Backport from sid to buster
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlton / basic / choice-pattern.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
2 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
3 *
4 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
5 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
6 *)
8 structure ChoicePattern: CHOICE_PATTERN =
9 struct
11 datatype t =
12 Concat of t vector
13 | Choice of t vector
14 | String of string
16 fun layout t =
17 let
18 open Layout
19 in
20 case t of
21 Concat v => seq [str "Concat ", Vector.layout layout v]
22 | Choice v => seq [str "Choice ", Vector.layout layout v]
23 | String s => seq [str "\"", String.layout s, str "\""]
24 end
26 fun fromString (s: string): t Result.t =
27 let
28 val n = String.size s
29 exception Error of string
30 fun error ss = raise Error (concat ss)
31 datatype state =
32 Nest of {start: int}
33 | Normal
34 fun loop (cur: int,
35 ac: char list,
36 prev: t list,
37 prevChoices: t list,
38 state: state): int * t =
39 let
40 fun accum () = String (String.fromListRev ac) :: prev
41 fun finishChoice () =
42 Concat (Vector.fromListRev (accum ())) :: prevChoices
43 fun keepChar cur =
44 loop (cur + 1, String.sub (s, cur) :: ac,
45 prev, prevChoices, state)
46 in
47 if cur < n
48 then
49 let
50 val c = String.sub (s, cur)
51 in
52 case c of
53 #"{" => let
54 val (cur, t) =
55 loop (cur + 1, [], [], [],
56 Nest {start = cur})
57 in
58 loop (cur, [], t :: accum (), prevChoices,
59 state)
60 end
61 | #"}" =>
62 (case state of
63 Nest _ =>
64 (cur + 1,
65 Choice (Vector.fromList (finishChoice ())))
66 | Normal =>
67 error ["unmatched } at position ",
68 Int.toString cur])
69 | #"," =>
70 (case state of
71 Nest _ => loop (cur + 1, [], [], finishChoice (),
72 state)
73 | Normal => keepChar cur)
74 | #"\\" =>
75 let
76 val cur = cur + 1
77 in
78 if cur = n
79 then error ["terminating backslash"]
80 else keepChar cur
81 end
82 | _ => keepChar cur
83 end
84 else
85 (case state of
86 Nest {start} =>
87 error ["unmatched { at position ",
88 Int.toString start]
89 | Normal =>
90 (cur, Concat (Vector.fromListRev (accum ()))))
91 end
92 in
93 Result.Yes (#2 (loop (0, [], [], [], Normal)))
94 handle Error s => Result.No s
95 end
97 val fromString =
98 Trace.trace ("ChoicePattern.fromString", String.layout, Result.layout layout)
99 fromString
101 fun foldDown (v, a, f) =
102 let
103 fun loop (i, a) =
104 if i < 0
105 then a
106 else loop (i - 1, f (Vector.sub (v, i), a))
107 in
108 loop (Vector.length v - 1, a)
109 end
111 fun expandTree (t: t): string list =
112 case t of
113 Choice v =>
114 Vector.fold (v, [], fn (t, ac) =>
115 expandTree t @ ac)
116 | Concat v =>
117 foldDown (v, [""], fn (t, ac) =>
118 List.fold
119 (expandTree t, [], fn (s, all) =>
120 List.fold
121 (ac, all, fn (s', all) =>
122 concat [s, s'] :: all)))
123 | String s => [s]
125 fun expand (s: string): string list Result.t =
126 (fromString s, expandTree)
128 end