[hcoop/zz_old/debian/webalizer.git] / lang / webalizer_lang.romanian-iso-8859-2
1 /*
2 webalizer_lang.romanian-iso-8859-2
4 Webalizer V2.0x Language Support file for Romanian (iso-8859-2 charset).
5 17-May-1999 Translation by Mircea Ilie (mirceax@tep.ro)
6 28-Jun-1999 Modified for level 1.3 support (brad@mrunix.net)
7 04-Feb-2000 Level 1.3 translation by Iulian Radu (iulian_r@starnets.ro)
8 22-Feb-2000 Modified for level 2.0 support (brad@mrunix.net)
9 16-Jan-2001 Level 2.0 translation by Mircea Ilie (mirceax@tep.ro)
10 25-Sep-2001 ISO-8859-2 version by Mircea Ilie (mirceax@tep.ro)
11 26-Mar-2008 Updated to current IANA TLDs (brad@mrunix.net)
12 26-May-2008 Modified for level 2.2 support (brad@mrunix.net)
15 Language files are named using the following convention:
17 webalizer_lang.LANGUAGE
19 where 'LANGUAGE' is the name of the language the file is
20 translated into (ie: webalizer_lang.french for french).
21 Either copy the desired language file to webalizer_lang.h
22 or create a symbolic link, then re-compile.
24 If you translate this file into a different language, please
25 send a copy to brad@mrunix.net
27 */
29 /***********************************************************************/
31 /***********************************************************************/
33 char *language = "în româna";
34 char *langcode = "ro";
36 /***********************************************************************/
37 /* */
38 /* Informational messages */
39 /* */
40 /* These messages are only displayed while The Webalizer is being run, */
41 /* usually to the screen, and are not part of the HTML output. */
42 /* */
43 /***********************************************************************/
45 /* these are only used in timing totals */
46 /* Format: XXX records (XXX ignored, XXX bad) in X.XX seconds */
47 char *msg_records = "înregistrãri";
48 char *msg_addresses="adrese";
49 char *msg_ignored = "ignorat";
50 char *msg_bad = "greºit";
51 char *msg_in = "în";
52 char *msg_seconds = "secunde";
54 /* progress and setup error messages */
55 char *msg_log_err = "Eroare: Nu pot deschide fiºierul jurnal";
56 char *msg_log_use = "Accesez fiºierul jurnal";
57 char *msg_dir_err = "Eroare: Nu pot sã ajung în directorul";
58 char *msg_dir_use = "Rezultatul este salvat în";
59 char *msg_cur_dir = "directorul curent";
60 char *msg_hostname= "Hostname-ul pentru rapoarte este";
61 char *msg_ign_hist= "Ignor fiºierul de istoric precedent...";
62 char *msg_no_hist = "Nu pot gãsi fiºierul de istoric...";
63 char *msg_get_hist= "Citesc fiºierul de istoric...";
64 char *msg_put_hist= "Salvez informaþiile în fiºierul de istoric...";
65 char *msg_hist_err= "Eroare: Nu pot sã scriu în fiºierul de istoric";
66 char *msg_bad_hist= "Eroare: Ignor înregistrãrile invalide din fiºierul de istoric";
67 char *msg_bad_conf= "Eroare: Nu pot deschide fiºierul de configurare";
68 char *msg_bad_key = "Avertisment: Cuvînt cheie invalid";
69 char *msg_bad_date= "Eroare: Sar înregistrarea (date incorecte)";
70 char *msg_ign_nscp= "Sar înregistrarea antetului Netscape";
71 char *msg_bad_rec = "Sar o înregistrare greºitã";
72 char *msg_no_vrec = "Nu am gãsit nici o înregistrare corectã!";
73 char *msg_gen_rpt = "Generez un raport pentru";
74 char *msg_gen_sum = "Generez cuprinsul raportului";
75 char *msg_get_data= "Citesc datele rulate înainte...";
76 char *msg_put_data= "Salvez datele rulate acum...";
77 char *msg_no_data = "Datele rulate înainte nu au fost gãsite...";
78 char *msg_bad_data= "Eroare: Nu pot reface datele rulate";
79 char *msg_data_err= "Eroare: Nu pot salva datele rulate acum";
80 char *msg_dup_data= "Avertisment: S-ar putea sã fi gãsit date duplicate";
82 /* DNS Stuff */
83 char *msg_dns_nocf= "Nu s-a specificat nici un fiºier cache, renunþ...";
84 char *msg_dns_nodb= "Eroare: Nu pot deschide fiºierul cache al DNS";
85 char *msg_dns_nolk= "Eroare: Nu pot bloca fiºierul cache al DNS";
86 char *msg_dns_usec= "Folosesc fiºierul cache al DNS";
87 char *msg_dns_rslv= "DNS Lookup";
88 char *msg_dns_none= "Nimic de prelucrat";
89 char *msg_dns_abrt= "DNS support not present, aborting...";
91 /* Geolocation stuff */
92 char *msg_geo_open= "Error opening file";
93 char *msg_geo_use = "Using";
94 char *msg_geo_nolu= "lookups disabled";
95 char *msg_geo_dflt= "default";
97 /* memory allocation errors */
98 char *msg_nomem_ts= "Nu pot aloca suficientã memorie, dezactivez Top Situri!";
99 char *msg_nomem_tr= "Nu pot aloca suficientã memorie, dezactivez Top Pagini referente!";
100 char *msg_nomem_tu= "Nu pot aloca suficientã memorie, dezactivez Top URL-uri!";
101 char *msg_nomem_tc= "Nu pot aloca suficientã memorie, dezactivez Top Þãri!";
102 char *msg_nomem_ta= "Nu pot aloca suficientã memorie, dezactivez Top Navigatoare vizitatori!";
103 char *msg_nomem_tsr="Nu pot aloca suficientã memorie, dezactivez Top ªiruri cãutate!";
104 char *msg_nomem_ti= "Nu pot aloca suficientã memorie, dezactivez Top Utilizatori!";
105 char *msg_nomem_dh= "Eroare adãugare nod host (zilnic), sar";
106 char *msg_nomem_mh= "Eroare adãugare nod host (lunar), sar";
107 char *msg_nomem_u = "Eroare adãugare nod URL, sar";
108 char *msg_nomem_a = "Eroare adãugare nod Navigator client, sar";
109 char *msg_nomem_r = "Eroare adãugare nod de Paginã referentã, sar";
110 char *msg_nomem_sc= "Eroare adãugare nod ªir de cãutare, sar";
111 char *msg_nomem_i = "Eroare adãugare nod Utilizatori, sar";
113 /* log record errors */
114 char *msg_big_rec = "Eroare: Sar o înregistrare de jurnal supradimensionatã";
115 char *msg_big_host= "Avertisment: Trunchiez hostname supradimensionat";
116 char *msg_big_date= "Avertisment: Trunchiez cîmpul datã supradimensionat";
117 char *msg_big_req = "Avertisment: Trunchiez cîmpul cerere supradimensionat";
118 char *msg_big_ref = "Avertisment: Trunchiez cîmpul paginii referente supradimensionat";
119 char *msg_big_user= "Avertisment: Trunchiez cîmpul utilizator supradimensionat";
120 char *msg_big_one = "Avertisment: ªirul depãºeºte dimensiunea spaþiului de stocare";
122 /* misc errors */
123 char *msg_no_open = "Eroare: Nu pot deschide fiºierul";
125 /* Help display... */
126 char *h_usage1 = "Utilizare";
127 char *h_usage2 = "[opþiuni] [fiºier jurnal]";
128 char *h_msg[]= {
129 "-h = afiºeazã acest mesaj de ajutor" ,
130 "-V = afiºeazã informaþii despre versiune" ,
131 "-v = be verbose" ,
132 "-d = afiºeazã informaþii de depanare suplimentare" ,
133 "-F type = Tip jurnal. type= (clf | ftp | squid | w3c)" ,
134 "-f = eroare la secvenþa de fold" ,
135 "-i = ignorã fiºierul de istoric" ,
136 "-p = pãstreazã starea (incremental)" ,
137 "-b = ignorã starea (incremental)" ,
138 "-q = eliminã mesajele de informare" ,
139 "-Q = eliminã _TOATE_ mesajele" ,
140 "-Y = eliminã graficul þãrilor" ,
141 "-G = eliminã graficul orelor" ,
142 "-H = eliminã starea pe ore" ,
143 "-L = eliminã legenda graficelor color" ,
144 "-l num = foloseºte linii numerotate pe fundalul graficelor" ,
145 "-m num = valoarea timeout-ului pentru vizite (secunde)" ,
146 "-T = afiºeazã informaþiile temporale" ,
147 "-c file = foloseºte fiºierul de configurare 'file'" ,
148 "-n name = hostname-ul de folosit" ,
149 "-o dir = directorul folosit pentru rezultate" ,
150 "-t name = titlul raportului va fi 'name'" ,
151 "-a name = ascunde navigatoarele clienþilor de tipul 'name'" ,
152 "-r name = ascunde pagina referentã cu numele 'name'" ,
153 "-s name = ascunde situl 'name'" ,
154 "-u name = ascunde URL-ul 'name'" ,
155 "-x name = foloseºte extensia de nume fiºier 'name'" ,
156 "-O name = Omit page 'name'" ,
157 "-P name = extensia tipului de paginã va fi 'name'" ,
158 "-I name = aliasul index-ului va fi 'name'" ,
159 "-K num = num months in summary table" ,
160 "-k num = num months in summary graph" ,
161 "-A num = afiºeazã numeric topul navigatoarelor clienþilor" ,
162 "-C num = afiºeazã numeric topul þãrilor" ,
163 "-R num = afiºeazã numeric topul referenþilor" ,
164 "-S num = afiºeazã numeric topul siturilor" ,
165 "-U num = afiºeazã numeric topul URL-urilor" ,
166 "-e num = afiºeazã numeric topul Paginilor de intrare",
167 "-E num = afiºeazã numeric topul Paginilor de iesire",
168 "-X = Ascunde siturile individuale" ,
169 "-z dir = Use country flags in 'dir'" ,
170 #ifdef USE_DNS
171 "-D name = Foloseºte fiºierul cache DNS 'name'" ,
172 "-N num = Numãrul de procese DNS (0=dezactivat)" ,
173 "-j = Enable native GeoDB lookups" ,
174 "-J name = Use GeoDB database 'name'" ,
175 #endif
176 #ifdef USE_GEOIP
177 "-w = Enable GeoIP lookups" ,
178 "-W name = Use GeoIP database 'name'" ,
179 #endif
180 NULL};
182 #define LAST_HLP_MSG (int)(sizeof(h_msg)/sizeof(char *))
184 /***********************************************************************/
185 /* */
186 /* HTML strings */
187 /* */
188 /* These strings are used as part of the HTML output generated by The */
189 /* Webalizer. */
190 /* */
191 /***********************************************************************/
193 /* header strings */
194 char *msg_hhdr_sp = "Perioada analizatã";
195 char *msg_hhdr_gt = "Generat în";
197 /* main index strings */
198 char *msg_main_us = "Sumarul utilizarii lui";
199 /* char *msg_main_per= "ultimele 12 luni"; */
200 char *msg_main_per= "Sumarul pe lunã";
201 char *msg_main_sum= "Sumarul pe lunã";
202 char *msg_main_da = "Media zilnicã";
203 char *msg_main_mt = "Totaluri lunare";
205 /* month HTML page strings */
206 char *msg_hmth_du = "Utilizarea zilnicã pe lunã";
207 char *msg_hmth_hu = "Utilizarea orarã pe lunã";
209 /* table header strings */
210 char *msg_h_by = "dupã";
211 char *msg_h_avg = "Medie";
212 char *msg_h_max = "Maxim";
213 char *msg_h_total = "Total";
214 char *msg_h_totals= "Totaluri";
215 char *msg_h_day = "Zi";
216 char *msg_h_mth = "Lunã";
217 char *msg_h_hour = "Orã";
218 char *msg_h_hits = "Accesãri";
219 char *msg_h_pages = "Pagini";
220 char *msg_h_visits= "Vizite";
221 char *msg_h_files = "Fiºiere";
222 char *msg_h_sites = "Situri";
223 char *msg_h_xfer = "KBytes";
224 char *msg_h_hname = "Nume";
225 char *msg_h_url = "URL";
226 char *msg_h_agent = "Navigator";
227 char *msg_h_ref = "Paginã referentã";
228 char *msg_h_ctry = "Þarã";
229 char *msg_h_search= "ªir de cãutare";
230 char *msg_h_uname = "Utilizator";
232 /* links along top of page */
233 char *msg_hlnk_ds = "Statistici zilnice";
234 char *msg_hlnk_hs = "Statistici orare";
235 char *msg_hlnk_u = "URL-uri";
236 char *msg_hlnk_s = "Situri";
237 char *msg_hlnk_a = "Navigator";
238 char *msg_hlnk_c = "Þãri";
239 char *msg_hlnk_r = "Pagini referente";
240 char *msg_hlnk_en = "Intrãri";
241 char *msg_hlnk_ex = "Ieºiri";
242 char *msg_hlnk_sr = "Cãutare";
243 char *msg_hlnk_i = "Utilizatori";
245 /* monthly total table */
246 char *msg_mtot_ms = "Statistici lunare pentru";
247 char *msg_mtot_th = "Total accesãri";
248 char *msg_mtot_tf = "Total fiºiere";
249 char *msg_mtot_tx = "Total Kbytes";
250 char *msg_mtot_us = "Total situri unice";
251 char *msg_mtot_ur = "Total pagini referente unice";
252 char *msg_mtot_ua = "Total navigatoare";
253 char *msg_mtot_uu = "Total URL-uri unice";
254 char *msg_mtot_ui = "Total Utilizatori unici";
255 char *msg_mtot_mhd= "Vizite pe zi";
256 char *msg_mtot_mhh= "Vizite pe orã";
257 char *msg_mtot_mfd= "Fiºiere pe zi";
258 char *msg_mtot_mpd= "Pagini pe zi";
259 char *msg_mtot_msd= "Situri pe zi";
260 char *msg_mtot_mvd= "Vizite pe zi";
261 char *msg_mtot_mkd= "KBytes pe zi";
262 char *msg_mtot_rc = "Accesãri dupã codul de rãspuns";
264 /* daily total table */
265 char *msg_dtot_ds = "Statistici zilnice pe lunã";
267 /* hourly total table */
268 char *msg_htot_hs = "Statistici orare pe lunã";
270 /* country pie chart */
271 char *msg_ctry_use= "Utilizarea dupã þarã pe lunã";
273 /* top tables */
274 /* Formatted as "Topul xxx din xxx total ceva" */
275 char *msg_top_top = "Top";
276 char *msg_top_of = "din";
277 char *msg_top_s = "al Siturilor";
278 char *msg_top_u = "al URL-urilor";
279 char *msg_top_r = "al Paginilor referente";
280 char *msg_top_a = "al Navigatoarelor";
281 char *msg_top_c = "al Þãrilor";
282 char *msg_top_en = "total Pagini de intrare";
283 char *msg_top_ex = "total Pagini de ieºire";
284 char *msg_top_sr = "total ªiruri de cãutare";
285 char *msg_top_i = "total Utilizatori";
286 char *msg_v_sites = "Afiºarea tuturor siturilor";
287 char *msg_v_urls = "Afiºarea tuturor URL-urilor";
288 char *msg_v_refs = "Afiºarea tuturor paginilor referente";
289 char *msg_v_agents= "Afiºarea tuturor navigatoarelor";
290 char *msg_v_search= "Afiºarea tuturor cuvintelor cheie";
291 char *msg_v_users = "Afiºarea tuturor utiltizatorilor";
293 /* short month names MUST BE 3 CHARS in size... pad if needed*/
294 char *s_month[12]={ "Ian", "Feb", "Mar",
295 "Apr", "Mai", "Iun",
296 "Iul", "Aug", "Sep",
297 "Oct", "Noi", "Dec"};
299 /* long month names - can be any length */
300 char *l_month[12]={ "Ianuarie", "Februarie", "Martie", "Aprilie",
301 "Mai", "Iunie", "Iulie", "August",
302 "Septembrie","Octombrie", "Noiembrie","Decembrie"};
304 /* response code descriptions... order IS important! */
305 struct response_code response[] =
306 { { "Cod de rãspuns nedefinit", 0 },
307 { "Cod 100 - Continuã", 0 },
308 { "Cod 101 - Schimb de protocol", 0 },
309 { "Cod 200 - OK", 0 },
310 { "Cod 201 - Creat", 0 },
311 { "Cod 202 - Acceptat", 0 },
312 { "Cod 203 - Informaþie fãrã autoritate", 0 },
313 { "Cod 204 - Fãrã conþinut", 0 },
314 { "Cod 205 - Iniþializare conþinut", 0 },
315 { "Cod 206 - Conþinut parþial", 0 },
316 { "Cod 300 - Opþiuni multiple", 0 },
317 { "Cod 301 - Mutat permanent", 0 },
318 { "Cod 302 - Gãsit", 0 },
319 { "Cod 303 - Vezi alt", 0 },
320 { "Cod 304 - Nemodificat", 0 },
321 { "Cod 305 - Foloseºte proxy", 0 },
322 { "Cod 307 - Mutat temporar", 0 },
323 { "Cod 400 - Cerere greºitã", 0 },
324 { "Cod 401 - Neautorizat", 0 },
325 { "Cod 402 - Platã solicitatã", 0 },
326 { "Cod 403 - Interzis", 0 },
327 { "Cod 404 - Lipsã", 0 },
328 { "Cod 405 - Metodã nepermisã", 0 },
329 { "Cod 406 - Inacceptabil", 0 },
330 { "Cod 407 - Autentificare prin proxy necesarã", 0 },
331 { "Cod 408 - Timeout cerere", 0 },
332 { "Cod 409 - Conflict", 0 },
333 { "Cod 410 - Satisfãcut", 0 },
334 { "Cod 411 - Lungime solicitatã", 0 },
335 { "Cod 412 - Precondiþie eºuatã", 0 },
336 { "Cod 413 - Entitatea cerutã este prea mare", 0 },
337 { "Cod 414 - URI-ul cerut este prea lung", 0 },
338 { "Cod 415 - Tip de mediu necunoscut", 0 },
339 { "Cod 416 - Domeniul cererii nerealizabil", 0 },
340 { "Cod 417 - Aºteptarea a eºuat", 0 },
341 { "Cod 500 - Eroare internã a serverului", 0 },
342 { "Cod 501 - Neimplementat", 0 },
343 { "Cod 502 - Gateway greºit", 0 },
344 { "Cod 503 - Serviciu indisponibil", 0 },
345 { "Cod 504 - Timeout la gateway", 0 },
346 { "Cod 505 - Versiune de HTTP neacceptatã", 0 }
347 };
349 char *msg_title = "Statisticile de utilizare ale lui";
350 char *msg_h_other = "Altele";
352 /* Country codes (previously in ctry.h header file) */
354 struct country_code ctry[] = {
355 { 0, "Nerezolvat/Necunoscut", 0,0,0 },
356 { IDX_3C('c','o','m'), "Comercial (com)", 0,0,0 },
357 { IDX_3C('e','d','u'), "Educational (edu)", 0,0,0 },
358 { IDX_3C('g','o','v'), "US Guvernamental (gov)", 0,0,0 },
359 { IDX_3C('i','n','t'), "Internaþional (int)", 0,0,0 },
360 { IDX_3C('m','i','l'), "US Militar (mil)", 0,0,0 },
361 { IDX_3C('n','e','t'), "Reþea (Network)", 0,0,0 },
362 { IDX_3C('o','r','g'), "þie Non-Profit (org)", 0,0,0 },
363 { IDX_3C('b','i','z'), "Generic Business (biz)", 0,0,0 },
364 { IDX_3C('c','a','t'), "Catalan Community (cat)", 0,0,0 },
365 { IDX_3C('p','r','o'), "Professional (pro)", 0,0,0 },
366 { IDX_3C('t','e','l'), "Ind. Contact Data (tel)", 0,0,0 },
367 { IDX_4C('a','e','r','o'),"Air Transport Industry (aero)", 0,0,0 },
368 { IDX_4C('a','s','i','a'),"Asia Pacific Community (asia)", 0,0,0 },
369 { IDX_4C('c','o','o','p'),"Cooperative Association (coop)", 0,0,0 },
370 { IDX_4C('i','n','f','o'),"Generic TLD (info)", 0,0,0 },
371 { IDX_4C('j','o','b','s'),"Human Resources (jobs)", 0,0,0 },
372 { IDX_4C('m','o','b','i'),"Generic Mobile TLD (mobi)", 0,0,0 },
373 { IDX_4C('n','a','m','e'),"Individual (name)", 0,0,0 },
374 { IDX_4C('a','r','p','a'),"Arpanet stilul vechi (arpa)", 0,0,0 },
375 { IDX_4C('n','a','t','o'),"NATO", 0,0,0 },
376 { IDX_6C('m','u','s','e','u','m'), "Museums (museum)", 0,0,0 },
377 { IDX_6C('t','r','a','v','e','l'), "Travel Ind. (travel)", 0,0,0 },
378 { IDX_2C('a','c'), "Ascension Island", 0,0,0 },
379 { IDX_2C('a','d'), "Andorra", 0,0,0 },
380 { IDX_2C('a','e'), "Emiratele Arabe Unite", 0,0,0 },
381 { IDX_2C('a','f'), "Afghanistan", 0,0,0 },
382 { IDX_2C('a','g'), "Antigua ºi Barbuda", 0,0,0 },
383 { IDX_2C('a','i'), "Anguilla", 0,0,0 },
384 { IDX_2C('a','l'), "Albania", 0,0,0 },
385 { IDX_2C('a','m'), "Armenia", 0,0,0 },
386 { IDX_2C('a','n'), "Antilele olandeze", 0,0,0 },
387 { IDX_2C('a','o'), "Angola", 0,0,0 },
388 { IDX_2C('a','q'), "Antarctica", 0,0,0 },
389 { IDX_2C('a','r'), "Argentina", 0,0,0 },
390 { IDX_2C('a','s'), "Samoa americanã", 0,0,0 },
391 { IDX_2C('a','t'), "Austria", 0,0,0 },
392 { IDX_2C('a','u'), "Australia", 0,0,0 },
393 { IDX_2C('a','w'), "Aruba", 0,0,0 },
394 { IDX_2C('a','x'), "Aland Islands", 0,0,0 },
395 { IDX_2C('a','z'), "Azerbaidjan", 0,0,0 },
396 { IDX_2C('b','a'), "Bosnia ºi Herþegovina", 0,0,0 },
397 { IDX_2C('b','b'), "Barbados", 0,0,0 },
398 { IDX_2C('b','d'), "Bangladesh", 0,0,0 },
399 { IDX_2C('b','e'), "Belgia", 0,0,0 },
400 { IDX_2C('b','f'), "Burkina Faso", 0,0,0 },
401 { IDX_2C('b','g'), "Bulgaria", 0,0,0 },
402 { IDX_2C('b','h'), "Bahrain", 0,0,0 },
403 { IDX_2C('b','i'), "Burundi", 0,0,0 },
404 { IDX_2C('b','j'), "Benin", 0,0,0 },
405 { IDX_2C('b','l'), "Saint Barthelemy", 0,0,0 },
406 { IDX_2C('b','m'), "Bermuda", 0,0,0 },
407 { IDX_2C('b','n'), "Brunei Darussalam", 0,0,0 },
408 { IDX_2C('b','o'), "Bolivia", 0,0,0 },
409 { IDX_2C('b','r'), "Brazilia", 0,0,0 },
410 { IDX_2C('b','s'), "Bahamas", 0,0,0 },
411 { IDX_2C('b','t'), "Bhutan", 0,0,0 },
412 { IDX_2C('b','v'), "Insula Bouvet", 0,0,0 },
413 { IDX_2C('b','w'), "Botswana", 0,0,0 },
414 { IDX_2C('b','y'), "Bielorusia", 0,0,0 },
415 { IDX_2C('b','z'), "Belize", 0,0,0 },
416 { IDX_2C('c','a'), "Canada", 0,0,0 },
417 { IDX_2C('c','c'), "Insulele Cocos (Keeling)", 0,0,0 },
418 { IDX_2C('c','d'), "Congo, Democratic Republic", 0,0,0 },
419 { IDX_2C('c','f'), "Republica Centrafricanã", 0,0,0 },
420 { IDX_2C('c','g'), "Congo", 0,0,0 },
421 { IDX_2C('c','h'), "Elveþia", 0,0,0 },
422 { IDX_2C('c','i'), "Cote D'Ivoire (Coasta de Fildeº)", 0,0,0 },
423 { IDX_2C('c','k'), "Insulele Cook", 0,0,0 },
424 { IDX_2C('c','l'), "Chile", 0,0,0 },
425 { IDX_2C('c','m'), "Camerun", 0,0,0 },
426 { IDX_2C('c','n'), "China", 0,0,0 },
427 { IDX_2C('c','o'), "Columbia", 0,0,0 },
428 { IDX_2C('c','r'), "Costa Rica", 0,0,0 },
429 { IDX_2C('c','u'), "Cuba", 0,0,0 },
430 { IDX_2C('c','v'), "Insulele Capului Verde", 0,0,0 },
431 { IDX_2C('c','x'), "Insulele Christmas", 0,0,0 },
432 { IDX_2C('c','y'), "Cipru", 0,0,0 },
433 { IDX_2C('c','z'), "Republica Cehã", 0,0,0 },
434 { IDX_2C('d','e'), "Germania", 0,0,0 },
435 { IDX_2C('d','j'), "Djibouti", 0,0,0 },
436 { IDX_2C('d','k'), "Danemarca", 0,0,0 },
437 { IDX_2C('d','m'), "Dominica", 0,0,0 },
438 { IDX_2C('d','o'), "Republica Dominicanã", 0,0,0 },
439 { IDX_2C('d','z'), "Algeria", 0,0,0 },
440 { IDX_2C('e','c'), "Ecuador", 0,0,0 },
441 { IDX_2C('e','e'), "Estonia", 0,0,0 },
442 { IDX_2C('e','g'), "Egipt", 0,0,0 },
443 { IDX_2C('e','h'), "Sahara Occidentalã", 0,0,0 },
444 { IDX_2C('e','r'), "Eritreea", 0,0,0 },
445 { IDX_2C('e','s'), "Spania", 0,0,0 },
446 { IDX_2C('e','t'), "Etiopia", 0,0,0 },
447 { IDX_2C('e','u'), "European Union", 0,0,0 },
448 { IDX_2C('f','i'), "Finlanda", 0,0,0 },
449 { IDX_2C('f','j'), "Fiji", 0,0,0 },
450 { IDX_2C('f','k'), "Insulele Falkland (Malvinas)", 0,0,0 },
451 { IDX_2C('f','m'), "Micronezia", 0,0,0 },
452 { IDX_2C('f','o'), "Insulele Faroe", 0,0,0 },
453 { IDX_2C('f','r'), "Franþa", 0,0,0 },
454 { IDX_2C('g','a'), "Gabon", 0,0,0 },
455 { IDX_2C('g','b'), "Marea Britanie (UK)", 0,0,0 },
456 { IDX_2C('g','d'), "Grenada", 0,0,0 },
457 { IDX_2C('g','e'), "Georgia", 0,0,0 },
458 { IDX_2C('g','f'), "Guiana Francezã", 0,0,0 },
459 { IDX_2C('g','g'), "Guernsey", 0,0,0 },
460 { IDX_2C('g','h'), "Ghana", 0,0,0 },
461 { IDX_2C('g','i'), "Gibraltar", 0,0,0 },
462 { IDX_2C('g','l'), "Groenlanda", 0,0,0 },
463 { IDX_2C('g','m'), "Gambia", 0,0,0 },
464 { IDX_2C('g','n'), "Guineea", 0,0,0 },
465 { IDX_2C('g','p'), "Guadelupe", 0,0,0 },
466 { IDX_2C('g','q'), "Guineea Ecuatorialã", 0,0,0 },
467 { IDX_2C('g','r'), "Grecia", 0,0,0 },
468 { IDX_2C('g','s'), "Ins. S. Georgia si S. Sandwich", 0,0,0 },
469 { IDX_2C('g','t'), "Guatemala", 0,0,0 },
470 { IDX_2C('g','u'), "Guam", 0,0,0 },
471 { IDX_2C('g','w'), "Guinea-Bissau", 0,0,0 },
472 { IDX_2C('g','y'), "Guiana", 0,0,0 },
473 { IDX_2C('h','k'), "Hong Kong", 0,0,0 },
474 { IDX_2C('h','m'), "Insulele Heard si McDonald", 0,0,0 },
475 { IDX_2C('h','n'), "Honduras", 0,0,0 },
476 { IDX_2C('h','r'), "Croaþia", 0,0,0 },
477 { IDX_2C('h','t'), "Haiti", 0,0,0 },
478 { IDX_2C('h','u'), "Ungaria", 0,0,0 },
479 { IDX_2C('i','d'), "Indonezia", 0,0,0 },
480 { IDX_2C('i','e'), "Irlanda", 0,0,0 },
481 { IDX_2C('i','l'), "Israel", 0,0,0 },
482 { IDX_2C('i','m'), "Isle of Man", 0,0,0 },
483 { IDX_2C('i','n'), "India", 0,0,0 },
484 { IDX_2C('i','o'), "Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian",0,0,0 },
485 { IDX_2C('i','q'), "Irak", 0,0,0 },
486 { IDX_2C('i','r'), "Iran", 0,0,0 },
487 { IDX_2C('i','s'), "Islanda", 0,0,0 },
488 { IDX_2C('i','t'), "Italia", 0,0,0 },
489 { IDX_2C('j','e'), "Jersey", 0,0,0 },
490 { IDX_2C('j','m'), "Jamaica", 0,0,0 },
491 { IDX_2C('j','o'), "Iordania", 0,0,0 },
492 { IDX_2C('j','p'), "Japonia", 0,0,0 },
493 { IDX_2C('k','e'), "Kenia", 0,0,0 },
494 { IDX_2C('k','g'), "Kîrgîzstan", 0,0,0 },
495 { IDX_2C('k','h'), "Cambodgia", 0,0,0 },
496 { IDX_2C('k','i'), "Kiribati", 0,0,0 },
497 { IDX_2C('k','m'), "Insulele Comore", 0,0,0 },
498 { IDX_2C('k','n'), "Saint Kitts si Nevis", 0,0,0 },
499 { IDX_2C('k','p'), "Coreea (de Nord)", 0,0,0 },
500 { IDX_2C('k','r'), "Coreea (de Sud)", 0,0,0 },
501 { IDX_2C('k','w'), "Kuwait", 0,0,0 },
502 { IDX_2C('k','y'), "Insulele Cayman", 0,0,0 },
503 { IDX_2C('k','z'), "Kazahstan", 0,0,0 },
504 { IDX_2C('l','a'), "Laos", 0,0,0 },
505 { IDX_2C('l','b'), "Liban", 0,0,0 },
506 { IDX_2C('l','c'), "Sfînta Lucia", 0,0,0 },
507 { IDX_2C('l','i'), "Liechtenstein", 0,0,0 },
508 { IDX_2C('l','k'), "Sri Lanka", 0,0,0 },
509 { IDX_2C('l','r'), "Liberia", 0,0,0 },
510 { IDX_2C('l','s'), "Lesotho", 0,0,0 },
511 { IDX_2C('l','t'), "Lituania", 0,0,0 },
512 { IDX_2C('l','u'), "Luxemburg", 0,0,0 },
513 { IDX_2C('l','v'), "Letonia", 0,0,0 },
514 { IDX_2C('l','y'), "Libia", 0,0,0 },
515 { IDX_2C('m','a'), "Maroc", 0,0,0 },
516 { IDX_2C('m','c'), "Monaco", 0,0,0 },
517 { IDX_2C('m','d'), "Moldova", 0,0,0 },
518 { IDX_2C('m','e'), "Montenegro", 0,0,0 },
519 { IDX_2C('m','f'), "Saint Martin (French part)", 0,0,0 },
520 { IDX_2C('m','g'), "Madagascar", 0,0,0 },
521 { IDX_2C('m','h'), "Insulele Marshall", 0,0,0 },
522 { IDX_2C('m','k'), "Macedonia", 0,0,0 },
523 { IDX_2C('m','l'), "Mali", 0,0,0 },
524 { IDX_2C('m','m'), "Myanmar (Birmania)", 0,0,0 },
525 { IDX_2C('m','n'), "Mongolia", 0,0,0 },
526 { IDX_2C('m','o'), "Macao", 0,0,0 },
527 { IDX_2C('m','p'), "Insulele Mariane de Nord", 0,0,0 },
528 { IDX_2C('m','q'), "Martinica", 0,0,0 },
529 { IDX_2C('m','r'), "Mauritania", 0,0,0 },
530 { IDX_2C('m','s'), "Montserrat", 0,0,0 },
531 { IDX_2C('m','t'), "Malta", 0,0,0 },
532 { IDX_2C('m','u'), "Mauritius", 0,0,0 },
533 { IDX_2C('m','v'), "Maldive", 0,0,0 },
534 { IDX_2C('m','w'), "Malawi", 0,0,0 },
535 { IDX_2C('m','x'), "Mexic", 0,0,0 },
536 { IDX_2C('m','y'), "Malaezia", 0,0,0 },
537 { IDX_2C('m','z'), "Mozambic", 0,0,0 },
538 { IDX_2C('n','a'), "Namibia", 0,0,0 },
539 { IDX_2C('n','c'), "Noua Caledonie", 0,0,0 },
540 { IDX_2C('n','e'), "Nigeria", 0,0,0 },
541 { IDX_2C('n','f'), "Insula Norfolk", 0,0,0 },
542 { IDX_2C('n','g'), "Nigeria", 0,0,0 },
543 { IDX_2C('n','i'), "Nicaragua", 0,0,0 },
544 { IDX_2C('n','l'), "Olanda", 0,0,0 },
545 { IDX_2C('n','o'), "Norvegia", 0,0,0 },
546 { IDX_2C('n','p'), "Nepal", 0,0,0 },
547 { IDX_2C('n','r'), "Nauru", 0,0,0 },
548 { IDX_2C('n','u'), "Niue", 0,0,0 },
549 { IDX_2C('n','z'), "Noua Zeelandã", 0,0,0 },
550 { IDX_2C('o','m'), "Oman", 0,0,0 },
551 { IDX_2C('p','a'), "Panama", 0,0,0 },
552 { IDX_2C('p','e'), "Peru", 0,0,0 },
553 { IDX_2C('p','f'), "Polinezia francezã", 0,0,0 },
554 { IDX_2C('p','g'), "Papua Noua Guinee", 0,0,0 },
555 { IDX_2C('p','h'), "Filipine", 0,0,0 },
556 { IDX_2C('p','k'), "Pakistan", 0,0,0 },
557 { IDX_2C('p','l'), "Polonia", 0,0,0 },
558 { IDX_2C('p','m'), "St. Pierre ºi Miquelon", 0,0,0 },
559 { IDX_2C('p','n'), "Pitcairn", 0,0,0 },
560 { IDX_2C('p','r'), "Puerto Rico", 0,0,0 },
561 { IDX_2C('p','s'), "Palestinian Territory, Occupied", 0,0,0 },
562 { IDX_2C('p','t'), "Portugalia", 0,0,0 },
563 { IDX_2C('p','w'), "Palau", 0,0,0 },
564 { IDX_2C('p','y'), "Paraguay", 0,0,0 },
565 { IDX_2C('q','a'), "Qatar", 0,0,0 },
566 { IDX_2C('r','e'), "Reunion", 0,0,0 },
567 { IDX_2C('r','o'), "România", 0,0,0 },
568 { IDX_2C('r','s'), "Serbia", 0,0,0 },
569 { IDX_2C('r','u'), "Rusia", 0,0,0 },
570 { IDX_2C('r','w'), "Rwanda", 0,0,0 },
571 { IDX_2C('s','a'), "Arabia Sauditã", 0,0,0 },
572 { IDX_2C('s','b'), "Insulele Solomon", 0,0,0 },
573 { IDX_2C('s','c'), "Seychelles", 0,0,0 },
574 { IDX_2C('s','d'), "Sudan", 0,0,0 },
575 { IDX_2C('s','e'), "Suedia", 0,0,0 },
576 { IDX_2C('s','g'), "Singapore", 0,0,0 },
577 { IDX_2C('s','h'), "Sfînta Elena", 0,0,0 },
578 { IDX_2C('s','i'), "Slovenia", 0,0,0 },
579 { IDX_2C('s','j'), "Insulele Svalbard ºi Jan Mayen", 0,0,0 },
580 { IDX_2C('s','k'), "Republica Slovacã", 0,0,0 },
581 { IDX_2C('s','l'), "Sierra Leone", 0,0,0 },
582 { IDX_2C('s','m'), "San Marino", 0,0,0 },
583 { IDX_2C('s','n'), "Senegal", 0,0,0 },
584 { IDX_2C('s','o'), "Somalia", 0,0,0 },
585 { IDX_2C('s','r'), "Surinam", 0,0,0 },
586 { IDX_2C('s','t'), "Sao Tome ºi Principe", 0,0,0 },
587 { IDX_2C('s','u'), "URSS (fostã)", 0,0,0 },
588 { IDX_2C('s','v'), "El Salvador", 0,0,0 },
589 { IDX_2C('s','y'), "Syrian Arab Republic", 0,0,0 },
590 { IDX_2C('s','z'), "Swaziland", 0,0,0 },
591 { IDX_2C('t','c'), "Insulele Turks si Caicos", 0,0,0 },
592 { IDX_2C('t','d'), "Ciad", 0,0,0 },
593 { IDX_2C('t','f'), "Teritoriile Antarctice Franceze", 0,0,0 },
594 { IDX_2C('t','g'), "Togo", 0,0,0 },
595 { IDX_2C('t','h'), "Tailanda", 0,0,0 },
596 { IDX_2C('t','j'), "Tadjikistan", 0,0,0 },
597 { IDX_2C('t','k'), "Tokelau", 0,0,0 },
598 { IDX_2C('t','l'), "Timor-Leste", 0,0,0 },
599 { IDX_2C('t','m'), "Turkmenistan", 0,0,0 },
600 { IDX_2C('t','n'), "Tunisia", 0,0,0 },
601 { IDX_2C('t','o'), "Tonga", 0,0,0 },
602 { IDX_2C('t','p'), "Portuguese Timor", 0,0,0 },
603 { IDX_2C('t','r'), "Turcia", 0,0,0 },
604 { IDX_2C('t','t'), "Trinidad-Tobago", 0,0,0 },
605 { IDX_2C('t','v'), "Tuvalu", 0,0,0 },
606 { IDX_2C('t','w'), "Taiwan", 0,0,0 },
607 { IDX_2C('t','z'), "Tanzania", 0,0,0 },
608 { IDX_2C('u','a'), "Ucraina", 0,0,0 },
609 { IDX_2C('u','g'), "Uganda", 0,0,0 },
610 { IDX_2C('u','k'), "Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii", 0,0,0 },
611 { IDX_2C('u','m'), "Insulele US Minor Outlying", 0,0,0 },
612 { IDX_2C('u','s'), "Statele Unite ale Americii", 0,0,0 },
613 { IDX_2C('u','y'), "Uruguay", 0,0,0 },
614 { IDX_2C('u','z'), "Uzbekistan", 0,0,0 },
615 { IDX_2C('v','a'), "Vatican (Sfîntul Scaun)", 0,0,0 },
616 { IDX_2C('v','c'), "Sfîntul Vincent ºi Grenadine", 0,0,0 },
617 { IDX_2C('v','e'), "Venezuela", 0,0,0 },
618 { IDX_2C('v','g'), "Insulele Virgine britance", 0,0,0 },
619 { IDX_2C('v','i'), "Insulele Virgine americane", 0,0,0 },
620 { IDX_2C('v','n'), "Vietnam", 0,0,0 },
621 { IDX_2C('v','u'), "Vanuatu", 0,0,0 },
622 { IDX_2C('w','f'), "Insulele Wallis ºi Futuna", 0,0,0 },
623 { IDX_2C('w','s'), "Samoa", 0,0,0 },
624 { IDX_2C('y','e'), "Yemen", 0,0,0 },
625 { IDX_2C('y','t'), "Mayotte", 0,0,0 },
626 { IDX_2C('y','u'), "Yugoslavia", 0,0,0 },
627 { IDX_2C('z','a'), "Africa de Sud", 0,0,0 },
628 { IDX_2C('z','m'), "Zambia", 0,0,0 },
629 { IDX_2C('z','w'), "Zimbabwe", 0,0,0 },
630 { IDX_2C('a','1'), "Anonymous Proxy", 0,0,0 },
631 { IDX_2C('a','2'), "Satellite Provider", 0,0,0 },
632 { IDX_2C('o','1'), "Other", 0,0,0 },
633 { IDX_2C('a','p'), "Asia/Pacific Region", 0,0,0 },
634 { IDX_3C('l','a','n'), "Local Network (lan)", 0,0,0 },
635 { 0, NULL, 0,0,0 }};