switch to tail -f circular pipes
[jackhill/mal.git] / ada.2 / types-sequences.adb
1 with Err;
2 with Types.Fns;
3 with Types.Builtins;
5 package body Types.Sequences is
7 function "=" (Left, Right : in Instance) return Boolean is
8 -- Should become Left.all.Data = Right.all.Data when
9 -- https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=89178 is fixed.
10 begin
11 return Left.Length = Right.Length
12 and then
13 (for all I in 1 .. Left.Data'Length => Left.Data (I) = Right.Data (I));
14 end "=";
16 function Concat (Args : in T_Array) return T is
17 Sum : Natural := 0;
18 First : Positive := 1;
19 Last : Natural;
20 begin
21 Err.Check ((for all A of Args => A.Kind in Kind_Sequence),
22 "expected sequences");
23 for Arg of Args loop
24 Sum := Sum + Arg.Sequence.all.Data'Length;
25 end loop;
26 declare
27 Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Sum);
28 begin
29 for Arg of Args loop
30 Last := First - 1 + Arg.Sequence.all.Data'Last;
31 Ref.all.Data (First .. Last) := Arg.Sequence.all.Data;
32 First := Last + 1;
33 end loop;
34 return (Kind_List, Ref);
35 end;
36 end Concat;
38 function Conj (Args : in T_Array) return T is
39 begin
40 Err.Check (0 < Args'Length, "expected at least 1 parameter");
41 case Args (Args'First).Kind is
42 when Kind_Sequence =>
43 declare
44 Data : T_Array renames Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data;
45 Last : constant Natural := Args'Length - 1 + Data'Length;
46 -- Avoid exceptions until Ref is controlled.
47 Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Last);
48 begin
49 if Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_List then
50 for I in 1 .. Args'Length - 1 loop
51 Ref.all.Data (I) := Args (Args'Last - I + 1);
52 end loop;
53 Ref.all.Data (Args'Length .. Last) := Data;
54 return (Kind_List, Ref);
55 else
56 Ref.all.Data := Data & Args (Args'First + 1 .. Args'Last);
57 return (Kind_Vector, Ref);
58 end if;
59 end;
60 when others =>
61 Err.Raise_With ("parameter 1 must be a sequence");
62 end case;
63 end Conj;
65 function Cons (Args : in T_Array) return T is
66 begin
67 Err.Check (Args'Length = 2
68 and then Args (Args'Last).Kind in Kind_Sequence,
69 "expected a value then a sequence");
70 declare
71 Head : T renames Args (Args'First);
72 Tail : T_Array renames Args (Args'Last).Sequence.all.Data;
73 Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (1 + Tail'Length);
74 begin
75 Ref.all.Data := Head & Tail;
76 return (Kind_List, Ref);
77 end;
78 end Cons;
80 function Constructor (Length : in Natural) return Sequence_Ptr is
81 Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := new Instance (Length);
82 begin
83 Garbage_Collected.Register (Garbage_Collected.Pointer (Ref));
84 return Ref;
85 end Constructor;
87 function Count (Args : in T_Array) return T is
88 begin
89 Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
90 case Args (Args'First).Kind is
91 when Kind_Nil =>
92 return (Kind_Number, 0);
93 when Kind_Sequence =>
94 return (Kind_Number, Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data'Length);
95 when others =>
96 Err.Raise_With ("parameter must be nil or a sequence");
97 end case;
98 end Count;
100 function First (Args : in T_Array) return T is
101 begin
102 Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
103 case Args (Args'First).Kind is
104 when Kind_Nil =>
105 return Nil;
106 when Kind_Sequence =>
107 declare
108 Data : T_Array renames Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data;
109 begin
110 if Data'Length = 0 then
111 return Nil;
112 else
113 return Data (Data'First);
114 end if;
115 end;
116 when others =>
117 Err.Raise_With ("parameter must be nil or a sequence");
118 end case;
119 end First;
121 function Is_Empty (Args : in T_Array) return T is
122 begin
123 Err.Check (Args'Length = 1
124 and then Args (Args'First).Kind in Kind_Sequence,
125 "expected a sequence");
126 return (Kind_Boolean, Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data'Length = 0);
127 end Is_Empty;
129 procedure Keep_References (Object : in out Instance) is
130 begin
131 Keep (Object.Meta);
132 for M of Object.Data loop
133 Keep (M);
134 end loop;
135 end Keep_References;
137 function List (Args : in T_Array) return T
138 is
139 Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Args'Length);
140 begin
141 Ref.all.Data := Args;
142 return (Kind_List, Ref);
143 end List;
145 function Map (Args : in T_Array) return T is
146 begin
147 Err.Check (Args'Length = 2
148 and then Args (Args'Last).Kind in Kind_Sequence,
149 "expected a function then a sequence");
150 declare
151 F : T renames Args (Args'First);
152 Src : T_Array renames Args (Args'Last).Sequence.all.Data;
153 Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Src'Length);
154 begin
155 case F.Kind is
156 when Kind_Builtin =>
157 for I in Src'Range loop
158 Ref.all.Data (I) := F.Builtin.all (Src (I .. I));
159 end loop;
160 when Kind_Builtin_With_Meta =>
161 for I in Src'Range loop
162 Ref.all.Data (I)
163 := F.Builtin_With_Meta.all.Builtin.all (Src (I .. I));
164 end loop;
165 when Kind_Fn =>
166 for I in Src'Range loop
167 Ref.all.Data (I) := F.Fn.all.Apply (Src (I .. I));
168 end loop;
169 when others =>
170 Err.Raise_With ("parameter 1 must be a function");
171 end case;
172 return (Kind_List, Ref);
173 end;
174 end Map;
176 function Nth (Args : in T_Array) return T is
177 begin
178 Err.Check (Args'Length = 2
179 and then Args (Args'First).Kind in Kind_Sequence
180 and then Args (Args'Last).Kind = Kind_Number,
181 "expected a sequence then a number");
182 declare
183 L : T_Array renames Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data;
184 I : constant Integer := Args (Args'Last).Number + 1;
185 begin
186 Err.Check (I in L'Range, "index out of bounds");
187 return L (I);
188 end;
189 end Nth;
191 function Rest (Args : in T_Array) return T is
192 begin
193 Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
194 case Args (Args'First).Kind is
195 when Kind_Nil =>
196 return (Kind_List, Constructor (0));
197 when Kind_Sequence =>
198 declare
199 A1 : T_Array renames Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Data;
200 Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr
201 := Constructor (Integer'Max (0, A1'Length - 1));
202 begin
203 Ref.all.Data := A1 (A1'First + 1 .. A1'Last);
204 return (Kind_List, Ref);
205 end;
206 when others =>
207 Err.Raise_With ("parameter must be nil or a sequence");
208 end case;
209 end Rest;
211 function Vector (Args : in T_Array) return T
212 is
213 Ref : constant Sequence_Ptr := Constructor (Args'Length);
214 begin
215 Ref.all.Data := Args;
216 return (Kind_Vector, Ref);
217 end Vector;
219 end Types.Sequences;