Backport from sid to buster
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / filesys.sml
1 (* Auxiliary functions for test cases *)
3 infix 1 seq
4 fun e1 seq e2 = e2;
5 fun check b = if b then "OK" else "WRONG";
6 fun check' f = (if f () then "OK" else "WRONG") handle _ => "EXN";
8 fun range (from, to) p =
9 let open Int
10 in
11 (from > to) orelse (p from) andalso (range (from+1, to) p)
12 end;
14 fun checkrange bounds = check o range bounds;
16 fun tst0 s s' = print (s ^ " \t" ^ s' ^ "\n");
17 fun tst s b = tst0 s (check b);
18 fun tst' s f = tst0 s (check' f);
20 fun tstrange s bounds = (tst s) o range bounds
22 (* test/filesys.sml
23 PS 1995-03-23, 1996-05-01, 1998-04-06
24 *)
26 (* DOS: Plain WRONG: test6a, test9a (and test9b);
27 Excusable: test8b, test11b, test12a, test13a, test13b, test13c
28 *)
30 (* The test requires three symbolic links to be present in the current directory:
31 testlink -> README
32 testcycl -> testcycl
33 testbadl -> exists.not
34 Moreover, the file README must exist and the file exists.not not.
35 Also, the test requires one hard link between file hardlinkA and file hardlinkB.
36 *)
38 val _ = print "\nFile filesys.sml: Testing structure FileSys...\n"
40 local
41 open OS.FileSys
42 (* Clean up: *)
43 val _ = (rmDir "testdir") handle OS.SysErr _ => ();
44 val _ = (rmDir "testdir2") handle OS.SysErr _ => ();
46 val test1a = tst0 "test1a" ((mkDir "testdir" seq "OK") handle _ => "WRONG")
47 val test1b = tst0 "test1b" ((mkDir "testdir" seq "WRONG")
48 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
50 val test2 = tst' "test2" (fn _ => isDir "testdir");
52 val test3a = tst' "test3a" (fn _ => access("testdir", [A_READ, A_EXEC, A_WRITE]));
54 local
55 val cdir = getDir();
56 in
57 val test4a = tst0 "test4a" ((chDir cdir seq "OK") handle _ => "WRONG")
58 val test4b = tst' "test4b" (fn _ => cdir = getDir());
59 val _ = chDir "testdir";
60 val test4c = tst' "test4c" (fn _ => cdir <> getDir());
61 val _ = chDir "..";
62 val test4d = tst' "test4d" (fn _ => cdir = getDir());
63 end;
65 val _ = rename{old = "testdir", new = "exists.not"};
67 val test5 = tst0 "test5" ((rmDir "exists.not" seq "OK") handle _ => "WRONG")
69 val test6a = tst0 "test6a" ((openDir "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
70 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
71 val test6b = tst0 "test6b" ((isDir "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
72 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
73 val test6c = tst0 "test6c" ((rmDir "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
74 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
75 val test6d = tst0 "test6d" ((chDir "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
76 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
77 val test6e = tst0 "test6e" ((fullPath "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
78 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
79 val test6f = tst0 "test6f" ((realPath "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
80 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
81 val test6g = tst0 "test6g" ((modTime "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
82 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
83 val test6h = tst0 "test6h" ((setTime("exists.not", NONE) seq "WRONG")
84 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
85 val test6i = tst0 "test6i" ((remove "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
86 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
87 val test6j = tst0 "test6j" ((rename{old="exists.not", new="testdir2"} seq "WRONG")
88 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
89 val test6k = tst0 "test6k" ((fileSize "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
90 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
91 val test6l = tst' "test6l" (fn _ => not (access("exists.not", [])));
93 val _ = mkDir "testdir";
95 local
96 val dstr = openDir "testdir";
97 in
98 val test7a =
99 tst' "test7a" (fn _ => NONE = readDir dstr);
100 val _ = rewindDir dstr;
101 val test7b =
102 tst' "test7b" (fn _ => NONE = readDir dstr);
103 val _ = closeDir dstr;
104 val test7c = tst0 "test7c" ((readDir dstr seq "WRONG")
105 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
106 val test7d = tst0 "test7d" ((rewindDir dstr seq "WRONG")
107 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
108 val test7e = tst0 "test7e" ((closeDir dstr seq "OK")
109 handle _ => "WRONG")
110 end
112 val _ =
114 (fn (new, old) =>
115 if isLink new handle OS.SysErr _ => false
116 then ()
117 else Posix.FileSys.symlink {new = new, old = old})
118 [("testlink", "README"),
119 ("testcycl", "testcycl"),
120 ("testbadl", "exists.not")]
122 val test8a =
123 tst' "test8a" (fn _ => fullPath "." = getDir ());
124 val test8b =
125 tst' "test8b" (fn _ => fullPath "testlink" = getDir() ^ "/README");
126 val test8c = tst0 "test8c" ((fullPath "testcycl" seq "WRONG")
127 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
128 val test8d = tst0 "test8d" ((fullPath "testbadl" seq "WRONG")
129 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
130 val test8e = tst' "test8e" (fn _ => realPath "." = ".");
131 val test8f = tst' "test8f" (fn _ => realPath "testlink" = "README");
132 val test8g = tst0 "test8g" ((realPath "testcycl" seq "WRONG")
133 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
134 val test8h = tst0 "test8h" ((realPath "testbadl" seq "WRONG")
135 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
137 val test9a =
138 tst' "test9a" (fn _ =>
139 setTime ("README", SOME (Time.fromReal 1E6)) = ());
140 val test9b =
141 tst' "test9b" (fn _ => modTime "README" = Time.fromReal 1E6);
143 val test10a = tst0 "test10a" ((remove "testdir" seq "WRONG")
144 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
145 val test10b =
146 tst' "test10b" (fn _ =>
147 rename{old = "testdir", new = "testdir2"} = ());
148 val test10c =
149 tst' "test10c" (fn _ => isDir "testdir2");
151 val test11a =
152 tst' "test11a" (fn _ => not (access ("testdir", [])));
153 val test11b =
154 tst' "test11b" (fn _ => access("testlink", []));
155 val test11c =
156 tst' "test11c" (fn _ => not (access("testbadl", [])));
158 val test12a =
159 tst' "test12a" (fn _ => isLink "testcycl"
160 andalso isLink "testlink"
161 andalso isLink "testbadl");
162 val test12b =
163 tst' "test12b" (fn _ => not (isLink "testdir2"
164 orelse isLink "README"));
165 val test12c = tst0 "test12c" ((isLink "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
166 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
168 val test13a =
169 tst' "test13a" (fn _ => readLink "testcycl" = "testcycl");
170 val test13b =
171 tst' "test13b" (fn _ => readLink "testlink" = "README");
172 val test13c =
173 tst' "test13c" (fn _ => readLink "testbadl" = "exists.not");
174 val test13d = tst0 "test13d" ((readLink "testdir2" seq "WRONG")
175 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
176 val test13e = tst0 "test13e" ((readLink "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
177 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
179 val test14 = tst0 "test14" ((tmpName () seq "OK"))
181 val test15a =
182 tst' "test15a" (fn _ =>
183 fileId "." = fileId "."
184 andalso fileId "testlink" = fileId "README"
185 andalso fileId "." <> fileId "README");
186 val test15b =
187 tst' "test15b" (fn _ => compare(fileId ".", fileId ".") = EQUAL)
188 val test15b1 =
189 tst' "test15b1" (fn _ => compare(fileId ".", fileId "README") <> EQUAL)
190 val test15b2 =
191 tst' "test15b2" (fn _ => compare(fileId "testlink", fileId "README") = EQUAL)
192 val test15b3 =
193 tst' "test15b3" (fn _ =>
194 (compare(fileId ".", fileId "README") = LESS
195 andalso compare(fileId "README", fileId ".") = GREATER
196 orelse
197 compare(fileId ".", fileId "README") = GREATER
198 andalso compare(fileId "README", fileId ".") = LESS));
199 val test15c = tst0 "test15c" ((fileId "exists.not" seq "WRONG")
200 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
201 val test15d = tst0 "test15d" ((fileId "testbadl" seq "WRONG")
202 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
203 val test15e = tst0 "test15e" ((fileId "testcycl" seq "WRONG")
204 handle OS.SysErr _ => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
205 (* Unix only: *)
207 val _ =
208 (if access ("hardlinkA", [])
209 then ()
210 else TextIO.closeOut (TextIO.openOut "hardlinkA")
211 ; if access ("hardlinkB", [])
212 then ()
213 else {old = "hardlinkA", new = "hardlinkB"})
215 val test15f =
216 tst' "test15f" (fn _ => fileId "hardlinkA" = fileId "hardlinkB")
217 val test15g =
218 tst' "test15g" (fn _ => compare(fileId "hardlinkA", fileId "hardlinkB") = EQUAL)
220 val _ = rmDir "testdir2";
221 in
222 end