[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / doc / guide / src / MLtonGC.adoc
1 MLtonGC
2 =======
4 [source,sml]
5 ----
6 signature MLTON_GC =
7 sig
8 val collect: unit -> unit
9 val pack: unit -> unit
10 val setMessages: bool -> unit
11 val setSummary: bool -> unit
12 val unpack: unit -> unit
13 structure Statistics :
14 sig
15 val bytesAllocated: unit -> IntInf.int
16 val lastBytesLive: unit -> IntInf.int
17 val numCopyingGCs: unit -> IntInf.int
18 val numMarkCompactGCs: unit -> IntInf.int
19 val numMinorGCs: unit -> IntInf.int
20 val maxBytesLive: unit -> IntInf.int
21 end
22 end
23 ----
25 * `collect ()`
26 +
27 causes a garbage collection to occur.
29 * `pack ()`
30 +
31 shrinks the heap as much as possible so that other processes can use
32 available RAM.
34 * `setMessages b`
35 +
36 controls whether diagnostic messages are printed at the beginning and
37 end of each garbage collection. It is the same as the `gc-messages`
38 runtime system option.
40 * `setSummary b`
41 +
42 controls whether a summary of garbage collection statistics is printed
43 upon termination of the program. It is the same as the `gc-summary`
44 runtime system option.
46 * `unpack ()`
47 +
48 resizes a packed heap to the size desired by the runtime.
50 * `Statistics.bytesAllocated ()`
51 +
52 returns bytes allocated (as of the most recent garbage collection).
54 * `Statistics.lastBytesLive ()`
55 +
56 returns bytes live (as of the most recent garbage collection).
58 * `Statistics.numCopyingGCs ()`
59 +
60 returns number of (major) copying garbage collections performed (as of
61 the most recent garbage collection).
63 * `Statistics.numMarkCompactGCs ()`
64 +
65 returns number of (major) mark-compact garbage collections performed
66 (as of the most recent garbage collection).
68 * `Statistics.numMinorGCs ()`
69 +
70 returns number of minor garbage collections performed (as of the most
71 recent garbage collection).
73 * `Statistics.maxBytesLive ()`
74 +
75 returns maximum bytes live (as of the most recent garbage collection).