add (figl contrib packed-struct)
[clinton/guile-figl.git] / figl / contrib / packed-struct.scm
1 ;;; figl
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2013 Andy Wingo <>
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Figl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5 ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
6 ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
7 ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; Figl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
11 ;;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General
12 ;;; Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 ;;; License along with this program. If not, see
16 ;;; <>.
18 ;;; Commentary:
19 ;;
20 ;; Packed binary structures.
21 ;;
22 ;;; Code:
24 (define-module (figl contrib packed-struct)
25 #:use-module (ice-9 futures)
26 #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
27 #:export (
28 define-packed-struct
29 pack pack* unpack unpack*
31 make-packed-array
32 packed-array-length
34 pack-each pack-each/serial
35 unpack-each unpack-each/serial
36 repack-each repack-each/serial
37 ))
39 (define-syntax define-packed-struct
40 (lambda (stx)
41 (define (stx-map-fold proc lst seed)
42 (let lp ((lst lst) (out '()) (seed seed))
43 (syntax-case lst ()
44 (() (values (reverse out) seed))
45 ((elt . lst)
46 (call-with-values (lambda () (proc #'elt seed))
47 (lambda (elt seed)
48 (lp #'lst (cons elt out) seed)))))))
50 (define (compute-layout types)
51 (stx-map-fold
52 (lambda (type offset)
53 (define (return size ref set)
54 (values #`(#,offset #,ref #,set)
55 (+ offset size)))
56 (case (syntax->datum type)
57 ((float) (return 4
58 #'bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref
59 #'bytevector-ieee-single-native-set!))
60 ((double) (return 8
61 #'bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref
62 #'bytevector-ieee-double-native-set!))
63 ((int8) (return 1
64 #'bytevector-s8-ref
65 #'bytevector-s8-set!))
66 ((uint8) (return 1
67 #'bytevector-u8-ref
68 #'bytevector-u8-set!))
69 ((int16) (return 2
70 #'bytevector-s16-native-ref
71 #'bytevector-s16-native-set!))
72 ((uint16) (return 2
73 #'bytevector-u16-native-ref
74 #'bytevector-u16-native-set!))
75 ((int32) (return 4
76 #'bytevector-s32-native-ref
77 #'bytevector-s32-native-set!))
78 ((uint32) (return 4
79 #'bytevector-u32-native-ref
80 #'bytevector-u32-native-set!))
81 ((int64) (return 8
82 #'bytevector-s64-native-ref
83 #'bytevector-s64-native-set!))
84 ((uint64) (return 8
85 #'bytevector-u64-native-ref
86 #'bytevector-u64-native-set!))
87 (else (error "unrecognized type" (syntax->datum type)))))
88 types
89 0))
91 (syntax-case stx ()
92 ((define-packed-struct name
93 (field-name field-type)
94 ...)
95 (call-with-values (lambda () (compute-layout #'(field-type ...)))
96 (lambda (accessors byte-size)
97 (with-syntax ((((field-offset field-ref field-set) ...) accessors)
98 (byte-size byte-size))
99 #`(define-inlinable (name method field)
100 (case method
101 ((size) byte-size)
102 ((unpacker)
103 (lambda (bv offset k)
104 (k (field-ref bv (+ offset field-offset))
105 ...)))
106 ((packer)
107 (lambda (bv offset field-name ...)
108 (field-set bv (+ offset field-offset) field-name)
109 ...))
110 ((getter)
111 (case field
112 ((field-name)
113 (lambda (bv offset)
114 (field-ref bv (+ offset field-offset))))
115 ...
116 (else (error "unknown field" field))))
117 ((setter)
118 (case field
119 ((field-name)
120 (lambda (bv offset val)
121 (field-set bv (+ offset field-offset) val)))
122 ...
123 (else (error "unknown field" field)))))))))))))
125 (define-syntax-rule (packed-struct-size type)
126 (type 'size #f))
128 (define-syntax-rule (packed-struct-getter type field)
129 (type 'getter 'field))
131 (define-syntax-rule (packed-struct-setter type field)
132 (type 'setter 'field))
134 (define-syntax-rule (packed-struct-unpacker type)
135 (type 'unpacker #f))
137 (define-syntax-rule (packed-struct-packer type)
138 (type 'packer #f))
140 (define-syntax-rule (unpack* bv offset type k)
141 ((packed-struct-unpacker type) bv offset k))
143 (define-syntax-rule (unpack bv n type k)
144 (unpack* bv (* n (packed-struct-size type)) type k))
146 (define-syntax-rule (pack* bv offset type v ...)
147 ((packed-struct-packer type) bv offset v ...))
149 (define-syntax-rule (pack bv n type v ...)
150 (pack* bv (* n (packed-struct-size type)) type v ...))
152 (define-syntax-rule (make-packed-array type len)
153 (make-bytevector (* (packed-struct-size type) len) 0))
155 (define-syntax-rule (packed-array-length bv type)
156 (/ (bytevector-length bv) (packed-struct-size type)))
158 (define* (parallel-iota n proc #:optional (nprocs (current-processor-count)))
159 (let lp ((start 0) (end n) (nprocs nprocs))
160 (cond
161 ((= start end))
162 ((= nprocs 1)
163 (let lp ((n start))
164 (when (< n end)
165 (proc n)
166 (lp (1+ n)))))
167 (else
168 (let* ((pivot (+ start (ceiling/ (- end start) nprocs)))
169 (left (future (lp start pivot 1))))
170 (lp pivot end (1- nprocs))
171 (touch left))))))
173 (define-syntax-rule (pack-each* bv type proc nprocs)
174 (parallel-iota (packed-array-length bv type)
175 (lambda (n)
176 (call-with-values (lambda () (proc n))
177 (lambda args
178 (apply (packed-struct-packer type)
179 bv
180 (* n (packed-struct-size type))
181 args))))
182 nprocs))
184 (define-syntax-rule (pack-each bv type proc)
185 (pack-each* bv type proc (current-processor-count)))
187 (define-syntax-rule (pack-each/serial bv type proc)
188 (pack-each* bv type proc 1))
190 (define-syntax-rule (unpack-each* bv type proc nprocs)
191 (parallel-iota (packed-array-length bv type)
192 (lambda (n)
193 ((packed-struct-unpacker type)
194 bv
195 (* n (packed-struct-size type))
196 (lambda args
197 (apply proc n args))))
198 nprocs))
200 (define-syntax-rule (unpack-each bv type proc)
201 (unpack-each* bv type proc (current-processor-count)))
203 (define-syntax-rule (unpack-each/serial bv type proc)
204 (unpack-each* bv type proc 1))
206 (define-syntax-rule (repack-each* bv type proc nprocs)
207 (pack-each* bv type
208 (lambda (n)
209 ((packed-struct-unpacker type)
210 bv
211 (* n (packed-struct-size type))
212 (lambda args
213 (apply proc n args))))
214 nprocs))
216 (define-syntax-rule (repack-each bv type proc)
217 (repack-each* bv type proc (current-processor-count)))
219 (define-syntax-rule (repack-each/serial bv type proc)
220 (repack-each* bv type proc 1))