Backport from sid to buster
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / regression / bytechar.sml
1 (* Auxiliary functions for test cases *)
3 infix 1 seq
4 fun e1 seq e2 = e2;
5 fun check b = if b then "OK" else "WRONG";
6 fun check' f = (if f () then "OK" else "WRONG") (* handle _ => "EXN" *);
8 fun range (from, to) p =
9 let open Int
10 in
11 (from > to) orelse (p from) andalso (range (from+1, to) p)
12 end;
14 fun checkrange bounds = check o range bounds;
16 fun tst0 s s' = print (s ^ " \t" ^ s' ^ "\n");
17 fun tst s b = tst0 s (check b);
18 fun tst' s f = tst0 s (check' f);
20 fun tstrange s bounds = (tst s) o range bounds
22 (* test/bytechar.sml -- test cases for Byte and Char, suitable for ASCII
23 PS 1994-12-10, 1995-05-11, 1995-11-10, 1996-09-30 *)
25 (*KILL 05/11/1997 10:55. tho.:
26 use "auxil.sml";
27 *)
29 val _ = print "\nFile bytechar.sml: Testing structures Byte and Char...\n"
31 local
33 in
35 val test1 = tstrange "test1" (0,255) (fn i =>
36 (Word8.toInt o Byte.charToByte o Byte.byteToChar o Word8.fromInt) i = i);
38 val test2 = tstrange "test2" (0,Char.maxOrd) (fn i =>
39 (Word8.toInt o Byte.charToByte o Char.chr) i = i);
41 val test3 = tstrange "test3" (0,255)
42 (fn i => (Char.ord o Byte.byteToChar o Word8.fromInt) i = i);
44 val test4 = tstrange "test4" (0, Char.maxOrd)
45 (fn i => (Char.ord o Char.chr) i = i);
47 val test5 = tst0 "test5" ((Char.chr ~1 seq "WRONG") handle Chr => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
49 val test6 = tst0 "test6" ((Char.chr (Char.maxOrd+1) seq "WRONG")
50 handle Chr => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
52 val test7 = tst "test7" ("" = Byte.bytesToString (Word8Vector.fromList []));
54 val test8 =
55 tst "test8" ("ABDC" =
56 (Byte.bytesToString o Word8Vector.fromList o map Word8.fromInt)
57 [65, 66, 68, 67]);
59 val unpackString = Byte.unpackString o Word8ArraySlice.slice
61 val test9 = tst "test9" ("" = unpackString (Word8Array.fromList [], 0, SOME 0))
63 local
64 val arr = Word8Array.tabulate(10, fn i => Word8.fromInt(i+65))
65 in
66 val test10a = tst "test10a" ("" = unpackString(arr, 0, SOME 0));
67 val test10b = tst "test10b" ("" = unpackString(arr, 10, SOME 0)
68 andalso "" = unpackString(arr, 10, NONE));
69 val test10c = tst "test10c" ("BCDE" = unpackString(arr, 1, SOME 4));
70 val test10d = tst0 "test10d" ((unpackString(arr, ~1, SOME 0) seq "WRONG")
71 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
72 val test10e = tst0 "test10e" ((unpackString(arr, 11, SOME 0) seq "WRONG")
73 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
74 val test10f = tst0 "test10f" ((unpackString(arr, 0, SOME ~1) seq "WRONG")
75 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
76 val test10g = tst0 "test10g" ((unpackString(arr, 0, SOME 11) seq "WRONG")
77 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
78 val test10h = tst0 "test10h" ((unpackString(arr, 10, SOME 1) seq "WRONG")
79 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
80 val test10i = tst0 "test10i" ((unpackString(arr, ~1, NONE) seq "WRONG")
81 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
82 val test10j = tst0 "test10j" ((unpackString(arr, 11, NONE) seq "WRONG")
83 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
84 end
86 val unpackStringVec = Byte.unpackStringVec o Word8VectorSlice.slice
87 local
88 val vec = Word8Vector.tabulate(10, fn i => Word8.fromInt(i+65))
89 in
90 val test11a = tst "test11a" ("" = unpackStringVec(vec, 0, SOME 0));
91 val test11b = tst "test11b" ("" = unpackStringVec(vec, 10, SOME 0)
92 andalso "" = unpackStringVec(vec, 10, NONE));
93 val test11c = tst "test11c" ("BCDE" = unpackStringVec(vec, 1, SOME 4));
94 val test11d = tst0 "test11d" ((unpackStringVec(vec, ~1, SOME 0) seq "WRONG")
95 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
96 val test11e = tst0 "test11e" ((unpackStringVec(vec, 11, SOME 0) seq "WRONG")
97 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
98 val test11f = tst0 "test11f" ((unpackStringVec(vec, 0, SOME ~1) seq "WRONG")
99 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
100 val test11g = tst0 "test11g" ((unpackStringVec(vec, 0, SOME 11) seq "WRONG")
101 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
102 val test11h = tst0 "test11h" ((unpackStringVec(vec, 10, SOME 1) seq "WRONG")
103 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
104 val test11i = tst0 "test11i" ((unpackStringVec(vec, ~1, NONE) seq "WRONG")
105 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
106 val test11j = tst0 "test11j" ((unpackStringVec(vec, 11, NONE) seq "WRONG")
107 handle Subscript => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
108 end
110 val test18 = tst "test18" (not (Char.contains "" (Char.chr 65))
111 andalso not (Char.contains "aBCDE" (Char.chr 65))
112 andalso (Char.contains "ABCD" (Char.chr 67))
113 andalso not (Char.contains "" #"\000")
114 andalso not (Char.contains "" #"\255")
115 andalso not (Char.contains "azAZ09" #"\000")
116 andalso not (Char.contains "azAZ09" #"\255"));
118 val test19 = tst "test19" (Char.notContains "" (Char.chr 65)
119 andalso Char.notContains "aBCDE" (Char.chr 65)
120 andalso not (Char.notContains "ABCD" (Char.chr 67))
121 andalso Char.notContains "" #"\000"
122 andalso Char.notContains "" #"\255"
123 andalso Char.notContains "azAZ09" #"\000"
124 andalso Char.notContains "azAZ09" #"\255");
126 val test20 = tst "test20" (Char.ord Char.maxChar = Char.maxOrd);
128 local
129 fun mycontains s c =
130 let val stop = String.size s
131 fun h i = i < stop andalso (c = String.sub(s, i) orelse h(i+1))
132 in h 0 end;
134 (* Check that p(c) = (mycontains s c) for all characters: *)
135 fun equivalent p s =
136 let fun h n =
137 n > 255 orelse
138 (p (chr n) = mycontains s (chr n)) andalso h(n+1)
139 in h 0 end
141 fun checkset p s = tst' "checkset" (fn _ => equivalent p s);
143 val graphchars = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\
144 \[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
146 val ascii = "\^@\^A\^B\^C\^D\^E\^F\^G\^H\t\n\^K\^L\^M\^N\^O\^P\
147 \\^Q\^R\^S\^T\^U\^V\^W\^X\^Y\^Z\^[\^\\^]\^^\^_\
148 \ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@\
149 \ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\127"
151 val lowerascii = "\^@\^A\^B\^C\^D\^E\^F\^G\^H\t\n\^K\^L\^M\^N\^O\^P\
152 \\^Q\^R\^S\^T\^U\^V\^W\^X\^Y\^Z\^[\^\\^]\^^\^_\
153 \ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@\
154 \abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\127"
156 val upperascii = "\^@\^A\^B\^C\^D\^E\^F\^G\^H\t\n\^K\^L\^M\^N\^O\^P\
157 \\^Q\^R\^S\^T\^U\^V\^W\^X\^Y\^Z\^[\^\\^]\^^\^_\
158 \ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@\
161 val allchars =
162 let fun h 0 res = chr 0 :: res
163 | h n res = h (n-1) (chr n :: res)
164 in h 255 [] end
166 open Char
167 in
169 val test21 =
170 checkset isLower "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
171 val test22 =
173 val test23 =
174 checkset isDigit "0123456789";
175 val test24 =
176 checkset isAlpha "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
177 val test25 =
178 checkset isHexDigit "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
179 val test26 =
180 checkset isAlphaNum
181 "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
182 val test27 =
183 checkset isPrint (" " ^ graphchars)
184 val test28 =
185 checkset isSpace " \009\010\011\012\013";
186 val test29 =
187 checkset isGraph graphchars
188 val test30 =
189 checkset isAscii ascii
191 val test31 =
192 tst' "test31" (fn _ => map toLower (explode ascii) = explode lowerascii)
193 val test32 =
194 tst' "test32" (fn _ => map toUpper (explode ascii) = explode upperascii)
195 val test33 =
196 tst' "test33" (fn _ =>
197 map toUpper (explode graphchars)
198 seq map toLower (explode graphchars)
199 seq true)
201 val test34a =
202 tst' "test34a" (fn _ =>
203 map pred (List.drop(allchars, 1)) = List.take(allchars, 255));
204 val test34b = tst0 "test34b" ((pred minChar seq "WRONG")
205 handle Chr => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
206 val test35a =
207 tst' "test35a" (fn _ =>
208 map succ (List.take(allchars, 255)) = List.drop(allchars, 1));
209 val test35b = tst0 "test35b" ((succ maxChar seq "WRONG")
210 handle Chr => "OK" | _ => "WRONG")
211 end
214 (* Test cases for SML character escape functions. *)
216 val test36 =
217 let fun chk (arg, res) = Char.toString arg = res
218 in tst' "test36" (fn _ => List.all chk
219 [(#"\000", "\\^@"),
220 (#"\001", "\\^A"),
221 (#"\006", "\\^F"),
222 (#"\007", "\\a"),
223 (#"\008", "\\b"),
224 (#"\009", "\\t"),
225 (#"\010", "\\n"),
226 (#"\011", "\\v"),
227 (#"\012", "\\f"),
228 (#"\013", "\\r"),
229 (#"\014", "\\^N"),
230 (#"\031", "\\^_"),
231 (#"\032", " "),
232 (#"\126", "~"),
233 (#"\\", "\\\\"),
234 (#"\"", "\\\""),
235 (#"A", "A"),
236 (#"\127", "\\127"),
237 (#"\128", "\\128"),
238 (#"\255", "\\255")])
239 end;
241 val test37 =
242 let val chars = List.tabulate(256, chr)
243 fun chk c = Char.fromString(Char.toString c) = SOME c
244 in tst' "test37" (fn _ => List.all chk chars) end
246 val test38 =
247 let fun chkFromString (arg, res) = Char.fromString arg = SOME res
248 val argResList =
249 [("A", #"A"),
250 ("z", #"z"),
251 ("@", #"@"),
252 ("~", #"~"),
253 ("\\a", #"\007"),
254 ("\\b", #"\008"),
255 ("\\t", #"\009"),
256 ("\\n", #"\010"),
257 ("\\v", #"\011"),
258 ("\\f", #"\012"),
259 ("\\r", #"\013"),
260 ("\\\\", #"\\"),
261 ("\\\"", #"\""),
262 ("\\^@", #"\000"),
263 ("\\^A", #"\001"),
264 ("\\^Z", #"\026"),
265 ("\\^_", #"\031"),
266 ("\\000", #"\000"),
267 ("\\097", #"a"),
268 ("\\255", #"\255"),
269 ("\\ \t\n\n \\A", #"A"),
270 ("\\ \t\n\n \\z", #"z"),
271 ("\\ \t\n\n \\@", #"@"),
272 ("\\ \t\n\n \\~", #"~"),
273 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\n", #"\n"),
274 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\t", #"\t"),
275 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\\\", #"\\"),
276 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\\"", #"\""),
277 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^@", #"\000"),
278 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^A", #"\001"),
279 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^Z", #"\026"),
280 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\^_", #"\031"),
281 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\000", #"\000"),
282 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\097", #"a"),
283 ("\\ \t\n\n \\\\255", #"\255")]
284 in
285 tst' "test38" (fn _ => List.all chkFromString argResList)
286 end;
288 val test39 =
289 tst' "test39" (fn _ => List.all (fn arg => Char.fromString arg = NONE)
290 ["\\",
291 "\\c",
292 "\\F",
293 "\\e",
294 "\\g",
295 "\\N",
296 "\\T",
297 "\\1",
298 "\\11",
299 "\\256",
300 "\\-65",
301 "\\~65",
302 "\\?",
303 "\\^`",
304 "\\^a",
305 "\\^z",
306 "\\ a",
307 "\\ a\\B",
308 "\\ \\"]);
310 (* Test cases for C string escape functions *)
312 val test40 =
313 let val chars = List.tabulate(256, chr)
314 in tst' "test40" (fn _ =>
315 SOME chars
316 = Char.fromCString ( Char.toCString chars))
317 end;
319 val test41 =
320 let val argResList =
321 [(#"\010", "\\n"),
322 (#"\009", "\\t"),
323 (#"\011", "\\v"),
324 (#"\008", "\\b"),
325 (#"\013", "\\r"),
326 (#"\012", "\\f"),
327 (#"\007", "\\a"),
328 (#"\\", "\\\\"),
329 (#"?", "\\?"),
330 (#"'", "\\'"),
331 (#"\"", "\\\"")]
332 in
333 tst' "test41" (fn _ =>
334 List.all (fn (arg, res) => Char.toCString arg = res) argResList)
335 end;
337 val test42 =
338 let fun checkFromCStringSucc (arg, res) =
339 str (valOf (Char.fromCString arg)) = res
340 val argResList =
341 [("\\n", "\010"),
342 ("\\t", "\009"),
343 ("\\v", "\011"),
344 ("\\b", "\008"),
345 ("\\r", "\013"),
346 ("\\f", "\012"),
347 ("\\a", "\007"),
348 ("\\\\", "\\"),
349 ("\\?", "?"),
350 ("\\'", "'"),
351 ("\\\"", "\""),
352 ("\\1", "\001"),
353 ("\\11", "\009"),
354 ("\\111", "\073"),
355 ("\\1007", "\064"),
356 ("\\100A", "\064"),
357 ("\\0", "\000"),
358 ("\\377", "\255"),
359 ("\\18", "\001"),
360 ("\\178", "\015"),
361 ("\\1C", "\001"),
362 ("\\17C", "\015"),
363 ("\\x0", "\000"),
364 ("\\xff", "\255"),
365 ("\\xFF", "\255"),
366 ("\\x1", "\001"),
367 ("\\x11", "\017"),
368 ("\\xag", "\010"),
369 ("\\xAAg", "\170"),
370 ("\\x0000000a", "\010"),
371 ("\\x0000000a2", "\162"),
372 ("\\x0000000ag", "\010"),
373 ("\\x0000000A", "\010"),
374 ("\\x0000000A2", "\162"),
375 ("\\x0000000Ag", "\010"),
376 ("\\x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011+",
377 "\017")
378 ]
379 in
380 tst' "test42" (fn _ => List.all checkFromCStringSucc argResList)
381 end;
383 val test43 =
384 let fun checkFromCStringFail arg = Char.fromCString arg = NONE
385 in
386 tst' "test43" (fn _ => List.all checkFromCStringFail
387 ["\\",
388 "\\X",
389 "\\=",
390 "\\400",
391 "\\777",
392 "\\8",
393 "\\9",
394 "\\c",
395 "\\d",
396 "\\x",
397 "\\x100",
398 "\\xG"])
399 end;
400 end