Import Upstream version 1.8.5
[hcoop/debian/openafs.git] / src / rx / test / testclient.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
3 * All Rights Reserved.
4 *
5 * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
6 * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
7 * directory or online at
8 */
10 /* Client test program */
12 #include <afsconfig.h>
13 #include <afs/param.h>
14 #include <roken.h>
16 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FILE_H
17 #include <sys/file.h>
18 #endif
20 #include <afs/opr.h>
21 #include <rx/rx_clock.h>
22 #include <rx/rx.h>
23 #include <rx/rx_globals.h>
24 #include <rx/rx_null.h>
25 #include <afs/afsutil.h>
27 #ifndef osi_Alloc
28 #define osi_Alloc(n) malloc(n)
29 #endif
31 int timeReadvs = 0;
32 int print = 1, eventlog = 0, rxlog = 0;
33 int fillPackets;
34 FILE *debugFile;
35 int timeout;
36 struct clock waitTime, computeTime;
38 void OpenFD(int n);
39 void Abort(const char *msg, ...);
40 void Quit(char *msg);
41 int SendFile(char *file, struct rx_connection *conn);
43 void
44 intSignal(int ignore)
45 {
46 Quit("Interrupted");
47 }
49 void
50 quitSignal(int ignore)
51 {
52 static int quitCount = 0;
53 if (++quitCount > 1)
54 Quit("rx_ctest: second quit signal, aborting");
55 rx_debugFile = debugFile = fopen("rx_ctest.db", "w");
56 if (debugFile)
57 rx_PrintStats(debugFile);
58 }
60 #if !defined(AFS_NT40_ENV) && !defined(AFS_LINUX20_ENV)
61 int
62 test_syscall(afs_uint32 a3, afs_uint32 a4, void *a5)
63 {
64 afs_uint32 rcode;
65 void (*old) (int);
67 old = signal(SIGSYS, SIG_IGN);
68 rcode =
69 syscall(31 /* AFS_SYSCALL */ , 28 /* AFSCALL_CALL */ , a3, a4, a5);
70 signal(SIGSYS, old);
72 return rcode;
73 }
74 #endif
76 int
77 main(int argc, char **argv)
78 {
79 char *hostname;
80 struct hostent *hostent;
81 afs_uint32 host;
82 int logstdout = 0;
83 struct rx_connection *conn;
84 struct rx_call *call;
85 struct rx_peer *peer;
86 int err = 0;
87 int nCalls = 1, nBytes = 1;
88 int bufferSize = 4000000;
89 char *buffer;
90 char *sendFile = 0;
91 int setFD = 0;
92 int jumbo = 0;
94 #if !defined(AFS_NT40_ENV) && !defined(AFS_LINUX20_ENV)
95 setlinebuf(stdout);
96 rxi_syscallp = test_syscall;
97 #endif
100 argv++;
101 argc--;
102 while (argc && **argv == '-') {
103 if (strcmp(*argv, "-silent") == 0)
104 print = 0;
105 if (strcmp(*argv, "-jumbo") == 0)
106 jumbo = 1;
107 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-nc") == 0)
108 nCalls = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
109 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-nb") == 0)
110 nBytes = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
111 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-np") == 0)
112 rx_nPackets = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
113 else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-nsf"))
114 rxi_nSendFrags = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
115 else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-nrf"))
116 rxi_nRecvFrags = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
117 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-twind") == 0)
118 rx_initSendWindow = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
119 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-rwind") == 0)
120 rx_initReceiveWindow = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
121 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-rxlog") == 0)
122 rxlog = 1;
123 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-logstdout") == 0)
124 logstdout = 1;
125 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-eventlog") == 0)
126 eventlog = 1;
127 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-drop") == 0) {
128 #ifdef RXDEBUG
129 rx_intentionallyDroppedPacketsPer100 = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
130 #else
131 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Compiled without RXDEBUG\n");
132 #endif
133 } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-timeout") == 0)
134 timeout = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
135 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-fill") == 0)
136 fillPackets++;
137 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-file") == 0)
138 sendFile = *++argv, argc--;
139 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-timereadvs") == 0)
140 timeReadvs = 1;
141 else if (strcmp(*argv, "-wait") == 0) {
142 /* Wait time between calls--to test lastack code */
143 waitTime.sec = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
144 waitTime.usec = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
145 } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-compute") == 0) {
146 /* Simulated "compute" time for each call--to test acknowledgement protocol. This is simulated by doing an iomgr_select: imperfect, admittedly. */
147 computeTime.sec = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
148 computeTime.usec = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
149 } else if (strcmp(*argv, "-fd") == 0) {
150 /* Open at least this many fd's. */
151 setFD = atoi(*++argv), argc--;
152 } else {
153 err = 1;
154 break;
155 }
156 argv++, argc--;
157 }
158 if (err || argc != 1)
159 Quit("usage: rx_ctest [-silent] [-rxlog] [-eventlog] [-nc NCALLS] [-np NPACKETS] hostname");
160 hostname = *argv++, argc--;
162 if (rxlog || eventlog) {
163 if (logstdout)
164 debugFile = stdout;
165 else
166 debugFile = fopen("rx_ctest.db", "w");
167 if (debugFile == NULL)
168 Quit("Couldn't open rx_ctest.db");
169 if (rxlog)
170 rx_debugFile = debugFile;
171 if (eventlog)
172 rxevent_debugFile = debugFile;
173 }
175 signal(SIGINT, intSignal); /*Changed to sigquit since dbx is broken right now */
176 #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV
177 signal(SIGQUIT, quitSignal);
178 #endif
180 #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV
181 if (afs_winsockInit() < 0) {
182 printf("Can't initialize winsock.\n");
183 exit(1);
184 }
185 rx_EnableHotThread();
186 #endif
188 rx_SetUdpBufSize(256 * 1024);
190 if (!jumbo)
191 rx_SetNoJumbo();
193 hostent = gethostbyname(hostname);
194 if (!hostent)
195 Abort("host %s not found", hostname);
196 if (hostent->h_length != 4)
197 Abort("host address is disagreeable length (%d)", hostent->h_length);
198 memcpy((char *)&host, hostent->h_addr, sizeof(host));
199 if (setFD > 0)
200 OpenFD(setFD);
201 if (rx_Init(0) != 0) {
202 printf("RX failed to initialize, exiting.\n");
203 exit(2);
204 }
205 if (setFD > 0) {
206 printf("rx_socket=%d\n", rx_socket);
207 }
209 printf("Using %d packet buffers\n", rx_nPackets);
211 conn =
212 rx_NewConnection(host, htons(2500), 3,
213 rxnull_NewClientSecurityObject(), 0);
215 if (!conn)
216 Abort("unable to make a new connection");
218 if (sendFile)
219 SendFile(sendFile, conn);
220 else {
221 buffer = osi_Alloc(bufferSize);
222 while (nCalls--) {
223 struct clock startTime;
224 struct timeval t;
225 int nbytes;
226 int nSent;
227 int bytesSent = 0;
228 int bytesRead = 0;
229 call = rx_NewCall(conn);
230 if (!call)
231 Abort("unable to make a new call");
233 clock_GetTime(&startTime);
234 for (bytesSent = 0; bytesSent < nBytes; bytesSent += nSent) {
235 int tryCount;
236 tryCount =
237 (bufferSize >
238 nBytes - bytesSent) ? nBytes - bytesSent : bufferSize;
239 nSent = rx_Write(call, buffer, tryCount);
240 if (nSent == 0)
241 break;
243 }
244 for (bytesRead = 0; (nbytes = rx_Read(call, buffer, bufferSize));
245 bytesRead += nbytes) {
246 };
247 if (print)
248 printf("Received %d characters in response\n", bytesRead);
249 err = rx_EndCall(call, 0);
250 if (err)
251 printf("Error %d returned from rpc call\n", err);
252 else {
253 struct clock totalTime;
254 float elapsedTime;
255 clock_GetTime(&totalTime);
256 clock_Sub(&totalTime, &startTime);
257 elapsedTime = clock_Float(&totalTime);
258 fprintf(stderr,
259 "Sent %d bytes in %0.3f seconds: %0.0f bytes per second\n",
260 bytesSent, elapsedTime, bytesSent / elapsedTime);
261 }
262 if (!clock_IsZero(&computeTime)) {
263 t.tv_sec = computeTime.sec;
264 t.tv_usec = computeTime.usec;
265 if (select(0, 0, 0, 0, &t) != 0)
266 Quit("Select didn't return 0");
267 }
268 if (!clock_IsZero(&waitTime)) {
269 struct timeval t;
270 t.tv_sec = waitTime.sec;
271 t.tv_usec = waitTime.usec;
272 #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV
273 select(0, 0, 0, 0, &t);
274 #else
275 IOMGR_Sleep(t.tv_sec);
276 #endif
277 }
278 if (debugFile)
279 rx_PrintPeerStats(debugFile, rx_PeerOf(conn));
280 rx_PrintPeerStats(stdout, rx_PeerOf(conn));
281 }
282 }
283 Quit("testclient: done!\n");
284 return 0;
285 }
287 int
288 SendFile(char *file, struct rx_connection *conn)
289 {
290 struct rx_call *call;
291 int fd;
292 struct stat status;
293 int blockSize, bytesLeft;
294 char *buf;
295 int nbytes;
296 int err;
297 struct clock startTime;
298 int receivedStore = 0;
299 struct clock totalReadvDelay;
300 int nReadvs;
301 int code;
302 #ifdef AFS_AIX_ENV
303 #include <sys/statfs.h>
304 struct statfs tstatfs;
305 #endif
307 if (timeReadvs) {
308 nReadvs = 0;
309 clock_Zero(&totalReadvDelay);
310 }
311 fd = open(file, O_RDONLY, 0);
312 if (fd < 0)
313 Abort("Couldn't open %s\n", file);
314 fstat(fd, &status);
315 #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV
316 blockSize = 1024;
317 #else
318 #ifdef AFS_AIX_ENV
319 /* Unfortunately in AIX valuable fields such as st_blksize are gone from the stat structure!! */
320 fstatfs(fd, &tstatfs);
321 blockSize = tstatfs.f_bsize;
322 #else
323 blockSize = status.st_blksize;
324 #endif
325 #endif
326 buf = osi_Alloc(blockSize);
327 bytesLeft = status.st_size;
328 clock_GetTime(&startTime);
329 call = rx_NewCall(conn);
330 while (bytesLeft) {
331 if (!receivedStore && rx_GetRemoteStatus(call) == 79) {
332 receivedStore = 1;
333 fprintf(stderr,
334 "Remote status indicates file accepted (\"received store\")\n");
335 }
336 nbytes = (bytesLeft > blockSize ? blockSize : bytesLeft);
337 errno = 0;
338 code = read(fd, buf, nbytes);
339 if (code != nbytes) {
340 Abort("Only read %d bytes of %d, errno=%d\n", code, nbytes,
341 errno);
342 }
343 code = rx_Write(call, buf, nbytes);
344 if (code != nbytes) {
345 Abort("Only wrote %d bytes of %d\n", code, nbytes);
346 }
347 bytesLeft -= nbytes;
348 }
349 while ((nbytes = rx_Read(call, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
350 char *p = buf;
351 while (nbytes--) {
352 putchar(*p);
353 p++;
354 }
355 }
356 if ((err = rx_EndCall(call, 0)) != 0) {
357 fprintf(stderr, "rx_Endcall returned error %d\n", err);
358 } else {
359 struct clock totalTime;
360 float elapsedTime;
361 clock_GetTime(&totalTime);
362 clock_Sub(&totalTime, &startTime);
363 elapsedTime = totalTime.sec + totalTime.usec / 1e6;
364 fprintf(stderr,
365 "Sent %d bytes in %0.3f seconds: %0.0f bytes per second\n",
366 (int) status.st_size, elapsedTime, status.st_size / elapsedTime);
367 if (timeReadvs) {
368 float delay = clock_Float(&totalReadvDelay) / nReadvs;
369 fprintf(stderr, "%d readvs, average delay of %0.4f seconds\n",
370 nReadvs, delay);
371 }
372 }
373 close(fd);
375 return(0);
376 }
378 void
379 Abort(const char *msg, ...)
380 {
381 va_list args;
383 va_start(args, msg);
384 printf(msg, args);
385 va_end(args);
387 printf("\n");
388 if (debugFile) {
389 rx_PrintStats(debugFile);
390 fflush(debugFile);
391 }
392 opr_abort();
393 exit(1);
394 }
396 void
397 Quit(char *msg)
398 {
399 printf("%s\n", msg);
400 if (debugFile) {
401 rx_PrintStats(debugFile);
402 fflush(debugFile);
403 }
404 rx_PrintStats(stdout);
405 exit(0);
406 }
408 /* OpenFD
409 *
410 * Open file descriptors until file descriptor n or higher is returned.
411 */
412 void
413 OpenFD(int n)
414 {
415 int i;
416 struct stat sbuf;
417 int fd, lfd;
419 lfd = -1;
420 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
421 if (fstat(i, &sbuf) == 0)
422 continue;
423 if ((fd = open("/dev/null", 0, 0)) < 0) {
424 if (lfd >= 0) {
425 close(lfd);
426 return;
427 }
428 } else {
429 if (fd >= n) {
430 close(fd);
431 return;
432 } else {
433 lfd = fd;
434 }
435 }
436 }
437 }