Import Debian changes 20180207-1
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / ide / emacs / esml-gen.el
1 ;; Copyright (C) 2005 Vesa Karvonen
2 ;;
3 ;; MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
4 ;; See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
6 (require 'esml-util)
8 ;; Installation
9 ;; ============
10 ;;
11 ;; Push the path to this file (and `esml-util.el') to `load-path' and use
12 ;; (require 'esml-gen).
13 ;;
14 ;; Ideas for future development
15 ;; ============================
16 ;;
17 ;; - ?
19 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
21 (defgroup esml-gen nil
22 "Code generation functions for Standard ML."
23 :group 'sml)
25 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
26 ;; Prelude
28 ;; TBD: Consider moving these to another place if/when it makes sense.
30 (defun esml-extract-field-names (pattern-or-type)
31 (let ((fields nil))
32 (with-temp-buffer
33 (insert pattern-or-type)
34 (goto-char 0)
35 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n{},")
36 (while (not (eobp))
37 (let ((start (point)))
38 (if (find (char-after) esml-sml-symbolic-chars)
39 (skip-chars-forward esml-sml-symbolic-chars)
40 (skip-chars-forward esml-sml-alphanumeric-chars))
41 (push (buffer-substring start (point)) fields))
42 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n")
43 (when (and (not (eobp))
44 (= ?\: (char-after)))
45 (let ((open-parens 0))
46 (while (not (or (eobp)
47 (and (zerop open-parens)
48 (= ?\, (char-after)))))
49 (cond ((or (= ?\( (char-after))
50 (= ?\{ (char-after)))
51 (setq open-parens (1+ open-parens)))
52 ((or (= ?\) (char-after))
53 (= ?\} (char-after)))
54 (setq open-parens (1- open-parens))))
55 (forward-char 1)
56 (skip-chars-forward "^,(){}"))))
57 (skip-chars-forward " \t\n{},")))
58 fields))
60 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
61 ;; Functional Record Update (see
63 (defcustom esml-gen-fru-setter-template
64 '("fun set f =\nlet\nfun t2r (%1) = {%2}\nfun r2t {%3} = (%4)
65 in\nRecords.wrapSet (Tuples.set%n, t2r, t2r, r2t) f\nend\n"
66 "v%i, "
67 "%f = v%i, "
68 "%f = v%i, "
69 "v%i, ")
70 "Template for `esml-gen-fru-setter'. Indentation is automatic. The last
71 two characters of a pattern are deleted at the end."
72 :type '(list :tag "Template"
73 (string :tag "Code (`%1' = 1., `%2' = 2., ..., `%n' = n)")
74 (string :tag "1. pattern (`%i' = index, `%f' = field)")
75 (string :tag "2. pattern (`%i' = index, `%f' = field)")
76 (string :tag "3. pattern (`%i' = index, `%f' = field)")
77 (string :tag "4. pattern (`%i' = index, `%f' = field)"))
78 :group 'esml-gen)
80 (defun esml-gen-fru-setter (pattern-or-type)
81 "Generates a functional record update function. The parameter must be in
82 the format `[{]id[: ty][,] ...[,] id[}]' where `[]' marks optional parts."
83 (interactive "sSimple record pattern or type: ")
84 (let* ((fields (esml-extract-field-names pattern-or-type))
85 (n (length fields)))
86 (if (< n 2)
87 (compat-error "%s" "Record must have at least two fields")
88 (let ((fields (sort fields 'string-lessp))
89 (start (point)))
90 (labels ((format-fields
91 (fmt)
92 (with-temp-buffer
93 (loop
94 for f in fields
95 for i from 1 to n
96 do (insert
97 (let* ((result fmt)
98 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
99 result "\\%f" f))
100 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
101 result "\\%i" (int-to-string i))))
102 result)))
103 (delete-char -2) ;; TBD
104 (buffer-string))))
105 (insert
106 (let* ((result (nth 0 esml-gen-fru-setter-template))
107 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
108 result "%1" (format-fields (nth 1 esml-gen-fru-setter-template))))
109 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
110 result "%2" (format-fields (nth 2 esml-gen-fru-setter-template))))
111 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
112 result "%3" (format-fields (nth 3 esml-gen-fru-setter-template))))
113 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
114 result "%4" (format-fields (nth 4 esml-gen-fru-setter-template))))
115 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
116 result "%n" (int-to-string n))))
117 result))
118 (indent-region start (point) nil))))))
120 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
121 ;; Functional Tuple Update (see
123 (defcustom esml-gen-ftu-setters-template
124 '("fun set%n f v (%1) =\nlet\ndatatype (%2) t =\n%3
125 fun g h v =\n(%4)\nin\nf (%5) v\nend\n"
126 "v%i, "
127 "'v%i, "
128 " V%i of 'v%i |"
129 "case h v of V%i v%i => v%i | _ => v%i,\n"
130 "g V%i, ")
131 "Template for `esml-gen-ftu-setters'. Indentation is automatic. The last
132 two characters of a pattern are deleted at the end."
133 :type '(list :tag "Format"
134 (string :tag "Code (`%1' = 1., `%2' = 2., ..., `%n' = n)")
135 (string :tag "1. pattern (`%i' = index)")
136 (string :tag "2. pattern (`%i' = index)")
137 (string :tag "3. pattern (`%i' = index)")
138 (string :tag "4. pattern (`%i' = index)")
139 (string :tag "5. pattern (`%i' = index)"))
140 :group 'esml-gen)
142 (defun esml-gen-ftu-setters (n)
143 "Generates functional tuple update, or `set<N>', functions."
144 (interactive "nMaximum number of fields [2-100]: ")
145 (if (not (and (<= 2 n)
146 (<= n 100)))
147 (compat-error "%s" "Number of fields must be between 2 and 100")
148 (labels ((format-fields
149 (fmt n)
150 (with-temp-buffer
151 (loop for i from 1 to n
152 do (insert
153 (let* ((result fmt)
154 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
155 result "%i" (int-to-string i))))
156 result)))
157 (delete-char -2) ;; TBD
158 (buffer-string))))
159 (let ((start (point)))
160 (loop for i from 2 to n do
161 (unless (= i 2)
162 (insert "\n"))
163 (insert
164 (let* ((result (nth 0 esml-gen-ftu-setters-template))
165 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
166 result "%1" (format-fields (nth 1 esml-gen-ftu-setters-template) i)))
167 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
168 result "%2" (format-fields (nth 2 esml-gen-ftu-setters-template) i)))
169 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
170 result "%3" (format-fields (nth 3 esml-gen-ftu-setters-template) i)))
171 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
172 result "%4" (format-fields (nth 4 esml-gen-ftu-setters-template) i)))
173 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
174 result "%5" (format-fields (nth 5 esml-gen-ftu-setters-template) i)))
175 (result (compat-replace-regexp-in-string
176 result "%n" (int-to-string i))))
177 result)))
178 (indent-region start (point) nil)))))
180 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
182 (provide 'esml-gen)