Import Upstream version 1.8.5
[hcoop/debian/openafs.git] / src / tests / OpenAFS /
1 # CMUCS AFStools
2 # Copyright (c) 1996, Carnegie Mellon University
3 # All rights reserved.
4 #
5 # See for use and distribution information
6 #
7 #: * - Wrappers around KAS commands (authentication maintenance)
8 #: * This module provides wrappers around the various kaserver commands
9 #: * giving them a nice perl-based interface. At present, this module
10 #: * requires a special 'krbkas' which uses existing Kerberos tickets
11 #: * which the caller must have already required (using 'kaslog').
12 #:
14 package OpenAFS::kas;
15 use OpenAFS::CMU_copyright;
16 use OpenAFS::util qw(:DEFAULT :afs_internal);
17 use OpenAFS::wrapper;
18 use POSIX ();
19 use Exporter;
21 $VERSION = '';
22 $VERSION = '1.00';
23 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
24 @EXPORT = qw(&AFS_kas_create &AFS_kas_setf
25 &AFS_kas_delete &AFS_kas_setkey
26 &AFS_kas_examine &AFS_kas_setpw
27 &AFS_kas_randomkey &AFS_kas_stringtokey
28 &AFS_kas_list);
30 # Instructions to parse kas error messages
31 @kas_err_parse = ( [ ' : \[.*\] (.*), wait one second$', '.' ],
32 [ ' : \[.*\] (.*) \(retrying\)$', '.' ],
33 [ ' : \[.*\] (.*)', '-' ]);
35 # Instructions to parse attributes of an entry
36 @kas_entry_parse = (
37 [ '^User data for (.*) \((.*)\)$', 'princ', 'flags', '.' ],
38 [ '^User data for (.*)', 'princ' ],
39 [ 'key \((\d+)\) cksum is (\d+),', 'kvno', 'cksum' ],
40 [ 'last cpw: (.*)', \&parsestamp, 'stamp_cpw' ],
41 [ 'password will (never) expire', 'stamp_pwexp' ],
42 [ 'password will expire: ([^\.]*)', \&parsestamp, 'stamp_pwexp' ],
43 [ 'An (unlimited) number of', 'max_badauth' ],
44 [ '(\d+) consecutive unsuccessful', 'max_badauth' ],
45 [ 'for this user is ([\d\.]+) minutes', 'locktime' ],
46 [ 'for this user is (not limited)', 'locktime' ],
47 [ 'User is locked (forever)', 'locked' ],
48 [ 'User is locked until (.*)', \&parsestamp, 'locked' ],
49 [ 'entry (never) expires', 'stamp_expire' ],
50 [ 'entry expires on ([^\.]*)\.', \&parsestamp, 'stamp_expire' ],
51 [ 'Max ticket lifetime (.*) hours', 'maxlife' ],
52 [ 'Last mod on (.*) by', \&parsestamp, 'stamp_update' ],
53 [ 'Last mod on .* by (.*)', 'last_writer' ]);
56 @Months = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
57 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
58 %Months = map(($Months[$_] => $_), 0..11);
60 # Parse a timestamp
61 sub parsestamp {
62 my($stamp) = @_;
63 my($MM, $DD, $YYYY, $hh, $mm, $ss);
65 if ($stamp =~ /^\S+ (\S+) (\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (\d+)/) {
66 ($MM, $DD, $hh, $mm, $ss, $YYYY) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
67 $YYYY -= 1900;
68 $MM = $Months{$MM};
69 if (defined($MM)) {
70 $stamp = POSIX::mktime($ss, $mm, $hh, $DD, $MM, $YYYY);
71 }
72 }
73 $stamp;
74 }
77 # Turn an 8-byte key into a string we can give to kas
78 sub stringize_key {
79 my($key) = @_;
80 my(@chars) = unpack('CCCCCCCC', $key);
82 sprintf("\\%03o" x 8, @chars);
83 }
86 # Turn a string into an 8-byte DES key
87 sub unstringize_key {
88 my($string) = @_;
89 my($char, $key);
91 while ($string ne '') {
92 if ($string =~ /^\\(\d\d\d)/) {
93 $char = $1;
94 $string = $';
95 $key .= chr(oct($char));
96 } else {
97 $key .= substr($string, 0, 1);
98 $string =~ s/^.//;
99 }
100 }
101 $key;
102 }
105 #: AFS_kas_create($princ, $initpass, [$cell])
106 #: Create a principal with name $princ, and initial password $initpass
107 #: If specified, work in $cell instead of the default cell.
108 #: On success, return 1.
109 #:
110 $AFS_Help{kas_create} = '$princ, $initpass, [$cell] => Success?';
111 sub AFS_kas_create {
112 my($print, $initpass, $cell) = @_;
113 my(@args, $id);
115 @args = ('create', '-name', $princ, '-initial_password', $initpass);
116 push(@args, '-noauth') if ($AFS_Parms{'authlvl'} == 0);
117 push(@args, '-cell', $cell ? $cell : $AFS_Parms{'cell'});
118 &wrapper('krbkas', \@args, [ @kas_err_parse ]);
119 1;
120 }
123 #: AFS_kas_delete($princ, [$cell])
124 #: Delete the principal $princ.
125 #: If specified, work in $cell instead of the default cell.
126 #: On success, return 1.
127 #:
128 $AFS_Help{kas_delete} = '$princ, [$cell] => Success?';
129 sub AFS_kas_delete {
130 my($princ, $cell) = @_;
131 my(@args);
133 @args = ('delete', '-name', $princ);
134 push(@args, '-noauth') if ($AFS_Parms{'authlvl'} == 0);
135 push(@args, '-cell', $cell ? $cell : $AFS_Parms{'cell'});
136 &wrapper('krbkas', \@args, [ @kas_err_parse ]);
137 1;
138 }
141 #: AFS_kas_examine($princ, [$cell])
142 #: Examine the prinicpal $princ, and return information about it.
143 #: If specified, operate in cell $cell instead of the default cell.
144 #: On success, return an associative array with some or all of the following:
145 #: - princ Name of this principal
146 #: - kvno Key version number
147 #: - cksum Key checksum
148 #: - maxlife Maximum ticket lifetime (in hours)
149 #: - stamp_expire Time this principal expires, or 'never'
150 #: - stamp_pwexp Time this principal's password expires, or 'never'
151 #: - stamp_cpw Time this principal's password was last changed
152 #: - stamp_update Time this princiapl was last modified
153 #: - last_writer Administrator who last modified this principal
154 #: - max_badauth Maximum number of bad auth attempts, or 'unlimited'
155 #: - locktime Penalty time for bad auth (in minutes), or 'not limited'
156 #: - locked Set and non-empty if account is locked
157 #: - expired Set and non-empty if account is expired
158 #: - flags Reference to a list of flags
159 #:
160 $AFS_Help{kas_examine} = '$princ, [$cell] => %info';
161 sub AFS_kas_examine {
162 my($vol, $cell) = @_;
163 my(%result, @args, $flags);
165 @args = ('examine', '-name', $princ);
166 push(@args, '-noauth') if ($AFS_Parms{'authlvl'} == 0);
167 push(@args, '-cell', $cell ? $cell : $AFS_Parms{'cell'});
168 %result = &wrapper('krbkas', \@args, [ @kas_err_parse, @kas_entry_parse ]);
170 if ($result{flags}) {
171 $result{expired} = 1 if ($result{flags} =~ /expired/);
172 $result{flags} = [ split(/\+/, $result{flags}) ];
173 }
174 %result;
175 }
178 #: AFS_kas_list([$cell])
179 #: Get a list of principals in the kaserver database
180 #: If specified, work in $cell instead of the default cell.
181 #: On success, return an associative array whose keys are names of kaserver
182 #: principals, and each of whose values is an associative array describing
183 #: the corresponding principal, containing some or all of the same elements
184 #: that may be returned by AFS_kas_examine
185 #:
186 $AFS_Help{kas_list} = '[$cell] => %princs';
187 sub AFS_kas_list {
188 my($cell) = @_;
189 my(@args, %finres, %plist);
191 @args = ('list', '-long');
192 push(@args, '-noauth') if ($AFS_Parms{'authlvl'} == 0);
193 push(@args, '-cell', $cell ? $cell : $AFS_Parms{'cell'});
194 %finres = &wrapper('krbkas', \@args,
195 [ @kas_err_parse,
196 [ '^User data for (.*)', sub {
197 my(%pinfo) = %OpenAFS::wrapper::result;
199 if ($pinfo{name}) {
200 $plist{$pinfo{name}} = \%pinfo;
201 %OpenAFS::wrapper::result = ();
202 }
203 }],
204 @kas_entry_parse ]);
206 if ($finres{name}) {
207 $plist{$finres{name}} = \%finres;
208 }
209 %plist;
210 }
213 #: AFS_kas_setf($princ, \%attrs, [$cell])
214 #: Change the attributes of the principal $princ.
215 #: If specified, operate in cell $cell instead of the default cell.
216 #: The associative array %attrs specifies the attributes to change and
217 #: their new values. Any of the following attributes may be changed:
218 #: - flags Entry flags
219 #: - expire Expiration time (mm/dd/yy)
220 #: - lifetime Maximum ticket lifetime (seconds)
221 #: - pwexpires Maximum password lifetime (days)
222 #: - reuse Permit password reuse (yes/no)
223 #: - attempts Maximum failed authentication attempts
224 #: - locktime Authentication failure penalty (minutes or hh:mm)
225 #:
226 #: On success, return 1.
227 #:
228 $AFS_Help{kas_setf} = '$princ, \%attrs, [$cell] => Success?';
229 sub AFS_kas_setf {
230 my($princ, $attrs, $cell) = @_;
231 my(%result, @args);
233 @args = ('setfields', '-name', $princ);
234 push(@args, '-flags', $$attrs{flags}) if ($$attrs{flags});
235 push(@args, '-expiration', $$attrs{expire}) if ($$attrs{expire});
236 push(@args, '-lifetime', $$attrs{lifetime}) if ($$attrs{lifetime});
237 push(@args, '-pwexpires', $$attrs{pwexpires}) if ($$attrs{pwexpires});
238 push(@args, '-reuse', $$attrs{reuse}) if ($$attrs{reuse});
239 push(@args, '-attempts', $$attrs{attempts}) if ($$attrs{attempts});
240 push(@args, '-locktime', $$attrs{locktime}) if ($$attrs{locktime});
241 push(@args, '-noauth') if ($AFS_Parms{'authlvl'} == 0);
242 push(@args, '-cell', $cell ? $cell : $AFS_Parms{'cell'});
243 &wrapper('krbkas', \@args, [ @kas_err_parse ]);
244 1;
245 }
248 #: AFS_kas_setkey($princ, $key, [$kvno], [$cell])
249 #: Change the key of principal $princ to the specified value.
250 #: $key is the 8-byte DES key to use for this principal.
251 #: If specified, set the key version number to $kvno.
252 #: If specified, operate in cell $cell instead of the default cell.
253 #: On success, return 1.
254 #:
255 $AFS_Help{kas_setkey} = '$princ, $key, [$kvno], [$cell] => Success?';
256 sub AFS_kas_setkey {
257 my($princ, $key, $kvno, $cell) = @_;
258 my(@args);
260 @args = ('setkey', '-name', $princ, '-new_key', &stringize_key($key));
261 push(@args, '-kvno', $kvno) if (defined($kvno));
262 push(@args, '-noauth') if ($AFS_Parms{'authlvl'} == 0);
263 push(@args, '-cell', $cell ? $cell : $AFS_Parms{'cell'});
264 &wrapper('krbkas', \@args, [ @kas_err_parse ]);
265 1;
266 }
269 #: AFS_kas_setpw($princ, $password, [$kvno], [$cell])
270 #: Change the key of principal $princ to the specified value.
271 #: $password is the new password to use.
272 #: If specified, set the key version number to $kvno.
273 #: If specified, operate in cell $cell instead of the default cell.
274 #: On success, return 1.
275 #:
276 $AFS_Help{kas_setpw} = '$princ, $password, [$kvno], [$cell] => Success?';
277 sub AFS_kas_setpw {
278 my($princ, $password, $kvno, $cell) = @_;
279 my(@args);
281 @args = ('setpasswd', '-name', $princ, '-new_password', $password);
282 push(@args, '-kvno', $kvno) if (defined($kvno));
283 push(@args, '-noauth') if ($AFS_Parms{'authlvl'} == 0);
284 push(@args, '-cell', $cell ? $cell : $AFS_Parms{'cell'});
285 &wrapper('krbkas', \@args, [ @kas_err_parse ]);
286 1;
287 }
290 #: AFS_kas_stringtokey($string, [$cell])
291 #: Convert the specified string to a DES key
292 #: If specified, operate in cell $cell instead of the default cell.
293 #: On success, return the resulting key
294 $AFS_Help{kas_stringtokey} = '$string, [$cell] => $key';
295 sub AFS_kas_stringtokey {
296 my($string, $cell) = @_;
297 my(@args, $key);
299 @args = ('stringtokey', '-string', $string);
300 push(@args, '-cell', $cell ? $cell : $AFS_Parms{'cell'});
301 &wrapper('krbkas', \@args,
302 [ @kas_err_parse,
303 [ q/^Converting .* in realm .* yields key='(.*)'.$/, \$key ]]);
304 &unstringize_key($key);
305 }
308 #: AFS_kas_randomkey([$cell])
309 #: Ask the kaserver to generate a random DES key
310 #: If specified, operate in cell $cell instead of the default cell.
311 #: On success, return the resulting key
312 $AFS_Help{kas_randomkey} = '[$cell] => $key';
313 sub AFS_kas_randomkey {
314 my($cell) = @_;
315 my(@args, $key);
317 @args = ('getrandomkey');
318 push(@args, '-cell', $cell ? $cell : $AFS_Parms{'cell'});
319 &wrapper('krbkas', \@args,
320 [ @kas_err_parse,
321 [ '^Key: (\S+)', \$key ]]);
322 &unstringize_key($key);
323 }
325 1;