Import Upstream version 1.8.5
[hcoop/debian/openafs.git] / src / viced / callback.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
3 * All Rights Reserved.
4 *
5 * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
6 * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
7 * directory or online at
8 *
9 * Portions Copyright (c) 2006 Sine Nomine Associates
10 */
12 /*
13 * NEW callback package callback.c (replaces vicecb.c)
14 * Updated call back routines, NOW with:
15 *
16 * Faster DeleteVenus (Now called DeleteAllCallBacks)
17 * Call back breaking for volumes
18 * Adaptive timeouts on call backs
19 * Architected for Multi RPC
20 * No locks (currently implicit vnode locks--these will go, to)
21 * Delayed call back when rpc connection down.
22 * Bulk break of delayed call backs when rpc connection
23 * reestablished
24 * Strict limit on number of call backs.
25 *
26 * InitCallBack(nblocks)
27 * Initialize: nblocks is max number # of file entries + # of callback entries
28 * nblocks must be < 65536
29 * Space used is nblocks*16 bytes
30 * Note that space will be reclaimed by breaking callbacks of old hosts
31 *
32 * time = AddCallBack(host, fid)
33 * Add a call back.
34 * Returns the expiration time at the workstation.
35 *
36 * BreakCallBack(host, fid)
37 * Break all call backs for fid, except for the specified host.
38 * Delete all of them.
39 *
40 * BreakVolumeCallBacksLater(volume)
41 * Break all call backs on volume, using single call to each host
42 * Delete all the call backs.
43 *
44 * DeleteCallBack(host,fid)
45 * Delete (do not break) single call back for fid.
46 *
47 * DeleteFileCallBacks(fid)
48 * Delete (do not break) all call backs for fid.
49 *
50 * DeleteAllCallBacks(host)
51 * Delete (do not break) all call backs for host.
52 *
53 * CleanupTimedOutCallBacks()
54 * Delete all timed out call back entries
55 * Must be called periodically by file server.
56 *
57 * BreakDelayedCallBacks(host)
58 * Break all delayed call backs for host.
59 * Returns 1: one or more failed, 0: success.
60 *
61 * PrintCallBackStats()
62 * Print statistics about call backs to stdout.
63 *
64 * DumpCallBacks() ---wishful thinking---
65 * Dump call back state to /tmp/callback.state.
66 * This is separately interpretable by the program pcb.
67 *
68 * Notes: In general, if a call back to a host doesn't get through,
69 * then HostDown, supplied elsewhere, is called. BreakDelayedCallBacks,
70 * however, does not call HostDown, but instead returns an indication of
71 * success if all delayed call backs were finally broken.
72 *
73 * BreakDelayedCallBacks MUST be called at the first sign of activity
74 * from the host after HostDown has been called (or a previous
75 * BreakDelayedCallBacks failed). The BreakDelayedCallBacks must be
76 * allowed to complete before any requests from that host are handled.
77 * If BreakDelayedCallBacks fails, then the host should remain
78 * down (and the request should be failed).
80 * CleanupCallBacks MUST be called periodically by the file server for
81 * this package to work correctly. Every 5 minutes is suggested.
82 */
84 #include <afsconfig.h>
85 #include <afs/param.h>
86 #include <afs/stds.h>
88 #include <roken.h>
90 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FILE_H
91 #include <sys/file.h>
92 #endif
94 #include <afs/opr.h>
95 #include <opr/lock.h>
96 #include <afs/nfs.h> /* yuck. This is an abomination. */
97 #include <rx/rx.h>
98 #include <rx/rx_queue.h>
99 #include <afs/afscbint.h>
100 #include <afs/afsutil.h>
101 #include <afs/ihandle.h>
102 #include <afs/partition.h>
103 #include <afs/vnode.h>
104 #include <afs/volume.h>
105 #include "viced_prototypes.h"
106 #include "viced.h"
108 #include <afs/ptclient.h> /* need definition of prlist for host.h */
109 #include "host.h"
110 #include "callback.h"
112 #include "serialize_state.h"
113 #endif /* AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS */
116 extern afsUUID FS_HostUUID;
117 extern int hostCount;
119 #ifndef INTERPRET_DUMP
120 static int ShowProblems = 1;
121 #endif
123 struct cbcounters cbstuff;
125 static struct FileEntry * FE = NULL; /* don't use FE[0] */
126 static struct CallBack * CB = NULL; /* don't use CB[0] */
128 static struct CallBack * CBfree = NULL;
129 static struct FileEntry * FEfree = NULL;
132 /* Time to live for call backs depends upon number of users of the file.
133 * TimeOuts is indexed by this number/8 (using TimeOut macro). Times
134 * in this table are for the workstation; server timeouts, add
135 * ServerBias */
137 static int TimeOuts[] = {
138 /* Note: don't make the first entry larger than 4 hours (see above) */
139 4 * 60 * 60, /* 0-7 users */
140 1 * 60 * 60, /* 8-15 users */
141 30 * 60, /* 16-23 users */
142 15 * 60, /* 24-31 users */
143 15 * 60, /* 32-39 users */
144 10 * 60, /* 40-47 users */
145 10 * 60, /* 48-55 users */
146 10 * 60, /* 56-63 users */
147 }; /* Anything more: MinTimeOut */
149 /* minimum time given for a call back */
150 #ifndef INTERPRET_DUMP
151 static int MinTimeOut = (7 * 60);
152 #endif
154 /* Heads of CB queues; a timeout index is 1+index into this array */
155 static afs_uint32 timeout[CB_NUM_TIMEOUT_QUEUES];
157 static afs_int32 tfirst; /* cbtime of oldest unexpired call back time queue */
160 /* 16 byte object get/free routines */
161 struct object {
162 struct object *next;
163 };
165 /* Prototypes for static routines */
166 static struct FileEntry *FindFE(AFSFid * fid);
168 #ifndef INTERPRET_DUMP
169 static struct CallBack *iGetCB(int *nused);
170 static int iFreeCB(struct CallBack *cb, int *nused);
171 static struct FileEntry *iGetFE(int *nused);
172 static int iFreeFE(struct FileEntry *fe, int *nused);
173 static int TAdd(struct CallBack *cb, afs_uint32 * thead);
174 static int TDel(struct CallBack *cb);
175 static int HAdd(struct CallBack *cb, struct host *host);
176 static int HDel(struct CallBack *cb);
177 static int CDel(struct CallBack *cb, int deletefe);
178 static int CDelPtr(struct FileEntry *fe, afs_uint32 * cbp,
179 int deletefe);
180 static afs_uint32 *FindCBPtr(struct FileEntry *fe, struct host *host);
181 static int FDel(struct FileEntry *fe);
182 static int AddCallBack1_r(struct host *host, AFSFid * fid, afs_uint32 * thead,
183 int type, int locked);
184 static void MultiBreakCallBack_r(struct cbstruct cba[], int ncbas,
185 struct AFSCBFids *afidp);
186 static int MultiBreakVolumeCallBack_r(struct host *host,
187 struct VCBParams *parms, int deletefe);
188 static int MultiBreakVolumeLaterCallBack(struct host *host, void *rock);
189 static int GetSomeSpace_r(struct host *hostp, int locked);
190 static int ClearHostCallbacks_r(struct host *hp, int locked);
191 static int DumpCallBackState_r(void);
192 #endif
194 #define GetCB() ((struct CallBack *)iGetCB(&cbstuff.nCBs))
195 #define GetFE() ((struct FileEntry *)iGetFE(&cbstuff.nFEs))
196 #define FreeCB(cb) iFreeCB((struct CallBack *)cb, &cbstuff.nCBs)
197 #define FreeFE(fe) iFreeFE((struct FileEntry *)fe, &cbstuff.nFEs)
200 /* Other protos - move out sometime */
201 void PrintCB(struct CallBack *cb, afs_uint32 now);
203 static afs_uint32 HashTable[FEHASH_SIZE]; /* File entry hash table */
205 static struct FileEntry *
206 FindFE(AFSFid * fid)
207 {
208 int hash;
209 int fei;
210 struct FileEntry *fe;
212 hash = FEHash(fid->Volume, fid->Unique);
213 for (fei = HashTable[hash]; fei; fei = fe->fnext) {
214 fe = itofe(fei);
215 if (fe->volid == fid->Volume && fe->unique == fid->Unique
216 && fe->vnode == fid->Vnode && (fe->status & FE_LATER) != FE_LATER)
217 return fe;
218 }
219 return 0;
220 }
222 #ifndef INTERPRET_DUMP
224 static struct CallBack *
225 iGetCB(int *nused)
226 {
227 struct CallBack *ret;
229 if ((ret = CBfree)) {
230 CBfree = (struct CallBack *)(((struct object *)ret)->next);
231 (*nused)++;
232 }
233 return ret;
234 }
236 static int
237 iFreeCB(struct CallBack *cb, int *nused)
238 {
239 ((struct object *)cb)->next = (struct object *)CBfree;
240 CBfree = cb;
241 (*nused)--;
242 return 0;
243 }
245 static struct FileEntry *
246 iGetFE(int *nused)
247 {
248 struct FileEntry *ret;
250 if ((ret = FEfree)) {
251 FEfree = (struct FileEntry *)(((struct object *)ret)->next);
252 (*nused)++;
253 }
254 return ret;
255 }
257 static int
258 iFreeFE(struct FileEntry *fe, int *nused)
259 {
260 ((struct object *)fe)->next = (struct object *)FEfree;
261 FEfree = fe;
262 (*nused)--;
263 return 0;
264 }
266 /* Add cb to end of specified timeout list */
267 static int
268 TAdd(struct CallBack *cb, afs_uint32 * thead)
269 {
270 if (!*thead) {
271 (*thead) = cb->tnext = cb->tprev = cbtoi(cb);
272 } else {
273 struct CallBack *thp = itocb(*thead);
275 cb->tprev = thp->tprev;
276 cb->tnext = *thead;
277 if (thp) {
278 if (thp->tprev)
279 thp->tprev = (itocb(thp->tprev)->tnext = cbtoi(cb));
280 else
281 thp->tprev = cbtoi(cb);
282 }
283 }
284 cb->thead = ttoi(thead);
285 return 0;
286 }
288 /* Delete call back entry from timeout list */
289 static int
290 TDel(struct CallBack *cb)
291 {
292 afs_uint32 *thead = itot(cb->thead);
294 if (*thead == cbtoi(cb))
295 *thead = (*thead == cb->tnext ? 0 : cb->tnext);
296 if (itocb(cb->tprev))
297 itocb(cb->tprev)->tnext = cb->tnext;
298 if (itocb(cb->tnext))
299 itocb(cb->tnext)->tprev = cb->tprev;
300 return 0;
301 }
303 /* Add cb to end of specified host list */
304 static int
305 HAdd(struct CallBack *cb, struct host *host)
306 {
307 cb->hhead = h_htoi(host);
308 if (!host->z.cblist) {
309 host->z.cblist = cb->hnext = cb->hprev = cbtoi(cb);
310 } else {
311 struct CallBack *fcb = itocb(host->z.cblist);
313 cb->hprev = fcb->hprev;
314 cb->hnext = cbtoi(fcb);
315 fcb->hprev = (itocb(fcb->hprev)->hnext = cbtoi(cb));
316 }
317 return 0;
318 }
320 /* Delete call back entry from host list */
321 static int
322 HDel(struct CallBack *cb)
323 {
324 afs_uint32 *hhead = &h_itoh(cb->hhead)->z.cblist;
326 if (*hhead == cbtoi(cb))
327 *hhead = (*hhead == cb->hnext ? 0 : cb->hnext);
328 itocb(cb->hprev)->hnext = cb->hnext;
329 itocb(cb->hnext)->hprev = cb->hprev;
330 return 0;
331 }
333 /* Delete call back entry from fid's chain of cb's */
334 /* N.B. This one also deletes the CB, and also possibly parent FE, so
335 * make sure that it is not on any other list before calling this
336 * routine */
337 static int
338 CDel(struct CallBack *cb, int deletefe)
339 {
340 int cbi = cbtoi(cb);
341 struct FileEntry *fe = itofe(cb->fhead);
342 afs_uint32 *cbp;
343 int safety;
345 for (safety = 0, cbp = &fe->firstcb; *cbp && *cbp != cbi;
346 cbp = &itocb(*cbp)->cnext, safety++) {
347 if (safety > cbstuff.nblks + 10) {
348 ViceLogThenPanic(0, ("CDel: Internal Error -- shutting down: "
349 "wanted %d from %d, now at %d\n",
350 cbi, fe->firstcb, *cbp));
351 DumpCallBackState_r();
352 ShutDownAndCore(PANIC);
353 }
354 }
355 CDelPtr(fe, cbp, deletefe);
356 return 0;
357 }
359 /* Same as CDel, but pointer to parent pointer to CB entry is passed,
360 * as well as file entry */
361 /* N.B. This one also deletes the CB, and also possibly parent FE, so
362 * make sure that it is not on any other list before calling this
363 * routine */
364 static int Ccdelpt = 0, CcdelB = 0;
366 static int
367 CDelPtr(struct FileEntry *fe, afs_uint32 * cbp,
368 int deletefe)
369 {
370 struct CallBack *cb;
372 if (!*cbp)
373 return 0;
374 Ccdelpt++;
375 cb = itocb(*cbp);
376 if (cb != &CB[*cbp])
377 CcdelB++;
378 *cbp = cb->cnext;
379 FreeCB(cb);
380 if ((--fe->ncbs == 0) && deletefe)
381 FDel(fe);
382 return 0;
383 }
385 static afs_uint32 *
386 FindCBPtr(struct FileEntry *fe, struct host *host)
387 {
388 afs_uint32 hostindex = h_htoi(host);
389 struct CallBack *cb;
390 afs_uint32 *cbp;
391 int safety;
393 for (safety = 0, cbp = &fe->firstcb; *cbp; cbp = &cb->cnext, safety++) {
394 if (safety > cbstuff.nblks) {
395 ViceLog(0, ("FindCBPtr: Internal Error -- shutting down.\n"));
396 DumpCallBackState_r();
397 ShutDownAndCore(PANIC);
398 }
399 cb = itocb(*cbp);
400 if (cb->hhead == hostindex)
401 break;
402 }
403 return cbp;
404 }
406 /* Delete file entry from hash table */
407 static int
408 FDel(struct FileEntry *fe)
409 {
410 int fei = fetoi(fe);
411 afs_uint32 *p = &HashTable[FEHash(fe->volid, fe->unique)];
413 while (*p && *p != fei)
414 p = &itofe(*p)->fnext;
415 opr_Assert(*p);
416 *p = fe->fnext;
417 FreeFE(fe);
418 return 0;
419 }
421 /* initialize the callback package */
422 int
423 InitCallBack(int nblks)
424 {
425 opr_Assert(nblks > 0);
427 H_LOCK;
428 tfirst = CBtime(time(NULL));
429 /* N.B. The "-1", below, is because
430 * FE[0] and CB[0] are not used--and not allocated */
431 FE = calloc(nblks, sizeof(struct FileEntry));
432 if (!FE) {
433 ViceLogThenPanic(0, ("Failed malloc in InitCallBack\n"));
434 }
435 FE--; /* FE[0] is supposed to point to junk */
436 cbstuff.nFEs = nblks;
437 while (cbstuff.nFEs)
438 FreeFE(&FE[cbstuff.nFEs]); /* This is correct */
439 CB = calloc(nblks, sizeof(struct CallBack));
440 if (!CB) {
441 ViceLogThenPanic(0, ("Failed malloc in InitCallBack\n"));
442 }
443 CB--; /* CB[0] is supposed to point to junk */
444 cbstuff.nCBs = nblks;
445 while (cbstuff.nCBs)
446 FreeCB(&CB[cbstuff.nCBs]); /* This is correct */
447 cbstuff.nblks = nblks;
448 cbstuff.nbreakers = 0;
450 return 0;
451 }
453 afs_int32
454 XCallBackBulk_r(struct host * ahost, struct AFSFid * fids, afs_int32 nfids)
455 {
456 struct AFSCallBack tcbs[AFSCBMAX];
457 int i;
458 struct AFSCBFids tf;
459 struct AFSCBs tc;
460 int code;
461 int j;
462 struct rx_connection *cb_conn = NULL;
464 rx_SetConnDeadTime(ahost->z.callback_rxcon, 4);
465 rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(ahost->z.callback_rxcon, AFS_HARDDEADTIME);
467 code = 0;
468 j = 0;
469 while (nfids > 0) {
471 for (i = 0; i < nfids && i < AFSCBMAX; i++) {
472 tcbs[i].CallBackVersion = CALLBACK_VERSION;
473 tcbs[i].ExpirationTime = 0;
474 tcbs[i].CallBackType = CB_DROPPED;
475 }
476 tf.AFSCBFids_len = i;
477 tf.AFSCBFids_val = &(fids[j]);
478 nfids -= i;
479 j += i;
480 tc.AFSCBs_len = i;
481 tc.AFSCBs_val = tcbs;
483 cb_conn = ahost->z.callback_rxcon;
484 rx_GetConnection(cb_conn);
486 code |= RXAFSCB_CallBack(cb_conn, &tf, &tc);
487 rx_PutConnection(cb_conn);
488 cb_conn = NULL;
489 H_LOCK;
490 }
492 return code;
493 }
495 /* the locked flag tells us if the host entry has already been locked
496 * by our parent. I don't think anybody actually calls us with the
497 * host locked, but here's how to make that work: GetSomeSpace has to
498 * change so that it doesn't attempt to lock any hosts < "host". That
499 * means that it might be unable to free any objects, so it has to
500 * return an exit status. If it fails, then AddCallBack1 might fail,
501 * as well. If so, the host->ResetDone should probably be set to 0,
502 * and we probably don't want to return a callback promise to the
503 * cache manager, either. */
504 int
505 AddCallBack1(struct host *host, AFSFid * fid, afs_uint32 * thead, int type,
506 int locked)
507 {
508 int retVal = 0;
509 H_LOCK;
510 if (!locked) {
511 h_Lock_r(host);
512 }
513 if (!(host->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED))
514 retVal = AddCallBack1_r(host, fid, thead, type, 1);
516 if (!locked) {
517 h_Unlock_r(host);
518 }
520 return retVal;
521 }
523 static int
524 AddCallBack1_r(struct host *host, AFSFid * fid, afs_uint32 * thead, int type,
525 int locked)
526 {
527 struct FileEntry *fe;
528 struct CallBack *cb = 0, *lastcb = 0;
529 struct FileEntry *newfe = 0;
530 afs_uint32 time_out = 0;
531 afs_uint32 *Thead = thead;
532 struct CallBack *newcb = 0;
533 int safety;
535 cbstuff.AddCallBacks++;
537 host->z.Console |= 2;
539 /* allocate these guys first, since we can't call the allocator with
540 * the host structure locked -- or we might deadlock. However, we have
541 * to avoid races with FindFE... */
542 while (!(newcb = GetCB())) {
543 GetSomeSpace_r(host, locked);
544 }
545 while (!(newfe = GetFE())) { /* Get it now, so we don't have to call */
546 /* GetSomeSpace with the host locked, later. This might turn out to */
547 /* have been unneccessary, but that's actually kind of unlikely, since */
548 /* most files are not shared. */
549 GetSomeSpace_r(host, locked);
550 }
552 if (!locked) {
553 h_Lock_r(host); /* this can yield, so do it before we get any */
554 /* fragile info */
555 if (host->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED) {
556 host->z.Console &= ~2;
557 h_Unlock_r(host);
558 return 0;
559 }
560 }
562 fe = FindFE(fid);
563 if (type == CB_NORMAL) {
564 time_out =
565 TimeCeiling(time(NULL) + TimeOut(fe ? fe->ncbs : 0) +
566 ServerBias);
567 Thead = THead(CBtime(time_out));
568 } else if (type == CB_VOLUME) {
569 time_out = TimeCeiling((60 * 120 + time(NULL)) + ServerBias);
570 Thead = THead(CBtime(time_out));
571 } else if (type == CB_BULK) {
572 /* bulk status can get so many callbacks all at once, and most of them
573 * are probably not for things that will be used for long.
574 */
575 time_out =
576 TimeCeiling(time(NULL) + ServerBias +
577 TimeOut(22 + (fe ? fe->ncbs : 0)));
578 Thead = THead(CBtime(time_out));
579 }
581 host->z.Console &= ~2;
583 if (!fe) {
584 afs_uint32 hash;
586 fe = newfe;
587 newfe = NULL;
588 fe->firstcb = 0;
589 fe->volid = fid->Volume;
590 fe->vnode = fid->Vnode;
591 fe->unique = fid->Unique;
592 fe->ncbs = 0;
593 fe->status = 0;
594 hash = FEHash(fid->Volume, fid->Unique);
595 fe->fnext = HashTable[hash];
596 HashTable[hash] = fetoi(fe);
597 }
598 for (safety = 0, lastcb = cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); cb;
599 lastcb = cb, cb = itocb(cb->cnext), safety++) {
600 if (safety > cbstuff.nblks) {
601 ViceLog(0, ("AddCallBack1: Internal Error -- shutting down.\n"));
602 DumpCallBackState_r();
603 ShutDownAndCore(PANIC);
604 }
605 if (cb->hhead == h_htoi(host))
606 break;
607 }
608 if (cb) { /* Already have call back: move to new timeout list */
609 /* don't change delayed callbacks back to normal ones */
610 if (cb->status != CB_DELAYED)
611 cb->status = type;
612 /* Only move if new timeout is longer */
613 if (TNorm(ttoi(Thead)) > TNorm(cb->thead)) {
614 TDel(cb);
615 TAdd(cb, Thead);
616 }
617 if (newfe == NULL) { /* we are using the new FE */
618 fe->firstcb = cbtoi(cb);
619 fe->ncbs++;
620 cb->fhead = fetoi(fe);
621 }
622 } else {
623 cb = newcb;
624 newcb = NULL;
625 *(lastcb ? &lastcb->cnext : &fe->firstcb) = cbtoi(cb);
626 fe->ncbs++;
627 cb->cnext = 0;
628 cb->fhead = fetoi(fe);
629 cb->status = type;
630 cb->flags = 0;
631 HAdd(cb, host);
632 TAdd(cb, Thead);
633 }
635 /* now free any still-unused callback or host entries */
636 if (newcb)
637 FreeCB(newcb);
638 if (newfe)
639 FreeFE(newfe);
641 if (!locked) /* freecb and freefe might(?) yield */
642 h_Unlock_r(host);
644 if (type == CB_NORMAL || type == CB_VOLUME || type == CB_BULK)
645 return time_out - ServerBias; /* Expires sooner at workstation */
647 return 0;
648 }
650 static int
651 CompareCBA(const void *e1, const void *e2)
652 {
653 const struct cbstruct *cba1 = (const struct cbstruct *)e1;
654 const struct cbstruct *cba2 = (const struct cbstruct *)e2;
655 return ((cba1->hp)->index - (cba2->hp)->index);
656 }
658 /* Take an array full of hosts, all held. Break callbacks to them, and
659 * release the holds once you're done.
660 * Currently only works for a single Fid in afidp array.
661 * If you want to make this work with multiple fids, you need to fix
662 * the error handling. One approach would be to force a reset if a
663 * multi-fid call fails, or you could add delayed callbacks for each
664 * fid. You probably also need to sort and remove duplicate hosts.
665 * When this is called from the BreakVolumeCallBacks path, it does NOT
666 * force a reset if the RPC fails, it just marks the host down and tries
667 * to create a delayed callback. */
668 /* N.B. be sure that code works when ncbas == 0 */
669 /* N.B. requires all the cba[*].hp pointers to be valid... */
670 /* This routine does not hold a lock on the host for the duration of
671 * the BreakCallBack RPC, which is a significant deviation from tradition.
672 * It _does_ get a lock on the host before setting VenusDown = 1,
673 * which is sufficient only if VenusDown = 0 only happens when the
674 * lock is held over the RPC and the subsequent VenusDown == 0
675 * wherever that is done. */
676 static void
677 MultiBreakCallBack_r(struct cbstruct cba[], int ncbas,
678 struct AFSCBFids *afidp)
679 {
680 int i, j;
681 struct rx_connection *conns[MAX_CB_HOSTS];
682 static struct AFSCBs tc = { 0, 0 };
683 int multi_to_cba_map[MAX_CB_HOSTS];
685 opr_Assert(ncbas <= MAX_CB_HOSTS);
687 /*
688 * When we issue a multi_Rx callback break, we must rx_NewCall a call for
689 * each host before we do anything. If there are no call channels
690 * available on the conn, we must wait for one of the existing calls to
691 * finish. If another thread is breaking callbacks at the same time, it is
692 * possible for us to be waiting on NewCall for one of their multi_Rx
693 * CallBack calls to finish, but they are waiting on NewCall for one of
694 * our calls to finish. So we deadlock.
695 *
696 * This can be thought of as similar to obtaining multiple locks at the
697 * same time. So if we establish an ordering, the possibility of deadlock
698 * goes away. Here we provide such an ordering, by sorting our CBAs
699 * according to CompareCBA.
700 */
701 qsort(cba, ncbas, sizeof(struct cbstruct), CompareCBA);
703 /* set up conns for multi-call */
704 for (i = 0, j = 0; i < ncbas; i++) {
705 struct host *thishost = cba[i].hp;
706 if (!thishost || (thishost->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) {
707 continue;
708 }
709 rx_GetConnection(thishost->z.callback_rxcon);
710 multi_to_cba_map[j] = i;
711 conns[j++] = thishost->z.callback_rxcon;
713 rx_SetConnDeadTime(thishost->z.callback_rxcon, 4);
714 rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(thishost->z.callback_rxcon, AFS_HARDDEADTIME);
715 }
717 if (j) { /* who knows what multi would do with 0 conns? */
718 cbstuff.nbreakers++;
720 multi_Rx(conns, j) {
721 multi_RXAFSCB_CallBack(afidp, &tc);
722 if (multi_error) {
723 afs_uint32 idx;
724 struct host *hp;
725 char hoststr[16];
727 i = multi_to_cba_map[multi_i];
728 hp = cba[i].hp;
729 idx = cba[i].thead;
731 if (!hp || !idx) {
732 ViceLog(0,
733 ("BCB: INTERNAL ERROR: hp=%p, cba=%p, thead=%u\n",
734 hp, cba, idx));
735 } else {
736 /*
737 ** try breaking callbacks on alternate interface addresses
738 */
739 if (MultiBreakCallBackAlternateAddress(hp, afidp)) {
740 if (ShowProblems) {
741 ViceLog(7,
742 ("BCB: Failed on file %u.%u.%u, "
743 "Host %p (%s:%d) is down\n",
744 afidp->AFSCBFids_val->Volume,
745 afidp->AFSCBFids_val->Vnode,
746 afidp->AFSCBFids_val->Unique,
747 hp,
748 afs_inet_ntoa_r(hp->, hoststr),
749 ntohs(hp->z.port)));
750 }
752 H_LOCK;
753 h_Lock_r(hp);
754 if (!(hp->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) {
755 hp->z.hostFlags |= VENUSDOWN;
756 /**
757 * We always go into AddCallBack1_r with the host locked
758 */
759 AddCallBack1_r(hp, afidp->AFSCBFids_val, itot(idx),
760 CB_DELAYED, 1);
761 }
762 h_Unlock_r(hp);
764 }
765 }
766 }
767 }
768 multi_End;
769 H_LOCK;
770 cbstuff.nbreakers--;
771 }
773 for (i = 0; i < ncbas; i++) {
774 struct host *hp;
775 hp = cba[i].hp;
776 if (hp) {
777 h_Release_r(hp);
778 }
779 }
781 /* H_UNLOCK around this so h_FreeConnection does not deadlock.
782 h_FreeConnection should *never* be called on a callback connection,
783 but on 10/27/04 a deadlock occurred where it was, when we know why,
784 this should be reverted. -- shadow */
786 for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
787 rx_PutConnection(conns[i]);
788 }
789 H_LOCK;
791 return;
792 }
794 /*
795 * Break all call backs for fid, except for the specified host (unless flag
796 * is true, in which case all get a callback message. Assumption: the specified
797 * host is h_Held, by the caller; the others aren't.
798 * Specified host may be bogus, that's ok. This used to check to see if the
799 * host was down in two places, once right after the host was h_held, and
800 * again after it was locked. That race condition is incredibly rare and
801 * relatively harmless even when it does occur, so we don't check for it now.
802 */
803 /* if flag is true, send a break callback msg to "host", too */
804 int
805 BreakCallBack(struct host *xhost, AFSFid * fid, int flag)
806 {
807 struct FileEntry *fe;
808 struct CallBack *cb, *nextcb;
809 struct cbstruct cba[MAX_CB_HOSTS];
810 int ncbas;
811 struct AFSCBFids tf;
812 int hostindex;
813 char hoststr[16];
815 if (xhost)
816 ViceLog(7,
817 ("BCB: BreakCallBack(Host %p all but %s:%d, (%u,%u,%u))\n",
818 xhost, afs_inet_ntoa_r(xhost->, hoststr), ntohs(xhost->z.port),
819 fid->Volume, fid->Vnode, fid->Unique));
820 else
821 ViceLog(7,
822 ("BCB: BreakCallBack(No Host, (%u,%u,%u))\n",
823 fid->Volume, fid->Vnode, fid->Unique));
825 H_LOCK;
826 cbstuff.BreakCallBacks++;
827 fe = FindFE(fid);
828 if (!fe) {
829 goto done;
830 }
831 hostindex = xhost ? h_htoi(xhost) : 0;
832 cb = itocb(fe->firstcb);
833 if (!cb || ((fe->ncbs == 1) && (cb->hhead == hostindex) && !flag)) {
834 /* the most common case is what follows the || */
835 goto done;
836 }
837 tf.AFSCBFids_len = 1;
838 tf.AFSCBFids_val = fid;
840 /* Set CBFLAG_BREAKING flag on all CBs we're looking at. We do this so we
841 * can loop through all relevant CBs while dropping H_LOCK, and not lose
842 * track of which CBs we want to look at. If we look at all CBs over and
843 * over again, we can loop indefinitely as new CBs are added. */
844 for (; cb; cb = nextcb) {
845 nextcb = itocb(cb->cnext);
847 if ((cb->hhead != hostindex || flag)
848 && (cb->status == CB_BULK || cb->status == CB_NORMAL
849 || cb->status == CB_VOLUME)) {
850 cb->flags |= CBFLAG_BREAKING;
851 }
852 }
854 cb = itocb(fe->firstcb);
855 opr_Assert(cb);
857 /* loop through all CBs, only looking at ones with the CBFLAG_BREAKING
858 * flag set */
859 for (; cb;) {
860 for (ncbas = 0; cb && ncbas < MAX_CB_HOSTS; cb = nextcb) {
861 nextcb = itocb(cb->cnext);
862 if ((cb->flags & CBFLAG_BREAKING)) {
863 struct host *thishost = h_itoh(cb->hhead);
864 cb->flags &= ~CBFLAG_BREAKING;
865 if (!thishost) {
866 ViceLog(0, ("BCB: BOGUS! cb->hhead is NULL!\n"));
867 } else if (thishost->z.hostFlags & VENUSDOWN) {
868 ViceLog(7,
869 ("BCB: %p (%s:%d) is down; delaying break call back\n",
870 thishost, afs_inet_ntoa_r(thishost->, hoststr),
871 ntohs(thishost->z.port)));
872 cb->status = CB_DELAYED;
873 } else {
874 if (!(thishost->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) {
875 h_Hold_r(thishost);
876 cba[ncbas].hp = thishost;
877 cba[ncbas].thead = cb->thead;
878 ncbas++;
879 }
880 TDel(cb);
881 HDel(cb);
882 CDel(cb, 1); /* Usually first; so this delete
883 * is reasonably inexpensive */
884 }
885 }
886 }
888 if (ncbas) {
889 MultiBreakCallBack_r(cba, ncbas, &tf);
891 /* we need to to all these initializations again because MultiBreakCallBack may block */
892 fe = FindFE(fid);
893 if (!fe) {
894 goto done;
895 }
896 cb = itocb(fe->firstcb);
897 if (!cb || ((fe->ncbs == 1) && (cb->hhead == hostindex) && !flag)) {
898 /* the most common case is what follows the || */
899 goto done;
900 }
901 }
902 }
904 done:
906 return 0;
907 }
909 /* Delete (do not break) single call back for fid */
910 int
911 DeleteCallBack(struct host *host, AFSFid * fid)
912 {
913 struct FileEntry *fe;
914 afs_uint32 *pcb;
915 char hoststr[16];
917 H_LOCK;
918 cbstuff.DeleteCallBacks++;
920 h_Lock_r(host);
921 /* do not care if the host has been HOSTDELETED */
922 fe = FindFE(fid);
923 if (!fe) {
924 h_Unlock_r(host);
926 ViceLog(8,
927 ("DCB: No call backs for fid (%u, %u, %u)\n", fid->Volume,
928 fid->Vnode, fid->Unique));
929 return 0;
930 }
931 pcb = FindCBPtr(fe, host);
932 if (!*pcb) {
933 ViceLog(8,
934 ("DCB: No call back for host %p (%s:%d), (%u, %u, %u)\n",
935 host, afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->, hoststr), ntohs(host->z.port),
936 fid->Volume, fid->Vnode, fid->Unique));
937 h_Unlock_r(host);
939 return 0;
940 }
941 HDel(itocb(*pcb));
942 TDel(itocb(*pcb));
943 CDelPtr(fe, pcb, 1);
944 h_Unlock_r(host);
946 return 0;
947 }
949 /*
950 * Delete (do not break) all call backs for fid. This call doesn't
951 * set all of the various host locks, but it shouldn't really matter
952 * since we're not adding callbacks, but deleting them. I'm not sure
953 * why it doesn't set the lock, however; perhaps it should.
954 */
955 int
956 DeleteFileCallBacks(AFSFid * fid)
957 {
958 struct FileEntry *fe;
959 struct CallBack *cb;
960 afs_uint32 cbi;
961 int n;
963 H_LOCK;
964 cbstuff.DeleteFiles++;
965 fe = FindFE(fid);
966 if (!fe) {
968 ViceLog(8,
969 ("DF: No fid (%u,%u,%u) to delete\n", fid->Volume, fid->Vnode,
970 fid->Unique));
971 return 0;
972 }
973 for (n = 0, cbi = fe->firstcb; cbi; n++) {
974 cb = itocb(cbi);
975 cbi = cb->cnext;
976 TDel(cb);
977 HDel(cb);
978 FreeCB(cb);
979 fe->ncbs--;
980 }
981 FDel(fe);
983 return 0;
984 }
986 /* Delete (do not break) all call backs for host. The host should be
987 * locked. */
988 int
989 DeleteAllCallBacks_r(struct host *host, int deletefe)
990 {
991 struct CallBack *cb;
992 int cbi, first;
994 cbstuff.DeleteAllCallBacks++;
995 cbi = first = host->z.cblist;
996 if (!cbi) {
997 ViceLog(8, ("DV: no call backs\n"));
998 return 0;
999 }
1000 do {
1001 cb = itocb(cbi);
1002 cbi = cb->hnext;
1003 TDel(cb);
1004 CDel(cb, deletefe);
1005 } while (cbi != first);
1006 host->z.cblist = 0;
1007 return 0;
1008 }
1010 /*
1011 * Break all delayed call backs for host. Returns 1 if all call backs
1012 * successfully broken; 0 otherwise. Assumes host is h_Held and h_Locked.
1013 * Must be called with VenusDown set for this host
1014 */
1015 int
1016 BreakDelayedCallBacks(struct host *host)
1017 {
1018 int retVal;
1019 H_LOCK;
1020 retVal = BreakDelayedCallBacks_r(host);
1021 H_UNLOCK;
1022 return retVal;
1023 }
1025 int
1026 BreakDelayedCallBacks_r(struct host *host)
1027 {
1028 struct AFSFid fids[AFSCBMAX];
1029 int cbi, first, nfids;
1030 struct CallBack *cb;
1031 int code;
1032 char hoststr[16];
1033 struct rx_connection *cb_conn;
1035 cbstuff.nbreakers++;
1036 if (!(host->z.hostFlags & RESETDONE) && !(host->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) {
1037 host->z.hostFlags &= ~ALTADDR; /* alternate addresses are invalid */
1038 cb_conn = host->z.callback_rxcon;
1039 rx_GetConnection(cb_conn);
1040 if (host->z.interface) {
1041 H_UNLOCK;
1042 code =
1043 RXAFSCB_InitCallBackState3(cb_conn, &FS_HostUUID);
1044 } else {
1045 H_UNLOCK;
1046 code = RXAFSCB_InitCallBackState(cb_conn);
1047 }
1048 rx_PutConnection(cb_conn);
1049 cb_conn = NULL;
1050 H_LOCK;
1051 host->z.hostFlags |= ALTADDR; /* alternate addresses are valid */
1052 if (code) {
1053 if (ShowProblems) {
1054 ViceLog(0,
1055 ("CB: Call back connect back failed (in break delayed) "
1056 "for Host %p (%s:%d)\n",
1057 host, afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->, hoststr),
1058 ntohs(host->z.port)));
1059 }
1060 host->z.hostFlags |= VENUSDOWN;
1061 } else {
1062 ViceLog(25,
1063 ("InitCallBackState success on %p (%s:%d)\n",
1064 host, afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->, hoststr),
1065 ntohs(host->z.port)));
1066 /* reset was done successfully */
1067 host->z.hostFlags |= RESETDONE;
1068 host->z.hostFlags &= ~VENUSDOWN;
1069 }
1070 } else
1071 while (!(host->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) {
1072 nfids = 0;
1073 host->z.hostFlags &= ~VENUSDOWN; /* presume up */
1074 cbi = first = host->z.cblist;
1075 if (!cbi)
1076 break;
1077 do {
1078 first = host->z.cblist;
1079 cb = itocb(cbi);
1080 cbi = cb->hnext;
1081 if (cb->status == CB_DELAYED) {
1082 struct FileEntry *fe = itofe(cb->fhead);
1083 fids[nfids].Volume = fe->volid;
1084 fids[nfids].Vnode = fe->vnode;
1085 fids[nfids].Unique = fe->unique;
1086 nfids++;
1087 HDel(cb);
1088 TDel(cb);
1089 CDel(cb, 1);
1090 }
1091 } while (cbi && cbi != first && nfids < AFSCBMAX);
1093 if (nfids == 0) {
1094 break;
1095 }
1097 if (XCallBackBulk_r(host, fids, nfids)) {
1098 /* Failed, again: put them back, probably with old
1099 * timeout values */
1100 int i;
1101 if (ShowProblems) {
1102 ViceLog(0,
1103 ("CB: XCallBackBulk failed, Host %p (%s:%d); "
1104 "callback list follows:\n",
1105 host, afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->, hoststr),
1106 ntohs(host->z.port)));
1107 }
1108 for (i = 0; i < nfids; i++) {
1109 if (ShowProblems) {
1110 ViceLog(0,
1111 ("CB: Host %p (%s:%d), file %u.%u.%u "
1112 "(part of bulk callback)\n",
1113 host, afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->, hoststr),
1114 ntohs(host->z.port), fids[i].Volume,
1115 fids[i].Vnode, fids[i].Unique));
1116 }
1117 /* used to do this:
1118 * AddCallBack1_r(host, &fids[i], itot(thead[i]), CB_DELAYED, 1);
1119 * * but it turns out to cause too many tricky locking problems.
1120 * * now, if break delayed fails, screw it. */
1121 }
1122 host->z.hostFlags |= VENUSDOWN; /* Failed */
1123 ClearHostCallbacks_r(host, 1 /* locked */ );
1124 break;
1125 }
1126 if (nfids < AFSCBMAX)
1127 break;
1128 }
1130 cbstuff.nbreakers--;
1131 /* If we succeeded it's always ok to unset HFE_LATER */
1132 if (!(host->z.hostFlags & VENUSDOWN))
1133 host->z.hostFlags &= ~HFE_LATER;
1134 return (host->z.hostFlags & VENUSDOWN);
1135 }
1137 static int
1138 MultiBreakVolumeCallBack_r(struct host *host,
1139 struct VCBParams *parms, int deletefe)
1140 {
1141 char hoststr[16];
1143 if (host->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)
1144 return 0;
1146 if (!(host->z.hostFlags & HCBREAK))
1147 return 0; /* host is not flagged to notify */
1149 if (host->z.hostFlags & VENUSDOWN) {
1150 h_Lock_r(host);
1151 /* Do not care if the host is now HOSTDELETED */
1152 if (ShowProblems) {
1153 ViceLog(0,
1154 ("BVCB: volume callback for Host %p (%s:%d) failed\n",
1155 host, afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->, hoststr),
1156 ntohs(host->z.port)));
1157 }
1158 DeleteAllCallBacks_r(host, deletefe); /* Delete all callback state
1159 * rather than attempting to
1160 * selectively remember to
1161 * delete the volume callbacks
1162 * later */
1163 host->z.hostFlags &= ~(RESETDONE|HCBREAK); /* Do InitCallBackState when host returns */
1164 h_Unlock_r(host);
1165 return 0;
1166 }
1167 opr_Assert(parms->ncbas <= MAX_CB_HOSTS);
1169 /* Do not call MultiBreakCallBack on the current host structure
1170 ** because it would prematurely release the hold on the host
1171 */
1172 if (parms->ncbas == MAX_CB_HOSTS) {
1173 struct AFSCBFids tf;
1175 tf.AFSCBFids_len = 1;
1176 tf.AFSCBFids_val = parms->fid;
1178 /* this releases all the hosts */
1179 MultiBreakCallBack_r(parms->cba, parms->ncbas, &tf);
1181 parms->ncbas = 0;
1182 }
1183 parms->cba[parms->ncbas].hp = host;
1184 parms->cba[(parms->ncbas)++].thead = parms->thead;
1185 host->z.hostFlags &= ~HCBREAK;
1187 /* we have more work to do on this host, so make sure we keep a reference
1188 * to it */
1189 h_Hold_r(host);
1191 return 0;
1192 }
1194 static int
1195 MultiBreakVolumeLaterCallBack(struct host *host, void *rock)
1196 {
1197 struct VCBParams *parms = (struct VCBParams *)rock;
1198 int retval;
1199 H_LOCK;
1200 retval = MultiBreakVolumeCallBack_r(host, parms, 0);
1201 H_UNLOCK;
1202 return retval;
1203 }
1205 /*
1206 * Break all call backs on a single volume. Don't call this with any
1207 * hosts h_held. Note that this routine clears the callbacks before
1208 * actually breaking them, and that the vnode isn't locked during this
1209 * operation, so that people might see temporary callback loss while
1210 * this function is executing. It is just a temporary state, however,
1211 * since the callback will be broken later by this same function.
1212 *
1213 * Now uses multi-RX for CallBack RPC in a different thread,
1214 * only marking them here.
1215 */
1216 extern pthread_cond_t fsync_cond;
1218 int
1219 BreakVolumeCallBacksLater(VolumeId volume)
1220 {
1221 int hash;
1222 afs_uint32 *feip;
1223 struct FileEntry *fe;
1224 struct CallBack *cb;
1225 struct host *host;
1226 int found = 0;
1228 ViceLog(25, ("Setting later on volume %" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n",
1229 afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(volume)));
1230 H_LOCK;
1231 for (hash = 0; hash < FEHASH_SIZE; hash++) {
1232 for (feip = &HashTable[hash]; (fe = itofe(*feip)) != NULL; ) {
1233 if (fe->volid == volume) {
1234 struct CallBack *cbnext;
1235 for (cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); cb; cb = cbnext) {
1236 host = h_itoh(cb->hhead);
1237 host->z.hostFlags |= HFE_LATER;
1238 cb->status = CB_DELAYED;
1239 cbnext = itocb(cb->cnext);
1240 }
1242 fe->status |= FE_LATER;
1244 found = 1;
1245 }
1246 feip = &fe->fnext;
1247 }
1248 }
1249 H_UNLOCK;
1250 if (!found) {
1251 /* didn't find any callbacks, so return right away. */
1252 return 0;
1253 }
1255 ViceLog(25, ("Fsync thread wakeup\n"));
1257 opr_cv_broadcast(&fsync_cond);
1259 return 0;
1260 }
1262 int
1263 BreakLaterCallBacks(void)
1264 {
1265 struct AFSFid fid;
1266 int hash;
1267 afs_uint32 *feip;
1268 struct CallBack *cb;
1269 struct FileEntry *fe = NULL;
1270 struct FileEntry *myfe = NULL;
1271 struct host *host;
1272 struct VCBParams henumParms;
1273 unsigned short tthead = 0; /* zero is illegal value */
1274 char hoststr[16];
1276 /* Unchain first */
1277 ViceLog(25, ("Looking for FileEntries to unchain\n"));
1278 H_LOCK;
1280 /* Pick the first volume we see to clean up */
1281 fid.Volume = fid.Vnode = fid.Unique = 0;
1283 for (hash = 0; hash < FEHASH_SIZE; hash++) {
1284 for (feip = &HashTable[hash]; (fe = itofe(*feip)) != NULL; ) {
1285 if (fe && (fe->status & FE_LATER)
1286 && (fid.Volume == 0 || fid.Volume == fe->volid)) {
1287 /* Ugly, but used to avoid left side casting */
1288 struct object *tmpfe;
1289 ViceLog(125,
1290 ("Unchaining for %u:%u:%" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n", fe->vnode,
1291 fe->unique, afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(fe->volid)));
1292 fid.Volume = fe->volid;
1293 *feip = fe->fnext;
1294 fe->status &= ~FE_LATER; /* not strictly needed */
1295 /* Works since volid is deeper than the largest pointer */
1296 tmpfe = (struct object *)fe;
1297 tmpfe->next = (struct object *)myfe;
1298 myfe = fe;
1299 } else
1300 feip = &fe->fnext;
1301 }
1302 }
1305 if (!myfe) {
1306 H_UNLOCK;
1307 return 0;
1308 }
1310 /* loop over FEs from myfe and free/break */
1311 tthead = 0;
1312 for (fe = myfe; fe;) {
1313 struct CallBack *cbnext;
1314 for (cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); cb; cb = cbnext) {
1315 cbnext = itocb(cb->cnext);
1316 host = h_itoh(cb->hhead);
1317 if (cb->status == CB_DELAYED) {
1318 if (!(host->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) {
1319 /* mark this host for notification */
1320 host->z.hostFlags |= HCBREAK;
1321 if (!tthead || (TNorm(tthead) < TNorm(cb->thead))) {
1322 tthead = cb->thead;
1323 }
1324 }
1325 TDel(cb);
1326 HDel(cb);
1327 CDel(cb, 0); /* Don't let CDel clean up the fe */
1328 /* leave flag for MultiBreakVolumeCallBack to clear */
1329 } else {
1330 ViceLog(125,
1331 ("Found host %p (%s:%d) non-DELAYED cb for %u:%u:%" AFS_VOLID_FMT "\n",
1332 host, afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->, hoststr),
1333 ntohs(host->z.port), fe->vnode, fe->unique,
1334 afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(fe->volid)));
1335 }
1336 }
1337 myfe = fe;
1338 fe = (struct FileEntry *)((struct object *)fe)->next;
1339 FreeFE(myfe);
1340 }
1342 if (tthead) {
1343 ViceLog(125, ("Breaking volume %u\n", fid.Volume));
1344 henumParms.ncbas = 0;
1345 henumParms.fid = &fid;
1346 henumParms.thead = tthead;
1347 H_UNLOCK;
1348 h_Enumerate(MultiBreakVolumeLaterCallBack, (char *)&henumParms);
1349 H_LOCK;
1350 if (henumParms.ncbas) { /* do left-overs */
1351 struct AFSCBFids tf;
1352 tf.AFSCBFids_len = 1;
1353 tf.AFSCBFids_val = &fid;
1355 MultiBreakCallBack_r(, henumParms.ncbas, &tf);
1356 henumParms.ncbas = 0;
1357 }
1358 }
1359 H_UNLOCK;
1361 /* Arrange to be called again */
1362 return 1;
1363 }
1365 /*
1366 * Delete all timed-out call back entries (to be called periodically by file
1367 * server)
1368 */
1369 int
1370 CleanupTimedOutCallBacks(void)
1371 {
1372 H_LOCK;
1373 CleanupTimedOutCallBacks_r();
1374 H_UNLOCK;
1375 return 0;
1376 }
1378 int
1379 CleanupTimedOutCallBacks_r(void)
1380 {
1381 afs_uint32 now = CBtime(time(NULL));
1382 afs_uint32 *thead;
1383 struct CallBack *cb;
1384 int ntimedout = 0;
1385 char hoststr[16];
1387 while (tfirst <= now) {
1388 int cbi;
1389 cbi = *(thead = THead(tfirst));
1390 if (cbi) {
1391 do {
1392 cb = itocb(cbi);
1393 cbi = cb->tnext;
1394 ViceLog(8,
1395 ("CCB: deleting timed out call back %x (%s:%d), (%" AFS_VOLID_FMT ",%u,%u)\n",
1396 h_itoh(cb->hhead)->,
1397 afs_inet_ntoa_r(h_itoh(cb->hhead)->, hoststr),
1398 h_itoh(cb->hhead)->z.port,
1399 afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(itofe(cb->fhead)->volid),
1400 itofe(cb->fhead)->vnode, itofe(cb->fhead)->unique));
1401 HDel(cb);
1402 CDel(cb, 1);
1403 ntimedout++;
1404 if (ntimedout > cbstuff.nblks) {
1405 ViceLog(0, ("CCB: Internal Error -- shutting down...\n"));
1406 DumpCallBackState_r();
1407 ShutDownAndCore(PANIC);
1408 }
1409 } while (cbi != *thead);
1410 *thead = 0;
1411 }
1412 tfirst++;
1413 }
1414 cbstuff.CBsTimedOut += ntimedout;
1415 ViceLog(7, ("CCB: deleted %d timed out callbacks\n", ntimedout));
1416 return (ntimedout > 0);
1417 }
1419 /**
1420 * parameters to pass to lih*_r from h_Enumerate_r when trying to find a host
1421 * from which to clear callbacks.
1422 */
1423 struct lih_params {
1424 /**
1425 * Points to the least interesting host found; try to clear callbacks on
1426 * this host after h_Enumerate_r(lih*_r)'ing.
1427 */
1428 struct host *lih;
1430 /**
1431 * The last host we got from lih*_r, but we couldn't clear its callbacks
1432 * for some reason. Choose the next-best host after this one (with the
1433 * current lih*_r, this means to only select hosts that have an ActiveCall
1434 * newer than lastlih).
1435 */
1436 struct host *lastlih;
1437 };
1439 /* Value of host->z.refCount that allows us to reliably infer that
1440 * host may be held by some other thread */
1441 #define OTHER_MUSTHOLD_LIH 2
1443 /* This version does not allow 'host' to be selected unless its ActiveCall
1444 * is newer than 'params->lastlih' which is the host with the oldest
1445 * ActiveCall from the last pass (if it is provided). We filter out any hosts
1446 * that are are held by other threads.
1447 *
1448 * There is a small problem here, but it may not be easily fixable. Say we
1449 * select some host A, and give it back to GetSomeSpace_r. GSS_r for some
1450 * reason cannot clear the callbacks on A, and so calls us again with
1451 * lastlih = A. Suppose there is another host B that has the same ActiveCall
1452 * time as A. We will now skip over host B, since
1453 * 'hostB->z.ActiveCall > hostA->z.ActiveCall' is not true. This could result in
1454 * us prematurely going to the GSS_r 2nd or 3rd pass, and making us a little
1455 * inefficient. This should be pretty rare, though, except perhaps in cases
1456 * with very small numbers of hosts.
1457 *
1458 * Also filter out any hosts with HOSTDELETED set. h_Enumerate_r should in
1459 * theory not give these to us anyway, but be paranoid.
1460 */
1461 static int
1462 lih0_r(struct host *host, void *rock)
1463 {
1464 struct lih_params *params = (struct lih_params *)rock;
1466 /* OTHER_MUSTHOLD_LIH is because the h_Enum loop holds us once */
1467 if (host->z.cblist
1468 && (!(host->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED))
1469 && (host->z.refCount < OTHER_MUSTHOLD_LIH)
1470 && (!params->lih || host->z.ActiveCall < params->lih->z.ActiveCall)
1471 && (!params->lastlih || host->z.ActiveCall > params->lastlih->z.ActiveCall)) {
1473 if (params->lih) {
1474 h_Release_r(params->lih); /* release prev host */
1475 }
1477 h_Hold_r(host);
1478 params->lih = host;
1479 }
1480 return 0;
1481 }
1483 /* same as lih0_r, except we do not prevent held hosts from being selected. */
1484 static int
1485 lih1_r(struct host *host, void *rock)
1486 {
1487 struct lih_params *params = (struct lih_params *)rock;
1489 if (host->z.cblist
1490 && (!(host->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED))
1491 && (!params->lih || host->z.ActiveCall < params->lih->z.ActiveCall)
1492 && (!params->lastlih || host->z.ActiveCall > params->lastlih->z.ActiveCall)) {
1494 if (params->lih) {
1495 h_Release_r(params->lih); /* release prev host */
1496 }
1498 h_Hold_r(host);
1499 params->lih = host;
1500 }
1501 return 0;
1502 }
1504 /* This could be upgraded to get more space each time */
1505 /* first pass: sequentially find the oldest host which isn't held by
1506 anyone for which we can clear callbacks;
1507 skipping 'hostp' */
1508 /* second pass: sequentially find the oldest host regardless of
1509 whether or not the host is held; skipping 'hostp' */
1510 /* third pass: attempt to clear callbacks from 'hostp' */
1511 /* always called with hostp unlocked */
1513 /* Note: hostlist is ordered most recently created host first and
1514 * its order has no relationship to the most recently used. */
1515 extern struct host *hostList;
1516 static int
1517 GetSomeSpace_r(struct host *hostp, int locked)
1518 {
1519 struct host *hp;
1520 struct lih_params params;
1521 int i = 0;
1523 if (cbstuff.GotSomeSpaces == 0) {
1524 /* only log this once; if GSS is getting called constantly, that's not
1525 * good but don't make things worse by spamming the log. */
1526 ViceLog(0, ("We have run out of callback space; forcing callback revocation. "
1527 "This suggests the fileserver is configured with insufficient "
1528 "callbacks; you probably want to increase the -cb fileserver "
1529 "parameter (current setting: %u). The fileserver will continue "
1530 "to operate, but this may indicate a severe performance problem\n",
1531 cbstuff.nblks));
1532 ViceLog(0, ("This message is logged at most once; for more information "
1533 "see the OpenAFS documentation and fileserver xstat collection 3\n"));
1534 }
1536 cbstuff.GotSomeSpaces++;
1537 ViceLog(5,
1538 ("GSS: First looking for timed out call backs via CleanupCallBacks\n"));
1539 if (CleanupTimedOutCallBacks_r()) {
1540 cbstuff.GSS3++;
1541 return 0;
1542 }
1544 i = 0;
1545 params.lastlih = NULL;
1547 do {
1548 params.lih = NULL;
1550 h_Enumerate_r(i == 0 ? lih0_r : lih1_r, hostList, &params);
1552 hp = params.lih;
1553 if (params.lastlih) {
1554 h_Release_r(params.lastlih);
1555 params.lastlih = NULL;
1556 }
1558 if (hp) {
1559 /* note that 'hp' was held by lih*_r; we will need to release it */
1560 cbstuff.GSS4++;
1561 if ((hp != hostp) && !ClearHostCallbacks_r(hp, 0 /* not locked or held */ )) {
1562 h_Release_r(hp);
1563 return 0;
1564 }
1566 params.lastlih = hp;
1567 /* params.lastlih will be released on the next iteration, after
1568 * h_Enumerate_r */
1570 } else {
1571 /*
1572 * Next time try getting callbacks from any host even if
1573 * it's held, since the only other option is starvation for
1574 * the file server (i.e. until the callback timeout arrives).
1575 */
1576 i++;
1577 params.lastlih = NULL;
1578 cbstuff.GSS1++;
1579 ViceLog(5,
1580 ("GSS: Try harder for longest inactive host cnt= %d\n",
1581 i));
1582 }
1583 } while (i < 2);
1585 /* Could not obtain space from other hosts, clear hostp's callback state */
1586 cbstuff.GSS2++;
1587 if (!locked) {
1588 h_Lock_r(hostp);
1589 }
1590 ClearHostCallbacks_r(hostp, 1 /*already locked */ );
1591 if (!locked) {
1592 h_Unlock_r(hostp);
1593 }
1594 return 0;
1595 }
1597 /* locked - set if caller has already locked the host */
1598 static int
1599 ClearHostCallbacks_r(struct host *hp, int locked)
1600 {
1601 int code;
1602 char hoststr[16];
1603 struct rx_connection *cb_conn = NULL;
1605 ViceLog(5,
1606 ("GSS: Delete longest inactive host %p (%s:%d)\n",
1607 hp, afs_inet_ntoa_r(hp->, hoststr), ntohs(hp->z.port)));
1609 if ((hp->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) {
1610 /* hp could go away after reacquiring H_LOCK in h_NBLock_r, so we can't
1611 * really use it; its callbacks will get cleared anyway when
1612 * h_TossStuff_r gets its hands on it */
1613 return 1;
1614 }
1616 h_Hold_r(hp);
1618 /** Try a non-blocking lock. If the lock is already held return
1619 * after releasing hold on hp
1620 */
1621 if (!locked) {
1622 if (h_NBLock_r(hp)) {
1623 h_Release_r(hp);
1624 return 1;
1625 }
1626 }
1627 if (hp->z.Console & 2) {
1628 /*
1629 * If the special console field is set it means that a thread
1630 * is waiting in AddCallBack1 after it set pointers to the
1631 * file entry and/or callback entry. Because of the bogus
1632 * usage of h_hold it won't prevent from another thread, this
1633 * one, to remove all the callbacks so just to be safe we keep
1634 * a reference. NOTE, on the last phase we'll free the calling
1635 * host's callbacks but that's ok...
1636 */
1637 cbstuff.GSS5++;
1638 }
1639 DeleteAllCallBacks_r(hp, 1);
1640 if (hp->z.hostFlags & VENUSDOWN) {
1641 hp->z.hostFlags &= ~RESETDONE; /* remember that we must do a reset */
1642 } else if (!(hp->z.hostFlags & HOSTDELETED)) {
1643 /* host is up, try a call */
1644 hp->z.hostFlags &= ~ALTADDR; /* alternate addresses are invalid */
1645 cb_conn = hp->z.callback_rxcon;
1646 rx_GetConnection(hp->z.callback_rxcon);
1647 if (hp->z.interface) {
1648 H_UNLOCK;
1649 code =
1650 RXAFSCB_InitCallBackState3(cb_conn, &FS_HostUUID);
1651 } else {
1652 H_UNLOCK;
1653 code = RXAFSCB_InitCallBackState(cb_conn);
1654 }
1655 rx_PutConnection(cb_conn);
1656 cb_conn = NULL;
1657 H_LOCK;
1658 hp->z.hostFlags |= ALTADDR; /* alternate addresses are valid */
1659 if (code) {
1660 /* failed, mark host down and need reset */
1661 hp->z.hostFlags |= VENUSDOWN;
1662 hp->z.hostFlags &= ~RESETDONE;
1663 } else {
1664 /* reset succeeded, we're done */
1665 hp->z.hostFlags |= RESETDONE;
1666 }
1667 }
1668 if (!locked)
1669 h_Unlock_r(hp);
1670 h_Release_r(hp);
1672 return 0;
1673 }
1674 #endif /* INTERPRET_DUMP */
1677 int
1678 PrintCallBackStats(void)
1679 {
1680 fprintf(stderr,
1681 "%d add CB, %d break CB, %d del CB, %d del FE, %d CB's timed out, %d space reclaim, %d del host\n",
1682 cbstuff.AddCallBacks, cbstuff.BreakCallBacks,
1683 cbstuff.DeleteCallBacks, cbstuff.DeleteFiles, cbstuff.CBsTimedOut,
1684 cbstuff.GotSomeSpaces, cbstuff.DeleteAllCallBacks);
1685 fprintf(stderr, "%d CBs, %d FEs, (%d of total of %d 16-byte blocks)\n",
1686 cbstuff.nCBs, cbstuff.nFEs, cbstuff.nCBs + cbstuff.nFEs,
1687 cbstuff.nblks);
1688 fprintf(stderr, "%d GSS1, %d GSS2, %d GSS3, %d GSS4, %d GSS5 (internal counters)\n",
1689 cbstuff.GSS1, cbstuff.GSS2, cbstuff.GSS3, cbstuff.GSS4, cbstuff.GSS5);
1691 return 0;
1692 }
1694 #define MAGIC 0x12345678 /* To check byte ordering of dump when it is read in */
1695 #define MAGICV2 0x12345679 /* To check byte ordering & version of dump when it is read in */
1698 #ifndef INTERPRET_DUMP
1701 /*
1702 * demand attach fs
1703 * callback state serialization
1704 */
1705 static int cb_stateSaveTimeouts(struct fs_dump_state * state);
1706 static int cb_stateSaveFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state);
1707 static int cb_stateSaveFEs(struct fs_dump_state * state);
1708 static int cb_stateSaveFE(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe);
1709 static int cb_stateRestoreTimeouts(struct fs_dump_state * state);
1710 static int cb_stateRestoreFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state);
1711 static int cb_stateRestoreFEs(struct fs_dump_state * state);
1712 static int cb_stateRestoreFE(struct fs_dump_state * state);
1713 static int cb_stateRestoreCBs(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe,
1714 struct iovec * iov, int niovecs);
1716 static int cb_stateVerifyFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state);
1717 static int cb_stateVerifyFE(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe);
1718 static int cb_stateVerifyFCBList(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe);
1719 static int cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues(struct fs_dump_state * state);
1721 static int cb_stateFEToDiskEntry(struct FileEntry *, struct FEDiskEntry *);
1722 static int cb_stateDiskEntryToFE(struct fs_dump_state * state,
1723 struct FEDiskEntry *, struct FileEntry *);
1725 static int cb_stateCBToDiskEntry(struct CallBack *, struct CBDiskEntry *);
1726 static int cb_stateDiskEntryToCB(struct fs_dump_state * state,
1727 struct CBDiskEntry *, struct CallBack *);
1729 static int cb_stateFillHeader(struct callback_state_header * hdr);
1730 static int cb_stateCheckHeader(struct callback_state_header * hdr);
1732 static int cb_stateAllocMap(struct fs_dump_state * state);
1734 int
1735 cb_stateSave(struct fs_dump_state * state)
1736 {
1737 int ret = 0;
1739 AssignInt64(state->eof_offset, &state->hdr->cb_offset);
1741 /* invalidate callback state header */
1742 memset(state->cb_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct callback_state_header));
1743 if (fs_stateWriteHeader(state, &state->hdr->cb_offset, state->cb_hdr,
1744 sizeof(struct callback_state_header))) {
1745 ret = 1;
1746 goto done;
1747 }
1749 fs_stateIncEOF(state, sizeof(struct callback_state_header));
1751 /* dump timeout state */
1752 if (cb_stateSaveTimeouts(state)) {
1753 ret = 1;
1754 goto done;
1755 }
1757 /* dump fe hashtable state */
1758 if (cb_stateSaveFEHash(state)) {
1759 ret = 1;
1760 goto done;
1761 }
1763 /* dump callback state */
1764 if (cb_stateSaveFEs(state)) {
1765 ret = 1;
1766 goto done;
1767 }
1769 /* write the callback state header to disk */
1770 cb_stateFillHeader(state->cb_hdr);
1771 if (fs_stateWriteHeader(state, &state->hdr->cb_offset, state->cb_hdr,
1772 sizeof(struct callback_state_header))) {
1773 ret = 1;
1774 goto done;
1775 }
1777 done:
1778 return ret;
1779 }
1781 int
1782 cb_stateRestore(struct fs_dump_state * state)
1783 {
1784 int ret = 0;
1786 if (fs_stateReadHeader(state, &state->hdr->cb_offset, state->cb_hdr,
1787 sizeof(struct callback_state_header))) {
1788 ret = 1;
1789 goto done;
1790 }
1792 if (cb_stateCheckHeader(state->cb_hdr)) {
1793 ret = 1;
1794 goto done;
1795 }
1797 if (cb_stateAllocMap(state)) {
1798 ret = 1;
1799 goto done;
1800 }
1802 if (cb_stateRestoreTimeouts(state)) {
1803 ret = 1;
1804 goto done;
1805 }
1807 if (cb_stateRestoreFEHash(state)) {
1808 ret = 1;
1809 goto done;
1810 }
1812 /* restore FEs and CBs from disk */
1813 if (cb_stateRestoreFEs(state)) {
1814 ret = 1;
1815 goto done;
1816 }
1818 /* restore the timeout queue heads */
1819 tfirst = state->cb_hdr->tfirst;
1821 done:
1822 return ret;
1823 }
1825 int
1826 cb_stateRestoreIndices(struct fs_dump_state * state)
1827 {
1828 int i, ret = 0;
1829 struct FileEntry * fe;
1830 struct CallBack * cb;
1832 /* restore indices in the FileEntry structures */
1833 for (i = 1; i < state->fe_map.len; i++) {
1834 if (state->fe_map.entries[i].new_idx) {
1835 fe = itofe(state->fe_map.entries[i].new_idx);
1837 /* restore the fe->fnext entry */
1838 if (fe_OldToNew(state, fe->fnext, &fe->fnext)) {
1839 ret = 1;
1840 goto done;
1841 }
1843 /* restore the fe->firstcb entry */
1844 if (cb_OldToNew(state, fe->firstcb, &fe->firstcb)) {
1845 ret = 1;
1846 goto done;
1847 }
1848 }
1849 }
1851 /* restore indices in the CallBack structures */
1852 for (i = 1; i < state->cb_map.len; i++) {
1853 if (state->cb_map.entries[i].new_idx) {
1854 cb = itocb(state->cb_map.entries[i].new_idx);
1856 /* restore the cb->cnext entry */
1857 if (cb_OldToNew(state, cb->cnext, &cb->cnext)) {
1858 ret = 1;
1859 goto done;
1860 }
1862 /* restore the cb->fhead entry */
1863 if (fe_OldToNew(state, cb->fhead, &cb->fhead)) {
1864 ret = 1;
1865 goto done;
1866 }
1868 /* restore the cb->hhead entry */
1869 if (h_OldToNew(state, cb->hhead, &cb->hhead)) {
1870 ret = 1;
1871 goto done;
1872 }
1874 /* restore the cb->tprev entry */
1875 if (cb_OldToNew(state, cb->tprev, &cb->tprev)) {
1876 ret = 1;
1877 goto done;
1878 }
1880 /* restore the cb->tnext entry */
1881 if (cb_OldToNew(state, cb->tnext, &cb->tnext)) {
1882 ret = 1;
1883 goto done;
1884 }
1886 /* restore the cb->hprev entry */
1887 if (cb_OldToNew(state, cb->hprev, &cb->hprev)) {
1888 ret = 1;
1889 goto done;
1890 }
1892 /* restore the cb->hnext entry */
1893 if (cb_OldToNew(state, cb->hnext, &cb->hnext)) {
1894 ret = 1;
1895 goto done;
1896 }
1897 }
1898 }
1900 /* restore the timeout queue head indices */
1901 for (i = 0; i < state->cb_timeout_hdr->records; i++) {
1902 if (cb_OldToNew(state, timeout[i], &timeout[i])) {
1903 ret = 1;
1904 goto done;
1905 }
1906 }
1908 /* restore the FE hash table queue heads */
1909 for (i = 0; i < state->cb_fehash_hdr->records; i++) {
1910 if (fe_OldToNew(state, HashTable[i], &HashTable[i])) {
1911 ret = 1;
1912 goto done;
1913 }
1914 }
1916 done:
1917 return ret;
1918 }
1920 int
1921 cb_stateVerify(struct fs_dump_state * state)
1922 {
1923 int ret = 0;
1925 if (cb_stateVerifyFEHash(state)) {
1926 ret = 1;
1927 }
1929 if (cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues(state)) {
1930 ret = 1;
1931 }
1933 return ret;
1934 }
1936 static int
1937 cb_stateVerifyFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state)
1938 {
1939 int ret = 0, i;
1940 struct FileEntry * fe;
1941 afs_uint32 fei, chain_len;
1943 for (i = 0; i < FEHASH_SIZE; i++) {
1944 chain_len = 0;
1945 for (fei = HashTable[i], fe = itofe(fei);
1946 fe;
1947 fei = fe->fnext, fe = itofe(fei)) {
1948 if (fei > cbstuff.nblks) {
1949 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFEHash: error: index out of range (fei=%d)\n", fei));
1950 ret = 1;
1951 break;
1952 }
1953 if (cb_stateVerifyFE(state, fe)) {
1954 ret = 1;
1955 }
1956 if (chain_len > FS_STATE_FE_MAX_HASH_CHAIN_LEN) {
1957 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFEHash: error: hash chain %d length exceeds %d; assuming there's a loop\n",
1959 ret = 1;
1960 break;
1961 }
1962 chain_len++;
1963 }
1964 }
1966 return ret;
1967 }
1969 static int
1970 cb_stateVerifyFE(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe)
1971 {
1972 int ret = 0;
1974 if ((fe->firstcb && !fe->ncbs) ||
1975 (!fe->firstcb && fe->ncbs)) {
1976 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFE: error: fe->firstcb does not agree with fe->ncbs (fei=%lu, fe->firstcb=%lu, fe->ncbs=%lu)\n",
1977 afs_printable_uint32_lu(fetoi(fe)),
1978 afs_printable_uint32_lu(fe->firstcb),
1979 afs_printable_uint32_lu(fe->ncbs)));
1980 ret = 1;
1981 }
1982 if (cb_stateVerifyFCBList(state, fe)) {
1983 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFE: error: FCBList failed verification (fei=%lu)\n",
1984 afs_printable_uint32_lu(fetoi(fe))));
1985 ret = 1;
1986 }
1988 return ret;
1989 }
1991 static int
1992 cb_stateVerifyFCBList(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe)
1993 {
1994 int ret = 0;
1995 afs_uint32 cbi, fei, chain_len = 0;
1996 struct CallBack * cb;
1998 fei = fetoi(fe);
2000 for (cbi = fe->firstcb, cb = itocb(cbi);
2001 cb;
2002 cbi = cb->cnext, cb = itocb(cbi)) {
2003 if (cbi > cbstuff.nblks) {
2004 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFCBList: error: list index out of range (cbi=%d, ncbs=%d)\n",
2005 cbi, cbstuff.nblks));
2006 ret = 1;
2007 goto done;
2008 }
2009 if (cb->fhead != fei) {
2010 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFCBList: error: cb->fhead != fei (fei=%d, cb->fhead=%d)\n",
2011 fei, cb->fhead));
2012 ret = 1;
2013 }
2014 if (chain_len > FS_STATE_FCB_MAX_LIST_LEN) {
2015 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFCBList: error: list length exceeds %d (fei=%d); assuming there's a loop\n",
2017 ret = 1;
2018 goto done;
2019 }
2020 chain_len++;
2021 }
2023 if (fe->ncbs != chain_len) {
2024 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFCBList: error: list length mismatch (len=%d, fe->ncbs=%d)\n",
2025 chain_len, fe->ncbs));
2026 ret = 1;
2027 }
2029 done:
2030 return ret;
2031 }
2033 int
2034 cb_stateVerifyHCBList(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct host * host)
2035 {
2036 int ret = 0;
2037 afs_uint32 hi, chain_len, cbi;
2038 struct CallBack *cb, *ncb;
2040 hi = h_htoi(host);
2041 chain_len = 0;
2043 for (cbi = host->z.cblist, cb = itocb(cbi);
2044 cb;
2045 cbi = cb->hnext, cb = ncb) {
2046 if (chain_len && (host->z.cblist == cbi)) {
2047 /* we've wrapped around the circular list, and everything looks ok */
2048 break;
2049 }
2050 if (cb->hhead != hi) {
2051 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyHCBList: error: incorrect cb->hhead (cbi=%d, h->index=%d, cb->hhead=%d)\n",
2052 cbi, hi, cb->hhead));
2053 ret = 1;
2054 }
2055 if (!cb->hprev || !cb->hnext) {
2056 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyHCBList: error: null index in circular list (cbi=%d, h->index=%d)\n",
2057 cbi, hi));
2058 ret = 1;
2059 goto done;
2060 }
2061 if ((cb->hprev > cbstuff.nblks) ||
2062 (cb->hnext > cbstuff.nblks)) {
2063 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyHCBList: error: list index out of range (cbi=%d, h->index=%d, cb->hprev=%d, cb->hnext=%d, nCBs=%d)\n",
2064 cbi, hi, cb->hprev, cb->hnext, cbstuff.nblks));
2065 ret = 1;
2066 goto done;
2067 }
2068 ncb = itocb(cb->hnext);
2069 if (cbi != ncb->hprev) {
2070 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyHCBList: error: corrupt linked list (cbi=%d, h->index=%d)\n",
2071 cbi, hi));
2072 ret = 1;
2073 goto done;
2074 }
2075 if (chain_len > FS_STATE_HCB_MAX_LIST_LEN) {
2076 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyFCBList: error: list length exceeds %d (h->index=%d); assuming there's a loop\n",
2078 ret = 1;
2079 goto done;
2080 }
2081 chain_len++;
2082 }
2084 done:
2085 return ret;
2086 }
2088 static int
2089 cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues(struct fs_dump_state * state)
2090 {
2091 int ret = 0, i;
2092 afs_uint32 cbi, chain_len;
2093 struct CallBack *cb, *ncb;
2095 for (i = 0; i < CB_NUM_TIMEOUT_QUEUES; i++) {
2096 chain_len = 0;
2097 for (cbi = timeout[i], cb = itocb(cbi);
2098 cb;
2099 cbi = cb->tnext, cb = ncb) {
2100 if (chain_len && (cbi == timeout[i])) {
2101 /* we've wrapped around the circular list, and everything looks ok */
2102 break;
2103 }
2104 if (cbi > cbstuff.nblks) {
2105 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: error: list index out of range (cbi=%d, tindex=%d)\n",
2106 cbi, i));
2107 ret = 1;
2108 break;
2109 }
2110 if (itot(cb->thead) != &timeout[i]) {
2111 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: error: cb->thead points to wrong timeout queue (tindex=%d, cbi=%d, cb->thead=%d)\n",
2112 i, cbi, cb->thead));
2113 ret = 1;
2114 }
2115 if (!cb->tprev || !cb->tnext) {
2116 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: null index in circular list (cbi=%d, tindex=%d)\n",
2117 cbi, i));
2118 ret = 1;
2119 break;
2120 }
2121 if ((cb->tprev > cbstuff.nblks) ||
2122 (cb->tnext > cbstuff.nblks)) {
2123 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: list index out of range (cbi=%d, tindex=%d, cb->tprev=%d, cb->tnext=%d, nCBs=%d)\n",
2124 cbi, i, cb->tprev, cb->tnext, cbstuff.nblks));
2125 ret = 1;
2126 break;
2127 }
2128 ncb = itocb(cb->tnext);
2129 if (cbi != ncb->tprev) {
2130 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: corrupt linked list (cbi=%d, tindex=%d)\n",
2131 cbi, i));
2132 ret = 1;
2133 break;
2134 }
2135 if (chain_len > FS_STATE_TCB_MAX_LIST_LEN) {
2136 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateVerifyTimeoutQueues: list length exceeds %d (tindex=%d); assuming there's a loop\n",
2138 ret = 1;
2139 break;
2140 }
2141 chain_len++;
2142 }
2143 }
2145 return ret;
2146 }
2148 static int
2149 cb_stateSaveTimeouts(struct fs_dump_state * state)
2150 {
2151 int ret = 0;
2152 struct iovec iov[2];
2154 AssignInt64(state->eof_offset, &state->cb_hdr->timeout_offset);
2156 memset(state->cb_timeout_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header));
2157 state->cb_timeout_hdr->magic = CALLBACK_STATE_TIMEOUT_MAGIC;
2158 state->cb_timeout_hdr->records = CB_NUM_TIMEOUT_QUEUES;
2159 state->cb_timeout_hdr->len = sizeof(struct callback_state_timeout_header) +
2160 (state->cb_timeout_hdr->records * sizeof(afs_uint32));
2162 iov[0].iov_base = (char *)state->cb_timeout_hdr;
2163 iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct callback_state_timeout_header);
2164 iov[1].iov_base = (char *)timeout;
2165 iov[1].iov_len = sizeof(timeout);
2167 if (fs_stateSeek(state, &state->cb_hdr->timeout_offset)) {
2168 ret = 1;
2169 goto done;
2170 }
2172 if (fs_stateWriteV(state, iov, 2)) {
2173 ret = 1;
2174 goto done;
2175 }
2177 fs_stateIncEOF(state, state->cb_timeout_hdr->len);
2179 done:
2180 return ret;
2181 }
2183 static int
2184 cb_stateRestoreTimeouts(struct fs_dump_state * state)
2185 {
2186 int ret = 0, len;
2188 if (fs_stateReadHeader(state, &state->cb_hdr->timeout_offset,
2189 state->cb_timeout_hdr,
2190 sizeof(struct callback_state_timeout_header))) {
2191 ret = 1;
2192 goto done;
2193 }
2195 if (state->cb_timeout_hdr->magic != CALLBACK_STATE_TIMEOUT_MAGIC) {
2196 ret = 1;
2197 goto done;
2198 }
2199 if (state->cb_timeout_hdr->records != CB_NUM_TIMEOUT_QUEUES) {
2200 ret = 1;
2201 goto done;
2202 }
2204 len = state->cb_timeout_hdr->records * sizeof(afs_uint32);
2206 if (state->cb_timeout_hdr->len !=
2207 (sizeof(struct callback_state_timeout_header) + len)) {
2208 ret = 1;
2209 goto done;
2210 }
2212 if (fs_stateRead(state, timeout, len)) {
2213 ret = 1;
2214 goto done;
2215 }
2217 done:
2218 return ret;
2219 }
2221 static int
2222 cb_stateSaveFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state)
2223 {
2224 int ret = 0;
2225 struct iovec iov[2];
2227 AssignInt64(state->eof_offset, &state->cb_hdr->fehash_offset);
2229 memset(state->cb_fehash_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header));
2230 state->cb_fehash_hdr->magic = CALLBACK_STATE_FEHASH_MAGIC;
2231 state->cb_fehash_hdr->records = FEHASH_SIZE;
2232 state->cb_fehash_hdr->len = sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header) +
2233 (state->cb_fehash_hdr->records * sizeof(afs_uint32));
2235 iov[0].iov_base = (char *)state->cb_fehash_hdr;
2236 iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header);
2237 iov[1].iov_base = (char *)HashTable;
2238 iov[1].iov_len = sizeof(HashTable);
2240 if (fs_stateSeek(state, &state->cb_hdr->fehash_offset)) {
2241 ret = 1;
2242 goto done;
2243 }
2245 if (fs_stateWriteV(state, iov, 2)) {
2246 ret = 1;
2247 goto done;
2248 }
2250 fs_stateIncEOF(state, state->cb_fehash_hdr->len);
2252 done:
2253 return ret;
2254 }
2256 static int
2257 cb_stateRestoreFEHash(struct fs_dump_state * state)
2258 {
2259 int ret = 0, len;
2261 if (fs_stateReadHeader(state, &state->cb_hdr->fehash_offset,
2262 state->cb_fehash_hdr,
2263 sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header))) {
2264 ret = 1;
2265 goto done;
2266 }
2268 if (state->cb_fehash_hdr->magic != CALLBACK_STATE_FEHASH_MAGIC) {
2269 ret = 1;
2270 goto done;
2271 }
2272 if (state->cb_fehash_hdr->records != FEHASH_SIZE) {
2273 ret = 1;
2274 goto done;
2275 }
2277 len = state->cb_fehash_hdr->records * sizeof(afs_uint32);
2279 if (state->cb_fehash_hdr->len !=
2280 (sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header) + len)) {
2281 ret = 1;
2282 goto done;
2283 }
2285 if (fs_stateRead(state, HashTable, len)) {
2286 ret = 1;
2287 goto done;
2288 }
2290 done:
2291 return ret;
2292 }
2294 static int
2295 cb_stateSaveFEs(struct fs_dump_state * state)
2296 {
2297 int ret = 0;
2298 int fei, hash;
2299 struct FileEntry *fe;
2301 AssignInt64(state->eof_offset, &state->cb_hdr->fe_offset);
2303 for (hash = 0; hash < FEHASH_SIZE ; hash++) {
2304 for (fei = HashTable[hash]; fei; fei = fe->fnext) {
2305 fe = itofe(fei);
2306 if (cb_stateSaveFE(state, fe)) {
2307 ret = 1;
2308 goto done;
2309 }
2310 }
2311 }
2313 done:
2314 return ret;
2315 }
2317 static int
2318 cb_stateRestoreFEs(struct fs_dump_state * state)
2319 {
2320 int count, nFEs, ret = 0;
2322 nFEs = state->cb_hdr->nFEs;
2324 for (count = 0; count < nFEs; count++) {
2325 if (cb_stateRestoreFE(state)) {
2326 ret = 1;
2327 goto done;
2328 }
2329 }
2331 done:
2332 return ret;
2333 }
2335 static int
2336 cb_stateSaveFE(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe)
2337 {
2338 int ret = 0, iovcnt, cbi, written = 0;
2339 afs_uint32 fei;
2340 struct callback_state_entry_header hdr;
2341 struct FEDiskEntry fedsk;
2342 struct CBDiskEntry cbdsk[16];
2343 struct iovec iov[16];
2344 struct CallBack *cb;
2346 fei = fetoi(fe);
2347 if (fei > state->cb_hdr->fe_max) {
2348 state->cb_hdr->fe_max = fei;
2349 }
2351 memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(struct callback_state_entry_header));
2353 if (cb_stateFEToDiskEntry(fe, &fedsk)) {
2354 ret = 1;
2355 goto done;
2356 }
2358 iov[0].iov_base = (char *)&hdr;
2359 iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(hdr);
2360 iov[1].iov_base = (char *)&fedsk;
2361 iov[1].iov_len = sizeof(struct FEDiskEntry);
2362 iovcnt = 2;
2364 for (cbi = fe->firstcb, cb = itocb(cbi);
2365 cb != NULL;
2366 cbi = cb->cnext, cb = itocb(cbi), hdr.nCBs++) {
2367 if (cbi > state->cb_hdr->cb_max) {
2368 state->cb_hdr->cb_max = cbi;
2369 }
2370 if (cb_stateCBToDiskEntry(cb, &cbdsk[iovcnt])) {
2371 ret = 1;
2372 goto done;
2373 }
2374 cbdsk[iovcnt].index = cbi;
2375 iov[iovcnt].iov_base = (char *)&cbdsk[iovcnt];
2376 iov[iovcnt].iov_len = sizeof(struct CBDiskEntry);
2377 iovcnt++;
2378 if ((iovcnt == 16) || (!cb->cnext)) {
2379 if (fs_stateWriteV(state, iov, iovcnt)) {
2380 ret = 1;
2381 goto done;
2382 }
2383 written = 1;
2384 iovcnt = 0;
2385 }
2386 }
2389 hdr.len = sizeof(hdr) + sizeof(struct FEDiskEntry) +
2390 (hdr.nCBs * sizeof(struct CBDiskEntry));
2392 if (!written) {
2393 if (fs_stateWriteV(state, iov, iovcnt)) {
2394 ret = 1;
2395 goto done;
2396 }
2397 } else {
2398 if (fs_stateWriteHeader(state, &state->eof_offset, &hdr, sizeof(hdr))) {
2399 ret = 1;
2400 goto done;
2401 }
2402 }
2404 fs_stateIncEOF(state, hdr.len);
2406 if (written) {
2407 if (fs_stateSeek(state, &state->eof_offset)) {
2408 ret = 1;
2409 goto done;
2410 }
2411 }
2413 state->cb_hdr->nFEs++;
2414 state->cb_hdr->nCBs += hdr.nCBs;
2416 done:
2417 return ret;
2418 }
2420 static int
2421 cb_stateRestoreFE(struct fs_dump_state * state)
2422 {
2423 int ret = 0, iovcnt, nCBs;
2424 struct callback_state_entry_header hdr;
2425 struct FEDiskEntry fedsk;
2426 struct CBDiskEntry cbdsk[16];
2427 struct iovec iov[16];
2428 struct FileEntry * fe;
2430 iov[0].iov_base = (char *)&hdr;
2431 iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(hdr);
2432 iov[1].iov_base = (char *)&fedsk;
2433 iov[1].iov_len = sizeof(fedsk);
2434 iovcnt = 2;
2436 if (fs_stateReadV(state, iov, iovcnt)) {
2437 ret = 1;
2438 goto done;
2439 }
2441 if (hdr.magic != CALLBACK_STATE_ENTRY_MAGIC) {
2442 ret = 1;
2443 goto done;
2444 }
2446 fe = GetFE();
2447 if (fe == NULL) {
2448 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateRestoreFE: ran out of free FileEntry structures\n"));
2449 ret = 1;
2450 goto done;
2451 }
2453 if (cb_stateDiskEntryToFE(state, &fedsk, fe)) {
2454 ret = 1;
2455 goto done;
2456 }
2458 if (hdr.nCBs) {
2459 for (iovcnt = 0, nCBs = 0;
2460 nCBs < hdr.nCBs;
2461 nCBs++) {
2462 iov[iovcnt].iov_base = (char *)&cbdsk[iovcnt];
2463 iov[iovcnt].iov_len = sizeof(struct CBDiskEntry);
2464 iovcnt++;
2465 if ((iovcnt == 16) || (nCBs == hdr.nCBs - 1)) {
2466 if (fs_stateReadV(state, iov, iovcnt)) {
2467 ret = 1;
2468 goto done;
2469 }
2470 if (cb_stateRestoreCBs(state, fe, iov, iovcnt)) {
2471 ret = 1;
2472 goto done;
2473 }
2474 iovcnt = 0;
2475 }
2476 }
2477 }
2479 done:
2480 return ret;
2481 }
2483 static int
2484 cb_stateRestoreCBs(struct fs_dump_state * state, struct FileEntry * fe,
2485 struct iovec * iov, int niovecs)
2486 {
2487 int ret = 0, idx;
2488 struct CallBack * cb;
2489 struct CBDiskEntry * cbdsk;
2491 for (idx = 0; idx < niovecs; idx++) {
2492 cbdsk = (struct CBDiskEntry *) iov[idx].iov_base;
2494 if (cbdsk->cb.hhead < state->h_map.len &&
2495 state->h_map.entries[cbdsk->cb.hhead].valid == FS_STATE_IDX_SKIPPED) {
2496 continue;
2497 }
2499 if ((cb = GetCB()) == NULL) {
2500 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateRestoreCBs: ran out of free CallBack structures\n"));
2501 ret = 1;
2502 goto done;
2503 }
2504 if (cb_stateDiskEntryToCB(state, cbdsk, cb)) {
2505 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateRestoreCBs: corrupt CallBack disk entry\n"));
2506 ret = 1;
2507 goto done;
2508 }
2509 }
2511 done:
2512 return ret;
2513 }
2516 static int
2517 cb_stateFillHeader(struct callback_state_header * hdr)
2518 {
2519 hdr->stamp.magic = CALLBACK_STATE_MAGIC;
2520 hdr->stamp.version = CALLBACK_STATE_VERSION;
2521 hdr->tfirst = tfirst;
2522 return 0;
2523 }
2525 static int
2526 cb_stateCheckHeader(struct callback_state_header * hdr)
2527 {
2528 int ret = 0;
2530 if (hdr->stamp.magic != CALLBACK_STATE_MAGIC) {
2531 ret = 1;
2532 } else if (hdr->stamp.version != CALLBACK_STATE_VERSION) {
2533 ret = 1;
2534 } else if ((hdr->nFEs > cbstuff.nblks) || (hdr->nCBs > cbstuff.nblks)) {
2535 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateCheckHeader: saved callback state larger than callback memory allocation\n"));
2536 ret = 1;
2537 }
2538 return ret;
2539 }
2541 /* disk entry conversion routines */
2542 static int
2543 cb_stateFEToDiskEntry(struct FileEntry * in, struct FEDiskEntry * out)
2544 {
2545 memcpy(&out->fe, in, sizeof(struct FileEntry));
2546 out->index = fetoi(in);
2547 return 0;
2548 }
2550 static int
2551 cb_stateDiskEntryToFE(struct fs_dump_state * state,
2552 struct FEDiskEntry * in, struct FileEntry * out)
2553 {
2554 int ret = 0;
2556 memcpy(out, &in->fe, sizeof(struct FileEntry));
2558 /* setup FE map entry */
2559 if (!in->index || (in->index >= state->fe_map.len)) {
2560 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateDiskEntryToFE: index (%d) out of range",
2561 in->index));
2562 ret = 1;
2563 goto done;
2564 }
2565 state->fe_map.entries[in->index].valid = FS_STATE_IDX_VALID;
2566 state->fe_map.entries[in->index].old_idx = in->index;
2567 state->fe_map.entries[in->index].new_idx = fetoi(out);
2569 done:
2570 return ret;
2571 }
2573 static int
2574 cb_stateCBToDiskEntry(struct CallBack * in, struct CBDiskEntry * out)
2575 {
2576 memcpy(&out->cb, in, sizeof(struct CallBack));
2577 out->index = cbtoi(in);
2578 return 0;
2579 }
2581 static int
2582 cb_stateDiskEntryToCB(struct fs_dump_state * state,
2583 struct CBDiskEntry * in, struct CallBack * out)
2584 {
2585 int ret = 0;
2587 memcpy(out, &in->cb, sizeof(struct CallBack));
2589 /* setup CB map entry */
2590 if (!in->index || (in->index >= state->cb_map.len)) {
2591 ViceLog(0, ("cb_stateDiskEntryToCB: index (%d) out of range\n",
2592 in->index));
2593 ret = 1;
2594 goto done;
2595 }
2596 state->cb_map.entries[in->index].valid = FS_STATE_IDX_VALID;
2597 state->cb_map.entries[in->index].old_idx = in->index;
2598 state->cb_map.entries[in->index].new_idx = cbtoi(out);
2600 done:
2601 return ret;
2602 }
2604 /* index map routines */
2605 static int
2606 cb_stateAllocMap(struct fs_dump_state * state)
2607 {
2608 state->fe_map.len = state->cb_hdr->fe_max + 1;
2609 state->cb_map.len = state->cb_hdr->cb_max + 1;
2610 state->fe_map.entries = (struct idx_map_entry_t *)
2611 calloc(state->fe_map.len, sizeof(struct idx_map_entry_t));
2612 state->cb_map.entries = (struct idx_map_entry_t *)
2613 calloc(state->cb_map.len, sizeof(struct idx_map_entry_t));
2614 return ((state->fe_map.entries != NULL) && (state->cb_map.entries != NULL)) ? 0 : 1;
2615 }
2617 int
2618 fe_OldToNew(struct fs_dump_state * state, afs_uint32 old, afs_uint32 * new)
2619 {
2620 int ret = 0;
2622 /* FEs use a one-based indexing system, so old==0 implies no mapping */
2623 if (!old) {
2624 *new = 0;
2625 goto done;
2626 }
2628 if (old >= state->fe_map.len) {
2629 ViceLog(0, ("fe_OldToNew: index %d is out of range\n", old));
2630 ret = 1;
2631 } else if (state->fe_map.entries[old].valid != FS_STATE_IDX_VALID ||
2632 state->fe_map.entries[old].old_idx != old) { /* sanity check */
2633 ViceLog(0, ("fe_OldToNew: index %d points to an invalid FileEntry record\n", old));
2634 ret = 1;
2635 } else {
2636 *new = state->fe_map.entries[old].new_idx;
2637 }
2639 done:
2640 return ret;
2641 }
2643 int
2644 cb_OldToNew(struct fs_dump_state * state, afs_uint32 old, afs_uint32 * new)
2645 {
2646 int ret = 0;
2648 /* CBs use a one-based indexing system, so old==0 implies no mapping */
2649 if (!old) {
2650 *new = 0;
2651 goto done;
2652 }
2654 if (old >= state->cb_map.len) {
2655 ViceLog(0, ("cb_OldToNew: index %d is out of range\n", old));
2656 ret = 1;
2657 } else if (state->cb_map.entries[old].valid != FS_STATE_IDX_VALID ||
2658 state->cb_map.entries[old].old_idx != old) { /* sanity check */
2659 ViceLog(0, ("cb_OldToNew: index %d points to an invalid CallBack record\n", old));
2660 ret = 1;
2661 } else {
2662 *new = state->cb_map.entries[old].new_idx;
2663 }
2665 done:
2666 return ret;
2667 }
2668 #endif /* AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS */
2670 #define DumpBytes(fd,buf,req) if (write(fd, buf, req) < 0) {} /* don't care */
2672 static int
2673 DumpCallBackState_r(void)
2674 {
2675 int fd, oflag;
2676 afs_uint32 magic = MAGICV2, now = (afs_int32) time(NULL), freelisthead;
2678 oflag = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
2679 #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV
2680 oflag |= O_BINARY;
2681 #endif
2682 fd = open(AFSDIR_SERVER_CBKDUMP_FILEPATH, oflag, 0666);
2683 if (fd < 0) {
2684 ViceLog(0,
2685 ("Couldn't create callback dump file %s\n",
2687 return 0;
2688 }
2689 /*
2690 * Collect but ignoring the return value of write(2) here,
2691 * to avoid compiler warnings on some platforms.
2692 */
2693 DumpBytes(fd, &magic, sizeof(magic));
2694 DumpBytes(fd, &now, sizeof(now));
2695 DumpBytes(fd, &cbstuff, sizeof(cbstuff));
2696 DumpBytes(fd, TimeOuts, sizeof(TimeOuts));
2697 DumpBytes(fd, timeout, sizeof(timeout));
2698 DumpBytes(fd, &tfirst, sizeof(tfirst));
2699 freelisthead = cbtoi((struct CallBack *)CBfree);
2700 DumpBytes(fd, &freelisthead, sizeof(freelisthead)); /* This is a pointer */
2701 freelisthead = fetoi((struct FileEntry *)FEfree);
2702 DumpBytes(fd, &freelisthead, sizeof(freelisthead)); /* This is a pointer */
2703 DumpBytes(fd, HashTable, sizeof(HashTable));
2704 DumpBytes(fd, &CB[1], sizeof(CB[1]) * cbstuff.nblks); /* CB stuff */
2705 DumpBytes(fd, &FE[1], sizeof(FE[1]) * cbstuff.nblks); /* FE stuff */
2706 close(fd);
2708 return 0;
2709 }
2711 int
2712 DumpCallBackState(void) {
2713 int rc;
2715 H_LOCK;
2716 rc = DumpCallBackState_r();
2717 H_UNLOCK;
2719 return(rc);
2720 }
2722 #endif /* !INTERPRET_DUMP */
2724 #ifdef INTERPRET_DUMP
2726 static void
2727 ReadBytes(int fd, void *buf, size_t req)
2728 {
2729 ssize_t count;
2731 count = read(fd, buf, req);
2732 if (count < 0) {
2733 perror("read");
2734 exit(-1);
2735 } else if (count != req) {
2736 fprintf(stderr, "read: premature EOF (expected %lu, got %lu)\n",
2737 (unsigned long)req, (unsigned long)count);
2738 exit(-1);
2739 }
2740 }
2742 /* This is only compiled in for the callback analyzer program */
2743 /* Returns the time of the dump */
2744 time_t
2745 ReadDump(char *file, int timebits)
2746 {
2747 int fd, oflag;
2748 afs_uint32 magic, freelisthead;
2749 afs_uint32 now;
2750 afs_int64 now64;
2752 oflag = O_RDONLY;
2753 #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV
2754 oflag |= O_BINARY;
2755 #endif
2756 fd = open(file, oflag);
2757 if (fd < 0) {
2758 fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't read dump file %s\n", file);
2759 exit(1);
2760 }
2761 ReadBytes(fd, &magic, sizeof(magic));
2762 if (magic == MAGICV2) {
2763 timebits = 32;
2764 } else {
2765 if (magic != MAGIC) {
2766 fprintf(stderr,
2767 "Magic number of %s is invalid. You might be trying to\n",
2768 file);
2769 fprintf(stderr,
2770 "run this program on a machine type with a different byte ordering.\n");
2771 exit(1);
2772 }
2773 }
2774 if (timebits == 64) {
2775 ReadBytes(fd, &now64, sizeof(afs_int64));
2776 now = (afs_int32) now64;
2777 } else
2778 ReadBytes(fd, &now, sizeof(afs_int32));
2780 ReadBytes(fd, &cbstuff, sizeof(cbstuff));
2781 ReadBytes(fd, TimeOuts, sizeof(TimeOuts));
2782 ReadBytes(fd, timeout, sizeof(timeout));
2783 ReadBytes(fd, &tfirst, sizeof(tfirst));
2784 ReadBytes(fd, &freelisthead, sizeof(freelisthead));
2785 CB = ((struct CallBack
2786 *)(calloc(cbstuff.nblks, sizeof(struct CallBack)))) - 1;
2787 FE = ((struct FileEntry
2788 *)(calloc(cbstuff.nblks, sizeof(struct FileEntry)))) - 1;
2789 CBfree = (struct CallBack *)itocb(freelisthead);
2790 ReadBytes(fd, &freelisthead, sizeof(freelisthead));
2791 FEfree = (struct FileEntry *)itofe(freelisthead);
2792 ReadBytes(fd, HashTable, sizeof(HashTable));
2793 ReadBytes(fd, &CB[1], sizeof(CB[1]) * cbstuff.nblks); /* CB stuff */
2794 ReadBytes(fd, &FE[1], sizeof(FE[1]) * cbstuff.nblks); /* FE stuff */
2795 if (close(fd)) {
2796 perror("Error reading dumpfile");
2797 exit(1);
2798 }
2799 return now;
2800 }
2802 #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV
2803 #include "AFS_component_version_number.h"
2804 #else
2805 #include "AFS_component_version_number.c"
2806 #endif
2808 static afs_uint32 *cbTrack;
2810 int
2811 main(int argc, char **argv)
2812 {
2813 int err = 0, cbi = 0, stats = 0, noptions = 0, all = 0, vol = 0, raw = 0;
2814 static AFSFid fid;
2815 struct FileEntry *fe;
2816 struct CallBack *cb;
2817 time_t now;
2818 int timebits = 32;
2820 memset(&fid, 0, sizeof(fid));
2821 argc--;
2822 argv++;
2823 while (argc && **argv == '-') {
2824 noptions++;
2825 argc--;
2826 if (!strcmp(*argv, "-host")) {
2827 if (argc < 1) {
2828 err++;
2829 break;
2830 }
2831 argc--;
2832 cbi = atoi(*++argv);
2833 } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-fid")) {
2834 if (argc < 2) {
2835 err++;
2836 break;
2837 }
2838 argc -= 3;
2839 fid.Volume = atoi(*++argv);
2840 fid.Vnode = atoi(*++argv);
2841 fid.Unique = atoi(*++argv);
2842 } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-time")) {
2843 fprintf(stderr, "-time not supported\n");
2844 exit(1);
2845 } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-stats")) {
2846 stats = 1;
2847 } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-all")) {
2848 all = 1;
2849 } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-raw")) {
2850 raw = 1;
2851 } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-timebits")) {
2852 if (argc < 1) {
2853 err++;
2854 break;
2855 }
2856 argc--;
2857 timebits = atoi(*++argv);
2858 if ((timebits != 32)
2859 && (timebits != 64)
2860 )
2861 err++;
2862 } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-volume")) {
2863 if (argc < 1) {
2864 err++;
2865 break;
2866 }
2867 argc--;
2868 vol = atoi(*++argv);
2869 } else
2870 err++;
2871 argv++;
2872 }
2873 if (err || argc != 1) {
2874 fprintf(stderr,
2875 "Usage: cbd [-host cbid] [-fid volume vnode] [-stats] [-all] [-timebits 32"
2876 "|64"
2877 "] callbackdumpfile\n");
2878 fprintf(stderr,
2879 "[cbid is shown for each host in the hosts.dump file]\n");
2880 exit(1);
2881 }
2882 now = ReadDump(*argv, timebits);
2883 if (stats || noptions == 0) {
2884 time_t uxtfirst = UXtime(tfirst), tnow = now;
2885 printf("The time of the dump was %u %s", (unsigned int) now, ctime(&tnow));
2886 printf("The last time cleanup ran was %u %s", (unsigned int) uxtfirst,
2887 ctime(&uxtfirst));
2888 PrintCallBackStats();
2889 }
2891 cbTrack = calloc(cbstuff.nblks, sizeof(cbTrack[0]));
2893 if (all || vol) {
2894 int hash;
2895 afs_uint32 *feip;
2896 struct CallBack *cb;
2897 struct FileEntry *fe;
2899 for (hash = 0; hash < FEHASH_SIZE; hash++) {
2900 for (feip = &HashTable[hash]; (fe = itofe(*feip));) {
2901 if (!vol || (fe->volid == vol)) {
2902 afs_uint32 fe_i = fetoi(fe);
2904 for (cb = itocb(fe->firstcb); cb; cb = itocb(cb->cnext)) {
2905 afs_uint32 cb_i = cbtoi(cb);
2907 if (cb_i > cbstuff.nblks) {
2908 printf("CB index out of range (%u > %d), stopped for this FE\n",
2909 cb_i, cbstuff.nblks);
2910 break;
2911 }
2913 if (cbTrack[cb_i]) {
2914 printf("CB entry already claimed for FE[%u] (this is FE[%u]), stopped\n",
2915 cbTrack[cb_i], fe_i);
2916 break;
2917 }
2918 cbTrack[cb_i] = fe_i;
2920 PrintCB(cb, now);
2921 }
2922 *feip = fe->fnext;
2923 } else {
2924 feip = &fe->fnext;
2925 }
2926 }
2927 }
2928 }
2929 if (cbi) {
2930 afs_uint32 cfirst = cbi;
2931 do {
2932 cb = itocb(cbi);
2933 PrintCB(cb, now);
2934 cbi = cb->hnext;
2935 } while (cbi != cfirst);
2936 }
2937 if (fid.Volume) {
2938 fe = FindFE(&fid);
2939 if (!fe) {
2940 printf("No callback entries for %u.%u\n", fid.Volume, fid.Vnode);
2941 exit(1);
2942 }
2943 cb = itocb(fe->firstcb);
2944 while (cb) {
2945 PrintCB(cb, now);
2946 cb = itocb(cb->cnext);
2947 }
2948 }
2949 if (raw) {
2950 afs_int32 *p, i;
2951 for (i = 1; i < cbstuff.nblks; i++) {
2952 p = (afs_int32 *) & FE[i];
2953 printf("%d:%12x%12x%12x%12x\n", i, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
2954 }
2955 }
2957 free(cbTrack);
2958 exit(0);
2959 }
2961 void
2962 PrintCB(struct CallBack *cb, afs_uint32 now)
2963 {
2964 struct FileEntry *fe = itofe(cb->fhead);
2965 time_t expires = TIndexToTime(cb->thead);
2967 if (fe == NULL)
2968 return;
2970 printf("vol=%" AFS_VOLID_FMT " vn=%u cbs=%d hi=%d st=%d fest=%d, exp in %lu secs at %s",
2971 afs_printable_VolumeId_lu(fe->volid), fe->vnode, fe->ncbs,
2972 cb->hhead, cb->status, fe->status, (unsigned long)(expires - now),
2973 ctime(&expires));
2974 }
2976 #endif
2978 #if !defined(INTERPRET_DUMP)
2979 /*
2980 ** try breaking calbacks on afidp from host. Use multi_rx.
2981 ** return 0 on success, non-zero on failure
2982 */
2983 int
2984 MultiBreakCallBackAlternateAddress(struct host *host, struct AFSCBFids *afidp)
2985 {
2986 int retVal;
2987 H_LOCK;
2988 retVal = MultiBreakCallBackAlternateAddress_r(host, afidp);
2989 H_UNLOCK;
2990 return retVal;
2991 }
2993 int
2994 MultiBreakCallBackAlternateAddress_r(struct host *host,
2995 struct AFSCBFids *afidp)
2996 {
2997 int i, j;
2998 struct rx_connection **conns;
2999 struct rx_connection *connSuccess = 0;
3000 struct AddrPort *interfaces;
3001 static struct rx_securityClass *sc = 0;
3002 static struct AFSCBs tc = { 0, 0 };
3003 char hoststr[16];
3005 /* nothing more can be done */
3006 if (!host->z.interface)
3007 return 1; /* failure */
3009 /* the only address is the primary interface */
3010 if (host->z.interface->numberOfInterfaces <= 1)
3011 return 1; /* failure */
3013 /* initialise a security object only once */
3014 if (!sc)
3015 sc = rxnull_NewClientSecurityObject();
3017 i = host->z.interface->numberOfInterfaces;
3018 interfaces = calloc(i, sizeof(struct AddrPort));
3019 conns = calloc(i, sizeof(struct rx_connection *));
3020 if (!interfaces || !conns) {
3021 ViceLogThenPanic(0, ("Failed malloc in "
3022 "MultiBreakCallBackAlternateAddress_r\n"));
3023 }
3025 /* initialize alternate rx connections */
3026 for (i = 0, j = 0; i < host->z.interface->numberOfInterfaces; i++) {
3027 /* this is the current primary address */
3028 if (host-> == host->z.interface->interface[i].addr &&
3029 host->z.port == host->z.interface->interface[i].port)
3030 continue;
3032 interfaces[j] = host->z.interface->interface[i];
3033 conns[j] =
3034 rx_NewConnection(interfaces[j].addr,
3035 interfaces[j].port, 1, sc, 0);
3036 rx_SetConnDeadTime(conns[j], 2);
3037 rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(conns[j], AFS_HARDDEADTIME);
3038 j++;
3039 }
3041 opr_Assert(j); /* at least one alternate address */
3042 ViceLog(125,
3043 ("Starting multibreakcall back on all addr for host %p (%s:%d)\n",
3044 host, afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->, hoststr), ntohs(host->z.port)));
3045 H_UNLOCK;
3046 multi_Rx(conns, j) {
3047 multi_RXAFSCB_CallBack(afidp, &tc);
3048 if (!multi_error) {
3049 /* first success */
3050 H_LOCK;
3051 if (host->z.callback_rxcon)
3052 rx_DestroyConnection(host->z.callback_rxcon);
3053 host->z.callback_rxcon = conns[multi_i];
3054 /* add then remove */
3055 addInterfaceAddr_r(host, interfaces[multi_i].addr,
3056 interfaces[multi_i].port);
3057 removeInterfaceAddr_r(host, host->, host->z.port);
3058 host-> = interfaces[multi_i].addr;
3059 host->z.port = interfaces[multi_i].port;
3060 connSuccess = conns[multi_i];
3061 rx_SetConnDeadTime(host->z.callback_rxcon, 50);
3062 rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(host->z.callback_rxcon, AFS_HARDDEADTIME);
3063 ViceLog(125,
3064 ("multibreakcall success with addr %s:%d\n",
3065 afs_inet_ntoa_r(interfaces[multi_i].addr, hoststr),
3066 ntohs(interfaces[multi_i].port)));
3067 H_UNLOCK;
3068 multi_Abort;
3069 }
3070 }
3071 multi_End_Ignore;
3072 H_LOCK;
3073 /* Destroy all connections except the one on which we succeeded */
3074 for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
3075 if (conns[i] != connSuccess)
3076 rx_DestroyConnection(conns[i]);
3078 free(interfaces);
3079 free(conns);
3081 if (connSuccess)
3082 return 0; /* success */
3083 else
3084 return 1; /* failure */
3085 }
3088 /*
3089 ** try multi_RX probes to host.
3090 ** return 0 on success, non-0 on failure
3091 */
3092 int
3093 MultiProbeAlternateAddress_r(struct host *host)
3094 {
3095 int i, j;
3096 struct rx_connection **conns;
3097 struct rx_connection *connSuccess = 0;
3098 struct AddrPort *interfaces;
3099 static struct rx_securityClass *sc = 0;
3100 char hoststr[16];
3102 /* nothing more can be done */
3103 if (!host->z.interface)
3104 return 1; /* failure */
3106 /* the only address is the primary interface */
3107 if (host->z.interface->numberOfInterfaces <= 1)
3108 return 1; /* failure */
3110 /* initialise a security object only once */
3111 if (!sc)
3112 sc = rxnull_NewClientSecurityObject();
3114 i = host->z.interface->numberOfInterfaces;
3115 interfaces = calloc(i, sizeof(struct AddrPort));
3116 conns = calloc(i, sizeof(struct rx_connection *));
3117 if (!interfaces || !conns) {
3118 ViceLogThenPanic(0, ("Failed malloc in "
3119 "MultiProbeAlternateAddress_r\n"));
3120 }
3122 /* initialize alternate rx connections */
3123 for (i = 0, j = 0; i < host->z.interface->numberOfInterfaces; i++) {
3124 /* this is the current primary address */
3125 if (host-> == host->z.interface->interface[i].addr &&
3126 host->z.port == host->z.interface->interface[i].port)
3127 continue;
3129 interfaces[j] = host->z.interface->interface[i];
3130 conns[j] =
3131 rx_NewConnection(interfaces[j].addr,
3132 interfaces[j].port, 1, sc, 0);
3133 rx_SetConnDeadTime(conns[j], 2);
3134 rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(conns[j], AFS_HARDDEADTIME);
3135 j++;
3136 }
3138 opr_Assert(j); /* at least one alternate address */
3139 ViceLog(125,
3140 ("Starting multiprobe on all addr for host %p (%s:%d)\n",
3141 host, afs_inet_ntoa_r(host->, hoststr),
3142 ntohs(host->z.port)));
3143 H_UNLOCK;
3144 multi_Rx(conns, j) {
3145 multi_RXAFSCB_ProbeUuid(&host->z.interface->uuid);
3146 if (!multi_error) {
3147 /* first success */
3148 H_LOCK;
3149 if (host->z.callback_rxcon)
3150 rx_DestroyConnection(host->z.callback_rxcon);
3151 host->z.callback_rxcon = conns[multi_i];
3152 /* add then remove */
3153 addInterfaceAddr_r(host, interfaces[multi_i].addr,
3154 interfaces[multi_i].port);
3155 removeInterfaceAddr_r(host, host->, host->z.port);
3156 host-> = interfaces[multi_i].addr;
3157 host->z.port = interfaces[multi_i].port;
3158 connSuccess = conns[multi_i];
3159 rx_SetConnDeadTime(host->z.callback_rxcon, 50);
3160 rx_SetConnHardDeadTime(host->z.callback_rxcon, AFS_HARDDEADTIME);
3161 ViceLog(125,
3162 ("multiprobe success with addr %s:%d\n",
3163 afs_inet_ntoa_r(interfaces[multi_i].addr, hoststr),
3164 ntohs(interfaces[multi_i].port)));
3165 H_UNLOCK;
3166 multi_Abort;
3167 } else {
3168 ViceLog(125,
3169 ("multiprobe failure with addr %s:%d\n",
3170 afs_inet_ntoa_r(interfaces[multi_i].addr, hoststr),
3171 ntohs(interfaces[multi_i].port)));
3173 /* This is less than desirable but its the best we can do.
3174 * The AFS Cache Manager will return either 0 for a Uuid
3175 * match and a 1 for a non-match. If the error is 1 we
3176 * therefore know that our mapping of IP address to Uuid
3177 * is wrong. We should attempt to find the correct
3178 * Uuid and fix the host tables.
3179 */
3180 if (multi_error == 1) {
3181 /* remove the current alternate address from this host */
3182 H_LOCK;
3183 removeInterfaceAddr_r(host, interfaces[multi_i].addr, interfaces[multi_i].port);
3184 H_UNLOCK;
3185 }
3186 }
3188 /* try to bail ASAP if the fileserver is shutting down */
3190 if (fs_state.mode == FS_MODE_SHUTDOWN) {
3192 multi_Abort;
3193 }
3195 #endif
3196 }
3197 multi_End_Ignore;
3198 H_LOCK;
3199 /* Destroy all connections except the one on which we succeeded */
3200 for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
3201 if (conns[i] != connSuccess)
3202 rx_DestroyConnection(conns[i]);
3204 free(interfaces);
3205 free(conns);
3207 if (connSuccess)
3208 return 0; /* success */
3209 else
3210 return 1; /* failure */
3211 }
3213 #endif /* !defined(INTERPRET_DUMP) */