Backport from sid to buster
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / runtime / gc / int-inf.c
1 /* Copyright (C) 2012,2014 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2005, 2007-2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet,
3 * Suresh Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
5 *
6 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
7 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
8 */
10 /*
11 * Test if a intInf is a fixnum.
12 */
13 static inline bool isSmall (objptr arg) {
14 return (arg & 1);
15 }
17 static inline bool areSmall (objptr arg1, objptr arg2) {
18 return ((arg1 & arg2) & (objptr)1);
19 }
21 /*
22 * Convert a bignum intInf to a bignum pointer.
23 */
24 static inline GC_intInf toBignum (GC_state s, objptr arg) {
25 GC_intInf bp;
27 assert (not isSmall(arg));
28 bp = (GC_intInf)(objptrToPointer(arg, s->heap.start)
29 - (offsetof(struct GC_intInf, obj)
30 + offsetof(struct GC_intInf_obj, isneg)));
32 fprintf (stderr, "bp->header = "FMTHDR"\n", bp->header);
33 assert (bp->header == GC_INTINF_HEADER);
34 return bp;
35 }
37 /*
38 * Given an intInf, a pointer to an __mpz_struct and space large
39 * enough to contain LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR + 1 limbs, fill in the
40 * __mpz_struct.
41 */
42 void fillIntInfArg (GC_state s, objptr arg, __mpz_struct *res,
43 mp_limb_t space[LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR + 1]) {
44 GC_intInf bp;
47 fprintf (stderr, "fillIntInfArg ("FMTOBJPTR", "FMTPTR", "FMTPTR")\n",
48 arg, (uintptr_t)res, (uintptr_t)space);
49 if (isSmall(arg)) {
50 res->_mp_alloc = LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR + 1;
51 res->_mp_d = space;
52 if (arg == (objptr)1) {
53 res->_mp_size = 0;
54 } else {
55 const objptr highBitMask = (objptr)1 << (CHAR_BIT * OBJPTR_SIZE - 1);
56 bool neg = (arg & highBitMask) != (objptr)0;
57 if (neg) {
58 arg = -((arg >> 1) | highBitMask);
59 } else {
60 arg = (arg >> 1);
61 }
62 int size;
63 if (sizeof(objptr) <= sizeof(mp_limb_t)) {
64 space[0] = (mp_limb_t)arg;
65 size = 1;
66 } else {
67 size = 0;
68 while (arg != 0) {
69 space[size] = (mp_limb_t)arg;
70 // The conditional below is to quell a gcc warning:
71 // right shift count >= width of type
72 // When (sizeof(objptr) <= sizeof(mp_limb_t)),
73 // this branch is unreachable,
74 // so the shift doesn't matter.
75 arg = arg >> (sizeof(objptr) <= sizeof(mp_limb_t) ?
76 0 : CHAR_BIT * sizeof(mp_limb_t));
77 size++;
78 }
79 }
80 if (neg)
81 size = - size;
82 res->_mp_size = size;
83 }
84 } else {
85 bp = toBignum (s, arg);
86 /* The _mp_alloc field is declared as int.
87 * No possibility of an overflowing assignment, as all *huge*
88 * intInfs must have come from some previous GnuMP evaluation.
89 */
90 res->_mp_alloc = (int)(bp->length - 1);
91 res->_mp_d = (mp_limb_t*)(bp->obj.limbs);
92 res->_mp_size = bp->obj.isneg ? - res->_mp_alloc : res->_mp_alloc;
93 }
94 assert ((res->_mp_size == 0)
95 or (res->_mp_d[(res->_mp_size < 0
96 ? - res->_mp_size
97 : res->_mp_size) - 1] != 0));
99 fprintf (stderr, "arg --> %s\n",
100 mpz_get_str (NULL, 10, res));
101 }
103 /*
104 * Initialize an __mpz_struct to use the space provided by the heap.
105 */
106 void initIntInfRes (GC_state s, __mpz_struct *res,
107 ARG_USED_FOR_ASSERT size_t bytes) {
108 GC_intInf bp;
109 size_t nlimbs;
111 assert (bytes <= (size_t)(s->limitPlusSlop - s->frontier));
112 bp = (GC_intInf)s->frontier;
113 /* We have as much space for the limbs as there is to the end of the
114 * heap. Divide by (sizeof(mp_limb_t)) to get number of limbs.
115 */
116 nlimbs = ((size_t)(s->limitPlusSlop - (pointer)bp->obj.limbs)) / (sizeof(mp_limb_t));
117 /* The _mp_alloc field is declared as int.
118 * Avoid an overflowing assignment, which could happen with huge
119 * heaps.
120 */
121 res->_mp_alloc = (int)(min(nlimbs,(size_t)INT_MAX));
122 res->_mp_d = (mp_limb_t*)(bp->obj.limbs);
123 res->_mp_size = 0; /* is this necessary? */
124 }
126 /*
127 * Given an __mpz_struct pointer which reflects the answer, set
128 * and return the answer.
129 * If the answer fits in a fixnum, we return that, with the frontier
130 * rolled back.
131 * If the answer doesn't need all of the space allocated, we adjust
132 * the array size and roll the frontier slightly back.
133 */
134 objptr finiIntInfRes (GC_state s, __mpz_struct *res, size_t bytes) {
135 GC_intInf bp;
136 int size;
138 assert ((res->_mp_size == 0)
139 or (res->_mp_d[(res->_mp_size < 0
140 ? - res->_mp_size
141 : res->_mp_size) - 1] != 0));
142 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
143 fprintf (stderr, "finiIntInfRes ("FMTPTR", %"PRIuMAX")\n",
144 (uintptr_t)res, (uintmax_t)bytes);
146 fprintf (stderr, "res --> %s\n",
147 mpz_get_str (NULL, 10, res));
148 bp = (GC_intInf)((pointer)res->_mp_d
149 - (offsetof(struct GC_intInf, obj)
150 + offsetof(struct GC_intInf_obj, limbs)));
151 assert (res->_mp_d == (mp_limb_t*)(bp->obj.limbs));
152 size = res->_mp_size;
153 if (size < 0) {
154 bp->obj.isneg = TRUE;
155 size = - size;
156 } else
157 bp->obj.isneg = FALSE;
158 assert (size >= 0);
159 if (size == 0)
160 return (objptr)1;
161 if (size <= LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR) {
162 if (sizeof(objptr) <= sizeof(mp_limb_t)) {
163 objptr ans;
164 mp_limb_t val = bp->obj.limbs[0];
165 if (bp->obj.isneg) {
166 /*
167 * We only fit if val in [1, 2^(CHAR_BIT * OBJPTR_SIZE - 2)].
168 */
169 ans = (objptr)(- val);
170 val = val - 1;
171 } else
172 /*
173 * We only fit if val in [0, 2^(CHAR_BIT * OBJPTR_SIZE - 2) - 1].
174 */
175 ans = (objptr)val;
176 // The conditional below is to quell a gcc warning:
177 // right shift count >= width of type
178 // When (sizeof(objptr) > sizeof(mp_limb_t)),
179 // this branch is unreachable,
180 // so the shift doesn't matter.
181 if (val < (mp_limb_t)1<<(sizeof(objptr) > sizeof(mp_limb_t) ?
182 0 : CHAR_BIT * OBJPTR_SIZE - 2))
183 return (ans<<1 | 1);
184 } else {
185 objptr ans, val;
186 val = (objptr)(bp->obj.limbs[0]);
187 for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
188 // The conditional below is to quell a gcc warning:
189 // left shift count >= width of type
190 // When (sizeof(objptr) <= sizeof(mp_limb_t)),
191 // this branch is unreachable,
192 // so the shift doesn't matter.
193 val = val << (sizeof(objptr) <= sizeof(mp_limb_t) ?
194 0 : CHAR_BIT * sizeof(mp_limb_t));
195 val = val & (objptr)(bp->obj.limbs[i]);
196 }
197 if (bp->obj.isneg) {
198 /*
199 * We only fit if val in [1, 2^(CHAR_BIT * OBJPTR_SIZE - 2)].
200 */
201 ans = - val;
202 val = val - 1;
203 } else
204 /*
205 * We only fit if val in [0, 2^(CHAR_BIT * OBJPTR_SIZE - 2) - 1].
206 */
207 ans = val;
208 if (val < (objptr)1<<(CHAR_BIT * OBJPTR_SIZE - 2))
209 return (ans<<1 | 1);
210 }
211 }
212 setFrontier (s, (pointer)(&bp->obj.limbs[size]), bytes);
213 bp->counter = (GC_arrayCounter)0;
214 bp->length = (GC_arrayLength)(size + 1); /* +1 for isneg field */
215 bp->header = GC_INTINF_HEADER;
216 return pointerToObjptr ((pointer)&bp->obj, s->heap.start);
217 }
219 objptr IntInf_binop (GC_state s,
220 objptr lhs, objptr rhs, size_t bytes,
221 void(*binop)(__mpz_struct *resmpz,
222 const __mpz_struct *lhsspace,
223 const __mpz_struct *rhsspace)) {
224 __mpz_struct lhsmpz, rhsmpz, resmpz;
225 mp_limb_t lhsspace[LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR + 1], rhsspace[LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR + 1];
227 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
228 fprintf (stderr, "IntInf_binop ("FMTOBJPTR", "FMTOBJPTR", %"PRIuMAX")\n",
229 lhs, rhs, (uintmax_t)bytes);
230 initIntInfRes (s, &resmpz, bytes);
231 fillIntInfArg (s, lhs, &lhsmpz, lhsspace);
232 fillIntInfArg (s, rhs, &rhsmpz, rhsspace);
233 binop (&resmpz, &lhsmpz, &rhsmpz);
234 return finiIntInfRes (s, &resmpz, bytes);
235 }
237 objptr IntInf_unop (GC_state s,
238 objptr arg, size_t bytes,
239 void(*unop)(__mpz_struct *resmpz,
240 const __mpz_struct *argspace)) {
241 __mpz_struct argmpz, resmpz;
242 mp_limb_t argspace[LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR + 1];
244 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
245 fprintf (stderr, "IntInf_unop ("FMTOBJPTR", %"PRIuMAX")\n",
246 arg, (uintmax_t)bytes);
248 initIntInfRes (s, &resmpz, bytes);
249 fillIntInfArg (s, arg, &argmpz, argspace);
250 unop (&resmpz, &argmpz);
251 return finiIntInfRes (s, &resmpz, bytes);
252 }
254 objptr IntInf_shop (GC_state s,
255 objptr arg, Word32_t shift, size_t bytes,
256 void(*shop)(__mpz_struct *resmpz,
257 const __mpz_struct *argspace,
258 unsigned long shift))
259 {
260 __mpz_struct argmpz, resmpz;
261 mp_limb_t argspace[LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR + 1];
263 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
264 fprintf (stderr, "IntInf_shop ("FMTOBJPTR", %"PRIu32", %"PRIuMAX")\n",
265 arg, shift, (uintmax_t)bytes);
267 initIntInfRes (s, &resmpz, bytes);
268 fillIntInfArg (s, arg, &argmpz, argspace);
269 shop (&resmpz, &argmpz, (unsigned long)shift);
270 return finiIntInfRes (s, &resmpz, bytes);
271 }
273 Int32_t IntInf_cmpop (GC_state s, objptr lhs, objptr rhs,
274 int(*cmpop)(const __mpz_struct *lhsspace,
275 const __mpz_struct *rhsspace))
276 {
277 __mpz_struct lhsmpz, rhsmpz;
278 mp_limb_t lhsspace[LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR + 1], rhsspace[LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR + 1];
279 int res;
281 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
282 fprintf (stderr, "IntInf_cmpop ("FMTOBJPTR", "FMTOBJPTR")\n",
283 lhs, rhs);
284 fillIntInfArg (s, lhs, &lhsmpz, lhsspace);
285 fillIntInfArg (s, rhs, &rhsmpz, rhsspace);
286 res = cmpop (&lhsmpz, &rhsmpz);
287 if (res < 0) return -1;
288 if (res > 0) return 1;
289 return 0;
290 }
292 objptr IntInf_strop (GC_state s, objptr arg, Int32_t base, size_t bytes,
293 char*(*strop)(char *str,
294 int base,
295 const __mpz_struct *argspace))
296 {
297 GC_string8 sp;
298 __mpz_struct argmpz;
299 mp_limb_t argspace[LIMBS_PER_OBJPTR + 1];
300 char *str;
301 size_t size;
303 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
304 fprintf (stderr, "IntInf_strop ("FMTOBJPTR", %"PRId32", %"PRIuMAX")\n",
305 arg, base, (uintmax_t)bytes);
306 assert (base == 2 || base == 8 || base == 10 || base == 16);
307 fillIntInfArg (s, arg, &argmpz, argspace);
308 assert (bytes <= (size_t)(s->limitPlusSlop - s->frontier));
309 sp = (GC_string8)s->frontier;
310 str = strop ((void*)&sp->obj, -base, &argmpz);
311 assert (str == (char*)&sp->obj);
312 size = strlen(str);
313 if (sp->obj.chars[0] == '-')
314 sp->obj.chars[0] = '~';
315 setFrontier (s, (pointer)&sp->obj + size, bytes);
316 sp->counter = (GC_arrayCounter)0;
317 sp->length = (GC_arrayLength)size;
318 sp->header = GC_STRING8_HEADER;
319 return pointerToObjptr ((pointer)&sp->obj, s->heap.start);
320 }
322 /*
323 static GC_state intInfMemoryFuncsState;
325 static void * wrap_alloc_func(size_t size) {
326 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
327 fprintf (stderr, "alloc_func (size = %"PRIuMAX") = ",
328 (uintmax_t)size);
329 void * res = (*alloc_func_ptr)(size);
330 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
331 fprintf (stderr, FMTPTR"\n", (uintptr_t)res);
332 return res;
333 }
335 static void * wrap_realloc_func(void *ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) {
336 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
337 fprintf (stderr, "realloc_func (ptr = "FMTPTR", "
338 "old_size = %"PRIuMAX", new_size = %"PRIuMAX") = ",
339 (uintptr_t)ptr, (uintmax_t)old_size, (uintmax_t)new_size);
340 assert (! isPointerInHeap(intInfMemoryFuncsState, (pointer)ptr));
341 void * res = (*realloc_func_ptr)(ptr, old_size, new_size);
342 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
343 fprintf (stderr, FMTPTR"\n", (uintptr_t)res);
344 return res;
345 }
347 static void wrap_free_func(void *ptr, size_t size) {
348 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
349 fprintf (stderr, "free_func (ptr = "FMTPTR", size = %"PRIuMAX")",
350 (uintptr_t)ptr, (uintmax_t)size);
351 assert (! isPointerInHeap(intInfMemoryFuncsState, (pointer)ptr));
352 (*free_func_ptr)(ptr, size);
353 if (DEBUG_INT_INF)
354 fprintf (stderr, "\n");
355 return;
356 }
358 void initIntInf (GC_state s) {
359 intInfMemoryFuncsState = s;
360 mp_get_memory_functions (&alloc_func_ptr, &realloc_func_ptr, &free_func_ptr);
361 mp_set_memory_functions (&wrap_alloc_func, &wrap_realloc_func, &wrap_free_func);
362 return;
363 }
364 */
366 void initIntInf (__attribute__ ((unused)) GC_state s) {
367 return;
368 }