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[jackhill/qmk/firmware.git] / keyboards / matrix / noah / ws2812_f4.c
1 /**
2 * @file ws2812.c
3 * @author Austin Glaser <austin.glaser@gmail.com>, Joerg Wangemann <joerg.wangemann@gmail.com>
4 * @brief WS2812 LED driver
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 2016 Austin Glaser, 2017 Joerg Wangemann
7 *
8 * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
9 * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
10 *
11 * @todo Put in names and descriptions of variables which need to be defined to use this file
12 *
13 * @addtogroup WS2812
14 * @{
15 */
17 /* --- PRIVATE DEPENDENCIES ------------------------------------------------- */
19 // This Driver
20 #include "ws2812_f4.h"
22 // Standard
23 #include <stdint.h>
25 // ChibiOS
26 #include "ch.h"
27 #include "hal.h"
29 #include "wait.h"
30 // Application
31 //#include "board.h"
33 // TODO: Add these #define's to the headers of your project.
34 // Pin, timer and dma are all connected, check them all if you change one.
35 // Tested with STM32F4, working at 144 or 168 MHz.
36 //#define WS2812_LED_N 2 // Number of LEDs
37 //#define PORT_WS2812 GPIOB
38 //#define PIN_WS2812 9
39 //#define WS2812_TIM_N 4 // timer, 1-11
40 //#define WS2812_TIM_CH 3 // timer channel, 0-3
41 //#define WS2812_DMA_STREAM STM32_DMA1_STREAM2 // DMA stream for TIMx_UP (look up in reference manual under DMA Channel selection)
42 //#define WS2812_DMA_CHANNEL 6 // DMA channel for TIMx_UP
43 // The WS2812 expects 5V signal level (or at least 0.7 * VDD). Sometimes it works
44 // with a 3V signal level, otherwise the easiest way to get the signal level to 5V
45 // is to add an external pullup resistor from the DI pin to 5V (10k will do) and
46 // configure the pin as open drain.
47 // (An SMD resistor is easily solders on the connections of a light strip)
48 // Uncomment the next line if an external pullup resistor is used.
49 //#define WS2812_EXTERNAL_PULLUP
51 /* --- CONFIGURATION CHECK -------------------------------------------------- */
53 #if !defined(WS2812_LED_N)
54 #error WS2812 LED chain length not specified
55 #elif WS2812_LED_N <= 0
56 #error WS2812 LED chain length set to invalid value
57 #endif
59 #if !defined(WS2812_TIM_N)
60 #error WS2812 timer not specified
61 #endif
62 #if defined(STM32F2XX) || defined(STM32F4XX) || defined(STM32F7XX)
63 #if WS2812_TIM_N <= 2
64 #define WS2812_AF 1
65 #elif WS2812_TIM_N <= 5
66 #define WS2812_AF 2
67 #elif WS2812_TIM_N <= 11
68 #define WS2812_AF 3
69 #endif
70 #elif !defined(WS2812_AF)
71 #error WS2812_AF timer alternate function not specified
72 #endif
74 #if !defined(WS2812_TIM_CH)
75 #error WS2812 timer channel not specified
76 #elif WS2812_TIM_CH >= 4
77 #error WS2812 timer channel set to invalid value
78 #endif
80 /* --- PRIVATE CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------- */
82 #define WS2812_PWM_FREQUENCY (STM32_SYSCLK/2) /**< Clock frequency of PWM, must be valid with respect to system clock! */
83 #define WS2812_PWM_PERIOD (WS2812_PWM_FREQUENCY/800000) /**< Clock period in ticks. 1 / 800kHz = 1.25 uS (as per datasheet) */
85 /**
86 * @brief Number of bit-periods to hold the data line low at the end of a frame
87 *
88 * The reset period for each frame must be at least 50 uS; so we add in 50 bit-times
89 * of zeroes at the end. (50 bits)*(1.25 uS/bit) = 62.5 uS, which gives us some
90 * slack in the timing requirements
91 */
92 #define WS2812_RESET_BIT_N (50)
93 #define WS2812_COLOR_BIT_N (WS2812_LED_N*24) /**< Number of data bits */
94 #define WS2812_BIT_N (WS2812_COLOR_BIT_N + WS2812_RESET_BIT_N) /**< Total number of bits in a frame */
96 /**
97 * @brief High period for a zero, in ticks
98 *
99 * Per the datasheet:
100 * WS2812:
101 * - T0H: 200 nS to 500 nS, inclusive
102 * - T0L: 650 nS to 950 nS, inclusive
103 * WS2812B:
104 * - T0H: 200 nS to 500 nS, inclusive
105 * - T0L: 750 nS to 1050 nS, inclusive
106 *
107 * The duty cycle is calculated for a high period of 350 nS.
108 */
109 #define WS2812_DUTYCYCLE_0 (WS2812_PWM_FREQUENCY/(1000000000/450))
111 /**
112 * @brief High period for a one, in ticks
113 *
114 * Per the datasheet:
115 * WS2812:
116 * - T1H: 550 nS to 850 nS, inclusive
117 * - T1L: 450 nS to 750 nS, inclusive
118 * WS2812B:
119 * - T1H: 750 nS to 1050 nS, inclusive
120 * - T1L: 200 nS to 500 nS, inclusive
121 *
122 * The duty cycle is calculated for a high period of 800 nS.
123 * This is in the middle of the specifications of the WS2812 and WS2812B.
124 */
125 #define WS2812_DUTYCYCLE_1 (WS2812_PWM_FREQUENCY/(1000000000/900))
127 /* --- PRIVATE MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */
129 /**
130 * @brief Generates a reference to a numbered PWM driver
131 *
132 * @param[in] n: The driver (timer) number
133 *
134 * @return A reference to the driver
135 */
138 #define WS2812_PWMD PWMD(WS2812_TIM_N) /**< The PWM driver to use for the LED chain */
140 /**
141 * @brief Determine the index in @ref ws2812_frame_buffer "the frame buffer" of a given bit
142 *
143 * @param[in] led: The led index [0, @ref WS2812_LED_N)
144 * @param[in] byte: The byte number [0, 2]
145 * @param[in] bit: The bit number [0, 7]
146 *
147 * @return The bit index
148 */
149 #define WS2812_BIT(led, byte, bit) (24*(led) + 8*(byte) + (7 - (bit)))
151 /**
152 * @brief Determine the index in @ref ws2812_frame_buffer "the frame buffer" of a given red bit
153 *
154 * @note The red byte is the middle byte in the color packet
155 *
156 * @param[in] led: The led index [0, @ref WS2812_LED_N)
157 * @param[in] bit: The bit number [0, 7]
158 *
159 * @return The bit index
160 */
161 #define WS2812_RED_BIT(led, bit) WS2812_BIT((led), 1, (bit))
163 /**
164 * @brief Determine the index in @ref ws2812_frame_buffer "the frame buffer" of a given green bit
165 *
166 * @note The green byte is the first byte in the color packet
167 *
168 * @param[in] led: The led index [0, @ref WS2812_LED_N)
169 * @param[in] bit: The bit number [0, 7]
170 *
171 * @return The bit index
172 */
173 #define WS2812_GREEN_BIT(led, bit) WS2812_BIT((led), 0, (bit))
175 /**
176 * @brief Determine the index in @ref ws2812_frame_buffer "the frame buffer" of a given blue bit
177 *
178 * @note The blue byte is the last byte in the color packet
179 *
180 * @param[in] led: The led index [0, @ref WS2812_LED_N)
181 * @param[in] bit: The bit index [0, 7]
182 *
183 * @return The bit index
184 */
185 #define WS2812_BLUE_BIT(led, bit) WS2812_BIT((led), 2, (bit))
187 /* --- PRIVATE VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------------- */
189 static uint32_t ws2812_frame_buffer[WS2812_BIT_N + 1]; /**< Buffer for a frame */
191 /* --- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------- */
192 /*
193 * Gedanke: Double-buffer type transactions: double buffer transfers using two memory pointers for
194 the memory (while the DMA is reading/writing from/to a buffer, the application can
195 write/read to/from the other buffer).
196 */
198 void ws2812_init(void)
199 {
200 // Initialize led frame buffer
201 uint32_t i;
202 for (i = 0; i < WS2812_COLOR_BIT_N; i++) ws2812_frame_buffer[i] = WS2812_DUTYCYCLE_0; // All color bits are zero duty cycle
203 for (i = 0; i < WS2812_RESET_BIT_N; i++) ws2812_frame_buffer[i + WS2812_COLOR_BIT_N] = 0; // All reset bits are zero
204 // Configure pin as AF output. If there's an external pull up resistor the signal level is brought to 5V using open drain mode.
205 #ifdef WS2812_EXTERNAL_PULLUP
207 #else
209 #endif
210 //palClearPad(PORT_WS2812, PIN_WS2812);
211 //wait_ms(1);
212 // PWM Configuration
213 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Woverride-init" // Turn off override-init warning for this struct. We use the overriding ability to set a "default" channel config
214 static const PWMConfig ws2812_pwm_config = {
215 .frequency = WS2812_PWM_FREQUENCY,
216 .period = WS2812_PWM_PERIOD, //Mit dieser Periode wird UDE-Event erzeugt und ein neuer Wert (Länge WS2812_BIT_N) vom DMA ins CCR geschrieben
217 .callback = NULL,
218 .channels = {
219 [0 ... 3] = {.mode = PWM_OUTPUT_DISABLED, .callback = NULL}, // Channels default to disabled
220 [WS2812_TIM_CH] = {.mode = PWM_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_HIGH, .callback = NULL}, // Turn on the channel we care about
221 },
222 .cr2 = 0,
223 .dier = TIM_DIER_UDE, // DMA on update event for next period
224 };
225 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop // Restore command-line warning options
227 // Configure DMA
228 //dmaInit(); // Joe added this
229 dmaStreamAllocate(WS2812_DMA_STREAM, 10, NULL, NULL);
230 dmaStreamSetPeripheral(WS2812_DMA_STREAM, &(WS2812_PWMD.tim->CCR[WS2812_TIM_CH])); // Ziel ist der An-Zeit im Cap-Comp-Register
231 dmaStreamSetMemory0(WS2812_DMA_STREAM, ws2812_frame_buffer);
232 dmaStreamSetTransactionSize(WS2812_DMA_STREAM, WS2812_BIT_N);
233 dmaStreamSetMode(WS2812_DMA_STREAM,
236 // M2P: Memory 2 Periph; PL: Priority Level
238 // Start DMA
239 dmaStreamEnable(WS2812_DMA_STREAM);
241 // Configure PWM
242 // NOTE: It's required that preload be enabled on the timer channel CCR register. This is currently enabled in the
243 // ChibiOS driver code, so we don't have to do anything special to the timer. If we did, we'd have to start the timer,
244 // disable counting, enable the channel, and then make whatever configuration changes we need.
245 pwmStart(&WS2812_PWMD, &ws2812_pwm_config);
246 pwmEnableChannel(&WS2812_PWMD, WS2812_TIM_CH, 0); // Initial period is 0; output will be low until first duty cycle is DMA'd in
247 }
249 ws2812_err_t ws2812_write_led(uint32_t led_number, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
250 {
251 // Check for valid LED
252 if (led_number > WS2812_LED_N) return WS2812_LED_INVALID;
254 // Write color to frame buffer
255 for (uint32_t bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) {
256 ws2812_frame_buffer[WS2812_RED_BIT(led_number, bit)] = ((r >> bit) & 0x01) ? WS2812_DUTYCYCLE_1 : WS2812_DUTYCYCLE_0;
257 ws2812_frame_buffer[WS2812_GREEN_BIT(led_number, bit)] = ((g >> bit) & 0x01) ? WS2812_DUTYCYCLE_1 : WS2812_DUTYCYCLE_0;
258 ws2812_frame_buffer[WS2812_BLUE_BIT(led_number, bit)] = ((b >> bit) & 0x01) ? WS2812_DUTYCYCLE_1 : WS2812_DUTYCYCLE_0;
259 }
261 // Success
262 return WS2812_SUCCESS;
263 }
265 void ws2812_setleds(LED_TYPE *ledarray, uint16_t number_of_leds)
266 {
267 for(int i = 0; i < number_of_leds; i++) {
268 ws2812_write_led(i, ledarray[i].r, ledarray[i].g, ledarray[i].b);
269 }
270 }
272 /** @} addtogroup WS2812 */