Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / word.sml
1 (* Auxiliary functions for test cases *)
3 infix 1 seq
4 fun e1 seq e2 = e2;
5 fun check b = if b then "OK" else "WRONG";
6 fun check' f = (if f () then "OK" else "WRONG") handle _ => "EXN";
8 fun range (from, to) p =
9 let open Int
10 in
11 (from > to) orelse (p from) andalso (range (from+1, to) p)
12 end;
14 fun checkrange bounds = check o range bounds;
16 fun tst0 s s' = print (s ^ " \t" ^ s' ^ "\n");
17 fun tst s b = tst0 s (check b);
18 fun tst' s f = tst0 s (check' f);
20 fun tstrange s bounds = (tst s) o range bounds
22 (* test/word.sml -- some test cases for Word, appropriate for a two's
23 complement machine whose Int.precision = SOME 31
24 PS 1995-03-19, 1995-07-12, 1995-11-06, 1996-04-01, 1996-10-01
26 modified to work for Int.precision = SOME 32 -- ME 1998-10-07
27 *)
29 (*KILL 05/11/1997 11:04. tho.:
30 use "auxil.sml";
31 *)
33 local
34 (* Isn't this disgusting: *)
35 val [gt, lt, ge, le] =
36 [op>, op<, op>=, op<=] : (int * int -> bool) list
37 val [add, sub, mul, idiv, imod] =
38 [op+, op-, op*, op div, op mod] : (int * int -> int) list
39 open Word;
40 val op > = gt and op < = lt and op >= = ge and op <= = le;
41 val op + = add and op - = sub and op * = mul
42 and op div = idiv and op mod = imod;
43 val i2w = fromInt
44 and w2i = toIntX;
45 fun pr_ln s s' = print (s ^ ": " ^ s' ^ "\n")
46 in
48 val test1 = checkrange (0, 1025)
49 (fn i => i = w2i (i2w i));
50 val _ = pr_ln "test1" test1
52 val test3 = checkrange (~1000, 1000)
53 (fn i => i = toIntX (i2w i));
54 val _ = pr_ln "test3" test3
56 val test5a = checkrange (0,15)
57 (fn i => (i+960) div 2 * 2 + 1
58 = w2i (orb (i2w i, i2w 961)));
59 val _ = pr_ln "test5a" test5a
60 val test5b = checkrange (0,513)
61 (fn i => i = w2i (orb (i2w i, i2w i)));
62 val _ = pr_ln "test5b" test5b
63 val test6a = checkrange (0,15)
64 (fn i => i div 2 * 2 = w2i (andb (i2w i, i2w ~2)));
65 val _ = pr_ln "test6a" test6a
66 val test6b = checkrange (0,513)
67 (fn i => i = w2i (andb (i2w i, i2w i)));
68 val _ = pr_ln "test6b" test6b
69 val test7a = checkrange (0,15)
70 (fn i => i+960 = w2i (xorb (i2w i, i2w 960)));
71 val _ = pr_ln "test7a" test7a
72 val test7b = checkrange (0, 513)
73 (fn i => 0 = w2i (xorb (i2w i, i2w i)));
74 val _ = pr_ln "test7b" test7b
75 val test8a = check(~1 = w2i (notb (i2w 0)));
76 val _ = pr_ln "test8a" test8a
77 val test8b = check (0 = w2i (notb (i2w ~1)));
78 val _ = pr_ln "test8b" test8b
79 val maxposint = valOf Int.maxInt;
80 val maxnegint = (Int.~ maxposint)-1;
81 fun pwr2 0 = 1
82 | pwr2 n = 2 * pwr2 (n-1);
83 fun rwp i 0 = i
84 | rwp i n = rwp i (n-1) div 2;
86 val test9a = checkrange (0,29)
87 (fn k => pwr2 k = w2i (<< (i2w 1, i2w k)));
88 val _ = pr_ln "test9a" test9a
89 val test9b = checkrange (32,65)
90 (fn k => 0 = w2i (<< (i2w 1, i2w k)));
91 val _ = pr_ln "test9b" test9b
92 val test9c = check (maxnegint = w2i (<< (i2w 1, i2w 31)));
93 val _ = pr_ln "test9c" test9c
94 val test9d = checkrange (0, 1025)
95 (fn i => 2 * i = w2i (<< (i2w i, i2w 1)));
96 val _ = pr_ln "test9d" test9d
97 val test9e = checkrange (0, 1025)
98 (fn i => i div 2 = w2i (>> (i2w i, i2w 1)));
99 val _ = pr_ln "test9e" test9e
100 val test9f = checkrange (0,65)
101 (fn k => rwp maxposint k = w2i (>> (i2w maxposint, i2w k)));
102 val _ = pr_ln "test9f" test9f
103 val test9g = checkrange (32,65)
104 (fn k => 0 = w2i (<< (i2w ~1, i2w k)));
105 val _ = pr_ln "test9g" test9g
106 val test9h = checkrange (1,65)
107 (fn k => 0 = w2i (>> (i2w 1, i2w k)));
108 val _ = pr_ln "test9h" test9h
110 val test10a = checkrange (1,65)
111 (fn k => 0 = w2i (~>> (i2w 1, i2w k)));
112 val _ = pr_ln "test10a" test10a
113 val test10b = checkrange (1,65)
114 (fn k => ~1 = w2i (~>> (i2w ~1, i2w k)));
115 val _ = pr_ln "test10b" test10b
116 val test10c = checkrange (~513, 513)
117 (fn i => i div 2 = toIntX (~>> (i2w i, i2w 1)));
118 val _ = pr_ln "test10c" test10c
119 val test10d = checkrange (0,65)
120 (fn k => rwp maxnegint k = toIntX (~>> (i2w maxnegint, i2w k)));
121 val _ = pr_ln "test10d" test10d
122 local
123 open Word
124 in
125 val test11a = check (i2w 256 > i2w 255);
126 val _ = pr_ln "test11a" test11a
127 val test11b = check (i2w 0 < i2w ~1);
128 val _ = pr_ln "test11b" test11b
129 val test11c = check (i2w maxposint >= i2w maxposint);
130 val _ = pr_ln "test11c" test11c
131 val test11d = check (i2w maxnegint >= i2w 127);
132 val _ = pr_ln "test11d" test11d
133 val test11e = check (i2w 1 <= i2w 1);
134 val _ = pr_ln "test11e" test11e
135 val test11f = check (i2w 0 <= i2w 1);
136 val _ = pr_ln "test11f" test11f
137 val test11g = check (i2w 0 < i2w maxposint);
138 val _ = pr_ln "test11g" test11g
139 val test11h = check (i2w maxposint < i2w maxnegint);
140 val _ = pr_ln "test11h" test11h
141 val test11i = check (i2w maxnegint < i2w ~1);
142 val _ = pr_ln "test11i" test11i
143 end;
145 local
146 open Word
147 in
148 val test12a = checkrange(0, 300) (fn k => w2i (i2w k + i2w 17) = add(k, 17));
149 val _ = pr_ln "test12a" test12a
150 val test12b = checkrange(0, 300) (fn k => w2i (i2w k - i2w 17) = sub(k, 17));
151 val _ = pr_ln "test12b" test12b
152 val test12c = checkrange(0, 300) (fn k => w2i (i2w k * i2w 17) = mul(k, 17));
153 val _ = pr_ln "test12c" test12c
154 val test12d = checkrange(0, 300)
155 (fn k => w2i (i2w k div i2w 17) = idiv(k, 17));
156 val _ = pr_ln "test12d" test12d
157 val test12e = checkrange(0, 300)
158 (fn k => w2i (i2w k mod i2w 17) = imod(k, 17));
159 val _ = pr_ln "test12e" test12e
160 val test12f = checkrange(0, 300)
161 (fn k => w2i (i2w k + i2w maxnegint) = add(k, maxnegint));
162 val _ = pr_ln "test12f" test12f
163 val test12g = checkrange(0, 300)
164 (fn k => w2i (i2w maxnegint - i2w k - i2w 1) = sub(maxposint,k));
165 val _ = pr_ln "test12g" test12g
166 val test12h = checkrange(0, 300)
167 (fn k => w2i (i2w k * i2w maxnegint) = mul(imod(k, 2), maxnegint));
168 val _ = pr_ln "test12h" test12h
169 val test12i = checkrange(0, 300)
170 (fn k => w2i (i2w k * i2w maxposint + i2w k) = mul(imod(k, 2), maxnegint));
171 val _ = pr_ln "test12i" test12i
172 val test12j = checkrange(0, 300)
173 (fn k => w2i (i2w k div i2w ~1) = 0);
174 val _ = pr_ln "test12j" test12j
175 val test12k = checkrange(0, 300)
176 (fn k => w2i (i2w k mod i2w ~1) = k);
177 val _ = pr_ln "test12k" test12k
178 val test12l = check(w2i (i2w maxposint + i2w 1) = maxnegint);
179 val _ = pr_ln "test12l" test12l
180 val test12m = check(w2i (i2w maxnegint - i2w 1) = maxposint);
181 val _ = pr_ln "test12m" test12m
182 val test12n = check(w2i (i2w ~1 div i2w 2) = maxposint);
183 val _ = pr_ln "test12n" test12n
184 val test12o = check(w2i (i2w ~1 mod i2w 2) = 1);
185 val _ = pr_ln "test12o" test12o
186 val test12p = check(w2i (i2w ~1 div i2w 100) = idiv(maxposint, 50));
187 val _ = pr_ln "test12p" test12p
188 (*31bit
189 val test12q = check(w2i (i2w ~1 mod i2w 10) = 7);
190 val _ = pr_ln "test12q" test12q
191 *)
192 val test12r = (i2w 17 div i2w 0 seq "WRONG")
193 handle Div => "OK" | _ => "WRONG";
194 val _ = pr_ln "test12r" test12r
195 val test12s = (i2w 17 mod i2w 0 seq "WRONG")
196 handle Div => "OK" | _ => "WRONG";
197 val _ = pr_ln "test12s" test12s
198 fun chk f (s, r) =
199 check'(fn _ =>
200 case f s of
201 SOME res => res = i2w r
202 | NONE => false)
204 fun chkScan fmt = chk (StringCvt.scanString (scan fmt))
206 val test13a =
207 (chk fromString)
208 [("20Af", 8367),
209 (" \n\t20AfGrap", 8367),
210 ("0w20Af", 0 (*8367*)),
211 (" \n\t0w20AfGrap", 0 (*8367*)),
212 ("0", 0),
213 ("0w", 0),
214 ("0W1", 0),
215 ("0w ", 0),
216 ("0wx", 0),
217 ("0wX", 0),
218 ("0wx1", 1),
219 ("0wX1", 1),
220 ("0wx ", 0),
221 ("0wX ", 0)];
222 val _ = pr_ln "test13a" (concat test13a)
223 val test13b =
224 (fn s => case fromString s of NONE => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
225 ["", "-", "~", "+", " \n\t", " \n\t-", " \n\t~", " \n\t+",
226 "+1", "~1", "-1", "GG"];
227 val _ = pr_ln "test13b" (concat test13b)
229 val test14a =
230 (chkScan StringCvt.DEC)
231 [("10789", 10789),
232 (" \n\t10789crap", 10789),
233 ("0w10789", 10789),
234 (" \n\t0w10789crap", 10789),
235 ("0", 0),
236 ("0w", 0),
237 ("0W1", 0),
238 ("0w ", 0),
239 ("0wx", 0),
240 ("0wX", 0),
241 ("0wx1", 0),
242 ("0wX1", 0),
243 ("0wx ", 0),
244 ("0wX ", 0)];
245 val _ = pr_ln "test14a" (concat test14a)
246 val test14b =
247 (fn s => case StringCvt.scanString (scan StringCvt.DEC) s
248 of NONE => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
249 ["", "-", "~", "+", " \n\t", " \n\t-", " \n\t~", " \n\t+",
250 "+1", "~1", "-1", "ff"];
251 val _ = pr_ln "test14b" (concat test14b)
252 val test15a =
253 (chkScan StringCvt.BIN)
254 [("10010", 18),
255 (" \n\t10010crap", 18),
256 ("0w10010", 18),
257 (" \n\t0w10010crap", 18),
258 ("0", 0),
259 ("0w", 0),
260 ("0W1", 0),
261 ("0w ", 0),
262 ("0wx", 0),
263 ("0wX", 0),
264 ("0wx1", 0),
265 ("0wX1", 0),
266 ("0wx ", 0),
267 ("0wX ", 0)];
268 val _ = pr_ln "test15a" (concat test15a)
269 val test15b =
270 (fn s => case StringCvt.scanString (scan StringCvt.BIN) s
271 of NONE => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
272 ["", "-", "~", "+", " \n\t", " \n\t-", " \n\t~", " \n\t+",
273 "+1", "~1", "-1", "2", "8", "ff"];
274 val _ = pr_ln "test15b" (concat test15b)
275 val test16a =
276 (chkScan StringCvt.OCT)
277 [("2071", 1081),
278 (" \n\t2071crap", 1081),
279 ("0w2071", 1081),
280 (" \n\t0w2071crap", 1081),
281 ("0", 0),
282 ("0w", 0),
283 ("0W1", 0),
284 ("0w ", 0),
285 ("0wx", 0),
286 ("0wX", 0),
287 ("0wx1", 0),
288 ("0wX1", 0),
289 ("0wx ", 0),
290 ("0wX ", 0)];
291 val _ = pr_ln "test16a" (concat test16a)
292 val test16b =
293 (fn s => case StringCvt.scanString (scan StringCvt.OCT) s
294 of NONE => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
295 ["", "-", "~", "+", " \n\t", " \n\t-", " \n\t~", " \n\t+",
296 "+1", "~1", "-1", "8", "ff"];
297 val _ = pr_ln "test16b" (concat test16b)
298 val test17a =
299 (chkScan StringCvt.HEX)
300 [("20Af", 8367), (" \n\t20AfGrap", 8367),
301 ("0wx20Af", 8367), (" \n\t0wx20AfGrap", 8367),
302 ("0wX20Af", 8367), (" \n\t0wX20AfGrap", 8367),
303 ("0x20Af", 8367), (" \n\t0x20AfGrap", 8367),
304 ("0X20Af", 8367), (" \n\t0X20AfGrap", 8367),
305 ("0", 0),
306 ("0w", 0),
307 ("0w ", 0),
308 ("0w1", 0 (*1*)),
309 ("0W1", 0),
310 ("0wx", 0),
311 ("0wX", 0),
312 ("0wx1", 1),
313 ("0wX1", 1)];
314 val _ = pr_ln "test17a" (concat test17a)
315 val test17b =
316 (fn s => case StringCvt.scanString (scan StringCvt.HEX) s
317 of NONE => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
318 ["", "-", "~", "+", " \n\t", " \n\t-", " \n\t~", " \n\t+",
319 "+1", "~1", "-1"];
320 val _ = pr_ln "test17b" (concat test17b)
321 end;
323 local
324 fun fromToString i =
325 fromString (toString (fromInt i)) = SOME (fromInt i);
327 fun scanFmt radix i =
328 let val w = fromInt i
329 val s = fmt radix w
330 in StringCvt.scanString (scan radix) s = SOME w end;
332 in
333 val test18 =
334 check'(fn _ => range (0, 1200) fromToString);
335 val _ = pr_ln "test18" test18
336 val test19 =
337 check'(fn _ => range (0, 1200) (scanFmt StringCvt.BIN));
338 val _ = pr_ln "test19" test19
339 val test20 =
340 check'(fn _ => range (0, 1200) (scanFmt StringCvt.OCT));
341 val _ = pr_ln "test20" test20
342 val test21 =
343 check'(fn _ => range (0, 1200) (scanFmt StringCvt.DEC));
344 val _ = pr_ln "test21" test21
345 val test22 =
346 check'(fn _ => range (0, 1200) (scanFmt StringCvt.HEX));
347 val _ = pr_ln "test22" test22
348 end
349 end;