WIP: bees service
[jackhill/guix/guix.git] / guix / channels.scm
1 ;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
2 ;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
3 ;;; Copyright © 2018 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
4 ;;; Copyright © 2019 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
5 ;;;
6 ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
7 ;;;
8 ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
11 ;;; your option) any later version.
12 ;;;
13 ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14 ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
17 ;;;
18 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 (define-module (guix channels)
22 #:use-module (git)
23 #:use-module (guix git)
24 #:use-module (guix git-authenticate)
25 #:use-module ((guix openpgp)
26 #:select (openpgp-public-key-fingerprint
27 openpgp-format-fingerprint))
28 #:use-module (guix base16)
29 #:use-module (guix records)
30 #:use-module (guix gexp)
31 #:use-module (guix modules)
32 #:use-module (guix discovery)
33 #:use-module (guix monads)
34 #:use-module (guix profiles)
35 #:use-module (guix packages)
36 #:use-module (guix progress)
37 #:use-module (guix derivations)
38 #:use-module (guix combinators)
39 #:use-module (guix diagnostics)
40 #:use-module (guix sets)
41 #:use-module (guix store)
42 #:use-module (guix i18n)
43 #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
44 #:use-module (srfi srfi-2)
45 #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
46 #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
47 #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
48 #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
49 #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
50 #:autoload (guix describe) (current-channels) ;XXX: circular dep
51 #:autoload (guix self) (whole-package make-config.scm)
52 #:autoload (guix inferior) (gexp->derivation-in-inferior) ;FIXME: circular dep
53 #:autoload (guix quirks) (%quirks %patches applicable-patch? apply-patch)
54 #:use-module (ice-9 format)
55 #:use-module (ice-9 match)
56 #:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
57 #:use-module ((ice-9 rdelim) #:select (read-string))
58 #:use-module ((rnrs bytevectors) #:select (bytevector=?))
59 #:export (channel
60 channel?
61 channel-name
62 channel-url
63 channel-branch
64 channel-commit
65 channel-introduction
66 channel-location
68 channel-introduction?
69 make-channel-introduction
70 channel-introduction-first-signed-commit
71 channel-introduction-first-commit-signer
73 openpgp-fingerprint->bytevector
74 openpgp-fingerprint
76 %default-guix-channel
77 %default-channels
78 guix-channel?
80 channel-instance?
81 channel-instance-channel
82 channel-instance-commit
83 channel-instance-checkout
85 authenticate-channel
86 latest-channel-instances
87 checkout->channel-instance
88 latest-channel-derivation
89 channel-instance->sexp
90 channel-instances->manifest
91 %channel-profile-hooks
92 channel-instances->derivation
93 ensure-forward-channel-update
95 profile-channels
96 manifest-entry-channel
97 sexp->channel
98 channel->code
100 channel-news-entry?
101 channel-news-entry-commit
102 channel-news-entry-tag
103 channel-news-entry-title
104 channel-news-entry-body
106 channel-news-for-commit))
108 ;;; Commentary:
109 ;;;
110 ;;; This module implements "channels." A channel is usually a source of
111 ;;; package definitions. There's a special channel, the 'guix' channel, that
112 ;;; provides all of Guix, including its commands and its documentation.
113 ;;; User-defined channels are expected to typically provide a bunch of .scm
114 ;;; files meant to be added to the '%package-search-path'.
115 ;;;
116 ;;; This module provides tools to fetch and update channels from a Git
117 ;;; repository and to build them.
118 ;;;
119 ;;; Code:
121 (define-record-type* <channel> channel make-channel
122 channel?
123 (name channel-name)
124 (url channel-url)
125 (branch channel-branch (default "master"))
126 (commit channel-commit (default #f))
127 (introduction channel-introduction (default #f))
128 (location channel-location
129 (default (current-source-location)) (innate)))
131 ;; Channel introductions. A "channel introduction" provides a commit/signer
132 ;; pair that specifies the first commit of the authentication process as well
133 ;; as its signer's fingerprint. Introductions are used to bootstrap trust in
134 ;; a channel.
135 (define-record-type <channel-introduction>
136 (%make-channel-introduction first-signed-commit first-commit-signer)
137 channel-introduction?
138 (first-signed-commit channel-introduction-first-signed-commit) ;hex string
139 (first-commit-signer channel-introduction-first-commit-signer)) ;bytevector
141 (define (make-channel-introduction commit signer)
142 "Return a new channel introduction: COMMIT is the introductory where
143 authentication starts, and SIGNER is the OpenPGP fingerprint (a bytevector) of
144 the signer of that commit."
145 (%make-channel-introduction commit signer))
147 (define (openpgp-fingerprint->bytevector str)
148 "Convert STR, an OpenPGP fingerprint (hexadecimal string with whitespace),
149 to the corresponding bytevector."
150 (base16-string->bytevector
151 (string-downcase (string-filter char-set:hex-digit str))))
153 (define-syntax openpgp-fingerprint
154 (lambda (s)
155 "Convert STR, an OpenPGP fingerprint (hexadecimal string with whitespace),
156 to the corresponding bytevector."
157 (syntax-case s ()
158 ((_ str)
159 (string? (syntax->datum #'str))
160 (openpgp-fingerprint->bytevector (syntax->datum #'str)))
161 ((_ str)
162 #'(openpgp-fingerprint->bytevector str)))))
164 (define %guix-channel-introduction
165 ;; Introduction of the official 'guix channel. The chosen commit is the
166 ;; first one that introduces '.guix-authorizations' on the 'staging'
167 ;; branch that was eventually merged in 'master'. Any branch starting
168 ;; before that commit cannot be merged or it will be rejected by 'guix pull'
169 ;; & co.
170 (make-channel-introduction
171 "9edb3f66fd807b096b48283debdcddccfea34bad" ;2020-05-26
172 (openpgp-fingerprint ;mbakke
173 "BBB0 2DDF 2CEA F6A8 0D1D E643 A2A0 6DF2 A33A 54FA")))
175 (define %default-channel-url
176 ;; URL of the default 'guix' channel.
177 "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git")
179 (define %default-guix-channel
180 (channel
181 (name 'guix)
182 (branch "master")
183 (url %default-channel-url)
184 (introduction %guix-channel-introduction)))
186 (define %default-channels
187 ;; Default list of channels.
188 (list %default-guix-channel))
190 (define (guix-channel? channel)
191 "Return true if CHANNEL is the 'guix' channel."
192 (eq? 'guix (channel-name channel)))
194 (define (ensure-default-introduction chan)
195 "If CHAN represents the \"official\" 'guix' channel and lacks an
196 introduction, add it."
197 (if (and (guix-channel? chan)
198 (not (channel-introduction chan))
199 (string=? (channel-url chan) %default-channel-url))
200 (channel (inherit chan)
201 (introduction %guix-channel-introduction))
202 chan))
204 (define-record-type <channel-instance>
205 (channel-instance channel commit checkout)
206 channel-instance?
207 (channel channel-instance-channel)
208 (commit channel-instance-commit)
209 (checkout channel-instance-checkout))
211 (define-record-type <channel-metadata>
212 (channel-metadata directory dependencies news-file keyring-reference url)
213 channel-metadata?
214 (directory channel-metadata-directory) ;string with leading slash
215 (dependencies channel-metadata-dependencies) ;list of <channel>
216 (news-file channel-metadata-news-file) ;string | #f
217 (keyring-reference channel-metadata-keyring-reference) ;string
218 (url channel-metadata-url)) ;string | #f
220 (define %default-keyring-reference
221 ;; Default value of the 'keyring-reference' field.
222 "keyring")
224 (define (channel-reference channel)
225 "Return the \"reference\" for CHANNEL, an sexp suitable for
226 'latest-repository-commit'."
227 (match (channel-commit channel)
228 (#f `(branch . ,(channel-branch channel)))
229 (commit `(commit . ,(channel-commit channel)))))
231 (define sexp->channel-introduction
232 (match-lambda
233 (('channel-introduction ('version 0)
234 ('commit commit) ('signer signer)
235 _ ...)
236 (make-channel-introduction commit (openpgp-fingerprint signer)))
237 (x #f)))
239 (define (read-channel-metadata port)
240 "Read from PORT channel metadata in the format expected for the
241 '.guix-channel' file. Return a <channel-metadata> record, or raise an error
242 if valid metadata could not be read from PORT."
243 (match (read port)
244 (('channel ('version 0) properties ...)
245 (let ((directory (and=> (assoc-ref properties 'directory) first))
246 (dependencies (or (assoc-ref properties 'dependencies) '()))
247 (news-file (and=> (assoc-ref properties 'news-file) first))
248 (url (and=> (assoc-ref properties 'url) first))
249 (keyring-reference
250 (or (and=> (assoc-ref properties 'keyring-reference) first)
251 %default-keyring-reference)))
252 (channel-metadata
253 (cond ((not directory) "/") ;directory
254 ((string-prefix? "/" directory) directory)
255 (else (string-append "/" directory)))
256 (map (lambda (item) ;dependencies
257 (let ((get (lambda* (key #:optional default)
258 (or (and=> (assoc-ref item key) first) default))))
259 (and-let* ((name (get 'name))
260 (url (get 'url))
261 (branch (get 'branch "master")))
262 (channel
263 (name name)
264 (branch branch)
265 (url url)
266 (commit (get 'commit))
267 (introduction (and=> (get 'introduction)
268 sexp->channel-introduction))))))
269 dependencies)
270 news-file
271 keyring-reference
272 url)))
273 ((and ('channel ('version version) _ ...) sexp)
274 (raise (condition
275 (&message (message "unsupported '.guix-channel' version"))
276 (&error-location
277 (location (source-properties->location
278 (source-properties sexp)))))))
279 (sexp
280 (raise (condition
281 (&message (message "invalid '.guix-channel' file"))
282 (&error-location
283 (location (source-properties->location
284 (source-properties sexp)))))))))
286 (define (read-channel-metadata-from-source source)
287 "Return a channel-metadata record read from channel's SOURCE/.guix-channel
288 description file, or return the default channel-metadata record if that file
289 doesn't exist."
290 (catch 'system-error
291 (lambda ()
292 (call-with-input-file (string-append source "/.guix-channel")
293 read-channel-metadata))
294 (lambda args
295 (if (= ENOENT (system-error-errno args))
296 (channel-metadata "/" '() #f %default-keyring-reference #f)
297 (apply throw args)))))
299 (define (channel-instance-metadata instance)
300 "Return a channel-metadata record read from the channel INSTANCE's
301 description file or its default value."
302 (read-channel-metadata-from-source (channel-instance-checkout instance)))
304 (define (channel-instance-dependencies instance)
305 "Return the list of channels that are declared as dependencies for the given
306 channel INSTANCE."
307 (channel-metadata-dependencies (channel-instance-metadata instance)))
309 (define (apply-patches checkout commit patches)
310 "Apply the matching PATCHES to CHECKOUT, modifying files in place. The
311 result is unspecified."
312 (let loop ((patches patches))
313 (match patches
314 (() #t)
315 ((patch rest ...)
316 (when (applicable-patch? patch checkout commit)
317 (apply-patch patch checkout))
318 (loop rest)))))
320 (define commit-short-id
321 (compose (cut string-take <> 7) oid->string commit-id))
323 (define* (authenticate-channel channel checkout commit
324 #:key (keyring-reference-prefix "origin/"))
325 "Authenticate the given COMMIT of CHANNEL, available at CHECKOUT, a
326 directory containing a CHANNEL checkout. Raise an error if authentication
327 fails."
328 (define intro
329 (channel-introduction channel))
331 (define cache-key
332 (string-append "channels/" (symbol->string (channel-name channel))))
334 (define keyring-reference
335 (channel-metadata-keyring-reference
336 (read-channel-metadata-from-source checkout)))
338 (define (make-reporter start-commit end-commit commits)
339 (format (current-error-port)
340 (G_ "Authenticating channel '~a', commits ~a to ~a (~h new \
341 commits)...~%")
342 (channel-name channel)
343 (commit-short-id start-commit)
344 (commit-short-id end-commit)
345 (length commits))
347 (progress-reporter/bar (length commits)))
349 (define authentic-commits
350 ;; Consider the currently-used commit of CHANNEL as authentic so
351 ;; authentication can skip it and all its closure.
352 (match (find (lambda (candidate)
353 (eq? (channel-name candidate) (channel-name channel)))
354 (current-channels))
355 (#f '())
356 (channel
357 (if (channel-commit channel)
358 (list (channel-commit channel))
359 '()))))
361 ;; XXX: Too bad we need to re-open CHECKOUT.
362 (with-repository checkout repository
363 (authenticate-repository repository
364 (string->oid
365 (channel-introduction-first-signed-commit intro))
366 (channel-introduction-first-commit-signer intro)
367 #:end (string->oid commit)
368 #:keyring-reference
369 (string-append keyring-reference-prefix
370 keyring-reference)
371 #:authentic-commits authentic-commits
372 #:make-reporter make-reporter
373 #:cache-key cache-key)))
375 (define* (latest-channel-instance store channel
376 #:key (patches %patches)
377 starting-commit
378 (authenticate? #f)
379 (validate-pull
380 ensure-forward-channel-update))
381 "Return the latest channel instance for CHANNEL. When STARTING-COMMIT is
382 true, call VALIDATE-PULL with CHANNEL, STARTING-COMMIT, the target commit, and
383 their relation. When AUTHENTICATE? is false, CHANNEL is not authenticated."
384 (define (dot-git? file stat)
385 (and (string=? (basename file) ".git")
386 (eq? 'directory (stat:type stat))))
388 (let-values (((channel)
389 (ensure-default-introduction channel))
390 ((checkout commit relation)
391 (update-cached-checkout (channel-url channel)
392 #:ref (channel-reference channel)
393 #:starting-commit starting-commit)))
394 (when relation
395 (validate-pull channel starting-commit commit relation))
397 (if authenticate?
398 (if (channel-introduction channel)
399 (authenticate-channel channel checkout commit)
400 ;; TODO: Warn for all the channels once the authentication interface
401 ;; is public.
402 (when (guix-channel? channel)
403 (raise (make-compound-condition
404 (formatted-message (G_ "channel '~a' lacks an \
405 introduction and cannot be authenticated~%")
406 (channel-name channel))
407 (condition
408 (&fix-hint
409 (hint (G_ "Add the missing introduction to your
410 channels file to address the issue. Alternatively, you can pass
411 @option{--disable-authentication}, at the risk of running unauthenticated and
412 thus potentially malicious code."))))))))
413 (warning (G_ "channel authentication disabled~%")))
415 (when (guix-channel? channel)
416 ;; Apply the relevant subset of PATCHES directly in CHECKOUT. This is
417 ;; safe to do because 'switch-to-ref' eventually does a hard reset.
418 (apply-patches checkout commit patches))
420 (let* ((name (url+commit->name (channel-url channel) commit))
421 (checkout (add-to-store store name #t "sha256" checkout
422 #:select? (negate dot-git?))))
423 (channel-instance channel commit checkout))))
425 (define (ensure-forward-channel-update channel start commit relation)
426 "Raise an error if RELATION is not 'ancestor, meaning that START is not an
427 ancestor of COMMIT, unless CHANNEL specifies a commit.
429 This procedure implements a channel update policy meant to be used as a
430 #:validate-pull argument."
431 (match relation
432 ('ancestor #t)
433 ('self #t)
434 (_
435 (raise (make-compound-condition
436 (condition
437 (&message (message
438 (format #f (G_ "\
439 aborting update of channel '~a' to commit ~a, which is not a descendant of ~a")
440 (channel-name channel)
441 commit start))))
443 ;; If the user asked for a specific commit, they might want
444 ;; that to happen nevertheless, so tell them about the
445 ;; relevant 'guix pull' option.
446 (if (channel-commit channel)
447 (condition
448 (&fix-hint
449 (hint (G_ "Use @option{--allow-downgrades} to force
450 this downgrade."))))
451 (condition
452 (&fix-hint
453 (hint (G_ "This could indicate that the channel has
454 been tampered with and is trying to force a roll-back, preventing you from
455 getting the latest updates. If you think this is not the case, explicitly
456 allow non-forward updates."))))))))))
458 (define (channel-instance-primary-url instance)
459 "Return the primary URL advertised for INSTANCE, or #f if there is no such
460 information."
461 (channel-metadata-url (channel-instance-metadata instance)))
463 (define* (latest-channel-instances store channels
464 #:key
465 (current-channels '())
466 (authenticate? #t)
467 (validate-pull
468 ensure-forward-channel-update))
469 "Return a list of channel instances corresponding to the latest checkouts of
470 CHANNELS and the channels on which they depend.
472 When AUTHENTICATE? is true, authenticate the subset of CHANNELS that has a
473 \"channel introduction\".
475 CURRENT-CHANNELS is the list of currently used channels. It is compared
476 against the newly-fetched instances of CHANNELS, and VALIDATE-PULL is called
477 for each channel update and can choose to emit warnings or raise an error,
478 depending on the policy it implements."
479 ;; Only process channels that are unique, or that are more specific than a
480 ;; previous channel specification.
481 (define (ignore? channel others)
482 (member channel others
483 (lambda (a b)
484 (and (eq? (channel-name a) (channel-name b))
485 (or (channel-commit b)
486 (not (or (channel-commit a)
487 (channel-commit b))))))))
489 (define (current-commit name)
490 ;; Return the current commit for channel NAME.
491 (any (lambda (channel)
492 (and (eq? (channel-name channel) name)
493 (channel-commit channel)))
494 current-channels))
496 (let loop ((channels channels)
497 (previous-channels '()))
498 ;; Accumulate a list of instances. A list of processed channels is also
499 ;; accumulated to decide on duplicate channel specifications.
500 (define-values (resulting-channels instances)
501 (fold2 (lambda (channel previous-channels instances)
502 (if (ignore? channel previous-channels)
503 (values previous-channels instances)
504 (begin
505 (format (current-error-port)
506 (G_ "Updating channel '~a' from Git repository at '~a'...~%")
507 (channel-name channel)
508 (channel-url channel))
509 (let* ((current (current-commit (channel-name channel)))
510 (instance
511 (latest-channel-instance store channel
512 #:authenticate?
513 authenticate?
514 #:validate-pull
515 validate-pull
516 #:starting-commit
517 current)))
518 (when authenticate?
519 ;; CHANNEL is authenticated so we can trust the
520 ;; primary URL advertised in its metadata and warn
521 ;; about possibly stale mirrors.
522 (let ((primary-url (channel-instance-primary-url
523 instance)))
524 (unless (or (not primary-url)
525 (channel-commit channel)
526 (string=? primary-url (channel-url channel)))
527 (warning (G_ "pulled channel '~a' from a mirror \
528 of ~a, which might be stale~%")
529 (channel-name channel)
530 primary-url))))
532 (let-values (((new-instances new-channels)
533 (loop (channel-instance-dependencies instance)
534 previous-channels)))
535 (values (append (cons channel new-channels)
536 previous-channels)
537 (append (cons instance new-instances)
538 instances)))))))
539 previous-channels
540 '() ;instances
541 channels))
543 (let ((instance-name (compose channel-name channel-instance-channel)))
544 ;; Remove all earlier channel specifications if they are followed by a
545 ;; more specific one.
546 (values (delete-duplicates instances
547 (lambda (a b)
548 (eq? (instance-name a) (instance-name b))))
549 resulting-channels))))
551 (define* (checkout->channel-instance checkout
552 #:key commit
553 (url checkout) (name 'guix))
554 "Return a channel instance for CHECKOUT, which is assumed to be a checkout
555 of COMMIT at URL. Use NAME as the channel name."
556 (let* ((commit (or commit (make-string 40 #\0)))
557 (channel (channel (name name)
558 (commit commit)
559 (url url))))
560 (channel-instance channel commit checkout)))
562 (define %self-build-file
563 ;; The file containing code to build Guix. This serves the same purpose as
564 ;; a makefile, and, similarly, is intended to always keep this name.
565 "build-aux/build-self.scm")
567 (define %pull-version
568 ;; This is the version of the 'guix pull' protocol. It specifies what's
569 ;; expected from %SELF-BUILD-FILE. The initial version ("0") was when we'd
570 ;; place a set of compiled Guile modules in ~/.config/guix/latest.
571 1)
573 (define (standard-module-derivation name source core dependencies)
574 "Return a derivation that builds with CORE, a Guix instance, the Scheme
575 modules in SOURCE and that depend on DEPENDENCIES, a list of lowerable
576 objects. The assumption is that SOURCE contains package modules to be added
577 to '%package-module-path'."
579 (let* ((metadata (read-channel-metadata-from-source source))
580 (directory (channel-metadata-directory metadata)))
582 (define build
583 ;; This is code that we'll run in CORE, a Guix instance, with its own
584 ;; modules and so on. That way, we make sure these modules are built for
585 ;; the right Guile version, with the right dependencies, and that they get
586 ;; to see the right (gnu packages …) modules.
587 (with-extensions dependencies
588 #~(begin
589 (use-modules (guix build compile)
590 (guix build utils)
591 (srfi srfi-26))
593 (define go
594 (string-append #$output "/lib/guile/" (effective-version)
595 "/site-ccache"))
596 (define scm
597 (string-append #$output "/share/guile/site/"
598 (effective-version)))
600 (define optimizations-for-level
601 ;; Guile 3.0 provides this procedure but Guile 2.2 didn't.
602 ;; Since this code may be executed by either version, we can't
603 ;; rely on its availability.
604 (or (and=> (false-if-exception
605 (resolve-interface '(system base optimize)))
606 (lambda (iface)
607 (module-ref iface 'optimizations-for-level)))
608 (const '())))
610 (define -O1
611 ;; Optimize for package module compilation speed.
612 (optimizations-for-level 1))
614 (let* ((subdir #$directory)
615 (source (string-append #$source subdir)))
616 (compile-files source go (find-files source "\\.scm$")
617 #:optimization-options (const -O1))
618 (mkdir-p (dirname scm))
619 (symlink (string-append #$source subdir) scm))
621 scm)))
623 (gexp->derivation-in-inferior name build core)))
625 (define* (guile-for-source source #:optional (quirks %quirks))
626 "Return the Guile package to use when building SOURCE or #f if the default
627 '%guile-for-build' should be good enough."
628 (let loop ((quirks quirks))
629 (match quirks
630 (()
631 #f)
632 (((predicate . guile) rest ...)
633 (if (predicate source) (guile) (loop rest))))))
635 (define (call-with-guile guile thunk)
636 (lambda (store)
637 (values (parameterize ((%guile-for-build
638 (if guile
639 (package-derivation store guile)
640 (%guile-for-build))))
641 (run-with-store store (thunk)))
642 store)))
644 (define-syntax-rule (with-guile guile exp ...)
645 "Set GUILE as the '%guile-for-build' parameter for the dynamic extent of
646 EXP, a series of monadic expressions."
647 (call-with-guile guile (lambda ()
648 (mbegin %store-monad exp ...))))
650 (define (with-trivial-build-handler mvalue)
651 "Run MVALUE, a monadic value, with a \"trivial\" build handler installed
652 that unconditionally resumes the continuation."
653 (lambda (store)
654 (with-build-handler (lambda (continue . _)
655 (continue #t))
656 (values (run-with-store store mvalue)
657 store))))
659 (define* (build-from-source instance
660 #:key core verbose? (dependencies '()))
661 "Return a derivation to build Guix from INSTANCE, using the self-build
662 script contained therein. When CORE is true, build package modules under
663 SOURCE using CORE, an instance of Guix."
664 (define name
665 (symbol->string
666 (channel-name (channel-instance-channel instance))))
667 (define source
668 (channel-instance-checkout instance))
669 (define commit
670 (channel-instance-commit instance))
672 ;; Running the self-build script makes it easier to update the build
673 ;; procedure: the self-build script of the Guix-to-be-installed contains the
674 ;; right dependencies, build procedure, etc., which the Guix-in-use may not
675 ;; know.
676 (define script
677 (string-append source "/" %self-build-file))
679 (if (file-exists? script)
680 (let ((build (save-module-excursion
681 (lambda ()
682 ;; Disable deprecation warnings; it's OK for SCRIPT to
683 ;; use deprecated APIs and the user doesn't have to know
684 ;; about it.
685 (parameterize ((guix-warning-port
686 (%make-void-port "w")))
687 (primitive-load script)))))
688 (guile (guile-for-source source)))
689 ;; BUILD must be a monadic procedure of at least one argument: the
690 ;; source tree.
691 ;;
692 ;; Note: BUILD can return #f if it does not support %PULL-VERSION. In
693 ;; the future we'll fall back to a previous version of the protocol
694 ;; when that happens.
695 (with-guile guile
696 ;; BUILD is usually quite costly. Install a "trivial" build handler
697 ;; so we don't bounce an outer build-accumulator handler that could
698 ;; cause us to redo half of the BUILD computation several times just
699 ;; to realize it gives the same result.
700 (with-trivial-build-handler
701 (build source
702 #:verbose? verbose? #:version commit
703 #:channel-metadata (channel-instance->sexp instance)
704 #:pull-version %pull-version))))
706 ;; Build a set of modules that extend Guix using the standard method.
707 (standard-module-derivation name source core dependencies)))
709 (define* (build-channel-instance instance
710 #:optional core (dependencies '()))
711 "Return, as a monadic value, the derivation for INSTANCE, a channel
712 instance. DEPENDENCIES is a list of extensions providing Guile modules that
713 INSTANCE depends on."
714 (build-from-source instance
715 #:core core
716 #:dependencies dependencies))
718 (define (resolve-dependencies instances)
719 "Return a procedure that, given one of the elements of INSTANCES, returns
720 list of instances it depends on."
721 (define channel-instance-name
722 (compose channel-name channel-instance-channel))
724 (define table ;map a name to an instance
725 (fold (lambda (instance table)
726 (vhash-consq (channel-instance-name instance)
727 instance table))
728 vlist-null
729 instances))
731 (define edges
732 (fold (lambda (instance edges)
733 (fold (lambda (channel edges)
734 (let ((name (channel-name channel)))
735 (match (vhash-assq name table)
736 ((_ . target)
737 (vhash-consq instance target edges)))))
738 edges
739 (channel-instance-dependencies instance)))
740 vlist-null
741 instances))
743 (lambda (instance)
744 (vhash-foldq* cons '() instance edges)))
746 (define (channel-instance-derivations instances)
747 "Return the list of derivations to build INSTANCES, in the same order as
749 (define core-instance
750 ;; The 'guix' channel is treated specially: it's an implicit dependency of
751 ;; all the other channels.
752 (find (lambda (instance)
753 (guix-channel? (channel-instance-channel instance)))
754 instances))
756 (define edges
757 (resolve-dependencies instances))
759 (define (instance->derivation instance)
760 (mlet %store-monad ((system (current-system)))
761 (mcached (if (eq? instance core-instance)
762 (build-channel-instance instance)
763 (mlet %store-monad ((core (instance->derivation core-instance))
764 (deps (mapm %store-monad instance->derivation
765 (edges instance))))
766 (build-channel-instance instance core deps)))
767 instance
768 system)))
770 (unless core-instance
771 (let ((loc (and=> (any (compose channel-location channel-instance-channel)
772 instances)
773 source-properties->location)))
774 (raise (apply make-compound-condition
775 (condition
776 (&message (message "'guix' channel is lacking")))
777 (condition
778 (&fix-hint (hint (G_ "Make sure your list of channels
779 contains one channel named @code{guix} providing the core of Guix."))))
780 (if loc
781 (list (condition (&error-location (location loc))))
782 '())))))
784 (mapm %store-monad instance->derivation instances))
786 (define (whole-package-for-legacy name modules)
787 "Return a full-blown Guix package for MODULES, a derivation that builds Guix
788 modules in the old ~/.config/guix/latest style."
789 (define packages
790 (resolve-interface '(gnu packages guile)))
792 (define modules+compiled
793 ;; Since MODULES contains both .scm and .go files at its root, re-bundle
794 ;; it so that it has share/guile/site and lib/guile, which is what
795 ;; 'whole-package' expects.
796 (computed-file (derivation-name modules)
797 (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
798 #~(begin
799 (use-modules (guix build utils))
801 (define version
802 (effective-version))
803 (define share
804 (string-append #$output "/share/guile/site"))
805 (define lib
806 (string-append #$output "/lib/guile/" version))
808 (mkdir-p share) (mkdir-p lib)
809 (symlink #$modules (string-append share "/" version))
810 (symlink #$modules (string-append lib "/site-ccache"))))))
812 (letrec-syntax ((list (syntax-rules (->)
813 ((_)
814 '())
815 ((_ (module -> variable) rest ...)
816 (cons (module-ref (resolve-interface
817 '(gnu packages module))
818 'variable)
819 (list rest ...)))
820 ((_ variable rest ...)
821 (cons (module-ref packages 'variable)
822 (list rest ...))))))
823 (whole-package name modules+compiled
825 ;; In the "old style", %SELF-BUILD-FILE would simply return a
826 ;; derivation that builds modules. We have to infer what the
827 ;; dependencies of these modules were.
828 (list guile-json-3 guile-git guile-bytestructures
829 (ssh -> guile-ssh) (tls -> gnutls))
830 #:guile (default-guile))))
832 (define (old-style-guix? drv)
833 "Return true if DRV corresponds to a ~/.config/guix/latest style of
834 derivation."
835 ;; Here we rely on a gross historical fact: that derivations produced by the
836 ;; "old style" (before commit 8a0d9bc8a3f153159d9e239a151c0fa98f1e12d8,
837 ;; dated May 30, 2018) did not depend on "guix-command.drv".
838 (not (find (lambda (input)
839 (string=? "guix-command"
840 (derivation-name
841 (derivation-input-derivation input))))
842 (derivation-inputs drv))))
844 (define (channel-instance->sexp instance)
845 "Return an sexp representation of INSTANCE, a channel instance."
846 (let* ((commit (channel-instance-commit instance))
847 (channel (channel-instance-channel instance))
848 (intro (channel-introduction channel)))
849 `(repository
850 (version 0)
851 (url ,(channel-url channel))
852 (branch ,(channel-branch channel))
853 (commit ,commit)
854 (name ,(channel-name channel))
855 ,@(if intro
856 `((introduction
857 (channel-introduction
858 (version 0)
859 (commit
860 ,(channel-introduction-first-signed-commit
861 intro))
862 (signer
863 ,(openpgp-format-fingerprint
864 (channel-introduction-first-commit-signer
865 intro))))))
866 '()))))
868 (define (channel-instances->manifest instances)
869 "Return a profile manifest with entries for all of INSTANCES, a list of
870 channel instances."
871 (define (instance->entry instance drv)
872 (let ((commit (channel-instance-commit instance))
873 (channel (channel-instance-channel instance)))
874 (manifest-entry
875 (name (symbol->string (channel-name channel)))
876 (version (string-take commit 7))
877 (item (if (guix-channel? channel)
878 (if (old-style-guix? drv)
879 (whole-package-for-legacy (string-append name "-" version)
880 drv)
881 drv)
882 drv))
883 (properties
884 `((source ,(channel-instance->sexp instance)))))))
886 (mlet* %store-monad ((derivations (channel-instance-derivations instances))
887 (entries -> (map instance->entry instances derivations)))
888 (return (manifest entries))))
890 (define (package-cache-file manifest)
891 "Build a package cache file for the instance in MANIFEST. This is meant to
892 be used as a profile hook."
893 (let ((profile (profile (content manifest) (hooks '()))))
894 (define build
895 #~(begin
896 (use-modules (gnu packages))
898 (if (defined? 'generate-package-cache)
899 (begin
900 ;; Delegate package cache generation to the inferior.
901 (format (current-error-port)
902 "Generating package cache for '~a'...~%"
903 #$profile)
904 (generate-package-cache #$output))
905 (mkdir #$output))))
907 (gexp->derivation-in-inferior "guix-package-cache" build
908 profile
910 ;; If the Guix in PROFILE is too old and
911 ;; lacks 'guix repl', don't build the cache
912 ;; instead of failing.
913 #:silent-failure? #t
915 #:properties '((type . profile-hook)
916 (hook . package-cache))
917 #:local-build? #t)))
919 (define %channel-profile-hooks
920 ;; The default channel profile hooks.
921 (cons package-cache-file %default-profile-hooks))
923 (define (channel-instances->derivation instances)
924 "Return the derivation of the profile containing INSTANCES, a list of
925 channel instances."
926 (mlet %store-monad ((manifest (channel-instances->manifest instances)))
927 (profile-derivation manifest
928 #:hooks %channel-profile-hooks)))
930 (define latest-channel-instances*
931 (store-lift latest-channel-instances))
933 (define* (latest-channel-derivation #:optional (channels %default-channels)
934 #:key
935 (current-channels '())
936 (validate-pull
937 ensure-forward-channel-update))
938 "Return as a monadic value the derivation that builds the profile for the
939 latest instances of CHANNELS. CURRENT-CHANNELS and VALIDATE-PULL are passed
940 to 'latest-channel-instances'."
941 (mlet %store-monad ((instances
942 (latest-channel-instances* channels
943 #:current-channels
944 current-channels
945 #:validate-pull
946 validate-pull)))
947 (channel-instances->derivation instances)))
949 (define* (sexp->channel sexp #:optional (name 'channel))
950 "Read SEXP, a provenance sexp as created by 'channel-instance->sexp'; use
951 NAME as the channel name if SEXP does not specify it. Return #f if the sexp
952 does not have the expected structure."
953 (match sexp
954 (('repository ('version 0)
955 ('url url)
956 ('branch branch)
957 ('commit commit)
958 rest ...)
959 ;; Historically channel sexps did not include the channel name. It's OK
960 ;; for channels created by 'channel-instances->manifest' because the
961 ;; entry name is the channel name, but it was missing for entries created
962 ;; by 'manifest-entry-with-provenance'.
963 (channel (name (match (assq 'name rest)
964 (#f name)
965 (('name name) name)))
966 (url url)
967 (branch branch)
968 (commit commit)
969 (introduction
970 (match (assq 'introduction rest)
971 (#f #f)
972 (('introduction intro)
973 (sexp->channel-introduction intro))))))
975 (_ #f)))
977 (define (manifest-entry-channel entry)
978 "Return the channel ENTRY corresponds to, or #f if that information is
979 missing or unreadable. ENTRY must be an entry created by
980 'channel-instances->manifest', with the 'source' property."
981 (let ((name (string->symbol (manifest-entry-name entry))))
982 (match (assq-ref (manifest-entry-properties entry) 'source)
983 ((sexp)
984 (sexp->channel sexp name))
985 (_
986 ;; No channel information for this manifest entry.
987 ;; XXX: Pre-0.15.0 Guix did not provide that information,
988 ;; but there's not much we can do in that case.
989 #f))))
991 (define (profile-channels profile)
992 "Return the list of channels corresponding to entries in PROFILE. If
993 PROFILE is not a profile created by 'guix pull', return the empty list."
994 (filter-map manifest-entry-channel
995 ;; Show most recently installed packages last.
996 (reverse
997 (manifest-entries (profile-manifest profile)))))
999 (define* (channel->code channel #:key (include-introduction? #t))
1000 "Return code (an sexp) to build CHANNEL. When INCLUDE-INTRODUCTION? is
1001 true, include its introduction, if any."
1002 (let ((intro (and include-introduction?
1003 (channel-introduction channel))))
1004 `(channel
1005 (name ',(channel-name channel))
1006 (url ,(channel-url channel))
1007 (commit ,(channel-commit channel))
1008 ,@(if intro
1009 `((introduction (make-channel-introduction
1010 ,(channel-introduction-first-signed-commit intro)
1011 (openpgp-fingerprint
1012 ,(openpgp-format-fingerprint
1013 (channel-introduction-first-commit-signer
1014 intro))))))
1015 '()))))
1017 \f
1018 ;;;
1019 ;;; News.
1020 ;;;
1022 ;; Channel news.
1023 (define-record-type <channel-news>
1024 (channel-news entries)
1025 channel-news?
1026 (entries channel-news-entries)) ;list of <channel-news-entry>
1028 ;; News entry, associated with a specific commit of the channel.
1029 (define-record-type <channel-news-entry>
1030 (channel-news-entry commit tag title body)
1031 channel-news-entry?
1032 (commit channel-news-entry-commit) ;hex string | #f
1033 (tag channel-news-entry-tag) ;#f | string
1034 (title channel-news-entry-title) ;list of language tag/string pairs
1035 (body channel-news-entry-body)) ;list of language tag/string pairs
1037 (define (sexp->channel-news-entry entry)
1038 "Return the <channel-news-entry> record corresponding to ENTRY, an sexp."
1039 (define (pair language message)
1040 (cons (symbol->string language) message))
1042 (match entry
1043 (('entry ((and (or 'commit 'tag) type) commit-or-tag)
1044 ('title ((? symbol? title-tags) (? string? titles)) ...)
1045 ('body ((? symbol? body-tags) (? string? bodies)) ...)
1046 _ ...)
1047 (channel-news-entry (and (eq? type 'commit) commit-or-tag)
1048 (and (eq? type 'tag) commit-or-tag)
1049 (map pair title-tags titles)
1050 (map pair body-tags bodies)))
1051 (_
1052 (raise (condition
1053 (&message (message "invalid channel news entry"))
1054 (&error-location
1055 (location (source-properties->location
1056 (source-properties entry)))))))))
1058 (define (read-channel-news port)
1059 "Read a channel news feed from PORT and return it as a <channel-news>
1060 record."
1061 (match (false-if-exception (read port))
1062 (('channel-news ('version 0) entries ...)
1063 (channel-news (map sexp->channel-news-entry entries)))
1064 (('channel-news ('version version) _ ...)
1065 ;; This is an unsupported version from the future. There's nothing wrong
1066 ;; with that (the user may simply need to upgrade the 'guix' channel to
1067 ;; be able to read it), so silently ignore it.
1068 (channel-news '()))
1069 (#f
1070 (raise (condition
1071 (&message (message "syntactically invalid channel news file")))))
1072 (sexp
1073 (raise (condition
1074 (&message (message "invalid channel news file"))
1075 (&error-location
1076 (location (source-properties->location
1077 (source-properties sexp)))))))))
1079 (define (resolve-channel-news-entry-tag repository entry)
1080 "If ENTRY has its 'commit' field set, return ENTRY. Otherwise, lookup
1081 ENTRY's 'tag' in REPOSITORY and return ENTRY with its 'commit' field set to
1082 the field its 'tag' refers to. A 'git-error' exception is raised if the tag
1083 cannot be found."
1084 (if (channel-news-entry-commit entry)
1085 entry
1086 (let* ((tag (channel-news-entry-tag entry))
1087 (reference (string-append "refs/tags/" tag))
1088 (oid (reference-name->oid repository reference)))
1089 (channel-news-entry (oid->string oid) tag
1090 (channel-news-entry-title entry)
1091 (channel-news-entry-body entry)))))
1093 (define* (channel-news-for-commit channel new #:optional old)
1094 "Return a list of <channel-news-entry> for CHANNEL between commits OLD and
1095 NEW. When OLD is omitted or is #f, return all the news entries of CHANNEL."
1096 (catch 'git-error
1097 (lambda ()
1098 (let* ((checkout (update-cached-checkout (channel-url channel)
1099 #:ref `(commit . ,new)))
1100 (metadata (read-channel-metadata-from-source checkout))
1101 (news-file (channel-metadata-news-file metadata))
1102 (news-file (and news-file
1103 (string-append checkout "/" news-file))))
1104 (if (and news-file (file-exists? news-file))
1105 (with-repository checkout repository
1106 (let* ((news (call-with-input-file news-file
1107 read-channel-news))
1108 (entries (map (lambda (entry)
1109 (resolve-channel-news-entry-tag repository
1110 entry))
1111 (channel-news-entries news))))
1112 (if old
1113 (let* ((new (commit-lookup repository (string->oid new)))
1114 (old (commit-lookup repository (string->oid old)))
1115 (commits (list->set
1116 (map (compose oid->string commit-id)
1117 (commit-difference new old)))))
1118 (filter (lambda (entry)
1119 (set-contains? commits
1120 (channel-news-entry-commit entry)))
1121 entries))
1122 entries)))
1123 '())))
1124 (lambda (key error . rest)
1125 ;; If commit NEW or commit OLD cannot be found, then something must be
1126 ;; wrong (for example, the history of CHANNEL was rewritten and these
1127 ;; commits no longer exist upstream), so quietly return the empty list.
1128 (if (= GIT_ENOTFOUND (git-error-code error))
1129 '()
1130 (apply throw key error rest)))))
1132 ;;; Local Variables:
1133 ;;; eval: (put 'with-guile 'scheme-indent-function 1)
1134 ;;; End: