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[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / doc / guide / src / TypeVariableScope.adoc
1 TypeVariableScope
2 =================
4 In <:StandardML:Standard ML>, every type variable is _scoped_ (or
5 bound) at a particular point in the program. A type variable can be
6 either implicitly scoped or explicitly scoped. For example, `'a` is
7 implicitly scoped in
9 [source,sml]
10 ----
11 val id: 'a -> 'a = fn x => x
12 ----
14 and is implicitly scoped in
16 [source,sml]
17 ----
18 val id = fn x: 'a => x
19 ----
21 On the other hand, `'a` is explicitly scoped in
23 [source,sml]
24 ----
25 val 'a id: 'a -> 'a = fn x => x
26 ----
28 and is explicitly scoped in
30 [source,sml]
31 ----
32 val 'a id = fn x: 'a => x
33 ----
35 A type variable can be scoped at a `val` or `fun` declaration. An SML
36 type checker performs scope inference on each top-level declaration to
37 determine the scope of each implicitly scoped type variable. After
38 scope inference, every type variable is scoped at exactly one
39 enclosing `val` or `fun` declaration. Scope inference shows that the
40 first and second example above are equivalent to the third and fourth
41 example, respectively.
43 Section 4.6 of the <:DefinitionOfStandardML:Definition> specifies
44 precisely the scope of an implicitly scoped type variable. A free
45 occurrence of a type variable `'a` in a declaration `d` is said to be
46 _unguarded_ in `d` if `'a` is not part of a smaller declaration. A
47 type variable `'a` is implicitly scoped at `d` if `'a` is unguarded in
48 `d` and `'a` does not occur unguarded in any declaration containing
49 `d`.
52 == Scope inference examples ==
54 * In this example,
55 +
56 [source,sml]
57 ----
58 val id: 'a -> 'a = fn x => x
59 ----
60 +
61 `'a` is unguarded in `val id` and does not occur unguarded in any
62 containing declaration. Hence, `'a` is scoped at `val id` and the
63 declaration is equivalent to the following.
64 +
65 [source,sml]
66 ----
67 val 'a id: 'a -> 'a = fn x => x
68 ----
70 * In this example,
71 +
72 [source,sml]
73 ----
74 val f = fn x => let exception E of 'a in E x end
75 ----
76 +
77 `'a` is unguarded in `val f` and does not occur unguarded in any
78 containing declaration. Hence, `'a` is scoped at `val f` and the
79 declaration is equivalent to the following.
80 +
81 [source,sml]
82 ----
83 val 'a f = fn x => let exception E of 'a in E x end
84 ----
86 * In this example (taken from the <:DefinitionOfStandardML:Definition>),
87 +
88 [source,sml]
89 ----
90 val x: int -> int = let val id: 'a -> 'a = fn z => z in id id end
91 ----
92 +
93 `'a` occurs unguarded in `val id`, but not in `val x`. Hence, `'a` is
94 implicitly scoped at `val id`, and the declaration is equivalent to
95 the following.
96 +
97 [source,sml]
98 ----
99 val x: int -> int = let val 'a id: 'a -> 'a = fn z => z in id id end
100 ----
103 * In this example,
104 +
105 [source,sml]
106 ----
107 val f = (fn x: 'a => x) (fn y => y)
108 ----
109 +
110 `'a` occurs unguarded in `val f` and does not occur unguarded in any
111 containing declaration. Hence, `'a` is implicitly scoped at `val f`,
112 and the declaration is equivalent to the following.
113 +
114 [source,sml]
115 ----
116 val 'a f = (fn x: 'a => x) (fn y => y)
117 ----
118 +
119 This does not type check due to the <:ValueRestriction:>.
121 * In this example,
122 +
123 [source,sml]
124 ----
125 fun f x =
126 let
127 fun g (y: 'a) = if true then x else y
128 in
129 g x
130 end
131 ----
132 +
133 `'a` occurs unguarded in `fun g`, not in `fun f`. Hence, `'a` is
134 implicitly scoped at `fun g`, and the declaration is equivalent to
135 +
136 [source,sml]
137 ----
138 fun f x =
139 let
140 fun 'a g (y: 'a) = if true then x else y
141 in
142 g x
143 end
144 ----
145 +
146 This fails to type check because `x` and `y` must have the same type,
147 but the `x` occurs outside the scope of the type variable `'a`. MLton
148 reports the following error.
149 +
150 ----
151 Error: z.sml 3.21-3.41.
152 Then and else branches disagree.
153 then: [???]
154 else: ['a]
155 in: if true then x else y
156 note: type would escape its scope: 'a
157 escape to: z.sml 1.1-6.5
158 ----
159 +
160 This problem could be fixed either by adding an explicit type
161 constraint, as in `fun f (x: 'a)`, or by explicitly scoping `'a`, as
162 in `fun 'a f x = ...`.
165 == Restrictions on type variable scope ==
167 It is not allowed to scope a type variable within a declaration in
168 which it is already in scope (see the last restriction listed on page
169 9 of the <:DefinitionOfStandardML:Definition>). For example, the
170 following program is invalid.
172 [source,sml]
173 ----
174 fun 'a f (x: 'a) =
175 let
176 fun 'a g (y: 'a) = y
177 in
178 ()
179 end
180 ----
182 MLton reports the following error.
184 ----
185 Error: z.sml 3.11-3.12.
186 Type variable scoped at an outer declaration: 'a.
187 scoped at: z.sml 1.1-6.6
188 ----
190 This is an error even if the scoping is implicit. That is, the
191 following program is invalid as well.
193 [source,sml]
194 ----
195 fun f (x: 'a) =
196 let
197 fun 'a g (y: 'a) = y
198 in
199 ()
200 end
201 ----