Http download fixes
[ntk/apt.git] / methods /
1 // -*- mode: cpp; mode: fold -*-
2 // Description /*{{{*/
3 // $Id:,v 1.27 1999/02/27 22:29:11 jgg Exp $
4 /* ######################################################################
6 HTTP Aquire Method - This is the HTTP aquire method for APT.
8 It uses HTTP/1.1 and many of the fancy options there-in, such as
9 pipelining, range, if-range and so on. It accepts on the command line
10 a list of url destination pairs and writes to stdout the status of the
11 operation as defined in the APT method spec.
13 It is based on a doubly buffered select loop. All the requests are
14 fed into a single output buffer that is constantly fed out the
15 socket. This provides ideal pipelining as in many cases all of the
16 requests will fit into a single packet. The input socket is buffered
17 the same way and fed into the fd for the file.
19 This double buffering provides fairly substantial transfer rates,
20 compared to wget the http method is about 4% faster. Most importantly,
21 when HTTP is compared with FTP as a protocol the speed difference is
22 huge. In tests over the internet from two sites to llug (via ATM) this
23 program got 230k/s sustained http transfer rates. FTP on the other
24 hand topped out at 170k/s. That combined with the time to setup the
25 FTP connection makes HTTP a vastly superior protocol.
27 ##################################################################### */
28 /*}}}*/
29 // Include Files /*{{{*/
30 #include <apt-pkg/fileutl.h>
31 #include <apt-pkg/acquire-method.h>
32 #include <apt-pkg/error.h>
33 #include <apt-pkg/md5.h>
35 #include <sys/stat.h>
36 #include <sys/time.h>
37 #include <utime.h>
38 #include <unistd.h>
39 #include <signal.h>
40 #include <stdio.h>
41 #include <errno.h>
43 // Internet stuff
44 #include <netinet/in.h>
45 #include <sys/socket.h>
46 #include <arpa/inet.h>
47 #include <netdb.h>
49 #include "http.h"
50 /*}}}*/
52 string HttpMethod::FailFile;
53 int HttpMethod::FailFd = -1;
54 time_t HttpMethod::FailTime = 0;
55 unsigned long PipelineDepth = 10;
56 unsigned long TimeOut = 120;
58 // CircleBuf::CircleBuf - Circular input buffer /*{{{*/
59 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
60 /* */
61 CircleBuf::CircleBuf(unsigned long Size) : Size(Size), MD5(0)
62 {
63 Buf = new unsigned char[Size];
64 Reset();
65 }
66 /*}}}*/
67 // CircleBuf::Reset - Reset to the default state /*{{{*/
68 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
69 /* */
70 void CircleBuf::Reset()
71 {
72 InP = 0;
73 OutP = 0;
74 StrPos = 0;
75 MaxGet = (unsigned int)-1;
76 OutQueue = string();
77 if (MD5 != 0)
78 {
79 delete MD5;
80 MD5 = new MD5Summation;
81 }
82 };
83 /*}}}*/
84 // CircleBuf::Read - Read from a FD into the circular buffer /*{{{*/
85 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
86 /* This fills up the buffer with as much data as is in the FD, assuming it
87 is non-blocking.. */
88 bool CircleBuf::Read(int Fd)
89 {
90 while (1)
91 {
92 // Woops, buffer is full
93 if (InP - OutP == Size)
94 return true;
96 // Write the buffer segment
97 int Res;
98 Res = read(Fd,Buf + (InP%Size),LeftRead());
100 if (Res == 0)
101 return false;
102 if (Res < 0)
103 {
104 if (errno == EAGAIN)
105 return true;
106 return false;
107 }
109 if (InP == 0)
110 gettimeofday(&Start,0);
111 InP += Res;
112 }
113 }
114 /*}}}*/
115 // CircleBuf::Read - Put the string into the buffer /*{{{*/
116 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
117 /* This will hold the string in and fill the buffer with it as it empties */
118 bool CircleBuf::Read(string Data)
119 {
120 OutQueue += Data;
121 FillOut();
122 return true;
123 }
124 /*}}}*/
125 // CircleBuf::FillOut - Fill the buffer from the output queue /*{{{*/
126 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
127 /* */
128 void CircleBuf::FillOut()
129 {
130 if (OutQueue.empty() == true)
131 return;
132 while (1)
133 {
134 // Woops, buffer is full
135 if (InP - OutP == Size)
136 return;
138 // Write the buffer segment
139 unsigned long Sz = LeftRead();
140 if (OutQueue.length() - StrPos < Sz)
141 Sz = OutQueue.length() - StrPos;
142 memcpy(Buf + (InP%Size),OutQueue.begin() + StrPos,Sz);
144 // Advance
145 StrPos += Sz;
146 InP += Sz;
147 if (OutQueue.length() == StrPos)
148 {
149 StrPos = 0;
150 OutQueue = "";
151 return;
152 }
153 }
154 }
155 /*}}}*/
156 // CircleBuf::Write - Write from the buffer into a FD /*{{{*/
157 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
158 /* This empties the buffer into the FD. */
159 bool CircleBuf::Write(int Fd)
160 {
161 while (1)
162 {
163 FillOut();
165 // Woops, buffer is empty
166 if (OutP == InP)
167 return true;
169 if (OutP == MaxGet)
170 return true;
172 // Write the buffer segment
173 int Res;
174 Res = write(Fd,Buf + (OutP%Size),LeftWrite());
176 if (Res == 0)
177 return false;
178 if (Res < 0)
179 {
180 if (errno == EAGAIN)
181 return true;
183 return false;
184 }
186 if (MD5 != 0)
187 MD5->Add(Buf + (OutP%Size),Res);
189 OutP += Res;
190 }
191 }
192 /*}}}*/
193 // CircleBuf::WriteTillEl - Write from the buffer to a string /*{{{*/
194 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
195 /* This copies till the first empty line */
196 bool CircleBuf::WriteTillEl(string &Data,bool Single)
197 {
198 // We cheat and assume it is unneeded to have more than one buffer load
199 for (unsigned long I = OutP; I < InP; I++)
200 {
201 if (Buf[I%Size] != '\n')
202 continue;
203 for (I++; I < InP && Buf[I%Size] == '\r'; I++);
205 if (Single == false)
206 {
207 if (Buf[I%Size] != '\n')
208 continue;
209 for (I++; I < InP && Buf[I%Size] == '\r'; I++);
210 }
212 if (I > InP)
213 I = InP;
215 Data = "";
216 while (OutP < I)
217 {
218 unsigned long Sz = LeftWrite();
219 if (Sz == 0)
220 return false;
221 if (I - OutP < LeftWrite())
222 Sz = I - OutP;
223 Data += string((char *)(Buf + (OutP%Size)),Sz);
224 OutP += Sz;
225 }
226 return true;
227 }
228 return false;
229 }
230 /*}}}*/
231 // CircleBuf::Stats - Print out stats information /*{{{*/
232 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
233 /* */
234 void CircleBuf::Stats()
235 {
236 if (InP == 0)
237 return;
239 struct timeval Stop;
240 gettimeofday(&Stop,0);
241 /* float Diff = Stop.tv_sec - Start.tv_sec +
242 (float)(Stop.tv_usec - Start.tv_usec)/1000000;
243 clog << "Got " << InP << " in " << Diff << " at " << InP/Diff << endl;*/
244 }
245 /*}}}*/
247 // ServerState::ServerState - Constructor /*{{{*/
248 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
249 /* */
250 ServerState::ServerState(URI Srv,HttpMethod *Owner) : Owner(Owner),
251 In(64*1024), Out(4*1024),
252 ServerName(Srv)
253 {
254 Reset();
255 }
256 /*}}}*/
257 // ServerState::Open - Open a connection to the server /*{{{*/
258 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
259 /* This opens a connection to the server. */
260 string LastHost;
261 in_addr LastHostA;
262 bool ServerState::Open()
263 {
264 // Use the already open connection if possible.
265 if (ServerFd != -1)
266 return true;
268 Close();
269 In.Reset();
270 Out.Reset();
272 // Determine the proxy setting
273 if (getenv("http_proxy") == 0)
274 {
275 string DefProxy = _config->Find("Acquire::http::Proxy");
276 string SpecificProxy = _config->Find("Acquire::http::Proxy::" + ServerName.Host);
277 if (SpecificProxy.empty() == false)
278 {
279 if (SpecificProxy == "DIRECT")
280 Proxy = "";
281 else
282 Proxy = SpecificProxy;
283 }
284 else
285 Proxy = DefProxy;
286 }
287 else
288 Proxy = getenv("http_proxy");
290 // Determine what host and port to use based on the proxy settings
291 int Port = 80;
292 string Host;
293 if (Proxy.empty() == true)
294 {
295 if (ServerName.Port != 0)
296 Port = ServerName.Port;
297 Host = ServerName.Host;
298 }
299 else
300 {
301 if (Proxy.Port != 0)
302 Port = Proxy.Port;
303 Host = Proxy.Host;
304 }
306 /* We used a cached address record.. Yes this is against the spec but
307 the way we have setup our rotating dns suggests that this is more
308 sensible */
309 if (LastHost != Host)
310 {
311 Owner->Status("Connecting to %s",Host.c_str());
313 // Lookup the host
314 hostent *Addr = gethostbyname(Host.c_str());
315 if (Addr == 0 || Addr->h_addr_list[0] == 0)
316 return _error->Error("Could not resolve '%s'",Host.c_str());
317 LastHost = Host;
318 LastHostA = *(in_addr *)(Addr->h_addr_list[0]);
319 }
321 Owner->Status("Connecting to %s (%s)",Host.c_str(),inet_ntoa(LastHostA));
323 // Get a socket
324 if ((ServerFd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0)
325 return _error->Errno("socket","Could not create a socket");
327 // Connect to the server
328 struct sockaddr_in server;
329 server.sin_family = AF_INET;
330 server.sin_port = htons(Port);
331 server.sin_addr = LastHostA;
332 SetNonBlock(ServerFd,true);
333 if (connect(ServerFd,(sockaddr *)&server,sizeof(server)) < 0 &&
334 errno != EINPROGRESS)
335 return _error->Errno("socket","Could not create a socket");
337 /* This implements a timeout for connect by opening the connection
338 nonblocking */
339 fd_set wfds;
340 FD_ZERO(&wfds);
341 FD_SET(ServerFd,&wfds);
342 struct timeval tv;
343 tv.tv_sec = TimeOut;
344 tv.tv_usec = 0;
345 int Res = 0;
346 if ((Res = select(ServerFd+1,0,&wfds,0,&tv)) < 0)
347 return _error->Errno("select","Select failed");
348 if (Res == 0)
349 return _error->Error("Could not connect, connection timed out");
350 unsigned int Err,Len=sizeof(Err);
351 if (getsockopt(ServerFd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_ERROR,&Err,&Len) != 0)
352 return _error->Errno("getsockopt","Failed");
353 if (Err != 0)
354 return _error->Error("Could not connect.");
356 return true;
357 }
358 /*}}}*/
359 // ServerState::Close - Close a connection to the server /*{{{*/
360 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
361 /* */
362 bool ServerState::Close()
363 {
364 close(ServerFd);
365 ServerFd = -1;
366 return true;
367 }
368 /*}}}*/
369 // ServerState::RunHeaders - Get the headers before the data /*{{{*/
370 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
371 /* Returns 0 if things are OK, 1 if an IO error occursed and 2 if a header
372 parse error occured */
373 int ServerState::RunHeaders()
374 {
375 State = Header;
377 Owner->Status("Waiting for file");
379 Major = 0;
380 Minor = 0;
381 Result = 0;
382 Size = 0;
383 StartPos = 0;
384 Encoding = Closes;
385 HaveContent = false;
386 time(&Date);
388 do
389 {
390 string Data;
391 if (In.WriteTillEl(Data) == false)
392 continue;
394 for (string::const_iterator I = Data.begin(); I < Data.end(); I++)
395 {
396 string::const_iterator J = I;
397 for (; J != Data.end() && *J != '\n' && *J != '\r';J++);
398 if (HeaderLine(string(I,J-I)) == false)
399 return 2;
400 I = J;
401 }
402 return 0;
403 }
404 while (Owner->Go(false,this) == true);
406 return 1;
407 }
408 /*}}}*/
409 // ServerState::RunData - Transfer the data from the socket /*{{{*/
410 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
411 /* */
412 bool ServerState::RunData()
413 {
414 State = Data;
416 // Chunked transfer encoding is fun..
417 if (Encoding == Chunked)
418 {
419 while (1)
420 {
421 // Grab the block size
422 bool Last = true;
423 string Data;
424 In.Limit(-1);
425 do
426 {
427 if (In.WriteTillEl(Data,true) == true)
428 break;
429 }
430 while ((Last = Owner->Go(false,this)) == true);
432 if (Last == false)
433 return false;
435 // See if we are done
436 unsigned long Len = strtol(Data.c_str(),0,16);
437 if (Len == 0)
438 {
439 In.Limit(-1);
441 // We have to remove the entity trailer
442 Last = true;
443 do
444 {
445 if (In.WriteTillEl(Data,true) == true && Data.length() <= 2)
446 break;
447 }
448 while ((Last = Owner->Go(false,this)) == true);
449 if (Last == false)
450 return false;
451 return !_error->PendingError();
452 }
454 // Transfer the block
455 In.Limit(Len);
456 while (Owner->Go(true,this) == true)
457 if (In.IsLimit() == true)
458 break;
460 // Error
461 if (In.IsLimit() == false)
462 return false;
464 // The server sends an extra new line before the next block specifier..
465 In.Limit(-1);
466 Last = true;
467 do
468 {
469 if (In.WriteTillEl(Data,true) == true)
470 break;
471 }
472 while ((Last = Owner->Go(false,this)) == true);
473 if (Last == false)
474 return false;
475 }
476 }
477 else
478 {
479 /* Closes encoding is used when the server did not specify a size, the
480 loss of the connection means we are done */
481 if (Encoding == Closes)
482 In.Limit(-1);
483 else
484 In.Limit(Size - StartPos);
486 // Just transfer the whole block.
487 do
488 {
489 if (In.IsLimit() == false)
490 continue;
492 In.Limit(-1);
493 return !_error->PendingError();
494 }
495 while (Owner->Go(true,this) == true);
496 }
498 return Owner->Flush(this) && !_error->PendingError();
499 }
500 /*}}}*/
501 // ServerState::HeaderLine - Process a header line /*{{{*/
502 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
503 /* */
504 bool ServerState::HeaderLine(string Line)
505 {
506 if (Line.empty() == true)
507 return true;
509 // The http server might be trying to do something evil.
510 if (Line.length() >= MAXLEN)
511 return _error->Error("Got a single header line over %u chars",MAXLEN);
513 string::size_type Pos = Line.find(' ');
514 if (Pos == string::npos || Pos+1 > Line.length())
515 return _error->Error("Bad header line");
517 string Tag = string(Line,0,Pos);
518 string Val = string(Line,Pos+1);
520 if (stringcasecmp(Tag.begin(),Tag.begin()+4,"HTTP") == 0)
521 {
522 // Evil servers return no version
523 if (Line[4] == '/')
524 {
525 if (sscanf(Line.c_str(),"HTTP/%u.%u %u %[^\n]",&Major,&Minor,
526 &Result,Code) != 4)
527 return _error->Error("The http server sent an invalid reply header");
528 }
529 else
530 {
531 Major = 0;
532 Minor = 9;
533 if (sscanf(Line.c_str(),"HTTP %u %[^\n]",&Result,Code) != 2)
534 return _error->Error("The http server sent an invalid reply header");
535 }
537 return true;
538 }
540 if (stringcasecmp(Tag,"Content-Length:") == 0)
541 {
542 if (Encoding == Closes)
543 Encoding = Stream;
544 HaveContent = true;
546 // The length is already set from the Content-Range header
547 if (StartPos != 0)
548 return true;
550 if (sscanf(Val.c_str(),"%lu",&Size) != 1)
551 return _error->Error("The http server sent an invalid Content-Length header");
552 return true;
553 }
555 if (stringcasecmp(Tag,"Content-Type:") == 0)
556 {
557 HaveContent = true;
558 return true;
559 }
561 if (stringcasecmp(Tag,"Content-Range:") == 0)
562 {
563 HaveContent = true;
565 if (sscanf(Val.c_str(),"bytes %lu-%*u/%lu",&StartPos,&Size) != 2)
566 return _error->Error("The http server sent an invalid Content-Range header");
567 if ((unsigned)StartPos > Size)
568 return _error->Error("This http server has broken range support");
569 return true;
570 }
572 if (stringcasecmp(Tag,"Transfer-Encoding:") == 0)
573 {
574 HaveContent = true;
575 if (stringcasecmp(Val,"chunked") == 0)
576 Encoding = Chunked;
578 return true;
579 }
581 if (stringcasecmp(Tag,"Last-Modified:") == 0)
582 {
583 if (StrToTime(Val,Date) == false)
584 return _error->Error("Unknown date format");
585 return true;
586 }
588 return true;
589 }
590 /*}}}*/
592 // HttpMethod::SendReq - Send the HTTP request /*{{{*/
593 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
594 /* This places the http request in the outbound buffer */
595 void HttpMethod::SendReq(FetchItem *Itm,CircleBuf &Out)
596 {
597 URI Uri = Itm->Uri;
599 // The HTTP server expects a hostname with a trailing :port
600 char Buf[1000];
601 string ProperHost = Uri.Host;
602 if (Uri.Port != 0)
603 {
604 sprintf(Buf,":%u",Uri.Port);
605 ProperHost += Buf;
606 }
608 // Just in case.
609 if (Itm->Uri.length() >= sizeof(Buf))
610 abort();
612 /* Build the request. We include a keep-alive header only for non-proxy
613 requests. This is to tweak old http/1.0 servers that do support keep-alive
614 but not HTTP/1.1 automatic keep-alive. Doing this with a proxy server
615 will glitch HTTP/1.0 proxies because they do not filter it out and
616 pass it on, HTTP/1.1 says the connection should default to keep alive
617 and we expect the proxy to do this */
618 if (Proxy.empty() == true)
619 sprintf(Buf,"GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n",
620 QuoteString(Uri.Path,"~").c_str(),ProperHost.c_str());
621 else
622 {
623 /* Generate a cache control header if necessary. We place a max
624 cache age on index files, optionally set a no-cache directive
625 and a no-store directive for archives. */
626 sprintf(Buf,"GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n",
627 Itm->Uri.c_str(),ProperHost.c_str());
628 if (_config->FindB("Acquire::http::No-Cache",false) == true)
629 strcat(Buf,"Cache-Control: no-cache\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n");
630 else
631 {
632 if (Itm->IndexFile == true)
633 sprintf(Buf+strlen(Buf),"Cache-Control: max-age=%u\r\n",
634 _config->FindI("Acquire::http::Max-Age",60*60*24));
635 else
636 {
637 if (_config->FindB("Acquire::http::No-Store",false) == true)
638 strcat(Buf,"Cache-Control: no-store\r\n");
639 }
640 }
641 }
643 string Req = Buf;
645 // Check for a partial file
646 struct stat SBuf;
647 if (stat(Itm->DestFile.c_str(),&SBuf) >= 0 && SBuf.st_size > 0)
648 {
649 // In this case we send an if-range query with a range header
650 sprintf(Buf,"Range: bytes=%li-\r\nIf-Range: %s\r\n",SBuf.st_size - 1,
651 TimeRFC1123(SBuf.st_mtime).c_str());
652 Req += Buf;
653 }
654 else
655 {
656 if (Itm->LastModified != 0)
657 {
658 sprintf(Buf,"If-Modified-Since: %s\r\n",TimeRFC1123(Itm->LastModified).c_str());
659 Req += Buf;
660 }
661 }
663 if (Proxy.User.empty() == false || Proxy.Password.empty() == false)
664 Req += string("Proxy-Authorization: Basic ") +
665 Base64Encode(Proxy.User + ":" + Proxy.Password) + "\r\n";
667 Req += "User-Agent: Debian APT-HTTP/1.2\r\n\r\n";
668 // cerr << Req << endl;
670 Out.Read(Req);
671 }
672 /*}}}*/
673 // HttpMethod::Go - Run a single loop /*{{{*/
674 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
675 /* This runs the select loop over the server FDs, Output file FDs and
676 stdin. */
677 bool HttpMethod::Go(bool ToFile,ServerState *Srv)
678 {
679 // Server has closed the connection
680 if (Srv->ServerFd == -1 && Srv->In.WriteSpace() == false)
681 return false;
683 fd_set rfds,wfds,efds;
684 FD_ZERO(&rfds);
685 FD_ZERO(&wfds);
686 FD_ZERO(&efds);
688 // Add the server
689 if (Srv->Out.WriteSpace() == true && Srv->ServerFd != -1)
690 FD_SET(Srv->ServerFd,&wfds);
691 if (Srv->In.ReadSpace() == true && Srv->ServerFd != -1)
692 FD_SET(Srv->ServerFd,&rfds);
694 // Add the file
695 int FileFD = -1;
696 if (File != 0)
697 FileFD = File->Fd();
699 if (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == true && ToFile == true && FileFD != -1)
700 FD_SET(FileFD,&wfds);
702 // Add stdin
705 // Error Set
706 if (FileFD != -1)
707 FD_SET(FileFD,&efds);
708 if (Srv->ServerFd != -1)
709 FD_SET(Srv->ServerFd,&efds);
711 // Figure out the max fd
712 int MaxFd = FileFD;
713 if (MaxFd < Srv->ServerFd)
714 MaxFd = Srv->ServerFd;
716 // Select
717 struct timeval tv;
718 tv.tv_sec = TimeOut;
719 tv.tv_usec = 0;
720 int Res = 0;
721 if ((Res = select(MaxFd+1,&rfds,&wfds,&efds,&tv)) < 0)
722 return _error->Errno("select","Select failed");
724 if (Res == 0)
725 {
726 _error->Error("Connection timed out");
727 return ServerDie(Srv);
728 }
730 // Some kind of exception (error) on the sockets, die
731 if ((FileFD != -1 && FD_ISSET(FileFD,&efds)) ||
732 (Srv->ServerFd != -1 && FD_ISSET(Srv->ServerFd,&efds)))
733 return _error->Error("Socket Exception");
735 // Handle server IO
736 if (Srv->ServerFd != -1 && FD_ISSET(Srv->ServerFd,&rfds))
737 {
738 errno = 0;
739 if (Srv->In.Read(Srv->ServerFd) == false)
740 return ServerDie(Srv);
741 }
743 if (Srv->ServerFd != -1 && FD_ISSET(Srv->ServerFd,&wfds))
744 {
745 errno = 0;
746 if (Srv->Out.Write(Srv->ServerFd) == false)
747 return ServerDie(Srv);
748 }
750 // Send data to the file
751 if (FileFD != -1 && FD_ISSET(FileFD,&wfds))
752 {
753 if (Srv->In.Write(FileFD) == false)
754 return _error->Errno("write","Error writing to output file");
755 }
757 // Handle commands from APT
758 if (FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO,&rfds))
759 {
760 if (Run(true) != 0)
761 exit(100);
762 }
764 return true;
765 }
766 /*}}}*/
767 // HttpMethod::Flush - Dump the buffer into the file /*{{{*/
768 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
769 /* This takes the current input buffer from the Server FD and writes it
770 into the file */
771 bool HttpMethod::Flush(ServerState *Srv)
772 {
773 if (File != 0)
774 {
775 SetNonBlock(File->Fd(),false);
776 if (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == false)
777 return true;
779 while (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == true)
780 {
781 if (Srv->In.Write(File->Fd()) == false)
782 return _error->Errno("write","Error writing to file");
783 if (Srv->In.IsLimit() == true)
784 return true;
785 }
787 if (Srv->In.IsLimit() == true || Srv->Encoding == ServerState::Closes)
788 return true;
789 }
790 return false;
791 }
792 /*}}}*/
793 // HttpMethod::ServerDie - The server has closed the connection. /*{{{*/
794 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
795 /* */
796 bool HttpMethod::ServerDie(ServerState *Srv)
797 {
798 unsigned int LErrno = errno;
800 // Dump the buffer to the file
801 if (Srv->State == ServerState::Data)
802 {
803 SetNonBlock(File->Fd(),false);
804 while (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == true)
805 {
806 if (Srv->In.Write(File->Fd()) == false)
807 return _error->Errno("write","Error writing to the file");
809 // Done
810 if (Srv->In.IsLimit() == true)
811 return true;
812 }
813 }
815 // See if this is because the server finished the data stream
816 if (Srv->In.IsLimit() == false && Srv->State != ServerState::Header &&
817 Srv->Encoding != ServerState::Closes)
818 {
819 Srv->Close();
820 if (LErrno == 0)
821 return _error->Error("Error reading from server Remote end closed connection");
822 errno = LErrno;
823 return _error->Errno("read","Error reading from server");
824 }
825 else
826 {
827 Srv->In.Limit(-1);
829 // Nothing left in the buffer
830 if (Srv->In.WriteSpace() == false)
831 return false;
833 // We may have got multiple responses back in one packet..
834 Srv->Close();
835 return true;
836 }
838 return false;
839 }
840 /*}}}*/
841 // HttpMethod::DealWithHeaders - Handle the retrieved header data /*{{{*/
842 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
843 /* We look at the header data we got back from the server and decide what
844 to do. Returns
845 0 - File is open,
846 1 - IMS hit
847 3 - Unrecoverable error
848 4 - Error with error content page
849 5 - Unrecoverable non-server error (close the connection) */
850 int HttpMethod::DealWithHeaders(FetchResult &Res,ServerState *Srv)
851 {
852 // Not Modified
853 if (Srv->Result == 304)
854 {
855 unlink(Queue->DestFile.c_str());
856 Res.IMSHit = true;
857 Res.LastModified = Queue->LastModified;
858 return 1;
859 }
861 /* We have a reply we dont handle. This should indicate a perm server
862 failure */
863 if (Srv->Result < 200 || Srv->Result >= 300)
864 {
865 _error->Error("%u %s",Srv->Result,Srv->Code);
866 if (Srv->HaveContent == true)
867 return 4;
868 return 3;
869 }
871 // This is some sort of 2xx 'data follows' reply
872 Res.LastModified = Srv->Date;
873 Res.Size = Srv->Size;
875 // Open the file
876 delete File;
877 File = new FileFd(Queue->DestFile,FileFd::WriteAny);
878 if (_error->PendingError() == true)
879 return 5;
881 FailFile = Queue->DestFile;
882 FailFile.c_str(); // Make sure we don't do a malloc in the signal handler
883 FailFd = File->Fd();
884 FailTime = Srv->Date;
886 // Set the expected size
887 if (Srv->StartPos >= 0)
888 {
889 Res.ResumePoint = Srv->StartPos;
890 ftruncate(File->Fd(),Srv->StartPos);
891 }
893 // Set the start point
894 lseek(File->Fd(),0,SEEK_END);
896 delete Srv->In.MD5;
897 Srv->In.MD5 = new MD5Summation;
899 // Fill the MD5 Hash if the file is non-empty (resume)
900 if (Srv->StartPos > 0)
901 {
902 lseek(File->Fd(),0,SEEK_SET);
903 if (Srv->In.MD5->AddFD(File->Fd(),Srv->StartPos) == false)
904 {
905 _error->Errno("read","Problem hashing file");
906 return 5;
907 }
908 lseek(File->Fd(),0,SEEK_END);
909 }
911 SetNonBlock(File->Fd(),true);
912 return 0;
913 }
914 /*}}}*/
915 // HttpMethod::SigTerm - Handle a fatal signal /*{{{*/
916 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
917 /* This closes and timestamps the open file. This is neccessary to get
918 resume behavoir on user abort */
919 void HttpMethod::SigTerm(int)
920 {
921 if (FailFd == -1)
922 exit(100);
923 close(FailFd);
925 // Timestamp
926 struct utimbuf UBuf;
927 time(&UBuf.actime);
928 UBuf.actime = FailTime;
929 UBuf.modtime = FailTime;
930 utime(FailFile.c_str(),&UBuf);
932 exit(100);
933 }
934 /*}}}*/
935 // HttpMethod::Fetch - Fetch an item /*{{{*/
936 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
937 /* This adds an item to the pipeline. We keep the pipeline at a fixed
938 depth. */
939 bool HttpMethod::Fetch(FetchItem *)
940 {
941 if (Server == 0)
942 return true;
944 // Queue the requests
945 int Depth = -1;
946 bool Tail = false;
947 for (FetchItem *I = Queue; I != 0 && Depth < (signed)PipelineDepth; I = I->Next, Depth++)
948 {
949 // Make sure we stick with the same server
950 if (Server->Comp(I->Uri) == false)
951 break;
952 if (QueueBack == I)
953 Tail = true;
954 if (Tail == true)
955 {
956 QueueBack = I->Next;
957 SendReq(I,Server->Out);
958 continue;
959 }
960 }
962 return true;
963 };
964 /*}}}*/
965 // HttpMethod::Configuration - Handle a configuration message /*{{{*/
966 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
967 /* We stash the desired pipeline depth */
968 bool HttpMethod::Configuration(string Message)
969 {
970 if (pkgAcqMethod::Configuration(Message) == false)
971 return false;
973 TimeOut = _config->FindI("Acquire::http::Timeout",TimeOut);
974 PipelineDepth = _config->FindI("Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth",
975 PipelineDepth);
977 return true;
978 }
979 /*}}}*/
980 // HttpMethod::Loop - Main loop /*{{{*/
981 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
982 /* */
983 int HttpMethod::Loop()
984 {
985 signal(SIGTERM,SigTerm);
986 signal(SIGINT,SigTerm);
988 Server = 0;
990 int FailCounter = 0;
991 while (1)
992 {
993 // We have no commands, wait for some to arrive
994 if (Queue == 0)
995 {
996 if (WaitFd(STDIN_FILENO) == false)
997 return 0;
998 }
1000 // Run messages
1001 if (Run(true) != 0)
1002 return 100;
1004 if (Queue == 0)
1005 continue;
1007 // Connect to the server
1008 if (Server == 0 || Server->Comp(Queue->Uri) == false)
1009 {
1010 delete Server;
1011 Server = new ServerState(Queue->Uri,this);
1012 }
1014 // Reset the pipeline
1015 if (Server->ServerFd == -1)
1016 QueueBack = Queue;
1018 // Connnect to the host
1019 if (Server->Open() == false)
1020 {
1021 Fail(true);
1022 delete Server;
1023 Server = 0;
1024 continue;
1025 }
1027 // Fill the pipeline.
1028 Fetch(0);
1030 // Fetch the next URL header data from the server.
1031 switch (Server->RunHeaders())
1032 {
1033 case 0:
1034 break;
1036 // The header data is bad
1037 case 2:
1038 {
1039 _error->Error("Bad header Data");
1040 Fail(true);
1041 continue;
1042 }
1044 // The server closed a connection during the header get..
1045 default:
1046 case 1:
1047 {
1048 FailCounter++;
1049 _error->Discard();
1050 Server->Close();
1052 if (FailCounter >= 2)
1053 {
1054 Fail("Connection timed out",true);
1055 FailCounter = 0;
1056 }
1058 continue;
1059 }
1060 };
1062 // Decide what to do.
1063 FetchResult Res;
1064 Res.Filename = Queue->DestFile;
1065 switch (DealWithHeaders(Res,Server))
1066 {
1067 // Ok, the file is Open
1068 case 0:
1069 {
1070 URIStart(Res);
1072 // Run the data
1073 bool Result = Server->RunData();
1075 // Close the file, destroy the FD object and timestamp it
1076 FailFd = -1;
1077 delete File;
1078 File = 0;
1080 // Timestamp
1081 struct utimbuf UBuf;
1082 time(&UBuf.actime);
1083 UBuf.actime = Server->Date;
1084 UBuf.modtime = Server->Date;
1085 utime(Queue->DestFile.c_str(),&UBuf);
1087 // Send status to APT
1088 if (Result == true)
1089 {
1090 Res.MD5Sum = Server->In.MD5->Result();
1091 URIDone(Res);
1092 }
1093 else
1094 Fail(true);
1096 break;
1097 }
1099 // IMS hit
1100 case 1:
1101 {
1102 URIDone(Res);
1103 break;
1104 }
1106 // Hard server error, not found or something
1107 case 3:
1108 {
1109 Fail();
1110 break;
1111 }
1113 // Hard internal error, kill the connection and fail
1114 case 5:
1115 {
1116 Fail();
1117 Server->Close();
1118 break;
1119 }
1121 // We need to flush the data, the header is like a 404 w/ error text
1122 case 4:
1123 {
1124 Fail();
1126 // Send to content to dev/null
1127 File = new FileFd("/dev/null",FileFd::WriteExists);
1128 Server->RunData();
1129 delete File;
1130 File = 0;
1131 break;
1132 }
1134 default:
1135 Fail("Internal error");
1136 break;
1137 }
1139 FailCounter = 0;
1140 }
1142 return 0;
1143 }
1144 /*}}}*/
1146 int main()
1147 {
1148 HttpMethod Mth;
1150 return Mth.Loop();
1151 }