apt-key del: Ignore case when checking if a keyid exists in a keyring.
[ntk/apt.git] / apt-pkg / indexrecords.cc
1 // -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
2 // Description /*{{{*/
3 // $Id: indexrecords.cc,v 2003/12/30 02:11:43 mdz Exp $
4 /*}}}*/
5 // Include Files /*{{{*/
6 #include<config.h>
8 #include <apt-pkg/indexrecords.h>
9 #include <apt-pkg/tagfile.h>
10 #include <apt-pkg/error.h>
11 #include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
12 #include <apt-pkg/configuration.h>
13 #include <apt-pkg/fileutl.h>
14 #include <apt-pkg/hashes.h>
15 #include <apt-pkg/gpgv.h>
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <time.h>
19 #include <clocale>
20 #include <map>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <utility>
23 #include <vector>
25 #include <apti18n.h>
26 /*}}}*/
28 using std::string;
30 APT_PURE string indexRecords::GetDist() const
31 {
32 return this->Dist;
33 }
35 APT_PURE string indexRecords::GetSuite() const
36 {
37 return this->Suite;
38 }
40 APT_PURE bool indexRecords::CheckDist(const string MaybeDist) const
41 {
42 return (this->Dist == MaybeDist
43 || this->Suite == MaybeDist);
44 }
46 APT_PURE string indexRecords::GetExpectedDist() const
47 {
48 return this->ExpectedDist;
49 }
51 APT_PURE time_t indexRecords::GetValidUntil() const
52 {
53 return this->ValidUntil;
54 }
56 APT_PURE const indexRecords::checkSum *indexRecords::Lookup(const string MetaKey)
57 {
58 std::map<std::string, indexRecords::checkSum* >::const_iterator sum = Entries.find(MetaKey);
59 if (sum == Entries.end())
60 return NULL;
61 return sum->second;
62 }
64 APT_PURE bool indexRecords::Exists(string const &MetaKey) const
65 {
66 return Entries.count(MetaKey) == 1;
67 }
69 bool indexRecords::Load(const string Filename) /*{{{*/
70 {
71 FileFd Fd;
72 if (OpenMaybeClearSignedFile(Filename, Fd) == false)
73 return false;
75 pkgTagFile TagFile(&Fd, Fd.Size());
76 if (_error->PendingError() == true)
77 {
78 strprintf(ErrorText, _("Unable to parse Release file %s"),Filename.c_str());
79 return false;
80 }
82 pkgTagSection Section;
83 const char *Start, *End;
84 if (TagFile.Step(Section) == false)
85 {
86 strprintf(ErrorText, _("No sections in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str());
87 return false;
88 }
90 Suite = Section.FindS("Suite");
91 Dist = Section.FindS("Codename");
93 int i;
94 for (i=0;HashString::SupportedHashes()[i] != NULL; i++)
95 {
96 if (!Section.Find(HashString::SupportedHashes()[i], Start, End))
97 continue;
99 string Name;
100 string Hash;
101 unsigned long long Size;
102 while (Start < End)
103 {
104 if (!parseSumData(Start, End, Name, Hash, Size))
105 return false;
106 indexRecords::checkSum *Sum = new indexRecords::checkSum;
107 Sum->MetaKeyFilename = Name;
108 Sum->Hash = HashString(HashString::SupportedHashes()[i],Hash);
109 Sum->Size = Size;
110 Entries[Name] = Sum;
111 }
112 break;
113 }
115 if(HashString::SupportedHashes()[i] == NULL)
116 {
117 strprintf(ErrorText, _("No Hash entry in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str());
118 return false;
119 }
121 string Label = Section.FindS("Label");
122 string StrDate = Section.FindS("Date");
123 string StrValidUntil = Section.FindS("Valid-Until");
125 // if we have a Valid-Until header in the Release file, use it as default
126 if (StrValidUntil.empty() == false)
127 {
128 if(RFC1123StrToTime(StrValidUntil.c_str(), ValidUntil) == false)
129 {
130 strprintf(ErrorText, _("Invalid 'Valid-Until' entry in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str());
131 return false;
132 }
133 }
134 // get the user settings for this archive and use what expires earlier
135 int MaxAge = _config->FindI("Acquire::Max-ValidTime", 0);
136 if (Label.empty() == false)
137 MaxAge = _config->FindI(("Acquire::Max-ValidTime::" + Label).c_str(), MaxAge);
138 int MinAge = _config->FindI("Acquire::Min-ValidTime", 0);
139 if (Label.empty() == false)
140 MinAge = _config->FindI(("Acquire::Min-ValidTime::" + Label).c_str(), MinAge);
142 if(MaxAge == 0 &&
143 (MinAge == 0 || ValidUntil == 0)) // No user settings, use the one from the Release file
144 return true;
146 time_t date;
147 if (RFC1123StrToTime(StrDate.c_str(), date) == false)
148 {
149 strprintf(ErrorText, _("Invalid 'Date' entry in Release file %s"), Filename.c_str());
150 return false;
151 }
153 if (MinAge != 0 && ValidUntil != 0) {
154 time_t const min_date = date + MinAge;
155 if (ValidUntil < min_date)
156 ValidUntil = min_date;
157 }
158 if (MaxAge != 0) {
159 time_t const max_date = date + MaxAge;
160 if (ValidUntil == 0 || ValidUntil > max_date)
161 ValidUntil = max_date;
162 }
164 return true;
165 }
166 /*}}}*/
167 std::vector<string> indexRecords::MetaKeys() /*{{{*/
168 {
169 std::vector<std::string> keys;
170 std::map<string,checkSum *>::iterator I = Entries.begin();
171 while(I != Entries.end()) {
172 keys.push_back((*I).first);
173 ++I;
174 }
175 return keys;
176 }
177 /*}}}*/
178 bool indexRecords::parseSumData(const char *&Start, const char *End, /*{{{*/
179 string &Name, string &Hash, unsigned long long &Size)
180 {
181 Name = "";
182 Hash = "";
183 Size = 0;
184 /* Skip over the first blank */
185 while ((*Start == '\t' || *Start == ' ' || *Start == '\n' || *Start == '\r')
186 && Start < End)
187 Start++;
188 if (Start >= End)
189 return false;
191 /* Move EntryEnd to the end of the first entry (the hash) */
192 const char *EntryEnd = Start;
193 while ((*EntryEnd != '\t' && *EntryEnd != ' ')
194 && EntryEnd < End)
195 EntryEnd++;
196 if (EntryEnd == End)
197 return false;
199 Hash.append(Start, EntryEnd-Start);
201 /* Skip over intermediate blanks */
202 Start = EntryEnd;
203 while (*Start == '\t' || *Start == ' ')
204 Start++;
205 if (Start >= End)
206 return false;
208 EntryEnd = Start;
209 /* Find the end of the second entry (the size) */
210 while ((*EntryEnd != '\t' && *EntryEnd != ' ' )
211 && EntryEnd < End)
212 EntryEnd++;
213 if (EntryEnd == End)
214 return false;
216 Size = strtoull (Start, NULL, 10);
218 /* Skip over intermediate blanks */
219 Start = EntryEnd;
220 while (*Start == '\t' || *Start == ' ')
221 Start++;
222 if (Start >= End)
223 return false;
225 EntryEnd = Start;
226 /* Find the end of the third entry (the filename) */
227 while ((*EntryEnd != '\t' && *EntryEnd != ' ' &&
228 *EntryEnd != '\n' && *EntryEnd != '\r')
229 && EntryEnd < End)
230 EntryEnd++;
232 Name.append(Start, EntryEnd-Start);
233 Start = EntryEnd; //prepare for the next round
234 return true;
235 }
236 /*}}}*/
237 indexRecords::indexRecords()
238 {
239 }
241 indexRecords::indexRecords(const string ExpectedDist) :
242 ExpectedDist(ExpectedDist), ValidUntil(0)
243 {
244 }