Implement step 9
[jackhill/mal.git] / gst /
1 FileStream fileIn: ''.
2 FileStream fileIn: ''.
3 FileStream fileIn: ''.
4 FileStream fileIn: ''.
5 FileStream fileIn: ''.
6 FileStream fileIn: ''.
8 Object subclass: MAL [
9 MAL class >> READ: input [
10 ^Reader readStr: input
11 ]
13 MAL class >> evalAst: sexp env: env [
14 sexp type = #symbol ifTrue: [
15 ^env get: sexp value
16 ].
18 sexp type = #list ifTrue: [
19 ^self evalList: sexp env: env class: MALList
20 ].
21 sexp type = #vector ifTrue: [
22 ^self evalList: sexp env: env class: MALVector
23 ].
24 sexp type = #map ifTrue: [
25 ^self evalList: sexp env: env class: MALMap
26 ].
28 ^sexp
29 ]
31 MAL class >> evalList: sexp env: env class: aClass [
32 | items |
33 items := sexp value collect:
34 [ :item | self EVAL: item env: env ].
35 ^aClass new: items
36 ]
38 MAL class >> quasiquote: ast [
39 | result a a0 a0_ a0_0 a0_1 rest |
40 ast isPair ifFalse: [
41 result := {MALSymbol new: #quote. ast}.
42 ^MALList new: (OrderedCollection from: result)
43 ].
45 a := ast value.
46 a0 := a first.
48 (a0 type = #symbol and: [ a0 value = #unquote ]) ifTrue: [ ^a second ].
50 a0 isPair ifTrue: [
51 a0_ := a0 value.
52 a0_0 := a0_ first.
53 a0_1 := a0_ second.
55 (a0_0 type = #symbol and:
56 [ a0_0 value = #'splice-unquote' ]) ifTrue: [
57 rest := MALList new: a allButFirst.
58 result := {MALSymbol new: #concat. a0_1.
59 self quasiquote: rest}.
60 ^MALList new: (OrderedCollection from: result)
61 ]
62 ].
64 rest := MALList new: a allButFirst.
65 result := {MALSymbol new: #cons. self quasiquote: a0.
66 self quasiquote: rest}.
67 ^MALList new: (OrderedCollection from: result)
68 ]
70 MAL class >> isMacroCall: ast env: env [
71 | a0 a0_ f |
72 ast type = #list ifTrue: [
73 a0 := ast value first.
74 a0_ := a0 value.
75 a0 type = #symbol ifTrue: [
76 f := env find: a0_.
77 (f notNil and: [ f class = Func ]) ifTrue: [
78 ^f isMacro
79 ]
80 ]
81 ].
82 ^false
83 ]
85 MAL class >> macroexpand: aSexp env: env [
86 | sexp |
88 "NOTE: redefinition of method arguments is not allowed"
89 sexp := aSexp.
91 [ self isMacroCall: sexp env: env ] whileTrue: [
92 | ast a0_ macro rest |
93 ast := sexp value.
94 a0_ := ast first value.
95 macro := env find: a0_.
96 rest := ast allButFirst.
97 sexp := macro fn value: rest.
98 ].
100 ^sexp
101 ]
103 MAL class >> EVAL: aSexp env: anEnv [
104 | sexp env ast a0 a0_ a1 a1_ a2 a2_ a3 forms function args |
106 "NOTE: redefinition of method arguments is not allowed"
107 sexp := aSexp.
108 env := anEnv.
110 [
111 [ :continue |
112 sexp type ~= #list ifTrue: [
113 ^self evalAst: sexp env: env
114 ].
115 sexp value isEmpty ifTrue: [
116 ^sexp
117 ].
119 sexp := self macroexpand: sexp env: env.
120 sexp type ~= #list ifTrue: [
121 ^self evalAst: sexp env: env
122 ].
124 ast := sexp value.
125 a0 := ast first.
127 a0_ := ast first value.
128 a0_ = #'def!' ifTrue: [
129 | result |
130 a1_ := ast second value.
131 a2 := ast third.
132 result := self EVAL: a2 env: env.
133 env set: a1_ value: result.
134 ^result
135 ].
137 a0_ = #'defmacro!' ifTrue: [
138 | result |
139 a1_ := ast second value.
140 a2 := ast third.
141 result := self EVAL: a2 env: env.
142 result isMacro: true.
143 env set: a1_ value: result.
144 ^result
145 ].
147 a0_ = #'macroexpand' ifTrue: [
148 a1 := ast second.
149 ^self macroexpand: a1 env: env
150 ].
152 a0_ = #'let*' ifTrue: [
153 | env_ |
154 env_ := Env new: env.
155 a1_ := ast second value.
156 a2 := ast third.
157 1 to: a1_ size by: 2 do:
158 [ :i | env_ set: (a1_ at: i) value
159 value: (self EVAL: (a1_ at: i + 1)
160 env: env_) ].
161 env := env_.
162 sexp := a2.
163 continue value "TCO"
164 ].
166 a0_ = #do ifTrue: [
167 | forms last |
168 ast size < 2 ifTrue: [
169 forms := {}.
170 last := MALObject Nil.
171 ] ifFalse: [
172 forms := ast copyFrom: 2 to: ast size - 1.
173 last := ast last.
174 ].
176 forms do: [ :form | self EVAL: form env: env ].
177 sexp := last.
178 continue value "TCO"
179 ].
181 a0_ = #if ifTrue: [
182 | condition |
183 a1 := ast second.
184 a2 := ast third.
185 a3 := ast at: 4 ifAbsent: [ MALObject Nil ].
186 condition := self EVAL: a1 env: env.
188 (condition type = #false or:
189 [ condition type = #nil ]) ifTrue: [
190 sexp := a3
191 ] ifFalse: [
192 sexp := a2
193 ].
194 continue value "TCO"
195 ].
197 a0_ = #quote ifTrue: [
198 a1 := ast second.
199 ^a1
200 ].
202 a0_ = #quasiquote ifTrue: [
203 | result |
204 a1 := ast second.
205 sexp := self quasiquote: a1.
206 continue value "TCO"
207 ].
209 a0_ = #'try*' ifTrue: [
210 | A B C |
211 A := ast second.
212 a2_ := ast third value.
213 B := a2_ second value.
214 C := a2_ third.
215 ^[ self EVAL: A env: env ] on: MALError do:
216 [ :err |
217 | data env_ result |
218 data := err data.
219 data isString ifTrue: [
220 data := MALString new: data
221 ].
222 env_ := Env new: env binds: {B} exprs: {data}.
223 err return: (self EVAL: C env: env_)
224 ]
225 ].
227 a0_ = #'fn*' ifTrue: [
228 | binds env_ fn |
229 a1_ := ast second value.
230 binds := a1_ collect: [ :item | item value ].
231 a2 := ast third.
232 fn := [ :args |
233 self EVAL: a2 env:
234 (Env new: env binds: binds exprs: args) ].
235 ^Func new: a2 params: binds env: env fn: fn
236 ].
238 forms := (self evalAst: sexp env: env) value.
239 function := forms first.
240 args := forms allButFirst asArray.
242 function class = BlockClosure ifTrue: [ ^function value: args ].
243 function class = Func ifTrue: [
244 | env_ |
245 sexp := function ast.
246 env_ := Env new: function env binds: function params
247 exprs: args.
248 env := env_.
249 continue value "TCO"
250 ]
251 ] valueWithExit
252 ] repeat.
253 ]
255 MAL class >> PRINT: sexp [
256 ^Printer prStr: sexp printReadably: true
257 ]
259 MAL class >> rep: input env: env [
260 ^self PRINT: (self EVAL: (self READ: input) env: env)
261 ]
262 ]
264 | input historyFile replEnv argv |
266 historyFile := '.mal_history'.
267 ReadLine readHistory: historyFile.
268 replEnv := Env new: nil.
270 argv := Smalltalk arguments.
271 argv notEmpty ifTrue: [ argv := argv allButFirst ].
272 argv := OrderedCollection from: (argv collect: [ :arg | MALString new: arg ]).
274 Core Ns keysAndValuesDo: [ :op :block | replEnv set: op value: block ].
275 replEnv set: #eval value: [ :args | MAL EVAL: args first env: replEnv ].
276 replEnv set: #'*ARGV*' value: (MALList new: argv).
278 MAL rep: '(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))' env: replEnv.
279 MAL rep: '(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str "(do " (slurp f) ")")))))' env: replEnv.
281 MAL rep: '(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list ''if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw "odd number of forms to cond")) (cons ''cond (rest (rest xs)))))))' env: replEnv.
282 MAL rep: '(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))' env: replEnv.
284 Smalltalk arguments notEmpty ifTrue: [
285 MAL rep: '(load-file "', Smalltalk arguments first, '")' env: replEnv
286 ] ifFalse: [
287 [ input := ReadLine readLine: 'user> '. input isNil ] whileFalse: [
288 input isEmpty ifFalse: [
289 ReadLine addHistory: input.
290 ReadLine writeHistory: historyFile.
291 [ (MAL rep: input env: replEnv) displayNl ]
292 on: MALEmptyInput do: [ #return ]
293 on: MALError do:
294 [ :err | ('error: ', err messageText) displayNl. #return ].
295 ]
296 ].
298 '' displayNl.
299 ]