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22 <a href="./Home">MLton 20180207</a>
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25 <div id="header">
26 <h1>Users</h1>
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28 <div id="content">
29 <div id="preamble">
30 <div class="sectionbody">
31 <div class="paragraph"><p>Here is a list of companies, projects, and courses that use or have
32 used MLton. If you use MLton and are not here, please add your
33 project with a brief description and a link. Thanks.</p></div>
34 </div>
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36 <div class="sect1">
37 <h2 id="_companies">Companies</h2>
38 <div class="sectionbody">
39 <div class="ulist"><ul>
40 <li>
41 <p>
42 <a href="">Hardcore Processing</a> uses MLton as a <a href="">crosscompiler from Linux to Windows</a> for graphics and game software.
43 </p>
44 <div class="ulist"><ul>
45 <li>
46 <p>
47 <a href="">CEX3D Converter</a>, a conversion program for 3D objects.
48 </p>
49 </li>
50 <li>
51 <p>
52 <a href="">Interactive Showreel</a>, which contains a crossplatform GUI-toolkit and a realtime renderer for a subset of RenderMan written in Standard ML.
53 </p>
54 </li>
55 <li>
56 <p>
57 various <a href="">games</a>
58 </p>
59 </li>
60 </ul></div>
61 </li>
62 <li>
63 <p>
64 <a href="">MathWorks/PolySpace Technologies</a> builds their product that detects runtime errors in embedded systems based on abstract interpretation.
65 </p>
66 </li>
67 <li>
68 <p>
69 <a href="">Reactive Systems</a> uses MLton to build Reactis, a model-based testing and validation package used in the automotive and aerospace industries.
70 </p>
71 </li>
72 </ul></div>
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75 <div class="sect1">
76 <h2 id="_projects">Projects</h2>
77 <div class="sectionbody">
78 <div class="ulist"><ul>
79 <li>
80 <p>
81 <a href="">ADATE</a>, Automatic Design of Algorithms Through Evolution, a system for automatic programming i.e., inductive inference of algorithms. ADATE can automatically generate non-trivial and novel algorithms written in Standard ML.
82 </p>
83 </li>
84 <li>
85 <p>
86 <a href="">CIL</a>, a compiler for SML based on intersection and union types.
87 </p>
88 </li>
89 <li>
90 <p>
91 <a href="">ConCert</a>, a project investigating certified code for grid computing.
92 </p>
93 </li>
94 <li>
95 <p>
96 <a href="">Cooperative Internet hosting tools</a>
97 </p>
98 </li>
99 <li>
100 <p>
101 <a href="">Guugelhupf</a>, a simple search engine.
102 </p>
103 </li>
104 <li>
105 <p>
106 <a href="">HaMLet</a>, a model implementation of Standard ML.
107 </p>
108 </li>
109 <li>
110 <p>
111 <a href="">KeplerCode</a>, independent verification of the computational aspects of proofs of the Kepler conjecture and the Dodecahedral conjecture.
112 </p>
113 </li>
114 <li>
115 <p>
116 <a href="">Metis</a>, a first-order prover (used in the <a href="">HOL4 theorem prover</a> and the <a href="">Isabelle theorem prover</a>).
117 </p>
118 </li>
119 <li>
120 <p>
121 <a href="">mlftpd</a>, an ftp daemon written in SML. <a href="TomMurphy">TomMurphy</a> is also working on <a href="">replacements for standard network services</a> in SML. He also uses MLton to build his entries (<a href="">2001</a>, <a href="">2002</a>, <a href="">2004</a>, <a href="">2005</a>) in the annual ICFP programming contest.
122 </p>
123 </li>
124 <li>
125 <p>
126 <a href="">MLOPE</a>, an offline partial evaluator for Standard ML.
127 </p>
128 </li>
129 <li>
130 <p>
131 <a href="">RML</a>, a system for developing, compiling and debugging and teaching structural operational semantics (SOS) and natural semantics specifications.
132 </p>
133 </li>
134 <li>
135 <p>
136 <a href="">Skalpel</a>, a type-error slicer for SML
137 </p>
138 </li>
139 <li>
140 <p>
141 <a href="">SSA PRE</a>, an implementation of Partial Redundancy Elimination for MLton.
142 </p>
143 </li>
144 <li>
145 <p>
146 <a href="Stabilizers">Stabilizers</a>, a modular checkpointing abstraction for concurrent functional programs.
147 </p>
148 </li>
149 <li>
150 <p>
151 <a href="">Self-Adjusting SML</a>, self-adjusting computation, a model of computing where programs can automatically adjust to changes to their data.
152 </p>
153 </li>
154 <li>
155 <p>
156 <a href="">TL System</a>, providing general-purpose support for rewrite-based transformation over elements belonging to a (user-defined) domain language.
157 </p>
158 </li>
159 <li>
160 <p>
161 <a href="">Tina</a> (Time Petri net Analyzer)
162 </p>
163 </li>
164 <li>
165 <p>
166 <a href="">Twelf</a> an implementation of the LF logical framework.
167 </p>
168 </li>
169 <li>
170 <p>
171 <a href="">WaveScript/WaveScript</a>, a sensor network project; the WaveScript compiler can generate SML (MLton) code.
172 </p>
173 </li>
174 </ul></div>
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177 <div class="sect1">
178 <h2 id="_courses">Courses</h2>
179 <div class="sectionbody">
180 <div class="ulist"><ul>
181 <li>
182 <p>
183 <a href="">Harvard CS-152</a>, undergraduate programming languages.
184 </p>
185 </li>
186 <li>
187 <p>
188 <a href="">Høgskolen i Østfold IAI30202</a>, programming languages.
189 </p>
190 </li>
191 </ul></div>
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