Import Upstream version 1.8.5
[hcoop/debian/openafs.git] / src / rxdebug / rxdebug.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
3 * All Rights Reserved.
4 *
5 * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
6 * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
7 * directory or online at
8 */
10 #include <afsconfig.h>
11 #include <afs/param.h>
12 #include <afs/stds.h>
14 #include <roken.h>
16 #include <afs/afsutil.h>
17 #include <afs/cmd.h>
19 #include <rx/rx_user.h>
20 #include <rx/rx_clock.h>
21 #include <rx/rx_queue.h>
22 #include <rx/rx.h>
23 #include <rx/rx_globals.h>
26 #define TIMEOUT 20
28 static short
29 PortNumber(char *aport)
30 {
31 int tc;
32 short total;
34 total = 0;
35 while ((tc = *aport++)) {
36 if (tc < '0' || tc > '9')
37 return -1; /* bad port number */
38 total *= 10;
39 total += tc - (int)'0';
40 }
41 return htons(total);
42 }
44 static short
45 PortName(char *aname)
46 {
47 struct servent *ts;
48 ts = getservbyname(aname, NULL);
49 if (!ts)
50 return -1;
51 return ts->s_port; /* returns it in network byte order */
52 }
54 int
55 MainCommand(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock)
56 {
57 int i;
58 osi_socket s;
59 int j;
60 struct sockaddr_in taddr;
61 afs_int32 host;
62 struct in_addr hostAddr;
63 short port;
64 struct hostent *th;
65 afs_int32 code;
66 int nodally;
67 int allconns;
68 int rxstats;
69 int onlyClient, onlyServer;
70 afs_int32 onlyHost;
71 short onlyPort;
72 int onlyAuth;
73 int flag;
74 int dallyCounter;
75 int withSecStats;
76 int withAllConn;
77 int withRxStats;
78 int withWaiters;
79 int withIdleThreads;
80 int withWaited;
81 int withPeers;
82 int withPackets;
83 struct rx_debugStats tstats;
84 char *portName, *hostName;
85 char hoststr[20];
86 struct rx_debugConn tconn;
87 short noConns;
88 short showPeers;
89 short showLong;
90 int version_flag;
91 char version[64];
92 afs_int32 length = 64;
94 afs_uint32 supportedDebugValues = 0;
95 afs_uint32 supportedStatValues = 0;
96 afs_uint32 supportedConnValues = 0;
97 afs_uint32 supportedPeerValues = 0;
98 afs_int32 nextconn = 0;
99 afs_int32 nextpeer = 0;
101 nodally = (as->parms[2].items ? 1 : 0);
102 allconns = (as->parms[3].items ? 1 : 0);
103 rxstats = (as->parms[4].items ? 1 : 0);
104 onlyServer = (as->parms[5].items ? 1 : 0);
105 onlyClient = (as->parms[6].items ? 1 : 0);
106 version_flag = (as->parms[10].items ? 1 : 0);
107 noConns = (as->parms[11].items ? 1 : 0);
108 showPeers = (as->parms[12].items ? 1 : 0);
109 showLong = (as->parms[13].items ? 1 : 0);
111 if (as->parms[0].items)
112 hostName = as->parms[0].items->data;
113 else
114 hostName = NULL;
116 if (as->parms[1].items)
117 portName = as->parms[1].items->data;
118 else
119 portName = NULL;
121 if (as->parms[7].items) {
122 char *name = as->parms[7].items->data;
123 if ((onlyPort = PortNumber(name)) == -1)
124 onlyPort = PortName(name);
125 if (onlyPort == -1) {
126 printf("rxdebug: can't resolve port name %s\n", name);
127 exit(1);
128 }
129 } else
130 onlyPort = -1;
132 if (as->parms[8].items) {
133 char *name = as->parms[8].items->data;
134 struct hostent *th;
135 th = hostutil_GetHostByName(name);
136 if (!th) {
137 printf("rxdebug: host %s not found in host table\n", name);
138 exit(1);
139 }
140 memcpy(&onlyHost, th->h_addr, sizeof(afs_int32));
141 } else
142 onlyHost = -1;
144 if (as->parms[9].items) {
145 char *name = as->parms[9].items->data;
146 if (strcmp(name, "clear") == 0)
147 onlyAuth = 0;
148 else if (strcmp(name, "auth") == 0)
149 onlyAuth = 1;
150 else if (strcmp(name, "crypt") == 0)
151 onlyAuth = 2;
152 else if ((strcmp(name, "null") == 0) || (strcmp(name, "none") == 0)
153 || (strncmp(name, "noauth", 6) == 0)
154 || (strncmp(name, "unauth", 6) == 0))
155 onlyAuth = -1;
156 else {
157 fprintf(stderr, "Unknown authentication level: %s\n", name);
158 exit(1);
159 }
160 } else
161 onlyAuth = 999;
163 /* lookup host */
164 if (hostName) {
165 th = hostutil_GetHostByName(hostName);
166 if (!th) {
167 printf("rxdebug: host %s not found in host table\n", hostName);
168 exit(1);
169 }
170 memcpy(&host, th->h_addr, sizeof(afs_int32));
171 } else
172 host = htonl(0x7f000001); /* IP localhost */
174 if (!portName)
175 port = htons(7000); /* default is fileserver */
176 else {
177 if ((port = PortNumber(portName)) == -1)
178 port = PortName(portName);
179 if (port == -1) {
180 printf("rxdebug: can't resolve port name %s\n", portName);
181 exit(1);
182 }
183 }
185 dallyCounter = 0;
187 hostAddr.s_addr = host;
188 afs_inet_ntoa_r(hostAddr.s_addr, hoststr);
189 printf("Trying %s (port %d):\n", hoststr, ntohs(port));
191 if (s == OSI_NULLSOCKET) {
192 #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV
193 fprintf(stderr, "socket() failed with error %u\n", WSAGetLastError());
194 #else
195 perror("socket");
196 #endif
197 exit(1);
198 }
199 taddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
200 taddr.sin_port = 0;
201 taddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
203 taddr.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
204 #endif
205 code = bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&taddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
206 if (code) {
207 #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV
208 fprintf(stderr, "bind() failed with error %u\n", WSAGetLastError());
209 #else
210 perror("bind");
211 #endif
212 exit(1);
213 }
215 if (version_flag) {
216 memset(version, 0, sizeof(version));
218 code = rx_GetServerVersion(s, host, port, length, version);
219 if (code < 0) {
220 printf("get version call failed with code %d, errno %d\n", code,
221 errno);
222 exit(1);
223 }
224 version[sizeof(version) - 1] = '\0';
225 printf("AFS version: %s\n", version);
226 fflush(stdout);
228 exit(0);
230 }
233 code = rx_GetServerDebug(s, host, port, &tstats, &supportedDebugValues);
234 if (code < 0) {
235 printf("getstats call failed with code %d\n", code);
236 exit(1);
237 }
239 withSecStats = (supportedDebugValues & RX_SERVER_DEBUG_SEC_STATS);
240 withAllConn = (supportedDebugValues & RX_SERVER_DEBUG_ALL_CONN);
241 withRxStats = (supportedDebugValues & RX_SERVER_DEBUG_RX_STATS);
242 withWaiters = (supportedDebugValues & RX_SERVER_DEBUG_WAITER_CNT);
243 withIdleThreads = (supportedDebugValues & RX_SERVER_DEBUG_IDLE_THREADS);
244 withWaited = (supportedDebugValues & RX_SERVER_DEBUG_WAITED_CNT);
245 withPeers = (supportedDebugValues & RX_SERVER_DEBUG_ALL_PEER);
246 withPackets = (supportedDebugValues & RX_SERVER_DEBUG_PACKETS_CNT);
248 if (withPackets)
249 printf("Free packets: %d/%d, packet reclaims: %d, calls: %d, used FDs: %d\n",
250 tstats.nFreePackets, tstats.nPackets, tstats.packetReclaims,
251 tstats.callsExecuted, tstats.usedFDs);
252 else
253 printf("Free packets: %d, packet reclaims: %d, calls: %d, used FDs: %d\n",
254 tstats.nFreePackets, tstats.packetReclaims, tstats.callsExecuted,
255 tstats.usedFDs);
256 if (!tstats.waitingForPackets)
257 printf("not ");
258 printf("waiting for packets.\n");
259 if (withWaiters)
260 printf("%d calls waiting for a thread\n", tstats.nWaiting);
261 if (withIdleThreads)
262 printf("%d threads are idle\n", tstats.idleThreads);
263 if (withWaited)
264 printf("%d calls have waited for a thread\n", tstats.nWaited);
266 if (rxstats) {
267 if (!withRxStats) {
268 noRxStats:
269 withRxStats = 0;
270 fprintf(stderr,
271 "WARNING: Server doesn't support retrieval of Rx statistics\n");
272 } else {
273 struct rx_statistics rxstats;
275 /* should gracefully handle the case where rx_stats grows */
276 code =
277 rx_GetServerStats(s, host, port, &rxstats,
278 &supportedStatValues);
279 if (code < 0) {
280 printf("rxstats call failed with code %d\n", code);
281 exit(1);
282 }
283 if (code != sizeof(rxstats)) {
284 struct rx_debugIn debug;
285 memcpy(&debug, &rxstats, sizeof(debug));
286 if (debug.type == RX_DEBUGI_BADTYPE)
287 goto noRxStats;
288 printf
289 ("WARNING: returned Rx statistics of unexpected size (got %d)\n",
290 code);
291 /* handle other versions?... */
292 }
294 rx_PrintTheseStats(stdout, &rxstats, sizeof(rxstats),
295 tstats.nFreePackets, tstats.version);
296 }
297 }
299 if (!noConns) {
300 if (allconns) {
301 if (!withAllConn)
302 fprintf(stderr,
303 "WARNING: Server doesn't support retrieval of all connections,\n getting only interesting instead.\n");
304 }
306 if (onlyServer)
307 printf("Showing only server connections\n");
308 if (onlyClient)
309 printf("Showing only client connections\n");
310 if (onlyAuth != 999) {
311 static char *name[] =
312 { "unauthenticated", "rxkad_clear", "rxkad_auth",
313 "rxkad_crypt"
314 };
315 printf("Showing only %s connections\n", name[onlyAuth + 1]);
316 }
317 if (onlyHost != -1) {
318 hostAddr.s_addr = onlyHost;
319 afs_inet_ntoa_r(hostAddr.s_addr, hoststr);
320 printf("Showing only connections from host %s\n",
321 hoststr);
322 }
323 if (onlyPort != -1)
324 printf("Showing only connections on port %u\n", ntohs(onlyPort));
326 for (i = 0;; i++) {
327 code =
328 rx_GetServerConnections(s, host, port, &nextconn, allconns,
329 supportedDebugValues, &tconn,
330 &supportedConnValues);
331 if (code < 0) {
332 printf("getconn call failed with code %d\n", code);
333 break;
334 }
335 if (tconn.cid == (afs_int32) 0xffffffff) {
336 printf("Done.\n");
337 break;
338 }
340 /* see if we're in nodally mode and all calls are dallying */
341 if (nodally) {
342 flag = 0;
343 for (j = 0; j < RX_MAXCALLS; j++) {
344 if (tconn.callState[j] != RX_STATE_NOTINIT
345 && tconn.callState[j] != RX_STATE_DALLY) {
346 flag = 1;
347 break;
348 }
349 }
350 if (flag == 0) {
351 /* this call looks too ordinary, bump skipped count and go
352 * around again */
353 dallyCounter++;
354 continue;
355 }
356 }
357 if ((onlyHost != -1) && (onlyHost !=
358 continue;
359 if ((onlyPort != -1) && (onlyPort != tconn.port))
360 continue;
361 if (onlyServer && (tconn.type != RX_SERVER_CONNECTION))
362 continue;
363 if (onlyClient && (tconn.type != RX_CLIENT_CONNECTION))
364 continue;
365 if (onlyAuth != 999) {
366 if (onlyAuth == -1) {
367 if (tconn.securityIndex != RX_SECIDX_NULL)
368 continue;
369 } else {
370 if (tconn.securityIndex != RX_SECIDX_KAD)
371 continue;
372 if (withSecStats && (tconn.secStats.type == RX_SECTYPE_KAD)
373 && (tconn.secStats.level != onlyAuth))
374 continue;
375 }
376 }
378 /* now display the connection */
379 hostAddr.s_addr =;
380 afs_inet_ntoa_r(hostAddr.s_addr, hoststr);
381 printf("Connection from host %s, port %hu, ", hoststr,
382 ntohs(tconn.port));
383 if (tconn.epoch)
384 printf("Cuid %x/%x", tconn.epoch, tconn.cid);
385 else
386 printf("cid %x", tconn.cid);
387 if (tconn.error)
388 printf(", error %d", tconn.error);
389 printf("\n serial %d, ", tconn.serial);
390 printf(" natMTU %d, ", tconn.natMTU);
392 if (tconn.flags) {
393 printf("flags");
394 if (tconn.flags & RX_CONN_MAKECALL_WAITING)
395 printf(" MAKECALL_WAITING");
396 if (tconn.flags & RX_CONN_DESTROY_ME)
397 printf(" DESTROYED");
398 if (tconn.flags & RX_CONN_USING_PACKET_CKSUM)
399 printf(" pktCksum");
400 if (tconn.flags & RX_CONN_KNOW_WINDOW)
401 printf(" knowWindow");
402 if (tconn.flags & RX_CONN_RESET)
403 printf(" reset");
404 if (tconn.flags & RX_CONN_BUSY)
405 printf(" busy");
406 if (tconn.flags & RX_CONN_ATTACHWAIT)
407 printf(" attachWait");
408 printf(", ");
409 }
410 printf("security index %d, ", tconn.securityIndex);
411 if (tconn.type == RX_CLIENT_CONNECTION)
412 printf("client conn\n");
413 else
414 printf("server conn\n");
416 if (withSecStats) {
417 switch ((int)tconn.secStats.type) {
418 case RX_SECTYPE_UNK:
419 if (tconn.securityIndex == RX_SECIDX_KAD)
420 printf
421 (" no GetStats procedure for security object\n");
422 break;
424 printf(" rxnull level=%d, flags=%d\n",
425 tconn.secStats.level, tconn.secStats.flags);
426 break;
427 case RX_SECTYPE_VAB:
428 printf(" rxvab level=%d, flags=%d\n",
429 tconn.secStats.level, tconn.secStats.flags);
430 break;
431 case RX_SECTYPE_KAD:{
432 char *level;
433 char flags = tconn.secStats.flags;
434 if (tconn.secStats.level == 0)
435 level = "clear";
436 else if (tconn.secStats.level == 1)
437 level = "auth";
438 else if (tconn.secStats.level == 2)
439 level = "crypt";
440 else
441 level = "unknown";
442 printf(" rxkad: level %s", level);
443 if (flags)
444 printf(", flags");
445 if (flags & 1)
446 printf(" unalloc");
447 if (flags & 2)
448 printf(" authenticated");
449 if (flags & 4)
450 printf(" expired");
451 if (flags & 8)
452 printf(" pktCksum");
453 if (tconn.secStats.expires)
454 /* Apparently due to a bug in the RT compiler that
455 * prevents (afs_uint32)0xffffffff => (double) from working,
456 * this code produces negative lifetimes when run on the
457 * RT. */
458 printf(", expires in %.1f hours",
459 ((afs_uint32) tconn.secStats.expires -
460 time(0)) / 3600.0);
461 if (!(flags & 1)) {
462 printf("\n Received %u bytes in %u packets\n",
463 tconn.secStats.bytesReceived,
464 tconn.secStats.packetsReceived);
465 printf(" Sent %u bytes in %u packets\n",
466 tconn.secStats.bytesSent,
467 tconn.secStats.packetsSent);
468 } else
469 printf("\n");
470 break;
471 }
473 default:
474 printf(" unknown\n");
475 }
476 }
478 for (j = 0; j < RX_MAXCALLS; j++) {
479 printf(" call %d: # %d, state ", j, tconn.callNumber[j]);
480 if (tconn.callState[j] == RX_STATE_NOTINIT) {
481 printf("not initialized\n");
482 continue;
483 } else if (tconn.callState[j] == RX_STATE_PRECALL)
484 printf("precall, ");
485 else if (tconn.callState[j] == RX_STATE_ACTIVE)
486 printf("active, ");
487 else if (tconn.callState[j] == RX_STATE_DALLY)
488 printf("dally, ");
489 else if (tconn.callState[j] == RX_STATE_HOLD)
490 printf("hold, ");
491 else if (tconn.callState[j] == RX_STATE_RESET)
492 printf("reset, ");
493 printf("mode: ");
494 if (tconn.callMode[j] == RX_MODE_SENDING)
495 printf("sending");
496 else if (tconn.callMode[j] == RX_MODE_RECEIVING)
497 printf("receiving");
498 else if (tconn.callMode[j] == RX_MODE_ERROR)
499 printf("error");
500 else if (tconn.callMode[j] == RX_MODE_EOF)
501 printf("eof");
502 else
503 printf("unknown");
504 if (tconn.callFlags[j]) {
505 printf(", flags:");
506 if (tconn.callFlags[j] & RX_CALL_READER_WAIT)
507 printf(" reader_wait");
508 if (tconn.callFlags[j] & RX_CALL_WAIT_WINDOW_ALLOC)
509 printf(" window_alloc");
510 if (tconn.callFlags[j] & RX_CALL_WAIT_WINDOW_SEND)
511 printf(" window_send");
512 if (tconn.callFlags[j] & RX_CALL_WAIT_PACKETS)
513 printf(" wait_packets");
514 if (tconn.callFlags[j] & RX_CALL_WAIT_PROC)
515 printf(" waiting_for_process");
516 if (tconn.callFlags[j] & RX_CALL_RECEIVE_DONE)
517 printf(" receive_done");
518 if (tconn.callFlags[j] & RX_CALL_CLEARED)
519 printf(" call_cleared");
520 }
521 if (tconn.callOther[j] & RX_OTHER_IN)
522 printf(", has_input_packets");
523 if (tconn.callOther[j] & RX_OTHER_OUT)
524 printf(", has_output_packets");
525 printf("\n");
526 }
527 }
528 if (nodally)
529 printf("Skipped %d dallying connections.\n", dallyCounter);
530 }
531 if (showPeers && withPeers) {
532 for (i = 0;; i++) {
533 struct rx_debugPeer tpeer;
534 code =
535 rx_GetServerPeers(s, host, port, &nextpeer, allconns, &tpeer,
536 &supportedPeerValues);
537 if (code < 0) {
538 printf("getpeer call failed with code %d\n", code);
539 break;
540 }
541 if ( == 0xffffffff) {
542 printf("Done.\n");
543 break;
544 }
546 if ((onlyHost != -1) && (onlyHost !=
547 continue;
548 if ((onlyPort != -1) && (onlyPort != tpeer.port))
549 continue;
551 /* now display the peer */
552 hostAddr.s_addr =;
553 afs_inet_ntoa_r(hostAddr.s_addr, hoststr);
554 printf("Peer at host %s, port %hu\n", hoststr,
555 ntohs(tpeer.port));
556 printf("\tifMTU %hu\tnatMTU %hu\tmaxMTU %hu\n", tpeer.ifMTU,
557 tpeer.natMTU, tpeer.maxMTU);
558 printf("\tpackets sent %u\tpacket resends %u\n", tpeer.nSent,
559 tpeer.reSends);
560 printf("\tbytes sent high %u low %u\n", tpeer.bytesSent.high,
561 tpeer.bytesSent.low);
562 printf("\tbytes received high %u low %u\n",
563 tpeer.bytesReceived.high, tpeer.bytesReceived.low);
564 printf("\trtt %u msec, rtt_dev %u msec\n", tpeer.rtt >> 3,
565 tpeer.rtt_dev >> 2);
566 printf("\ttimeout %u.%03u sec\n", tpeer.timeout.sec,
567 tpeer.timeout.usec / 1000);
568 if (!showLong)
569 continue;
571 printf("\tin/out packet skew: %d/%d\n", tpeer.inPacketSkew,
572 tpeer.outPacketSkew);
573 printf("\tcongestion window %d, MTU %d\n", tpeer.cwind,
574 tpeer.MTU);
575 printf("\tcurrent/if/max jumbogram size: %d/%d/%d\n",
576 tpeer.nDgramPackets, tpeer.ifDgramPackets,
577 tpeer.maxDgramPackets);
578 }
579 }
580 exit(0);
581 }
583 /* simple main program */
584 #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV
585 #include "AFS_component_version_number.c"
586 #endif
587 int
588 main(int argc, char **argv)
589 {
590 struct cmd_syndesc *ts;
592 #ifdef RXDEBUG
593 rxi_DebugInit();
594 #endif
595 #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV
596 if (afs_winsockInit() < 0) {
597 printf("%s: Couldn't initialize winsock. Exiting...\n", argv[0]);
598 return 1;
599 }
600 #endif
602 ts = cmd_CreateSyntax(NULL, MainCommand, NULL, 0, "probe RX server");
603 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-servers", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "server machine");
604 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-port", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "IP port");
605 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-nodally", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
606 "don't show dallying conns");
607 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-allconnections", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
608 "don't filter out uninteresting connections on server");
609 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-rxstats", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "show Rx statistics");
610 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-onlyserver", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
611 "only show server conns");
612 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-onlyclient", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
613 "only show client conns");
614 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-onlyport", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
615 "show only <port>");
616 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-onlyhost", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
617 "show only <host>");
618 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-onlyauth", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL,
619 "show only <auth level>");
621 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-version", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
622 "show AFS version id");
623 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-noconns", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL,
624 "show no connections");
625 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-peers", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "show peers");
626 cmd_AddParm(ts, "-long", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "detailed output");
628 cmd_Dispatch(argc, argv);
629 exit(0);
630 }