R: add hash-map and metadata support.
[jackhill/mal.git] / r / step3_env.r
1 if(!exists("..readline..")) source("readline.r")
2 if(!exists("..types..")) source("types.r")
3 if(!exists("..reader..")) source("reader.r")
4 if(!exists("..printer..")) source("printer.r")
5 if(!exists("..env..")) source("env.r")
7 READ <- function(str) {
8 return(read_str(str))
9 }
11 eval_ast <- function(ast, env) {
12 if (.symbol_q(ast)) {
13 Env.get(env, ast)
14 } else if (.list_q(ast)) {
15 new.listl(lapply(ast, function(a) EVAL(a, env)))
16 } else if (.vector_q(ast)) {
17 new.vectorl(lapply(ast, function(a) EVAL(a, env)))
18 } else if (.hash_map_q(ast)) {
19 lst <- list()
20 for(k in ls(ast)) {
21 lst[[length(lst)+1]] = k
22 lst[[length(lst)+1]] = EVAL(ast[[k]], env)
23 }
24 new.hash_mapl(lst)
25 } else {
26 ast
27 }
28 }
30 EVAL <- function(ast, env) {
31 #cat("EVAL: ", .pr_str(ast,TRUE), "\n", sep="")
32 if (!.list_q(ast)) {
33 return(eval_ast(ast, env))
34 }
36 # apply list
37 switch(paste("l",length(ast),sep=""),
38 l0={ return(ast) },
39 l1={ a0 <- ast[[1]]; a1 <- NULL; a2 <- NULL },
40 l2={ a0 <- ast[[1]]; a1 <- ast[[2]]; a2 <- NULL },
41 { a0 <- ast[[1]]; a1 <- ast[[2]]; a2 <- ast[[3]] })
42 a0sym <- as.character(a0)
43 if (a0sym == "def!") {
44 res <- EVAL(ast[[3]], env)
45 return(Env.set(env, a1, res))
46 } else if (a0sym == "let*") {
47 let_env <- new.Env(env)
48 for(i in seq(1,length(a1),2)) {
49 Env.set(let_env, a1[[i]], EVAL(a1[[i+1]], let_env))
50 }
51 return(EVAL(a2, let_env))
52 } else {
53 el <- eval_ast(ast, env)
54 f <- el[[1]]
55 return(do.call(f,slice(el,2)))
56 }
57 }
59 PRINT <- function(exp) {
60 return(.pr_str(exp, TRUE))
61 }
63 repl_env <- new.Env()
64 Env.set(repl_env, "+", function(a,b) a+b)
65 Env.set(repl_env, "-", function(a,b) a-b)
66 Env.set(repl_env, "*", function(a,b) a*b)
67 Env.set(repl_env, "/", function(a,b) a/b)
69 rep <- function(str) return(PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env)))
71 repeat {
72 line <- readline("user> ")
73 if (is.null(line)) { cat("\n"); break }
74 tryCatch({
75 cat(rep(line),"\n", sep="")
76 }, error=function(err) {
77 cat("Error: ", get_error(err),"\n", sep="")
78 })
79 # R debug/fatal with tracebacks:
80 #cat(rep(line),"\n", sep="")
81 }