backport to buster
[hcoop/debian/openafs.git] / src / afs / VNOPS / afs_vnop_attrs.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
3 * All Rights Reserved.
4 *
5 * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
6 * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
7 * directory or online at
8 *
9 * Portions Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
10 */
12 /*
13 * afs_vnop_attrs.c - setattr and getattr vnodeops
14 *
15 * Implements:
16 * afs_CopyOutAttrs
17 * afs_getattr
18 * afs_VAttrToAS
19 * afs_setattr
20 * afs_CreateAttr
21 * afs_DestroyAttr
22 *
23 */
25 #include <afsconfig.h>
26 #include "afs/param.h"
29 #include "afs/sysincludes.h" /* Standard vendor system headers */
30 #include "afsincludes.h" /* Afs-based standard headers */
31 #include "afs/afs_stats.h" /* statistics */
32 #include "afs/afs_cbqueue.h"
33 #include "afs/nfsclient.h"
34 #include "afs/afs_osidnlc.h"
36 extern afs_rwlock_t afs_xcbhash;
37 struct afs_exporter *afs_nfsexporter;
38 extern struct vcache *afs_globalVp;
39 #if defined(AFS_HPUX110_ENV)
40 extern struct vfs *afs_globalVFS;
41 #endif
44 /* copy out attributes from cache entry */
45 int
46 afs_CopyOutAttrs(struct vcache *avc, struct vattr *attrs)
47 {
48 struct volume *tvp;
49 struct cell *tcell;
50 #if defined(AFS_FBSD_ENV) || defined(AFS_DFBSD_ENV)
51 struct vnode *vp = AFSTOV(avc);
52 #endif
53 int fakedir = 0;
55 AFS_STATCNT(afs_CopyOutAttrs);
56 if (afs_fakestat_enable && avc->mvstat == AFS_MVSTAT_MTPT)
57 fakedir = 1;
58 attrs->va_type = fakedir ? VDIR : vType(avc);
59 #if defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) || defined(AFS_AIX32_ENV) || defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV)
60 attrs->va_mode = fakedir ? S_IFDIR | 0755 : (mode_t) (avc->f.m.Mode & 0xffff);
61 #else
62 attrs->va_mode = fakedir ? VDIR | 0755 : avc->f.m.Mode;
63 #endif
65 if (avc->f.m.Mode & (VSUID | VSGID)) {
66 /* setuid or setgid, make sure we're allowed to run them from this cell */
67 tcell = afs_GetCell(avc->f.fid.Cell, 0);
68 if (tcell && (tcell->states & CNoSUID))
69 attrs->va_mode &= ~(VSUID | VSGID);
70 }
71 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV)
72 {
73 if (!afs_darwin_realmodes) {
74 /* Mac OS X uses the mode bits to determine whether a file or
75 * directory is accessible, and believes them, even though under
76 * AFS they're almost assuredly wrong, especially if the local uid
77 * does not match the AFS ID. So we set the mode bits
78 * conservatively.
79 */
80 if (S_ISDIR(attrs->va_mode)) {
81 /* all access bits need to be set for directories, since even
82 * a mode 0 directory can still be used normally.
83 */
84 attrs->va_mode |= ACCESSPERMS;
85 } else {
86 /* for other files, replicate the user bits to group and other */
87 mode_t ubits = (attrs->va_mode & S_IRWXU) >> 6;
88 attrs->va_mode |= ubits | (ubits << 3);
89 }
90 }
91 }
92 #endif /* AFS_DARWIN_ENV */
93 attrs->va_uid = fakedir ? 0 : avc->f.m.Owner;
94 attrs->va_gid = fakedir ? 0 : avc->f.m.Group; /* yeah! */
95 #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV)
96 attrs->va_fsid = AFSTOV(avc)->v_vfsp->vfs_fsid.val[0];
97 #elif defined(AFS_DARWIN80_ENV)
98 VATTR_RETURN(attrs, va_fsid, vfs_statfs(vnode_mount(AFSTOV(avc)))->f_fsid.val[0]);
99 #elif defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV)
100 attrs->va_fsid = avc->v->v_mount->mnt_stat.f_fsid.val[0];
101 #else /* ! AFS_DARWIN_ENV */
102 attrs->va_fsid = 1;
103 #endif
104 if (avc->mvstat == AFS_MVSTAT_ROOT) {
105 tvp = afs_GetVolume(&avc->f.fid, 0, READ_LOCK);
106 /* The mount point's vnode. */
107 if (tvp) {
108 attrs->va_nodeid =
109 afs_calc_inum(tvp->mtpoint.Cell,
110 tvp->mtpoint.Fid.Volume,
111 tvp->mtpoint.Fid.Vnode);
112 if (FidCmp(&afs_rootFid, &avc->f.fid) && !attrs->va_nodeid)
113 attrs->va_nodeid = 2;
114 afs_PutVolume(tvp, READ_LOCK);
115 } else
116 attrs->va_nodeid = 2;
117 } else
118 attrs->va_nodeid =
119 afs_calc_inum(avc->f.fid.Cell,
120 avc->f.fid.Fid.Volume,
121 avc->f.fid.Fid.Vnode);
122 attrs->va_nodeid &= 0x7fffffff; /* Saber C hates negative inode #s! */
123 attrs->va_nlink = fakedir ? 100 : avc->f.m.LinkCount;
124 attrs->va_size = fakedir ? 4096 : avc->f.m.Length;
125 #if defined(AFS_FBSD_ENV) || defined(AFS_DFBSD_ENV)
126 vnode_pager_setsize(vp, (u_long) attrs->va_size);
127 #endif
128 attrs->va_atime.tv_sec = attrs->va_mtime.tv_sec = attrs->va_ctime.tv_sec =
129 fakedir ? 0 : (int)avc->f.m.Date;
130 /* set microseconds to be dataversion # so that we approximate NFS-style
131 * use of mtime as a dataversion #. We take it mod 512K because
132 * microseconds *must* be less than a million, and 512K is the biggest
133 * power of 2 less than such. DataVersions are typically pretty small
134 * anyway, so the difference between 512K and 1000000 shouldn't matter
135 * much, and "&" is a lot faster than "%".
136 */
137 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_FBSD_ENV)
138 /* nfs on these systems puts an 0 in nsec and stores the nfs usec (aka
139 * dataversion) in va_gen */
141 attrs->va_atime.tv_nsec = attrs->va_mtime.tv_nsec =
142 attrs->va_ctime.tv_nsec = 0;
143 attrs->va_gen = hgetlo(avc->f.m.DataVersion);
144 #elif defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) || defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_AIX41_ENV) || defined(AFS_OBSD_ENV) || defined(AFS_NBSD_ENV)
145 attrs->va_atime.tv_nsec = attrs->va_mtime.tv_nsec =
146 attrs->va_ctime.tv_nsec =
147 (hgetlo(avc->f.m.DataVersion) & 0x7ffff) * 1000;
148 #else
149 attrs->va_atime.tv_usec = attrs->va_mtime.tv_usec =
150 attrs->va_ctime.tv_usec = (hgetlo(avc->f.m.DataVersion) & 0x7ffff);
151 #endif
152 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV)
153 attrs->va_flags = 0;
154 #endif
155 #if defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) || defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV)
156 attrs->va_blksize = AFS_BLKSIZE; /* XXX Was 8192 XXX */
157 #else
158 attrs->va_blocksize = AFS_BLKSIZE; /* XXX Was 8192 XXX */
159 #endif
160 attrs->va_rdev = 1;
161 #if defined(AFS_HPUX110_ENV)
162 if (afs_globalVFS)
163 attrs->va_fstype = afs_globalVFS->vfs_mtype;
164 #endif
166 /*
167 * Below return 0 (and not 1) blocks if the file is zero length. This conforms
168 * better with the other filesystems that do return 0.
169 */
170 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV)
171 attrs->va_bytes = (attrs->va_size ? (attrs->va_size + 1023) : 1024);
172 #ifdef va_bytes_rsv
173 attrs->va_bytes_rsv = -1;
174 #endif
175 #elif defined(AFS_HPUX_ENV)
176 attrs->va_blocks = (attrs->va_size ? ((attrs->va_size + 1023)>>10) : 0);
177 #elif defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
178 attrs->va_blocks = BTOBB(attrs->va_size);
179 #elif defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV)
180 attrs->va_nblocks = (attrs->va_size ? ((attrs->va_size + 1023)>>10)<<1:0);
181 #else /* everything else */
182 attrs->va_blocks = (attrs->va_size ? ((attrs->va_size + 1023)>>10)<<1:0);
183 #endif
184 return 0;
185 }
189 #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
190 int
191 afs_getattr(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct vattr *attrs, int flags,
192 afs_ucred_t *acred)
193 #else
194 int
195 afs_getattr(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct vattr *attrs, afs_ucred_t *acred)
196 #endif
197 {
198 afs_int32 code;
199 struct vrequest *treq = NULL;
200 struct unixuser *au;
201 int inited = 0;
202 OSI_VC_CONVERT(avc);
204 AFS_STATCNT(afs_getattr);
205 afs_Trace2(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_GETATTR, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc,
208 if (afs_fakestat_enable && avc->mvstat == AFS_MVSTAT_MTPT) {
209 struct afs_fakestat_state fakestat;
210 struct vrequest *ureq = NULL;
212 code = afs_CreateReq(&ureq, acred);
213 if (code) {
214 return code;
215 }
216 afs_InitFakeStat(&fakestat);
217 code = afs_TryEvalFakeStat(&avc, &fakestat, ureq);
218 if (code) {
219 afs_PutFakeStat(&fakestat);
220 afs_DestroyReq(ureq);
221 return code;
222 }
224 code = afs_CopyOutAttrs(avc, attrs);
225 afs_PutFakeStat(&fakestat);
226 afs_DestroyReq(ureq);
227 return code;
228 }
229 #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV)
230 if (flags & ATTR_HINT) {
231 code = afs_CopyOutAttrs(avc, attrs);
232 return code;
233 }
234 #endif
235 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) && !defined(AFS_DARWIN80_ENV)
236 if (avc->f.states & CUBCinit) {
237 code = afs_CopyOutAttrs(avc, attrs);
238 return code;
239 }
240 #endif
244 if (afs_shuttingdown != AFS_RUNNING) {
246 return EIO;
247 }
249 if (!(avc->f.states & CStatd)) {
250 if (!(code = afs_CreateReq(&treq, acred))) {
251 code = afs_VerifyVCache2(avc, treq);
252 inited = 1;
253 }
254 } else
255 code = 0;
257 #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV)
258 if (code == 0)
259 osi_FlushPages(avc, acred);
260 #endif
262 if (code == 0) {
263 osi_FlushText(avc); /* only needed to flush text if text locked last time */
264 code = afs_CopyOutAttrs(avc, attrs);
266 if (afs_nfsexporter) {
267 if (!inited) {
268 if ((code = afs_CreateReq(&treq, acred))) {
269 return code;
270 }
271 inited = 1;
272 }
273 if (AFS_NFSXLATORREQ(acred)) {
274 if ((vType(avc) != VDIR)
275 && !afs_AccessOK(avc, PRSFS_READ, treq,
278 afs_DestroyReq(treq);
279 return EACCES;
280 }
281 }
282 if ((au = afs_FindUser(treq->uid, -1, READ_LOCK))) {
283 struct afs_exporter *exporter = au->exporter;
285 if (exporter && !(afs_nfsexporter->exp_states & EXP_UNIXMODE)) {
286 unsigned int ubits;
287 /*
288 * If the remote user wishes to enforce default Unix mode semantics,
289 * like in the nfs exporter case, we OR in the user bits
290 * into the group and other bits. We need to do this
291 * because there is no RFS_ACCESS call and thus nfs
292 * clients implement nfs_access by interpreting the
293 * mode bits in the traditional way, which of course
294 * loses with afs.
295 */
296 ubits = (attrs->va_mode & 0700) >> 6;
297 attrs->va_mode = attrs->va_mode | ubits | (ubits << 3);
298 /* If it's the root of AFS, replace the inode number with the
299 * inode number of the mounted on directory; otherwise this
300 * confuses getwd()... */
301 #ifdef AFS_LINUX22_ENV
302 if (avc == afs_globalVp) {
303 struct inode *ip = AFSTOV(avc)->i_sb->s_root->d_inode;
304 attrs->va_nodeid = ip->i_ino; /* VTOI()? */
305 }
306 #else
307 if (
308 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV)
309 vnode_isvroot(AFSTOV(avc))
310 #elif defined(AFS_NBSD50_ENV)
311 AFSTOV(avc)->v_vflag & VV_ROOT
312 #else
313 AFSTOV(avc)->v_flag & VROOT
314 #endif
315 ) {
316 struct vnode *vp = AFSTOV(avc);
318 #ifdef AFS_DARWIN80_ENV
319 /* XXX vp = vnode_mount(vp)->mnt_vnodecovered; */
320 vp = 0;
321 #else
322 vp = vp->v_vfsp->vfs_vnodecovered;
323 if (vp) { /* Ignore weird failures */
324 #ifdef AFS_SGI62_ENV
325 attrs->va_nodeid = VnodeToIno(vp);
326 #else
327 struct inode *ip;
329 ip = (struct inode *)VTOI(vp);
330 if (ip) /* Ignore weird failures */
331 attrs->va_nodeid = ip->i_number;
332 #endif
333 }
334 #endif
335 }
336 #endif /* AFS_LINUX22_ENV */
337 }
338 afs_PutUser(au, READ_LOCK);
339 }
340 }
341 }
345 if (!code) {
346 afs_DestroyReq(treq);
347 return 0;
348 }
349 code = afs_CheckCode(code, treq, 14);
350 afs_DestroyReq(treq);
351 return code;
352 }
354 /* convert a Unix request into a status store request */
355 int
356 afs_VAttrToAS(struct vcache *avc, struct vattr *av,
357 struct AFSStoreStatus *as)
358 {
359 int mask;
360 mask = 0;
362 AFS_STATCNT(afs_VAttrToAS);
363 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN80_ENV)
364 if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(av, va_mode)) {
365 #elif defined(AFS_AIX_ENV)
366 /* Boy, was this machine dependent bogosity hard to swallow????.... */
367 if (av->va_mode != -1) {
368 #elif defined(AFS_LINUX22_ENV) || defined(UKERNEL)
369 if (av->va_mask & ATTR_MODE) {
370 #elif defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
371 if (av->va_mask & AT_MODE) {
372 #elif defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV)
373 if (av->va_mode != (mode_t)VNOVAL) {
374 #else
375 if (av->va_mode != ((unsigned short)-1)) {
376 #endif
377 mask |= AFS_SETMODE;
378 as->UnixModeBits = av->va_mode & 0xffff;
379 if (avc->f.states & CForeign) {
380 ObtainWriteLock(&avc->lock, 127);
381 afs_FreeAllAxs(&(avc->Access));
382 ReleaseWriteLock(&avc->lock);
383 }
384 }
385 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN80_ENV)
386 if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(av, va_gid)) {
387 #elif defined(AFS_LINUX22_ENV) || defined(UKERNEL)
388 if (av->va_mask & ATTR_GID) {
389 #elif defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
390 if (av->va_mask & AT_GID) {
391 #elif defined(AFS_HPUX_ENV)
392 #if defined(AFS_HPUX102_ENV)
393 if (av->va_gid != GID_NO_CHANGE) {
394 #else
395 if (av->va_gid != ((unsigned short)-1)) {
396 #endif
397 #elif defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV)
398 if (av->va_gid != (gid_t)VNOVAL) {
399 #else
400 if (av->va_gid != -1) {
401 #endif /* AFS_LINUX22_ENV */
402 mask |= AFS_SETGROUP;
403 as->Group = av->va_gid;
404 }
405 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN80_ENV)
406 if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(av, va_uid)) {
407 #elif defined(AFS_LINUX22_ENV) || defined(UKERNEL)
408 if (av->va_mask & ATTR_UID) {
409 #elif defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
410 if (av->va_mask & AT_UID) {
411 #elif defined(AFS_HPUX_ENV)
412 #if defined(AFS_HPUX102_ENV)
413 if (av->va_uid != UID_NO_CHANGE) {
414 #elif defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV)
415 if (av->va_uid != (uid_t)VNOVAL) {
416 #else
417 if (av->va_uid != ((unsigned short)-1)) {
418 #endif
419 #else
420 if (av->va_uid != -1) {
421 #endif /* AFS_LINUX22_ENV */
422 mask |= AFS_SETOWNER;
423 as->Owner = av->va_uid;
424 }
425 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN80_ENV)
426 if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(av, va_modify_time)) {
427 #elif defined(AFS_LINUX22_ENV) || defined(UKERNEL)
428 if (av->va_mask & ATTR_MTIME) {
429 #elif defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
430 if (av->va_mask & AT_MTIME) {
431 #else
432 if (av->va_mtime.tv_sec != -1) {
433 #endif
434 mask |= AFS_SETMODTIME;
435 #ifndef AFS_SGI_ENV
436 #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_AIX41_ENV) || defined(AFS_DARWIN_ENV) || defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV)
437 if (av->va_mtime.tv_nsec == -1)
438 #else
439 if (av->va_mtime.tv_usec == -1)
440 #endif
441 as->ClientModTime = osi_Time(); /* special Sys V compat hack for Suns */
442 else
443 #endif
444 as->ClientModTime = av->va_mtime.tv_sec;
445 }
446 as->Mask = mask;
447 return 0;
448 }
450 /* We don't set CDirty bit in avc->f.states because setattr calls WriteVCache
451 * synchronously, therefore, it's not needed.
452 */
453 #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
454 int
455 afs_setattr(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct vattr *attrs, int flags,
456 afs_ucred_t *acred)
457 #else
458 int
459 afs_setattr(OSI_VC_DECL(avc), struct vattr *attrs,
460 afs_ucred_t *acred)
461 #endif
462 {
463 struct vrequest *treq = NULL;
464 struct AFSStoreStatus astat;
465 afs_int32 code;
466 #if defined(AFS_FBSD_ENV) || defined(AFS_DFBSD_ENV)
467 struct vnode *vp = AFSTOV(avc);
468 #endif
469 struct afs_fakestat_state fakestate;
470 OSI_VC_CONVERT(avc);
472 AFS_STATCNT(afs_setattr);
473 #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) || defined(AFS_LINUX22_ENV)
474 afs_Trace4(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_SETATTR, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc,
475 ICL_TYPE_INT32, attrs->va_mask, ICL_TYPE_OFFSET,
477 ICL_HANDLE_OFFSET(avc->f.m.Length));
478 #else
479 afs_Trace4(afs_iclSetp, CM_TRACE_SETATTR, ICL_TYPE_POINTER, avc,
480 ICL_TYPE_INT32, attrs->va_mode, ICL_TYPE_OFFSET,
482 ICL_HANDLE_OFFSET(avc->f.m.Length));
483 #endif
484 if ((code = afs_CreateReq(&treq, acred)))
485 return code;
487 memset(&astat, 0, sizeof(astat));
491 afs_InitFakeStat(&fakestate);
492 code = afs_EvalFakeStat(&avc, &fakestate, treq);
493 if (code)
494 goto done;
496 if (avc->f.states & CRO) {
497 code = EROFS;
498 goto done;
499 }
500 #if defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
501 /* ignore ATTR_LAZY calls - they are really only for keeping
502 * the access/mtime of mmaped files up to date
503 */
504 if (flags & ATTR_LAZY)
505 goto done;
506 #endif
507 /* if file size has changed, we need write access, otherwise (e.g.
508 * chmod) give it a shot; if it fails, we'll discard the status
509 * info.
510 */
511 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN80_ENV)
512 if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(attrs, va_data_size)) {
513 #elif defined(AFS_LINUX22_ENV) || defined(UKERNEL)
514 if (attrs->va_mask & ATTR_SIZE) {
515 #elif defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
516 if (attrs->va_mask & AT_SIZE) {
517 #elif defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV)
518 if (attrs->va_size != VNOVAL) {
519 #elif defined(AFS_AIX41_ENV)
520 if (attrs->va_size != -1) {
521 #else
522 if (attrs->va_size != ~0) {
523 #endif
524 if (!afs_AccessOK(avc, PRSFS_WRITE, treq, DONT_CHECK_MODE_BITS)) {
525 code = EACCES;
526 goto done;
527 }
528 }
531 code = ENETDOWN;
532 goto done;
533 }
535 afs_VAttrToAS(avc, attrs, &astat); /* interpret request */
536 code = 0;
537 #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
538 if (AFS_NFSXLATORREQ(acred)) {
539 avc->execsOrWriters++;
540 }
541 #endif
543 #if defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
544 AFS_RWLOCK((vnode_t *) avc, VRWLOCK_WRITE);
545 #endif
546 #if defined(AFS_DARWIN80_ENV)
547 if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(attrs, va_data_size)) {
548 #elif defined(AFS_LINUX22_ENV) || defined(UKERNEL)
549 if (attrs->va_mask & ATTR_SIZE) {
550 #elif defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
551 if (attrs->va_mask & AT_SIZE) {
552 #elif defined(AFS_XBSD_ENV)
553 if (attrs->va_size != VNOVAL) {
554 #elif defined(AFS_AIX41_ENV)
555 if (attrs->va_size != -1) {
556 #else
557 if (attrs->va_size != ~0) {
558 #endif
559 afs_size_t tsize = attrs->va_size;
560 ObtainWriteLock(&avc->lock, 128);
561 avc->f.states |= CDirty;
563 if (AFS_IS_DISCONNECTED && tsize >=avc->f.m.Length) {
564 /* If we're growing the file, and we're disconnected, we need
565 * to make the relevant dcache chunks appear ourselves. */
566 code = afs_ExtendSegments(avc, tsize, treq);
567 } else {
568 code = afs_TruncateAllSegments(avc, tsize, treq, acred);
569 }
570 #ifdef AFS_LINUX26_ENV
571 /* We must update the Linux kernel's idea of file size as soon as
572 * possible, to avoid racing with delayed writepages delivered by
573 * pdflush */
574 if (code == 0)
575 i_size_write(AFSTOV(avc), tsize);
576 #endif
577 #if defined(AFS_FBSD_ENV) || defined(AFS_DFBSD_ENV)
578 vnode_pager_setsize(vp, (u_long) tsize);
579 #endif
580 /* if date not explicitly set by this call, set it ourselves, since we
581 * changed the data */
582 if (!(astat.Mask & AFS_SETMODTIME)) {
583 astat.Mask |= AFS_SETMODTIME;
584 astat.ClientModTime = osi_Time();
585 }
587 if (code == 0) {
588 if (((avc->execsOrWriters <= 0) && (avc->f.states & CCreating) == 0)
589 || (avc->execsOrWriters == 1 && AFS_NFSXLATORREQ(acred))) {
591 /* Store files now if not disconnected. */
592 /* XXX: AFS_IS_DISCON_RW handled. */
594 code = afs_StoreAllSegments(avc, treq, AFS_ASYNC);
595 if (!code)
596 avc->f.states &= ~CDirty;
597 }
598 }
599 } else
600 avc->f.states &= ~CDirty;
602 ReleaseWriteLock(&avc->lock);
603 hzero(avc->flushDV);
604 osi_FlushText(avc); /* do this after releasing all locks */
605 }
608 if (code == 0) {
609 ObtainSharedLock(&avc->lock, 16); /* lock entry */
610 code = afs_WriteVCache(avc, &astat, treq); /* send request */
611 ReleaseSharedLock(&avc->lock); /* release lock */
612 }
613 if (code) {
614 /* error? erase any changes we made to vcache entry */
615 afs_StaleVCache(avc);
616 }
617 } else {
618 ObtainSharedLock(&avc->lock, 712);
619 /* Write changes locally. */
620 code = afs_WriteVCacheDiscon(avc, &astat, attrs);
621 ReleaseSharedLock(&avc->lock);
622 } /* if (!AFS_IS_DISCONNECTED) */
624 #if defined(AFS_SUN5_ENV) || defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
625 if (AFS_NFSXLATORREQ(acred)) {
626 avc->execsOrWriters--;
627 }
628 #endif
629 #if defined(AFS_SGI_ENV)
630 AFS_RWUNLOCK((vnode_t *) avc, VRWLOCK_WRITE);
631 #endif
632 done:
633 afs_PutFakeStat(&fakestate);
636 code = afs_CheckCode(code, treq, 15);
637 afs_DestroyReq(treq);
638 return code;
639 }
641 /*!
642 * Allocate a vattr.
643 *
644 * \note The caller must free the allocated vattr with
645 * afs_DestroyAttr() if this function returns successfully (zero).
646 *
647 * \note The GLOCK must be held on platforms which require the GLOCK
648 * for osi_AllocSmallSpace() and osi_FreeSmallSpace().
649 *
650 * \param[out] out address of the vattr pointer
651 * \return 0 on success
652 */
653 int
654 afs_CreateAttr(struct vattr **out)
655 {
656 struct vattr *vattr = NULL;
658 if (!out) {
659 return EINVAL;
660 }
661 vattr = osi_AllocSmallSpace(sizeof(struct vattr));
662 if (!vattr) {
663 return ENOMEM;
664 }
665 memset(vattr, 0, sizeof(struct vattr));
666 *out = vattr;
667 return 0;
668 }
670 /*!
671 * Deallocate a vattr.
672 *
673 * \note The GLOCK must be held on platforms which require the GLOCK
674 * for osi_FreeSmallSpace().
675 *
676 * \param[in] vattr pointer to the vattr to free; may be NULL
677 */
678 void
679 afs_DestroyAttr(struct vattr *vattr)
680 {
681 if (vattr) {
682 osi_FreeSmallSpace(vattr);
683 }
684 }