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[jackhill/mal.git] / lib / protocols.mal
1 ;; A sketch of Clojure-like protocols, implemented in Mal
3 ;; By chouser (Chris Houser)
4 ;; Original:
6 ;; This function maps a MAL value to a keyword representing its type.
7 ;; Most applications will override the default with an explicit value
8 ;; for the `:type` key in the metadata.
9 (def! find-type (fn* [obj]
10 (cond
11 (symbol? obj) :mal/symbol
12 (keyword? obj) :mal/keyword
13 (atom? obj) :mal/atom
14 (nil? obj) :mal/nil
15 (true? obj) :mal/boolean
16 (false? obj) :mal/boolean
17 (number? obj) :mal/number
18 (string? obj) :mal/string
19 (macro? obj) :mal/macro
20 true
21 (let* [metadata (meta obj)
22 type (if (map? metadata) (get metadata :type))]
23 (cond
24 (keyword? type) type
25 (list? obj) :mal/list
26 (vector? obj) :mal/vector
27 (map? obj) :mal/map
28 (fn? obj) :mal/function
29 true (throw "unknown MAL value in protocols"))))))
31 ;; A protocol (abstract class, interface..) is represented by a symbol.
32 ;; It describes methods (abstract functions, contracts, signals..).
33 ;; Each method is described by a sequence of two elements.
34 ;; First, a symbol setting the name of the method.
35 ;; Second, a vector setting its formal parameters.
36 ;; The first parameter is required, plays a special role.
37 ;; It is usually named `this` (`self`..).
38 ;; For example,
39 ;; (defprotocol protocol
40 ;; (method1 [this])
41 ;; (method2 [this argument]))
42 ;; can be thought as:
43 ;; (def! method1 (fn* [this]) ..)
44 ;; (def! method2 (fn* [this argument]) ..)
45 ;; (def! protocol ..)
46 ;; The return value is the new protocol.
47 (defmacro! defprotocol (fn* [proto-name & methods]
48 ;; A protocol is an atom mapping a type extending the protocol to
49 ;; another map from method names as keywords to implementations.
50 (let* [
51 drop2 (fn* [args]
52 (if (= 2 (count args))
53 ()
54 (cons (first args) (drop2 (rest args)))))
55 rewrite (fn* [method]
56 (let* [
57 name (first method)
58 args (nth method 1)
59 argc (count args)
60 varargs? (if (<= 2 argc) (= '& (nth args (- argc 2))))
61 dispatch `(get (get @~proto-name
62 (find-type ~(first args)))
63 ~(keyword (str name)))
64 body (if varargs?
65 `(apply ~dispatch ~@(drop2 args) ~(nth args (- argc 1)))
66 (cons dispatch args))
67 ]
68 (list 'def! name (list 'fn* args body))))
69 ]
70 `(do
71 ~@(map rewrite methods)
72 (def! ~proto-name (atom {}))))))
74 ;; A type (concrete class..) extends (is a subclass of, implements..)
75 ;; a protocol when it provides implementations for the required methods.
76 ;; (extend type protocol {
77 ;; :method1 (fn* [this] ..)
78 ;; :method2 (fn* [this arg1 arg2])})
79 ;; Additionnal protocol/methods pairs are equivalent to successive
80 ;; calls with the same type.
81 ;; The return value is `nil`.
82 (def! extend (fn* [type proto methods & more]
83 (do
84 (swap! proto assoc type methods)
85 (if (first more)
86 (apply extend type more)))))
88 ;; An object satisfies a protocol when its type extends the protocol,
89 ;; that is if the required methods can be applied to the object.
90 (def! satisfies? (fn* [protocol obj]
91 (contains? @protocol (find-type obj))))
92 ;; If `(satisfies protocol obj)` with the protocol below
93 ;; then `(method1 obj)` and `(method2 obj 1 2)`
94 ;; dispatch to the concrete implementation provided by the exact type.
95 ;; Should the type evolve, the calling code needs not change.
97 nil