Object Pascal: full implementation. Test cleanup.
[jackhill/mal.git] / objpascal / printer.pas
1 unit printer;
3 {$H+} // Use AnsiString
5 interface
7 Uses sysutils,
8 mal_types,
9 mal_func;
11 function pr_str_array(Args : TMalArray;
12 print_readably : Boolean;
13 Separator : string) : string;
15 function pr_str(Obj : TMal; print_readably : Boolean) : string;
17 implementation
19 function pr_str_array(Args : TMalArray;
20 print_readably : Boolean;
21 Separator : string) : string;
22 var
23 Str : string;
24 I : longint;
25 begin
26 Str := '';
27 for I := 0 to Length(Args)-1 do
28 begin
29 Str := Str + pr_str(Args[I], print_readably);
30 if I <> Length(Args)-1 then
31 Str := Str + Separator;
32 end;
33 pr_str_array := Str;
34 end;
36 function pr_str_dict(Dict : TMalDict;
37 print_readably : Boolean;
38 Separator : string) : string;
39 var
40 I : longint;
41 Arr : TMalArray;
42 begin
43 SetLength(Arr, Dict.Count * 2);
44 I := 0;
45 while I < Dict.Count do
46 begin
47 Arr[I*2] := TMalString.Create(Dict.Keys[I]);
48 Arr[I*2+1] := Dict[Dict.Keys[I]];
49 I := I + 1;
50 end;
51 pr_str_dict := pr_str_array(Arr, print_readably, ' ');
52 end;
55 function pr_str(Obj : TMal; print_readably : Boolean) : string;
56 var
57 Str : string;
58 Fn : TMalFunc;
59 begin
60 if Obj.ClassType = TMalList then
61 pr_str := '(' + pr_str_array((Obj as TMalList).Val,
62 print_readably,
63 ' ') + ')'
64 else if Obj.ClassType = TMalVector then
65 pr_str := '[' + pr_str_array((Obj as TMalList).Val,
66 print_readably,
67 ' ') + ']'
68 else if Obj is TMalHashMap then
69 pr_str := '{' + pr_str_dict((Obj as TMalHashMap).Val,
70 print_readably,
71 ' ') + '}'
72 else if Obj is TMalString then
73 begin
74 Str := (Obj as TMalString).Val;
75 if (Length(Str) > 0) and (Str[1] = #127) then
76 pr_str := ':' + copy(Str, 2, Length(Str))
77 else if print_readably then
78 begin
79 Str := StringReplace(Str, '\', '\\', [rfReplaceAll]);
80 Str := StringReplace(Str, '"', '\"', [rfReplaceAll]);
81 Str := StringReplace(Str, #10, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]);
82 pr_str := Format('"%s"', [Str])
83 end
84 else
85 pr_str := Str;
86 end
87 else if Obj is TMalNil then
88 pr_str := 'nil'
89 else if Obj is TMalTrue then
90 pr_str := 'true'
91 else if Obj is TMalFalse then
92 pr_str := 'false'
93 else if Obj is TMalInt then
94 pr_str := IntToStr((Obj as TMalInt).Val)
95 else if Obj is TMalSymbol then
96 pr_str := (Obj as TMalSymbol).Val
97 else if Obj is TMalAtom then
98 pr_str := '(atom ' +
99 pr_str((Obj as TMalAtom).Val, print_readably) +
100 ')'
101 else if Obj is TMalFunc then
102 begin
103 Fn := (Obj as TMalFunc);
104 if Fn.Ast = nil then
105 pr_str := '#<native function>'
106 else
107 pr_str := '(fn* ' + pr_str(Fn.Params,true) +
108 ' ' + pr_str(Fn.Ast,true) + ')'
109 end
110 else
111 pr_str := '#unknown';
112 end;
114 end.