C++ convert map from native to built-in
[jackhill/mal.git] / ada.2 / step8_macros.adb
1 with Ada.Command_Line;
2 with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
3 with Ada.Environment_Variables;
4 with Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
6 with Core;
7 with Envs;
8 with Err;
9 with Garbage_Collected;
10 with Printer;
11 with Reader;
12 with Readline;
13 with Types.Fns;
14 with Types.Macros;
15 with Types.Maps;
16 with Types.Sequences;
17 with Types.Strings;
19 procedure Step8_Macros is
21 Dbgeval : constant Boolean := Ada.Environment_Variables.Exists ("dbgeval");
23 use type Types.T;
24 use all type Types.Kind_Type;
25 use type Types.Strings.Instance;
26 package ACL renames Ada.Command_Line;
27 package Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Positive, Types.T);
29 function Read return Types.T_Array with Inline;
31 function Eval (Ast0 : in Types.T;
32 Env0 : in Envs.Ptr) return Types.T;
33 function Eval_Builtin (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
34 -- The built-in variant needs to see the Repl variable.
36 function Quasiquote (Ast : in Types.T;
37 Env : in Envs.Ptr) return Types.T;
38 -- Mergeing quote and quasiquote into eval with a flag triggering
39 -- a different behaviour as done for macros in step8 would improve
40 -- the performances significantly, but Kanaka finds that it breaks
41 -- too much the step structure shared by all implementations.
43 procedure Print (Ast : in Types.T) with Inline;
45 procedure Rep (Env : in Envs.Ptr) with Inline;
47 function Eval_Map (Source : in Types.Maps.Instance;
48 Env : in Envs.Ptr) return Types.T;
49 function Eval_Vector (Source : in Types.Sequences.Instance;
50 Env : in Envs.Ptr) return Types.T;
51 -- Helpers for the Eval function.
53 procedure Exec (Script : in String;
54 Env : in Envs.Ptr) with Inline;
55 -- Read the script, eval its elements, but ignore the result.
57 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
59 function Eval (Ast0 : in Types.T;
60 Env0 : in Envs.Ptr) return Types.T
61 is
62 -- Use local variables, that can be rewritten when tail call
63 -- optimization goes to <<Restart>>.
64 Ast : Types.T := Ast0;
65 Env : Envs.Ptr := Env0;
66 Env_Reusable : Boolean := False;
67 -- True when the environment has been created in this recursion
68 -- level, and has not yet been referenced by a closure. If so,
69 -- we can reuse it instead of creating a subenvironment.
70 Macroexpanding : Boolean := False;
71 First : Types.T;
72 begin
73 <<Restart>>
74 if Dbgeval then
75 Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
76 Ada.Text_IO.Put ("EVAL: ");
77 Print (Ast);
78 Envs.Dump_Stack (Env.all);
79 end if;
81 case Ast.Kind is
82 when Kind_Nil | Kind_Atom | Kind_Boolean | Kind_Number | Types.Kind_Key
83 | Kind_Macro | Types.Kind_Function =>
84 return Ast;
85 when Kind_Symbol =>
86 return Env.all.Get (Ast.Str);
87 when Kind_Map =>
88 return Eval_Map (Ast.Map.all, Env);
89 when Kind_Vector =>
90 return Eval_Vector (Ast.Sequence.all, Env);
91 when Kind_List =>
92 null;
93 end case;
95 -- Ast is a list.
96 if Ast.Sequence.all.Length = 0 then
97 return Ast;
98 end if;
99 First := Ast.Sequence.all.Data (1);
101 -- Special forms
102 -- Ast is a non-empty list, First is its first element.
103 case First.Kind is
104 when Kind_Symbol =>
105 if First.Str.all = "if" then
106 Err.Check (Ast.Sequence.all.Length in 3 .. 4,
107 "expected 2 or 3 parameters");
108 declare
109 Tst : constant Types.T := Eval (Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2), Env);
110 begin
111 if Tst /= Types.Nil and Tst /= (Kind_Boolean, False) then
112 Ast := Ast.Sequence.all.Data (3);
113 goto Restart;
114 elsif Ast.Sequence.all.Length = 3 then
115 return Types.Nil;
116 else
117 Ast := Ast.Sequence.all.Data (4);
118 goto Restart;
119 end if;
120 end;
121 elsif First.Str.all = "let*" then
122 Err.Check (Ast.Sequence.all.Length = 3
123 and then Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2).Kind in Types.Kind_Sequence,
124 "expected a sequence then a value");
125 declare
126 Bindings : Types.T_Array
127 renames Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2).Sequence.all.Data;
128 begin
129 Err.Check (Bindings'Length mod 2 = 0, "expected even binds");
130 if not Env_Reusable then
131 Env := Envs.New_Env (Outer => Env);
132 Env_Reusable := True;
133 end if;
134 for I in 0 .. Bindings'Length / 2 - 1 loop
135 Env.all.Set (Bindings (Bindings'First + 2 * I),
136 Eval (Bindings (Bindings'First + 2 * I + 1), Env));
137 -- This call checks key kind.
138 end loop;
139 Ast := Ast.Sequence.all.Data (3);
140 goto Restart;
141 end;
142 elsif First.Str.all = "quote" then
143 Err.Check (Ast.Sequence.all.Length = 2, "expected 1 parameter");
144 return Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2);
145 elsif First.Str.all = "def!" then
146 Err.Check (Ast.Sequence.all.Length = 3, "expected 2 parameters");
147 declare
148 Key : Types.T renames Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2);
149 Val : constant Types.T := Eval (Ast.Sequence.all.Data (3), Env);
150 begin
151 Env.all.Set (Key, Val); -- Check key kind.
152 return Val;
153 end;
154 elsif First.Str.all = "defmacro!" then
155 Err.Check (Ast.Sequence.all.Length = 3, "expected 2 parameters");
156 declare
157 Key : Types.T renames Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2);
158 Fun : constant Types.T := Eval (Ast.Sequence.all.Data (3), Env);
159 Val : Types.T;
160 begin
161 Err.Check (Fun.Kind = Kind_Fn, "expected a function");
162 Val := Types.Macros.New_Macro (Fun.Fn.all);
163 Env.all.Set (Key, Val); -- Check key kind.
164 return Val;
165 end;
166 -- do is a built-in function, shortening this test cascade.
167 elsif First.Str.all = "fn*" then
168 Err.Check (Ast.Sequence.all.Length = 3, "expected 2 parameters");
169 declare
170 Params : Types.T renames Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2);
171 begin
172 Err.Check (Params.Kind in Types.Kind_Sequence,
173 "first argument of fn* must be a sequence");
174 Env_Reusable := False;
175 return Types.Fns.New_Function
176 (Params => Params.Sequence,
177 Ast => Ast.Sequence.all.Data (3),
178 Env => Env);
179 end;
180 elsif First.Str.all = "macroexpand" then
181 Err.Check (Ast.Sequence.all.Length = 2, "expected 1 parameter");
182 Macroexpanding := True;
183 Ast := Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2);
184 goto Restart;
185 elsif First.Str.all = "quasiquote" then
186 Err.Check (Ast.Sequence.all.Length = 2, "expected 1 parameter");
187 return Quasiquote (Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2), Env);
188 else
189 -- Equivalent to First := Eval (First, Env)
190 -- except that we already know enough to spare a recursive call.
191 First := Env.all.Get (First.Str);
192 end if;
193 when Kind_Nil | Kind_Atom | Kind_Boolean | Kind_Number | Types.Kind_Key
194 | Kind_Macro | Types.Kind_Function =>
195 -- Equivalent to First := Eval (First, Env)
196 -- except that we already know enough to spare a recursive call.
197 null;
198 when Types.Kind_Sequence | Kind_Map =>
199 -- Lists are definitely worth a recursion, and the two other
200 -- cases should be rare (they will report an error later).
201 First := Eval (First, Env);
202 end case;
204 -- Apply phase.
205 -- Ast is a non-empty list,
206 -- First is its non-special evaluated first element.
207 case First.Kind is
208 when Kind_Macro =>
209 -- Use the unevaluated arguments.
210 if Macroexpanding then
211 -- Evaluate the macro with tail call optimization.
212 if not Env_Reusable then
213 Env := Envs.New_Env (Outer => Env);
214 Env_Reusable := True;
215 end if;
216 Env.all.Set_Binds
217 (Binds => First.Macro.all.Params.all.Data,
218 Exprs => Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2 .. Ast.Sequence.all.Length));
219 Ast := First.Macro.all.Ast;
220 goto Restart;
221 else
222 -- Evaluate the macro normally.
223 declare
224 New_Env : constant Envs.Ptr := Envs.New_Env (Outer => Env);
225 begin
226 New_Env.all.Set_Binds
227 (Binds => First.Macro.all.Params.all.Data,
228 Exprs => Ast.Sequence.all.Data
229 (2 .. Ast.Sequence.all.Length));
230 Ast := Eval (First.Macro.all.Ast, New_Env);
231 -- Then evaluate the result with TCO.
232 goto Restart;
233 end;
234 end if;
235 when Types.Kind_Function =>
236 null;
237 when others =>
238 Err.Raise_With ("first element must be a function or macro");
239 end case;
240 -- We are applying a function. Evaluate its arguments.
241 declare
242 Args : Types.T_Array (2 .. Ast.Sequence.all.Length);
243 begin
244 for I in Args'Range loop
245 Args (I) := Eval (Ast.Sequence.all.Data (I), Env);
246 end loop;
247 if First.Kind = Kind_Builtin then
248 return First.Builtin.all (Args);
249 end if;
250 -- Like Types.Fns.Apply, except that we use TCO.
251 Env := Envs.New_Env (Outer => First.Fn.all.Env);
252 Env_Reusable := True;
253 Env.all.Set_Binds (Binds => First.Fn.all.Params.all.Data,
254 Exprs => Args);
255 Ast := First.Fn.all.Ast;
256 goto Restart;
257 end;
258 exception
259 when Err.Error =>
260 if Macroexpanding then
261 Err.Add_Trace_Line ("macroexpand", Ast);
262 else
263 Err.Add_Trace_Line ("eval", Ast);
264 end if;
265 raise;
266 end Eval;
268 function Eval_Map (Source : in Types.Maps.Instance;
269 Env : in Envs.Ptr) return Types.T
270 is
271 use all type Types.Maps.Cursor;
272 -- Copy the whole map so that keys are not hashed again.
273 Result : constant Types.T := Types.Maps.New_Map (Source);
274 Position : Types.Maps.Cursor := Result.Map.all.First;
275 begin
276 while Has_Element (Position) loop
277 Result.Map.all.Replace_Element (Position,
278 Eval (Element (Position), Env));
279 Next (Position);
280 end loop;
281 return Result;
282 end Eval_Map;
284 function Eval_Vector (Source : in Types.Sequences.Instance;
285 Env : in Envs.Ptr) return Types.T
286 is
287 Ref : constant Types.Sequence_Ptr
288 := Types.Sequences.Constructor (Source.Length);
289 begin
290 for I in Source.Data'Range loop
291 Ref.all.Data (I) := Eval (Source.Data (I), Env);
292 end loop;
293 return (Kind_Vector, Ref);
294 end Eval_Vector;
296 procedure Exec (Script : in String;
297 Env : in Envs.Ptr)
298 is
299 Result : Types.T;
300 begin
301 for Expression of Reader.Read_Str (Script) loop
302 Result := Eval (Expression, Env);
303 end loop;
304 pragma Unreferenced (Result);
305 end Exec;
307 procedure Print (Ast : in Types.T) is
308 begin
309 Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO.Put_Line (Printer.Pr_Str (Ast));
310 end Print;
312 function Quasiquote (Ast : in Types.T;
313 Env : in Envs.Ptr) return Types.T
314 is
316 function Quasiquote_List (List : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
317 -- Handle vectors and lists not starting with unquote.
319 function Quasiquote_List (List : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
320 Vector : Vectors.Vector; -- buffer for concatenation
321 Tmp : Types.T;
322 begin
323 for Elt of List loop
324 if Elt.Kind in Kind_List
325 and then 0 < Elt.Sequence.all.Length
326 and then Elt.Sequence.all.Data (1).Kind = Kind_Symbol
327 and then Elt.Sequence.all.Data (1).Str.all = "splice-unquote"
328 then
329 Err.Check (Elt.Sequence.all.Length = 2,
330 "splice-unquote expects 1 parameter");
331 Tmp := Eval (Elt.Sequence.all.Data (2), Env);
332 Err.Check (Tmp.Kind = Kind_List,
333 "splice_unquote expects a list");
334 for Sub_Elt of Tmp.Sequence.all.Data loop
335 Vector.Append (Sub_Elt);
336 end loop;
337 else
338 Vector.Append (Quasiquote (Elt, Env));
339 end if;
340 end loop;
341 -- Now that we know the number of elements, convert to a list.
342 declare
343 Sequence : constant Types.Sequence_Ptr
344 := Types.Sequences.Constructor (Natural (Vector.Length));
345 begin
346 for I in 1 .. Natural (Vector.Length) loop
347 Sequence.all.Data (I) := Vector (I);
348 end loop;
349 return (Kind_List, Sequence);
350 end;
351 end Quasiquote_List;
353 begin -- Quasiquote
354 case Ast.Kind is
355 when Kind_Vector =>
356 -- When the test is updated, replace Kind_List with Kind_Vector.
357 return Quasiquote_List (Ast.Sequence.all.Data);
358 when Kind_List =>
359 if 0 < Ast.Sequence.all.Length
360 and then Ast.Sequence.all.Data (1).Kind = Kind_Symbol
361 and then Ast.Sequence.all.Data (1).Str.all = "unquote"
362 then
363 Err.Check (Ast.Sequence.all.Length = 2, "expected 1 parameter");
364 return Eval (Ast.Sequence.all.Data (2), Env);
365 else
366 return Quasiquote_List (Ast.Sequence.all.Data);
367 end if;
368 when others =>
369 return Ast;
370 end case;
371 exception
372 when Err.Error =>
373 Err.Add_Trace_Line ("quasiquote", Ast);
374 raise;
375 end Quasiquote;
377 function Read return Types.T_Array
378 is (Reader.Read_Str (Readline.Input ("user> ")));
380 procedure Rep (Env : in Envs.Ptr) is
381 begin
382 for Expression of Read loop
383 Print (Eval (Expression, Env));
384 end loop;
385 end Rep;
387 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
389 Startup : constant String
390 := "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"
391 & "(def! load-file (fn* (f)"
392 & " (eval (read-string (str ""(do "" (slurp f) "")"")))))"
393 & "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs)"
394 & " (if (> (count xs) 0)"
395 & " (list 'if (first xs)"
396 & " (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1)"
397 & " (throw ""odd number of forms to cond""))"
398 & " (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"
399 & "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs)"
400 & " (if (empty? xs) nil"
401 & " (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs)"
402 & " `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs))"
403 & " (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))";
404 Repl : constant Envs.Ptr := Envs.New_Env;
405 function Eval_Builtin (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
406 begin
407 Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
408 return Eval (Args (Args'First), Repl);
409 end Eval_Builtin;
410 Script : constant Boolean := 0 < ACL.Argument_Count;
411 Argv : constant Types.Sequence_Ptr
412 := Types.Sequences.Constructor (Integer'Max (0, ACL.Argument_Count - 1));
413 begin
414 -- Show the Eval function to other packages.
415 Types.Fns.Eval_Cb := Eval'Unrestricted_Access;
416 -- Add Core functions into the top environment.
417 Core.NS_Add_To_Repl (Repl);
418 Repl.all.Set ((Kind_Symbol, Types.Strings.Alloc ("eval")),
419 (Kind_Builtin, Eval_Builtin'Unrestricted_Access));
420 -- Native startup procedure.
421 Exec (Startup, Repl);
422 -- Define ARGV from command line arguments.
423 for I in 2 .. ACL.Argument_Count loop
424 Argv.all.Data (I - 1) := (Kind_String,
425 Types.Strings.Alloc (ACL.Argument (I)));
426 end loop;
427 Repl.all.Set ((Kind_Symbol, Types.Strings.Alloc ("*ARGV*")),
428 (Kind_List, Argv));
429 -- Execute user commands.
430 if Script then
431 Exec ("(load-file """ & ACL.Argument (1) & """)", Repl);
432 else
433 loop
434 begin
435 Rep (Repl);
436 exception
437 when Readline.End_Of_File =>
438 exit;
439 when Err.Error =>
440 Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO.Put (Err.Trace);
441 end;
442 -- Other exceptions are really unexpected.
444 -- Collect garbage.
445 Err.Data := Types.Nil;
446 Repl.all.Keep;
447 Garbage_Collected.Clean;
448 end loop;
449 Ada.Text_IO.New_Line;
450 end if;
452 -- If assertions are enabled, check deallocations.
453 -- Normal runs do not need to deallocate before termination.
454 -- Beware that all pointers are now dangling.
455 pragma Debug (Garbage_Collected.Clean);
456 Garbage_Collected.Check_Allocations;
457 end Step8_Macros;