Import Upstream version 20180207
[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / lib / mlton / basic / word.sml
1 (* Copyright (C) 2009 Matthew Fluet.
2 * Copyright (C) 1999-2006, 2008 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
3 * Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
4 *
5 * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
6 * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
7 *)
9 structure Word:
10 sig
11 include WORD
13 val addCheck: t * t -> t (* may raise Overflow *)
14 val fromWord8: Word8.t -> t
15 (* fromWord8s f. f 0 should return the least significant byte
16 * and f 3 should return the most significant.
17 *)
18 val fromWord8s: (int -> Word8.t) -> t
19 val log2: t -> t (* 2 ^ (log2 w) <= w < 2 ^ (1 + log2 w) *)
20 val maxPow2ThatDivides: t -> word
21 val toWord8: t -> Word8.t
22 (* val rotateLeft: t * t -> t *)
23 val roundDownToPowerOfTwo: t -> t
24 val roundUpToPowerOfTwo: t -> t
25 end =
26 struct
27 structure Int = Pervasive.Int
28 open Pervasive.Word
29 structure Z = FixWord (Pervasive.Word)
30 open Z
32 val equals: t * t -> bool = op =
34 fun fromWord8s (f: int -> Word8.t): t =
35 let
36 fun g (i, shift) =
37 Pervasive.Word.<< (Word8.toWord (f i), shift)
38 fun loop (w, i, shift) =
39 if Int.>= (Int.* (i, 8), Pervasive.Word.wordSize)
40 then w
41 else loop (orb (w, g (i, shift)),
42 Int.+ (i, 1),
43 shift + 0w8)
44 in
45 loop (0w0, 0, 0w0)
46 end
48 val fromWord = fn x => x
49 val toWord = fn x => x
50 val toWordX = fn x => x
52 val fromIntInf = fromLargeInt
53 val toIntInf = toLargeInt
54 val toIntInfX = toLargeIntX
56 val fromWord8 = Word8.toWord
57 val toWord8 = Word8.fromWord
59 fun log2 (w: t): t =
60 if w = 0w0
61 then Error.bug "Word.log2: 0"
62 else
63 let
64 fun loop (n, s, ac): word =
65 if n = 0w1
66 then ac
67 else
68 let
69 val (n, ac) =
70 if n >= << (0w1, s)
71 then (>> (n, s), ac + s)
72 else (n, ac)
73 in
74 loop (n, >> (s, 0w1), ac)
75 end
76 in
77 loop (w, 0w16, 0w0)
78 end
80 fun roundDownToPowerOfTwo (w: t) = << (0w1, log2 w)
82 fun roundUpToPowerOfTwo w =
83 let
84 val w' = roundDownToPowerOfTwo w
85 in
86 if w = w'
87 then w
88 else w' * 0w2
89 end
91 structure M = MaxPow2ThatDivides (open Word
92 type t = word
93 val equals: t * t -> bool = op =
94 val one: t = 0w1
95 val zero: t = 0w0)
96 open M
98 fun addCheck (w, w') =
99 if w <= ~ 0w1 - w'
100 then w + w'
101 else raise Overflow
102 end