Backport from sid to buster
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / ide / emacs / def-use-util.el
1 ;; Copyright (C) 2007 Vesa Karvonen
2 ;;
3 ;; MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
4 ;; See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
6 (require 'cl)
7 (require 'compat)
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
10 ;; Utilities
12 ;; In Gnu Emacs, `buffer-file-truename' is abbreviated while in XEmacs it
13 ;; isn't. This isn't in compat.el, because we want to use our cached
14 ;; version of `file-truename', namely `def-use-file-truename'.
15 (defun def-use-buffer-file-truename (&rest buffer)
16 "Returns the true filename of the current buffer."
17 (let ((name (apply (function buffer-file-name) buffer)))
18 (when name
19 (def-use-file-truename name))))
21 (defvar def-use-file-truename-table
22 (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness 'key)
23 "Weak hash table private to `def-use-file-truename'.")
25 (defun def-use-file-truename (file)
26 "Cached version of `file-truename' combined with `abbreviate-file-name'."
27 (def-use-gethash-or-put file
28 (function
29 (lambda ()
30 (def-use-intern
31 (def-use-add-face 'font-lock-keyword-face
32 (compat-abbreviate-file-name (file-truename file))))))
33 def-use-file-truename-table))
35 (defun def-use-find-buffer-visiting-file (file)
36 "Tries to find a buffer visiting the specified file."
37 (let ((truename (def-use-file-truename file)))
38 (loop for buffer in (buffer-list) do
39 (if (with-current-buffer buffer
40 (string= (def-use-buffer-file-truename) truename))
41 (return buffer)))))
43 (defun def-use-find-file (file &optional other-window)
44 "Roughly as `find-file' or `find-file-other-window' except that will not
45 open the file a second time if a buffer is editing a file by the same true
46 file name."
47 (let ((buffer (def-use-find-buffer-visiting-file file)))
48 (cond
49 (buffer
50 (let ((window (get-buffer-window buffer)))
51 (cond
52 (other-window
53 (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer))
54 (window
55 (set-frame-selected-window nil window))
56 (t
57 (switch-to-buffer buffer)))))
58 (other-window
59 (find-file-other-window file))
60 (t
61 (find-file file)))))
63 (defun def-use-point-at-next-line ()
64 "Returns point at the beginning of the next line."
65 (save-excursion
66 (end-of-line)
67 (+ 1 (point))))
69 (defun def-use-point-at-current-line ()
70 "Returns point at the beginning of the current line."
71 (save-excursion
72 (beginning-of-line)
73 (point)))
75 (defun def-use-current-line ()
76 "Returns the current line number counting from 1."
77 (+ 1 (count-lines 1 (def-use-point-at-current-line))))
79 (defun def-use-gethash-or-put (key_ mk-value_ table_)
80 (or (gethash key_ table_)
81 (puthash key_ (funcall mk-value_) table_)))
83 (defvar def-use-intern-table
84 (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness 'key-and-value)
85 "Weak hash table private to `def-use-intern'.")
87 (defun def-use-intern (value)
88 "Hashes the given value to itself. The assumption is that the value
89 being interned is not going to be mutated."
90 (def-use-gethash-or-put value (function (lambda () value))
91 def-use-intern-table))
93 (defun def-use-hash-table-to-assoc-list (hash-table)
94 "Returns an assoc list containing all the keys and values of the hash
95 table."
96 (let ((result nil))
97 (maphash (function
98 (lambda (key value)
99 (push (cons key value) result)))
100 hash-table)
101 result))
103 (defun def-use-hash-table-to-key-list (hash-table)
104 "Returns a list of the keys of hash-table."
105 (mapcar (function car)
106 (def-use-hash-table-to-assoc-list hash-table)))
108 (defun def-use-hash-table-to-value-list (hash-table)
109 "Returns a list of the values of the hash-table."
110 (mapcar (function cdr)
111 (def-use-hash-table-to-assoc-list hash-table)))
113 (defun def-use-set-to-list (set)
114 "Returns a list of the keys of the set (identity hash-table)."
115 (def-use-hash-table-to-key-list set))
117 (defun def-use-make-hash-table ()
118 "Makes a hash table with `equal' semantics."
119 (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 1))
121 (defun def-use-kill-current-buffer ()
122 "Kills the current buffer."
123 (interactive)
124 (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
126 (defun def-use-add-face (face string)
127 "Adds the face as a property to the entire string and returns the
128 string."
129 (add-text-properties 0 (length string) `(face ,face) string)
130 string)
132 (defun def-use-time-to-double (time)
133 "Converts a time to a double."
134 (+ (* (car time) 65536.0)
135 (cadr time)
136 (if (cddr time) (* (caddr time) 1e-06) 0)))
138 (defun def-use-attr-newer? (attr1 attr2)
139 "Returns non-nil iff the modification time of `attr1' is later than the
140 modification time of `attr2'. Note that this also returns nil when either
141 one of the modification times is nil."
142 (and attr1 attr2
143 (> (def-use-time-to-double (nth 5 attr1))
144 (def-use-time-to-double (nth 5 attr2)))))
146 (defun def-use-attr-changed? (attr1 attr2)
147 "Returns non-nil iff the file attributes of `attr1' are different than
148 the file attributes of `attr2'. Note that this also returns nil when either
149 one of the file attributes is nil."
150 (labels ((nequal (i) (not (equal (nth i attr1) (nth i attr2)))))
151 (and attr1 attr2
152 (or (def-use-attr-newer? attr1 attr2)
153 (nequal 7) ;; size
154 (nequal 6) ;; status change time
155 (nequal 8) ;; file modes
156 (nequal 10) ;; inode
157 ))))
159 (defun def-use-goto-line (line)
160 "Goes to specified line quietly without setting mark. By default, the
161 standard `goto-line' function in latest Gnu Emacs sets the mark displaying
162 the message \"Mark set\"."
163 (save-restriction
164 (widen)
165 (goto-char 1)
166 (forward-line (1- line))))
168 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
170 (provide 'def-use-util)