use dynwind_begin and dynwind_end
[bpt/emacs.git] / src / undo.c
1 /* undo handling for GNU Emacs.
2 Copyright (C) 1990, 1993-1994, 2000-2014 Free Software Foundation,
3 Inc.
5 This file is part of GNU Emacs.
7 GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>. */
21 #include <config.h>
23 #include "lisp.h"
24 #include "character.h"
25 #include "buffer.h"
26 #include "commands.h"
27 #include "window.h"
29 /* Last buffer for which undo information was recorded. */
30 /* BEWARE: This is not traced by the GC, so never dereference it! */
31 static struct buffer *last_undo_buffer;
33 /* Position of point last time we inserted a boundary. */
34 static struct buffer *last_boundary_buffer;
35 static ptrdiff_t last_boundary_position;
37 Lisp_Object Qinhibit_read_only;
39 /* Marker for function call undo list elements. */
41 Lisp_Object Qapply;
43 /* The first time a command records something for undo.
44 it also allocates the undo-boundary object
45 which will be added to the list at the end of the command.
46 This ensures we can't run out of space while trying to make
47 an undo-boundary. */
48 static Lisp_Object pending_boundary;
50 /* Record point as it was at beginning of this command (if necessary)
51 and prepare the undo info for recording a change.
52 PT is the position of point that will naturally occur as a result of the
53 undo record that will be added just after this command terminates. */
55 static void
56 record_point (ptrdiff_t pt)
57 {
58 bool at_boundary;
60 /* Don't record position of pt when undo_inhibit_record_point holds. */
61 if (undo_inhibit_record_point)
62 return;
64 /* Allocate a cons cell to be the undo boundary after this command. */
65 if (NILP (pending_boundary))
66 pending_boundary = Fcons (Qnil, Qnil);
68 if ((current_buffer != last_undo_buffer)
69 /* Don't call Fundo_boundary for the first change. Otherwise we
70 risk overwriting last_boundary_position in Fundo_boundary with
71 PT of the current buffer and as a consequence not insert an
72 undo boundary because last_boundary_position will equal pt in
73 the test at the end of the present function (Bug#731). */
75 Fundo_boundary ();
76 last_undo_buffer = current_buffer;
78 at_boundary = ! CONSP (BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list))
79 || NILP (XCAR (BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list)));
82 record_first_change ();
84 /* If we are just after an undo boundary, and
85 point wasn't at start of deleted range, record where it was. */
86 if (at_boundary
87 && current_buffer == last_boundary_buffer
88 && last_boundary_position != pt)
89 bset_undo_list (current_buffer,
90 Fcons (make_number (last_boundary_position),
91 BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list)));
92 }
94 /* Record an insertion that just happened or is about to happen,
95 for LENGTH characters at position BEG.
96 (It is possible to record an insertion before or after the fact
97 because we don't need to record the contents.) */
99 void
100 record_insert (ptrdiff_t beg, ptrdiff_t length)
101 {
102 Lisp_Object lbeg, lend;
104 if (EQ (BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list), Qt))
105 return;
107 record_point (beg);
109 /* If this is following another insertion and consecutive with it
110 in the buffer, combine the two. */
111 if (CONSP (BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list)))
112 {
113 Lisp_Object elt;
114 elt = XCAR (BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list));
115 if (CONSP (elt)
116 && INTEGERP (XCAR (elt))
117 && INTEGERP (XCDR (elt))
118 && XINT (XCDR (elt)) == beg)
119 {
120 XSETCDR (elt, make_number (beg + length));
121 return;
122 }
123 }
125 XSETFASTINT (lbeg, beg);
126 XSETINT (lend, beg + length);
127 bset_undo_list (current_buffer,
128 Fcons (Fcons (lbeg, lend), BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list)));
129 }
131 /* Record the fact that markers in the region of FROM, TO are about to
132 be adjusted. This is done only when a marker points within text
133 being deleted, because that's the only case where an automatic
134 marker adjustment won't be inverted automatically by undoing the
135 buffer modification. */
137 static void
138 record_marker_adjustments (ptrdiff_t from, ptrdiff_t to)
139 {
140 Lisp_Object marker;
141 register struct Lisp_Marker *m;
142 register ptrdiff_t charpos, adjustment;
144 /* Allocate a cons cell to be the undo boundary after this command. */
145 if (NILP (pending_boundary))
146 pending_boundary = Fcons (Qnil, Qnil);
148 if (current_buffer != last_undo_buffer)
149 Fundo_boundary ();
150 last_undo_buffer = current_buffer;
152 for (m = BUF_MARKERS (current_buffer); m; m = m->next)
153 {
154 charpos = m->charpos;
155 eassert (charpos <= Z);
157 if (from <= charpos && charpos <= to)
158 {
159 /* insertion_type nil markers will end up at the beginning of
160 the re-inserted text after undoing a deletion, and must be
161 adjusted to move them to the correct place.
163 insertion_type t markers will automatically move forward
164 upon re-inserting the deleted text, so we have to arrange
165 for them to move backward to the correct position. */
166 adjustment = (m->insertion_type ? to : from) - charpos;
168 if (adjustment)
169 {
170 XSETMISC (marker, m);
171 bset_undo_list
172 (current_buffer,
173 Fcons (Fcons (marker, make_number (adjustment)),
174 BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list)));
175 }
176 }
177 }
178 }
180 /* Record that a deletion is about to take place, of the characters in
181 STRING, at location BEG. Optionally record adjustments for markers
182 in the region STRING occupies in the current buffer. */
184 void
185 record_delete (ptrdiff_t beg, Lisp_Object string, bool record_markers)
186 {
187 Lisp_Object sbeg;
189 if (EQ (BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list), Qt))
190 return;
192 if (PT == beg + SCHARS (string))
193 {
194 XSETINT (sbeg, -beg);
195 record_point (PT);
196 }
197 else
198 {
199 XSETFASTINT (sbeg, beg);
200 record_point (beg);
201 }
203 /* primitive-undo assumes marker adjustments are recorded
204 immediately before the deletion is recorded. See bug 16818
205 discussion. */
206 if (record_markers)
207 record_marker_adjustments (beg, beg + SCHARS (string));
209 bset_undo_list
210 (current_buffer,
211 Fcons (Fcons (string, sbeg), BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list)));
212 }
214 /* Record that a replacement is about to take place,
215 for LENGTH characters at location BEG.
216 The replacement must not change the number of characters. */
218 void
219 record_change (ptrdiff_t beg, ptrdiff_t length)
220 {
221 record_delete (beg, make_buffer_string (beg, beg + length, 1), false);
222 record_insert (beg, length);
223 }
224 \f
225 /* Record that an unmodified buffer is about to be changed.
226 Record the file modification date so that when undoing this entry
227 we can tell whether it is obsolete because the file was saved again. */
229 void
230 record_first_change (void)
231 {
232 struct buffer *base_buffer = current_buffer;
234 if (EQ (BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list), Qt))
235 return;
237 if (current_buffer != last_undo_buffer)
238 Fundo_boundary ();
239 last_undo_buffer = current_buffer;
241 if (base_buffer->base_buffer)
242 base_buffer = base_buffer->base_buffer;
244 bset_undo_list (current_buffer,
245 Fcons (Fcons (Qt, Fvisited_file_modtime ()),
246 BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list)));
247 }
249 /* Record a change in property PROP (whose old value was VAL)
250 for LENGTH characters starting at position BEG in BUFFER. */
252 void
253 record_property_change (ptrdiff_t beg, ptrdiff_t length,
254 Lisp_Object prop, Lisp_Object value,
255 Lisp_Object buffer)
256 {
257 Lisp_Object lbeg, lend, entry;
258 struct buffer *obuf = current_buffer, *buf = XBUFFER (buffer);
259 bool boundary = 0;
261 if (EQ (BVAR (buf, undo_list), Qt))
262 return;
264 /* Allocate a cons cell to be the undo boundary after this command. */
265 if (NILP (pending_boundary))
266 pending_boundary = Fcons (Qnil, Qnil);
268 if (buf != last_undo_buffer)
269 boundary = 1;
270 last_undo_buffer = buf;
272 /* Switch temporarily to the buffer that was changed. */
273 current_buffer = buf;
275 if (boundary)
276 Fundo_boundary ();
279 record_first_change ();
281 XSETINT (lbeg, beg);
282 XSETINT (lend, beg + length);
283 entry = Fcons (Qnil, Fcons (prop, Fcons (value, Fcons (lbeg, lend))));
284 bset_undo_list (current_buffer,
285 Fcons (entry, BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list)));
287 current_buffer = obuf;
288 }
290 DEFUN ("undo-boundary", Fundo_boundary, Sundo_boundary, 0, 0, 0,
291 doc: /* Mark a boundary between units of undo.
292 An undo command will stop at this point,
293 but another undo command will undo to the previous boundary. */)
294 (void)
295 {
296 Lisp_Object tem;
297 if (EQ (BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list), Qt))
298 return Qnil;
299 tem = Fcar (BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list));
300 if (!NILP (tem))
301 {
302 /* One way or another, cons nil onto the front of the undo list. */
303 if (!NILP (pending_boundary))
304 {
305 /* If we have preallocated the cons cell to use here,
306 use that one. */
307 XSETCDR (pending_boundary, BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list));
308 bset_undo_list (current_buffer, pending_boundary);
309 pending_boundary = Qnil;
310 }
311 else
312 bset_undo_list (current_buffer,
313 Fcons (Qnil, BVAR (current_buffer, undo_list)));
314 }
315 last_boundary_position = PT;
316 last_boundary_buffer = current_buffer;
317 return Qnil;
318 }
320 /* At garbage collection time, make an undo list shorter at the end,
321 returning the truncated list. How this is done depends on the
322 variables undo-limit, undo-strong-limit and undo-outer-limit.
323 In some cases this works by calling undo-outer-limit-function. */
325 void
326 truncate_undo_list (struct buffer *b)
327 {
328 Lisp_Object list;
329 Lisp_Object prev, next, last_boundary;
330 EMACS_INT size_so_far = 0;
331 dynwind_begin ();
332 static const size_t sizeof_cons = sizeof (scm_t_cell);
334 /* Make the buffer current to get its local values of variables such
335 as undo_limit. Also so that Vundo_outer_limit_function can
336 tell which buffer to operate on. */
337 record_unwind_current_buffer ();
338 set_buffer_internal (b);
340 list = BVAR (b, undo_list);
342 prev = Qnil;
343 next = list;
344 last_boundary = Qnil;
346 /* If the first element is an undo boundary, skip past it. */
347 if (CONSP (next) && NILP (XCAR (next)))
348 {
349 /* Add in the space occupied by this element and its chain link. */
350 size_so_far += sizeof_cons;
352 /* Advance to next element. */
353 prev = next;
354 next = XCDR (next);
355 }
357 /* Always preserve at least the most recent undo record
358 unless it is really horribly big.
360 Skip, skip, skip the undo, skip, skip, skip the undo,
361 Skip, skip, skip the undo, skip to the undo bound'ry. */
363 while (CONSP (next) && ! NILP (XCAR (next)))
364 {
365 Lisp_Object elt;
366 elt = XCAR (next);
368 /* Add in the space occupied by this element and its chain link. */
369 size_so_far += sizeof_cons;
370 if (CONSP (elt))
371 {
372 size_so_far += sizeof_cons;
373 if (STRINGP (XCAR (elt)))
374 size_so_far += (sizeof (struct Lisp_String) - 1
375 + SCHARS (XCAR (elt)));
376 }
378 /* Advance to next element. */
379 prev = next;
380 next = XCDR (next);
381 }
383 /* If by the first boundary we have already passed undo_outer_limit,
384 we're heading for memory full, so offer to clear out the list. */
385 if (INTEGERP (Vundo_outer_limit)
386 && size_so_far > XINT (Vundo_outer_limit)
387 && !NILP (Vundo_outer_limit_function))
388 {
389 Lisp_Object tem;
390 struct buffer *temp = last_undo_buffer;
392 /* Normally the function this calls is undo-outer-limit-truncate. */
393 tem = call1 (Vundo_outer_limit_function, make_number (size_so_far));
394 if (! NILP (tem))
395 {
396 /* The function is responsible for making
397 any desired changes in buffer-undo-list. */
398 dynwind_end ();
399 return;
400 }
401 /* That function probably used the minibuffer, and if so, that
402 changed last_undo_buffer. Change it back so that we don't
403 force next change to make an undo boundary here. */
404 last_undo_buffer = temp;
405 }
407 if (CONSP (next))
408 last_boundary = prev;
410 /* Keep additional undo data, if it fits in the limits. */
411 while (CONSP (next))
412 {
413 Lisp_Object elt;
414 elt = XCAR (next);
416 /* When we get to a boundary, decide whether to truncate
417 either before or after it. The lower threshold, undo_limit,
418 tells us to truncate after it. If its size pushes past
419 the higher threshold undo_strong_limit, we truncate before it. */
420 if (NILP (elt))
421 {
422 if (size_so_far > undo_strong_limit)
423 break;
424 last_boundary = prev;
425 if (size_so_far > undo_limit)
426 break;
427 }
429 /* Add in the space occupied by this element and its chain link. */
430 size_so_far += sizeof_cons;
431 if (CONSP (elt))
432 {
433 size_so_far += sizeof_cons;
434 if (STRINGP (XCAR (elt)))
435 size_so_far += (sizeof (struct Lisp_String) - 1
436 + SCHARS (XCAR (elt)));
437 }
439 /* Advance to next element. */
440 prev = next;
441 next = XCDR (next);
442 }
444 /* If we scanned the whole list, it is short enough; don't change it. */
445 if (NILP (next))
446 ;
447 /* Truncate at the boundary where we decided to truncate. */
448 else if (!NILP (last_boundary))
449 XSETCDR (last_boundary, Qnil);
450 /* There's nothing we decided to keep, so clear it out. */
451 else
452 bset_undo_list (b, Qnil);
454 dynwind_end ();
455 }
457 \f
458 void
459 syms_of_undo (void)
460 {
461 #include "undo.x"
463 DEFSYM (Qinhibit_read_only, "inhibit-read-only");
464 DEFSYM (Qapply, "apply");
466 pending_boundary = Qnil;
467 staticpro (&pending_boundary);
469 last_undo_buffer = NULL;
470 last_boundary_buffer = NULL;
472 DEFVAR_INT ("undo-limit", undo_limit,
473 doc: /* Keep no more undo information once it exceeds this size.
474 This limit is applied when garbage collection happens.
475 When a previous command increases the total undo list size past this
476 value, the earlier commands that came before it are forgotten.
478 The size is counted as the number of bytes occupied,
479 which includes both saved text and other data. */);
480 undo_limit = 80000;
482 DEFVAR_INT ("undo-strong-limit", undo_strong_limit,
483 doc: /* Don't keep more than this much size of undo information.
484 This limit is applied when garbage collection happens.
485 When a previous command increases the total undo list size past this
486 value, that command and the earlier commands that came before it are forgotten.
487 However, the most recent buffer-modifying command's undo info
488 is never discarded for this reason.
490 The size is counted as the number of bytes occupied,
491 which includes both saved text and other data. */);
492 undo_strong_limit = 120000;
494 DEFVAR_LISP ("undo-outer-limit", Vundo_outer_limit,
495 doc: /* Outer limit on size of undo information for one command.
496 At garbage collection time, if the current command has produced
497 more than this much undo information, it discards the info and displays
498 a warning. This is a last-ditch limit to prevent memory overflow.
500 The size is counted as the number of bytes occupied, which includes
501 both saved text and other data. A value of nil means no limit. In
502 this case, accumulating one huge undo entry could make Emacs crash as
503 a result of memory overflow.
505 In fact, this calls the function which is the value of
506 `undo-outer-limit-function' with one argument, the size.
507 The text above describes the behavior of the function
508 that variable usually specifies. */);
509 Vundo_outer_limit = make_number (12000000);
511 DEFVAR_LISP ("undo-outer-limit-function", Vundo_outer_limit_function,
512 doc: /* Function to call when an undo list exceeds `undo-outer-limit'.
513 This function is called with one argument, the current undo list size
514 for the most recent command (since the last undo boundary).
515 If the function returns t, that means truncation has been fully handled.
516 If it returns nil, the other forms of truncation are done.
518 Garbage collection is inhibited around the call to this function,
519 so it must make sure not to do a lot of consing. */);
520 Vundo_outer_limit_function = Qnil;
522 DEFVAR_BOOL ("undo-inhibit-record-point", undo_inhibit_record_point,
523 doc: /* Non-nil means do not record `point' in `buffer-undo-list'. */);
524 undo_inhibit_record_point = 0;
525 }