guile: Fix crash/exception on literal empty list
[jackhill/mal.git] / guile / stepA_mal.scm
1 ;; Copyright (C) 2015
2 ;; "Mu Lei" known as "NalaGinrut" <>
3 ;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 ;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 ;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 (import (readline) (reader) (printer) (ice-9 match) (srfi srfi-43)
17 (srfi srfi-1) (ice-9 receive) (env) (core) (types))
19 ;; Primitives which doesn't unbox args in default.
20 ;; This is a trick to implement meta-info taking advange of the original
21 ;; types of Guile as possible.
22 (define *unbox-exception* '(meta assoc swap!))
24 (define *toplevel*
25 (receive (b e) (unzip2 core.ns)
26 (let ((env (make-Env #:binds b #:exprs (map make-func e))))
27 (for-each (lambda (f)
28 (callable-unbox-set! ((env 'get) f) #f))
29 *unbox-exception*)
30 env)))
32 (define (READ)
33 (read_str (_readline "user> ")))
35 (define (eval_ast ast env)
36 (define (_eval x) (EVAL x env))
37 (match ast
38 ((? symbol? sym) (env-has sym env))
39 ((? list? lst) (map _eval lst))
40 ((? vector? vec) (vector-map (lambda (i x) (_eval x)) vec))
41 ((? hash-table? ht)
42 ;; NOTE: we must allocate a new hashmap here to avoid any side-effects, or
43 ;; there'll be strange bugs!!!
44 (list->hash-map (hash-fold (lambda (k v p) (cons k (cons (_eval v) p))) '() ht)))
45 (else ast)))
47 (define (eval_func ast env)
48 (define (_eval o) (EVAL o env))
49 (define (func? x)
50 (let ((f (if (list? x)
51 (EVAL x env)
52 x)))
53 (if (callable? f)
54 f
55 (and=> (env-check f env) is-func?))))
56 (cond
57 ((func? (car ast))
58 => (lambda (c)
59 (callable-apply c (map _eval (cdr ast)))))
60 (else (throw 'mal-error (format #f "'~a' not found" (car ast))))))
62 (define (eval_seq ast env)
63 (cond
64 ((null? ast) nil)
65 ((null? (cdr ast)) (EVAL (car ast) env))
66 (else
67 (EVAL (car ast) env)
68 (eval_seq (cdr ast) env))))
70 (define (is_macro_call ast env)
71 (and (list? ast)
72 (> (length ast) 0)
73 (and=> (env-check (car ast) env) is-macro?)))
75 (define (_macroexpand ast env)
76 (cond
77 ((is_macro_call ast env)
78 => (lambda (c)
79 ;; NOTE: Macros are normal-order, so we shouldn't eval args here.
80 ;; Or it's applicable-order.
81 (_macroexpand (callable-apply c (cdr ast)) env)))
82 (else ast)))
84 (define (EVAL ast env)
85 (define (%unzip2 kvs)
86 (let lp((next kvs) (k '()) (v '()))
87 (cond
88 ;; NOTE: reverse is very important here!
89 ((null? next) (values (reverse k) (reverse v)))
90 ((null? (cdr next))
91 (throw 'mal-error (format #f "let*: Invalid binding form '~a'" kvs)))
92 (else (lp (cddr next) (cons (car next) k) (cons (cadr next) v))))))
93 (define (_quasiquote obj)
94 (match obj
95 ((('unquote unq) rest ...) `(cons ,unq ,(_quasiquote rest)))
96 (('unquote unq) unq)
97 ((('splice-unquote unqsp) rest ...) `(concat ,unqsp ,(_quasiquote rest)))
98 ((head rest ...) (list 'cons (_quasiquote head) (_quasiquote rest)))
99 (else `(quote ,obj))))
100 ;; NOTE: I wish I can use (while #t ...) for that, but this is not Lispy, which means
101 ;; it'll bring some trouble in control flow. We have to use continuations to return
102 ;; and use non-standard `break' feature. In a word, not elegant at all.
103 ;; The named let loop is natural for Scheme, but it looks a bit cheating. But NO!
104 ;; Such kind of loop is actually `while loop' in Scheme, I don't take advantage of
105 ;; TCO in Scheme to implement TCO, but it's the same principle with normal loop.
106 ;; If you're Lispy enough, there's no recursive at all while you saw named let loop.
107 (let tco-loop((ast ast) (env env)) ; expand as possible
108 (let ((ast (_macroexpand ast env)))
109 (match ast
110 ((? non-list?) (eval_ast ast env))
111 (() ast)
112 (('defmacro! k v)
113 (let ((c (EVAL v env)))
114 (callable-is_macro-set! c #t)
115 ((env 'set) k c)))
116 (('macroexpand obj) (_macroexpand obj env))
117 (('quote obj) obj)
118 (('quasiquote obj) (EVAL (_quasiquote (->list obj)) env))
119 (('def! k v) ((env 'set) k (EVAL v env)))
120 (('let* kvs body)
121 (let* ((new-env (make-Env #:outer env))
122 (setter (lambda (k v) ((new-env 'set) k (EVAL v new-env)))))
123 (receive (keys vals) (%unzip2 (->list kvs))
124 (for-each setter keys vals))
125 (tco-loop body new-env)))
126 (('do rest ...)
127 (cond
128 ((null? rest)
129 (throw 'mal-error (format #f "do: Invalid form! '~a'" rest)))
130 ((= 1 (length rest)) (tco-loop (car rest) env))
131 (else
132 (let ((mexpr (take rest (1- (length rest))))
133 (tail-call (car (take-right rest 1))))
134 (eval_seq mexpr env)
135 (tco-loop tail-call env)))))
136 (('if cnd thn els ...)
137 (cond
138 ((and (not (null? els)) (not (null? (cdr els))))
139 ;; Invalid `if' form
140 (throw 'mal-error
141 (format #f "if: failed to match any pattern in form '~a'" ast)))
142 ((cond-true? (EVAL cnd env)) (tco-loop thn env))
143 (else (if (null? els) nil (tco-loop (car els) env)))))
144 (('fn* params body ...) ; function definition
145 (make-anonymous-func
146 (lambda args
147 (let ((nenv (make-Env #:outer env #:binds (->list params) #:exprs args)))
148 (cond
149 ((null? body)
150 (throw 'mal-error (format #f "fn*: bad lambda in form '~a'" ast)))
151 ((= 1 (length body)) (tco-loop (car body) nenv))
152 (else
153 (let ((mexpr (take body (1- (length body))))
154 (tail-call (car (take-right body 1))))
155 (eval_seq mexpr nenv)
156 (tco-loop tail-call nenv))))))))
157 (('try* A ('catch* B C))
158 (catch
159 #t
160 (lambda () (EVAL A env))
161 (lambda (k . e)
162 (case k
163 ((mal-error)
164 (let ((nenv (make-Env #:outer env #:binds (list B) #:exprs e)))
165 (EVAL C nenv)))
166 ;; TODO: add backtrace
167 (else (print-exception (current-output-port) #f k e))))))
168 (else (eval_func ast env))))))
170 (define (EVAL-string str)
171 (EVAL (read_str str) *toplevel*))
173 (define (PRINT exp)
174 (and (not (eof-object? exp))
175 (format #t "~a~%" (pr_str exp #t))))
177 (define (LOOP continue?)
178 (and continue? (REPL)))
180 (define (REPL)
181 (LOOP
182 (catch #t
183 (lambda () (PRINT (EVAL (READ) *toplevel*)))
184 (lambda (k . e)
185 (case k
186 ((mal-error)
187 (if (string=? (car e) "blank line")
188 (display "")
189 (format #t "Error: ~a~%" (car e))))
190 (else (print-exception (current-output-port) #f k e)))))))
192 ;; initialization
193 ((*toplevel* 'set) 'eval (make-func (lambda (ast) (EVAL ast *toplevel*))))
194 ((*toplevel* 'set) 'throw (make-func (lambda (val) (throw 'mal-error val))))
195 ((*toplevel* 'set) '*ARGV* '())
196 (EVAL-string "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))")
197 (EVAL-string "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))")
198 (EVAL-string "(def! *gensym-counter* (atom 0))")
199 (EVAL-string "(def! gensym (fn* [] (symbol (str \"G__\" (swap! *gensym-counter* (fn* [x] (+ 1 x)))))))")
200 (EVAL-string "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) (let* (condvar (gensym)) `(let* (~condvar ~(first xs)) (if ~condvar ~condvar (or ~@(rest xs)))))))))")
201 (EVAL-string "(def! *host-language* \"guile\")")
203 (let ((args (cdr (command-line))))
204 (cond
205 ((> (length args) 0)
206 ((*toplevel* 'set) '*ARGV* (cdr args))
207 (EVAL-string (string-append "(load-file \"" (car args) "\")")))
208 (else
209 (EVAL-string "(println (str \"Mal (\" *host-language* \")\"))")
210 (REPL))))