Merge branch 'master' into chuck-implementation
[jackhill/mal.git] / io /
1 MalTypes
2 MalReader
4 READ := method(str, MalReader read_str(str))
6 isPair := method(obj,
7 obj ?isSequential and(obj isEmpty not)
8 )
10 quasiquote := method(ast,
11 if(isPair(ast) not, return(MalList with(list(MalSymbol with("quote"), ast))))
12 a0 := ast at(0)
13 if(a0 == MalSymbol with("unquote"), return(ast at(1)))
14 if(isPair(a0) and (a0 at(0) == MalSymbol with("splice-unquote")),
15 return(MalList with(list(MalSymbol with("concat"), a0 at(1), quasiquote(ast rest)))),
16 return(MalList with(list(MalSymbol with("cons"), quasiquote(a0), quasiquote(ast rest)))))
17 )
19 isMacroCall := method(ast, env,
20 if(ast type != "MalList", return false)
21 a0 := ast first
22 if(a0 type != "MalSymbol", return false)
23 if(env find(a0) isNil, return false)
24 f := env get(a0)
25 (f type == "MalFunc") and (f isMacro)
26 )
28 macroexpand := method(ast, env,
29 while(isMacroCall(ast, env),
30 macro := env get(ast at(0))
31 ast = macro blk call(ast rest)
32 )
33 ast
34 )
36 eval_ast := method(ast, env,
37 (ast type) switch(
38 "MalSymbol", env get(ast),
39 "MalList", MalList with(ast map(a, EVAL(a, env))),
40 "MalVector", MalVector with(ast map(a, EVAL(a, env))),
41 "MalMap",
42 m := MalMap clone
43 ast foreach(k, v,
44 keyObj := MalMap keyToObj(k)
45 m atPut(MalMap objToKey(EVAL(keyObj, env)), EVAL(v, env))
46 )
47 m,
48 ast
49 )
50 )
52 EVAL := method(ast, env,
53 loop(
54 if(ast type != "MalList", return(eval_ast(ast, env)))
56 ast = macroexpand(ast, env)
57 if(ast type != "MalList", return(eval_ast(ast, env)))
58 if(ast isEmpty, return ast)
60 if(ast at(0) type == "MalSymbol",
61 ast at(0) val switch(
62 "def!",
63 return(env set(ast at(1), EVAL(ast at(2), env))),
64 "do",
65 eval_ast(ast slice(1,-1), env)
66 ast = ast last
67 continue, // TCO
68 "if",
69 ast = if(EVAL(ast at(1), env), ast at(2), ast at(3))
70 continue, // TCO
71 "fn*",
72 return(MalFunc with(ast at(2), ast at(1), env, block(a, EVAL(ast at(2), Env with(env, ast at(1), a))))),
73 "let*",
74 letEnv := Env with(env)
75 varName := nil
76 ast at(1) foreach(i, e,
77 if(i % 2 == 0,
78 varName := e,
79 letEnv set(varName, EVAL(e, letEnv))
80 )
81 )
82 ast = ast at(2)
83 env = letEnv
84 continue, // TCO
85 "quote",
86 return(ast at(1)),
87 "quasiquote",
88 ast = quasiquote(ast at(1))
89 continue, // TCO
90 "defmacro!",
91 return(env set(ast at(1), EVAL(ast at(2), env) setIsMacro(true))),
92 "macroexpand",
93 return(macroexpand(ast at(1), env)),
94 "try*",
95 e := try(result := EVAL(ast at(1), env))
96 e catch(Exception,
97 exc := if(e type == "MalException", e val, e error)
98 catchAst := ast at(2)
99 catchEnv := Env with(env)
100 catchEnv set(catchAst at(1), exc)
101 result := EVAL(catchAst at(2), catchEnv)
102 )
103 return(result)
104 )
105 )
107 // Apply
108 el := eval_ast(ast, env)
109 f := el at(0)
110 args := el rest
111 f type switch(
112 "Block",
113 return(f call(args)),
114 "MalFunc",
115 ast = f ast
116 env = Env with(f env, f params, args)
117 continue, // TCO
118 Exception raise("Unknown function type")
119 )
120 )
121 )
123 PRINT := method(exp, exp malPrint(true))
125 repl_env := Env with(nil)
127 RE := method(str, EVAL(READ(str), repl_env))
129 REP := method(str, PRINT(RE(str)))
131 MalCore NS foreach(k, v, repl_env set(MalSymbol with(k), v))
132 repl_env set(MalSymbol with("eval"), block(a, EVAL(a at(0), repl_env)))
133 repl_env set(MalSymbol with("*ARGV*"), MalList with(System args slice(2)))
135 // core.mal: defined using the language itself
136 RE("(def! *host-language* \"io\")")
137 RE("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))")
138 RE("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))")
139 RE("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))")
140 RE("(def! *gensym-counter* (atom 0))")
141 RE("(def! gensym (fn* [] (symbol (str \"G__\" (swap! *gensym-counter* (fn* [x] (+ 1 x)))))))")
142 RE("(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) (let* (condvar (gensym)) `(let* (~condvar ~(first xs)) (if ~condvar ~condvar (or ~@(rest xs)))))))))")
144 if(System args size > 1,
145 REP("(load-file \"" .. (System args at(1)) .. "\")")
146 System exit(0)
147 )
149 RE("(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))")
150 loop(
151 line := MalReadline readLine("user> ")
152 if(line isNil, break)
153 if(line isEmpty, continue)
154 e := try(REP(line) println)
155 e catch(Exception,
156 ("Error: " .. (e error)) println
157 )
158 )