Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / same-fringe.sml
1 structure Z =
2 struct
4 structure Thread = MLton.Thread
6 fun generate(f: ('a -> unit) -> unit): unit -> 'a option =
7 let
8 val paused: 'a option Thread.t option ref = ref NONE
9 val gen: unit Thread.t option ref = ref NONE
10 fun return(a: 'a option): unit =
11 Thread.switch(fn t' =>
12 let val _ = gen := SOME t'
13 val t = valOf(!paused)
14 val _ = paused := NONE
15 in Thread.prepare (t, a)
16 end)
17 val _ =
18 gen := SOME( () => (f (return o SOME)
19 ; return NONE)))
20 in fn () => Thread.switch(fn t => (paused := SOME t
21 ; Thread.prepare (valOf(!gen), ())))
22 end
24 datatype 'a tree =
25 L of 'a
26 | N of 'a tree * 'a tree
28 fun foreach(t: 'a tree, f: 'a -> unit): unit =
29 let
30 val rec loop =
31 fn L a => f a
32 | N(l, r) => (loop l; loop r)
33 in loop t
34 end
36 fun same(f: unit -> 'a option,
37 g: unit -> 'a option,
38 eq: 'a * 'a -> bool): bool =
39 let
40 fun loop() =
41 case (f(), g()) of
42 (NONE, NONE) => true
43 | (SOME x, SOME y) => eq(x, y) andalso loop()
44 | _ => false
45 in loop()
46 end
48 fun fringe(t: 'a tree): unit -> 'a option =
49 generate(fn f => foreach(t, f))
51 fun sameFringe(t1: 'a tree, t2: 'a tree, eq: 'a * 'a -> bool): bool =
52 same(fringe t1, fringe t2, eq)
54 val t1 = N(N(L 1, L 2), N(N(L 3, L 4), L 5))
55 val t2 = N(L 1, N(N(L 2, L 3), N(L 4, L 5)))
57 val _ =
58 if sameFringe(t1, t2, op =)
59 then print "success\n"
60 else print "failure\n"
62 end