generate glx enums
[clinton/guile-figl.git] / figl / glx / enums.scm
1 ;;; figl -*- mode: scheme; coding: utf-8 -*-
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2013 Andy Wingo <>
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Figl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5 ;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
6 ;;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
7 ;;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; Figl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 ;;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
11 ;;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General
12 ;;; Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 ;;; License along with this program. If not, see
16 ;;; <>.
17 ;;;
18 ;;; Derived from the API specifications at
19 ;;;
20 ;;; Automatically generated; you probably don't want to edit this. To
21 ;;; update, run "make update-enums" in the top-level build tree.
22 ;;;
24 (define-module
25 (figl glx enums)
26 #:use-module
27 (figl runtime)
28 #:export
29 (glx-string-name
30 glx-error-code
31 glx-drawable-type-mask
32 glx-render-type-mask
33 glx-sync-type
34 glx-event-mask
35 glx-pbuffer-clobber-mask
36 glx-hyperpipe-type-mask
37 glx-hyperpipe-attrib
38 glx-hyperpipe-misc
39 glx-bind-to-texture-target-mask
40 glx-context-flags
41 glx-context-profile-mask
42 glx-attribute
43 nv-present-video
44 ext-swap-control
45 ext-swap-control-tear
46 ext-buffer-age
47 glx-amd-gpu-association
48 glx-arb-create-context-robustness
49 arb-create-context-profile))
51 (define-enumeration
52 glx-string-name
53 (vendor 1)
54 (version 2)
55 (extensions 3))
57 (define-enumeration
58 glx-error-code
59 (bad-screen 1)
60 (bad-attribute 2)
61 (no-extension 3)
62 (bad-visual 4)
63 (bad-context 5)
64 (bad-value 6)
65 (bad-enum 7)
66 (bad-hyperpipe-config-sgix 91)
67 (bad-hyperpipe-sgix 92))
69 (define-enumeration
70 glx-drawable-type-mask
71 (window-bit 1)
72 (pixmap-bit 2)
73 (pbuffer-bit 4)
74 (window-bit-sgix 1)
75 (pixmap-bit-sgix 2)
76 (pbuffer-bit-sgix 4))
78 (define-enumeration
79 glx-render-type-mask
80 (rgba-bit 1)
81 (color-index-bit 2)
82 (rgba-bit-sgix 1)
83 (color-index-bit-sgix 2)
84 (rgba-float-bit-arb 4)
85 (rgba-unsigned-float-bit-ext 8))
87 (define-enumeration
88 glx-sync-type
89 (sync-frame-sgix 0)
90 (sync-swap-sgix 1))
92 (define-enumeration
93 glx-event-mask
94 (pbuffer-clobber-mask 134217728)
95 (buffer-clobber-mask-sgix 134217728)
96 (buffer-swap-complete-intel-mask 67108864))
98 (define-enumeration
99 glx-pbuffer-clobber-mask
100 (front-left-buffer-bit 1)
101 (front-right-buffer-bit 2)
102 (back-left-buffer-bit 4)
103 (back-right-buffer-bit 8)
104 (aux-buffers-bit 16)
105 (depth-buffer-bit 32)
106 (stencil-buffer-bit 64)
107 (accum-buffer-bit 128)
108 (front-left-buffer-bit-sgix 1)
109 (front-right-buffer-bit-sgix 2)
110 (back-left-buffer-bit-sgix 4)
111 (back-right-buffer-bit-sgix 8)
112 (aux-buffers-bit-sgix 16)
113 (depth-buffer-bit-sgix 32)
114 (stencil-buffer-bit-sgix 64)
115 (accum-buffer-bit-sgix 128)
116 (sample-buffers-bit-sgix 256))
118 (define-enumeration
119 glx-hyperpipe-type-mask
120 (hyperpipe-display-pipe-sgix 1)
121 (hyperpipe-render-pipe-sgix 2))
123 (define-enumeration
124 glx-hyperpipe-attrib
125 (pipe-rect-sgix 1)
126 (pipe-rect-limits-sgix 2)
127 (hyperpipe-stereo-sgix 3)
128 (hyperpipe-pixel-average-sgix 4))
130 (define-enumeration
131 glx-hyperpipe-misc
132 (hyperpipe-pipe-name-length-sgix 80))
134 (define-enumeration
135 glx-bind-to-texture-target-mask
136 (texture-1d-bit-ext 1)
137 (texture-2d-bit-ext 2)
138 (texture-rectangle-bit-ext 4))
140 (define-enumeration
141 glx-context-flags
142 (context-debug-bit-arb 1)
143 (context-forward-compatible-bit-arb 2)
144 (context-robust-access-bit-arb 4)
145 (context-reset-isolation-bit-arb 8))
147 (define-enumeration
148 glx-context-profile-mask
149 (context-core-profile-bit-arb 1)
150 (context-compatibility-profile-bit-arb 2)
151 (context-es-profile-bit-ext 4)
152 (context-es2-profile-bit-ext 4))
154 (define-enumeration
155 glx-attribute
156 (use-gl 1)
157 (buffer-size 2)
158 (level 3)
159 (rgba 4)
160 (doublebuffer 5)
161 (stereo 6)
162 (aux-buffers 7)
163 (red-size 8)
164 (green-size 9)
165 (blue-size 10)
166 (alpha-size 11)
167 (depth-size 12)
168 (stencil-size 13)
169 (accum-red-size 14)
170 (accum-green-size 15)
171 (accum-blue-size 16)
172 (accum-alpha-size 17)
173 (config-caveat 32)
174 (x-visual-type 34)
175 (transparent-type 35)
176 (transparent-index-value 36)
177 (transparent-red-value 37)
178 (transparent-green-value 38)
179 (transparent-blue-value 39)
180 (transparent-alpha-value 40)
181 (dont-care 4294967295)
182 (none 32768)
183 (slow-config 32769)
184 (true-color 32770)
185 (direct-color 32771)
186 (pseudo-color 32772)
187 (static-color 32773)
188 (gray-scale 32774)
189 (static-gray 32775)
190 (transparent-rgb 32776)
191 (transparent-index 32777)
192 (visual-id 32779)
193 (screen 32780)
194 (non-conformant-config 32781)
195 (drawable-type 32784)
196 (render-type 32785)
197 (x-renderable 32786)
198 (fbconfig-id 32787)
199 (rgba-type 32788)
200 (color-index-type 32789)
201 (max-pbuffer-width 32790)
202 (max-pbuffer-height 32791)
203 (max-pbuffer-pixels 32792)
204 (preserved-contents 32795)
205 (largest-pbuffer 32796)
206 (width 32797)
207 (height 32798)
208 (event-mask 32799)
209 (damaged 32800)
210 (saved 32801)
211 (window 32802)
212 (pbuffer 32803)
213 (pbuffer-height 32832)
214 (pbuffer-width 32833)
215 (visual-caveat-ext 32)
216 (x-visual-type-ext 34)
217 (transparent-type-ext 35)
218 (transparent-index-value-ext 36)
219 (transparent-red-value-ext 37)
220 (transparent-green-value-ext 38)
221 (transparent-blue-value-ext 39)
222 (transparent-alpha-value-ext 40)
223 (none-ext 32768)
224 (slow-visual-ext 32769)
225 (true-color-ext 32770)
226 (direct-color-ext 32771)
227 (pseudo-color-ext 32772)
228 (static-color-ext 32773)
229 (gray-scale-ext 32774)
230 (static-gray-ext 32775)
231 (transparent-rgb-ext 32776)
232 (transparent-index-ext 32777)
233 (share-context-ext 32778)
234 (visual-id-ext 32779)
235 (screen-ext 32780)
236 (non-conformant-visual-ext 32781)
237 (drawable-type-sgix 32784)
238 (render-type-sgix 32785)
239 (x-renderable-sgix 32786)
240 (fbconfig-id-sgix 32787)
241 (rgba-type-sgix 32788)
242 (color-index-type-sgix 32789)
243 (max-pbuffer-width-sgix 32790)
244 (max-pbuffer-height-sgix 32791)
245 (max-pbuffer-pixels-sgix 32792)
246 (optimal-pbuffer-width-sgix 32793)
247 (optimal-pbuffer-height-sgix 32794)
248 (preserved-contents-sgix 32795)
249 (largest-pbuffer-sgix 32796)
250 (width-sgix 32797)
251 (height-sgix 32798)
252 (event-mask-sgix 32799)
253 (damaged-sgix 32800)
254 (saved-sgix 32801)
255 (window-sgix 32802)
256 (pbuffer-sgix 32803)
257 (digital-media-pbuffer-sgix 32804)
258 (blended-rgba-sgis 32805)
259 (multisample-sub-rect-width-sgis 32806)
260 (multisample-sub-rect-height-sgis 32807)
261 (visual-select-group-sgix 32808)
262 (hyperpipe-id-sgix 32816)
263 (sample-buffers-sgis 100000)
264 (samples-sgis 100001)
265 (sample-buffers-arb 100000)
266 (samples-arb 100001)
267 (sample-buffers 100000)
268 (samples 100001)
269 (coverage-samples-nv 100001)
270 (context-major-version-arb 8337)
271 (context-minor-version-arb 8338)
272 (context-flags-arb 8340)
273 (context-allow-buffer-byte-order-mismatch-arb
274 8341)
275 (float-components-nv 8368)
276 (rgba-unsigned-float-type-ext 8369)
277 (framebuffer-srgb-capable-arb 8370)
278 (framebuffer-srgb-capable-ext 8370)
279 (color-samples-nv 8371)
280 (rgba-float-type-arb 8377)
281 (video-out-color-nv 8387)
282 (video-out-alpha-nv 8388)
283 (video-out-depth-nv 8389)
284 (video-out-color-and-alpha-nv 8390)
285 (video-out-color-and-depth-nv 8391)
286 (video-out-frame-nv 8392)
287 (video-out-field-1-nv 8393)
288 (video-out-field-2-nv 8394)
289 (video-out-stacked-fields-1-2-nv 8395)
290 (video-out-stacked-fields-2-1-nv 8396)
291 (device-id-nv 8397)
292 (unique-id-nv 8398)
293 (num-video-capture-slots-nv 8399)
294 (bind-to-texture-rgb-ext 8400)
295 (bind-to-texture-rgba-ext 8401)
296 (bind-to-mipmap-texture-ext 8402)
297 (bind-to-texture-targets-ext 8403)
298 (y-inverted-ext 8404)
299 (texture-format-ext 8405)
300 (texture-target-ext 8406)
301 (mipmap-texture-ext 8407)
302 (texture-format-none-ext 8408)
303 (texture-format-rgb-ext 8409)
304 (texture-format-rgba-ext 8410)
305 (texture-1d-ext 8411)
306 (texture-2d-ext 8412)
307 (texture-rectangle-ext 8413)
308 (front-left-ext 8414)
309 (front-right-ext 8415)
310 (back-left-ext 8416)
311 (back-right-ext 8417)
312 (front-ext 8414)
313 (back-ext 8416)
314 (aux0-ext 8418)
315 (aux1-ext 8419)
316 (aux2-ext 8420)
317 (aux3-ext 8421)
318 (aux4-ext 8422)
319 (aux5-ext 8423)
320 (aux6-ext 8424)
321 (aux7-ext 8425)
322 (aux8-ext 8426)
323 (aux9-ext 8427))
325 (define-enumeration
326 nv-present-video
327 (num-video-slots-nv 8432))
329 (define-enumeration
330 ext-swap-control
331 (swap-interval-ext 8433)
332 (max-swap-interval-ext 8434))
334 (define-enumeration
335 ext-swap-control-tear
336 (late-swaps-tear-ext 8435))
338 (define-enumeration
339 ext-buffer-age
340 (back-buffer-age-ext 8436))
342 (define-enumeration
343 glx-amd-gpu-association
344 (gpu-vendor-amd 7936)
345 (gpu-renderer-string-amd 7937)
346 (gpu-opengl-version-string-amd 7938)
347 (gpu-fastest-target-gpus-amd 8610)
348 (gpu-ram-amd 8611)
349 (gpu-clock-amd 8612)
350 (gpu-num-pipes-amd 8613)
351 (gpu-num-simd-amd 8614)
352 (gpu-num-rb-amd 8615)
353 (gpu-num-spi-amd 8616))
355 (define-enumeration
356 glx-arb-create-context-robustness
357 (lose-context-on-reset-arb 33362)
358 (context-reset-notification-strategy-arb 33366)
359 (no-reset-notification-arb 33377))
361 (define-enumeration
362 arb-create-context-profile
363 (context-profile-mask-arb 37158))