step7: Streamlined pattern matching with some active patterns.
[jackhill/mal.git] / fsharp / types.fs
1 module Types
3 exception ReaderError of string
4 exception EvalError of string
6 [<CustomEquality; CustomComparison>]
7 type Node =
8 | Nil
9 | List of Node list
10 | Vector of Node System.ArraySegment
11 | Map of Collections.Map<Node, Node>
12 | Symbol of string
13 | Keyword of string
14 | Number of int64
15 | String of string
16 | Bool of bool
17 | Func of int * (Node list -> Node) * Node * Node list * EnvChain
19 static member private hashSeq (s : seq<Node>) =
20 let iter st node = (st * 397) ^^^ node.GetHashCode()
21 s |> Seq.fold iter 0
23 static member private allEqual (x : seq<Node>) (y : seq<Node>) =
24 use ex = x.GetEnumerator()
25 use ey = y.GetEnumerator()
26 let rec loop () =
27 match ex.MoveNext(), ey.MoveNext() with
28 | false, false -> true
29 | false, true
30 | true, false -> false
31 | true, true ->
32 if ex.Current = ey.Current then
33 loop ()
34 else
35 false
36 loop ()
38 static member private allCompare (x : seq<Node>) (y : seq<Node>) =
39 use ex = x.GetEnumerator()
40 use ey = y.GetEnumerator()
41 let rec loop () =
42 match ex.MoveNext(), ey.MoveNext() with
43 | false, false -> 0
44 | false, true -> -1
45 | true, false -> 1
46 | true, true ->
47 let cmp = compare ex.Current ey.Current
48 if cmp = 0 then loop () else cmp
49 loop ()
51 static member private rank x =
52 match x with
53 | Nil -> 0
54 | List(_) -> 1
55 | Vector(_) -> 2
56 | Map(_) -> 3
57 | Symbol(_) -> 4
58 | Keyword(_) -> 5
59 | Number(_) -> 6
60 | String(_) -> 7
61 | Bool(_) -> 8
62 | Func(_, _, _, _, _) -> 9
64 static member private equals x y =
65 match x, y with
66 | Nil, Nil -> true
67 | List(a), List(b) -> a = b
68 | List(a), Vector(b) -> Node.allEqual a b
69 | Vector(a), List(b) -> Node.allEqual a b
70 | Vector(a), Vector(b) -> Node.allEqual a b
71 | Map(a), Map(b) -> a = b
72 | Symbol(a), Symbol(b) -> a = b
73 | Keyword(a), Keyword(b) -> a = b
74 | Number(a), Number(b) -> a = b
75 | String(a), String(b) -> a = b
76 | Bool(a), Bool(b) -> a = b
77 | Func(a, _, _, _, _), Func(b, _, _, _, _) -> a = b
78 | _, _ -> false
80 static member private compare x y =
81 match x, y with
82 | Nil, Nil -> 0
83 | List(a), List(b) -> compare a b
84 | List(a), Vector(b) -> Node.allCompare a b
85 | Vector(a), List(b) -> Node.allCompare a b
86 | Vector(a), Vector(b) -> Node.allCompare a b
87 | Map(a), Map(b) -> compare a b
88 | Symbol(a), Symbol(b) -> compare a b
89 | Keyword(a), Keyword(b) -> compare a b
90 | Number(a), Number(b) -> compare a b
91 | String(a), String(b) -> compare a b
92 | Bool(a), Bool(b) -> compare a b
93 | Func(a, _, _, _, _), Func(b, _, _, _, _) -> compare a b
94 | a, b -> compare (Node.rank a) (Node.rank b)
96 override x.Equals yobj =
97 match yobj with
98 | :? Node as y -> Node.equals x y
99 | _ -> false
101 override x.GetHashCode() =
102 match x with
103 | Nil -> 0
104 | List(lst) -> hash lst
105 | Vector(vec) -> Node.hashSeq vec
106 | Map(map) -> hash map
107 | Symbol(sym) -> hash sym
108 | Keyword(key) -> hash key
109 | Number(num) -> hash num
110 | String(str) -> hash str
111 | Bool(b) -> hash b
112 | Func(tag, _, _, _, _) -> hash tag
114 interface System.IComparable with
115 member x.CompareTo yobj =
116 match yobj with
117 | :? Node as y -> x y
118 | _ -> invalidArg "yobj" "Cannot compare values of different types."
120 static member ofArray arr = System.ArraySegment(arr) |> Vector
121 static member toArray = function
122 | List(lst) -> Array.ofList lst
123 | Vector(seg) -> Array.sub seg.Array seg.Offset seg.Count
124 | node -> [| node |]
125 static member length = function
126 | List(lst) -> List.length lst
127 | Vector(seg) -> seg.Count
128 | Map(m) -> m.Count
129 | _ -> 1
131 and Env = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Node>
132 and EnvChain = Env list
134 let TRUE = Bool(true)
135 let SomeTRUE = Some(TRUE)
136 let FALSE = Bool(false)
137 let SomeFALSE = Some(FALSE)
138 let NIL = Nil
139 let SomeNIL = Some(NIL)
140 let ZERO = Number(0L)
142 (* Active Patterns to help with pattern matching nodes *)
143 let (|Elements|_|) num node =
144 let rec accumList acc idx lst =
145 let len = Array.length acc
146 match lst with
147 | [] when idx = len -> Some(Elements acc)
148 | h::t when idx < len ->
149 acc.[idx] <- h
150 accumList acc (idx + 1) t
151 | _ -> None
152 match node with
153 | List(lst) -> accumList (Array.zeroCreate num) 0 lst
154 | Vector(seg) when seg.Count = num -> Some(Node.toArray node)
155 | _ -> None
157 let (|Head|_|) = function
158 | List(h::t) -> Some(Head(h, List(t)))
159 | Vector(seg) when seg.Count > 0 ->
160 let h = seg.Array.[seg.Offset]
161 let t = System.ArraySegment(seg.Array, seg.Offset + 1, seg.Count - 1)
162 |> Vector
163 Some(Head(h, t))
164 | _ -> None
166 let (|Empty|_|) = function
167 | List([]) -> Some(Empty)
168 | Vector(seg) when seg.Count = 0 -> Some(Empty)
169 | _ -> None