Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / mlton / ssa /
1 (* Copyright (C) 2009,2017 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
10 struct
12 open S
14 open Exp Transfer
16 (* A critical edge is one that connects a block with two or more
17 * succesors to one with two or more predecessors.
18 * This prepass breaks all critical edges by inserting an eta-block.
19 * For some analyses and transformations, simply ensuring the unique
20 * successor or predecessor property is sufficient. (For example, see
21 * the comments at the end of "Conditional Constant Propagation" in
22 * Section 19.3 of Appel's "Modern Compiler Implementation in ML".)
23 * However, passes that require critical edges to be broken in order
24 * to accomodate code motion (for example, PRE), should also break an
25 * edge that connects a block with non-goto transfer to one with two
26 * or more predecessors.
27 *)
28 structure CriticalEdges =
29 struct
31 structure LabelInfo =
32 struct
33 datatype t = T of {args: (Var.t * Type.t) vector,
34 inDeg: int ref,
35 mustBreak: bool,
36 outDeg: int ref}
38 local
39 fun make f (T r) = f r
40 fun make' f = (make f, ! o (make f))
41 in
42 val args = make #args
43 val (inDeg', inDeg) = make' #inDeg
44 val mustBreak = make #mustBreak
45 val (outDeg', outDeg) = make' #outDeg
46 end
48 fun new (args, mustBreak): t = T {args = args,
49 inDeg = ref 0,
50 mustBreak = mustBreak,
51 outDeg = ref 0}
52 end
54 fun breakFunction (f, {codeMotion: bool}) =
55 let
56 val {get = labelInfo: Label.t -> LabelInfo.t,
57 set = setLabelInfo, ...} =
58 Property.getSetOnce
59 (Label.plist, Property.initRaise ("CriticalEdges.labelInfo", Label.layout))
60 val argsLabel = LabelInfo.args o labelInfo
61 val inDeg = LabelInfo.inDeg o labelInfo
62 val inDeg' = LabelInfo.inDeg' o labelInfo
63 val mustBreak = LabelInfo.mustBreak o labelInfo
64 val outDeg = LabelInfo.outDeg o labelInfo
65 val outDeg' = LabelInfo.outDeg' o labelInfo
67 val {args, blocks, mayInline,
68 name, raises, returns, start} = Function.dest f
70 val _ =
71 Vector.foreach
72 (blocks, fn Block.T {args, label, transfer, ...} =>
73 let
74 val mustBreak =
75 case transfer of
76 Bug => false (* no successors *)
77 | Goto _ => false
78 | Raise _ => false (* no successors *)
79 | Return _ => false (* no successors *)
80 | _ => true
81 in
82 setLabelInfo (label, (args, mustBreak))
83 end)
84 val _ =
85 Vector.foreach
86 (blocks, fn Block.T {label, transfer, ...} =>
87 let
88 val outDeg' = outDeg' label
89 fun doit l =
90 ( outDeg'
91 ; (inDeg' l))
92 in
93 Transfer.foreachLabel
94 (transfer, doit)
95 end)
97 val newBlocks = ref []
98 fun newBlock l =
99 let
100 val l' = Label.newString "L_crit"
101 val args =
103 (argsLabel l, fn (x, ty) =>
104 ( x, ty))
105 val _ =
106 List.push
107 (newBlocks,
108 Block.T {args = args,
109 label = l',
110 statements = Vector.new0 (),
111 transfer = Goto {dst = l,
112 args =, #1)}})
113 in
114 l'
115 end
116 val blocks =
118 (blocks, fn b as Block.T {args, label, statements, transfer} =>
119 if (codeMotion andalso mustBreak label)
120 orelse outDeg label >= 2
121 then let
122 fun doit t =
123 Transfer.replaceLabel
124 (t, fn l =>
125 if inDeg l > 1
126 then newBlock l
127 else l)
128 in
129 Block.T {args = args,
130 label = label,
131 statements = statements,
132 transfer = doit transfer}
133 end
134 else b)
135 in
136 {args = args,
137 blocks = Vector.concat [blocks, Vector.fromList (!newBlocks)],
138 mayInline = mayInline,
139 name = name,
140 raises = raises,
141 returns = returns,
142 start = start}
143 end
145 fun break (Program.T {datatypes, globals, functions, main}, codeMotion) =
146 let
147 val functions =
148 List.revMap (functions, fn f =>
149 breakFunction (f, codeMotion))
150 in
151 Program.T {datatypes = datatypes,
152 globals = globals,
153 functions = functions,
154 main = main}
155 end
156 end
158 val breakCriticalEdgesFunction = CriticalEdges.breakFunction
159 (* quell unused warning *)
160 val _ = breakCriticalEdgesFunction
161 val breakCriticalEdges = CriticalEdges.break
163 structure DeadBlocks =
164 struct
166 fun eliminateFunction f =
167 let
168 val {args, blocks, mayInline, name, raises, returns, start} =
169 Function.dest f
170 val {get = isLive, set = setLive, rem} =
171 Property.getSetOnce (Label.plist, Property.initConst false)
172 val _ = Function.dfs (f, fn Block.T {label, ...} =>
173 (setLive (label, true)
174 ; fn () => ()))
175 val f =
176 if Vector.forall (blocks, isLive o Block.label)
177 then f
178 else
179 let
180 val blocks =
181 Vector.keepAll
182 (blocks, isLive o Block.label)
183 in
184 {args = args,
185 blocks = blocks,
186 mayInline = mayInline,
187 name = name,
188 raises = raises,
189 returns = returns,
190 start = start}
191 end
192 val _ = Vector.foreach (blocks, rem o Block.label)
193 in
194 f
195 end
197 fun eliminate (Program.T {datatypes, globals, functions, main}) =
198 Program.T {datatypes = datatypes,
199 globals = globals,
200 functions = List.revMap (functions, eliminateFunction),
201 main = main}
202 end
204 val eliminateDeadBlocksFunction = DeadBlocks.eliminateFunction
205 val eliminateDeadBlocks = DeadBlocks.eliminate
208 structure Order =
209 struct
211 fun orderFunctions (p as Program.T {globals, datatypes, main, ...}) =
212 let
213 val functions = ref []
214 val () =
215 Program.dfs
216 (p, fn f =>
217 let
218 val {args, mayInline, name, raises, returns, start, ...} =
219 Function.dest f
220 val blocks = ref []
221 val () =
222 Function.dfs
223 (f, fn b =>
224 (List.push (blocks, b)
225 ; fn () => ()))
226 val f = {args = args,
227 blocks = Vector.fromListRev (!blocks),
228 mayInline = mayInline,
229 name = name,
230 raises = raises,
231 returns = returns,
232 start = start}
233 in
234 List.push (functions, f)
235 ; fn () => ()
236 end)
237 in
238 Program.T {datatypes = datatypes,
239 globals = globals,
240 functions = List.rev (!functions),
241 main = main}
242 end
244 end
246 val orderFunctions = Order.orderFunctions
249 structure Reverse =
250 struct
252 fun reverseFunctions (Program.T {globals, datatypes, functions, main}) =
253 Program.T {datatypes = datatypes,
254 globals = globals,
255 functions = List.rev functions,
256 main = main}
257 end
259 val reverseFunctions = Reverse.reverseFunctions
261 end