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[clinton/guile-figl.git] / upstream-doc / man2 / pdf / header
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13 <book>
15 <title><graphic fileref="opengl_logo.gif" scale="25"/>Reference Pages</title>
17 <!--
18 <subtitle>Draft - Version 2.1 11/19/2007 - Draft</subtitle>
19 -->
20 <titleabbrev>OpenGL&reg; Reference Pages</titleabbrev>
22 <bookinfo>
24 <corpauthor>OpenGL&reg; Architectural Review Board TSG, Khronos Group Inc.</corpauthor>
25 <editor><personname><firstname>Brent</firstname><surname>Insko</surname><othername role='mi'>E</othername></personname></editor>
26 <edition>2.1 11/14/2007 - DRAFT</edition>
27 <copyright><year>2007</year>
28 <holder>Khronos Group, Inc.</holder>
29 </copyright>
30 <abstract>
31 <title>Contents</title>
32 <para>
33 This document contains reference information for the OpenGL&reg; Application
34 Programming Interface. These reference pages (also known as "man pages") include
35 all of the important usage information for each command. This information includes
36 a description of all parameters, return values, error conditions, and related
37 commands. In addition, this document also provides usage information for the OpenGL&reg;
38 Utility Library (GLU) and the OpenGL&reg; extension to the X Window System (GLX).
39 </para>
40 <para>
41 These pages also exist online in the
42 <ulink url=""><citetitle>OpenGL&reg; SDK.</citetitle></ulink>
43 </para>
44 <para>
45 If you find any inaccuracies or typos in the reference pages, don't hesitate to inform us via
46 the online <ulink url=""><citetitle>specification feedback form.</citetitle></ulink>
48 </para>
49 </abstract>
51 </bookinfo>
55 <colophon>
56 <title>Copyrights</title>
59 <para>
60 The following OpenGL reference pages are Copyright &copy; 2007 The Khronos Group Inc. and licensed under the Khronos Free Use License. For details, see <ulink url=""><citetitle></citetitle></ulink>.
61 </para>
63 <blockquote>
64 <constant>
65 glBlendEquationSeparate,
66 glStencilFuncSeparate,
67 glStencilMaskSeparate,
68 glStencilOpSeparate
69 </constant>
70 </blockquote>
72 <para>
73 The following OpenGL reference pages are Copyright &copy; 2005 Addison-Wesley and may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication Licesnse, v 1.0, 8, June 1999. For details, see <ulink url=""><citetitle></citetitle></ulink>.
74 </para>
76 <blockquote>
77 <constant>
78 glBeginQuery,
79 glBindBuffer,
80 glBufferData,
81 glBufferSubData,
82 glDeleteBuffers,
83 glDeleteQueries,
84 glGenBuffers,
85 glGenQueries,
86 glGetBufferParameteriv,
87 glGetBufferPointerv,
88 glGetBufferSubData,
89 glGetQueryiv,
90 glGetQueryObject,
91 glIsBuffer,
92 glIsQuery,
93 glMapBuffer
94 </constant>
95 </blockquote>
97 <para>
98 The following OpenGL reference pages are Copyright &copy; 2003-2005 3Dlabs, Inc. Ltd. And may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8, June 1999. For details, see <ulink url=""><citetitle></citetitle></ulink>.
99 </para>
101 <blockquote>
102 <constant>
103 glAttachShader,
104 glBindAttribLocation,
105 glCompileShader,
106 glCreateProgram,
107 glCreateShader,
108 glDeleteProgram,
109 glDeleteShader,
110 glDetachShader,
111 glDrawBuffers,
112 glEnableVertexAttribArray,
113 glGetActiveAttrib,
114 glGetActiveUniform,
115 glGetAttachedShaders,
116 glGetAttribLocation,
117 glGetProgram,
118 glGetProgramInfoLog,
119 glGetShader,
120 glGetShaderInfoLog,
121 glGetShaderSource,
122 glGetUniform,
123 glGetUniformLocation,
124 glGetVertexAttrib,
125 glGetVertexAttribPointerv,
126 glIsProgram,
127 glIsShader,
128 glLinkProgram,
129 glShaderSource,
130 glUniform,
131 glUseProgram,
132 glValidateProgram,
133 glVertexAttrib,
134 glVertexAttribPointer
135 </constant>
136 </blockquote>
139 <para>
140 All reference pages referring to the OpenGL Utility Library and the OpenGL
141 extension to the X Window System, and the following core OpenGL reference pages
142 are Copyright &copy; 1991-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc. and may be distributed
143 subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Free Software B License.
144 For details, see <ulink url="">
145 <citetitle></citetitle></ulink>.
146 </para>
147 <blockquote>
148 <constant>
149 glAccum,
150 glActiveTexture,
151 glAlphaFunc,
152 glAreTexturesResident,
153 glArrayElement,
154 glBegin,
155 glBindTexture,
156 glBitmap,
157 glBlendColor,
158 glBlendEquation,
159 glBlendFunc,
160 glBlendFuncSeparate,
161 glCallList,
162 glCallLists,
163 glClear,
164 glClearAccum,
165 glClearColor,
166 glClearDepth,
167 glClearIndex,
168 gllearStencil,
169 glCLientActiveTexture,
170 glClipPlane,
171 glColor,
172 glColorMask,
173 glColorMaterial,
174 glColorPointer,
175 glColorSubTable,
176 glColorTable,
177 glColorTableParameter,
178 glCompressedTexImage1D,
179 glCompressedTexImage2D,
180 glCompressedTexImage3D,
181 glCompressedTexSubImage1D,
182 glCompressedTexSubImage2D,
183 glCompressedTexSubImage3D,
184 glConvolutionFilter1D,
185 glConvolutionFilter2D,
186 glConvolutionParameter,
187 glCopyColorSubTable,
188 glCopyColorTable,
189 glCopyConvolutionFilter1D,
190 glCopyConvolutionFilter2D,
191 glCopyPixels,
192 glCopyTexImage1D,
193 glCopyTexImage2D,
194 glCopyTexSubImage1D,
195 glCopyTexSubImage2D,
196 glCopyTexSubImage3D,
197 glCullFace,
198 glDeleteLists,
199 glDeleteTextures,
200 glDepthFunc,
201 glDepthMask,
202 glDepthRange,
203 glDrawArrays,
204 glDrawBuffer,
205 glDrawElements,
206 glDrawPixels,
207 glDrawRangeElements,
208 glEdgeFlag,
209 glEdgeFlagPointer,
210 glEnable,
211 glEnableClientState,
212 glEvalCoord,
213 glEvalMesh,
214 glEvalPoint,
215 glFeedbackBuffer,
216 glFinish,
217 glFlush,
218 glFog,
219 glFogCoord,
220 glFogCoordPointer,
221 glFrontFace,
222 glFrustum,
223 glGenLists,
224 glGenTextures,
225 glGet,
226 glGetClipPlane,
227 glGetColorTable,
228 glGetColorTableParameter,
229 glGetCompressedTexImage,
230 glGetConvolutionFilter,
231 glGetConvolutionParameter,
232 glGetError,
233 glGetHistogram,
234 glGetHistogramParameter,
235 glGetLight,
236 glGetMap,
237 glGetMaterial,
238 glGetMinmax,
239 glGetMinmaxParameter,
240 glGetPixelMap,
241 glGetPointerv,
242 glGetPolygonStipple,
243 glGetSeparableFilter,
244 glGetString,
245 glGetTexEnv,
246 glGetTexGen,
247 glGetTexImage,
248 glGetTexLevelParameter,
249 glGetTexParameter,
250 glHint,
251 glHistogram,
252 glIndex,
253 glIndexMask,
254 glIndexPointer,
255 glInitNames,
256 glInterleavedArrays,
257 glIsEnabled,
258 glIsList,
259 glIsTexture,
260 glLight,
261 glLightModel,
262 glLineStipple,
263 glLineWidth,
264 glListBase,
265 glLoadIdentity,
266 glLoadMatrix,
267 glLoadName,
268 glLoadTransposeMatrix,
269 glLogicOp,
270 glMap1,
271 glMap2,
272 glMapGrid,
273 glMaterial,
274 glMatrixMode,
275 glMinmax,
276 glMultiDrawArrays,
277 glMultiDrawElements,
278 glMultiTexCoord,
279 glMultMatrix,
280 glMultTransposeMatrix,
281 glNewList,
282 glNormal,
283 glNormalPointer,
284 glOrtho,
285 glPassThrough,
286 glPixelMap,
287 glPixelStore,
288 glPixelTransfer,
289 glPixelZoom,
290 glPointParameter,
291 glPointSize,
292 glPolygonMode,
293 glPolygonOffset,
294 glPolygonStipple,
295 glPrioritizeTextures,
296 glPushAttrib,
297 glPushClientAttrib,
298 glPushMatrix,
299 glPushName,
300 glRasterPos,
301 glReadBuffer,
302 glReadPixels,
303 glRect,
304 glRenderMode,
305 glResetHistogram,
306 glResetMinmax,
307 glRotate,
308 glSampleCoverage,
309 glScale,
310 glScissor,
311 glSecondaryColor,
312 glSecondaryColorPointer,
313 glSelectBuffer,
314 glSeparableFilter2D,
315 glShadeModel,
316 glStencilFunc,
317 glStencilMask,
318 glStencilOp,
319 glTexCoord,
320 glTexCoordPointer,
321 glTexEnv,
322 glTexGen,
323 glTexImage1D,
324 glTexImage2D,
325 glTexImage3D,
326 glTexParameter,
327 glTexSubImage1D,
328 glTexSubImage2D,
329 glTexSubImage3D,
330 glTranslate,
331 glVertex,
332 glVertexPointer,
333 glViewport,
334 glWindowPos
335 </constant>
336 </blockquote>
339 </colophon>
345 <reference>
346 <title>OpenGL<superscript>&reg;</superscript> Commands</title>