lua: Fix exception on literal empty list
[jackhill/mal.git] / lua / step4_if_fn_do.lua
1 #!/usr/bin/env lua
3 local table = require('table')
5 local readline = require('readline')
6 local utils = require('utils')
7 local types = require('types')
8 local reader = require('reader')
9 local printer = require('printer')
10 local Env = require('env')
11 local core = require('core')
12 local List, Vector, HashMap = types.List, types.Vector, types.HashMap
14 -- read
15 function READ(str)
16 return reader.read_str(str)
17 end
19 -- eval
20 function eval_ast(ast, env)
21 if types._symbol_Q(ast) then
22 return env:get(ast)
23 elseif types._list_Q(ast) then
24 return List:new( return EVAL(x,env) end,ast))
25 elseif types._vector_Q(ast) then
26 return Vector:new( return EVAL(x,env) end,ast))
27 elseif types._hash_map_Q(ast) then
28 local new_hm = {}
29 for k,v in pairs(ast) do
30 new_hm[EVAL(k, env)] = EVAL(v, env)
31 end
32 return HashMap:new(new_hm)
33 else
34 return ast
35 end
36 end
38 function EVAL(ast, env)
39 --print("EVAL: "..printer._pr_str(ast,true))
40 if not types._list_Q(ast) then return eval_ast(ast, env) end
42 local a0,a1,a2,a3 = ast[1], ast[2],ast[3],ast[4]
43 if not a0 then return ast end
44 local a0sym = types._symbol_Q(a0) and a0.val or ""
45 if 'def!' == a0sym then
46 return env:set(a1, EVAL(a2, env))
47 elseif 'let*' == a0sym then
48 local let_env = Env:new(env)
49 for i = 1,#a1,2 do
50 let_env:set(a1[i], EVAL(a1[i+1], let_env))
51 end
52 return EVAL(a2, let_env)
53 elseif 'do' == a0sym then
54 local el = eval_ast(ast:slice(2,#ast), env)
55 return el[#el]
56 elseif 'if' == a0sym then
57 local cond = EVAL(a1, env)
58 if cond == types.Nil or cond == false then
59 if a3 then return EVAL(a3, env) else return types.Nil end
60 else
61 return EVAL(a2, env)
62 end
63 elseif 'fn*' == a0sym then
64 return function(...)
65 return EVAL(a2, Env:new(env, a1, arg))
66 end
67 else
68 local args = eval_ast(ast, env)
69 local f = table.remove(args, 1)
70 return f(unpack(args))
71 end
72 end
74 -- print
75 function PRINT(exp)
76 return printer._pr_str(exp, true)
77 end
79 -- repl
80 local repl_env = Env:new()
81 function rep(str)
82 return PRINT(EVAL(READ(str),repl_env))
83 end
85 -- core.lua: defined using Lua
86 for k,v in pairs(core.ns) do
87 repl_env:set(types.Symbol:new(k), v)
88 end
90 -- core.mal: defined using mal
91 rep("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))")
93 if #arg > 0 and arg[1] == "--raw" then
94 readline.raw = true
95 end
97 while true do
98 line = readline.readline("user> ")
99 if not line then break end
100 xpcall(function()
101 print(rep(line))
102 end, function(exc)
103 if exc then
104 if types._malexception_Q(exc) then
105 exc = printer._pr_str(exc.val, true)
106 end
107 print("Error: " .. exc)
108 print(debug.traceback())
109 end
110 end)
111 end