Update follow_up_emails.php
[clinton/MarylandElectronicPetitionSignature.git] / admin / analytics.php
1 <?PHP
2 include_once('../slack.php');
3 include_once('security.php');
4 include_once('/var/www/secure.php'); //outside webserver
5 include_once('functions.php');
6 if ($_COOKIE['level'] == 'user'){
7 slack_general('ADMIN: Redirect User Home ('.$_COOKIE['name'].') ('.$_COOKIE['level'].')','md-petition');
8 header('Location: user_home.php');
9 }
10 if (isset($_GET['clear_php_session_id'])){
11 $id = $_GET['clear_php_session_id'];
12 $petition->query("update presign set presign_status = 'DONE' where php_session_id = '$id' ");
13 header('Location: analytics.php');
14 }
15 if (isset($_GET['sign_php_session_id'])){
16 $id = $_GET['sign_php_session_id'];
17 $petition->query("update presign set presign_status = 'SIGNED' where php_session_id = '$id' ");
18 header('Location: analytics.php');
19 }
20 if ($_COOKIE['level'] == 'manager'){
21 slack_general('ADMIN: Redirect Manager Home ('.$_COOKIE['name'].') ('.$_COOKIE['level'].')','md-petition');
22 header('Location: manager_home.php');
23 }
24 if (isset($_GET['flag_invalid_signature'])){
25 $id = $_GET['flag_invalid_signature'];
26 $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'flag_invalid_signature' where id = '$id' ");
27 header('Location: analytics.php');
28 }
29 if (isset($_GET['flag_duplicate'])){
30 $id = $_GET['flag_duplicate'];
31 $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'flag_duplicate' where id = '$id' ");
32 header('Location: analytics.php');
33 }
34 if (isset($_GET['flag_ip_address'])){
35 $ip = $_GET['flag_ip_address'];
36 $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'flag_ip_address' where ip_address = '$ip' ");
37 header('Location: analytics.php');
38 }
39 if (isset($_GET['resign_requested'])){
40 $id = $_GET['resign_requested'];
41 $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'resign_requested' where id = '$id' ");
42 header('Location: analytics.php');
43 }
44 if (isset($_GET['bot'])){
45 $id = $_GET['bot'];
46 $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'bot' where id = '$id' ");
47 header('Location: analytics.php');
48 }
49 if (isset($_GET['flag_VTRID'])){
50 $VTRID = $_GET['flag_VTRID'];
51 $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'flag_VTRID' where VTRID = '$VTRID' ");
52 header('Location: analytics.php');
53 }
54 if (isset($_GET['flag_phone'])){
55 $flag_phone = $_GET['flag_phone'];
56 $petition->query("update signatures set signature_status = 'flag_phone' where contact_phone = '$flag_phone' ");
57 header('Location: analytics.php');
58 }
59 include_once('header.php');
60 if (isset($_GET['ip_address'])){
61 $ip = $_GET['ip_address'];
62 echo "<h1>Review $ip</h1><table width='100%' border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5'>";
63 $q = "SELECT * FROM signatures where ip_address = '$ip' order by signature_status desc ";
64 $r = $petition->query($q);
65 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
66 $color = 'white';
67 $pos = strpos($d['date_time_signed'], date('Y-m-d'));
68 if ($pos !== false) {
69 $color= 'yellow';
70 }
71 echo "<tr style='background-color:$color;'>
72 <td><b>$d[date_time_signed]</b></td>
73 <td><a href='?VTRID=$d[VTRID]'>$d[VTRID]</a></td>
74 <td>".id2petition($d['petition_id'])."</td>
75 <td>$d[signed_name_as]</td>
76 <td>$d[signed_name_as_circulator]</td>
77 <td>$d[contact_phone]</td>
78 <td>$d[signature_status]</td>
79 <td>$d[printed_status]</td>
80 <td><a href='?flag_invalid_signature=$d[id]'>flag invalid signature</a></td>
81 <td><a href='?flag_VTRID=$d[VTRID]'>flag VTRID</a></td>
82 <td><a href='?flag_ip_address=$d[ip_address]'>flag ip address</a></td>
83 <td><a href='?flag_duplicate=$d[id]'>flag duplicate</a></td>
84 <td><a href='?flag_phone=$d[contact_phone]'>contact phone</a></td>
85 <td><a href='?resign_requested=$d[id]'>resign requested</a></td>
86 <td><a href='?bot=$d[id]'>bot</a></td>
87 </tr>";
88 }
89 echo "</table>";
90 }elseif(isset($_GET['email'])){
91 $email = $_GET['email'];
92 echo "<h1>Review $email</h1><table width='100%' border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5'>";
93 $q = "SELECT * FROM presign where email_for_follow_up = '$email' order by id desc ";
94 $r = $petition->query($q);
95 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
96 $color = 'white';
97 $test = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($d['action_on']));
98 $pos = strpos($test, date('Y-m-d'));
99 if ($pos !== false) {
100 $color= 'yellow';
101 }
102 echo "<tr style='background-color:$color;'>
103 <td style='white-space:pre;'><b>$d[action_on]</b></td>
104 <td style='white-space:pre;'><a href='?php_session_id=$d[php_session_id]'>$d[php_session_id]</a></td>
105 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[php_page]</td>
106 <td style='white-space:pre;'>".id2petition($d['petition'])."</td>
107 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[invite]</td>
108 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[invite_error]</td>
109 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[name]</td>
110 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[email_for_follow_up]</td>
111 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[phone_for_validation]</td>
112 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[presign_status]</td>
113 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[ip_address]</td>
114 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[browser_string]</td>
115 </tr>";
116 }
117 echo "</table>";
118 }elseif(isset($_GET['php_session_id']) && empty($_GET['follow_up'])){
119 $php_session_id = $_GET['php_session_id'];
120 echo "<h1>Review $php_session_id</h1><table width='100%' border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5'>";
121 $q = "SELECT * FROM presign where php_session_id = '$php_session_id' order by id desc ";
122 $r = $petition->query($q);
123 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
124 $color = 'white';
125 $test = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($d['action_on']));
126 $pos = strpos($test, date('Y-m-d'));
127 if ($pos !== false) {
128 $color= 'yellow';
129 }
130 echo "<tr style='background-color:$color;'>
131 <td style='white-space:pre;'><b>$d[action_on]</b></td>
132 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[php_page]</td>
133 <td style='white-space:pre;'>".id2petition($d['petition'])."</td>
134 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[invite]</td>
135 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[invite_error]</td>
136 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[name]</td>
137 <td style='white-space:pre;'><a href='?email=$d[email_for_follow_up]'>$d[email_for_follow_up]</a></td>
138 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[phone_for_validation]</td>
139 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[presign_status]</td>
140 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[ip_address]</td>
141 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[browser_string]</td>
142 </tr>";
143 }
144 echo "</table><a href='?clear_php_session_id=$php_session_id'>CLEAR ALERT</a> -
145 <a href='?sign_php_session_id=$php_session_id'>SIGNATURE FOUND</a><br>
146 - <a href='?php_session_id=$php_session_id&follow_up=0'>ADD TO FOLLOW UP LIST Maryland General</a><br>
147 - <a href='?php_session_id=$php_session_id&follow_up=1'>ADD TO FOLLOW UP LIST MGP</a><br>
148 - <a href='?php_session_id=$php_session_id&follow_up=2'>ADD TO FOLLOW UP LIST MLP</a><br>
149 - <a href='?php_session_id=$php_session_id&follow_up=3'>ADD TO FOLLOW UP LIST BTEC</a><br>
150 - <a href='?php_session_id=$php_session_id&follow_up=7'>ADD TO FOLLOW UP LIST PG</a><br>
151 - <a href='?php_session_id=$php_session_id&follow_up=8'>ADD TO FOLLOW UP LIST Ivey</a>
152 ";
153 }elseif(isset($_GET['php_session_id']) && isset($_GET['follow_up'])){
154 $php_session_id = $_GET['php_session_id'];
155 echo "<h1>Adding Follow up for $php_session_id to $_GET[follow_up]</h1><table width='100%' border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5'>";
156 $q = "SELECT * FROM presign where php_session_id = '$php_session_id' order by id desc ";
157 $r = $petition->query($q);
158 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
160 $color = 'white';
161 $test = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($d['action_on']));
162 $pos = strpos($test, date('Y-m-d'));
163 if ($pos !== false) {
164 $color= 'yellow';
165 }
166 if ($d[name] != ''){
167 $name = $d[name];
168 }
169 if ($d[email_for_follow_up] != ''){
170 $email = $d[email_for_follow_up];
171 }
172 echo "<tr style='background-color:$color;'>
173 <td style='white-space:pre;'><b>$d[action_on]</b></td>
174 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[php_page]</td>
175 <td style='white-space:pre;'>".id2petition($d['petition'])."</td>
176 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[invite]</td>
177 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[invite_error]</td>
178 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[name]</td>
179 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[email_for_follow_up]</td>
180 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[phone_for_validation]</td>
181 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[presign_status]</td>
182 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[ip_address]</td>
183 <td style='white-space:pre;'>$d[browser_string]</td>
184 </tr>";
185 }
186 $petition->query("insert into follow_up (name, email, php_session, petition_id) values ('$name','$email','$php_session_id','$_GET[follow_up]') ");
187 $petition->query("update presign set presign_status = 'DONE' where php_session_id = '$php_session_id' ");
188 echo "</table>";
189 }elseif (isset($_GET['VTRID'])){
190 $VTRID = $_GET['VTRID'];
191 echo "<h1>Review $VTRID</h1><table width='100%' border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5'>";
192 $q = "SELECT * FROM signatures where VTRID = '$VTRID' and signature_status <> 'deleted' order by petition_id, id DESC ";
193 $r = $petition->query($q);
194 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
195 $color = 'white';
196 $pos = strpos($d['date_time_signed'], date('Y-m-d'));
197 if ($pos !== false) {
198 $color= 'yellow';
199 }
200 echo "<tr style='background-color:$color;'>
201 <td><b>$d[date_time_signed]</b></td>
202 <td><a href='?ip_address=$d[ip_address]'>$d[ip_address]</a></td>
203 <td>".id2petition($d['petition_id'])."</td>
204 <td>$d[signed_name_as]</td>
205 <td>$d[signed_name_as_circulator]</td>
206 <td>$d[contact_phone]</td>
207 <td>$d[signature_status]</td>
208 <td>$d[printed_status]</td>
209 <td><a href='?flag_invalid_signature=$d[id]'>flag invalid signature</a></td>
210 <td><a href='?flag_VTRID=$d[VTRID]'>flag VTRID</a></td>
211 <td><a href='?flag_ip_address=$d[ip_address]'>flag ip address</a></td>
212 <td><a href='?flag_duplicate=$d[id]'>flag duplicate</a></td>
213 <td><a href='?flag_phone=$d[contact_phone]'>contact phone</a></td>
214 <td><a href='?resign_requested=$d[id]'>resign requested</a></td>
215 <td><a href='?bot=$d[id]'>bot</a></td>
216 </tr>";
217 }
218 echo "</table>";
219 }
220 ?>
222 <h1>Signature Analytics</h1>
224 <h3>SysOp Says: Transparency = Trust</h3>
225 <table><tr>
226 <tr>
227 <td valign="top">
228 <h2>Pre-Sign</h2>
229 <div>Follow up requested - never signed.</div>
230 <form method='GET'><input name='email'><input type='submit' value='SEARCH E-MAIL'></form><ol>
231 <?PHP
232 $q="SELECT distinct php_session_id FROM presign where presign_status = 'NEW' and email_for_follow_up <> '' order by id desc";
233 $r = $petition->query($q);
234 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
235 $q2="SELECT * FROM presign where php_session_id = '$d[php_session_id]' order by id desc";
236 $r2 = $petition->query($q2);
237 $d2 = mysqli_fetch_array($r2);
238 echo "<li><a href='?php_session_id=$d2[php_session_id]'>$d2[name] $d2[email_for_follow_up] ".id2petition($d2['petition'])." $d2[invite]</a></li>";
239 }
240 ?></ol>
241 </td>
242 <td valign="top">
243 <h2>Signatures</h2>
244 <div>Last 10</div><ol>
245 <?PHP
246 $q="SELECT * FROM signatures where signature_status = 'verified' order by id desc limit 0, 10";
247 $r = $petition->query($q);
248 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
249 echo "<li>$d[date_time_signed] ".id2petition($d['petition_id'])." $d[signed_name_as]</li>";
250 }
251 ?></ol>
252 </td>
254 </tr>
255 <td valign="top">
256 <h2>IP Address</h2>
257 <div>Watching for duplicates.</div><ol>
258 <?PHP
259 $q="SELECT ip_address, petition_id,VTRID, COUNT(*) as count FROM signatures where signature_status = 'verified' group by ip_address, petition_id, VTRID";
260 $r = $petition->query($q);
261 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
262 if ($d['count'] > 1){
263 echo "<li><a href='?ip_address=$d[ip_address]'>$d[ip_address]</a> ".id2petition($d['petition_id'])." <b>$d[count]</b> $d[signed_name_as]</li>";
264 }
265 }
266 ?></ol>
267 </td><td valign="top">
268 <h2>VTRID</h2>
269 <div>Watching for duplicates.</div><ol>
270 <?PHP
271 $q="SELECT VTRID, petition_id, COUNT(*) as count FROM signatures where signature_status = 'verified' group by VTRID, petition_id";
272 $r = $petition->query($q);
273 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
274 if ($d['count'] > 1){
275 echo "<li><a href='?VTRID=$d[VTRID]'>$d[VTRID]</a> ".id2petition($d['petition_id'])." <b>$d[count]</b> $d[signed_name_as]</li>";
276 }
277 }
278 ?></ol>
279 </td></tr><tr><td valign="top">
280 <h2>VTRID Bugs</h2>
281 <div>Watching for 0</div><ol>
282 <?PHP
283 $q="SELECT * FROM signatures where VTRID = '0' and signature_status <> 'bot' and signature_status <> 'flag_invalid_signature' and signature_status <> 'resign_requested'";
284 $r = $petition->query($q);
285 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
286 echo "<li>$d[date_time_signed] <a href='?ip_address=$d[ip_address]'>$d[ip_address]</a> <a target='_Blank' href='https://ipinfo.io/$d[ip_address]'>IP INFO</a> $d[petition_id] $d[signed_name_as]</li>";
287 }
288 ?></ol>
289 </td><td valign="top">
290 <h2>Petition ID Bugs</h2>
291 <div>Watching for 0</div><ol>
292 <?PHP
293 $q="SELECT * FROM signatures where (petition_id = '0' or petition_id = '') and signature_status <> 'bot' and signature_status <> 'flag_invalid_signature' and signature_status <> 'resign_requested'";
294 $r = $petition->query($q);
295 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
296 echo "<li>$d[date_time_signed] <a href='?ip_address=$d[ip_address]'>$d[ip_address]</a> <a target='_Blank' href='https://ipinfo.io/$d[ip_address]'>IP INFO</a> $d[petition_id] $d[signed_name_as]</li>";
297 }
298 ?></ol>
299 </td></tr><tr><td valign="top">
300 <?PHP ob_start(); ?>
301 <h2>resign_requested</h2>
302 <div>These are most likely from early bugs</div><ol>
303 <?PHP
304 $q="SELECT * FROM signatures where signature_status = 'resign_requested' order by ip_address";
305 $r = $petition->query($q);
306 $show = 0;
307 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
308 $show = 1;
309 echo "<li>$d[date_time_signed] <a href='?ip_address=$d[ip_address]'>$d[ip_address]</a> <a target='_Blank' href='https://ipinfo.io/$d[ip_address]'>IP INFO</a> <a href='?VTRID=$d[VTRID]'>$d[VTRID]</a> $d[petition_id] $d[signed_name_as]</li>";
310 }
311 ?></ol>
312 <?PHP $html = ob_get_clean(); if ( $show == 1 ){ echo $html; } ?>
313 </td>
315 <td valign="top">
316 <?PHP ob_start(); ?>
317 <h2>bots</h2>
318 <div>These are bots on the site.</div><ol>
319 <?PHP
320 $q="SELECT * FROM signatures where signature_status = 'bot' order by ip_address";
321 $r = $petition->query($q);
322 $show = 0;
323 while($d = mysqli_fetch_array($r)){
324 $show = 1;
325 echo "<li>$d[date_time_signed] <a href='?ip_address=$d[ip_address]'>$d[ip_address]</a> <a target='_Blank' href='https://ipinfo.io/$d[ip_address]'>IP INFO</a> <a href='?VTRID=$d[VTRID]'>$d[VTRID]</a> $d[petition_id] $d[signed_name_as]</li>";
326 }
327 ?></ol>
328 <?PHP $html = ob_get_clean(); if ( $show == 1 ){ echo $html; } ?>
330 </td>
333 </tr>
335 </table>
338 <?PHP
339 include_once('footer.php');
340 ?>