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[hcoop/debian/mlton.git] / doc / hacker-guide / mlton.tex
1 \chap{MLton}{mlton}
3 This chapter describes the compiler proper, which is found in the {\tt mlton}
4 directory.
6 \section{Sources}
8 \begin{description}
10 \place{ast}
11 Abstract syntax trees produced by the front end.
13 \place{atoms}
14 Common atomic pieces of syntax trees used throughout the compiler, like
15 constants, primitives, variables, and types.
17 \place{backend}
18 The backend translates from the {\tt Cps} IL to a machine independent IL called
19 {\tt Machine}. It decides data representations, stack frame layouts, and creates
20 runtime system information like limit checks and bitmasks.
22 \place{call-main.sml}
23 A one-line file that is the last line of the compiler sources. It calls the
24 main function.
26 \place{closure-convert}
27 The closure converter, which converts from {\tt Sxml}, the higher-order
28 simply-typed IL, to {\tt Cps}, the first-order simply-typed IL.
30 \place{cm}
31 Support for {\smlnj}-style compilation manager (CM) files.
33 \place{codegen}
34 Both the C and the native X86 code generator.
36 \place{control}
37 Compiler switches used throughout the rest of the compiler.
39 \place{core-ml}
40 The implicitly typed IL that results from defunctorization. Contains a
41 pass of dead code elimination for eliminating basis library code. Also contains
42 the pass that replaces constants defined by {\tt \_prim} with their values.
44 \place{elaborate}
45 The elaborator, which matches variable uses with bindings in the AST IL and
46 defunctorizes to produce a {\tt CoreML} program. It does not do type checking
47 yet, but will someday.
49 \place{front-end}
50 The lexer and parser, which turn files into ASTs.
52 \place{main}
53 The two main structures in the compiler, one ({\tt Main}) for handling all the
54 command line switches and one ({\tt Compile}) which is a high-level view of the
55 the compiler passes, from front end to code generation.
57 \place{Makefile}
58 To make the compiler.
60 \place{}
61 An automatically generated file ({\tt make}) that lists all of the
62 files (in order) that make up the compiler.
64 \place{mlton.sml}
65 An automatically generated file ({\tt make mlton.sml}) that contains all of the
66 compiler sources concatenated together.
68 \place{rcps}
69 An experimental IL, similar to CPS, but with more expressive types for
70 describing representations (hence the ``r''). Not yet in use.
72 \place{}
73 For compiling with {\smlnj}.
75 \place{ssa}
76 Static-Single-Assignment form, the first-order simply-typed IL on which most
77 optimization is performed. There are roughly 20 different optimization passes
78 (some of which run several times).
80 \place{type-inference}
81 The type inference pass, which translates from {\tt CoreML} to {\tt Xml}.
83 \place{xml}
84 The {\tt Xml} and {\tt Sxml} intermediate languages. Also, the passes that
85 monomorphise, do polvariance, and implement exceptions.
87 \end{description}
89 \section{Compiler Overview}
91 \figref{structure} shows the overall structure of the compiler. Intermediate
92 languages (ILs) are shown in ovals. The names of compiler passes adorn arrows
93 between ILs. In this section I give a brief description of each pass and a
94 pointer to a later section that covers the pass in detail. Each IL also has a
95 separate section devoted to it.
96 \figBegin
97 \centerline{\epsfig{,width=5.0in}}
98 \figEnd{Compiler structure}
99 {structure}
101 The front end (\chapref{front-end}) takes SML source code (a complete
102 program) and performs lexing and parsing, producing an abstract syntax
103 tree (\chapref{ast}). The lexer is produced by
104 ml-lex\cite{AppelEtAl94} and the parser is produced by
105 ml-yacc\cite{TarditiAppel94}. The specifications for
106 the lexer and parser were originally taken from \smlnj 109.32. The
107 lexer is unchanged. I have substantially modified the actions in the
108 grammar to produce my own version of abstract syntax trees (similar
109 to, but different from {\smlnj}).
111 Defunctorization (\chapref{defunctorization}), translates abstract
112 syntax trees to a small implicitly typed core language, called Core ML
113 (\chapref{core-ml}). Its primary task is to eliminate all uses of the
114 module system (signatures, structures, functors). It does this by
115 applying all functors and flattening all structures, moving
116 declarations to the top level. This phase also performs precedence
117 parsing of infix expressions and patterns (the code to do this was
118 taken from \smlnj). Finally, it does some amount of "macro
119 expansion", so that the core language is smaller.
121 Type inference (\chapref{type-inference}) translates implicitly typed
122 Core ML to an explicitly typed core language, XML (\chapref{xml}),
123 with explicit type abstraction and application. XML is based on the
124 language ``Core-XML'' described in \cite{HarperMitchell93}. Type
125 inference consists of two passes. The first pass determines the
126 binding sites of type variables that are not explicitly bound (section
127 4.6 of the Definition). The second pass is a
128 pretty standard unification based Hindley-Milner type
129 inference\cite{DamasMilner82}. The type inference pass also performs
130 overloading resolution and resolution of flexible record patterns.
131 This pass also performs match compilation, by which I mean the
132 translation of case statements with nested patterns to (nested) case
133 statements with flat patterns.
135 Monomorphisation (\chapref{monomorphisation}) translates XML to its
136 simply-typed subset, called SXML (\chapref{sxml}), by duplicating all
137 polymorphic functions and datatypes for each type at which they are
138 instantiated. Monomorphisation is only possible because SML has
139 ``let-style'' polymorphism, in which all uses of a polymorphic value
140 are syntactically apparent (after functors are eliminated).