search 4 32)))))
12429; Minimums:
12430; browse 10
12431; triangle 5
12432; traverse 10
12433; destruct 6
12434; puzzle 8,8,10,7
12435; tak 6
12436; fft 28 (changing the named lets to macros didn't matter)
12437; Copyright 1991 William Clinger
12439; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
12441; 7 June 1999.
12443; Fourth pass of the Twobit compiler:
12444; code generation for the MacScheme machine.
12446; This pass operates on input expressions described by the
12447; following grammar and the invariants that follow it.
12449; "X ..." means zero or more occurrences of X.
12451; L --> (lambda (I_1 ...)
12452; (begin D ...)
12453; (quote (R F G <decls> <doc>)
12454; E)
12455; | (lambda (I_1 ... . I_rest)
12456; (begin D ...)
12457; (quote (R F G <decls> <doc>))
12458; E)
12459; D --> (define I L)
12460; E --> (quote K) ; constants
12461; | (begin I) ; variable references
12462; | L ; lambda expressions
12463; | (E0 E1 ...) ; calls
12464; | (set! I E) ; assignments
12465; | (if E0 E1 E2) ; conditionals
12466; | (begin E0 E1 E2 ...) ; sequential expressions
12467; I --> <identifier>
12469; R --> ((I <references> <assignments> <calls>) ...)
12470; F --> (I ...)
12471; G --> (I ...)
12473; Invariants that hold for the input
12474; * There are no assignments except to global variables.
12475; * If I is declared by an internal definition, then the right hand
12476; side of the internal definition is a lambda expression and I
12477; is referenced only in the procedure position of a call.
12478; * Every procedure defined by an internal definition takes a
12479; fixed number of arguments.
12480; * Every call to a procedure defined by an internal definition
12481; passes the correct number of arguments.
12482; * For each lambda expression, the associated F is a list of all
12483; the identifiers that occur free in the body of that lambda
12484; expression, and possibly a few extra identifiers that were
12485; once free but have been removed by optimization.
12486; * For each lambda expression, the associated G is a subset of F
12487; that contains every identifier that occurs free within some
12488; inner lambda expression that escapes, and possibly a few that
12489; don't. (Assignment-elimination does not calculate G exactly.)
12490; * Variables named IGNORED are neither referenced nor assigned.
12491; * Any lambda expression that is declared to be in A-normal form
12492; really is in A-normal form.
12495; Stack frames are created by "save" instructions.
12496; A save instruction is generated
12498; * at the beginning of each lambda body
12499; * at the beginning of the code for each arm of a conditional,
12500; provided:
12501; the conditional is in a tail position
12502; the frames that were allocated by the save instructions
12503; that dominate the arms of the conditional have not been
12504; used (those save instructions will be eliminated during
12505; assembly)
12507; The operand of a save instruction, and of its matching pop instructions,
12508; increases automatically as frame slots are allocated.
12510; The code generated to return from a procedure is
12512; pop n
12513; return
12515; The code generated for a tail call is
12517; pop n
12518; invoke ...
12520; Invariant: When the code generator reserves an argument register
12521; to hold a value, that value is named, and is stored into the current
12522; stack frame. These store instructions are eliminated during assembly
12523; unless there is a matching load instruction. If all of the instructions
12524; that store into a stack frame are eliminated, then the stack frame
12525; itself is eliminated.
12526; Exception: An argument register may be used without naming or storing
12527; its value provided the register is not in use and no expressions are
12528; evaluated while it contains the unnamed and unstored value.
12531(define (pass4 exp integrable)
12532 (init-labels)
12533 (init-temps)
12534 (let ((output (make-assembly-stream))
12535 (frame (cgframe-initial))
12536 (regs (cgreg-initial))
12537 (t0 (newtemp)))
12538 (assembly-stream-info! output (make-hashtable equal-hash assoc))
12539 (cgreg-bind! regs 0 t0)
12540 (gen-save! output frame t0)
12541 (cg0 output
12542 exp
12543 'result
12544 regs
12545 frame
12546 (cgenv-initial integrable)
12547 #t)
12548 (pass4-code output)))
12550(define (pass4-code output)
12551 (hashtable-for-each (lambda (situation label)
12552 (cg-trap output situation label))
12553 (assembly-stream-info output))
12554 (assembly-stream-code output))
12556; Given:
12557; an assembly stream into which instructions should be emitted
12558; an expression
12559; the target register
12560; ('result, a register number, or '#f; tail position implies 'result)
12561; a register environment [cgreg]
12562; a stack-frame environment [cgframe]
12563; a compile-time environment [cgenv]
12564; a flag indicating whether the expression is in tail position
12565; Returns:
12566; the target register ('result or a register number)
12567; Side effects:
12568; may change the register and stack-frame environments
12569; may increase the size of the stack frame, which changes previously
12570; emitted instructions
12571; writes instructions to the assembly stream
12573(define (cg0 output exp target regs frame env tail?)
12574 (case (car exp)
12575 ((quote) (gen! output $const (constant.value exp))
12576 (if tail?
12577 (begin (gen-pop! output frame)
12578 (gen! output $return)
12579 'result)
12580 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target)))
12581 ((lambda) (cg-lambda output exp regs frame env)
12582 (if tail?
12583 (begin (gen-pop! output frame)
12584 (gen! output $return)
12585 'result)
12586 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target)))
12587 ((set!) (cg0 output (assignment.rhs exp) 'result regs frame env #f)
12588 (cg-assignment-result output exp target regs frame env tail?))
12589 ((if) (cg-if output exp target regs frame env tail?))
12590 ((begin) (if (variable? exp)
12591 (cg-variable output exp target regs frame env tail?)
12592 (cg-sequential output exp target regs frame env tail?)))
12593 (else (cg-call output exp target regs frame env tail?))))
12595; Lambda expressions that evaluate to closures.
12596; This is hard because the MacScheme machine's lambda instruction
12597; closes over the values that are in argument registers 0 through r
12598; (where r can be larger than *nregs*).
12599; The set of free variables is calculated and then sorted to minimize
12600; register shuffling.
12602; Returns: nothing.
12604(define (cg-lambda output exp regs frame env)
12605 (let* ((args (lambda.args exp))
12606 (vars (make-null-terminated args))
12607 (free (difference (lambda.F exp) vars))
12608 (free (cg-sort-vars free regs frame env))
12609 (newenv (cgenv-extend env (cons #t free) '()))
12610 (newoutput (make-assembly-stream)))
12611 (assembly-stream-info! newoutput (make-hashtable equal-hash assoc))
12612 (gen! newoutput $.proc)
12613 (if (list? args)
12614 (gen! newoutput $args= (length args))
12615 (gen! newoutput $args>= (- (length vars) 1)))
12616 (cg-known-lambda newoutput exp newenv)
12617 (cg-eval-vars output free regs frame env)
12618 ; FIXME
12619 '
12620 (if (not (ignore-space-leaks))
12621 ; FIXME: Is this the right constant?
12622 (begin (gen! output $const #f)
12623 (gen! output $setreg 0)))
12624 (gen! output
12625 $lambda
12626 (pass4-code newoutput)
12627 (length free)
12628 (lambda.doc exp))
12629 ; FIXME
12630 '
12631 (if (not (ignore-space-leaks))
12632 ; FIXME: This load forces a stack frame to be allocated.
12633 (gen-load! output frame 0 (cgreg-lookup-reg regs 0)))))
12635; Given a list of free variables, filters out the ones that
12636; need to be copied into a closure, and sorts them into an order
12637; that reduces register shuffling. Returns a sorted version of
12638; the list in which the first element (element 0) should go
12639; into register 1, the second into register 2, and so on.
12641(define (cg-sort-vars free regs frame env)
12642 (let* ((free (filter (lambda (var)
12643 (case (entry.kind
12644 (var-lookup var regs frame env))
12645 ((register frame)
12646 #t)
12647 ((lexical)
12648 (not (ignore-space-leaks)))
12649 (else #f)))
12650 free))
12651 (n (length free))
12652 (m (min n (- *nregs* 1)))
12653 (vec (make-vector m #f)))
12654 (define (loop1 free free-notregister)
12655 (if (null? free)
12656 (loop2 0 free-notregister)
12657 (let* ((var (car free))
12658 (entry (cgreg-lookup regs var)))
12659 (if entry
12660 (let ((r (entry.regnum entry)))
12661 (if (<= r n)
12662 (begin (vector-set! vec (- r 1) var)
12663 (loop1 (cdr free)
12664 free-notregister))
12665 (loop1 (cdr free)
12666 (cons var free-notregister))))
12667 (loop1 (cdr free)
12668 (cons var free-notregister))))))
12669 (define (loop2 i free)
12670 (cond ((null? free)
12671 (vector->list vec))
12672 ((= i m)
12673 (append (vector->list vec) free))
12674 ((vector-ref vec i)
12675 (loop2 (+ i 1) free))
12676 (else
12677 (vector-set! vec i (car free))
12678 (loop2 (+ i 1) (cdr free)))))
12679 (loop1 free '())))
12681; Fetches the given list of free variables into the corresponding
12682; registers in preparation for a $lambda or $lexes instruction.
12684(define (cg-eval-vars output free regs frame env)
12685 (let ((n (length free))
12686 (R-1 (- *nregs* 1)))
12687 (if (>= n R-1)
12688 (begin (gen! output $const '())
12689 (gen! output $setreg R-1)
12690 (cgreg-release! regs R-1)))
12691 (do ((r n (- r 1))
12692 (vars (reverse free) (cdr vars)))
12693 ((zero? r))
12694 (let* ((v (car vars))
12695 (entry (var-lookup v regs frame env)))
12696 (case (entry.kind entry)
12697 ((register)
12698 (let ((r1 (entry.regnum entry)))
12699 (if (not (eqv? r r1))
12700 (if (< r R-1)
12701 (begin (gen! output $movereg r1 r)
12702 (cgreg-bind! regs r v))
12703 (gen! output $reg r1 v)))))
12704 ((frame)
12705 (if (< r R-1)
12706 (begin (gen-load! output frame r v)
12707 (cgreg-bind! regs r v))
12708 (gen-stack! output frame v)))
12709 ((lexical)
12710 (gen! output $lexical
12711 (entry.rib entry)
12712 (entry.offset entry)
12713 v)
12714 (if (< r R-1)
12715 (begin (gen! output $setreg r)
12716 (cgreg-bind! regs r v)
12717 (gen-store! output frame r v))))
12718 (else
12719 (error "Bug in cg-close-lambda")))
12720 (if (>= r R-1)
12721 (begin (gen! output $op2 $cons R-1)
12722 (gen! output $setreg R-1)))))))
12724; Lambda expressions that appear on the rhs of a definition are
12725; compiled here. They don't need an args= instruction at their head.
12727; Returns: nothing.
12729(define (cg-known-lambda output exp env)
12730 (let* ((vars (make-null-terminated (lambda.args exp)))
12731 (regs (cgreg-initial))
12732 (frame (cgframe-initial))
12733 (t0 (newtemp)))
12734 (if (member A-normal-form-declaration (lambda.decls exp))
12735 (cgframe-livevars-set! frame '()))
12736 (cgreg-bind! regs 0 t0)
12737 (gen-save! output frame t0)
12738 (do ((r 1 (+ r 1))
12739 (vars vars (cdr vars)))
12740 ((or (null? vars)
12741 (= r *lastreg*))
12742 (if (not (null? vars))
12743 (begin (gen! output $movereg *lastreg* 1)
12744 (cgreg-release! regs 1)
12745 (do ((vars vars (cdr vars)))
12746 ((null? vars))
12747 (gen! output $reg 1)
12748 (gen! output $op1 $car:pair)
12749 (gen-setstk! output frame (car vars))
12750 (gen! output $reg 1)
12751 (gen! output $op1 $cdr:pair)
12752 (gen! output $setreg 1)))))
12753 (cgreg-bind! regs r (car vars))
12754 (gen-store! output frame r (car vars)))
12755 (cg-body output
12756 exp
12757 'result
12758 regs
12759 frame
12760 env
12761 #t)))
12763; Compiles a let or lambda body.
12764; The arguments of the lambda expression L are already in
12765; registers or the stack frame, as specified by regs and frame.
12767; The problem here is that the free variables of an internal
12768; definition must be in a heap-allocated environment, so any
12769; such variables in registers must be copied to the heap.
12771; Returns: destination register.
12773(define (cg-body output L target regs frame env tail?)
12774 (let* ((exp (lambda.body L))
12775 (defs (lambda.defs L))
12776 (free (apply-union
12777 (map (lambda (def)
12778 (let ((L (def.rhs def)))
12779 (difference (lambda.F L)
12780 (lambda.args L))))
12781 defs))))
12782 (cond ((or (null? defs) (constant? exp) (variable? exp))
12783 (cg0 output exp target regs frame env tail?))
12784 ((lambda? exp)
12785 (let* ((free (cg-sort-vars
12786 (union free
12787 (difference
12788 (lambda.F exp)
12789 (make-null-terminated (lambda.args exp))))
12790 regs frame env))
12791 (newenv1 (cgenv-extend env
12792 (cons #t free)
12793 (map def.lhs defs)))
12794 (args (lambda.args exp))
12795 (vars (make-null-terminated args))
12796 (newoutput (make-assembly-stream)))
12797 (assembly-stream-info! newoutput (make-hashtable equal-hash assoc))
12798 (gen! newoutput $.proc)
12799 (if (list? args)
12800 (gen! newoutput $args= (length args))
12801 (gen! newoutput $args>= (- (length vars) 1)))
12802 (cg-known-lambda newoutput exp newenv1)
12803 (cg-defs newoutput defs newenv1)
12804 (cg-eval-vars output free regs frame env)
12805 (gen! output
12806 $lambda
12807 (pass4-code newoutput)
12808 (length free)
12809 (lambda.doc exp))
12810 (if tail?
12811 (begin (gen-pop! output frame)
12812 (gen! output $return)
12813 'result)
12814 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target))))
12815 ((every? (lambda (def)
12816 (every? (lambda (v)
12817 (case (entry.kind
12818 (var-lookup v regs frame env))
12819 ((register frame) #f)
12820 (else #t)))
12821 (let ((Ldef (def.rhs def)))
12822 (difference (lambda.F Ldef)
12823 (lambda.args Ldef)))))
12824 defs)
12825 (let* ((newenv (cgenv-bindprocs env (map def.lhs defs)))
12826 (L (make-label))
12827 (r (cg0 output exp target regs frame newenv tail?)))
12828 (if (not tail?)
12829 (gen! output $skip L (cgreg-live regs r)))
12830 (cg-defs output defs newenv)
12831 (if (not tail?)
12832 (gen! output $.label L))
12833 r))
12834 (else
12835 (let ((free (cg-sort-vars free regs frame env)))
12836 (cg-eval-vars output free regs frame env)
12837 ; FIXME: Have to restore it too!
12838 '
12839 (if (not (ignore-space-leaks))
12840 ; FIXME: Is this constant the right one?
12841 (begin (gen! output $const #f)
12842 (gen! output $setreg 0)))
12843 (let ((t0 (cgreg-lookup-reg regs 0))
12844 (t1 (newtemp))
12845 (newenv (cgenv-extend env
12846 (cons #t free)
12847 (map def.lhs defs)))
12848 (L (make-label)))
12849 (gen! output $lexes (length free) free)
12850 (gen! output $setreg 0)
12851 (cgreg-bind! regs 0 t1)
12852 (if tail?
12853 (begin (cgframe-release! frame t0)
12854 (gen-store! output frame 0 t1)
12855 (cg0 output exp 'result regs frame newenv #t)
12856 (cg-defs output defs newenv)
12857 'result)
12858 (begin (gen-store! output frame 0 t1)
12859 (cg0 output exp 'result regs frame newenv #f)
12860 (gen! output $skip L (cgreg-tos regs))
12861 (cg-defs output defs newenv)
12862 (gen! output $.label L)
12863 (gen-load! output frame 0 t0)
12864 (cgreg-bind! regs 0 t0)
12865 (cgframe-release! frame t1)
12866 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target)))))))))
12868(define (cg-defs output defs env)
12869 (for-each (lambda (def)
12870 (gen! output $.align 4)
12871 (gen! output $.label
12872 (entry.label
12873 (cgenv-lookup env (def.lhs def))))
12874 (gen! output $.proc)
12875 (gen! output $.proc-doc (lambda.doc (def.rhs def)))
12876 (cg-known-lambda output
12877 (def.rhs def)
12878 env))
12879 defs))
12881; The right hand side has already been evaluated into the result register.
12883(define (cg-assignment-result output exp target regs frame env tail?)
12884 (gen! output $setglbl (assignment.lhs exp))
12885 (if tail?
12886 (begin (gen-pop! output frame)
12887 (gen! output $return)
12888 'result)
12889 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target)))
12891(define (cg-if output exp target regs frame env tail?)
12892 ; The test can be a constant, because it is awkward
12893 ; to remove constant tests from an A-normal form.
12894 (if (constant? (if.test exp))
12895 (cg0 output
12896 (if (constant.value (if.test exp))
12897 (if.then exp)
12898 (if.else exp))
12899 target regs frame env tail?)
12900 (begin
12901 (cg0 output (if.test exp) 'result regs frame env #f)
12902 (cg-if-result output exp target regs frame env tail?))))
12904; The test expression has already been evaluated into the result register.
12906(define (cg-if-result output exp target regs frame env tail?)
12907 (let ((L1 (make-label))
12908 (L2 (make-label)))
12909 (gen! output $branchf L1 (cgreg-tos regs))
12910 (let* ((regs2 (cgreg-copy regs))
12911 (frame1 (if (and tail?
12912 (negative? (cgframe-size frame)))
12913 (cgframe-initial)
12914 frame))
12915 (frame2 (if (eq? frame frame1)
12916 (cgframe-copy frame1)
12917 (cgframe-initial)))
12918 (t0 (cgreg-lookup-reg regs 0)))
12919 (if (not (eq? frame frame1))
12920 (let ((live (cgframe-livevars frame)))
12921 (cgframe-livevars-set! frame1 live)
12922 (cgframe-livevars-set! frame2 live)
12923 (gen-save! output frame1 t0)
12924 (cg-saveregs output regs frame1)))
12925 (let ((r (cg0 output (if.then exp) target regs frame1 env tail?)))
12926 (if (not tail?)
12927 (gen! output $skip L2 (cgreg-live regs r)))
12928 (gen! output $.label L1)
12929 (if (not (eq? frame frame1))
12930 (begin (gen-save! output frame2 t0)
12931 (cg-saveregs output regs2 frame2))
12932 (cgframe-update-stale! frame2))
12933 (cg0 output (if.else exp) r regs2 frame2 env tail?)
12934 (if (not tail?)
12935 (begin (gen! output $.label L2)
12936 (cgreg-join! regs regs2)
12937 (cgframe-join! frame1 frame2)))
12938 (if (and (not target)
12939 (not (eq? r 'result))
12940 (not (cgreg-lookup-reg regs r)))
12941 (cg-move output frame regs r 'result)
12942 r)))))
12944(define (cg-variable output exp target regs frame env tail?)
12945 (define (return id)
12946 (if tail?
12947 (begin (gen-pop! output frame)
12948 (gen! output $return)
12949 'result)
12950 (if (and target
12951 (not (eq? 'result target)))
12952 (begin (gen! output $setreg target)
12953 (cgreg-bind! regs target id)
12954 (gen-store! output frame target id)
12955 target)
12956 'result)))
12957 ; Same as return, but doesn't emit a store instruction.
12958 (define (return-nostore id)
12959 (if tail?
12960 (begin (gen-pop! output frame)
12961 (gen! output $return)
12962 'result)
12963 (if (and target
12964 (not (eq? 'result target)))
12965 (begin (gen! output $setreg target)
12966 (cgreg-bind! regs target id)
12967 target)
12968 'result)))
12969 (let* ((id ( exp))
12970 (entry (var-lookup id regs frame env)))
12971 (case (entry.kind entry)
12972 ((global integrable)
12973 (gen! output $global id)
12974 (return (newtemp)))
12975 ((lexical)
12976 (let ((m (entry.rib entry))
12977 (n (entry.offset entry)))
12978 (gen! output $lexical m n id)
12979 (if (or (zero? m)
12980 (negative? (cgframe-size frame)))
12981 (return-nostore id)
12982 (return id))))
12983 ((procedure) (error "Bug in cg-variable" exp))
12984 ((register)
12985 (let ((r (entry.regnum entry)))
12986 (if (or tail?
12987 (and target (not (eqv? target r))))
12988 (begin (gen! output $reg (entry.regnum entry) id)
12989 (return-nostore id))
12990 r)))
12991 ((frame)
12992 (cond ((eq? target 'result)
12993 (gen-stack! output frame id)
12994 (return id))
12995 (target
12996 ; Must be non-tail.
12997 (gen-load! output frame target id)
12998 (cgreg-bind! regs target id)
12999 target)
13000 (else
13001 ; Must be non-tail.
13002 (let ((r (choose-register regs frame)))
13003 (gen-load! output frame r id)
13004 (cgreg-bind! regs r id)
13005 r))))
13006 (else (error "Bug in cg-variable" exp)))))
13008(define (cg-sequential output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13009 (cg-sequential-loop output (begin.exprs exp) target regs frame env tail?))
13011(define (cg-sequential-loop output exprs target regs frame env tail?)
13012 (cond ((null? exprs)
13013 (gen! output $const unspecified)
13014 (if tail?
13015 (begin (gen-pop! output frame)
13016 (gen! output $return)
13017 'result)
13018 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target)))
13019 ((null? (cdr exprs))
13020 (cg0 output (car exprs) target regs frame env tail?))
13021 (else (cg0 output (car exprs) #f regs frame env #f)
13022 (cg-sequential-loop output
13023 (cdr exprs)
13024 target regs frame env tail?))))
13026(define (cg-saveregs output regs frame)
13027 (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))
13028 (vars (cdr (cgreg-vars regs)) (cdr vars)))
13029 ((null? vars))
13030 (let ((t (car vars)))
13031 (if t
13032 (gen-store! output frame i t)))))
13034(define (cg-move output frame regs src dst)
13035 (define (bind dst)
13036 (let ((temp (newtemp)))
13037 (cgreg-bind! regs dst temp)
13038 (gen-store! output frame dst temp)
13039 dst))
13040 (cond ((not dst)
13041 src)
13042 ((eqv? src dst)
13043 dst)
13044 ((eq? dst 'result)
13045 (gen! output $reg src)
13046 dst)
13047 ((eq? src 'result)
13048 (gen! output $setreg dst)
13049 (bind dst))
13050 ((and (not (zero? src))
13051 (not (zero? dst)))
13052 (gen! output $movereg src dst)
13053 (bind dst))
13054 (else
13055 (gen! output $reg src)
13056 (gen! output $setreg dst)
13057 (bind dst))))
13059; On-the-fly register allocator.
13060; Tries to allocate:
13061; a hardware register that isn't being used
13062; a hardware register whose contents have already been spilled
13063; a software register that isn't being used, unless a stack
13064; frame has already been created, in which case it is better to use
13065; a hardware register that is in use and hasn't yet been spilled
13067; All else equal, it is better to allocate a higher-numbered register
13068; because the lower-numbered registers are targets when arguments
13069; are being evaluated.
13071; Invariant: Every register that is returned by this allocator
13072; is either not in use or has been spilled.
13074(define (choose-register regs frame)
13075 (car (choose-registers regs frame 1)))
13077(define (choose-registers regs frame n)
13079 ; Find unused hardware registers.
13080 (define (loop1 i n good)
13081 (cond ((zero? n)
13082 good)
13083 ((zero? i)
13084 (if (negative? (cgframe-size frame))
13085 (hardcase)
13086 (loop2 (- *nhwregs* 1) n good)))
13087 (else
13088 (if (cgreg-lookup-reg regs i)
13089 (loop1 (- i 1) n good)
13090 (loop1 (- i 1)
13091 (- n 1)
13092 (cons i good))))))
13094 ; Find already spilled hardware registers.
13095 (define (loop2 i n good)
13096 (cond ((zero? n)
13097 good)
13098 ((zero? i)
13099 (hardcase))
13100 (else
13101 (let ((t (cgreg-lookup-reg regs i)))
13102 (if (and t (cgframe-spilled? frame t))
13103 (loop2 (- i 1)
13104 (- n 1)
13105 (cons i good))
13106 (loop2 (- i 1) n good))))))
13108 ; This is ridiculous.
13109 ; Fortunately the correctness of the compiler is independent
13110 ; of the predicate used for this sort.
13112 (define (hardcase)
13113 (let* ((frame-exists? (not (negative? (cgframe-size frame))))
13114 (stufftosort
13115 (map (lambda (r)
13116 (let* ((t (cgreg-lookup-reg regs r))
13117 (spilled?
13118 (and t
13119 (cgframe-spilled? frame t))))
13120 (list r t spilled?)))
13121 (cdr (iota *nregs*))))
13122 (registers
13123 (twobit-sort
13124 (lambda (x1 x2)
13125 (let ((r1 (car x1))
13126 (r2 (car x2))
13127 (t1 (cadr x1))
13128 (t2 (cadr x2)))
13129 (cond ((< r1 *nhwregs*)
13130 (cond ((not t1) #t)
13131 ((< r2 *nhwregs*)
13132 (cond ((not t2) #f)
13133 ((caddr x1) #t)
13134 ((caddr x2) #f)
13135 (else #t)))
13136 (frame-exists? #t)
13137 (t2 #t)
13138 (else #f)))
13139 ((< r2 *nhwregs*)
13140 (cond (frame-exists? #f)
13141 (t1 #f)
13142 (t2 #t)
13143 (else #f)))
13144 (t1
13145 (if (and (caddr x1)
13146 t2
13147 (not (caddr x2)))
13148 #t
13149 #f))
13150 (else #t))))
13151 stufftosort)))
13152 ; FIXME: What was this for?
13153 '
13154 (for-each (lambda (register)
13155 (let ((t (cadr register))
13156 (spilled? (caddr register)))
13157 (if (and t (not spilled?))
13158 (cgframe-touch! frame t))))
13159 registers)
13160 (do ((sorted (map car registers) (cdr sorted))
13161 (rs '() (cons (car sorted) rs))
13162 (n n (- n 1)))
13163 ((zero? n)
13164 (reverse rs)))))
13166 (if (< n *nregs*)
13167 (loop1 (- *nhwregs* 1) n '())
13168 (error (string-append "Compiler bug: can't allocate "
13169 (number->string n)
13170 " registers on this target."))))
13171; Copyright 1991 William Clinger
13173; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
13175; 21 May 1999.
13177; Procedure calls.
13179(define (cg-call output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13180 (let ((proc (call.proc exp)))
13181 (cond ((and (lambda? proc)
13182 (list? (lambda.args proc)))
13183 (cg-let output exp target regs frame env tail?))
13184 ((not (variable? proc))
13185 (cg-unknown-call output exp target regs frame env tail?))
13186 (else (let ((entry
13187 (var-lookup ( proc) regs frame env)))
13188 (case (entry.kind entry)
13189 ((global lexical frame register)
13190 (cg-unknown-call output
13191 exp
13192 target regs frame env tail?))
13193 ((integrable)
13194 (cg-integrable-call output
13195 exp
13196 target regs frame env tail?))
13197 ((procedure)
13198 (cg-known-call output
13199 exp
13200 target regs frame env tail?))
13201 (else (error "Bug in cg-call" exp))))))))
13203(define (cg-unknown-call output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13204 (let* ((proc (call.proc exp))
13205 (args (call.args exp))
13206 (n (length args))
13207 (L (make-label)))
13208 (cond ((>= (+ n 1) *lastreg*)
13209 (cg-big-call output exp target regs frame env tail?))
13210 (else
13211 (let ((r0 (cgreg-lookup-reg regs 0)))
13212 (if (variable? proc)
13213 (let ((entry (cgreg-lookup regs ( proc))))
13214 (if (and entry
13215 (<= (entry.regnum entry) n))
13216 (begin (cg-arguments output
13217 (iota1 (+ n 1))
13218 (append args (list proc))
13219 regs frame env)
13220 (gen! output $reg (+ n 1)))
13221 (begin (cg-arguments output
13222 (iota1 n)
13223 args
13224 regs frame env)
13225 (cg0 output proc 'result regs frame env #f)))
13226 (if tail?
13227 (gen-pop! output frame)
13228 (begin (cgframe-used! frame)
13229 (gen! output $setrtn L)))
13230 (gen! output $invoke n))
13231 (begin (cg-arguments output
13232 (iota1 (+ n 1))
13233 (append args (list proc))
13234 regs frame env)
13235 (gen! output $reg (+ n 1))
13236 (if tail?
13237 (gen-pop! output frame)
13238 (begin (cgframe-used! frame)
13239 (gen! output $setrtn L)))
13240 (gen! output $invoke n)))
13241 (if tail?
13242 'result
13243 (begin (gen! output $.align 4)
13244 (gen! output $.label L)
13245 (gen! output $.cont)
13246 (cgreg-clear! regs)
13247 (cgreg-bind! regs 0 r0)
13248 (gen-load! output frame 0 r0)
13249 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target))))))))
13251(define (cg-known-call output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13252 (let* ((args (call.args exp))
13253 (n (length args))
13254 (L (make-label)))
13255 (cond ((>= (+ n 1) *lastreg*)
13256 (cg-big-call output exp target regs frame env tail?))
13257 (else
13258 (let ((r0 (cgreg-lookup-reg regs 0)))
13259 (cg-arguments output (iota1 n) args regs frame env)
13260 (if tail?
13261 (gen-pop! output frame)
13262 (begin (cgframe-used! frame)
13263 (gen! output $setrtn L)))
13264 (let* ((entry (cgenv-lookup env ( (call.proc exp))))
13265 (label (entry.label entry))
13266 (m (entry.rib entry)))
13267 (if (zero? m)
13268 (gen! output $branch label n)
13269 (gen! output $jump m label n)))
13270 (if tail?
13271 'result
13272 (begin (gen! output $.align 4)
13273 (gen! output $.label L)
13274 (gen! output $.cont)
13275 (cgreg-clear! regs)
13276 (cgreg-bind! regs 0 r0)
13277 (gen-load! output frame 0 r0)
13278 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target))))))))
13280; Any call can be compiled as follows, even if there are no free registers.
13282; Let T0, T1, ..., Tn be newly allocated stack temporaries.
13284; <arg0>
13285; setstk T0
13286; <arg1> -|
13287; setstk T1 |
13288; ... |- evaluate args into stack frame
13289; <argn> |
13290; setstk Tn -|
13291; const ()
13292; setreg R-1
13293; stack Tn -|
13294; op2 cons,R-1 |
13295; setreg R-1 |
13296; ... |- cons up overflow args
13297; stack T_{R-1} |
13298; op2 cons,R-1 |
13299; setreg R-1 -|
13300; stack T_{R-2} -|
13301; setreg R-2 |
13302; ... |- pop remaining args into registers
13303; stack T1 |
13304; setreg 1 -|
13305; stack T0
13306; invoke n
13308(define (cg-big-call output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13309 (let* ((proc (call.proc exp))
13310 (args (call.args exp))
13311 (n (length args))
13312 (argslots (newtemps n))
13313 (procslot (newtemp))
13314 (r0 (cgreg-lookup-reg regs 0))
13315 (R-1 (- *nregs* 1))
13316 (entry (if (variable? proc)
13317 (let ((entry
13318 (var-lookup ( proc)
13319 regs frame env)))
13320 (if (eq? (entry.kind entry) 'procedure)
13321 entry
13322 #f))
13323 #f))
13324 (L (make-label)))
13325 (if (not entry)
13326 (begin
13327 (cg0 output proc 'result regs frame env #f)
13328 (gen-setstk! output frame procslot)))
13329 (for-each (lambda (arg argslot)
13330 (cg0 output arg 'result regs frame env #f)
13331 (gen-setstk! output frame argslot))
13332 args
13333 argslots)
13334 (cgreg-clear! regs)
13335 (gen! output $const '())
13336 (gen! output $setreg R-1)
13337 (do ((i n (- i 1))
13338 (slots (reverse argslots) (cdr slots)))
13339 ((zero? i))
13340 (if (< i R-1)
13341 (gen-load! output frame i (car slots))
13342 (begin (gen-stack! output frame (car slots))
13343 (gen! output $op2 $cons R-1)
13344 (gen! output $setreg R-1))))
13345 (if (not entry)
13346 (gen-stack! output frame procslot))
13347 (if tail?
13348 (gen-pop! output frame)
13349 (begin (cgframe-used! frame)
13350 (gen! output $setrtn L)))
13351 (if entry
13352 (let ((label (entry.label entry))
13353 (m (entry.rib entry)))
13354 (if (zero? m)
13355 (gen! output $branch label n)
13356 (gen! output $jump m label n)))
13357 (gen! output $invoke n))
13358 (if tail?
13359 'result
13360 (begin (gen! output $.align 4)
13361 (gen! output $.label L)
13362 (gen! output $.cont)
13363 (cgreg-clear! regs) ; redundant, see above
13364 (cgreg-bind! regs 0 r0)
13365 (gen-load! output frame 0 r0)
13366 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target)))))
13368(define (cg-integrable-call output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13369 (let ((args (call.args exp))
13370 (entry (var-lookup ( (call.proc exp)) regs frame env)))
13371 (if (= (entry.arity entry) (length args))
13372 (begin (case (entry.arity entry)
13373 ((0) (gen! output $op1 (entry.op entry)))
13374 ((1) (cg0 output (car args) 'result regs frame env #f)
13375 (gen! output $op1 (entry.op entry)))
13376 ((2) (cg-integrable-call2 output
13377 entry
13378 args
13379 regs frame env))
13380 ((3) (cg-integrable-call3 output
13381 entry
13382 args
13383 regs frame env))
13384 (else (error "Bug detected by cg-integrable-call"
13385 (make-readable exp))))
13386 (if tail?
13387 (begin (gen-pop! output frame)
13388 (gen! output $return)
13389 'result)
13390 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target)))
13391 (if (negative? (entry.arity entry))
13392 (cg-special output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13393 (error "Wrong number of arguments to integrable procedure"
13394 (make-readable exp))))))
13396(define (cg-integrable-call2 output entry args regs frame env)
13397 (let ((op (entry.op entry)))
13398 (if (and (entry.imm entry)
13399 (constant? (cadr args))
13400 ((entry.imm entry) (constant.value (cadr args))))
13401 (begin (cg0 output (car args) 'result regs frame env #f)
13402 (gen! output $op2imm
13403 op
13404 (constant.value (cadr args))))
13405 (let* ((reg2 (cg0 output (cadr args) #f regs frame env #f))
13406 (r2 (choose-register regs frame))
13407 (t2 (if (eq? reg2 'result)
13408 (let ((t2 (newtemp)))
13409 (gen! output $setreg r2)
13410 (cgreg-bind! regs r2 t2)
13411 (gen-store! output frame r2 t2)
13412 t2)
13413 (cgreg-lookup-reg regs reg2))))
13414 (cg0 output (car args) 'result regs frame env #f)
13415 (let* ((r2 (or (let ((entry (cgreg-lookup regs t2)))
13416 (if entry
13417 (entry.regnum entry)
13418 #f))
13419 (let ((r2 (choose-register regs frame)))
13420 (cgreg-bind! regs r2 t2)
13421 (gen-load! output frame r2 t2)
13422 r2))))
13423 (gen! output $op2 (entry.op entry) r2)
13424 (if (eq? reg2 'result)
13425 (begin (cgreg-release! regs r2)
13426 (cgframe-release! frame t2)))))))
13427 'result)
13429(define (cg-integrable-call3 output entry args regs frame env)
13430 (let* ((reg2 (cg0 output (cadr args) #f regs frame env #f))
13431 (r2 (choose-register regs frame))
13432 (t2 (if (eq? reg2 'result)
13433 (let ((t2 (newtemp)))
13434 (gen! output $setreg r2)
13435 (cgreg-bind! regs r2 t2)
13436 (gen-store! output frame r2 t2)
13437 t2)
13438 (cgreg-lookup-reg regs reg2)))
13439 (reg3 (cg0 output (caddr args) #f regs frame env #f))
13440 (spillregs (choose-registers regs frame 2))
13441 (t3 (if (eq? reg3 'result)
13442 (let ((t3 (newtemp))
13443 (r3 (if (eq? t2 (cgreg-lookup-reg
13444 regs (car spillregs)))
13445 (cadr spillregs)
13446 (car spillregs))))
13447 (gen! output $setreg r3)
13448 (cgreg-bind! regs r3 t3)
13449 (gen-store! output frame r3 t3)
13450 t3)
13451 (cgreg-lookup-reg regs reg3))))
13452 (cg0 output (car args) 'result regs frame env #f)
13453 (let* ((spillregs (choose-registers regs frame 2))
13454 (r2 (or (let ((entry (cgreg-lookup regs t2)))
13455 (if entry
13456 (entry.regnum entry)
13457 #f))
13458 (let ((r2 (car spillregs)))
13459 (cgreg-bind! regs r2 t2)
13460 (gen-load! output frame r2 t2)
13461 r2)))
13462 (r3 (or (let ((entry (cgreg-lookup regs t3)))
13463 (if entry
13464 (entry.regnum entry)
13465 #f))
13466 (let ((r3 (if (eq? r2 (car spillregs))
13467 (cadr spillregs)
13468 (car spillregs))))
13469 (cgreg-bind! regs r3 t3)
13470 (gen-load! output frame r3 t3)
13471 r3))))
13472 (gen! output $op3 (entry.op entry) r2 r3)
13473 (if (eq? reg2 'result)
13474 (begin (cgreg-release! regs r2)
13475 (cgframe-release! frame t2)))
13476 (if (eq? reg3 'result)
13477 (begin (cgreg-release! regs r3)
13478 (cgframe-release! frame t3)))))
13479 'result)
13481; Given a short list of expressions that can be evaluated in any order,
13482; evaluates the first into the result register and the others into any
13483; register, and returns an ordered list of the registers that contain
13484; the arguments that follow the first.
13485; The number of expressions must be less than the number of argument
13486; registers.
13488(define (cg-primop-args output args regs frame env)
13490 ; Given a list of expressions to evaluate, a list of variables
13491 ; and temporary names for arguments that have already been
13492 ; evaluated, in reverse order, and a mask of booleans that
13493 ; indicate which temporaries should be released before returning,
13494 ; returns the correct result.
13496 (define (eval-loop args temps mask)
13497 (if (null? args)
13498 (eval-first-into-result temps mask)
13499 (let ((reg (cg0 output (car args) #f regs frame env #f)))
13500 (if (eq? reg 'result)
13501 (let* ((r (choose-register regs frame))
13502 (t (newtemp)))
13503 (gen! output $setreg r)
13504 (cgreg-bind! regs r t)
13505 (gen-store! output frame r t)
13506 (eval-loop (cdr args)
13507 (cons t temps)
13508 (cons #t mask)))
13509 (eval-loop (cdr args)
13510 (cons (cgreg-lookup-reg regs reg) temps)
13511 (cons #f mask))))))
13513 (define (eval-first-into-result temps mask)
13514 (cg0 output (car args) 'result regs frame env #f)
13515 (finish-loop (choose-registers regs frame (length temps))
13516 temps
13517 mask
13518 '()))
13520 ; Given a sufficient number of disjoint registers, a list of
13521 ; variable and temporary names that may need to be loaded into
13522 ; registers, a mask of booleans that indicates which temporaries
13523 ; should be released, and a list of registers in forward order,
13524 ; returns the correct result.
13526 (define (finish-loop disjoint temps mask registers)
13527 (if (null? temps)
13528 registers
13529 (let* ((t (car temps))
13530 (entry (cgreg-lookup regs t)))
13531 (if entry
13532 (let ((r (entry.regnum entry)))
13533 (if (car mask)
13534 (begin (cgreg-release! regs r)
13535 (cgframe-release! frame t)))
13536 (finish-loop disjoint
13537 (cdr temps)
13538 (cdr mask)
13539 (cons r registers)))
13540 (let ((r (car disjoint)))
13541 (if (memv r registers)
13542 (finish-loop (cdr disjoint) temps mask registers)
13543 (begin (gen-load! output frame r t)
13544 (cgreg-bind! regs r t)
13545 (if (car mask)
13546 (begin (cgreg-release! regs r)
13547 (cgframe-release! frame t)))
13548 (finish-loop disjoint
13549 (cdr temps)
13550 (cdr mask)
13551 (cons r registers)))))))))
13553 (if (< (length args) *nregs*)
13554 (eval-loop (cdr args) '() '())
13555 (error "Bug detected by cg-primop-args" args)))
13558; Parallel assignment.
13560; Given a list of target registers, a list of expressions, and a
13561; compile-time environment, generates code to evaluate the expressions
13562; into the registers.
13564; Argument evaluation proceeds as follows:
13566; 1. Evaluate all but one of the complicated arguments.
13567; 2. Evaluate remaining arguments.
13568; 3. Load spilled arguments from stack.
13570(define (cg-arguments output targets args regs frame env)
13572 ; Sorts the args and their targets into complicated and
13573 ; uncomplicated args and targets.
13574 ; Then it calls evalargs.
13576 (define (sortargs targets args targets1 args1 targets2 args2)
13577 (if (null? args)
13578 (evalargs targets1 args1 targets2 args2)
13579 (let ((target (car targets))
13580 (arg (car args))
13581 (targets (cdr targets))
13582 (args (cdr args)))
13583 (if (complicated? arg env)
13584 (sortargs targets
13585 args
13586 (cons target targets1)
13587 (cons arg args1)
13588 targets2
13589 args2)
13590 (sortargs targets
13591 args
13592 targets1
13593 args1
13594 (cons target targets2)
13595 (cons arg args2))))))
13597 ; Given the complicated args1 and their targets1,
13598 ; and the uncomplicated args2 and their targets2,
13599 ; evaluates all the arguments into their target registers.
13601 (define (evalargs targets1 args1 targets2 args2)
13602 (let* ((temps1 (newtemps (length targets1)))
13603 (temps2 (newtemps (length targets2))))
13604 (if (not (null? args1))
13605 (for-each (lambda (arg temp)
13606 (cg0 output arg 'result regs frame env #f)
13607 (gen-setstk! output frame temp))
13608 (cdr args1)
13609 (cdr temps1)))
13610 (if (not (null? args1))
13611 (evalargs0 (cons (car targets1) targets2)
13612 (cons (car args1) args2)
13613 (cons (car temps1) temps2))
13614 (evalargs0 targets2 args2 temps2))
13615 (for-each (lambda (r t)
13616 (let ((temp (cgreg-lookup-reg regs r)))
13617 (if (not (eq? temp t))
13618 (let ((entry (var-lookup t regs frame env)))
13619 (case (entry.kind entry)
13620 ((register)
13621 (gen! output $movereg (entry.regnum entry) r))
13622 ((frame)
13623 (gen-load! output frame r t)))
13624 (cgreg-bind! regs r t)))
13625 (cgframe-release! frame t)))
13626 (append targets1 targets2)
13627 (append temps1 temps2))))
13629 (define (evalargs0 targets args temps)
13630 (if (not (null? targets))
13631 (let ((para (let* ((regvars (map (lambda (reg)
13632 (cgreg-lookup-reg regs reg))
13633 targets)))
13634 (parallel-assignment targets
13635 (map cons regvars targets)
13636 args))))
13637 (if para
13638 (let ((targets para)
13639 (args (cg-permute args targets para))
13640 (temps (cg-permute temps targets para)))
13641 (for-each (lambda (arg r t)
13642 (cg0 output arg r regs frame env #f)
13643 (cgreg-bind! regs r t)
13644 (gen-store! output frame r t))
13645 args
13646 para
13647 temps))
13648 (let ((r (choose-register regs frame))
13649 (t (car temps)))
13650 (cg0 output (car args) r regs frame env #f)
13651 (cgreg-bind! regs r t)
13652 (gen-store! output frame r t)
13653 (evalargs0 (cdr targets)
13654 (cdr args)
13655 (cdr temps)))))))
13657 (if (parallel-assignment-optimization)
13658 (sortargs (reverse targets) (reverse args) '() '() '() '())
13659 (cg-evalargs output targets args regs frame env)))
13661; Left-to-right evaluation of arguments directly into targets.
13663(define (cg-evalargs output targets args regs frame env)
13664 (let ((temps (newtemps (length targets))))
13665 (for-each (lambda (arg r t)
13666 (cg0 output arg r regs frame env #f)
13667 (cgreg-bind! regs r t)
13668 (gen-store! output frame r t))
13669 args
13670 targets
13671 temps)
13672 (for-each (lambda (r t)
13673 (let ((temp (cgreg-lookup-reg regs r)))
13674 (if (not (eq? temp t))
13675 (begin (gen-load! output frame r t)
13676 (cgreg-bind! regs r t)))
13677 (cgframe-release! frame t)))
13678 targets
13679 temps)))
13681; For heuristic use only.
13682; An expression is complicated unless it can probably be evaluated
13683; without saving and restoring any registers, even if it occurs in
13684; a non-tail position.
13686(define (complicated? exp env)
13687 (case (car exp)
13688 ((quote) #f)
13689 ((lambda) #t)
13690 ((set!) (complicated? (assignment.rhs exp) env))
13691 ((if) (or (complicated? (if.test exp) env)
13692 (complicated? (if.then exp) env)
13693 (complicated? (if.else exp) env)))
13694 ((begin) (if (variable? exp)
13695 #f
13696 (some? (lambda (exp)
13697 (complicated? exp env))
13698 (begin.exprs exp))))
13699 (else (let ((proc (call.proc exp)))
13700 (if (and (variable? proc)
13701 (let ((entry
13702 (cgenv-lookup env ( proc))))
13703 (eq? (entry.kind entry) 'integrable)))
13704 (some? (lambda (exp)
13705 (complicated? exp env))
13706 (call.args exp))
13707 #t)))))
13709; Returns a permutation of the src list, permuted the same way the
13710; key list was permuted to obtain newkey.
13712(define (cg-permute src key newkey)
13713 (let ((alist (map cons key (iota (length key)))))
13714 (do ((newkey newkey (cdr newkey))
13715 (dest '()
13716 (cons (list-ref src (cdr (assq (car newkey) alist)))
13717 dest)))
13718 ((null? newkey) (reverse dest)))))
13720; Given a list of register numbers,
13721; an association list with entries of the form (name . regnum) giving
13722; the variable names by which those registers are known in code,
13723; and a list of expressions giving new values for those registers,
13724; returns an ordering of the register assignments that implements a
13725; parallel assignment if one can be found, otherwise returns #f.
13727(define parallel-assignment
13728 (lambda (regnums alist exps)
13729 (if (null? regnums)
13730 #t
13731 (let ((x (toposort (dependency-graph regnums alist exps))))
13732 (if x (reverse x) #f)))))
13734(define dependency-graph
13735 (lambda (regnums alist exps)
13736 (let ((names (map car alist)))
13737 (do ((regnums regnums (cdr regnums))
13738 (exps exps (cdr exps))
13739 (l '() (cons (cons (car regnums)
13740 (map (lambda (var) (cdr (assq var alist)))
13741 (intersection (freevariables (car exps))
13742 names)))
13743 l)))
13744 ((null? regnums) l)))))
13746; Given a nonempty graph represented as a list of the form
13747; ((node1 . <list of nodes that node1 is less than or equal to>)
13748; (node2 . <list of nodes that node2 is less than or equal to>)
13749; ...)
13750; returns a topological sort of the nodes if one can be found,
13751; otherwise returns #f.
13753(define toposort
13754 (lambda (graph)
13755 (cond ((null? (cdr graph)) (list (caar graph)))
13756 (else (toposort2 graph '())))))
13758(define toposort2
13759 (lambda (totry tried)
13760 (cond ((null? totry) #f)
13761 ((or (null? (cdr (car totry)))
13762 (and (null? (cddr (car totry)))
13763 (eq? (cadr (car totry))
13764 (car (car totry)))))
13765 (if (and (null? (cdr totry)) (null? tried))
13766 (list (caar totry))
13767 (let* ((node (caar totry))
13768 (x (toposort2 (map (lambda (y)
13769 (cons (car y) (remove node (cdr y))))
13770 (append (cdr totry) tried))
13771 '())))
13772 (if x
13773 (cons node x)
13774 #f))))
13775 (else (toposort2 (cdr totry) (cons (car totry) tried))))))
13777(define iota (lambda (n) (iota2 n '())))
13779(define iota1 (lambda (n) (cdr (iota2 (+ n 1) '()))))
13781(define iota2
13782 (lambda (n l)
13783 (if (zero? n)
13784 l
13785 (let ((n (- n 1)))
13786 (iota2 n (cons n l))))))
13788(define (freevariables exp)
13789 (freevars2 exp '()))
13791(define (freevars2 exp env)
13792 (cond ((symbol? exp)
13793 (if (memq exp env) '() (list exp)))
13794 ((not (pair? exp)) '())
13795 (else (let ((keyword (car exp)))
13796 (cond ((eq? keyword 'quote) '())
13797 ((eq? keyword 'lambda)
13798 (let ((env (append (make-null-terminated (cadr exp))
13799 env)))
13800 (apply-union
13801 (map (lambda (x) (freevars2 x env))
13802 (cddr exp)))))
13803 ((memq keyword '(if set! begin))
13804 (apply-union
13805 (map (lambda (x) (freevars2 x env))
13806 (cdr exp))))
13807 (else (apply-union
13808 (map (lambda (x) (freevars2 x env))
13809 exp))))))))
13810; Copyright 1991 William Clinger (cg-let and cg-let-body)
13811; Copyright 1999 William Clinger (everything else)
13813; 10 June 1999.
13815; Generates code for a let expression.
13817(define (cg-let output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13818 (let* ((proc (call.proc exp))
13819 (vars (lambda.args proc))
13820 (n (length vars))
13821 (free (lambda.F proc))
13822 (live (cgframe-livevars frame)))
13823 (if (and (null? (lambda.defs proc))
13824 (= n 1))
13825 (cg-let1 output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13826 (let* ((args (call.args exp))
13827 (temps (newtemps n))
13828 (alist (map cons temps vars)))
13829 (for-each (lambda (arg t)
13830 (let ((r (choose-register regs frame)))
13831 (cg0 output arg r regs frame env #f)
13832 (cgreg-bind! regs r t)
13833 (gen-store! output frame r t)))
13834 args
13835 temps)
13836 (cgreg-rename! regs alist)
13837 (cgframe-rename! frame alist)
13838 (cg-let-release! free live regs frame tail?)
13839 (cg-let-body output proc target regs frame env tail?)))))
13841; Given the free variables of a let body, and the variables that are
13842; live after the let expression, and the usual regs, frame, and tail?
13843; arguments, releases any registers and frame slots that don't need
13844; to be preserved across the body of the let.
13846(define (cg-let-release! free live regs frame tail?)
13847 ; The tail case is easy because there are no live temporaries,
13848 ; and there are no free variables in the context.
13849 ; The non-tail case assumes A-normal form.
13850 (cond (tail?
13851 (let ((keepers (cons (cgreg-lookup-reg regs 0) free)))
13852 (cgreg-release-except! regs keepers)
13853 (cgframe-release-except! frame keepers)))
13854 (live
13855 (let ((keepers (cons (cgreg-lookup-reg regs 0)
13856 (union live free))))
13857 (cgreg-release-except! regs keepers)
13858 (cgframe-release-except! frame keepers)))))
13860; Generates code for the body of a let.
13862(define (cg-let-body output L target regs frame env tail?)
13863 (let ((vars (lambda.args L))
13864 (free (lambda.F L))
13865 (live (cgframe-livevars frame)))
13866 (let ((r (cg-body output L target regs frame env tail?)))
13867 (for-each (lambda (v)
13868 (let ((entry (cgreg-lookup regs v)))
13869 (if entry
13870 (cgreg-release! regs (entry.regnum entry)))
13871 (cgframe-release! frame v)))
13872 vars)
13873 (if (and (not target)
13874 (not (eq? r 'result))
13875 (not (cgreg-lookup-reg regs r)))
13876 (cg-move output frame regs r 'result)
13877 r))))
13879; Generates code for a let expression that binds exactly one variable
13880; and has no internal definitions. These let expressions are very
13881; common in A-normal form, and there are many special cases with
13882; respect to register allocation and order of evaluation.
13884(define (cg-let1 output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13885 (let* ((proc (call.proc exp))
13886 (v (car (lambda.args proc)))
13887 (arg (car (call.args exp)))
13888 (free (lambda.F proc))
13889 (live (cgframe-livevars frame))
13890 (body (lambda.body proc)))
13892 (define (evaluate-into-register r)
13893 (cg0 output arg r regs frame env #f)
13894 (cgreg-bind! regs r v)
13895 (gen-store! output frame r v)
13896 r)
13898 (define (release-registers!)
13899 (cgframe-livevars-set! frame live)
13900 (cg-let-release! free live regs frame tail?))
13902 (define (finish)
13903 (release-registers!)
13904 (cg-let-body output proc target regs frame env tail?))
13906 (if live
13907 (cgframe-livevars-set! frame (union live free)))
13909 (cond ((assq v *regnames*)
13910 (evaluate-into-register (cdr (assq v *regnames*)))
13911 (finish))
13912 ((not (memq v free))
13913 (cg0 output arg #f regs frame env #f)
13914 (finish))
13915 (live
13916 (cg0 output arg 'result regs frame env #f)
13917 (release-registers!)
13918 (cg-let1-result output exp target regs frame env tail?))
13919 (else
13920 (evaluate-into-register (choose-register regs frame))
13921 (finish)))))
13923; Given a let expression that binds one variable whose value has already
13924; been evaluated into the result register, generates code for the rest
13925; of the let expression.
13926; The main difficulty is an unfortunate interaction between A-normal
13927; form and the MacScheme machine architecture: We don't want to move
13928; a value from the result register into a general register if it has
13929; only one use and can remain in the result register until that use.
13931(define (cg-let1-result output exp target regs frame env tail?)
13932 (let* ((proc (call.proc exp))
13933 (v (car (lambda.args proc)))
13934 (free (lambda.F proc))
13935 (live (cgframe-livevars frame))
13936 (body (lambda.body proc))
13937 (pattern (cg-let-used-once v body)))
13939 (define (move-to-register r)
13940 (gen! output $setreg r)
13941 (cgreg-bind! regs r v)
13942 (gen-store! output frame r v)
13943 r)
13945 (define (release-registers!)
13946 (cgframe-livevars-set! frame live)
13947 (cg-let-release! free live regs frame tail?))
13949 ; FIXME: The live variables must be correct in the frame.
13951 (case pattern
13952 ((if)
13953 (cg-if-result output body target regs frame env tail?))
13954 ((let-if)
13955 (if live
13956 (cgframe-livevars-set! frame (union live free)))
13957 (cg-if-result output
13958 (car (call.args body))
13959 'result regs frame env #f)
13960 (release-registers!)
13961 (cg-let1-result output body target regs frame env tail?))
13962 ((set!)
13963 (cg-assignment-result output
13964 body target regs frame env tail?))
13965 ((let-set!)
13966 (cg-assignment-result output
13967 (car (call.args body))
13968 'result regs frame env #f)
13969 (cg-let1-result output body target regs frame env tail?))
13970 ((primop)
13971 (cg-primop-result output body target regs frame env tail?))
13972 ((let-primop)
13973 (cg-primop-result output
13974 (car (call.args body))
13975 'result regs frame env #f)
13976 (cg-let1-result output body target regs frame env tail?))
13977 ; FIXME
13978 ((_called)
13979 (cg-call-result output body target regs frame env tail?))
13980 ; FIXME
13981 ((_let-called)
13982 (cg-call-result output
13983 (car (call.args body))
13984 'result regs frame env #f)
13985 (cg-let1-result output body target regs frame env tail?))
13986 (else
13987 ; FIXME: The first case was handled by cg-let1.
13988 (cond ((assq v *regnames*)
13989 (move-to-register (cdr (assq v *regnames*))))
13990 ((memq v free)
13991 (move-to-register (choose-register regs frame))))
13992 (cg-let-body output proc target regs frame env tail?)))))
13994; Given a call to a primop whose first argument has already been
13995; evaluated into the result register and whose remaining arguments
13996; consist of constants and variable references, generates code for
13997; the call.
13999(define (cg-primop-result output exp target regs frame env tail?)
14000 (let ((args (call.args exp))
14001 (entry (var-lookup ( (call.proc exp)) regs frame env)))
14002 (if (= (entry.arity entry) (length args))
14003 (begin (case (entry.arity entry)
14004 ((0) (gen! output $op1 (entry.op entry)))
14005 ((1) (gen! output $op1 (entry.op entry)))
14006 ((2) (cg-primop2-result! output entry args regs frame env))
14007 ((3) (let ((rs (cg-result-args output args regs frame env)))
14008 (gen! output
14009 $op3 (entry.op entry) (car rs) (cadr rs))))
14010 (else (error "Bug detected by cg-primop-result"
14011 (make-readable exp))))
14012 (if tail?
14013 (begin (gen-pop! output frame)
14014 (gen! output $return)
14015 'result)
14016 (cg-move output frame regs 'result target)))
14017 (if (negative? (entry.arity entry))
14018 (cg-special-result output exp target regs frame env tail?)
14019 (error "Wrong number of arguments to integrable procedure"
14020 (make-readable exp))))))
14022(define (cg-primop2-result! output entry args regs frame env)
14023 (let ((op (entry.op entry))
14024 (arg2 (cadr args)))
14025 (if (and (constant? arg2)
14026 (entry.imm entry)
14027 ((entry.imm entry) (constant.value arg2)))
14028 (gen! output $op2imm op (constant.value arg2))
14029 (let ((rs (cg-result-args output args regs frame env)))
14030 (gen! output $op2 op (car rs))))))
14032; Given a short list of constants and variable references to be evaluated
14033; into arbitrary general registers, evaluates them into registers without
14034; disturbing the result register and returns a list of the registers into
14035; which they are evaluated. Before returning, any registers that were
14036; allocated by this routine are released.
14038(define (cg-result-args output args regs frame env)
14040 ; Given a list of unevaluated arguments,
14041 ; a longer list of disjoint general registers,
14042 ; the register that holds the first evaluated argument,
14043 ; a list of registers in reverse order that hold other arguments,
14044 ; and a list of registers to be released afterwards,
14045 ; generates code to evaluate the arguments,
14046 ; deallocates any registers that were evaluated to hold the arguments,
14047 ; and returns the list of registers that contain the arguments.
14049 (define (loop args registers rr rs temps)
14050 (if (null? args)
14051 (begin (if (not (eq? rr 'result))
14052 (gen! output $reg rr))
14053 (for-each (lambda (r) (cgreg-release! regs r))
14054 temps)
14055 (reverse rs))
14056 (let ((arg (car args)))
14057 (cond ((constant? arg)
14058 (let ((r (car registers)))
14059 (gen! output $const/setreg (constant.value arg) r)
14060 (cgreg-bind! regs r #t)
14061 (loop (cdr args)
14062 (cdr registers)
14063 rr
14064 (cons r rs)
14065 (cons r temps))))
14066 ((variable? arg)
14067 (let* ((id ( arg))
14068 (entry (var-lookup id regs frame env)))
14069 (case (entry.kind entry)
14070 ((global integrable)
14071 (if (eq? rr 'result)
14072 (save-result! args registers rr rs temps)
14073 (let ((r (car registers)))
14074 (gen! output $global id)
14075 (gen! output $setreg r)
14076 (cgreg-bind! regs r id)
14077 (loop (cdr args)
14078 (cdr registers)
14079 rr
14080 (cons r rs)
14081 (cons r temps)))))
14082 ((lexical)
14083 (if (eq? rr 'result)
14084 (save-result! args registers rr rs temps)
14085 (let ((m (entry.rib entry))
14086 (n (entry.offset entry))
14087 (r (car registers)))
14088 (gen! output $lexical m n id)
14089 (gen! output $setreg r)
14090 (cgreg-bind! regs r id)
14091 (loop (cdr args)
14092 (cdr registers)
14093 rr
14094 (cons r rs)
14095 (cons r temps)))))
14096 ((procedure) (error "Bug in cg-variable" arg))
14097 ((register)
14098 (let ((r (entry.regnum entry)))
14099 (loop (cdr args)
14100 registers
14101 rr
14102 (cons r rs)
14103 temps)))
14104 ((frame)
14105 (let ((r (car registers)))
14106 (gen-load! output frame r id)
14107 (cgreg-bind! regs r id)
14108 (loop (cdr args)
14109 (cdr registers)
14110 rr
14111 (cons r rs)
14112 (cons r temps))))
14113 (else (error "Bug in cg-result-args" arg)))))
14114 (else
14115 (error "Bug in cg-result-args"))))))
14117 (define (save-result! args registers rr rs temps)
14118 (let ((r (car registers)))
14119 (gen! output $setreg r)
14120 (loop args
14121 (cdr registers)
14122 r
14123 rs
14124 temps)))
14126 (loop (cdr args)
14127 (choose-registers regs frame (length args))
14128 'result '() '()))
14130; Given a local variable T1 and an expression in A-normal form,
14131; cg-let-used-once returns a symbol if the local variable is used
14132; exactly once in the expression and the expression matches one of
14133; the patterns below. Otherwise returns #f. The symbol that is
14134; returned is the name of the pattern that is matched.
14136; pattern symbol returned
14138; (if T1 ... ...) if
14140; (<primop> T1 ...) primop
14142; (T1 ...) called
14144; (set! ... T1) set!
14146; (let ((T2 (if T1 ... ...))) let-if
14147; E3)
14149; (let ((T2 (<primop> T1 ...))) let-primop
14150; E3)
14152; (let ((T2 (T1 ...))) let-called
14153; E3)
14155; (let ((T2 (set! ... T1))) let-set!
14156; E3)
14158; This implementation sometimes returns #f incorrectly, but it always
14159; returns an answer in constant time (assuming A-normal form).
14161(define (cg-let-used-once T1 exp)
14162 (define budget 20)
14163 (define (cg-let-used-once T1 exp)
14164 (define (used? T1 exp)
14165 (set! budget (- budget 1))
14166 (cond ((negative? budget) #t)
14167 ((constant? exp) #f)
14168 ((variable? exp)
14169 (eq? T1 ( exp)))
14170 ((lambda? exp)
14171 (memq T1 (lambda.F exp)))
14172 ((assignment? exp)
14173 (used? T1 (assignment.rhs exp)))
14174 ((call? exp)
14175 (or (used? T1 (call.proc exp))
14176 (used-in-args? T1 (call.args exp))))
14177 ((conditional? exp)
14178 (or (used? T1 (if.test exp))
14179 (used? T1 (if.then exp))
14180 (used? T1 (if.else exp))))
14181 (else #t)))
14182 (define (used-in-args? T1 args)
14183 (if (null? args)
14184 #f
14185 (or (used? T1 (car args))
14186 (used-in-args? T1 (cdr args)))))
14187 (set! budget (- budget 1))
14188 (cond ((negative? budget) #f)
14189 ((call? exp)
14190 (let ((proc (call.proc exp))
14191 (args (call.args exp)))
14192 (cond ((variable? proc)
14193 (let ((f ( proc)))
14194 (cond ((eq? f T1)
14195 (and (not (used-in-args? T1 args))
14196 'called))
14197 ((and (integrable? f)
14198 (not (null? args))
14199 (variable? (car args))
14200 (eq? T1 ( (car args))))
14201 (and (not (used-in-args? T1 (cdr args)))
14202 'primop))
14203 (else #f))))
14204 ((lambda? proc)
14205 (and (not (memq T1 (lambda.F proc)))
14206 (not (null? args))
14207 (null? (cdr args))
14208 (case (cg-let-used-once T1 (car args))
14209 ((if) 'let-if)
14210 ((primop) 'let-primop)
14211 ((called) 'let-called)
14212 ((set!) 'let-set!)
14213 (else #f))))
14214 (else #f))))
14215 ((conditional? exp)
14216 (let ((E0 (if.test exp)))
14217 (and (variable? E0)
14218 (eq? T1 ( E0))
14219 (not (used? T1 (if.then exp)))
14220 (not (used? T1 (if.else exp)))
14221 'if)))
14222 ((assignment? exp)
14223 (let ((rhs (assignment.rhs exp)))
14224 (and (variable? rhs)
14225 (eq? T1 ( rhs))
14226 'set!)))
14227 (else #f)))
14228 (cg-let-used-once T1 exp))
14230; Given the name of a let-body pattern, an expression that matches that
14231; pattern, and an expression to be substituted for the let variable,
14232; returns the transformed expression.
14234; FIXME: No longer used.
14236(define (cg-let-transform pattern exp E1)
14237 (case pattern
14238 ((if)
14239 (make-conditional E1 (if.then exp) (if.else exp)))
14240 ((primop)
14241 (make-call (call.proc exp)
14242 (cons E1 (cdr (call.args exp)))))
14243 ((called)
14244 (make-call E1 (call.args exp)))
14245 ((set!)
14246 (make-assignment (assignment.lhs exp) E1))
14247 ((let-if let-primop let-called let-set!)
14248 (make-call (call.proc exp)
14249 (list (cg-let-transform (case pattern
14250 ((let-if) 'if)
14251 ((let-primop) 'primop)
14252 ((let-called) 'called)
14253 ((let-set!) 'set!))
14254 (car (call.args exp))
14255 E1))))
14256 (else
14257 (error "Unrecognized pattern in cg-let-transform" pattern)))); Copyright 1999 William Clinger
14259; Code for special primitives, used to generate runtime safety checks,
14260; efficient code for call-with-values, and other weird things.
14262; 4 June 1999.
14264(define (cg-special output exp target regs frame env tail?)
14265 (let ((name ( (call.proc exp))))
14266 (cond ((eq? name name:CHECK!)
14267 (if (runtime-safety-checking)
14268 (cg-check output exp target regs frame env tail?)))
14269 (else
14270 (error "Compiler bug: cg-special" (make-readable exp))))))
14272(define (cg-special-result output exp target regs frame env tail?)
14273 (let ((name ( (call.proc exp))))
14274 (cond ((eq? name name:CHECK!)
14275 (if (runtime-safety-checking)
14276 (cg-check-result output exp target regs frame env tail?)))
14277 (else
14278 (error "Compiler bug: cg-special" (make-readable exp))))))
14280(define (cg-check output exp target regs frame env tail?)
14281 (cg0 output (car (call.args exp)) 'result regs frame env #f)
14282 (cg-check-result output exp target regs frame env tail?))
14284(define (cg-check-result output exp target regs frame env tail?)
14285 (let* ((args (call.args exp))
14286 (nargs (length args))
14287 (valexps (cddr args)))
14288 (if (and (<= 2 nargs 5)
14289 (constant? (cadr args))
14290 (every? (lambda (exp)
14291 (or (constant? exp)
14292 (variable? exp)))
14293 valexps))
14294 (let* ((exn (constant.value (cadr args)))
14295 (vars (filter variable? valexps))
14296 (rs (cg-result-args output
14297 (cons (car args) vars)
14298 regs frame env)))
14300 ; Construct the trap situation:
14301 ; the exception number followed by an ordered list of
14302 ; register numbers and constant expressions.
14304 (let loop ((registers rs)
14305 (exps valexps)
14306 (operands '()))
14307 (cond ((null? exps)
14308 (let* ((situation (cons exn (reverse operands)))
14309 (ht (assembly-stream-info output))
14310 (L1 (or (hashtable-get ht situation)
14311 (let ((L1 (make-label)))
14312 (hashtable-put! ht situation L1)
14313 L1))))
14314 (define (translate r)
14315 (if (number? r) r 0))
14316 (case (length operands)
14317 ((0) (gen! output $check 0 0 0 L1))
14318 ((1) (gen! output $check
14319 (translate (car operands))
14320 0 0 L1))
14321 ((2) (gen! output $check
14322 (translate (car operands))
14323 (translate (cadr operands))
14324 0 L1))
14325 ((3) (gen! output $check
14326 (translate (car operands))
14327 (translate (cadr operands))
14328 (translate (caddr operands))
14329 L1)))))
14330 ((constant? (car exps))
14331 (loop registers
14332 (cdr exps)
14333 (cons (car exps) operands)))
14334 (else
14335 (loop (cdr registers)
14336 (cdr exps)
14337 (cons (car registers) operands))))))
14338 (error "Compiler bug: runtime check" (make-readable exp)))))
14340; Given an assembly stream and the description of a trap as recorded
14341; by cg-check above, generates a non-continuable trap at that label for
14342; that trap, passing the operands to the exception handler.
14344(define (cg-trap output situation L1)
14345 (let* ((exn (car situation))
14346 (operands (cdr situation)))
14347 (gen! output $.label L1)
14348 (let ((liveregs (filter number? operands)))
14349 (define (loop operands registers r)
14350 (cond ((null? operands)
14351 (case (length registers)
14352 ((0) (gen! output $trap 0 0 0 exn))
14353 ((1) (gen! output $trap (car registers) 0 0 exn))
14354 ((2) (gen! output $trap
14355 (car registers)
14356 (cadr registers)
14357 0
14358 exn))
14359 ((3) (gen! output $trap
14360 (car registers)
14361 (cadr registers)
14362 (caddr registers)
14363 exn))
14364 (else "Compiler bug: trap")))
14365 ((number? (car operands))
14366 (loop (cdr operands)
14367 (cons (car operands) registers)
14368 r))
14369 ((memv r liveregs)
14370 (loop operands registers (+ r 1)))
14371 (else
14372 (gen! output $const (constant.value (car operands)))
14373 (gen! output $setreg r)
14374 (loop (cdr operands)
14375 (cons r registers)
14376 (+ r 1)))))
14377 (loop (reverse operands) '() 1))))
14379; Given a short list of expressions that can be evaluated in any order,
14380; evaluates the first into the result register and the others into any
14381; register, and returns an ordered list of the registers that contain
14382; the arguments that follow the first.
14383; The number of expressions must be less than the number of argument
14384; registers.
14386; FIXME: No longer used.
14388(define (cg-check-args output args regs frame env)
14390 ; Given a list of expressions to evaluate, a list of variables
14391 ; and temporary names for arguments that have already been
14392 ; evaluated, in reverse order, and a mask of booleans that
14393 ; indicate which temporaries should be released before returning,
14394 ; returns the correct result.
14396 (define (eval-loop args temps mask)
14397 (if (null? args)
14398 (eval-first-into-result temps mask)
14399 (let ((reg (cg0 output (car args) #f regs frame env #f)))
14400 (if (eq? reg 'result)
14401 (let* ((r (choose-register regs frame))
14402 (t (newtemp)))
14403 (gen! output $setreg r)
14404 (cgreg-bind! regs r t)
14405 (gen-store! output frame r t)
14406 (eval-loop (cdr args)
14407 (cons t temps)
14408 (cons #t mask)))
14409 (eval-loop (cdr args)
14410 (cons (cgreg-lookup-reg regs reg) temps)
14411 (cons #f mask))))))
14413 (define (eval-first-into-result temps mask)
14414 (cg0 output (car args) 'result regs frame env #f)
14415 (finish-loop (choose-registers regs frame (length temps))
14416 temps
14417 mask
14418 '()))
14420 ; Given a sufficient number of disjoint registers, a list of
14421 ; variable and temporary names that may need to be loaded into
14422 ; registers, a mask of booleans that indicates which temporaries
14423 ; should be released, and a list of registers in forward order,
14424 ; returns the correct result.
14426 (define (finish-loop disjoint temps mask registers)
14427 (if (null? temps)
14428 registers
14429 (let* ((t (car temps))
14430 (entry (cgreg-lookup regs t)))
14431 (if entry
14432 (let ((r (entry.regnum entry)))
14433 (if (car mask)
14434 (begin (cgreg-release! regs r)
14435 (cgframe-release! frame t)))
14436 (finish-loop disjoint
14437 (cdr temps)
14438 (cdr mask)
14439 (cons r registers)))
14440 (let ((r (car disjoint)))
14441 (if (memv r registers)
14442 (finish-loop (cdr disjoint) temps mask registers)
14443 (begin (gen-load! output frame r t)
14444 (cgreg-bind! regs r t)
14445 (if (car mask)
14446 (begin (cgreg-release! regs r)
14447 (cgframe-release! frame t)))
14448 (finish-loop disjoint
14449 (cdr temps)
14450 (cdr mask)
14451 (cons r registers)))))))))
14453 (if (< (length args) *nregs*)
14454 (eval-loop (cdr args) '() '())
14455 (error "Bug detected by cg-primop-args" args)))
14456; Copyright 1998 William Clinger.
14458; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
14460; 5 June 1999.
14462; Local optimizations for MacScheme machine assembly code.
14464; Branch tensioning.
14465; Suppress nop instructions.
14466; Suppress save, restore, and pop instructions whose operand is -1.
14467; Suppress redundant stores.
14468; Suppress definitions (primarily loads) of dead registers.
14470; Note: Twobit never generates a locally redundant load or store,
14471; so this code must be tested with a different code generator.
14473; To perform these optimizations, the basic block must be traversed
14474; both forwards and backwards.
14475; The forward traversal keeps track of registers that were defined
14476; by a load.
14477; The backward traversal keeps track of live registers.
14479(define filter-basic-blocks
14481 (let* ((suppression-message
14482 "Local optimization detected a useless instruction.")
14484 ; Each instruction is mapping to an encoding of the actions
14485 ; to be performed when it is encountered during the forward
14486 ; or backward traversal.
14488 (forward:normal 0)
14489 (forward:nop 1)
14490 (forward:ends-block 2)
14491 (forward:interesting 3)
14492 (forward:kills-all-registers 4)
14493 (forward:nop-if-arg1-is-negative 5)
14495 (backward:normal 0)
14496 (backward:ends-block 1)
14497 (backward:begins-block 2)
14498 (backward:uses-arg1 4)
14499 (backward:uses-arg2 8)
14500 (backward:uses-arg3 16)
14501 (backward:kills-arg1 32)
14502 (backward:kills-arg2 64)
14503 (backward:uses-many 128)
14505 ; largest mnemonic + 1
14507 (dispatch-table-size *number-of-mnemonics*)
14509 ; Dispatch table for the forwards traversal.
14511 (forward-table (make-bytevector dispatch-table-size))
14513 ; Dispatch table for the backwards traversal.
14515 (backward-table (make-bytevector dispatch-table-size)))
14517 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
14518 ((= i dispatch-table-size))
14519 (bytevector-set! forward-table i forward:normal)
14520 (bytevector-set! backward-table i backward:normal))
14522 (bytevector-set! forward-table $nop forward:nop)
14524 (bytevector-set! forward-table $invoke forward:ends-block)
14525 (bytevector-set! forward-table $return forward:ends-block)
14526 (bytevector-set! forward-table $skip forward:ends-block)
14527 (bytevector-set! forward-table $branch forward:ends-block)
14528 (bytevector-set! forward-table $branchf forward:ends-block)
14529 (bytevector-set! forward-table $jump forward:ends-block)
14530 (bytevector-set! forward-table $.align forward:ends-block)
14531 (bytevector-set! forward-table $.proc forward:ends-block)
14532 (bytevector-set! forward-table $.cont forward:ends-block)
14533 (bytevector-set! forward-table $.label forward:ends-block)
14535 (bytevector-set! forward-table $store forward:interesting)
14536 (bytevector-set! forward-table $load forward:interesting)
14537 (bytevector-set! forward-table $setstk forward:interesting)
14538 (bytevector-set! forward-table $setreg forward:interesting)
14539 (bytevector-set! forward-table $movereg forward:interesting)
14540 (bytevector-set! forward-table $const/setreg
14541 forward:interesting)
14543 (bytevector-set! forward-table $args>= forward:kills-all-registers)
14544 (bytevector-set! forward-table $popstk forward:kills-all-registers)
14546 ; These instructions also kill all registers.
14548 (bytevector-set! forward-table $save forward:nop-if-arg1-is-negative)
14549 (bytevector-set! forward-table $restore forward:nop-if-arg1-is-negative)
14550 (bytevector-set! forward-table $pop forward:nop-if-arg1-is-negative)
14552 (bytevector-set! backward-table $invoke backward:ends-block)
14553 (bytevector-set! backward-table $return backward:ends-block)
14554 (bytevector-set! backward-table $skip backward:ends-block)
14555 (bytevector-set! backward-table $branch backward:ends-block)
14556 (bytevector-set! backward-table $branchf backward:ends-block)
14558 (bytevector-set! backward-table $jump backward:begins-block) ; [sic]
14559 (bytevector-set! backward-table $.align backward:begins-block)
14560 (bytevector-set! backward-table $.proc backward:begins-block)
14561 (bytevector-set! backward-table $.cont backward:begins-block)
14562 (bytevector-set! backward-table $.label backward:begins-block)
14564 (bytevector-set! backward-table $op2 backward:uses-arg2)
14565 (bytevector-set! backward-table $op3 (logior backward:uses-arg2
14566 backward:uses-arg3))
14567 (bytevector-set! backward-table $check (logior
14568 backward:uses-arg1
14569 (logior backward:uses-arg2
14570 backward:uses-arg3)))
14571 (bytevector-set! backward-table $trap (logior
14572 backward:uses-arg1
14573 (logior backward:uses-arg2
14574 backward:uses-arg3)))
14575 (bytevector-set! backward-table $store backward:uses-arg1)
14576 (bytevector-set! backward-table $reg backward:uses-arg1)
14577 (bytevector-set! backward-table $load backward:kills-arg1)
14578 (bytevector-set! backward-table $setreg backward:kills-arg1)
14579 (bytevector-set! backward-table $movereg (logior backward:uses-arg1
14580 backward:kills-arg2))
14581 (bytevector-set! backward-table $const/setreg
14582 backward:kills-arg2)
14583 (bytevector-set! backward-table $lambda backward:uses-many)
14584 (bytevector-set! backward-table $lexes backward:uses-many)
14585 (bytevector-set! backward-table $args>= backward:uses-many)
14587 (lambda (instructions)
14589 (let* ((*nregs* *nregs*) ; locals might be faster than globals
14591 ; During the forwards traversal:
14592 ; (vector-ref registers i) = #f
14593 ; means the content of register i is unknown
14594 ; (vector-ref registers i) = j
14595 ; means register was defined by load i,j
14596 ;
14597 ; During the backwards traversal:
14598 ; (vector-ref registers i) = #f means register i is dead
14599 ; (vector-ref registers i) = #t means register i is live
14601 (registers (make-vector *nregs* #f))
14603 ; During the forwards traversal, the label of a block that
14604 ; falls through into another block or consists of a skip
14605 ; to another block is mapped to another label.
14606 ; This mapping is implemented by a hash table.
14607 ; Before the backwards traversal, the transitive closure
14608 ; is computed. The graph has no cycles, and the maximum
14609 ; out-degree is 1, so this is easy.
14611 (label-table (make-hashtable (lambda (n) n) assv)))
14613 (define (compute-transitive-closure!)
14614 (define (lookup x)
14615 (let ((y (hashtable-get label-table x)))
14616 (if y
14617 (lookup y)
14618 x)))
14619 (hashtable-for-each (lambda (x y)
14620 (hashtable-put! label-table x (lookup y)))
14621 label-table))
14623 ; Don't use this procedure until the preceding procedure
14624 ; has been called.
14626 (define (lookup-label x)
14627 (hashtable-fetch label-table x x))
14629 (define (vector-fill! v x)
14630 (subvector-fill! v 0 (vector-length v) x))
14632 (define (subvector-fill! v i j x)
14633 (if (< i j)
14634 (begin (vector-set! v i x)
14635 (subvector-fill! v (+ i 1) j x))))
14637 (define (kill-stack! j)
14638 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
14639 ((= i *nregs*))
14640 (let ((x (vector-ref registers i)))
14641 (if (and x (= x j))
14642 (vector-set! registers i #f)))))
14644 ; Dispatch procedure for the forwards traversal.
14646 (define (forwards instructions filtered)
14647 (if (null? instructions)
14648 (begin (vector-fill! registers #f)
14649 (vector-set! registers 0 #t)
14650 (compute-transitive-closure!)
14651 (backwards0 filtered '()))
14652 (let* ((instruction (car instructions))
14653 (instructions (cdr instructions))
14654 (op (instruction.op instruction))
14655 (flags (bytevector-ref forward-table op)))
14656 (cond ((eqv? flags forward:normal)
14657 (forwards instructions (cons instruction filtered)))
14658 ((eqv? flags forward:nop)
14659 (forwards instructions filtered))
14660 ((eqv? flags forward:nop-if-arg1-is-negative)
14661 (if (negative? (instruction.arg1 instruction))
14662 (forwards instructions filtered)
14663 (begin (vector-fill! registers #f)
14664 (forwards instructions
14665 (cons instruction filtered)))))
14666 ((eqv? flags forward:kills-all-registers)
14667 (vector-fill! registers #f)
14668 (forwards instructions
14669 (cons instruction filtered)))
14670 ((eqv? flags forward:ends-block)
14671 (vector-fill! registers #f)
14672 (if (eqv? op $.label)
14673 (forwards-label instruction
14674 instructions
14675 filtered)
14676 (forwards instructions
14677 (cons instruction filtered))))
14678 ((eqv? flags forward:interesting)
14679 (cond ((eqv? op $setreg)
14680 (vector-set! registers
14681 (instruction.arg1 instruction)
14682 #f)
14683 (forwards instructions
14684 (cons instruction filtered)))
14685 ((eqv? op $const/setreg)
14686 (vector-set! registers
14687 (instruction.arg2 instruction)
14688 #f)
14689 (forwards instructions
14690 (cons instruction filtered)))
14691 ((eqv? op $movereg)
14692 (vector-set! registers
14693 (instruction.arg2 instruction)
14694 #f)
14695 (forwards instructions
14696 (cons instruction filtered)))
14697 ((eqv? op $setstk)
14698 (kill-stack! (instruction.arg1 instruction))
14699 (forwards instructions
14700 (cons instruction filtered)))
14701 ((eqv? op $load)
14702 (let ((i (instruction.arg1 instruction))
14703 (j (instruction.arg2 instruction)))
14704 (if (eqv? (vector-ref registers i) j)
14705 ; Suppress redundant load.
14706 ; Should never happen with Twobit.
14707 (suppress-forwards instruction
14708 instructions
14709 filtered)
14710 (begin (vector-set! registers i j)
14711 (forwards instructions
14712 (cons instruction
14713 filtered))))))
14714 ((eqv? op $store)
14715 (let ((i (instruction.arg1 instruction))
14716 (j (instruction.arg2 instruction)))
14717 (if (eqv? (vector-ref registers i) j)
14718 ; Suppress redundant store.
14719 ; Should never happen with Twobit.
14720 (suppress-forwards instruction
14721 instructions
14722 filtered)
14723 (begin (kill-stack! j)
14724 (forwards instructions
14725 (cons instruction
14726 filtered))))))
14727 (else
14728 (local-optimization-error op))))
14729 (else
14730 (local-optimization-error op))))))
14732 ; Enters labels into a table for branch tensioning.
14734 (define (forwards-label instruction1 instructions filtered)
14735 (let ((label1 (instruction.arg1 instruction1)))
14736 (if (null? instructions)
14737 ; This is ok provided the label is unreachable.
14738 (forwards instructions (cdr filtered))
14739 (let loop ((instructions instructions)
14740 (filtered (cons instruction1 filtered)))
14741 (let* ((instruction (car instructions))
14742 (op (instruction.op instruction))
14743 (flags (bytevector-ref forward-table op)))
14744 (cond ((eqv? flags forward:nop)
14745 (loop (cdr instructions) filtered))
14746 ((and (eqv? flags forward:nop-if-arg1-is-negative)
14747 (negative? (instruction.arg1 instruction)))
14748 (loop (cdr instructions) filtered))
14749 ((eqv? op $.label)
14750 (let ((label2 (instruction.arg1 instruction)))
14751 (hashtable-put! label-table label1 label2)
14752 (forwards-label instruction
14753 (cdr instructions)
14754 (cdr filtered))))
14755 ((eqv? op $skip)
14756 (let ((label2 (instruction.arg1 instruction)))
14757 (hashtable-put! label-table label1 label2)
14758 ; We can't get rid of the skip instruction
14759 ; because control might fall into this block,
14760 ; but we can get rid of the label.
14761 (forwards instructions (cdr filtered))))
14762 (else
14763 (forwards instructions filtered))))))))
14765 ; Dispatch procedure for the backwards traversal.
14767 (define (backwards instructions filtered)
14768 (if (null? instructions)
14769 filtered
14770 (let* ((instruction (car instructions))
14771 (instructions (cdr instructions))
14772 (op (instruction.op instruction))
14773 (flags (bytevector-ref backward-table op)))
14774 (cond ((eqv? flags backward:normal)
14775 (backwards instructions (cons instruction filtered)))
14776 ((eqv? flags backward:ends-block)
14777 (backwards0 (cons instruction instructions)
14778 filtered))
14779 ((eqv? flags backward:begins-block)
14780 (backwards0 instructions
14781 (cons instruction filtered)))
14782 ((eqv? flags backward:uses-many)
14783 (cond ((or (eqv? op $lambda)
14784 (eqv? op $lexes))
14785 (let ((live
14786 (if (eqv? op $lexes)
14787 (instruction.arg1 instruction)
14788 (instruction.arg2 instruction))))
14789 (subvector-fill! registers
14790 0
14791 (min *nregs* (+ 1 live))
14792 #t)
14793 (backwards instructions
14794 (cons instruction filtered))))
14795 ((eqv? op $args>=)
14796 (vector-fill! registers #t)
14797 (backwards instructions
14798 (cons instruction filtered)))
14799 (else
14800 (local-optimization-error op))))
14801 ((and (eqv? (logand flags backward:kills-arg1)
14802 backward:kills-arg1)
14803 (not (vector-ref registers
14804 (instruction.arg1 instruction))))
14805 ; Suppress initialization of dead register.
14806 (suppress-backwards instruction
14807 instructions
14808 filtered))
14809 ((and (eqv? (logand flags backward:kills-arg2)
14810 backward:kills-arg2)
14811 (not (vector-ref registers
14812 (instruction.arg2 instruction))))
14813 ; Suppress initialization of dead register.
14814 (suppress-backwards instruction
14815 instructions
14816 filtered))
14817 ((and (eqv? op $movereg)
14818 (= (instruction.arg1 instruction)
14819 (instruction.arg2 instruction)))
14820 (backwards instructions filtered))
14821 (else
14822 (let ((filtered (cons instruction filtered)))
14823 (if (eqv? (logand flags backward:kills-arg1)
14824 backward:kills-arg1)
14825 (vector-set! registers
14826 (instruction.arg1 instruction)
14827 #f))
14828 (if (eqv? (logand flags backward:kills-arg2)
14829 backward:kills-arg2)
14830 (vector-set! registers
14831 (instruction.arg2 instruction)
14832 #f))
14833 (if (eqv? (logand flags backward:uses-arg1)
14834 backward:uses-arg1)
14835 (vector-set! registers
14836 (instruction.arg1 instruction)
14837 #t))
14838 (if (eqv? (logand flags backward:uses-arg2)
14839 backward:uses-arg2)
14840 (vector-set! registers
14841 (instruction.arg2 instruction)
14842 #t))
14843 (if (eqv? (logand flags backward:uses-arg3)
14844 backward:uses-arg3)
14845 (vector-set! registers
14846 (instruction.arg3 instruction)
14847 #t))
14848 (backwards instructions filtered)))))))
14850 ; Given a list of instructions in reverse order, whose first
14851 ; element is the last instruction of a basic block,
14852 ; and a filtered list of instructions in forward order,
14853 ; returns a filtered list of instructions in the correct order.
14855 (define (backwards0 instructions filtered)
14856 (if (null? instructions)
14857 filtered
14858 (let* ((instruction (car instructions))
14859 (mnemonic (instruction.op instruction)))
14860 (cond ((or (eqv? mnemonic $.label)
14861 (eqv? mnemonic $.proc)
14862 (eqv? mnemonic $.cont)
14863 (eqv? mnemonic $.align))
14864 (backwards0 (cdr instructions)
14865 (cons instruction filtered)))
14866 ; all registers are dead at a $return
14867 ((eqv? mnemonic $return)
14868 (vector-fill! registers #f)
14869 (vector-set! registers 0 #t)
14870 (backwards (cdr instructions)
14871 (cons instruction filtered)))
14872 ; all but the argument registers are dead at an $invoke
14873 ((eqv? mnemonic $invoke)
14874 (let ((n+1 (min *nregs*
14875 (+ (instruction.arg1 instruction) 1))))
14876 (subvector-fill! registers 0 n+1 #t)
14877 (subvector-fill! registers n+1 *nregs* #f)
14878 (backwards (cdr instructions)
14879 (cons instruction filtered))))
14880 ; the compiler says which registers are live at the
14881 ; target of $skip, $branch, $branchf, or $jump
14882 ((or (eqv? mnemonic $skip)
14883 (eqv? mnemonic $branch))
14884 (let* ((live (instruction.arg2 instruction))
14885 (n+1 (min *nregs* (+ live 1))))
14886 (subvector-fill! registers 0 n+1 #t)
14887 (subvector-fill! registers n+1 *nregs* #f)
14888 (let ((instruction
14889 ; FIXME
14890 (list mnemonic
14891 (lookup-label
14892 (instruction.arg1 instruction))
14893 live)))
14894 (backwards (cdr instructions)
14895 (cons instruction filtered)))))
14896 ((eqv? mnemonic $jump)
14897 (let ((n+1 (min *nregs*
14898 (+ (instruction.arg3 instruction) 1))))
14899 (subvector-fill! registers 0 n+1 #t)
14900 (subvector-fill! registers n+1 *nregs* #f)
14901 (backwards (cdr instructions)
14902 (cons instruction filtered))))
14903 ; the live registers at the target of a $branchf must be
14904 ; combined with the live registers at the $branchf
14905 ((eqv? mnemonic $branchf)
14906 (let* ((live (instruction.arg2 instruction))
14907 (n+1 (min *nregs* (+ live 1))))
14908 (subvector-fill! registers 0 n+1 #t)
14909 (let ((instruction
14910 ; FIXME
14911 (list mnemonic
14912 (lookup-label
14913 (instruction.arg1 instruction))
14914 live)))
14915 (backwards (cdr instructions)
14916 (cons instruction filtered)))))
14917 (else (backwards instructions filtered))))))
14919 (define (suppress-forwards instruction instructions filtered)
14920 (if (issue-warnings)
14921 '(begin (display suppression-message)
14922 (newline)))
14923 (forwards instructions filtered))
14925 (define (suppress-backwards instruction instructions filtered)
14926 (if (issue-warnings)
14927 '(begin (display suppression-message)
14928 (newline)))
14929 (backwards instructions filtered))
14931 (define (local-optimization-error op)
14932 (error "Compiler bug: local optimization" op))
14934 (vector-fill! registers #f)
14935 (forwards instructions '())))))
14936; Copyright 1998 Lars T Hansen.
14938; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
14940; 28 April 1999
14942; compile313 -- compilation parameters and driver procedures.
14945; File types -- these may differ between operating systems.
14947(define *scheme-file-types* '(".sch" ".scm"))
14948(define *lap-file-type* ".lap")
14949(define *mal-file-type* ".mal")
14950(define *lop-file-type* ".lop")
14951(define *fasl-file-type* ".fasl")
14953; Compile and assemble a scheme source file and produce a fastload file.
14955(define (compile-file infilename . rest)
14957 (define (doit)
14958 (let ((outfilename
14959 (if (not (null? rest))
14960 (car rest)
14961 (rewrite-file-type infilename
14962 *scheme-file-types*
14963 *fasl-file-type*)))
14964 (user
14965 (assembly-user-data)))
14966 (if (and (not (integrate-usual-procedures))
14967 (issue-warnings))
14968 (begin
14969 (display "WARNING from compiler: ")
14970 (display "integrate-usual-procedures is turned off")
14971 (newline)
14972 (display "Performance is likely to be poor.")
14973 (newline)))
14974 (if (benchmark-block-mode)
14975 (process-file-block infilename
14976 outfilename
14977 dump-fasl-segment-to-port
14978 (lambda (forms)
14979 (assemble (compile-block forms) user)))
14980 (process-file infilename
14981 outfilename
14982 dump-fasl-segment-to-port
14983 (lambda (expr)
14984 (assemble (compile expr) user))))
14985 (unspecified)))
14987 (if (eq? (nbuild-parameter 'target-machine) 'standard-c)
14988 (error "Compile-file not supported on this target architecture.")
14989 (doit)))
14992; Assemble a MAL or LOP file and produce a FASL file.
14994(define (assemble-file infilename . rest)
14995 (define (doit)
14996 (let ((outfilename
14997 (if (not (null? rest))
14998 (car rest)
14999 (rewrite-file-type infilename
15000 (list *lap-file-type* *mal-file-type*)
15001 *fasl-file-type*)))
15002 (malfile?
15003 (file-type=? infilename *mal-file-type*))
15004 (user
15005 (assembly-user-data)))
15006 (process-file infilename
15007 outfilename
15008 dump-fasl-segment-to-port
15009 (lambda (x) (assemble (if malfile? (eval x) x) user)))
15010 (unspecified)))
15012 (if (eq? (nbuild-parameter 'target-machine) 'standard-c)
15013 (error "Assemble-file not supported on this target architecture.")
15014 (doit)))
15017; Compile and assemble a single expression; return the LOP segment.
15019(define compile-expression
15020 (let ()
15022 (define (compile-expression expr env)
15023 (let ((syntax-env
15024 (case (environment-tag env)
15025 ((0 1) (make-standard-syntactic-environment))
15026 ((2) global-syntactic-environment)
15027 (else
15028 (error "Invalid environment for compile-expression: " env)
15029 #t))))
15030 (let ((current-env global-syntactic-environment))
15031 (dynamic-wind
15032 (lambda ()
15033 (set! global-syntactic-environment syntax-env))
15034 (lambda ()
15035 (assemble (compile expr)))
15036 (lambda ()
15037 (set! global-syntactic-environment current-env))))))
15039 compile-expression))
15042(define macro-expand-expression
15043 (let ()
15045 (define (macro-expand-expression expr env)
15046 (let ((syntax-env
15047 (case (environment-tag env)
15048 ((0 1) (make-standard-syntactic-environment))
15049 ((2) global-syntactic-environment)
15050 (else
15051 (error "Invalid environment for compile-expression: " env)
15052 #t))))
15053 (let ((current-env global-syntactic-environment))
15054 (dynamic-wind
15055 (lambda ()
15056 (set! global-syntactic-environment syntax-env))
15057 (lambda ()
15058 (make-readable
15059 (macro-expand expr)))
15060 (lambda ()
15061 (set! global-syntactic-environment current-env))))))
15063 macro-expand-expression))
15066; Compile a scheme source file to a LAP file.
15068(define (compile313 infilename . rest)
15069 (let ((outfilename
15070 (if (not (null? rest))
15071 (car rest)
15072 (rewrite-file-type infilename
15073 *scheme-file-types*
15074 *lap-file-type*)))
15075 (write-lap
15076 (lambda (item port)
15077 (write item port)
15078 (newline port)
15079 (newline port))))
15080 (if (benchmark-block-mode)
15081 (process-file-block infilename outfilename write-lap compile-block)
15082 (process-file infilename outfilename write-lap compile))
15083 (unspecified)))
15086; Assemble a LAP or MAL file to a LOP file.
15088(define (assemble313 file . rest)
15089 (let ((outputfile
15090 (if (not (null? rest))
15091 (car rest)
15092 (rewrite-file-type file
15093 (list *lap-file-type* *mal-file-type*)
15094 *lop-file-type*)))
15095 (malfile?
15096 (file-type=? file *mal-file-type*))
15097 (user
15098 (assembly-user-data)))
15099 (process-file file
15100 outputfile
15101 write-lop
15102 (lambda (x) (assemble (if malfile? (eval x) x) user)))
15103 (unspecified)))
15106; Compile and assemble a Scheme source file to a LOP file.
15108(define (compile-and-assemble313 input-file . rest)
15109 (let ((output-file
15110 (if (not (null? rest))
15111 (car rest)
15112 (rewrite-file-type input-file
15113 *scheme-file-types*
15114 *lop-file-type*)))
15115 (user
15116 (assembly-user-data)))
15117 (if (benchmark-block-mode)
15118 (process-file-block input-file
15119 output-file
15120 write-lop
15121 (lambda (x) (assemble (compile-block x) user)))
15122 (process-file input-file
15123 output-file
15124 write-lop
15125 (lambda (x) (assemble (compile x) user))))
15126 (unspecified)))
15129; Convert a LOP file to a FASL file.
15131(define (make-fasl infilename . rest)
15132 (define (doit)
15133 (let ((outfilename
15134 (if (not (null? rest))
15135 (car rest)
15136 (rewrite-file-type infilename
15137 *lop-file-type*
15138 *fasl-file-type*))))
15139 (process-file infilename
15140 outfilename
15141 dump-fasl-segment-to-port
15142 (lambda (x) x))
15143 (unspecified)))
15145 (if (eq? (nbuild-parameter 'target-machine) 'standard-c)
15146 (error "Make-fasl not supported on this target architecture.")
15147 (doit)))
15150; Disassemble a procedure's code vector.
15152(define (disassemble item . rest)
15153 (let ((output-port (if (null? rest)
15154 (current-output-port)
15155 (car rest))))
15156 (disassemble-item item #f output-port)
15157 (unspecified)))
15160; The item can be either a procedure or a pair (assumed to be a segment).
15162(define (disassemble-item item segment-no port)
15164 (define (print . rest)
15165 (for-each (lambda (x) (display x port)) rest)
15166 (newline port))
15168 (define (print-constvector cv)
15169 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
15170 ((= i (vector-length cv)))
15171 (print "------------------------------------------")
15172 (print "Constant vector element # " i)
15173 (case (car (vector-ref cv i))
15174 ((codevector)
15175 (print "Code vector")
15176 (print-instructions (disassemble-codevector
15177 (cadr (vector-ref cv i)))
15178 port))
15179 ((constantvector)
15180 (print "Constant vector")
15181 (print-constvector (cadr (vector-ref cv i))))
15182 ((global)
15183 (print "Global: " (cadr (vector-ref cv i))))
15184 ((data)
15185 (print "Data: " (cadr (vector-ref cv i)))))))
15187 (define (print-segment segment)
15188 (print "Segment # " segment-no)
15189 (print-instructions (disassemble-codevector (car segment)) port)
15190 (print-constvector (cdr segment))
15191 (print "========================================"))
15193 (cond ((procedure? item)
15194 (print-instructions (disassemble-codevector (procedure-ref item 0))
15195 port))
15196 ((and (pair? item)
15197 (bytevector? (car item))
15198 (vector? (cdr item)))
15199 (print-segment item))
15200 (else
15201 (error "disassemble-item: " item " is not disassemblable."))))
15204; Disassemble a ".lop" or ".fasl" file; dump output to screen or
15205; other (optional) file.
15207(define (disassemble-file file . rest)
15209 (define (doit input-port output-port)
15210 (display "; From " output-port)
15211 (display file output-port)
15212 (newline output-port)
15213 (do ((segment-no 0 (+ segment-no 1))
15214 (segment (read input-port) (read input-port)))
15215 ((eof-object? segment))
15216 (disassemble-item segment segment-no output-port)))
15218 ; disassemble313
15220 (call-with-input-file
15221 file
15222 (lambda (input-port)
15223 (if (null? rest)
15224 (doit input-port (current-output-port))
15225 (begin
15226 (delete-file (car rest))
15227 (call-with-output-file
15228 (car rest)
15229 (lambda (output-port) (doit input-port output-port)))))))
15230 (unspecified))
15233; Display and manipulate the compiler switches.
15235(define (compiler-switches . rest)
15237 (define (slow-code)
15238 (set-compiler-flags! 'no-optimization)
15239 (set-assembler-flags! 'no-optimization))
15241 (define (standard-code)
15242 (set-compiler-flags! 'standard)
15243 (set-assembler-flags! 'standard))
15245 (define (fast-safe-code)
15246 (set-compiler-flags! 'fast-safe)
15247 (set-assembler-flags! 'fast-safe))
15249 (define (fast-unsafe-code)
15250 (set-compiler-flags! 'fast-unsafe)
15251 (set-assembler-flags! 'fast-unsafe))
15253 (cond ((null? rest)
15254 (display "Debugging:")
15255 (newline)
15256 (display-twobit-flags 'debugging)
15257 (display-assembler-flags 'debugging)
15258 (newline)
15259 (display "Safety:")
15260 (newline)
15261 (display-twobit-flags 'safety)
15262 (display-assembler-flags 'safety)
15263 (newline)
15264 (display "Speed:")
15265 (newline)
15266 (display-twobit-flags 'optimization)
15267 (display-assembler-flags 'optimization)
15268 (if #f #f))
15269 ((null? (cdr rest))
15270 (case (car rest)
15271 ((0 slow) (slow-code))
15272 ((1 standard) (standard-code))
15273 ((2 fast-safe) (fast-safe-code))
15274 ((3 fast-unsafe) (fast-unsafe-code))
15275 ((default
15276 factory-settings) (fast-safe-code)
15277 (include-source-code #t)
15278 (benchmark-mode #f)
15279 (benchmark-block-mode #f)
15280 (common-subexpression-elimination #f)
15281 (representation-inference #f))
15282 (else
15283 (error "Unrecognized flag " (car rest) " to compiler-switches.")))
15284 (unspecified))
15285 (else
15286 (error "Too many arguments to compiler-switches."))))
15288; Read and process one file, producing another.
15289; Preserves the global syntactic environment.
15291(define (process-file infilename outfilename writer processer)
15292 (define (doit)
15293 (delete-file outfilename)
15294 (call-with-output-file
15295 outfilename
15296 (lambda (outport)
15297 (call-with-input-file
15298 infilename
15299 (lambda (inport)
15300 (let loop ((x (read inport)))
15301 (if (eof-object? x)
15302 #t
15303 (begin (writer (processer x) outport)
15304 (loop (read inport))))))))))
15305 (let ((current-syntactic-environment
15306 (syntactic-copy global-syntactic-environment)))
15307 (dynamic-wind
15308 (lambda () #t)
15309 (lambda () (doit))
15310 (lambda ()
15311 (set! global-syntactic-environment
15312 current-syntactic-environment)))))
15314; Same as above, but passes a list of the entire file's contents
15315; to the processer.
15316; FIXME: Both versions of PROCESS-FILE always delete the output file.
15317; Shouldn't it be left alone if the input file can't be opened?
15319(define (process-file-block infilename outfilename writer processer)
15320 (define (doit)
15321 (delete-file outfilename)
15322 (call-with-output-file
15323 outfilename
15324 (lambda (outport)
15325 (call-with-input-file
15326 infilename
15327 (lambda (inport)
15328 (do ((x (read inport) (read inport))
15329 (forms '() (cons x forms)))
15330 ((eof-object? x)
15331 (writer (processer (reverse forms)) outport))))))))
15332 (let ((current-syntactic-environment
15333 (syntactic-copy global-syntactic-environment)))
15334 (dynamic-wind
15335 (lambda () #t)
15336 (lambda () (doit))
15337 (lambda ()
15338 (set! global-syntactic-environment
15339 current-syntactic-environment)))))
15342; Given a file name with some type, produce another with some other type.
15344(define (rewrite-file-type filename matches new)
15345 (if (not (pair? matches))
15346 (rewrite-file-type filename (list matches) new)
15347 (let ((j (string-length filename)))
15348 (let loop ((m matches))
15349 (cond ((null? m)
15350 (string-append filename new))
15351 (else
15352 (let* ((n (car m))
15353 (l (string-length n)))
15354 (if (file-type=? filename n)
15355 (string-append (substring filename 0 (- j l)) new)
15356 (loop (cdr m))))))))))
15358(define (file-type=? file-name type-name)
15359 (let ((fl (string-length file-name))
15360 (tl (string-length type-name)))
15361 (and (>= fl tl)
15362 (string-ci=? type-name
15363 (substring file-name (- fl tl) fl)))))
15365; eof
15366; Copyright 1998 William Clinger.
15368; $Id: twobit-smaller.sch,v 1.1 1999/09/09 22:13:42 lth Exp $
15370; Procedures that make .LAP structures human-readable
15372(define (readify-lap code)
15373 (map (lambda (x)
15374 (let ((iname (cdr (assv (car x) *mnemonic-names*))))
15375 (if (not (= (car x) $lambda))
15376 (cons iname (cdr x))
15377 (list iname (readify-lap (cadr x)) (caddr x)))))
15378 code))
15380(define (readify-file f . o)
15382 (define (doit)
15383 (let ((i (open-input-file f)))
15384 (let loop ((x (read i)))
15385 (if (not (eof-object? x))
15386 (begin (pretty-print (readify-lap x))
15387 (loop (read i)))))))
15389 (if (null? o)
15390 (doit)
15391 (begin (delete-file (car o))
15392 (with-output-to-file (car o) doit))))
15394; eof
15395; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
15397(define (twobit-benchmark . rest)
15398 (let ((k (if (null? rest) 1 (car rest))))
15399 (compiler-switches 'fast-safe)
15400 (benchmark-block-mode #t)
15401 (run-benchmark
15402 "twobit"
15403 k
15404 (lambda () (compile-file "twobit-input.sch"))
15405 (lambda (result)
15406 #t))))
15408; eof