gnu: Add rust-tap-1.
[jackhill/guix/guix.git] / etc /
1 ; -*- lisp -*-
2 ;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
3 ;;; Copyright © 2018 Ricardo Wurmus <>
4 ;;; Copyright © 2020 Daniel Brooks <>
5 ;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <>
6 ;;;
7 ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10 ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
12 ;;; your option) any later version.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15 ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ;;;
19 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 ;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <>.
22 ;; This is a specification for SELinux 2.7 written in the SELinux Common
23 ;; Intermediate Language (CIL). It refers to types that must be defined in
24 ;; the system's base policy.
26 ;; If you, like me, need advice about fixing an SELinux policy, I recommend
27 ;; reading
29 ;; In particular, you can run semanage permissive -a guix_daemon.guix_daemon_t
30 ;; to allow guix-daemon to do whatever it wants. SELinux will still check its
31 ;; permissions, and when it doesn't have permission it will still send an
32 ;; audit message to your system logs. This lets you know what permissions it
33 ;; ought to have. Use ausearch --raw to find the permissions violations, then
34 ;; pipe that to audit2allow to generate an updated policy. You'll still need
35 ;; to translate that policy into CIL in order to update this file, but that's
36 ;; fairly straight-forward. Annoying, but easy.
38 (block guix_daemon
39 ;; Require existing types
40 (typeattributeset cil_gen_require init_t)
41 (typeattributeset cil_gen_require tmp_t)
42 (typeattributeset cil_gen_require nscd_var_run_t)
43 (typeattributeset cil_gen_require var_log_t)
44 (typeattributeset cil_gen_require domain)
46 ;; Declare own types
47 (type guix_daemon_t)
48 (roletype object_r guix_daemon_t)
49 (type guix_daemon_conf_t)
50 (roletype object_r guix_daemon_conf_t)
51 (typeattributeset file_type guix_daemon_conf_t)
52 (type guix_daemon_exec_t)
53 (roletype object_r guix_daemon_exec_t)
54 (typeattributeset file_type guix_daemon_exec_t)
55 (type guix_daemon_socket_t)
56 (roletype object_r guix_daemon_socket_t)
57 (typeattributeset file_type guix_daemon_socket_t)
58 (type guix_store_content_t)
59 (roletype object_r guix_store_content_t)
60 (typeattributeset file_type guix_store_content_t)
61 (type guix_profiles_t)
62 (roletype object_r guix_profiles_t)
63 (typeattributeset file_type guix_profiles_t)
65 ;; These types are domains, thereby allowing process rules
66 (typeattributeset domain (guix_daemon_t guix_daemon_exec_t))
68 (level low (s0))
70 ;; When a process in init_t or guix_store_content_t spawns a
71 ;; guix_daemon_exec_t process, let it run in the guix_daemon_t context
72 (typetransition init_t guix_daemon_exec_t
73 process guix_daemon_t)
74 (typetransition guix_store_content_t guix_daemon_exec_t
75 process guix_daemon_t)
77 (roletype system_r guix_daemon_t)
79 ;; allow init_t to read and execute guix files
80 (allow init_t
81 guix_profiles_t
82 (lnk_file (read)))
83 (allow init_t
84 guix_daemon_exec_t
85 (file (execute)))
86 (allow init_t
87 guix_daemon_t
88 (process (transition)))
89 (allow init_t
90 guix_store_content_t
91 (lnk_file (read)))
92 (allow init_t
93 guix_store_content_t
94 (file (open read execute)))
96 ;; guix-daemon needs to know the names of users
97 (allow guix_daemon_t
98 passwd_file_t
99 (file (getattr open read)))
101 ;; Permit communication with NSCD
102 (allow guix_daemon_t
103 nscd_var_run_t
104 (file (map read)))
105 (allow guix_daemon_t
106 nscd_var_run_t
107 (dir (search)))
108 (allow guix_daemon_t
109 nscd_var_run_t
110 (sock_file (write)))
111 (allow guix_daemon_t
112 nscd_t
113 (fd (use)))
114 (allow guix_daemon_t
115 nscd_t
116 (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
117 (allow guix_daemon_t nscd_t
118 (nscd (getgrp gethost getpwd getserv shmemgrp shmemhost shmempwd shmemserv)))
120 ;; permit downloading packages via HTTP(s)
121 (allow guix_daemon_t http_port_t
122 (tcp_socket (name_connect)))
123 (allow guix_daemon_t ftp_port_t
124 (tcp_socket (name_connect)))
125 (allow guix_daemon_t ephemeral_port_t
126 (tcp_socket (name_connect)))
128 ;; Permit logging and temp file access
129 (allow guix_daemon_t
130 tmp_t
131 (lnk_file (create rename setattr unlink)))
132 (allow guix_daemon_t
133 tmp_t
134 (file (link
135 rename create execute execute_no_trans write
136 unlink setattr map relabelto relabelfrom)))
137 (allow guix_daemon_t
138 tmp_t
139 (fifo_file (open read write create getattr ioctl setattr unlink)))
140 (allow guix_daemon_t
141 tmp_t
142 (dir (create rename
143 rmdir relabelto relabelfrom reparent
144 add_name remove_name
145 open read write
146 getattr setattr
147 search)))
148 (allow guix_daemon_t
149 tmp_t
150 (sock_file (create getattr setattr unlink write)))
151 (allow guix_daemon_t
152 var_log_t
153 (file (create getattr open write)))
154 (allow guix_daemon_t
155 var_log_t
156 (dir (getattr create write add_name)))
157 (allow guix_daemon_t
158 var_run_t
159 (lnk_file (read)))
160 (allow guix_daemon_t
161 var_run_t
162 (dir (search)))
164 ;; Spawning processes, execute helpers
165 (allow guix_daemon_t
166 self
167 (process (fork execmem setrlimit setpgid setsched)))
168 (allow guix_daemon_t
169 guix_daemon_exec_t
170 (file (execute
171 execute_no_trans read write open entrypoint map
172 getattr link unlink)))
174 ;; TODO: unknown
175 (allow guix_daemon_t
176 root_t
177 (dir (mounton)))
178 (allow guix_daemon_t
179 fs_t
180 (filesystem (getattr)))
181 (allow guix_daemon_conf_t
182 fs_t
183 (filesystem (associate)))
185 ;; Build isolation
186 (allow guix_daemon_t
187 guix_store_content_t
188 (file (ioctl mounton)))
189 (allow guix_store_content_t
190 fs_t
191 (filesystem (associate)))
192 (allow guix_daemon_t
193 guix_store_content_t
194 (dir (read mounton)))
195 (allow guix_daemon_t
196 guix_daemon_t
197 (capability (net_admin
198 fsetid fowner
199 chown setuid setgid
200 dac_override dac_read_search
201 sys_chroot
202 sys_admin)))
203 (allow guix_daemon_t
204 fs_t
205 (filesystem (unmount)))
206 (allow guix_daemon_t
207 devpts_t
208 (dir (search)))
209 (allow guix_daemon_t
210 devpts_t
211 (filesystem (mount)))
212 (allow guix_daemon_t
213 devpts_t
214 (chr_file (ioctl open read write setattr getattr)))
215 (allow guix_daemon_t
216 tmpfs_t
217 (filesystem (getattr mount)))
218 (allow guix_daemon_t
219 tmpfs_t
220 (file (create open read unlink write)))
221 (allow guix_daemon_t
222 tmpfs_t
223 (dir (getattr add_name remove_name write)))
224 (allow guix_daemon_t
225 proc_t
226 (file (getattr open read)))
227 (allow guix_daemon_t
228 proc_t
229 (dir (read)))
230 (allow guix_daemon_t
231 proc_t
232 (filesystem (associate mount)))
233 (allow guix_daemon_t
234 null_device_t
235 (chr_file (getattr open read write)))
236 (allow guix_daemon_t
237 kvm_device_t
238 (chr_file (getattr)))
239 (allow guix_daemon_t
240 zero_device_t
241 (chr_file (getattr)))
242 (allow guix_daemon_t
243 urandom_device_t
244 (chr_file (getattr)))
245 (allow guix_daemon_t
246 random_device_t
247 (chr_file (getattr)))
248 (allow guix_daemon_t
249 devtty_t
250 (chr_file (getattr)))
252 ;; Access to store items
253 (allow guix_daemon_t
254 guix_store_content_t
255 (dir (reparent
256 create
257 getattr setattr
258 search rename
259 add_name remove_name
260 open write
261 rmdir relabelfrom)))
262 (allow guix_daemon_t
263 guix_store_content_t
264 (file (create
265 lock
266 setattr getattr
267 execute execute_no_trans
268 link unlink
269 map
270 rename
271 append
272 open read write relabelfrom)))
273 (allow guix_daemon_t
274 guix_store_content_t
275 (lnk_file (create
276 getattr setattr
277 link unlink
278 read
279 rename)))
280 (allow guix_daemon_t
281 guix_store_content_t
282 (fifo_file (create getattr open read unlink write)))
283 (allow guix_daemon_t
284 guix_store_content_t
285 (sock_file (create getattr setattr unlink write)))
287 ;; Access to configuration files and directories
288 (allow guix_daemon_t
289 guix_daemon_conf_t
290 (dir (search create
291 setattr getattr
292 add_name remove_name
293 open read write)))
294 (allow guix_daemon_t
295 guix_daemon_conf_t
296 (file (create rename
297 lock
298 map
299 getattr setattr
300 unlink
301 open read write)))
302 (allow guix_daemon_t
303 guix_daemon_conf_t
304 (lnk_file (create getattr rename unlink)))
305 (allow guix_daemon_t net_conf_t
306 (file (getattr open read)))
307 (allow guix_daemon_t net_conf_t
308 (lnk_file (read)))
309 (allow guix_daemon_t NetworkManager_var_run_t
310 (dir (search)))
312 ;; Access to profiles
313 (allow guix_daemon_t
314 guix_profiles_t
315 (dir (search getattr setattr read write open create add_name)))
316 (allow guix_daemon_t
317 guix_profiles_t
318 (lnk_file (read getattr)))
320 ;; Access to profile links in the home directory
321 ;; TODO: allow access to profile links *anywhere* on the filesystem
322 (allow guix_daemon_t
323 user_home_t
324 (lnk_file (read getattr)))
325 (allow guix_daemon_t
326 user_home_t
327 (dir (search)))
328 (allow guix_daemon_t
329 cache_home_t
330 (dir (search)))
332 ;; self upgrades
333 (allow guix_daemon_t
334 self
335 (dir (add_name write)))
336 (allow guix_daemon_t
337 self
338 (netlink_route_socket (bind create getattr nlmsg_read read write getopt)))
340 ;; Socket operations
341 (allow guix_daemon_t
342 guix_daemon_socket_t
343 (sock_file (unlink)))
344 (allow guix_daemon_t
345 init_t
346 (fd (use)))
347 (allow guix_daemon_t
348 init_t
349 (unix_stream_socket (write)))
350 (allow guix_daemon_t
351 guix_daemon_conf_t
352 (unix_stream_socket (listen)))
353 (allow guix_daemon_t
354 guix_daemon_conf_t
355 (sock_file (create unlink)))
356 (allow guix_daemon_t
357 self
358 (unix_stream_socket (create
359 read write
360 connect bind accept
361 getopt setopt)))
362 (allow guix_daemon_t
363 self
364 (tcp_socket (accept listen bind connect create setopt getopt getattr ioctl read write shutdown)))
365 (allow guix_daemon_t
366 unreserved_port_t
367 (tcp_socket (name_bind name_connect accept listen)))
368 (allow guix_daemon_t
369 self
370 (udp_socket (connect getattr bind getopt setopt read write)))
371 (allow guix_daemon_t
372 self
373 (fifo_file (write read)))
374 (allow guix_daemon_t
375 self
376 (udp_socket (ioctl create)))
377 (allow guix_daemon_t
378 self
379 (unix_stream_socket (connectto)))
380 (allow guix_daemon_t
381 self
382 (unix_dgram_socket (create bind connect sendto read write)))
384 ;; For some esoteric build jobs (i.e. running PostgreSQL, etc).
385 (allow guix_daemon_t
386 self
387 (capability (kill)))
388 (allow guix_daemon_t
389 node_t
390 (tcp_socket (node_bind)))
391 (allow guix_daemon_t
392 node_t
393 (udp_socket (node_bind)))
394 (allow guix_daemon_t
395 port_t
396 (tcp_socket (name_connect)))
397 (allow guix_daemon_t
398 tmpfs_t
399 (file (map read write link getattr)))
400 (allow guix_daemon_t
401 usermodehelper_t
402 (file (read)))
403 (allow guix_daemon_t
404 hugetlbfs_t
405 (file (map read write)))
406 (allow guix_daemon_t
407 proc_net_t
408 (file (read)))
409 (allow guix_daemon_t
410 postgresql_port_t
411 (tcp_socket (name_connect name_bind)))
412 (allow guix_daemon_t
413 rtp_media_port_t
414 (udp_socket (name_bind)))
415 (allow guix_daemon_t
416 vnc_port_t
417 (tcp_socket (name_bind)))
419 ;; I guess sometimes it needs random numbers
420 (allow guix_daemon_t
421 random_device_t
422 (chr_file (read)))
424 ;; guix system vm
425 (allow guix_daemon_t
426 kvm_device_t
427 (chr_file (ioctl open read write)))
428 (allow guix_daemon_t
429 kernel_t
430 (system (ipc_info)))
432 ;; Label file system
433 (filecon "@guix_sysconfdir@/guix(/.*)?"
434 any (system_u object_r guix_daemon_conf_t (low low)))
435 (filecon "@guix_localstatedir@/guix(/.*)?"
436 any (system_u object_r guix_daemon_conf_t (low low)))
437 (filecon "@guix_localstatedir@/guix/profiles(/.*)?"
438 any (system_u object_r guix_profiles_t (low low)))
439 (filecon "/gnu"
440 dir (unconfined_u object_r guix_store_content_t (low low)))
441 (filecon "@storedir@(/.+)?"
442 any (unconfined_u object_r guix_store_content_t (low low)))
443 (filecon "@storedir@/[^/]+/.+"
444 any (unconfined_u object_r guix_store_content_t (low low)))
445 (filecon "@prefix@/bin/guix-daemon"
446 file (system_u object_r guix_daemon_exec_t (low low)))
447 (filecon "@storedir@/.+-(guix-.+|profile)/bin/guix-daemon"
448 file (system_u object_r guix_daemon_exec_t (low low)))
449 (filecon "@storedir@/[a-z0-9]+-guix-daemon"
450 file (system_u object_r guix_daemon_exec_t (low low)))
451 (filecon "@guix_localstatedir@/guix/daemon-socket/socket"
452 any (system_u object_r guix_daemon_socket_t (low low))))